"Klaida (de)aktyvuojant adresų knygą.", "No contacts found." => "Kontaktų nerasta.", "Information about vCard is incorrect. Please reload the page." => "Informacija apie vCard yra neteisinga. ", "Error reading contact photo." => "Klaida skaitant kontakto nuotrauką.", "The loading photo is not valid." => "Netinkama įkeliama nuotrauka.", "File doesn't exist:" => "Failas neegzistuoja:", "Error loading image." => "Klaida įkeliant nuotrauką.", "There is no error, the file uploaded with success" => "Failas įkeltas sėkmingai, be klaidų", "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini" => "Įkeliamo failo dydis viršija upload_max_filesize nustatymą php.ini", "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form" => "Įkeliamo failo dydis viršija MAX_FILE_SIZE nustatymą, kuris naudojamas HTML formoje.", "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded" => "Failas buvo įkeltas tik dalinai", "No file was uploaded" => "Nebuvo įkeltas joks failas", "Contacts" => "Kontaktai", "This is not your addressbook." => "Tai ne jūsų adresų knygelė.", "Contact could not be found." => "Kontaktas nerastas", "Work" => "Darbo", "Home" => "Namų", "Mobile" => "Mobilusis", "Text" => "Žinučių", "Voice" => "Balso", "Message" => "Žinutė", "Fax" => "Faksas", "Video" => "Vaizdo", "Pager" => "Pranešimų gaviklis", "Internet" => "Internetas", "Birthday" => "Gimtadienis", "Contact" => "Kontaktas", "Add Contact" => "Pridėti kontaktą", "Addressbooks" => "Adresų knygos", "Organization" => "Organizacija", "Delete" => "Trinti", "Nickname" => "Slapyvardis", "Enter nickname" => "Įveskite slapyvardį", "Phone" => "Telefonas", "Email" => "El. paštas", "Address" => "Adresas", "Download contact" => "Atsisųsti kontaktą", "Delete contact" => "Ištrinti kontaktą", "Type" => "Tipas", "PO Box" => "Pašto dėžutė", "City" => "Miestas", "Region" => "Regionas", "Zipcode" => "Pašto indeksas", "Country" => "Šalis", "Addressbook" => "Adresų knyga", "Download" => "Atsisiųsti", "Edit" => "Keisti", "New Address Book" => "Nauja adresų knyga", "Save" => "Išsaugoti", "Cancel" => "Atšaukti" );