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synced 2025-03-02 13:29:14 +01:00
[dxvk] Add new page allocator implementation
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@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "dxvk_allocator.h"
#include "../util/util_bit.h"
#include "../util/util_likely.h"
namespace dxvk {
DxvkPageAllocator::DxvkPageAllocator(uint64_t capacity)
: m_pageCount(capacity / PageSize), m_freeListLutByPage(m_pageCount, -1) {
PageRange freeRange = { };
freeRange.index = 0u;
freeRange.count = m_pageCount;
insertFreeRange(freeRange, -1);
DxvkPageAllocator::~DxvkPageAllocator() {
int64_t DxvkPageAllocator::alloc(uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment) {
uint32_t pageCount = (size + PageSize - 1u) / PageSize;
uint32_t pageAlign = (alignment + PageSize - 1u) / PageSize;
return std::max<int64_t>(-1, int64_t(allocPages(pageCount, pageAlign)) * int64_t(PageSize));
int32_t DxvkPageAllocator::allocPages(uint32_t count, uint32_t alignment) {
int32_t index = searchFreeList(count);
while (index--) {
PageRange entry = m_freeList[index];
if (likely(!(entry.index & (alignment - 1u)))) {
// If the current free range is sufficiently aligned, we can use
// it as-is and simply modify the remaining free list entry.
uint32_t pageIndex = entry.index;
entry.index += count;
entry.count -= count;
insertFreeRange(entry, index);
m_pagesUsed += count;
return pageIndex;
} else {
// Apply alignment and skip if the free range is too small.
uint32_t pageIndex = align(entry.index, alignment);
if (pageIndex + count > entry.index + entry.count)
// Insert free range before the first allocated page,
// guaranteed to be non-empty at this point.
PageRange prevRange = { };
prevRange.index = entry.index;
prevRange.count = pageIndex - entry.index;
insertFreeRange(prevRange, index);
// Insert free range after the last allocated page.
PageRange nextRange = { };
nextRange.index = pageIndex + count;
nextRange.count = entry.index + entry.count - nextRange.index;
if (nextRange.count)
insertFreeRange(nextRange, -1);
m_pagesUsed += count;
return pageIndex;
return -1;
void DxvkPageAllocator::free(uint64_t address, uint64_t size) {
uint32_t pageIndex = address / PageSize;
uint32_t pageCount = (size + PageSize - 1u) / PageSize;
freePages(pageIndex, pageCount);
void DxvkPageAllocator::freePages(uint32_t index, uint32_t count) {
// Use the lookup table to quickly determine which
// free ranges we can actually merge with
int32_t prevRange = -1;
int32_t nextRange = -1;
if (index > 0u)
prevRange = m_freeListLutByPage[index - 1];
if (index + count < m_pageCount)
nextRange = m_freeListLutByPage[index + count];
if (prevRange < 0) {
if (nextRange < 0) {
// No adjacent range, need to insert a new one
PageRange range = { };
range.index = index;
range.count = count;
insertFreeRange(range, -1);
} else {
// One adjacent range after the current one
PageRange range = m_freeList[nextRange];
range.index = index;
range.count += count;
insertFreeRange(range, nextRange);
} else if (nextRange < 0) {
// One adjacent range before the current one
PageRange range = m_freeList[prevRange];
range.count += count;
insertFreeRange(range, prevRange);
} else {
// Two adjacent ranges, need to merge with both
// and replace one while removing the other.
PageRange prev = m_freeList[prevRange];
PageRange next = m_freeList[nextRange];
PageRange mergedRange = { };
mergedRange.index = prev.index;
mergedRange.count = next.index + next.count - prev.index;
PageRange emptyRange = { };
// Remove the range at the higher index, then replace the one at the
// lower index with the merged range. The order is important here since
// having overlapping entries in the free list would cause issues for
// the look-up table, and using the correct indices is important since
// the index for the second operation could otherwise be invalidated.
