mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 13:29:26 +01:00
[dxvk] Remove old barrier tracking code
This commit is contained in:
@ -499,303 +499,4 @@ namespace dxvk {
DxvkBarrierSet:: DxvkBarrierSet(DxvkCmdBuffer cmdBuffer)
: m_cmdBuffer(cmdBuffer) {
DxvkBarrierSet::~DxvkBarrierSet() {
void DxvkBarrierSet::accessMemory(
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess) {
DxvkAccessFlags access = this->getAccessTypes(srcAccess);
m_allBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages;
m_memBarrier.srcStageMask |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
m_memBarrier.srcAccessMask |= srcAccess & vk::AccessWriteMask;
m_memBarrier.dstStageMask |= dstStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
if (access.test(DxvkAccess::Write)) {
m_memBarrier.dstAccessMask |= dstAccess & vk::AccessDeviceMask;
if (dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask) {
m_hostBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
m_hostBarrierDstAccess |= dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask;
void DxvkBarrierSet::accessBuffer(
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& bufSlice,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess) {
DxvkAccessFlags access = this->getAccessTypes(srcAccess);
m_allBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages;
m_memBarrier.srcStageMask |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
m_memBarrier.srcAccessMask |= srcAccess & vk::AccessWriteMask;
m_memBarrier.dstStageMask |= dstStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
if (access.test(DxvkAccess::Write)) {
m_memBarrier.dstAccessMask |= dstAccess & vk::AccessDeviceMask;
if (dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask) {
m_hostBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
m_hostBarrierDstAccess |= dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask;
DxvkBarrierBufferSlice(bufSlice.offset, bufSlice.length, access));
void DxvkBarrierSet::accessImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources,
VkImageLayout srcLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkImageLayout dstLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess) {
DxvkAccessFlags access = this->getAccessTypes(srcAccess);
m_allBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
if (srcLayout == dstLayout) {
m_memBarrier.srcStageMask |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
m_memBarrier.srcAccessMask |= srcAccess & vk::AccessWriteMask;
m_memBarrier.dstStageMask |= dstStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
if (access.test(DxvkAccess::Write)) {
m_memBarrier.dstAccessMask |= dstAccess;
if (dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask) {
m_hostBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
m_hostBarrierDstAccess |= dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask;
} else {
VkImageMemoryBarrier2 barrier = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER_2 };
barrier.srcStageMask = srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
barrier.srcAccessMask = srcAccess & vk::AccessWriteMask;
barrier.dstStageMask = dstStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
barrier.dstAccessMask = dstAccess & vk::AccessDeviceMask;
barrier.oldLayout = srcLayout;
barrier.newLayout = dstLayout;
barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED;
barrier.image = image->handle();
barrier.subresourceRange = subresources;
barrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = image->formatInfo()->aspectMask;
if (dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask) {
m_hostBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages;
