144 lines
5.1 KiB
144 lines
5.1 KiB
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::File;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use lib dirname (__FILE__);
use Firmware::Silead;
sub usage() {
print STDERR "Usage: fwtool {-i | -c <original.fw> | -s | -x <legacy.fw>} [ -1 | -2 | -3 ] [-w <width>] [-h <height>] [-t <num_touches>] [-f <flags>] <firmware.fw>\n";
print STDERR "-i Prints statistics and information about new-style firmware.fw\n";
print STDERR "-c Converts any older firmware format into new-style firmware.fw\n";
print STDERR "-s Sets parameters and flags\n";
print STDERR "-x Exports a firmware into plain format, to use with other Linux/Android drivers\n";
print STDERR " The source firmware format can be specified with these parameters:\n";
print STDERR "-1 Plain firmware, as used with the Android driver (default)\n";
print STDERR "-2 Windows GSL_TS_CFG.h firmware\n";
print STDERR "-3 Scrambled Windows SileadTouch.fw firmware\n";
print STDERR " For the -c and -s modes, the following parameters may be set:\n";
print STDERR "-m Sets the controller model (4-byte ASCII string, ex.: 1680)\n";
print STDERR "-w Sets the width parameter\n";
print STDERR "-h Sets the height parameter\n";
print STDERR "-t Sets the number of supported touch points parameter\n";
print STDERR "-f Sets flags, separated by commas (optional, supported flags: xflip, yflip, swap, track)\n";
print STDERR " xflip enables horizontal flipping\n";
print STDERR " yflip enables vertical flipping\n";
print STDERR " swap enables axis swapping\n";
print STDERR " track enables in-driver finger tracking (use for controllers that don't support it)\n";
print STDERR " Each flag may be prefixed with 'no' to disable it.\n";
my ($mode, $format, $tscfg, $model, $width, $height, $touches, $flags, $plain) = ('info', 'plain');
'info' => sub { $mode = 'info'; },
'convert=s' => sub { $mode = 'convert'; $tscfg = $_[1]; },
'set' => sub { $mode = 'set'; },
'xport=s' => sub { $mode = 'export'; $plain = $_[1]; },
'model=s' => \$model,
'width=i' => \$width,
'height=i' => \$height,
'touches=i' => \$touches,
'flags=s' => \$flags,
'1' => sub { $format = 'plain' },
'2' => sub { $format = 'tscfg' },
'3' => sub { $format = 'scrambled' },
) or exit usage;
my $fwfile = $ARGV[0] or exit usage;
sub set_params {
my ($rep) = @_;
if (defined $model) {
if (defined $width) {
if (defined $height) {
if (defined $touches) {
if (defined $flags) {
for my $flag (split /,\s*/, $flags) {
if ($flag =~ /^(no)?xflip$/) {
$rep->set_xmirrored($flag !~ /^no/);
} elsif ($flag =~ /^(no)?yflip$/) {
$rep->set_ymirrored($flag !~ /^no/);
} elsif ($flag =~ /^(no)?swap$/) {
$rep->set_swapped($flag !~ /^no/);
} elsif ($flag =~ /^(no)?track$/) {
$rep->set_tracking($flag !~ /^no/);
} else {
warn "Invalid flag: $flag";
if ($mode eq 'info') {
print "Loading $fwfile...\n";
my $rep = Firmware::Silead->load($fwfile) or die "Can't load firmware $fwfile: $@";
print "Controller model: " . $rep->model . "\n";
print "Panel width: " . $rep->width . "\n";
print "Panel height: " . $rep->height . "\n";
print "Number of touch points: " . $rep->touches . "\n";
print "X axis flipped: " . ($rep->xmirrored ? "yes" : "no") . "\n";
print "Y axis flipped: " . ($rep->ymirrored ? "yes" : "no") . "\n";
print "X and Y axes swapped: " . ($rep->swapped ? "yes" : "no") . "\n";
print "Software tracking enabled: " . ($rep->tracking ? "yes" : "no") . "\n";
my @pages = $rep->get_pages;
print "Number of pages: ". scalar(@pages) . "\n";
print "Page list:";
for my $page (@pages) {
printf " %02x", $page;
print "\n";
} elsif ($mode eq 'set') {
print "Loading $fwfile...\n";
my $rep = Firmware::Silead->load($fwfile) or die "Can't load firmware $fwfile: $@";
print "Setting parameters...\n";
print "Saving $fwfile...\n";
} elsif ($mode eq 'convert') {
print "Loading $tscfg...\n";
my $data;
do {
my $in = IO::File->new($tscfg, 'r') or die "Can't open $tscfg: $!";
local $/ = undef;
$data = <$in>;
defined($data) or die "Can't load firmware: $!";
my $rep = Firmware::Silead->new();
if ($format eq 'plain') {
$rep->import_fw($data) or die "Can't parse firmware: $@";
} elsif ($format eq 'tscfg') {
$rep->import_tscfg($data) or die "Can't parse firmware: $@";
} elsif ($format eq 'scrambled') {
$rep->import_scrambled($data) or die "Can't parse firmware: $@";
print "Setting parameters...\n";
print "Saving $fwfile...\n";
$rep->save($fwfile) or die "Can't write firmware: $@";
} elsif ($mode eq 'export') {
print "Loading $fwfile...\n";
my $rep = Firmware::Silead->load($fwfile) or die "Can't load firmware $fwfile: $@";
print "Exporting to $plain...\n";
my $out = IO::File->new($plain, 'w') or die "Can't open $plain: $!";
my $data = $rep->export_fw();
$out->print($data) or die "Can't write firmware: $!";