insertFreeRange(emptyRange, std::max(prevRange, nextRange));
insertFreeRange(mergedRange, std::min(prevRange, nextRange));
m_pagesUsed -= count;
void DxvkPageAllocator::getPageAllocationMask(uint32_t* pageMask) const {
// Initialize bit mask with all ones
uint32_t fullCount = m_pageCount / 32u;
uint32_t lastCount = m_pageCount % 32u;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fullCount; i++)
pageMask[i] = ~0u;
if (lastCount)
pageMask[fullCount] = (1u << lastCount) - 1u;
// Iterate over free list and set all included pages to 0.
for (PageRange range : m_freeList) {
uint32_t index = range.index / 32u;
uint32_t shift = range.index % 32u;
if (shift + range.count < 32u) {
// Entire free range fits in one single mask
pageMask[index] ^= ((1u << range.count) - 1u) << shift;
} else {
if (shift) {
pageMask[index++] ^= ~0u << shift;
range.count -= 32u - shift;
while (range.count >= 32u) {
pageMask[index++] = 0u;
range.count -= 32u;
if (range.count)
pageMask[index++] &= ~0u << range.count;
int32_t DxvkPageAllocator::searchFreeList(uint32_t count) {
// Find the insertion index of a free list entry with the given page count.
// All entries with an index lower than but not equal to the return value
// will have a page count greater than or equal to count.
if (unlikely(m_freeList.empty()))
return 0u;
// Do a binary search, but optimize for the common
// case where we request a small page count
uint32_t lo = 0u;
uint32_t hi = m_freeList.size();
if (count <= m_freeList.back().count)
return int32_t(hi);
while (lo < hi) {
uint32_t mid = (lo + hi) / 2u;
if (count <= m_freeList[mid].count)
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid;
return int32_t(lo);
void DxvkPageAllocator::addLutEntry(const PageRange& range, int32_t index) {
m_freeListLutByPage[range.index] = index;
m_freeListLutByPage[range.index + range.count - 1u] = index;
void DxvkPageAllocator::removeLutEntry(const PageRange& range) {
m_freeListLutByPage[range.index] = -1;
m_freeListLutByPage[range.index + range.count - 1u] = -1;
void DxvkPageAllocator::insertFreeRange(PageRange newRange, int32_t currentIndex) {
size_t count = m_freeList.size();
size_t index = size_t(currentIndex);
if (unlikely(currentIndex < 0)) {
index = count++;
// Remove old range from the LUT since it gets replaced
PageRange oldRange = m_freeList[index];
if (likely(oldRange.count))
// Move range within the free list until the proper ordering
// is restored again and update LUT entries for all ranges we
// move in the process.
if (newRange.count < oldRange.count) {
while (index + 1u < count) {
PageRange next = m_freeList[index + 1u];
if (newRange.count >= next.count)
addLutEntry(next, index);
m_freeList[index++] = next;
} else if (newRange.count > oldRange.count) {
while (index) {
PageRange prev = m_freeList[index - 1u];
if (newRange.count <= prev.count)
addLutEntry(prev, index);
m_freeList[index--] = prev;
if (newRange.count) {
m_freeList[index] = newRange;
addLutEntry(newRange, index);
} else {
DxvkPoolAllocator::DxvkPoolAllocator(DxvkPageAllocator& pageAllocator)
: m_pageAllocator(&pageAllocator), m_pageInfos(m_pageAllocator->pageCount()) {
DxvkPoolAllocator::~DxvkPoolAllocator() {
int64_t DxvkPoolAllocator::alloc(uint64_t size) {
uint32_t listIndex = computeListIndex(size);
uint32_t poolCapacity = computePoolCapacity(listIndex);
// Obtain a page for the size category
int32_t pageIndex = m_pageLists[listIndex].head;
if (unlikely(pageIndex < 0)) {
if ((pageIndex = allocPage(listIndex)) < 0)
return -1;
// Initialize suballocator for the page
PageInfo& page = m_pageInfos[pageIndex];
if (likely(poolCapacity <= MaskBits)) {
// Initialize free mask with the first item marked as used
page.pool = (MaskType(2) << (poolCapacity - 1u)) - 2u;
} else {
// This is also going to have its first item used already
page.pool = allocPagePool(poolCapacity);
return computeByteAddress(pageIndex, 0, listIndex);
if (likely(poolCapacity <= MaskBits)) {
// Fast path that uses the pool index as an allocator.
