#include #include "d3d11_device.h" #include "d3d11_initializer.h" namespace dxvk { D3D11Initializer::D3D11Initializer( D3D11Device* pParent) : m_parent(pParent), m_device(pParent->GetDXVKDevice()), m_context(m_device->createContext()) { m_context->beginRecording( m_device->createCommandList()); } D3D11Initializer::~D3D11Initializer() { } void D3D11Initializer::Flush() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); if (m_transferCommands != 0) FlushInternal(); } void D3D11Initializer::InitBuffer( D3D11Buffer* pBuffer, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData) { VkMemoryPropertyFlags memFlags = pBuffer->GetBuffer()->memFlags(); (memFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) ? InitHostVisibleBuffer(pBuffer, pInitialData) : InitDeviceLocalBuffer(pBuffer, pInitialData); } void D3D11Initializer::InitTexture( D3D11CommonTexture* pTexture, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData) { (pTexture->GetMapMode() == D3D11_COMMON_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_DIRECT) ? InitHostVisibleTexture(pTexture, pInitialData) : InitDeviceLocalTexture(pTexture, pInitialData); } void D3D11Initializer::InitUavCounter( D3D11UnorderedAccessView* pUav) { auto counterBuffer = pUav->GetCounterSlice(); if (!counterBuffer.defined()) return; std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); m_transferCommands += 1; const uint32_t zero = 0; m_context->updateBuffer( counterBuffer.buffer(), 0, sizeof(zero), &zero); FlushImplicit(); } void D3D11Initializer::InitDeviceLocalBuffer( D3D11Buffer* pBuffer, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); DxvkBufferSlice bufferSlice = pBuffer->GetBufferSlice(); if (pInitialData != nullptr && pInitialData->pSysMem != nullptr) { m_transferMemory += bufferSlice.length(); m_transferCommands += 1; m_context->uploadBuffer( bufferSlice.buffer(), pInitialData->pSysMem); } else { m_transferCommands += 1; m_context->clearBuffer( bufferSlice.buffer(), bufferSlice.offset(), bufferSlice.length(), 0u); } FlushImplicit(); } void D3D11Initializer::InitHostVisibleBuffer( D3D11Buffer* pBuffer, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData) { // If the buffer is mapped, we can write data directly // to the mapped memory region instead of doing it on // the GPU. Same goes for zero-initialization. DxvkBufferSlice bufferSlice = pBuffer->GetBufferSlice(); if (pInitialData != nullptr && pInitialData->pSysMem != nullptr) { std::memcpy( bufferSlice.mapPtr(0), pInitialData->pSysMem, bufferSlice.length()); } else { std::memset( bufferSlice.mapPtr(0), 0, bufferSlice.length()); } } void D3D11Initializer::InitDeviceLocalTexture( D3D11CommonTexture* pTexture, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); Rc image = pTexture->GetImage(); auto mapMode = pTexture->GetMapMode(); auto desc = pTexture->Desc(); VkFormat packedFormat = m_parent->LookupPackedFormat(desc->Format, pTexture->GetFormatMode()).Format; auto formatInfo = imageFormatInfo(packedFormat); if (pInitialData != nullptr && pInitialData->pSysMem != nullptr) { // pInitialData is an array that stores an entry for // every single subresource. Since we will define all // subresources, this counts as initialization. for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < desc->ArraySize; layer++) { for (uint32_t level = 0; level < desc->MipLevels; level++) { const uint32_t id = D3D11CalcSubresource( level, layer, desc->MipLevels); VkOffset3D mipLevelOffset = { 0, 0, 0 }; VkExtent3D mipLevelExtent = pTexture->MipLevelExtent(level); if (mapMode != D3D11_COMMON_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_STAGING) { m_transferCommands += 1; m_transferMemory += pTexture->GetSubresourceLayout(formatInfo->aspectMask, id).Size; VkImageSubresourceLayers subresourceLayers; subresourceLayers.aspectMask = formatInfo->aspectMask; subresourceLayers.mipLevel = level; subresourceLayers.baseArrayLayer = layer; subresourceLayers.layerCount = 1; if (formatInfo->aspectMask != (VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT | VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT)) { m_context->uploadImage( image, subresourceLayers, pInitialData[id].pSysMem, pInitialData[id].SysMemPitch, pInitialData[id].SysMemSlicePitch); } else { m_context->updateDepthStencilImage( image, subresourceLayers, VkOffset2D { mipLevelOffset.x, mipLevelOffset.y }, VkExtent2D { mipLevelExtent.width, mipLevelExtent.height }, pInitialData[id].pSysMem, pInitialData[id].SysMemPitch, pInitialData[id].SysMemSlicePitch, packedFormat); } } if (mapMode != D3D11_COMMON_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_NONE) { util::packImageData(pTexture->GetMappedBuffer(id)->mapPtr(0), pInitialData[id].pSysMem, pInitialData[id].SysMemPitch, pInitialData[id].SysMemSlicePitch, 0, 0, pTexture->GetVkImageType(), mipLevelExtent, 1, formatInfo, formatInfo->aspectMask); } } } } else { if (mapMode != D3D11_COMMON_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_STAGING) { m_transferCommands += 1; // While the Microsoft docs state that resource contents are // undefined if no initial data is provided, some applications // expect a resource to be pre-cleared. We can only do that // for non-compressed images, but that should be fine. VkImageSubresourceRange subresources; subresources.aspectMask = formatInfo->aspectMask; subresources.baseMipLevel = 0; subresources.levelCount = desc->MipLevels; subresources.baseArrayLayer = 0; subresources.layerCount = desc->ArraySize; if (formatInfo->flags.any(DxvkFormatFlag::BlockCompressed, DxvkFormatFlag::MultiPlane)) { m_context->clearCompressedColorImage(image, subresources); } else { if (subresources.aspectMask == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT) { VkClearColorValue value = { }; m_context->clearColorImage( image, value, subresources); } else { VkClearDepthStencilValue value; value.depth = 0.0f; value.stencil = 0; m_context->clearDepthStencilImage( image, value, subresources); } } } if (mapMode != D3D11_COMMON_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_NONE) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pTexture->CountSubresources(); i++) { auto buffer = pTexture->GetMappedBuffer(i); std::memset(buffer->mapPtr(0), 0, buffer->info().size); } } } FlushImplicit(); } void D3D11Initializer::InitHostVisibleTexture( D3D11CommonTexture* pTexture, const D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA* pInitialData) { Rc image = pTexture->GetImage(); for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < image->info().numLayers; layer++) { for (uint32_t level = 0; level < image->info().mipLevels; level++) { VkImageSubresource subresource; subresource.aspectMask = image->formatInfo()->aspectMask; subresource.mipLevel = level; subresource.arrayLayer = layer; VkExtent3D blockCount = util::computeBlockCount( image->mipLevelExtent(level), image->formatInfo()->blockSize); VkSubresourceLayout layout = image->querySubresourceLayout(subresource); auto initialData = pInitialData ? &pInitialData[D3D11CalcSubresource(level, layer, image->info().mipLevels)] : nullptr; for (uint32_t z = 0; z < blockCount.depth; z++) { for (uint32_t y = 0; y < blockCount.height; y++) { auto size = blockCount.width * image->formatInfo()->elementSize; auto dst = image->mapPtr(layout.offset + y * layout.rowPitch + z * layout.depthPitch); if (initialData) { auto src = reinterpret_cast(initialData->pSysMem) + y * initialData->SysMemPitch + z * initialData->SysMemSlicePitch; std::memcpy(dst, src, size); } else { std::memset(dst, 0, size); } } } } } // Initialize the image on the GPU std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); VkImageSubresourceRange subresources = image->getAvailableSubresources(); m_context->initImage(image, subresources, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PREINITIALIZED); m_transferCommands += 1; FlushImplicit(); } void D3D11Initializer::FlushImplicit() { if (m_transferCommands > MaxTransferCommands || m_transferMemory > MaxTransferMemory) FlushInternal(); } void D3D11Initializer::FlushInternal() { m_context->flushCommandList(); m_transferCommands = 0; m_transferMemory = 0; } }