mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 19:29:14 +01:00
[dxvk] Remove frame buffer from context state
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
if (m_state.om.framebuffer == nullptr || !m_state.om.framebuffer->hasTargets(targets)) {
if (!m_state.om.framebufferInfo.hasTargets(targets)) {
// Create a new framebuffer object next
// time we start rendering something
@ -583,9 +583,8 @@ namespace dxvk {
// If not, we need to create a temporary framebuffer.
int32_t attachmentIndex = -1;
if (m_state.om.framebuffer != nullptr
&& m_state.om.framebuffer->isFullSize(imageView))
attachmentIndex = m_state.om.framebuffer->findAttachment(imageView);
if (m_state.om.framebufferInfo.isFullSize(imageView))
attachmentIndex = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.findAttachment(imageView);
if (attachmentIndex < 0) {
// Suspend works here because we'll end up with one of these scenarios:
@ -596,13 +595,13 @@ namespace dxvk {
// If there is overlap, we need to explicitly transition affected attachments.
this->prepareImage(m_execBarriers, imageView->image(), imageView->subresources(), false);
} else if (!m_state.om.framebuffer->isWritable(attachmentIndex, clearAspects)) {
} else if (!m_state.om.framebufferInfo.isWritable(attachmentIndex, clearAspects)) {
// We cannot inline clears if the clear aspects are not writable
if (m_flags.test(DxvkContextFlag::GpRenderPassBound)) {
uint32_t colorIndex = std::max(0, m_state.om.framebuffer->getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex));
uint32_t colorIndex = std::max(0, m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex));
VkClearAttachment clearInfo;
clearInfo.aspectMask = clearAspects;
@ -1951,12 +1950,12 @@ namespace dxvk {
else if (discardAspects & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT)
if (attachmentIndex >= 0 && !m_state.om.framebuffer->isWritable(attachmentIndex, clearAspects | discardAspects)) {
if (attachmentIndex >= 0 && !m_state.om.framebufferInfo.isWritable(attachmentIndex, clearAspects | discardAspects)) {
// Do not fold the clear/discard into the render pass if any of the affected aspects
// isn't writable. We can only hit this particular path when starting a render pass,
// so we can safely manipulate load layouts here.
int32_t colorIndex = m_state.om.framebuffer->getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex);
VkImageLayout renderLayout = m_state.om.framebuffer->getAttachment(attachmentIndex).layout;
int32_t colorIndex = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex);
VkImageLayout renderLayout = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getAttachment(attachmentIndex).layout;
if (colorIndex < 0) {
depthOp.loadLayout = m_state.om.renderPassOps.depthOps.loadLayout;
@ -2016,14 +2015,12 @@ namespace dxvk {
ops.barrier.dstStages = imageView->imageInfo().stages;
ops.barrier.dstAccess = imageView->imageInfo().access;
ops, 1, &clearValue);
this->renderPassBindFramebuffer(makeFramebufferInfo(attachments), ops, 1, &clearValue);
} else {
// Perform the operation when starting the next render pass
if ((clearAspects | discardAspects) & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) {
uint32_t colorIndex = m_state.om.framebuffer->getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex);
uint32_t colorIndex = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex);
m_state.om.renderPassOps.colorOps[colorIndex].loadOp = colorOp.loadOp;
if (m_state.om.renderPassOps.colorOps[colorIndex].loadOp != VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_LOAD && !is3D)
@ -2103,8 +2100,8 @@ namespace dxvk {
for (const auto& clear : m_deferredClears) {
int32_t attachmentIndex = -1;
if (useRenderPass && m_state.om.framebuffer->isFullSize(clear.imageView))
attachmentIndex = m_state.om.framebuffer->findAttachment(clear.imageView);
if (useRenderPass && m_state.om.framebufferInfo.isFullSize(clear.imageView))
attachmentIndex = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.findAttachment(clear.imageView);
this->performClear(clear.imageView, attachmentIndex,
clear.discardAspects, clear.clearAspects, clear.clearValue);
@ -3093,11 +3090,10 @@ namespace dxvk {
// so that we can avoid spilling the render pass if it is.