// Frequent allocations should ideally hit this path.
PageInfo& page = m_pageInfos[pageIndex];
uint32_t itemIndex = bit::tzcnt(page.pool);
page.pool &= page.pool - 1u;
if (unlikely(!page.pool))
removePageFromList(pageIndex, listIndex);
return computeByteAddress(pageIndex, itemIndex, listIndex);
} else {
PageInfo& page = m_pageInfos[pageIndex];
PagePool& pool = m_pagePools[page.pool];
// Check top-level masks to find which low-level mask to use
uint32_t maskIndex = bit::tzcnt(uint32_t(pool.freeMask));
MaskType maskBit = MaskType(1) << maskIndex;
pool.usedMask |= maskBit;
// Allocate item from the selected low-level mask
MaskType& mask = pool.subPools[maskIndex];
uint32_t itemIndex = bit::tzcnt(mask) + maskIndex * MaskBits;
if (!(mask &= mask - 1u)) {
pool.freeMask &= ~maskBit;
if (unlikely(!pool.freeMask))
removePageFromList(pageIndex, listIndex);
return computeByteAddress(pageIndex, itemIndex, listIndex);
void DxvkPoolAllocator::free(uint64_t address, uint64_t size) {
uint32_t listIndex = computeListIndex(size);
uint32_t pageIndex = computePageIndexFromByteAddress(address);
uint32_t itemIndex = computeItemIndexFromByteAddress(address, listIndex);
uint32_t poolCapacity = computePoolCapacity(listIndex);
// Return the allocation to the given pool and add the page back
// to the free list if it was previously full. If the page is now
// unused, return it to the allocator.
if (likely(poolCapacity <= MaskBits)) {
PageInfo& page = m_pageInfos[pageIndex];
if (unlikely(!page.pool))
addPageToList(pageIndex, listIndex);
page.pool |= MaskType(1) << itemIndex;
if (unlikely(bit::tzcnt(page.pool + 1u) >= poolCapacity))
freePage(pageIndex, listIndex);
} else {
PageInfo& page = m_pageInfos[pageIndex];
PagePool& pool = m_pagePools[page.pool];
if (unlikely(!pool.freeMask))
addPageToList(pageIndex, listIndex);
uint32_t maskIndex = itemIndex / MaskBits;
MaskType maskBit = MaskType(1) << maskIndex;
MaskType& mask = pool.subPools[maskIndex];
mask |= MaskType(1) << (itemIndex % MaskBits);
pool.freeMask |= maskBit;
if (!(mask + 1u)) {
pool.usedMask &= ~maskBit;
if (unlikely(!pool.usedMask)) {
freePage(pageIndex, listIndex);
int32_t DxvkPoolAllocator::allocPage(uint32_t listIndex) {
int32_t pageIndex = m_pageAllocator->allocPages(1u, 1u);
if (unlikely(pageIndex < 0))
return -1;
addPageToList(pageIndex, listIndex);
return pageIndex;
void DxvkPoolAllocator::freePage(uint32_t pageIndex, uint32_t listIndex) {
removePageFromList(pageIndex, listIndex);
m_pageAllocator->freePages(pageIndex, 1u);
void DxvkPoolAllocator::addPageToList(uint32_t pageIndex, uint32_t listIndex) {
// Add page to the end of the list. Allocations within a single page
// often have similar lifetimes, so not reusing the page immediately
// increases the chances of it getting freed.
PageInfo& page = m_pageInfos[pageIndex];
page.prev = m_pageLists[listIndex].tail;
if (page.prev >= 0)
m_pageInfos[page.prev].next = pageIndex;
m_pageLists[listIndex].head = pageIndex;
m_pageLists[listIndex].tail = pageIndex;
void DxvkPoolAllocator::removePageFromList(uint32_t pageIndex, uint32_t listIndex) {
// The list of non-full pages is organized in a double-linked list so
// that entries can get removed in constant time whenever a page gets
// filled or removed.
