#include "d3d9_swapchain.h" #include "d3d9_surface.h" #include "d3d9_monitor.h" #include "d3d9_hud.h" #include "d3d9_window.h" namespace dxvk { static uint16_t MapGammaControlPoint(float x) { if (x < 0.0f) x = 0.0f; if (x > 1.0f) x = 1.0f; return uint16_t(65535.0f * x); } struct D3D9PresentInfo { float scale[2]; float offset[2]; }; D3D9SwapChainEx::D3D9SwapChainEx( D3D9DeviceEx* pDevice, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentParams, const D3DDISPLAYMODEEX* pFullscreenDisplayMode) : D3D9SwapChainExBase(pDevice) , m_device (pDevice->GetDXVKDevice()) , m_frameLatencyCap (pDevice->GetOptions()->maxFrameLatency) , m_swapchainExt (this) { this->NormalizePresentParameters(pPresentParams); m_presentParams = *pPresentParams; m_window = m_presentParams.hDeviceWindow; UpdateWindowCtx(); UpdatePresentRegion(nullptr, nullptr); if (FAILED(CreateBackBuffers(m_presentParams.BackBufferCount, m_presentParams.Flags))) throw DxvkError("D3D9: Failed to create swapchain backbuffers"); CreateBlitter(); InitRamp(); // Apply initial window mode and fullscreen state if (!m_presentParams.Windowed && FAILED(EnterFullscreenMode(pPresentParams, pFullscreenDisplayMode))) throw DxvkError("D3D9: Failed to set initial fullscreen state"); } D3D9SwapChainEx::~D3D9SwapChainEx() { // Avoids hanging when in this state, see comment // in DxvkDevice::~DxvkDevice. if (this_thread::isInModuleDetachment()) return; { // Locking here and in Device::GetFrontBufferData // ensures that other threads don't accidentally access a stale pointer. D3D9DeviceLock lock = m_parent->LockDevice(); if (m_parent->GetMostRecentlyUsedSwapchain() == this) { m_parent->ResetMostRecentlyUsedSwapchain(); } } DestroyBackBuffers(); ResetWindowProc(m_window); RestoreDisplayMode(m_monitor); for (auto& p : m_presenters) { if (p.second.presenter) { p.second.presenter->destroyResources(); p.second.presenter = nullptr; } } m_parent->DecrementLosableCounter(); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { if (ppvObject == nullptr) return E_POINTER; *ppvObject = nullptr; if (riid == __uuidof(IUnknown) || riid == __uuidof(IDirect3DSwapChain9) || (GetParent()->IsExtended() && riid == __uuidof(IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex))) { *ppvObject = ref(this); return S_OK; } if (riid == __uuidof(ID3D9VkExtSwapchain)) { *ppvObject = ref(&m_swapchainExt); return S_OK; } if (logQueryInterfaceError(__uuidof(IDirect3DSwapChain9), riid)) { Logger::warn("D3D9SwapChainEx::QueryInterface: Unknown interface query"); Logger::warn(str::format(riid)); } return E_NOINTERFACE; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::Present( const RECT* pSourceRect, const RECT* pDestRect, HWND hDestWindowOverride, const RGNDATA* pDirtyRegion, DWORD dwFlags) { D3D9DeviceLock lock = m_parent->LockDevice(); m_parent->SetMostRecentlyUsedSwapchain(this); if (unlikely(m_parent->IsDeviceLost())) return D3DERR_DEVICELOST; // If we have no backbuffers, error out. // This handles the case where a ::Reset failed due to OOM // or whatever. // I am not sure what the actual HRESULT returned here is // or should be, but it is better than crashing... probably! if (m_backBuffers.empty()) return D3D_OK; uint32_t presentInterval = m_presentParams.PresentationInterval; // This is not true directly in d3d9 to to timing differences that don't matter for us. // For our purposes... // D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_DEFAULT (0) == D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE (1) which means VSYNC. presentInterval = std::max(presentInterval, 1u); if (presentInterval == D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_IMMEDIATE || (dwFlags & D3DPRESENT_FORCEIMMEDIATE)) presentInterval = 0; auto options = m_parent->GetOptions(); if (options->presentInterval >= 0) presentInterval = options->presentInterval; m_window = m_presentParams.hDeviceWindow; if (hDestWindowOverride != nullptr) m_window = hDestWindowOverride; if (!UpdateWindowCtx()) return D3D_OK; if (options->deferSurfaceCreation && m_parent->IsDeviceReset()) m_wctx->presenter->invalidateSurface(); m_wctx->presenter->setSyncInterval(presentInterval); UpdatePresentRegion(pSourceRect, pDestRect); UpdatePresentParameters(); #ifdef _WIN32 const bool useGDIFallback = m_partialCopy && !HasFrontBuffer(); if (useGDIFallback) return PresentImageGDI(m_window); #endif try { // We aren't going to device loss simply because // 99% of D3D9 games don't handle this properly and // just end up crashing (like with alt-tab loss) UpdateTargetFrameRate(presentInterval); PresentImage(presentInterval); return D3D_OK; } catch (const DxvkError& e) { Logger::err(e.message()); #ifdef _WIN32 return PresentImageGDI(m_window); #else return D3DERR_DEVICEREMOVED; #endif } } #ifdef _WIN32 #define DCX_USESTYLE 0x00010000 HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::PresentImageGDI(HWND Window) { m_parent->EndFrame(); m_parent->Flush(); if (!std::exchange(m_warnedAboutGDIFallback, true)) Logger::warn("Using GDI for swapchain presentation. This will impact performance."); HDC hDC; HRESULT result = m_backBuffers[0]->GetDC(&hDC); if (result) { Logger::err("D3D9SwapChainEx::BlitGDI Surface GetDC failed"); return D3DERR_DEVICEREMOVED; } HDC dstDC = GetDCEx(Window, 0, DCX_CACHE | DCX_USESTYLE); if (!dstDC) { Logger::err("D3D9SwapChainEx::BlitGDI: GetDCEx failed"); m_backBuffers[0]->ReleaseDC(hDC); return D3DERR_DEVICEREMOVED; } bool success = StretchBlt(dstDC, m_dstRect.left, m_dstRect.top, m_dstRect.right - m_dstRect.left, m_dstRect.bottom - m_dstRect.top, hDC, m_srcRect.left, m_srcRect.top, m_srcRect.right - m_srcRect.left, m_srcRect.bottom - m_srcRect.top, SRCCOPY); m_backBuffers[0]->ReleaseDC(hDC); ReleaseDC(Window, dstDC); if (!success) { Logger::err("D3D9SwapChainEx::BlitGDI: StretchBlt failed"); return D3DERR_DEVICEREMOVED; } return S_OK; } #endif HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetFrontBufferData(IDirect3DSurface9* pDestSurface) { D3D9DeviceLock lock = m_parent->LockDevice(); // This function can do absolutely everything! // Copies the front buffer between formats with an implicit resolve. // Oh, and the dest is systemmem... // This is a slow function anyway, it waits for the copy to finish. // so there's no reason to not just make and throwaway temp images. // If extent of dst > src, then we blit to a subrect of the size // of src onto a temp image of dst's extents, // then copy buffer back to dst (given dst is subresource) // For SWAPEFFECT_COPY and windowed SWAPEFFECT_DISCARD with 1 backbuffer, we just copy the backbuffer data instead. // We just copy from the backbuffer instead of the front buffer to avoid having to do another blit. // This mostly impacts windowed mode and our implementation was not accurate in that case anyway as Windows D3D9 // takes a screenshot of the entire screen. D3D9Surface* dst = static_cast(pDestSurface); if (unlikely(dst == nullptr)) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; D3D9CommonTexture* dstTexInfo = dst->GetCommonTexture(); D3D9CommonTexture* srcTexInfo = GetFrontBuffer()->GetCommonTexture(); if (unlikely(dstTexInfo->Desc()->Pool != D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM && dstTexInfo->Desc()->Pool != D3DPOOL_SCRATCH)) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if (unlikely(m_parent->IsDeviceLost())) { return D3DERR_DEVICELOST; } VkExtent3D dstTexExtent = dstTexInfo->GetExtentMip(dst->GetMipLevel()); VkExtent3D srcTexExtent = srcTexInfo->GetExtentMip(0); const bool clearDst = dstTexInfo->Desc()->MipLevels > 1 || dstTexExtent.width > srcTexExtent.width || dstTexExtent.height > srcTexExtent.height; dstTexInfo->CreateBuffer(clearDst); DxvkBufferSlice dstBufferSlice = dstTexInfo->GetBufferSlice(dst->GetSubresource()); Rc srcImage = srcTexInfo->GetImage(); if (srcImage->info().sampleCount != VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) { DxvkImageCreateInfo resolveInfo; resolveInfo.type = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D; resolveInfo.format = srcImage->info().format; resolveInfo.flags = 0; resolveInfo.sampleCount = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT; resolveInfo.extent = srcImage->info().extent; resolveInfo.numLayers = 1; resolveInfo.mipLevels = 1; resolveInfo.usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT; resolveInfo.stages = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT | VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT | VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT; resolveInfo.access = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT | VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT; resolveInfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL; resolveInfo.layout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL; Rc resolvedSrc = m_device->createImage( resolveInfo, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT); m_parent->EmitCs([ cDstImage = resolvedSrc, cSrcImage = srcImage ] (DxvkContext* ctx) { VkImageSubresourceLayers resolveSubresource; resolveSubresource.aspectMask = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT; resolveSubresource.mipLevel = 0; resolveSubresource.baseArrayLayer = 0; resolveSubresource.layerCount = 1; VkImageResolve resolveRegion; resolveRegion.srcSubresource = resolveSubresource; resolveRegion.srcOffset = VkOffset3D { 0, 0, 0 }; resolveRegion.dstSubresource = resolveSubresource; resolveRegion.dstOffset = VkOffset3D { 0, 0, 0 }; resolveRegion.extent = cSrcImage->info().extent; ctx->resolveImage( cDstImage, cSrcImage, resolveRegion, VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED); }); srcImage = std::move(resolvedSrc); } D3D9Format srcFormat = srcTexInfo->Desc()->Format; D3D9Format dstFormat = dstTexInfo->Desc()->Format; bool similar = AreFormatsSimilar(srcFormat, dstFormat); if (!similar || srcImage->info().extent != dstTexInfo->GetExtent()) { DxvkImageCreateInfo blitCreateInfo; blitCreateInfo.type = VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D; blitCreateInfo.format = dstTexInfo->GetFormatMapping().FormatColor; blitCreateInfo.flags = 0; blitCreateInfo.sampleCount = VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT; blitCreateInfo.extent = dstTexInfo->GetExtent(); blitCreateInfo.numLayers = 1; blitCreateInfo.mipLevels = 1; blitCreateInfo.usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT; blitCreateInfo.stages = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT | VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT | VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TRANSFER_BIT; blitCreateInfo.access = VK_ACCESS_SHADER_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_TRANSFER_WRITE_BIT | VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_READ_BIT | VK_ACCESS_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_BIT; blitCreateInfo.tiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL; blitCreateInfo.layout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_SHADER_READ_ONLY_OPTIMAL; Rc blittedSrc = m_device->createImage( blitCreateInfo, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_DEVICE_LOCAL_BIT); const DxvkFormatInfo* dstFormatInfo = lookupFormatInfo(blittedSrc->info().format); const DxvkFormatInfo* srcFormatInfo = lookupFormatInfo(srcImage->info().format); const VkImageSubresource dstSubresource = dstTexInfo->GetSubresourceFromIndex(dstFormatInfo->aspectMask, 0); const VkImageSubresource srcSubresource = srcTexInfo->GetSubresourceFromIndex(srcFormatInfo->aspectMask, 0); VkImageSubresourceLayers dstSubresourceLayers = { dstSubresource.aspectMask, dstSubresource.mipLevel, dstSubresource.arrayLayer, 1 }; VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresourceLayers = { srcSubresource.aspectMask, srcSubresource.mipLevel, srcSubresource.arrayLayer, 