int32_t attachmentIndex = -1;
if (m_state.om.framebuffer != nullptr
&& m_state.om.framebuffer->isFullSize(imageView))
attachmentIndex = m_state.om.framebuffer->findAttachment(imageView);
if (m_state.om.framebufferInfo.isFullSize(imageView))
attachmentIndex = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.findAttachment(imageView);
if (attachmentIndex >= 0 && !m_state.om.framebuffer->isWritable(attachmentIndex, aspect))
if (attachmentIndex >= 0 && !m_state.om.framebufferInfo.isWritable(attachmentIndex, aspect))
attachmentIndex = -1;
if (attachmentIndex < 0) {
@ -3149,9 +3145,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
// We cannot leverage render pass clears
// because we clear only part of the view
ops, 0, nullptr);
this->renderPassBindFramebuffer(makeFramebufferInfo(attachments), ops, 0, nullptr);
} else {
// Make sure the render pass is active so
// that we can actually perform the clear
@ -3165,7 +3159,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
clearInfo.clearValue = value;
if ((aspect & VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) && (attachmentIndex >= 0))
clearInfo.colorAttachment = m_state.om.framebuffer->getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex);
clearInfo.colorAttachment = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getColorAttachmentIndex(attachmentIndex);
VkClearRect clearRect;
clearRect.rect.offset.x = offset.x;
@ -3949,9 +3943,9 @@ namespace dxvk {
// Track the final layout of each render target
@ -4004,12 +3998,14 @@ namespace dxvk {
void DxvkContext::renderPassBindFramebuffer(
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& framebuffer,
const DxvkFramebufferInfo& framebufferInfo,
const DxvkRenderPassOps& ops,
uint32_t clearValueCount,
const VkClearValue* clearValues) {
const DxvkFramebufferSize fbSize = framebuffer->size();
const DxvkFramebufferSize fbSize = framebufferInfo.size();
Rc<DxvkFramebuffer> framebuffer = m_device->createFramebuffer(framebufferInfo.attachments());
VkRect2D renderArea;
renderArea.offset = VkOffset2D { 0, 0 };
renderArea.extent = VkExtent2D { fbSize.width, fbSize.height };
@ -4017,7 +4013,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
VkRenderPassBeginInfo info;
info.pNext = nullptr;
info.renderPass = framebuffer->getRenderPassHandle(ops);
info.renderPass = framebufferInfo.renderPass()->getHandle(ops);
info.framebuffer = framebuffer->handle();
info.renderArea = renderArea;
info.clearValueCount = clearValueCount;
@ -4028,9 +4024,9 @@ namespace dxvk {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < framebuffer->numAttachments(); i++) {
m_cmd->trackResource<DxvkAccess::None> (framebuffer->getAttachment(i).view);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < framebufferInfo.numAttachments(); i++) {
m_cmd->trackResource<DxvkAccess::None> (framebufferInfo.getAttachment(i).view);
m_cmd->addStatCtr(DxvkStatCounter::CmdRenderPassCount, 1);
@ -4252,7 +4248,8 @@ namespace dxvk {
: DxvkContextFlag::GpDirtyStencilRef);
// Retrieve and bind actual Vulkan pipeline handle
m_gpActivePipeline = m_state.gp.pipeline->getPipelineHandle(m_state.gp.state, m_state.om.framebuffer->getRenderPass());
m_gpActivePipeline = m_state.gp.pipeline->getPipelineHandle(
m_state.gp.state, m_state.om.framebufferInfo.renderPass());
if (unlikely(!m_gpActivePipeline))
return false;
@ -4484,20 +4481,29 @@ namespace dxvk {
DxvkFramebufferInfo DxvkContext::makeFramebufferInfo(
const DxvkRenderTargets& renderTargets) {
auto renderPassFormat = DxvkFramebufferInfo::getRenderPassFormat(renderTargets);
auto renderPassObject = m_common->renderPassPool().getRenderPass(renderPassFormat);
return DxvkFramebufferInfo(renderTargets, m_device->getDefaultFramebufferSize(), renderPassObject);
void DxvkContext::updateFramebuffer() {
if (m_flags.test(DxvkContextFlag::GpDirtyFramebuffer)) {
auto fb = m_device->createFramebuffer(m_state.om.renderTargets);
this->updateRenderTargetLayouts(fb, m_state.om.framebuffer);
DxvkFramebufferInfo fbInfo = makeFramebufferInfo(m_state.om.renderTargets);
this->updateRenderTargetLayouts(fbInfo, m_state.om.framebufferInfo);
m_state.om.framebuffer = fb;
m_state.om.framebufferInfo = fbInfo;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumRenderTargets; i++) {
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& attachment = fb->getColorTarget(i).view;
