#pragma once #ifdef __cplusplus #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #else #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <wchar.h> #endif // __cplusplus // GCC complains about the COM interfaces // not having virtual destructors // and class conversion for C...DESC helper types #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__cplusplus) #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnon-virtual-dtor" #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wclass-conversion" #endif // __GNUC__ && __cplusplus typedef int32_t INT; typedef uint32_t UINT; typedef int32_t LONG; typedef uint32_t ULONG; typedef int32_t HRESULT; typedef wchar_t WCHAR; typedef INT BOOL; typedef BOOL WINBOOL; typedef uint16_t UINT16; typedef uint32_t UINT32; typedef uint64_t UINT64; typedef void VOID; typedef void* LPVOID; typedef const void* LPCVOID; typedef size_t SIZE_T; typedef uint8_t UINT8; typedef uint8_t BYTE; typedef int16_t SHORT; typedef uint16_t USHORT; typedef int64_t LONGLONG; typedef uint64_t ULONGLONG; typedef float FLOAT; #ifndef GUID_DEFINED #define GUID_DEFINED typedef struct GUID { uint32_t Data1; uint16_t Data2; uint16_t Data3; uint8_t Data4[8]; } GUID; #endif // GUID_DEFINED typedef GUID UUID; typedef GUID IID; #ifdef __cplusplus #define REFIID const IID& #define REFGUID const GUID& #else #define REFIID const IID* #define REFGUID const GUID* #endif // __cplusplus #ifdef __cplusplus template <typename T> constexpr GUID __uuidof_helper(); #define __uuidof(T) __uuidof_helper<T>() #define __uuidof_var(T) __uuidof_helper<decltype(T)>() inline bool operator==(const GUID& a, const GUID& b) { return std::memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(GUID)) == 0; } inline bool operator!=(const GUID& a, const GUID& b) { return std::memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(GUID)) != 0; } #endif // __cplusplus typedef uint32_t DWORD; typedef uint16_t WORD; typedef void* HANDLE; typedef HANDLE HMONITOR; typedef HANDLE HDC; typedef HANDLE HMODULE; typedef HANDLE HINSTANCE; typedef HANDLE HWND; typedef HANDLE HKEY; typedef DWORD COLORREF; typedef char* LPSTR; typedef const char* LPCSTR; typedef const wchar_t* LPCWSTR; typedef struct LUID { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; } LUID; typedef struct POINT { LONG x; LONG y; } POINT; typedef POINT* LPPOINT; typedef struct RECT { LONG left; LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom; } RECT; typedef struct SIZE { LONG cx; LONG cy; } SIZE; typedef union { struct { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; }; struct { DWORD LowPart; LONG HighPart; } u; LONGLONG QuadPart; } LARGE_INTEGER; typedef struct MEMORYSTATUS { DWORD dwLength; SIZE_T dwTotalPhys; } MEMORYSTATUS; typedef struct SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES { DWORD nLength; void* lpSecurityDescriptor; BOOL bInheritHandle; } SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES; typedef struct PALETTEENTRY { BYTE peRed; BYTE peGreen; BYTE peBlue; BYTE peFlags; } PALETTEENTRY; typedef struct RGNDATAHEADER { DWORD dwSize; DWORD iType; DWORD nCount; DWORD nRgnSize; RECT rcBound; } RGNDATAHEADER; typedef struct RGNDATA { RGNDATAHEADER rdh; char Buffer[1]; } RGNDATA; // Ignore these. #define STDMETHODCALLTYPE #define __stdcall #define CONST const #define CONST_VTBL const #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define interface struct #define MIDL_INTERFACE(x) struct #ifdef __cplusplus #define DEFINE_GUID(iid, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) \ constexpr GUID iid = {a,b,c,{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k}}; #define DECLARE_UUIDOF_HELPER(type, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) \ extern "C++" { template <> constexpr GUID __uuidof_helper<type>() { return GUID{a,b,c,{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k}}; } } \ extern "C++" { template <> constexpr GUID __uuidof_helper<type*>() { return __uuidof_helper<type>(); } } \ extern "C++" { template <> constexpr GUID __uuidof_helper<const type*>() { return __uuidof_helper<type>(); } } \ extern "C++" { template <> constexpr GUID __uuidof_helper<type&>() { return __uuidof_helper<type>(); } } \ extern "C++" { template <> constexpr GUID __uuidof_helper<const type&>() { return __uuidof_helper<type>(); } } #else #define DEFINE_GUID(iid, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) \ static const GUID iid = {a,b,c,{d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k}}; #define DECLARE_UUIDOF_HELPER(type, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) #endif // __cplusplus #define __CRT_UUID_DECL(type, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) DECLARE_UUIDOF_HELPER(type, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) #define S_OK 0 #define S_FALSE 1 #define E_INVALIDARG ((HRESULT)0x80070057) #define E_FAIL ((HRESULT)0x80004005) #define E_NOINTERFACE ((HRESULT)0x80004002) #define E_NOTIMPL ((HRESULT)0x80004001) #define E_OUTOFMEMORY ((HRESULT)0x8007000E) #define E_POINTER ((HRESULT)0x80004003) #define DXGI_STATUS_OCCLUDED ((HRESULT)0x087a0001) #define DXGI_STATUS_CLIPPED ((HRESULT)0x087a0002) #define DXGI_STATUS_NO_REDIRECTION ((HRESULT)0x087a0004) #define DXGI_STATUS_NO_DESKTOP_ACCESS ((HRESULT)0x087a0005) #define DXGI_STATUS_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_SOURCE_IN_USE ((HRESULT)0x087a0006) #define DXGI_STATUS_MODE_CHANGED ((HRESULT)0x087a0007) #define DXGI_STATUS_MODE_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS ((HRESULT)0x087a0008) #define DXGI_STATUS_UNOCCLUDED ((HRESULT)0x087a0009) #define DXGI_STATUS_DDA_WAS_STILL_DRAWING ((HRESULT)0x087a000a) #define DXGI_STATUS_PRESENT_REQUIRED ((HRESULT)0x087a002f) #define DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL ((HRESULT)0x887A0001) #define DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND ((HRESULT)0x887A0002) #define DXGI_ERROR_MORE_DATA ((HRESULT)0x887A0003) #define DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED ((HRESULT)0x887A0004) #define DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED ((HRESULT)0x887A0005) #define DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG ((HRESULT)0x887A0006) #define DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET ((HRESULT)0x887A0007) #define DXGI_ERROR_WAS_STILL_DRAWING ((HRESULT)0x887A000A) #define DXGI_ERROR_FRAME_STATISTICS_DISJOINT ((HRESULT)0x887A000B) #define DXGI_ERROR_GRAPHICS_VIDPN_SOURCE_IN_USE ((HRESULT)0x887A000C) #define DXGI_ERROR_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR ((HRESULT)0x887A0020) #define DXGI_ERROR_NONEXCLUSIVE ((HRESULT)0x887A0021) #define DXGI_ERROR_NOT_CURRENTLY_AVAILABLE ((HRESULT)0x887A0022) #define DXGI_ERROR_REMOTE_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED ((HRESULT)0x887A0023) #define DXGI_ERROR_REMOTE_OUTOFMEMORY ((HRESULT)0x887A0024) #define DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_LOST ((HRESULT)0x887A0026) #define DXGI_ERROR_WAIT_TIMEOUT ((HRESULT)0x887A0027) #define DXGI_ERROR_SESSION_DISCONNECTED ((HRESULT)0x887A0028) #define DXGI_ERROR_RESTRICT_TO_OUTPUT_STALE ((HRESULT)0x887A0029) #define DXGI_ERROR_CANNOT_PROTECT_CONTENT ((HRESULT)0x887A002A) #define DXGI_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ((HRESULT)0x887A002B) #define DXGI_ERROR_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS ((HRESULT)0x887A002C) #define DXGI_ERROR_SDK_COMPONENT_MISSING ((HRESULT)0x887A002D) #define WINAPI #define WINUSERAPI #define RGB(r,g,b) ((COLORREF)(((BYTE)(r)|((WORD)((BYTE)(g))<<8))|(((DWORD)(BYTE)(b))<<16))) #define MAKE_HRESULT(sev,fac,code) \ ((HRESULT) (((unsigned long)(sev)<<31) | ((unsigned long)(fac)<<16) | ((unsigned long)(code))) ) #ifdef __cplusplus #define STDMETHOD(name) virtual HRESULT name #define STDMETHOD_(type, name) virtual type name #else #define STDMETHOD(name) HRESULT (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *name) #define STDMETHOD_(type, name) type (STDMETHODCALLTYPE *name) #endif // __cplusplus #define THIS_ #define THIS #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME1 #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME2 #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME3 #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME4 #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME5 #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME6 #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME7 #define __C89_NAMELESSUNIONNAME8 #define __C89_NAMELESS #define DUMMYUNIONNAME #define DUMMYSTRUCTNAME #ifdef __cplusplus #define DECLARE_INTERFACE(x) struct x #define DECLARE_INTERFACE_(x, y) struct x : public y #else #define DECLARE_INTERFACE(x) \ typedef interface x { \ const struct x##Vtbl *lpVtbl; \ } x; \ typedef const struct x##Vtbl x##Vtbl; \ const struct x##Vtbl #define DECLARE_INTERFACE_(x, y) DECLARE_INTERFACE(x) #endif // __cplusplus #define BEGIN_INTERFACE #define END_INTERFACE #ifdef __cplusplus #define PURE = 0 #else #define PURE #endif // __cplusplus #define DECLSPEC_SELECTANY #define __MSABI_LONG(x) x #define ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS ((DWORD)-1) #define ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS ((DWORD)-2) #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ((HANDLE)-1) #define FAILED(hr) ((HRESULT)(hr) < 0) #define SUCCEEDED(hr) ((HRESULT)(hr) >= 0)