#pragma once #include "../dxvk/dxvk_device.h" #include "d3d9_device_child.h" #include "d3d9_format.h" namespace dxvk { /** * \brief Buffer map mode */ enum D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE { D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE_BUFFER, D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE_DIRECT }; /** * \brief Common buffer descriptor */ struct D3D9_BUFFER_DESC { D3DRESOURCETYPE Type; UINT Size; DWORD Usage; D3D9Format Format; D3DPOOL Pool; DWORD FVF; }; /** * \brief The type of buffer you want to use */ enum D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_TYPE { D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_TYPE_MAPPING, D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_TYPE_STAGING, D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_TYPE_REAL }; struct D3D9Range { D3D9Range() { Clear(); } D3D9Range(uint32_t min, uint32_t max) : min(min), max(max) { } inline bool IsDegenerate() { return min == max; } inline void Conjoin(D3D9Range range) { if (IsDegenerate()) *this = range; else { min = std::min(range.min, min); max = std::max(range.max, max); } } inline bool Overlaps(D3D9Range range) { if (IsDegenerate()) return false; return range.max > min && range.min < max; } inline void Clear() { min = 0; max = 0; } uint32_t min = 0; uint32_t max = 0; }; class D3D9CommonBuffer { static constexpr VkDeviceSize BufferSliceAlignment = 64; public: D3D9CommonBuffer( D3D9DeviceEx* pDevice, const D3D9_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc); HRESULT Lock( UINT OffsetToLock, UINT SizeToLock, void** ppbData, DWORD Flags); HRESULT Unlock(); /** * \brief Determine the mapping mode of the buffer, (ie. direct mapping or backed) */ inline D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE DetermineMapMode(const D3D9Options* options) const { return (m_desc.Pool == D3DPOOL_DEFAULT && (m_desc.Usage & (D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC | D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY)) && options->allowDirectBufferMapping) ? D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE_DIRECT : D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE_BUFFER; } /** * \brief Get the mapping mode of the buffer, (ie. direct mapping or backed) */ inline D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE GetMapMode() const { return m_mapMode; } /** * \brief Abstraction for getting a type of buffer (mapping/staging/the real buffer) across mapping modes. */ template inline const Rc& GetBuffer() const { if constexpr (Type == D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_TYPE_MAPPING) return GetMapBuffer(); else if constexpr (Type == D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_TYPE_STAGING) return GetStagingBuffer(); else //if constexpr (Type == D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_TYPE_REAL) return GetRealBuffer(); } template inline DxvkBufferSlice GetBufferSlice() const { return GetBufferSlice(0, m_desc.Size); } template inline DxvkBufferSlice GetBufferSlice(VkDeviceSize offset) const { return GetBufferSlice(offset, m_desc.Size - offset); } template inline DxvkBufferSlice GetBufferSlice(VkDeviceSize offset, VkDeviceSize length) const { return DxvkBufferSlice(GetBuffer(), offset, length); } inline DxvkBufferSliceHandle AllocMapSlice() { return GetMapBuffer()->allocSlice(); } inline DxvkBufferSliceHandle DiscardMapSlice() { m_sliceHandle = GetMapBuffer()->allocSlice(); return m_sliceHandle; } inline DxvkBufferSliceHandle GetMappedSlice() const { return m_sliceHandle; } inline DWORD GetMapFlags() const { return m_mapFlags; } inline void SetMapFlags(DWORD Flags) { m_mapFlags = Flags; } inline const D3D9_BUFFER_DESC* Desc() const { return &m_desc; } static HRESULT ValidateBufferProperties(const D3D9_BUFFER_DESC* pDesc); /** * \brief The range of the buffer that was changed using Lock calls */ inline D3D9Range& DirtyRange() { return m_dirtyRange; } /** * \brief The range of the buffer that might currently be read by the GPU */ inline D3D9Range& GPUReadingRange() { return m_gpuReadingRange; } /** * \brief Whether or not the buffer was written to by the GPU (in IDirect3DDevice9::ProcessVertices) */ inline bool WasWrittenByGPU() const { return m_wasWrittenByGPU; } /** * \brief Sets whether or not the buffer was written to by the GPU */ inline void SetWrittenByGPU(bool state) { m_wasWrittenByGPU = state; } inline uint32_t IncrementLockCount() { return ++m_lockCount; } inline uint32_t DecrementLockCount() { if (m_lockCount == 0) return 0; return --m_lockCount; } inline uint32_t GetLockCount() const { return m_lockCount; } /** * \brief Whether or not the staging buffer needs to be copied to the actual buffer */ inline bool NeedsUpload() { return m_desc.Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT && !m_dirtyRange.IsDegenerate(); } inline bool DoesStagingBufferUploads() const { return m_uploadUsingStaging; } inline void EnableStagingBufferUploads() { if (GetMapMode() != D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE_BUFFER) return; m_uploadUsingStaging = true; } void PreLoad(); /** * \brief Tracks sequence number * * Stores which CS chunk the resource was last used on. * \param [in] Seq Sequence number */ void TrackMappingBufferSequenceNumber(uint64_t Seq) { m_seq = Seq; } /** * \brief Queries sequence number for a given subresource * * Returns which CS chunk the resource was last used on. * \param [in] Subresource Subresource index * \returns Sequence number for the given subresource */ uint64_t GetMappingBufferSequenceNumber() const { return m_seq; } private: Rc CreateBuffer() const; Rc CreateStagingBuffer() const; inline const Rc& GetMapBuffer() const { return m_stagingBuffer != nullptr ? m_stagingBuffer : m_buffer; } inline const Rc& GetStagingBuffer() const { return m_stagingBuffer; } inline const Rc& GetRealBuffer() const { return m_buffer; } D3D9DeviceEx* m_parent; const D3D9_BUFFER_DESC m_desc; DWORD m_mapFlags; bool m_wasWrittenByGPU = false; bool m_uploadUsingStaging = false; D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE m_mapMode; Rc m_buffer; Rc m_stagingBuffer; DxvkBufferSliceHandle m_sliceHandle; D3D9Range m_dirtyRange; D3D9Range m_gpuReadingRange; uint32_t m_lockCount = 0; uint64_t m_seq = 0ull; }; }