const Rc<DxvkImageView>& attachment = fbInfo.getColorTarget(i).view;
VkComponentMapping mapping = attachment != nullptr
? util::invertComponentMapping(attachment->info().swizzle)
@ -4530,11 +4536,8 @@ namespace dxvk {
void DxvkContext::transitionRenderTargetLayouts(
DxvkBarrierSet& barriers,
bool sharedOnly) {
if (m_state.om.framebuffer == nullptr)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumRenderTargets; i++) {
const DxvkAttachment& color = m_state.om.framebuffer->getColorTarget(i);
const DxvkAttachment& color = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getColorTarget(i);
if (color.view != nullptr && (!sharedOnly || color.view->imageInfo().shared)) {
this->transitionColorAttachment(barriers, color, m_rtLayouts.color[i]);
@ -4542,7 +4545,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
const DxvkAttachment& depth = m_state.om.framebuffer->getDepthTarget();
const DxvkAttachment& depth = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getDepthTarget();
if (depth.view != nullptr && (!sharedOnly || depth.view->imageInfo().shared)) {
this->transitionDepthAttachment(barriers, depth, m_rtLayouts.depth);
@ -4592,60 +4595,58 @@ namespace dxvk {
void DxvkContext::updateRenderTargetLayouts(
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& newFb,
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& oldFb) {
const DxvkFramebufferInfo& newFb,
const DxvkFramebufferInfo& oldFb) {
DxvkRenderTargetLayouts layouts = { };
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumRenderTargets; i++) {
if (newFb->getColorTarget(i).view != nullptr)
layouts.color[i] = newFb->getColorTarget(i).view->imageInfo().layout;
if (newFb.getColorTarget(i).view != nullptr)
layouts.color[i] = newFb.getColorTarget(i).view->imageInfo().layout;
if (newFb->getDepthTarget().view != nullptr)
layouts.depth = newFb->getDepthTarget().view->imageInfo().layout;
if (newFb.getDepthTarget().view != nullptr)
layouts.depth = newFb.getDepthTarget().view->imageInfo().layout;
if (oldFb != nullptr) {
// Check whether any of the previous attachments have been moved
// around or been rebound with a different view. This may help
// reduce the number of image layout transitions between passes.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumRenderTargets; i++) {
const DxvkAttachment& oldAttachment = oldFb->getColorTarget(i);
if (oldAttachment.view != nullptr) {
bool found = false;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < MaxNumRenderTargets && !found; j++) {
const DxvkAttachment& newAttachment = newFb->getColorTarget(j);
found = newAttachment.view == oldAttachment.view || (newAttachment.view != nullptr
&& newAttachment.view->image() == oldAttachment.view->image()
&& newAttachment.view->subresources() == oldAttachment.view->subresources());
if (found)
layouts.color[j] = m_rtLayouts.color[i];
if (!found && m_flags.test(DxvkContextFlag::GpRenderPassSuspended))
this->transitionColorAttachment(m_execBarriers, oldAttachment, m_rtLayouts.color[i]);
const DxvkAttachment& oldAttachment = oldFb->getDepthTarget();
// Check whether any of the previous attachments have been moved
// around or been rebound with a different view. This may help
// reduce the number of image layout transitions between passes.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumRenderTargets; i++) {
const DxvkAttachment& oldAttachment = oldFb.getColorTarget(i);
if (oldAttachment.view != nullptr) {
const DxvkAttachment& newAttachment = newFb->getDepthTarget();
bool found = false;
bool found = newAttachment.view == oldAttachment.view || (newAttachment.view != nullptr
&& newAttachment.view->image() == oldAttachment.view->image()
&& newAttachment.view->subresources() == oldAttachment.view->subresources());
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < MaxNumRenderTargets && !found; j++) {
const DxvkAttachment& newAttachment = newFb.getColorTarget(j);
if (found)
layouts.depth = m_rtLayouts.depth;
else if (m_flags.test(DxvkContextFlag::GpRenderPassSuspended))
this->transitionDepthAttachment(m_execBarriers, oldAttachment, m_rtLayouts.depth);
found = newAttachment.view == oldAttachment.view || (newAttachment.view != nullptr
&& newAttachment.view->image() == oldAttachment.view->image()
&& newAttachment.view->subresources() == oldAttachment.view->subresources());
if (found)
layouts.color[j] = m_rtLayouts.color[i];
if (!found && m_flags.test(DxvkContextFlag::GpRenderPassSuspended))
