#include "d3d9_query.h" #include "d3d9_device.h" namespace dxvk { D3D9Query::D3D9Query( D3D9DeviceEx* pDevice, D3DQUERYTYPE QueryType) : D3D9DeviceChild(pDevice) , m_queryType (QueryType) , m_state (D3D9_VK_QUERY_INITIAL) { Rc dxvkDevice = m_parent->GetDXVKDevice(); switch (m_queryType) { case D3DQUERYTYPE_VCACHE: break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT: m_event[0] = dxvkDevice->createGpuEvent(); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION: m_query[0] = dxvkDevice->createGpuQuery( VK_QUERY_TYPE_OCCLUSION, VK_QUERY_CONTROL_PRECISE_BIT, 0); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP: m_query[0] = dxvkDevice->createGpuQuery( VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 0, 0); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT: for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_query[i] = dxvkDevice->createGpuQuery( VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, 0, 0); } break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPFREQ: break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS: m_query[0] = dxvkDevice->createGpuQuery( VK_QUERY_TYPE_PIPELINE_STATISTICS, 0, 0); break; default: throw DxvkError(str::format("D3D9Query: Unsupported query type ", m_queryType)); } } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Query::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { if (ppvObject == nullptr) return E_POINTER; *ppvObject = nullptr; if (riid == __uuidof(IUnknown) || riid == __uuidof(IDirect3DQuery9)) { *ppvObject = ref(this); return S_OK; } if (logQueryInterfaceError(__uuidof(IDirect3DQuery9), riid)) { Logger::warn("D3D9Query::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query"); Logger::warn(str::format(riid)); } return E_NOINTERFACE; } D3DQUERYTYPE STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Query::GetType() { return m_queryType; } DWORD STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Query::GetDataSize() { switch (m_queryType) { case D3DQUERYTYPE_VCACHE: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_VCACHE); case D3DQUERYTYPE_RESOURCEMANAGER: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_RESOURCEMANAGER); case D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_D3DVERTEXSTATS); case D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT: return sizeof(BOOL); case D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION: return sizeof(DWORD); case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP: return sizeof(UINT64); case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT: return sizeof(BOOL); case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPFREQ: return sizeof(UINT64); case D3DQUERYTYPE_PIPELINETIMINGS: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_D3D9PIPELINETIMINGS); case D3DQUERYTYPE_INTERFACETIMINGS: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_D3D9INTERFACETIMINGS); case D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXTIMINGS: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_D3D9STAGETIMINGS); case D3DQUERYTYPE_PIXELTIMINGS: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_D3D9PIPELINETIMINGS); case D3DQUERYTYPE_BANDWIDTHTIMINGS: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_D3D9BANDWIDTHTIMINGS); case D3DQUERYTYPE_CACHEUTILIZATION: return sizeof(D3DDEVINFO_D3D9CACHEUTILIZATION); default: return 0; } } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Query::Issue(DWORD dwIssueFlags) { // Note: No need to submit to CS if we don't do anything! if (dwIssueFlags == D3DISSUE_BEGIN) { if (QueryBeginnable(m_queryType)) { if (m_state == D3D9_VK_QUERY_BEGUN && QueryEndable(m_queryType)) { m_resetCtr.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire); m_parent->End(this); } m_parent->Begin(this); m_state = D3D9_VK_QUERY_BEGUN; } } else { if (QueryEndable(m_queryType)) { if (m_state != D3D9_VK_QUERY_BEGUN && QueryBeginnable(m_queryType)) m_parent->Begin(this); m_resetCtr.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acquire); m_parent->End(this); } m_state = D3D9_VK_QUERY_ENDED; } return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Query::GetData(void* pData, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwGetDataFlags) { if (m_state == D3D9_VK_QUERY_CACHED) { // Query data was already retrieved once. // Use cached query data to prevent having to check the VK event // and having to iterate over the VK queries again if (likely(pData && dwSize)) { if (m_queryType != D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT) { memcpy(pData, &m_dataCache, dwSize); } else { *static_cast(pData) = true; } } return D3D_OK; } HRESULT hr = this->GetQueryData(pData, dwSize); bool flush = dwGetDataFlags & D3DGETDATA_FLUSH; // If we get S_FALSE and it's not from the fact // they didn't call end, do some flushy stuff... if (flush && hr == S_FALSE && m_state != D3D9_VK_QUERY_BEGUN) { this->NotifyStall(); m_parent->FlushImplicit(FALSE); } return