PageInfo& page = m_pageInfos[pageIndex];
if (page.prev >= 0)
m_pageInfos[page.prev].next = page.next;
m_pageLists[listIndex].head = page.next;
if (page.next >= 0)
m_pageInfos[page.next].prev = page.prev;
m_pageLists[listIndex].tail = page.prev;
page.prev = -1;
page.next = -1;
uint32_t DxvkPoolAllocator::allocPagePool(uint32_t capacity) {
PagePool* pool;
uint32_t poolIndex;
if (unlikely(m_freePool < 0)) {
// Allocate new pool as necessary
pool = &m_pagePools.emplace_back();
poolIndex = uint32_t(m_pagePools.size() - 1u);
} else {
// Otherwise, just use the free list
pool = &m_pagePools[m_freePool];
poolIndex = std::exchange(m_freePool, pool->nextPool);
// Initialize free mask to the correct capacity. Everything
// else is assumed to be in its default initialized state.
uint32_t maskCount = capacity / MaskBits;
pool->freeMask = (1u << maskCount) - 1u;
pool->usedMask = 1u;
pool->subPools[0] = MaskType(-2);
return poolIndex;
void DxvkPoolAllocator::freePagePool(uint32_t poolIndex) {
PagePool* pool = &m_pagePools[poolIndex];
pool->nextPool = m_freePool;
m_freePool = poolIndex;
uint32_t DxvkPoolAllocator::computeListIndex(uint64_t size) {
size = std::max(size, MinSize);
// Use leading zero count to determine the size category and
// basically round up to the next power of two. Pools are
// ordered by allocation size in descending order.
return bit::lzcnt(uint32_t(size) - 1u) - (33u - DxvkPageAllocator::PageBits);
uint32_t DxvkPoolAllocator::computePoolCapacity(uint32_t index) {
// Number of objects we can allocate in the pool
return 2u << index;
uint64_t DxvkPoolAllocator::computeByteAddress(uint32_t page, uint32_t index, uint32_t list) {
uint32_t shift = DxvkPageAllocator::PageBits - 1u - list;
return DxvkPageAllocator::PageSize * uint64_t(page) + (index << shift);
uint32_t DxvkPoolAllocator::computePageIndexFromByteAddress(uint64_t address) {
return address / DxvkPageAllocator::PageSize;
uint32_t DxvkPoolAllocator::computeItemIndexFromByteAddress(uint64_t address, uint32_t list) {
uint32_t shift = DxvkPageAllocator::PageBits - 1u - list;
return (address & (DxvkPageAllocator::PageSize - 1u)) >> shift;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include "../util/util_env.h"
namespace dxvk {
* \brief Page allocator
* Implements a best-fit allocation strategy for coarse allocations
* using an ordered free list. While allocating and freeing memory
* are both linear in the worst case, minimum-size allocations can
* generally be performed in constant time, with larger allocations
* getting gradually slower.
class DxvkPageAllocator {
/// Page size. While the allocator interface is fully designed around
/// pages, defining a page size is useful for classes built on top of it.
constexpr static uint32_t PageBits = 16;
constexpr static uint64_t PageSize = 1u << PageBits;
DxvkPageAllocator(uint64_t capacity);
* \brief Queries number of available pages
* \returns Total page count
uint32_t pageCount() const {
return m_pageCount;
* \brief Queries number of allocated pages
* \returns \c Used page count
uint32_t pagesUsed() const {
return m_pagesUsed;
* \brief Allocates given number of bytes from the pool
* \param [in] size Allocation size, in bytes
* \param [in] alignment Required aligment, in bytes
* \returns Allocated byte address
int64_t alloc(uint64_t size, uint64_t alignment);
* \brief Allocates pages
* \param [in] count Number of pages to allocate.
* Must be multiple of \c alignment.