this->transitionColorAttachment(m_execBarriers, oldAttachment, m_rtLayouts.color[i]);
const DxvkAttachment& oldAttachment = oldFb.getDepthTarget();
if (oldAttachment.view != nullptr) {
const DxvkAttachment& newAttachment = newFb.getDepthTarget();
bool found = newAttachment.view == oldAttachment.view || (newAttachment.view != nullptr
&& newAttachment.view->image() == oldAttachment.view->image()
&& newAttachment.view->subresources() == oldAttachment.view->subresources());
if (found)
layouts.depth = m_rtLayouts.depth;
else if (m_flags.test(DxvkContextFlag::GpRenderPassSuspended))
this->transitionDepthAttachment(m_execBarriers, oldAttachment, m_rtLayouts.depth);
m_rtLayouts = layouts;
@ -4675,7 +4676,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
// Transition any attachment with overlapping subresources
if (image->info().usage & VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxNumRenderTargets; i++) {
const DxvkAttachment& attachment = m_state.om.framebuffer->getColorTarget(i);
const DxvkAttachment& attachment = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getColorTarget(i);
if (attachment.view != nullptr && attachment.view->image() == image
&& (is3D || vk::checkSubresourceRangeOverlap(attachment.view->subresources(), subresources))) {
@ -4684,7 +4685,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
} else {
const DxvkAttachment& attachment = m_state.om.framebuffer->getDepthTarget();
const DxvkAttachment& attachment = m_state.om.framebufferInfo.getDepthTarget();
if (attachment.view != nullptr && attachment.view->image() == image
&& (is3D || vk::checkSubresourceRangeOverlap(attachment.view->subresources(), subresources))) {
@ -1067,6 +1067,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
* tools to mark different workloads within a frame.
void insertDebugLabel(VkDebugUtilsLabelEXT *label);
Rc<DxvkDevice> m_device;
@ -1227,7 +1228,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
void spillRenderPass(bool suspend);
void renderPassBindFramebuffer(
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& framebuffer,
const DxvkFramebufferInfo& framebufferInfo,
const DxvkRenderPassOps& ops,
uint32_t clearValueCount,
const VkClearValue* clearValues);
@ -1261,6 +1262,9 @@ namespace dxvk {
VkDescriptorSet set,
const DxvkPipelineLayout* layout);
DxvkFramebufferInfo makeFramebufferInfo(
const DxvkRenderTargets& renderTargets);
void updateFramebuffer();
void applyRenderTargetLoadLayouts();
@ -1282,8 +1286,8 @@ namespace dxvk {
VkImageLayout oldLayout);
void updateRenderTargetLayouts(
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& newFb,
const Rc<DxvkFramebuffer>& oldFb);
const DxvkFramebufferInfo& newFb,
const DxvkFramebufferInfo& oldFb);
void prepareImage(
DxvkBarrierSet& barriers,
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ namespace dxvk {
DxvkRenderTargets renderTargets;
DxvkRenderPassOps renderPassOps;
Rc<DxvkFramebuffer> framebuffer = nullptr;
DxvkFramebufferInfo framebufferInfo;
@ -41,6 +41,14 @@ namespace dxvk {
DxvkFramebufferSize DxvkDevice::getDefaultFramebufferSize() const {
return DxvkFramebufferSize {
m_properties.core.properties.limits.maxFramebufferLayers };
VkPipelineStageFlags DxvkDevice::getShaderPipelineStages() const {
@ -106,16 +114,12 @@ namespace dxvk {
Rc<DxvkFramebuffer> DxvkDevice::createFramebuffer(
const DxvkRenderTargets& renderTargets) {
const DxvkFramebufferSize defaultSize = {
m_properties.core.properties.limits.maxFramebufferLayers };
auto renderPassFormat = DxvkFramebuffer::getRenderPassFormat(renderTargets);
auto renderPassObject = m_objects.renderPassPool().getRenderPass(renderPassFormat);
return new DxvkFramebuffer(m_vkd,
renderPassObject, renderTargets, defaultSize);
renderPassObject, renderTargets,
@ -197,6 +197,12 @@ namespace dxvk {
bool isUnifiedMemoryArchitecture() const;
* \brief Queries default framebuffer size
* \returns Default framebuffer size
DxvkFramebufferSize getDefaultFramebufferSize() const;
* \brief Queries supported shader stages
* \returns Supported shader pipeline stages
@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ namespace dxvk {
* \brief Retrieves all attachments
* \returns Render targets
const DxvkRenderTargets& attachments() const {
return m_renderTargets;
* \brief Framebuffer size
* \returns Framebuffer size
Reference in New Issue
Block a user