m_hostBarrierDstAccess |= dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask;
DxvkBarrierImageSlice(subresources, access));
void DxvkBarrierSet::releaseImage(
DxvkBarrierSet& acquire,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources,
uint32_t srcQueue,
VkImageLayout srcLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
uint32_t dstQueue,
VkImageLayout dstLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess) {
auto& release = *this;
m_allBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages;
VkImageMemoryBarrier2 barrier = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_IMAGE_MEMORY_BARRIER_2 };
barrier.srcStageMask = srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
barrier.srcAccessMask = srcAccess & vk::AccessWriteMask;
barrier.dstAccessMask = 0;
barrier.oldLayout = srcLayout;
barrier.newLayout = dstLayout;
barrier.srcQueueFamilyIndex = srcQueue;
barrier.dstQueueFamilyIndex = dstQueue;
barrier.image = image->handle();
barrier.subresourceRange = subresources;
barrier.subresourceRange.aspectMask = image->formatInfo()->aspectMask;
if (srcQueue == dstQueue)
barrier.oldLayout = dstLayout;
barrier.srcStageMask = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_2_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT;
barrier.srcAccessMask = 0;
barrier.dstStageMask = dstStages;
barrier.dstAccessMask = dstAccess;
if (dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask) {
acquire.m_hostBarrierSrcStages |= srcStages & vk::StageDeviceMask;
acquire.m_hostBarrierDstAccess |= dstAccess & vk::AccessHostMask;
DxvkAccessFlags access(DxvkAccess::Read, DxvkAccess::Write);
DxvkBarrierImageSlice(subresources, access));
DxvkBarrierImageSlice(subresources, access));
bool DxvkBarrierSet::isBufferDirty(
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& bufSlice,
DxvkAccessFlags bufAccess) {
return m_bufSlices.isDirty(bufSlice.handle,
DxvkBarrierBufferSlice(bufSlice.offset, bufSlice.length, bufAccess));
bool DxvkBarrierSet::isImageDirty(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& imgSubres,
DxvkAccessFlags imgAccess) {
return m_imgSlices.isDirty(image->handle(),
DxvkBarrierImageSlice(imgSubres, imgAccess));
DxvkAccessFlags DxvkBarrierSet::getBufferAccess(
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& bufSlice) {
return m_bufSlices.getAccess(bufSlice.handle,
DxvkBarrierBufferSlice(bufSlice.offset, bufSlice.length, 0));
DxvkAccessFlags DxvkBarrierSet::getImageAccess(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& imgSubres) {
return m_imgSlices.getAccess(image->handle(),
DxvkBarrierImageSlice(imgSubres, 0));
void DxvkBarrierSet::finalize(const Rc<DxvkCommandList>& commandList) {
// Emit host barrier if necessary
if (m_hostBarrierSrcStages) {
m_memBarrier.srcStageMask |= m_hostBarrierSrcStages;
m_memBarrier.srcAccessMask |= VK_ACCESS_MEMORY_WRITE_BIT;
m_memBarrier.dstStageMask |= VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT;
m_memBarrier.dstAccessMask |= m_hostBarrierDstAccess;
m_hostBarrierSrcStages = 0;
m_hostBarrierDstAccess = 0;
void DxvkBarrierSet::recordCommands(const Rc<DxvkCommandList>& commandList) {
if (m_memBarrier.srcStageMask | m_memBarrier.dstStageMask) {
depInfo.memoryBarrierCount = 1;
depInfo.pMemoryBarriers = &m_memBarrier;
if (!m_imgBarriers.empty()) {
depInfo.imageMemoryBarrierCount = m_imgBarriers.size();
depInfo.pImageMemoryBarriers = m_imgBarriers.data();
uint32_t totalBarrierCount = depInfo.memoryBarrierCount
+ depInfo.bufferMemoryBarrierCount
+ depInfo.imageMemoryBarrierCount;
if (!totalBarrierCount)
// AMDVLK (and -PRO) will just crash if they encounter a very large structure
// in one vkCmdPipelineBarrier2 call, so we need to split the barrier into parts.
