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This code is mostly Copyright (c) 2012 Jeff Rowberg, and copied from https://github.com/jrowberg/i2cdevlib I have simply hacked it to work with the RaspberryPi, using the in-kernel I2C drivers. It should be trival to make use of any of the other sensors Jeff supports in this way. You need libgtkmm-3.0-dev installed in order to build the 3d demo. NOTE: If you have a revision 2 Raspberry Pi you need to edit I2Cdev.cpp and change all references to "/dev/i2c-0" to read "/dev/i2c-1". 'make' will create three demos: demo_raw - displays raw gyro and accel values. demo_dmp - displays yaw, pitch and roll angles, etc, using the DMP. See the source to enable different output data. demo_3d - displays a wireframe 'model' on the screen which you can rotate on all three axes by moving the MPU6050. The demo_3d code is mostly mine, not Jeff's, and is a pretty ugly mix of C and C++, but it works well enough for a demo. To make the most of this code you need to get an MPU6050 and hook it up to the I2C interface on your Pi. You can "make test_3d" if you just want to play with the wireframe model without an MPU6050. Note the DMP FIFO rate has been set to 20Hz in the Makefile; it is 100Hz in the original code, but that was a bit fast for the 3d demo. See the comments in MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h file to change the rate. Richard Hirst <richardghirst@gmai.com> 06 Nov 2012