#include "d3d9_volume.h" #include "d3d9_device.h" #include "d3d9_texture.h" namespace dxvk { D3D9Volume::D3D9Volume( D3D9DeviceEx* pDevice, const D3D9_COMMON_TEXTURE_DESC* pDesc) : D3D9VolumeBase( pDevice, new D3D9CommonTexture( pDevice, this, pDesc, D3DRTYPE_VOLUMETEXTURE, nullptr ), 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr) { } D3D9Volume::D3D9Volume( D3D9DeviceEx* pDevice, D3D9CommonTexture* pTexture, UINT Face, UINT MipLevel, IDirect3DBaseTexture9* pContainer) : D3D9VolumeBase( pDevice, pTexture, Face, MipLevel, pContainer, pContainer) { } void D3D9Volume::AddRefPrivate() { // Can't have a swapchain container for a volume. if (m_baseTexture != nullptr) { static_cast(m_baseTexture)->AddRefPrivate(); return; } D3D9VolumeBase::AddRefPrivate(); } void D3D9Volume::ReleasePrivate() { // Can't have a swapchain container for a volume. if (m_baseTexture != nullptr) { static_cast(m_baseTexture)->ReleasePrivate(); return; } D3D9VolumeBase::ReleasePrivate(); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Volume::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { if (ppvObject == nullptr) return E_POINTER; *ppvObject = nullptr; if (riid == __uuidof(IUnknown) || riid == __uuidof(IDirect3DResource9) || riid == __uuidof(IDirect3DVolume9)) { *ppvObject = ref(this); return S_OK; } Logger::warn("D3D9Volume::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query"); Logger::warn(str::format(riid)); return E_NOINTERFACE; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Volume::GetDesc(D3DVOLUME_DESC *pDesc) { if (pDesc == nullptr) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; auto& desc = *(m_texture->Desc()); pDesc->Format = static_cast(desc.Format); pDesc->Type = D3DRTYPE_VOLUME; pDesc->Usage = desc.Usage; pDesc->Pool = desc.Pool; pDesc->Width = std::max(1u, desc.Width >> m_mipLevel); pDesc->Height = std::max(1u, desc.Height >> m_mipLevel); pDesc->Depth = std::max(1u, desc.Depth >> m_mipLevel); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Volume::LockBox(D3DLOCKED_BOX* pLockedBox, CONST D3DBOX* pBox, DWORD Flags) { if (unlikely(pLockedBox == nullptr)) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; return m_parent->LockImage( m_texture, m_face, m_mipLevel, pLockedBox, pBox, Flags); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9Volume::UnlockBox() { return m_parent->UnlockImage( m_texture, m_face, m_mipLevel); } }