hr; } HRESULT D3D9Query::GetQueryData(void* pData, DWORD dwSize) { // Let the game know that calling end might be a good idea... if (m_state == D3D9_VK_QUERY_BEGUN) return S_FALSE; if (unlikely(!pData && dwSize)) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; // The game forgot to even issue the query! // Let's do it for them... // This will issue both the begin, and the end. if (m_state == D3D9_VK_QUERY_INITIAL) this->Issue(D3DISSUE_END); if (m_resetCtr != 0u) return S_FALSE; if (m_queryType == D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT) { DxvkGpuEventStatus status = m_event[0]->test(); if (status == DxvkGpuEventStatus::Invalid) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; bool signaled = status == DxvkGpuEventStatus::Signaled; if (pData != nullptr) *static_cast(pData) = signaled; if (signaled) { m_state = D3D9_VK_QUERY_CACHED; return D3D_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } } else { std::array queryData = { }; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MaxGpuQueries && m_query[i] != nullptr; i++) { DxvkGpuQueryStatus status = m_query[i]->getData(queryData[i]); if (status == DxvkGpuQueryStatus::Invalid || status == DxvkGpuQueryStatus::Failed) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if (status == DxvkGpuQueryStatus::Pending) return S_FALSE; } if (pData == nullptr) return D3D_OK; switch (m_queryType) { case D3DQUERYTYPE_VCACHE: // Don't know what the hell any of this means. // Nor do I care. This just makes games work. m_dataCache.VCache.Pattern = MAKEFOURCC('H', 'C', 'A', 'C'); m_dataCache.VCache.OptMethod = 1; m_dataCache.VCache.CacheSize = 24; m_dataCache.VCache.MagicNumber = 20; break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION: m_dataCache.Occlusion = DWORD(queryData[0].occlusion.samplesPassed); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP: m_dataCache.Timestamp = queryData[0].timestamp.time; break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT: m_dataCache.TimestampDisjoint = queryData[0].timestamp.time < queryData[1].timestamp.time; break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPFREQ: m_dataCache.TimestampFreq = GetTimestampQueryFrequency(); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS: m_dataCache.VertexStats.NumRenderedTriangles = queryData[0].statistic.iaPrimitives; m_dataCache.VertexStats.NumExtraClippingTriangles = queryData[0].statistic.clipPrimitives; break; default: break; } if (likely(pData && dwSize)) memcpy(pData, &m_dataCache, dwSize); m_state = D3D9_VK_QUERY_CACHED; return D3D_OK; } } UINT64 D3D9Query::GetTimestampQueryFrequency() const { Rc device = m_parent->GetDXVKDevice(); Rc adapter = device->adapter(); VkPhysicalDeviceLimits limits = adapter->deviceProperties().limits; return uint64_t(1'000'000'000.0f / limits.timestampPeriod); } void D3D9Query::Begin(DxvkContext* ctx) { switch (m_queryType) { case D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION: case D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS: ctx->beginQuery(m_query[0]); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT: ctx->writeTimestamp(m_query[1]); break; default: break; } } void D3D9Query::End(DxvkContext* ctx) { switch (m_queryType) { case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP: case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT: ctx->writeTimestamp(m_query[0]); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS: case D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION: ctx->endQuery(m_query[0]); break; case D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT: ctx->signalGpuEvent(m_event[0]); break; default: break; } m_resetCtr.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_release); } bool D3D9Query::QueryBeginnable(D3DQUERYTYPE QueryType) { return QueryType == D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION || QueryType == D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS || QueryType == D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT; } bool D3D9Query::QueryEndable(D3DQUERYTYPE QueryType) { return QueryBeginnable(QueryType) || QueryType == D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP || QueryType == D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT; } HRESULT D3D9Query::QuerySupported(D3D9DeviceEx* pDevice, D3DQUERYTYPE QueryType) { switch (QueryType) { case D3DQUERYTYPE_VCACHE: if (!pDevice->GetOptions()->supportVCache) return D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE; return D3D_OK; case D3DQUERYTYPE_EVENT: case D3DQUERYTYPE_OCCLUSION: case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP: case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPDISJOINT: case D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPFREQ: case D3DQUERYTYPE_VERTEXSTATS: return D3D_OK; default: return D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE; } } }