#include "d3d9_mem.h" #include "../util/util_string.h" #include "../util/util_math.h" #include "../util/log/log.h" #include "../util/util_likely.h" #include #include #ifdef D3D9_ALLOW_UNMAPPING #include #else #include #endif namespace dxvk { #ifdef D3D9_ALLOW_UNMAPPING D3D9MemoryAllocator::D3D9MemoryAllocator() { SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo; GetSystemInfo(&sysInfo); m_allocationGranularity = sysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity; } D3D9Memory D3D9MemoryAllocator::Alloc(uint32_t Size) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); uint32_t alignedSize = align(Size, CACHE_LINE_SIZE); for (auto& chunk : m_chunks) { D3D9Memory memory = chunk->Alloc(alignedSize); if (memory) { m_usedMemory += memory.GetSize(); return memory; } } uint32_t chunkSize = std::max(D3D9ChunkSize, alignedSize); m_allocatedMemory += chunkSize; D3D9MemoryChunk* chunk = new D3D9MemoryChunk(this, chunkSize); std::unique_ptr uniqueChunk(chunk); D3D9Memory memory = uniqueChunk->Alloc(alignedSize); m_usedMemory += memory.GetSize(); m_chunks.push_back(std::move(uniqueChunk)); return memory; } void D3D9MemoryAllocator::FreeChunk(D3D9MemoryChunk *Chunk) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); m_allocatedMemory -= Chunk->Size(); m_chunks.erase(std::remove_if(m_chunks.begin(), m_chunks.end(), [&](auto& item) { return item.get() == Chunk; }), m_chunks.end()); } void D3D9MemoryAllocator::NotifyMapped(uint32_t Size) { m_mappedMemory += Size; } void D3D9MemoryAllocator::NotifyUnmapped(uint32_t Size) { m_mappedMemory -= Size; } void D3D9MemoryAllocator::NotifyFreed(uint32_t Size) { m_usedMemory -= Size; } uint32_t D3D9MemoryAllocator::MappedMemory() { return m_mappedMemory.load(); } uint32_t D3D9MemoryAllocator::UsedMemory() { return m_usedMemory.load(); } uint32_t D3D9MemoryAllocator::AllocatedMemory() { return m_allocatedMemory.load(); } D3D9MemoryChunk::D3D9MemoryChunk(D3D9MemoryAllocator* Allocator, uint32_t Size) : m_allocator(Allocator), m_size(Size), m_mappingGranularity(m_allocator->MemoryGranularity() * 16) { m_mapping = CreateFileMappingA(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE | SEC_COMMIT, 0, Size, nullptr); m_freeRanges.push_back({ 0, Size }); m_mappingRanges.resize(((Size + m_mappingGranularity - 1) / m_mappingGranularity)); } D3D9MemoryChunk::~D3D9MemoryChunk() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); CloseHandle(m_mapping); } void* D3D9MemoryChunk::Map(D3D9Memory* memory) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); uint32_t alignedOffset = alignDown(memory->GetOffset(), m_mappingGranularity); uint32_t alignmentDelta = memory->GetOffset() - alignedOffset; uint32_t alignedSize = memory->GetSize() + alignmentDelta; if (alignedSize > m_mappingGranularity) { // The allocation crosses the boundary of the internal mapping page it's a part of // so we map it on it's own. alignedOffset = alignDown(memory->GetOffset(), m_allocator->MemoryGranularity()); alignmentDelta = memory->GetOffset() - alignedOffset; alignedSize = memory->GetSize() + alignmentDelta; m_allocator->NotifyMapped(alignedSize); uint8_t* basePtr = static_cast(MapViewOfFile(m_mapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, alignedOffset, alignedSize)); if (unlikely(basePtr == nullptr)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); Logger::err(str::format("Mapping non-persisted file failed: ", error, ", Mapped memory: ", m_allocator->MappedMemory())); return nullptr; } return basePtr + alignmentDelta; } // For small allocations we map the entire mapping page to minimize the overhead from having the align the offset to 65k bytes. // This should hopefully also reduce the amount of MapViewOfFile calls we do for tiny allocations. auto& mappingRange = m_mappingRanges[memory->GetOffset() / m_mappingGranularity]; if (unlikely(mappingRange.refCount == 0)) { m_allocator->NotifyMapped(m_mappingGranularity); mappingRange.ptr = static_cast(MapViewOfFile(m_mapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, alignedOffset, m_mappingGranularity)); if (unlikely(mappingRange.ptr == nullptr)) { DWORD error = GetLastError(); LPTSTR buffer = nullptr; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nullptr, error, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL), (LPTSTR)&buffer, 0, nullptr); Logger::err(str::format("Mapping non-persisted file failed: ", error, ", Mapped memory: ", m_allocator->MappedMemory(), ", Msg: ", buffer)); if (buffer) { LocalFree(buffer); } } } mappingRange.refCount++; uint8_t* basePtr = static_cast(mappingRange.ptr); return basePtr + alignmentDelta; } void