Please describe your issue as accurately as possible. If you run into a problem with a binary release, make sure to test with latest `master` as well.

**Important:** When reporting an issue with a specific game or application, such as crashes or rendering issues, please include log files and a D3D11 Apitrace (see so that the issue can be reproduced. In order to create a trace, run `wine apitrace.exe trace -a dxgi YOURGAME.exe`. DO NOT use DXVK together with apitrace!

### Software information
Name of the game, settings used etc.

### System information
- GPU:
- Driver:
- Wine version: 
- DXVK version: 

### Apitrace file(s)
- Put a link here

### Log files
- d3d11.log:
- dxgi.log: