mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 19:29:14 +01:00
[wsi] Add GLFW backend
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include <windows.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
namespace dxvk::wsi {
inline GLFWwindow* fromHwnd(HWND hWindow) {
return reinterpret_cast<GLFWwindow*>(hWindow);
inline HWND toHwnd(GLFWwindow* pWindow) {
return reinterpret_cast<HWND>(pWindow);
// Offset so null HMONITORs go to -1
inline int32_t fromHmonitor(HMONITOR hMonitor) {
return static_cast<int32_t>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(hMonitor)) - 1;
// Offset so -1 display id goes to 0 == NULL
inline HMONITOR toHmonitor(int32_t displayId) {
return reinterpret_cast<HMONITOR>(static_cast<intptr_t>(displayId + 1));
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#error You shouldnt be using this code path.
#include "wsi/native_sdl2.h"
#include "wsi/native_glfw.h"
#error Unknown wsi!
@ -103,8 +103,6 @@ if platform == 'windows'
dxvk_name_prefix = ''
compiler_args += ['-DDXVK_WSI_WIN32']
lib_sdl2 = cpp.find_library('SDL2')
wrc = find_program('touch')
wrc_generator = generator(wrc, output : [ '@BASENAME@_ignored.h' ], arguments : [ '@OUTPUT@' ] )
@ -114,9 +112,17 @@ else
dxvk_wsi = 'sdl2'
dxvk_wsi = get_option('dxvk_native_wsi')
if dxvk_wsi == 'sdl2'
lib_sdl2 = cpp.find_library('SDL2')
compiler_args += ['-DDXVK_WSI_SDL2']
elif dxvk_wsi == 'glfw'
lib_glfw = cpp.find_library('glfw')
compiler_args += ['-DDXVK_WSI_GLFW']
dxvk_name_prefix = 'libdxvk_'
compiler_args += ['-DDXVK_WSI_SDL2']
link_args += [
@ -3,3 +3,5 @@ option('enable_d3d9', type : 'boolean', value : true, description: 'Build D3D9'
option('enable_d3d10', type : 'boolean', value : true, description: 'Build D3D10')
option('enable_d3d11', type : 'boolean', value : true, description: 'Build D3D11')
option('build_id', type : 'boolean', value : false)
option('dxvk_native_wsi', type : 'string', value : 'sdl2', description: 'WSI system to use if building natively.')
@ -127,6 +127,10 @@ elif dxvk_wsi == 'sdl2'
dxvk_src += [
elif dxvk_wsi == 'glfw'
dxvk_src += [
dxvk_extra_deps = [ dependency('threads') ]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include "../dxvk_platform_exts.h"
#include "../../vulkan/vulkan_loader.h"
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
namespace dxvk {
DxvkPlatformExts DxvkPlatformExts::s_instance;
std::string_view DxvkPlatformExts::getName() {
return "GLFW WSI";
DxvkNameSet DxvkPlatformExts::getInstanceExtensions() {
if (!glfwVulkanSupported())
throw DxvkError(str::format("GLFW WSI: Vulkan is not supported in any capacity!"));
uint32_t extensionCount = 0;
const char** extensionArray = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(&extensionCount);
if (extensionCount == 0)
throw DxvkError(str::format("GLFW WSI: Failed to get required instance extensions"));
DxvkNameSet names;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < extensionCount; ++i) {
return names;
DxvkNameSet DxvkPlatformExts::getDeviceExtensions(
uint32_t adapterId) {
return DxvkNameSet();
void DxvkPlatformExts::initInstanceExtensions() {
//Nothing needs to be done here on GLFW
void DxvkPlatformExts::initDeviceExtensions(
const DxvkInstance* instance) {
//Nothing needs to be done here on GLFW
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
#include "../wsi_monitor.h"
#include "wsi/native_wsi.h"
#include "wsi_platform_glfw.h"
#include "../../util/util_string.h"
#include "../../util/log/log.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
namespace dxvk::wsi {
HMONITOR getDefaultMonitor() {
return enumMonitors(0);
HMONITOR enumMonitors(uint32_t index) {
return isDisplayValid(int32_t(index))
? toHmonitor(index)
: nullptr;
bool getDisplayName(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
WCHAR (&Name)[32]) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
std::wstringstream nameStream;
nameStream << LR"(\\.\DISPLAY)" << (displayId + 1);
std::wstring name = nameStream.str();
std::memset(Name, 0, sizeof(Name));
name.copy(Name, name.length(), 0);
return true;
bool getDesktopCoordinates(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
RECT* pRect) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
int32_t displayCount = 0;
GLFWmonitor** monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&displayCount);
GLFWmonitor* monitor = monitors[displayId];
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
int32_t w;
int32_t h;
glfwGetMonitorWorkarea(monitor, &x, &y, &w, &h);
pRect->left = x;
pRect->top = y;
pRect->right = x + w;
pRect->bottom = y + h;
return true;
static inline uint32_t roundToNextPow2(uint32_t num) {
if (num-- == 0)
return 0;
num |= num >> 1;
num |= num >> 2;
num |= num >> 4;
num |= num >> 8;
num |= num >> 16;
return ++num;
static inline void convertMode(const GLFWvidmode& mode, WsiMode* pMode) {
pMode->width = uint32_t(mode.width);
pMode->height = uint32_t(mode.height);
pMode->refreshRate = WsiRational{uint32_t(mode.refreshRate) * 1000, 1000};
// BPP should always be a power of two
// to match Windows behaviour of including padding.