constexpr uint32_t MaxBarriersPerCall = 512;
if (unlikely(totalBarrierCount > MaxBarriersPerCall)) {
VkDependencyInfo splitDepInfo = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEPENDENCY_INFO };
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < depInfo.memoryBarrierCount; i += MaxBarriersPerCall) {
splitDepInfo.memoryBarrierCount = std::min(depInfo.memoryBarrierCount - i, MaxBarriersPerCall);
splitDepInfo.pMemoryBarriers = depInfo.pMemoryBarriers + i;
commandList->cmdPipelineBarrier(m_cmdBuffer, &splitDepInfo);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < depInfo.bufferMemoryBarrierCount; i += MaxBarriersPerCall) {
splitDepInfo.bufferMemoryBarrierCount = std::min(depInfo.bufferMemoryBarrierCount - i, MaxBarriersPerCall);
splitDepInfo.pBufferMemoryBarriers = depInfo.pBufferMemoryBarriers + i;
commandList->cmdPipelineBarrier(m_cmdBuffer, &splitDepInfo);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < depInfo.imageMemoryBarrierCount; i += MaxBarriersPerCall) {
splitDepInfo.imageMemoryBarrierCount = std::min(depInfo.imageMemoryBarrierCount - i, MaxBarriersPerCall);
splitDepInfo.pImageMemoryBarriers = depInfo.pImageMemoryBarriers + i;
commandList->cmdPipelineBarrier(m_cmdBuffer, &splitDepInfo);
} else {
// Otherwise, issue the barrier as-is
commandList->cmdPipelineBarrier(m_cmdBuffer, &depInfo);
commandList->addStatCtr(DxvkStatCounter::CmdBarrierCount, 1);
void DxvkBarrierSet::reset() {
m_allBarrierSrcStages = 0;
m_memBarrier.srcStageMask = 0;
m_memBarrier.srcAccessMask = 0;
m_memBarrier.dstStageMask = 0;
m_memBarrier.dstAccessMask = 0;
DxvkAccessFlags DxvkBarrierSet::getAccessTypes(VkAccessFlags flags) {
DxvkAccessFlags result;
if (flags & vk::AccessReadMask) result.set(DxvkAccess::Read);
if (flags & vk::AccessWriteMask) result.set(DxvkAccess::Write);
return result;
@ -285,605 +285,4 @@ namespace dxvk {
* \brief Buffer slice for barrier tracking
* Stores the offset and length of a buffer slice,
* as well as access flags for the given range.
class DxvkBarrierBufferSlice {
: m_loAddr(0), m_hiAddr(0), m_access(0) { }
DxvkBarrierBufferSlice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize length, DxvkAccessFlags access)
: m_loAddr(offset),
m_hiAddr(offset + length),
m_access(access) { }
* \brief Checks whether two slices overlap
* \param [in] slice The other buffer slice to check
* \returns \c true if the two slices overlap
bool overlaps(const DxvkBarrierBufferSlice& slice) const {
return m_hiAddr > slice.m_loAddr
&& m_loAddr < slice.m_hiAddr;
* \brief Checks whether a given slice is dirty
* \param [in] slice The buffer slice to check
* \returns \c true if the two slices overlap, and if
* at least one of the two slices have write access.
bool isDirty(const DxvkBarrierBufferSlice& slice) const {
return (slice.m_access | m_access).test(DxvkAccess::Write) && overlaps(slice);
* \brief Checks whether two slices can be merged
* Two buffer slices can be merged if they overlap or are adjacent
* and if the access flags are the same, or alternatively, if the
* offset and size are the same and only the access flags differ.
* \param [in] slice The other buffer slice to check
* \returns \c true if the slices can be merged.
bool canMerge(const DxvkBarrierBufferSlice& slice) const {
if (m_access == slice.m_access) {
return m_hiAddr >= slice.m_loAddr
&& m_loAddr <= slice.m_hiAddr;
} else {
return m_loAddr == slice.m_loAddr
&& m_hiAddr == slice.m_hiAddr;
* \brief Merges two buffer slices
* The resulting slice is guaranteed to fully contain both slices,
* including their access flags. If called when \c canMerge would
* return \c false, this will be a strict superset of both slices.
* \param [in] slice The slice to merge
void merge(const DxvkBarrierBufferSlice& slice) {
m_loAddr = std::min(m_loAddr, slice.m_loAddr);
m_hiAddr = std::max(m_hiAddr, slice.m_hiAddr);
* \brief Queries access flags
* \returns Access flags
DxvkAccessFlags getAccess() const {
return DxvkAccessFlags(m_access);
VkDeviceSize m_loAddr;
VkDeviceSize m_hiAddr;
DxvkAccessFlags m_access;
* \brief Image slice for barrier tracking
* Stores an image subresource range, as well as
* access flags for the given image subresources.