* \param [in] alignment Required alignment, in pages
* \returns Page index, or -1 if not enough memory
* is available in the chunk.
int32_t allocPages(uint32_t count, uint32_t alignment);
* \brief Frees allocated memory region
* \param [in] address Allocated address, in bytes
* \param [in] size Allocation size, in bytes
void free(uint64_t address, uint64_t size);
* \brief Frees pages
* \param [in] index Index of first page to free
* \param [in] count Number of pages to free
void freePages(uint32_t index, uint32_t count);
* \brief Queries page allocation mask
* Should be used for informational purposes only. Retrieves
* a bit mask where each set bit represents an allocated page,
* with the page index corresponding to the page index. The
* output array must be sized appropriately.
* \param [out] pageMask Page mask
void getPageAllocationMask(uint32_t* pageMask) const;
struct PageRange {
uint32_t index = 0u;
uint32_t count = 0u;
uint32_t m_pageCount = 0u;
uint32_t m_pagesUsed = 0u;
std::vector<PageRange> m_freeList;
std::vector<int32_t> m_freeListLutByPage;
int32_t searchFreeList(uint32_t count);
void addLutEntry(const PageRange& range, int32_t index);
void removeLutEntry(const PageRange& range);
void insertFreeRange(PageRange newRange, int32_t currentIndex);
* \brief Pool allocator
* Implements an fast allocator for objects less than the size of one
* page. Uses a regular page allocator to allocate backing storage for
* each object pool.
class DxvkPoolAllocator {
// Use the machine's native word size for bit masks to enable fast paths
using MaskType = std::conditional_t<env::is32BitHostPlatform(), uint32_t, uint64_t>;
constexpr static uint32_t MaskBits = sizeof(MaskType) * 8u;
constexpr static uint32_t MaxCapacityBits = 8u;
constexpr static uint32_t MaxCapacity = 1u << MaxCapacityBits;
constexpr static uint32_t MasksPerPage = MaxCapacity / MaskBits;
/// Allocation granularity. Smaller allocations are rounded up to
/// be at least of this size.
constexpr static uint64_t MinSize = DxvkPageAllocator::PageSize >> MaxCapacityBits;
/// Minimum supported allocation size. Always set to half a page
/// so that any pools we manage can at least hold two allocations.
constexpr static uint64_t MaxSize = DxvkPageAllocator::PageSize >> 1u;
DxvkPoolAllocator(DxvkPageAllocator& pageAllocator);
* \brief Allocates given number of bytes from the pool
* \param [in] size Allocation size, in bytes
* \returns Allocated address, in bytes
int64_t alloc(uint64_t size);
* \brief Frees allocated memory region
* \param [in] address Memory address, in bytes
* \param [in] size Allocation size, in bytes
void free(uint64_t address, uint64_t size);
struct PageList {
int32_t head = -1;
int32_t tail = -1;
struct PageInfo {
MaskType pool = 0u;
int32_t prev = -1;
int32_t next = -1;
struct PagePool {
int32_t nextPool = -1;
uint16_t freeMask = 0u;
uint16_t usedMask = 0u;
std::array<MaskType, MasksPerPage> subPools = { };
DxvkPageAllocator* m_pageAllocator = nullptr;
std::vector<PageInfo> m_pageInfos;
std::vector<PagePool> m_pagePools;
int32_t m_freePool = -1;
std::array<PageList, MaxCapacityBits> m_pageLists = { };
int32_t allocPage(uint32_t listIndex);
void freePage(uint32_t pageIndex, uint32_t listIndex);
void addPageToList(uint32_t pageIndex, uint32_t listIndex);
void removePageFromList(uint32_t pageIndex, uint32_t listIndex);
uint32_t allocPagePool(uint32_t capacity);
void freePagePool(uint32_t poolIndex);
static uint32_t computeListIndex(uint64_t size);
static uint32_t computePoolCapacity(uint32_t index);
static uint64_t computeByteAddress(uint32_t page, uint32_t index, uint32_t list);
static uint32_t computePageIndexFromByteAddress(uint64_t address);
static uint32_t computeItemIndexFromByteAddress(uint64_t address, uint32_t list);
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ dxvk_shaders = files([
dxvk_src = [
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