D3D9MemoryChunk::Unmap(D3D9Memory* memory) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); uint32_t alignedOffset = alignDown(memory->GetOffset(), m_mappingGranularity); uint32_t alignmentDelta = memory->GetOffset() - alignedOffset; uint32_t alignedSize = memory->GetSize() + alignmentDelta; if (alignedSize > m_mappingGranularity) { // Single use mapping alignedOffset = alignDown(memory->GetOffset(), m_allocator->MemoryGranularity()); alignmentDelta = memory->GetOffset() - alignedOffset; alignedSize = memory->GetSize() + alignmentDelta; uint8_t* basePtr = static_cast(memory->Ptr()) - alignmentDelta; UnmapViewOfFile(basePtr); m_allocator->NotifyUnmapped(alignedSize); return; } auto& mappingRange = m_mappingRanges[memory->GetOffset() / m_mappingGranularity]; mappingRange.refCount--; if (unlikely(mappingRange.refCount == 0)) { UnmapViewOfFile(mappingRange.ptr); mappingRange.ptr = nullptr; m_allocator->NotifyUnmapped(m_mappingGranularity); } } D3D9Memory D3D9MemoryChunk::Alloc(uint32_t Size) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); uint32_t offset = 0; uint32_t size = 0; for (auto range = m_freeRanges.begin(); range != m_freeRanges.end(); range++) { if (range->length >= Size) { offset = range->offset; size = Size; range->offset += Size; range->length -= Size; if (range->length < (4 << 10)) { size += range->length; m_freeRanges.erase(range); } break; } } if (size != 0) return D3D9Memory(this, offset, Size); return {}; } void D3D9MemoryChunk::Free(D3D9Memory *Memory) { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); uint32_t offset = Memory->GetOffset(); uint32_t size = Memory->GetSize(); auto curr = m_freeRanges.begin(); // shamelessly stolen from dxvk_memory.cpp while (curr != m_freeRanges.end()) { if (curr->offset == offset + size) { size += curr->length; curr = m_freeRanges.erase(curr); } else if (curr->offset + curr->length == offset) { offset -= curr->length; size += curr->length; curr = m_freeRanges.erase(curr); } else { curr++; } } m_freeRanges.push_back({ offset, size }); m_allocator->NotifyFreed(Memory->GetSize()); } bool D3D9MemoryChunk::IsEmpty() { std::lock_guard lock(m_mutex); return m_freeRanges.size() == 1 && m_freeRanges[0].length == m_size; } D3D9MemoryAllocator* D3D9MemoryChunk::Allocator() const { return m_allocator; } HANDLE D3D9MemoryChunk::FileHandle() const { return m_mapping; } D3D9Memory::D3D9Memory(D3D9MemoryChunk* Chunk, size_t Offset, size_t Size) : m_chunk(Chunk), m_offset(Offset), m_size(Size) {} D3D9Memory::D3D9Memory(D3D9Memory&& other) : m_chunk(std::exchange(other.m_chunk, nullptr)), m_ptr(std::exchange(other.m_ptr, nullptr)), m_offset(std::exchange(other.m_offset, 0)), m_size(std::exchange(other.m_size, 0)) {} D3D9Memory::~D3D9Memory() { this->Free(); } D3D9Memory& D3D9Memory::operator = (D3D9Memory&& other) { this->Free(); m_chunk = std::exchange(other.m_chunk, nullptr); m_ptr = std::exchange(other.m_ptr, nullptr); m_offset = std::exchange(other.m_offset, 0); m_size = std::exchange(other.m_size, 0); return *this; } void D3D9Memory::Free() { if (unlikely(m_chunk == nullptr)) return; if (m_ptr != nullptr) Unmap(); m_chunk->Free(this); if (m_chunk->IsEmpty()) { D3D9MemoryAllocator* allocator = m_chunk->Allocator(); allocator->FreeChunk(m_chunk); } m_chunk = nullptr; } void D3D9Memory::Map() { if (unlikely(m_ptr != nullptr)) return; if (unlikely(m_chunk == nullptr)) return; m_ptr = m_chunk->Map(this); } void D3D9Memory::Unmap() { if (unlikely(m_ptr == nullptr)) return; m_chunk->Unmap(this); m_ptr = nullptr; } void* D3D9Memory::Ptr() { return m_ptr; } #else D3D9Memory D3D9MemoryAllocator::Alloc(uint32_t Size) { D3D9Memory memory(this, Size); m_allocatedMemory += Size; return memory; } uint32_t D3D9MemoryAllocator::MappedMemory() { return m_allocatedMemory.load(); } uint32_t D3D9MemoryAllocator::UsedMemory() { return m_allocatedMemory.load(); } uint32_t D3D9MemoryAllocator::AllocatedMemory() { return m_allocatedMemory.load(); } D3D9Memory::D3D9Memory(D3D9MemoryAllocator* pAllocator, size_t Size) : m_allocator (pAllocator), m_ptr (malloc(Size)), m_size (Size) {} D3D9Memory::D3D9Memory(D3D9Memory&& other) : m_allocator(std::exchange(other.m_allocator, nullptr)), m_ptr(std::exchange(other.m_ptr, nullptr)), m_size(std::exchange(other.m_size, 0)) {} D3D9Memory::~D3D9Memory() { this->Free(); } D3D9Memory& D3D9Memory::operator = (D3D9Memory&& other) { this->Free(); m_allocator = std::exchange(other.m_allocator, nullptr); m_ptr = std::exchange(other.m_ptr, nullptr); m_size = std::exchange(other.m_size, 0); return *this; } void D3D9Memory::Free() { if (m_ptr == nullptr) return; free(m_ptr); m_ptr = nullptr; m_allocator->NotifyFreed(m_size); } #endif }