class DxvkBarrierImageSlice {
: m_aspects(0),
m_access(0) { }
DxvkBarrierImageSlice(VkImageSubresourceRange range, DxvkAccessFlags access)
: m_aspects(range.aspectMask),
m_maxLayer(range.baseArrayLayer + range.layerCount),
m_maxLevel(range.baseMipLevel + range.levelCount),
m_access(access) { }
* \brief Checks whether two slices overlap
* \param [in] slice The other image slice to check
* \returns \c true if the two slices overlap
bool overlaps(const DxvkBarrierImageSlice& slice) const {
return (m_aspects & slice.m_aspects)
&& (m_minLayer < slice.m_maxLayer)
&& (m_maxLayer > slice.m_minLayer)
&& (m_minLevel < slice.m_maxLevel)
&& (m_maxLevel > slice.m_minLevel);
* \brief Checks whether a given slice is dirty
* \param [in] slice The image slice to check
* \returns \c true if the two slices overlap, and if
* at least one of the two slices have write access.
bool isDirty(const DxvkBarrierImageSlice& slice) const {
return (slice.m_access | m_access).test(DxvkAccess::Write) && overlaps(slice);
* \brief Checks whether two slices can be merged
* This is a simplified implementation that does only
* checks for adjacent subresources in one dimension.
* \param [in] slice The other image slice to check
* \returns \c true if the slices can be merged.
bool canMerge(const DxvkBarrierImageSlice& slice) const {
bool sameLayers = m_minLayer == slice.m_minLayer
&& m_maxLayer == slice.m_maxLayer;
bool sameLevels = m_minLevel == slice.m_minLevel
&& m_maxLevel == slice.m_maxLevel;
if (sameLayers == sameLevels)
return sameLayers;
if (m_access != slice.m_access)
return false;
if (sameLayers) {
return m_maxLevel >= slice.m_minLevel
&& m_minLevel <= slice.m_maxLevel;
} else /* if (sameLevels) */ {
return m_maxLayer >= slice.m_minLayer
&& m_minLayer <= slice.m_maxLayer;
* \brief Merges two image slices
* The resulting slice is guaranteed to fully contain both slices,
* including their access flags. If called when \c canMerge would
* return \c false, this will be a strict superset of both slices.
* \param [in] slice The slice to merge
void merge(const DxvkBarrierImageSlice& slice) {
m_aspects |= slice.m_aspects;
m_minLayer = std::min(m_minLayer, slice.m_minLayer);
m_maxLayer = std::max(m_maxLayer, slice.m_maxLayer);
m_minLevel = std::min(m_minLevel, slice.m_minLevel);
m_maxLevel = std::max(m_maxLevel, slice.m_maxLevel);
* \brief Queries access flags
* \returns Access flags
DxvkAccessFlags getAccess() const {
return m_access;
VkImageAspectFlags m_aspects;
uint32_t m_minLayer;
uint32_t m_maxLayer;
uint32_t m_minLevel;
uint32_t m_maxLevel;
DxvkAccessFlags m_access;
* \brief Resource slice set for barrier tracking
* Implements a versioned hash table for fast resource
* lookup, with a single-linked list accurately storing
* each accessed slice if necessary.
* \tparam K Resource handle type
* \tparam T Resource slice type
template<typename K, typename T>
class DxvkBarrierSubresourceSet {
constexpr static uint32_t NoEntry = ~0u;
* \brief Queries access flags of a given resource slice
* \param [in] resource Resource handle
* \param [in] slice Resource slice
* \returns Or'd access flags of all known slices
* that overlap with the given slice.
DxvkAccessFlags getAccess(K resource, const T& slice) {
HashEntry* entry = findHashEntry(resource);
if (!entry)
return DxvkAccessFlags();
// Exit early if we know that there are no overlapping
// slices, or if there is only one slice to check anyway.
if (!entry->data.overlaps(slice))
return DxvkAccessFlags();
ListEntry* list = getListEntry(entry->next);
if (!list)
return entry->data.getAccess();
// The early out condition just checks whether there are
// any access flags left that may potentially get added
DxvkAccessFlags access;
while (list && access != entry->data.getAccess()) {
if (list->data.overlaps(slice))
list = getListEntry(list->next);
return access;
* \brief Checks whether a given resource slice is dirty
* \param [in] resource Resourece handle
* \param [in] slice Resource slice
* \returns \c true if there is at least one slice that
* overlaps with the given slice, and either slice has
* the \c DxvkAccess::Write flag set.
bool isDirty(K resource, const T& slice) {
HashEntry* entry = findHashEntry(resource);
if (!entry)
return false;
// Exit early if there are no overlapping slices, or
// if none of the slices have the write flag set.
if (!entry->data.isDirty(slice))
return false;
// We know that some subresources are dirty, so if
// there is no list, the given slice must be dirty.
