# DXVK Provides a Vulkan-based implementation of DXGI and D3D11 in order to run 3D applications on Linux using Wine. For the current status of the project, please refer to the [project wiki](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/wiki). ## Build instructions ### Requirements: - [wine-staging](https://wine-staging.com/) for Vulkan support - [Meson](http://mesonbuild.com/) build system - [MinGW64](http://mingw-w64.org/) compiler and headers - [SDL2](https://www.libsdl.org/) headers and DLL ### Building DLLs Inside the dxvk directory, run: ``` meson --cross-file build-win64.txt build.w64 cd build.w64 meson configure -Dprefix=/your/directory ninja ninja install ``` Both `dxgi.dll` and `d3d11.dll`as well as some demo executables will be located in `/your/directory/bin`. 32-bit builds are currently not supported. ## How to use In order to run `executable.exe` with DXVK, * Copy `dxgi.dll`, `d3d11.dll` and `SDL2.dll` into the same directory as the executable * Run `WINEDLLOVERRIDES=d3d11,dxgi=n wine executable.exe` DXVK will create a file `dxgi.log` in the current working directory and may print out messages to stderr. ### Environment variables The behaviour of DXVK can be modified with environment variables. - `DXVK_SHADER_DUMP_PATH=directory` Writes all DXBC and SPIR-V shaders to the given directory - `DXVK_SHADER_READS_PATH=directory` Reads SPIR-V shaders from the given directory instead of compiling the DXBC shader. - `DXVK_DEBUG_LAYERS=1` Enables Vulkan debug layers. Highly recommended for troubleshooting and debugging purposes. ## Samples and executables In addition to the DLLs, the following standalone programs are included in the project: - `d3d11-triangle`: Renders a triangle using D3D11. Requires native `d3dcompiler_47.dll`. - `dxgi-factory`: Enumerates DXGI adapters and outputs for debugging purposes. - `dxbc-dcompiler`: Compiles a DXBC shader to SPIR-V. - `dxbc-disasm`: Disassembles a DXBC shader. Requires native `d3dcompiler_47.dll`. - `dxvk-triangle`: Renders a triangle using pure DXVK, which is the Vulkan-based state tracker that the D3D11 implementation is based on.