#include #include "d3d9_initializer.h" namespace dxvk { D3D9Initializer::D3D9Initializer( const Rc& Device) : m_device(Device), m_context(m_device->createContext(DxvkContextType::Supplementary)) { m_context->beginRecording( m_device->createCommandList()); } D3D9Initializer::~D3D9Initializer() { } void D3D9Initializer::Flush() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); if (m_transferCommands != 0) FlushInternal(); } void D3D9Initializer::InitBuffer( D3D9CommonBuffer* pBuffer) { VkMemoryPropertyFlags memFlags = pBuffer->GetBuffer()->memFlags(); (memFlags & VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_VISIBLE_BIT) ? InitHostVisibleBuffer(pBuffer->GetBufferSlice()) : InitDeviceLocalBuffer(pBuffer->GetBufferSlice()); if (pBuffer->GetMapMode() == D3D9_COMMON_BUFFER_MAP_MODE_BUFFER) InitHostVisibleBuffer(pBuffer->GetBufferSlice()); } void D3D9Initializer::InitTexture( D3D9CommonTexture* pTexture, void* pInitialData) { if (pTexture->GetMapMode() == D3D9_COMMON_TEXTURE_MAP_MODE_NONE) return; void* mapPtr = nullptr; if (pTexture->Desc()->Pool != D3DPOOL_DEFAULT) { mapPtr = pTexture->GetData(0); if (mapPtr == nullptr) throw DxvkError("D3D9: InitTexture: map failed"); } if (pTexture->GetImage() != nullptr) InitDeviceLocalTexture(pTexture); if (mapPtr != nullptr) { InitHostVisibleTexture(pTexture, pInitialData, mapPtr); pTexture->UnmapData(); } } void D3D9Initializer::InitDeviceLocalBuffer( DxvkBufferSlice Slice) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); m_transferCommands += 1; m_context->initBuffer( Slice.buffer()); FlushImplicit(); } void D3D9Initializer::InitHostVisibleBuffer( DxvkBufferSlice Slice) { // If the buffer is mapped, we can write data directly // to the mapped memory region instead of doing it on // the GPU. Same goes for zero-initialization. std::memset( Slice.mapPtr(0), 0, Slice.length()); } void D3D9Initializer::InitDeviceLocalTexture( D3D9CommonTexture* pTexture) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); auto InitImage = [&](Rc image) { if (image == nullptr) return; auto formatInfo = lookupFormatInfo(image->info().format); m_transferCommands += 1; // While the Microsoft docs state that resource contents are // undefined if no initial data is provided, some applications // expect a resource to be pre-cleared. VkImageSubresourceRange subresources; subresources.aspectMask = formatInfo->aspectMask; subresources.baseMipLevel = 0; subresources.levelCount = image->info().mipLevels; subresources.baseArrayLayer = 0; subresources.layerCount = image->info().numLayers; m_context->initImage(image, subresources, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED); }; InitImage(pTexture->GetImage()); FlushImplicit(); } void D3D9Initializer::InitHostVisibleTexture( D3D9CommonTexture* pTexture, void* pInitialData, void* mapPtr) { // If the buffer is mapped, we can write data directly // to the mapped memory region instead of doing it on // the GPU. Same goes for zero-initialization. if (pInitialData) { // Initial data is only supported for textures with 1 subresource VkExtent3D mipExtent = pTexture->GetExtentMip(0); const DxvkFormatInfo* formatInfo = lookupFormatInfo(pTexture->GetFormatMapping().FormatColor); VkExtent3D blockCount = util::computeBlockCount(mipExtent, formatInfo->blockSize); uint32_t pitch = blockCount.width * formatInfo->elementSize; uint32_t alignedPitch = align(pitch, 4); util::packImageData( mapPtr, pInitialData, pitch, pitch * blockCount.height, alignedPitch, alignedPitch * blockCount.height, D3D9CommonTexture::GetImageTypeFromResourceType(pTexture->GetType()), mipExtent, pTexture->Desc()->ArraySize, formatInfo, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT); } else { // All subresources are allocated in one chunk of memory. // So we can just get the pointer for subresource 0 and memset all of them at once. std::memset( mapPtr, 0, pTexture->GetTotalSize()); } } void D3D9Initializer::FlushImplicit() { if (m_transferCommands > MaxTransferCommands || m_transferMemory > MaxTransferMemory) FlushInternal(); } void D3D9Initializer::FlushInternal() { m_context->flushCommandList(nullptr); m_transferCommands = 0; m_transferMemory = 0; } }