ListEntry* list = getListEntry(entry->next);
if (!list)
return true;
// Exit earlier if we find one dirty slice
bool dirty = false;
while (list && !dirty) {
dirty = list->data.isDirty(slice);
list = getListEntry(list->next);
return dirty;
* \brief Inserts a given resource slice
* This will attempt to deduplicate and merge entries if
* possible, so that lookup and further insertions remain
* reasonably fast.
* \param [in] resource Resource handle
* \param [in] slice Resource slice
void insert(K resource, const T& slice) {
HashEntry* hashEntry = insertHashEntry(resource, slice);
if (hashEntry) {
ListEntry* listEntry = getListEntry(hashEntry->next);
if (listEntry) {
if (std::is_same_v<T, DxvkBarrierImageSlice>) {
// For images, try to merge the slice with existing
// entries if possible to keep the list small
do {
if (listEntry->data.canMerge(slice)) {
} while ((listEntry = getListEntry(listEntry->next)));
if (!listEntry)
insertListEntry(slice, hashEntry);
} else {
// For buffers it's not even worth trying. Most of the
// time we won't be able to merge, and traversing the
// entire list every time is slow.
insertListEntry(slice, hashEntry);
} else if (!hashEntry->data.canMerge(slice)) {
// Only create the linear list if absolutely necessary
insertListEntry(hashEntry->data, hashEntry);
insertListEntry(slice, hashEntry);
// Merge hash entry data so that it stores
// a superset of all slices in the list.
* \brief Removes all resources from the set
void clear() {
m_used = 0;
m_version += 1;
* \brief Checks whether set is empty
* \returns \c true if there are no entries
bool empty() const {
return m_used == 0;
struct ListEntry {
T data;
uint32_t next;
struct HashEntry {
uint64_t version;
K key;
T data;
uint32_t next;
uint64_t m_version = 1ull;
uint64_t m_used = 0ull;
size_t m_indexMask = 0;
std::vector<ListEntry> m_list;
std::vector<HashEntry> m_hashMap;
static size_t computeHash(K key) {
size_t hash = size_t(key) * 93887;
return hash ^ (hash >> 16);
size_t computeSize() const {
return m_indexMask
? m_indexMask + 1
: 0;
size_t computeIndex(K key) const {
return computeHash(key) & (m_indexMask);
size_t advanceIndex(size_t index) const {
return (index + 1) & m_indexMask;
HashEntry* findHashEntry(K key) {
if (!m_used)
return nullptr;
size_t index = computeIndex(key);
while (m_hashMap[index].version == m_version) {
if (m_hashMap[index].key == key)
return &m_hashMap[index];
index = advanceIndex(index);
return nullptr;
HashEntry* insertHashEntry(K key, const T& data) {
// If we already have an entry for the given key, return
// the old one and let the caller deal with it
size_t index = computeIndex(key);
while (m_hashMap[index].version == m_version) {
if (m_hashMap[index].key == key)
return &m_hashMap[index];
index = advanceIndex(index);
HashEntry* entry = &m_hashMap[index];
entry->version = m_version;
entry->key = key;
entry->data = data;
entry->next = NoEntry;
m_used += 1;
return nullptr;
void growHashMap(size_t newSize) {
size_t oldSize = computeSize();
// Relocate hash entries in place
for (size_t i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) {
HashEntry entry = m_hashMap[i];
m_hashMap[i].version = 0;
while (entry.version == m_version) {
size_t index = computeIndex(entry.key);
entry.version = m_version + 1;
while (m_hashMap[index].version > m_version)
index = advanceIndex(index);
std::swap(entry, m_hashMap[index]);
m_version += 1;
m_indexMask = newSize - 1;
void growHashMapBeforeInsert() {
// Allow a load factor of 0.7 for performance reasons
size_t oldSize = computeSize();
if (10 * m_used >= 7 * oldSize) {
size_t newSize = oldSize ? oldSize * 2 : 64;
ListEntry* getListEntry(uint32_t index) {
return index < NoEntry ? &m_list[index] : nullptr;
ListEntry* insertListEntry(const T& subresource, HashEntry* head) {
uint32_t newIndex = uint32_t(m_list.size());
m_list.push_back({ subresource, head->next });
head->next = newIndex;
return &m_list[newIndex];
* \brief Barrier set
* Accumulates memory barriers and provides a
* method to record all those barriers into a
* command buffer at once.