1 }; VkExtent3D srcExtent = srcImage->mipLevelExtent(srcSubresource.mipLevel); // Blit to a subrect of the src extents VkImageBlit blitInfo; blitInfo.dstSubresource = dstSubresourceLayers; blitInfo.srcSubresource = srcSubresourceLayers; blitInfo.dstOffsets[0] = VkOffset3D{ 0, 0, 0 }; blitInfo.dstOffsets[1] = VkOffset3D{ int32_t(srcExtent.width), int32_t(srcExtent.height), 1 }; blitInfo.srcOffsets[0] = VkOffset3D{ 0, 0, 0 }; blitInfo.srcOffsets[1] = VkOffset3D{ int32_t(srcExtent.width), int32_t(srcExtent.height), 1 }; #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_presentParams.Windowed) { // In windowed mode, GetFrontBufferData takes a screenshot of the entire screen. // So place the copy of the front buffer at the position of the window. POINT point = { 0, 0 }; if (ClientToScreen(m_window, &point) != 0) { blitInfo.dstOffsets[0].x = point.x; blitInfo.dstOffsets[0].y = point.y; blitInfo.dstOffsets[1].x += point.x; blitInfo.dstOffsets[1].y += point.y; } } #endif DxvkImageViewKey dstViewInfo; dstViewInfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; dstViewInfo.usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT; dstViewInfo.format = blittedSrc->info().format; dstViewInfo.aspects = blitInfo.dstSubresource.aspectMask; dstViewInfo.mipIndex = blitInfo.dstSubresource.mipLevel; dstViewInfo.mipCount = 1; dstViewInfo.layerIndex = blitInfo.dstSubresource.baseArrayLayer; dstViewInfo.layerCount = blitInfo.dstSubresource.layerCount; dstViewInfo.packedSwizzle = DxvkImageViewKey::packSwizzle(dstTexInfo->GetMapping().Swizzle); DxvkImageViewKey srcViewInfo; srcViewInfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D_ARRAY; srcViewInfo.usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT; srcViewInfo.format = srcImage->info().format; srcViewInfo.aspects = blitInfo.srcSubresource.aspectMask; srcViewInfo.mipIndex = blitInfo.srcSubresource.mipLevel; srcViewInfo.mipCount = 1; srcViewInfo.layerIndex = blitInfo.srcSubresource.baseArrayLayer; srcViewInfo.layerCount = blitInfo.srcSubresource.layerCount; srcViewInfo.packedSwizzle = DxvkImageViewKey::packSwizzle(srcTexInfo->GetMapping().Swizzle); m_parent->EmitCs([ cDstView = blittedSrc->createView(dstViewInfo), cSrcView = srcImage->createView(srcViewInfo), cBlitInfo = blitInfo ] (DxvkContext* ctx) { ctx->blitImageView( cDstView, cBlitInfo.dstOffsets, cSrcView, cBlitInfo.srcOffsets, VK_FILTER_NEAREST); }); srcImage = std::move(blittedSrc); } const DxvkFormatInfo* srcFormatInfo = lookupFormatInfo(srcImage->info().format); const VkImageSubresource srcSubresource = srcTexInfo->GetSubresourceFromIndex(srcFormatInfo->aspectMask, 0); VkImageSubresourceLayers srcSubresourceLayers = { srcSubresource.aspectMask, srcSubresource.mipLevel, srcSubresource.arrayLayer, 1 }; VkExtent3D srcExtent = srcImage->mipLevelExtent(srcSubresource.mipLevel); m_parent->EmitCs([ cBufferSlice = std::move(dstBufferSlice), cImage = std::move(srcImage), cSubresources = srcSubresourceLayers, cLevelExtent = srcExtent ] (DxvkContext* ctx) { ctx->copyImageToBuffer(cBufferSlice.buffer(), cBufferSlice.offset(), 4, 0, VK_FORMAT_UNDEFINED, cImage, cSubresources, VkOffset3D { 0, 0, 0 }, cLevelExtent); }); dstTexInfo->SetNeedsReadback(dst->GetSubresource(), true); m_parent->TrackTextureMappingBufferSequenceNumber(dstTexInfo, dst->GetSubresource()); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetBackBuffer( UINT iBackBuffer, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE Type, IDirect3DSurface9** ppBackBuffer) { // Could be doing a device reset... D3D9DeviceLock lock = m_parent->LockDevice(); if (unlikely(ppBackBuffer == nullptr)) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if (unlikely(iBackBuffer >= m_presentParams.BackBufferCount)) { Logger::err(str::format("D3D9: GetBackBuffer: Invalid back buffer index: ", iBackBuffer)); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } if (m_backBuffers.empty()) { // The