pMode->bitsPerPixel = roundToNextPow2(mode.blueBits + mode.redBits + mode.greenBits);
pMode->interlaced = false;
bool getDisplayMode(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
uint32_t ModeNumber,
WsiMode* pMode) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
int32_t displayCount = 0;
GLFWmonitor** monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&displayCount);
GLFWmonitor* monitor = monitors[displayId];
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
int32_t count = 0;
const GLFWvidmode* modes = glfwGetVideoModes(monitor, &count);
if(ModeNumber >= uint32_t(count))
return false;
convertMode(modes[ModeNumber], pMode);
return true;
bool getCurrentDisplayMode(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
WsiMode* pMode) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
int32_t displayCount = 0;
GLFWmonitor** monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&displayCount);
GLFWmonitor* monitor = monitors[displayId];
const GLFWvidmode* mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
convertMode(*mode, pMode);
return true;
bool getDesktopDisplayMode(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
WsiMode* pMode) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
int32_t displayCount = 0;
GLFWmonitor** monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&displayCount);
GLFWmonitor* monitor = monitors[displayId];
//TODO: actually implement this properly, currently we just grab the current one
convertMode(*glfwGetVideoMode(monitor), pMode);
return true;
std::vector<uint8_t> getMonitorEdid(HMONITOR hMonitor) {
Logger::err("getMonitorEdid not implemented on this platform.");
return {};
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#pragma once
#include "../../vulkan/vulkan_loader.h"
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include "../wsi_monitor.h"
namespace dxvk::wsi {
* \brief Impl-dependent state
struct DxvkWindowState {
inline bool isDisplayValid(int32_t displayId) {
int32_t displayCount = 0;
return displayId < displayCount && displayId >= 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
#include "../wsi_window.h"
#include "native/wsi/native_wsi.h"
#include "wsi_platform_glfw.h"
#include "../../util/util_string.h"
#include "../../util/log/log.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include "../../vulkan/vulkan_loader.h"
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
namespace dxvk::wsi {
void getWindowSize(
HWND hWindow,
uint32_t* pWidth,
uint32_t* pHeight) {
GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
int32_t w, h;
glfwGetWindowSize(window, &w, &h);
if (pWidth)
*pWidth = uint32_t(w);
if (pHeight)
*pHeight = uint32_t(h);
void resizeWindow(
HWND hWindow,
DxvkWindowState* pState,
uint32_t Width,
uint32_t Height) {
GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
glfwSetWindowSize(window, int32_t(Width), int32_t(Height));
bool setWindowMode(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
HWND hWindow,
const WsiMode& pMode) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
int32_t displayCount = 0;
GLFWmonitor** monitors = glfwGetMonitors(&displayCount);
GLFWmonitor* monitor = monitors[displayId];
GLFWvidmode wantedMode = {};
wantedMode.width = pMode.width;
wantedMode.height = pMode.height;
wantedMode.refreshRate = pMode.refreshRate.numerator != 0
? pMode.refreshRate.numerator / pMode.refreshRate.denominator
: 0;
// TODO: Implement lookup format for bitsPerPixel here.
glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, monitor, 0, 0, wantedMode.width, wantedMode.width, wantedMode.refreshRate);
return true;
bool enterFullscreenMode(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
HWND hWindow,
DxvkWindowState* pState,
bool ModeSwitch) {
const int32_t displayId = fromHmonitor(hMonitor);
GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
if (!isDisplayValid(displayId))
return false;
GLFWmonitor* monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor();
auto videoMode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
// TODO: Set this on the correct monitor.
// Docs aren't clear on this...
glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, monitor, 0, 0, videoMode->width, videoMode->height, videoMode->refreshRate);
return true;
bool leaveFullscreenMode(
HWND hWindow,
DxvkWindowState* pState,
bool restoreCoordinates) {
GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
GLFWmonitor* monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor();
auto videoMode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor);
glfwSetWindowMonitor(window, nullptr, 0, 0, videoMode->width, videoMode->height, videoMode->refreshRate);
return true;
bool restoreDisplayMode() {
// Don't need to do anything with GLFW here.
return true;
HMONITOR getWindowMonitor(HWND hWindow) {
// TODO: implement this with glfwGetWindowMonitor
// (or maybe not? glfwGetWindowMonitor only seems to reference *fullscreen* windows)
// GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
const int32_t displayId = 0;
return toHmonitor(displayId);
bool isWindow(HWND hWindow) {
GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
return window != nullptr;
void updateFullscreenWindow(
HMONITOR hMonitor,
HWND hWindow,
bool forceTopmost) {
// Don't need to do anything with GLFW here.
VkResult createSurface(
HWND hWindow,
PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr pfnVkGetInstanceProcAddr,
VkInstance instance,
VkSurfaceKHR* pSurface) {
GLFWwindow* window = fromHwnd(hWindow);
return glfwCreateWindowSurface(instance, window, nullptr, pSurface);
@ -12,12 +12,20 @@ wsi_sdl2_src = [
wsi_glfw_src = [
if dxvk_wsi == 'win32'
wsi_src = wsi_common_src + wsi_win32_src
wsi_deps = [ dep_displayinfo ]
elif dxvk_wsi == 'sdl2'
wsi_src = wsi_common_src + wsi_sdl2_src
wsi_deps = [ dep_displayinfo, lib_sdl2 ]
elif dxvk_wsi == 'glfw'
wsi_src = wsi_common_src + wsi_glfw_src
wsi_deps = [ dep_displayinfo, lib_glfw ]
error('Unknown wsi')
@ -4,4 +4,6 @@
#include "win32/wsi_platform_win32.h"
#elif defined(DXVK_WSI_SDL2)
#include "sdl2/wsi_platform_sdl2.h"
#elif defined(DXVK_WSI_GLFW)
#include "glfw/wsi_platform_glfw.h"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user