class DxvkBarrierSet {
DxvkBarrierSet(DxvkCmdBuffer cmdBuffer);
void accessMemory(
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess);
void accessBuffer(
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& bufSlice,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess);
void accessImage(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources,
VkImageLayout srcLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
VkImageLayout dstLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess);
void releaseImage(
DxvkBarrierSet& acquire,
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& subresources,
uint32_t srcQueue,
VkImageLayout srcLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags srcStages,
VkAccessFlags srcAccess,
uint32_t dstQueue,
VkImageLayout dstLayout,
VkPipelineStageFlags dstStages,
VkAccessFlags dstAccess);
bool isBufferDirty(
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& bufSlice,
DxvkAccessFlags bufAccess);
bool isImageDirty(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& imgSubres,
DxvkAccessFlags imgAccess);
DxvkAccessFlags getBufferAccess(
const DxvkBufferSliceHandle& bufSlice);
DxvkAccessFlags getImageAccess(
const Rc<DxvkImage>& image,
const VkImageSubresourceRange& imgSubres);
VkPipelineStageFlags getSrcStages() {
return m_allBarrierSrcStages;
void finalize(
const Rc<DxvkCommandList>& commandList);
void recordCommands(
const Rc<DxvkCommandList>& commandList);
void reset();
bool hasResourceBarriers() const {
return !m_bufSlices.empty()
|| !m_imgSlices.empty();
static DxvkAccessFlags getAccessTypes(VkAccessFlags flags);
struct BufSlice {
DxvkBufferSliceHandle slice;
DxvkAccessFlags access;
struct ImgSlice {
VkImage image;
VkImageSubresourceRange subres;
DxvkAccessFlags access;
DxvkCmdBuffer m_cmdBuffer;
VkPipelineStageFlags2 m_hostBarrierSrcStages = 0;
VkAccessFlags2 m_hostBarrierDstAccess = 0;
VkPipelineStageFlags2 m_allBarrierSrcStages = 0;
VkMemoryBarrier2 m_memBarrier = { VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_MEMORY_BARRIER_2 };
std::vector<VkImageMemoryBarrier2> m_imgBarriers;
DxvkBarrierSubresourceSet<VkBuffer, DxvkBarrierBufferSlice> m_bufSlices;
DxvkBarrierSubresourceSet<VkImage, DxvkBarrierImageSlice> m_imgSlices;
@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
// When overwriting small buffers, we can allocate a new slice in order to
// avoid suspending the current render pass or inserting barriers. The source
// buffer must be read-only since otherwise we cannot schedule the copy early.
bool srcIsReadOnly = DxvkBarrierSet::getAccessTypes(srcBuffer->info().access) == DxvkAccess::Read;
bool srcIsReadOnly = !(srcBuffer->info().access & vk::AccessWriteMask);
bool replaceBuffer = srcIsReadOnly && this->tryInvalidateDeviceLocalBuffer(dstBuffer, numBytes);
auto srcSlice = srcBuffer->getSliceHandle(srcOffset, numBytes);
@ -4979,8 +4979,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
srcBarrier.access |= pipelineBarrier.access;
if (srcBarrier.stages) {
DxvkAccessFlags access = DxvkBarrierSet::getAccessTypes(srcBarrier.access);
DxvkGlobalPipelineBarrier dstBarrier = access.test(DxvkAccess::Write)
DxvkGlobalPipelineBarrier dstBarrier = (srcBarrier.access & vk::AccessWriteMask)
? m_globalRwGraphicsBarrier
: m_globalRoGraphicsBarrier;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user