backbuffers were destroyed and not recreated. // This can happen when a call to Reset fails. *ppBackBuffer = nullptr; return D3D_OK; } *ppBackBuffer = ref(m_backBuffers[iBackBuffer].ptr()); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetRasterStatus(D3DRASTER_STATUS* pRasterStatus) { // We could use D3DKMTGetScanLine but Wine doesn't implement that. // So... we lie here and make some stuff up // enough that it makes games work. // Assume there's 20 lines in a vBlank. constexpr uint32_t vBlankLineCount = 20; if (pRasterStatus == nullptr) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; D3DDISPLAYMODEEX mode; mode.Size = sizeof(mode); if (FAILED(this->GetDisplayModeEx(&mode, nullptr))) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; uint32_t scanLineCount = mode.Height + vBlankLineCount; auto nowUs = std::chrono::time_point_cast( dxvk::high_resolution_clock::now()) .time_since_epoch(); auto frametimeUs = std::chrono::microseconds(1000000u / mode.RefreshRate); auto scanLineUs = frametimeUs / scanLineCount; pRasterStatus->ScanLine = (nowUs % frametimeUs) / scanLineUs; pRasterStatus->InVBlank = pRasterStatus->ScanLine >= mode.Height; if (pRasterStatus->InVBlank) pRasterStatus->ScanLine = 0; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetDisplayMode(D3DDISPLAYMODE* pMode) { if (pMode == nullptr) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; *pMode = D3DDISPLAYMODE(); D3DDISPLAYMODEEX mode; mode.Size = sizeof(mode); HRESULT hr = this->GetDisplayModeEx(&mode, nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; pMode->Width = mode.Width; pMode->Height = mode.Height; pMode->Format = mode.Format; pMode->RefreshRate = mode.RefreshRate; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetPresentParameters(D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentationParameters) { if (pPresentationParameters == nullptr) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; *pPresentationParameters = m_presentParams; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetLastPresentCount(UINT* pLastPresentCount) { Logger::warn("D3D9SwapChainEx::GetLastPresentCount: Stub"); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetPresentStats(D3DPRESENTSTATS* pPresentationStatistics) { Logger::warn("D3D9SwapChainEx::GetPresentStats: Stub"); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9SwapChainEx::GetDisplayModeEx(D3DDISPLAYMODEEX* pMode, D3DDISPLAYROTATION* pRotation) { if (pMode == nullptr && pRotation == nullptr) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if (pRotation != nullptr) *pRotation = D3DDISPLAYROTATION_IDENTITY; if (pMode != nullptr) { wsi::WsiMode devMode = { }; if (!wsi::getCurrentDisplayMode(wsi::getDefaultMonitor(), &devMode)) { Logger::err("D3D9SwapChainEx::GetDisplayModeEx: Failed to enum display settings"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } *pMode = ConvertDisplayMode(devMode); } return D3D_OK; } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::Reset( D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentParams, D3DDISPLAYMODEEX* pFullscreenDisplayMode) { D3D9DeviceLock lock = m_parent->LockDevice(); HRESULT hr = D3D_OK; this->NormalizePresentParameters(pPresentParams); bool changeFullscreen = m_presentParams.Windowed != pPresentParams->Windowed; if (pPresentParams->Windowed) { if (changeFullscreen) this->LeaveFullscreenMode(); } else { m_parent->NotifyFullscreen(m_window, true); if (changeFullscreen) { hr = this->EnterFullscreenMode(pPresentParams, pFullscreenDisplayMode); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; } D3D9WindowMessageFilter filter(m_window); if (!changeFullscreen) { hr = ChangeDisplayMode(pPresentParams, pFullscreenDisplayMode); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; wsi::updateFullscreenWindow(m_monitor, m_window, true); } } m_presentParams = *pPresentParams; if (changeFullscreen) SetGammaRamp(0, &m_ramp); UpdatePresentParameters(); hr = CreateBackBuffers(m_presentParams.BackBufferCount, m_presentParams.Flags); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; return D3D_OK; } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::WaitForVBlank() { static bool s_errorShown = false; if (!std::exchange(s_errorShown, true)) Logger::warn("D3D9SwapChainEx::WaitForVBlank: Stub"); return D3D_OK; } static bool validateGammaRamp(const WORD (&ramp)[256]) { if (ramp[0] >= ramp[std::size(ramp) - 1]) { Logger::err("validateGammaRamp: ramp inverted or flat"); return false; } for (size_t i = 1; i < std::size(ramp); i++) { if (ramp[i] < ramp[i - 1]) { Logger::err("validateGammaRamp: ramp not monotonically increasing"); return false; } if (ramp[i] - ramp[i - 1] >= UINT16_MAX / 2) { Logger::err("validateGammaRamp: huuuge jump"); return false; } } return true; } void D3D9SwapChainEx::SetGammaRamp( DWORD Flags, const D3DGAMMARAMP* pRamp) { D3D9DeviceLock lock = m_parent->LockDevice(); if (unlikely(pRamp == nullptr)) return; if (unlikely(!validateGammaRamp(pRamp->red) && !validateGammaRamp(pRamp->blue) && !validateGammaRamp(pRamp->green))) return; m_ramp = *pRamp; bool isIdentity = true; std::array cp; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NumControlPoints; i++) { uint16_t identity = MapGammaControlPoint(float(i) / float(NumControlPoints - 1)); cp[i].r = pRamp->red[i]; cp[i].g = pRamp->green[i]; cp[i].b = pRamp->blue[i]; cp[i].a = 0; isIdentity &= cp[i].r == identity && cp[i].g == identity && cp[i].b == identity; } if (!isIdentity && !m_presentParams.Windowed) m_blitter->setGammaRamp(NumControlPoints, cp.data()); else m_blitter->setGammaRamp(0, nullptr); } void D3D9SwapChainEx::GetGammaRamp(D3DGAMMARAMP* pRamp) { D3D9DeviceLock lock = m_parent->LockDevice(); if (likely(pRamp != nullptr)) *pRamp = m_ramp; } void D3D9SwapChainEx::Invalidate(HWND hWindow) { if (!hWindow) hWindow = m_parent->GetWindow(); auto entry = m_presenters.find(hWindow); if (entry != m_presenters.end()) { if (entry->second.presenter) { entry->second.presenter->destroyResources(); entry->second.presenter = nullptr; } if (m_wctx == &entry->second) m_wctx = nullptr; m_presenters.erase(entry); } } void D3D9SwapChainEx::SetCursorTexture(UINT Width, UINT Height, uint8_t* pCursorBitmap) { VkExtent2D cursorSize = { uint32_t(Width), uint32_t(Height) }; m_blitter->setCursorTexture( cursorSize, VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, (void *) pCursorBitmap); } void D3D9SwapChainEx::SetCursorPosition(int32_t X, int32_t Y, UINT Width, UINT Height) { VkOffset2D cursorPosition = { X, Y }; VkExtent2D cursorSize = { uint32_t(Width), uint32_t(Height) }; VkRect2D cursorRect = { cursorPosition, cursorSize }; m_parent->EmitCs([ cBlitter = m_blitter, cRect = cursorRect ] (DxvkContext* ctx) { cBlitter->setCursorPos( cRect); }); } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::SetDialogBoxMode(bool bEnableDialogs) { // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d3d9/nf-d3d9-idirect3ddevice9-setdialogboxmode // The MSDN documentation says this will error out under many weird conditions. // However it doesn't appear to error at all in any of my tests of these // cases described in the documentation. return D3D_OK; } D3D9Surface* D3D9SwapChainEx::GetBackBuffer(UINT iBackBuffer) { if (iBackBuffer >= m_presentParams.BackBufferCount) return nullptr; return m_backBuffers[iBackBuffer].ptr(); } void D3D9SwapChainEx::NormalizePresentParameters(D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentParams) { if (pPresentParams->hDeviceWindow == nullptr) pPresentParams->hDeviceWindow = m_parent->GetWindow(); pPresentParams->BackBufferCount = std::max(pPresentParams->BackBufferCount, 1u); const int32_t forcedMSAA = m_parent->GetOptions()->forceSwapchainMSAA; if (forcedMSAA != -1) { pPresentParams->MultiSampleType = D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE(forcedMSAA); pPresentParams->MultiSampleQuality = 0; } if (pPresentParams->Windowed) { wsi::getWindowSize(pPresentParams->hDeviceWindow, pPresentParams->BackBufferWidth ? nullptr : &pPresentParams->BackBufferWidth, pPresentParams->BackBufferHeight ? nullptr : &pPresentParams->BackBufferHeight); } else { wsi::getMonitorClientSize(wsi::getDefaultMonitor(), pPresentParams->BackBufferWidth ? nullptr : &pPresentParams->BackBufferWidth, pPresentParams->BackBufferHeight ? nullptr : &pPresentParams->BackBufferHeight); } if (pPresentParams->BackBufferFormat == D3DFMT_UNKNOWN) pPresentParams->BackBufferFormat = D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8; if (env::getEnvVar("DXVK_FORCE_WINDOWED") == "1") pPresentParams->Windowed = TRUE; } void D3D9SwapChainEx::PresentImage(UINT SyncInterval) { m_parent->EndFrame(); m_parent->Flush(); // Retrieve the image and image view to present Rc swapImage = m_backBuffers[0]->GetCommonTexture()->GetImage(); Rc swapImageView = m_backBuffers[0]->GetImageView(false); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SyncInterval || i < 1; i++) { // Presentation semaphores and WSI swap chain image PresenterSync sync = { }; Rc backBuffer; VkResult status = m_wctx->presenter->acquireNextImage(sync, backBuffer); if (status < 0 || status == VK_NOT_READY) break; VkRect2D srcRect = { { int32_t(m_srcRect.left), int32_t(m_srcRect.top) }, { uint32_t(m_srcRect.right - m_srcRect.left), uint32_t(m_srcRect.bottom - m_srcRect.top) } }; VkRect2D dstRect = { { int32_t(m_dstRect.left), int32_t(m_dstRect.top) }, { uint32_t(m_dstRect.right - m_dstRect.left), uint32_t(m_dstRect.bottom - m_dstRect.top) } }; // Bump frame ID if (!i) m_wctx->frameId += 1; // Present from CS thread so that we don't // have to synchronize with it first. DxvkImageViewKey viewInfo; viewInfo.viewType = VK_IMAGE_VIEW_TYPE_2D; viewInfo.usage = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT; viewInfo.format = backBuffer->info().format; viewInfo.aspects = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT; viewInfo.mipIndex = 0u; viewInfo.mipCount = 1u; viewInfo.layerIndex = 0u; viewInfo.layerCount = 1u; m_parent->EmitCs([ cDevice = m_device, cPresenter = m_wctx->presenter, cBlitter = m_blitter, cColorSpace = m_colorspace, cSrcView = swapImageView, cSrcRect = srcRect, cDstView = backBuffer->createView(viewInfo), cDstRect = dstRect, cRepeat = i, cSync = sync, cFrameId = m_wctx->frameId ] (DxvkContext* ctx) { // Update back buffer color space as necessary if (cSrcView->image()->info().colorSpace != cColorSpace) { DxvkImageUsageInfo usage = { }; usage.colorSpace = cColorSpace; ctx->ensureImageCompatibility(cSrcView->image(), usage); } // Blit back buffer onto Vulkan swap chain auto contextObjects = ctx->beginExternalRendering(); cBlitter->present(contextObjects, cDstView, cDstRect, cSrcView, cSrcRect); // Submit command list and present ctx->synchronizeWsi(cSync); ctx->flushCommandList(nullptr); uint64_t frameId = cRepeat ? 0 : cFrameId; cDevice->presentImage(cPresenter, frameId, nullptr); }); m_parent->FlushCsChunk(); } SyncFrameLatency(); // Rotate swap chain buffers so that the back // buffer at index 0 becomes the front buffer. for (uint32_t i = 1; i < m_backBuffers.size(); i++) m_backBuffers[i]->Swap(m_backBuffers[i - 1].ptr()); m_parent->m_flags.set(D3D9DeviceFlag::DirtyFramebuffer); } Rc D3D9SwapChainEx::CreatePresenter(HWND Window, Rc Signal) { PresenterDesc presenterDesc; presenterDesc.deferSurfaceCreation = m_parent->GetOptions()->deferSurfaceCreation; Rc presenter = new Presenter(m_device, Signal, presenterDesc, [ cDevice = m_device, cWindow = Window ] (VkSurfaceKHR* surface) { auto vki = cDevice->adapter()->vki(); return wsi::createSurface(cWindow, vki->getLoaderProc(), vki->instance(), surface); }); presenter->setSurfaceExtent(m_swapchainExtent); presenter->setSurfaceFormat(GetSurfaceFormat()); if (m_hdrMetadata) presenter->setHdrMetadata(*m_hdrMetadata); return presenter; } void D3D9SwapChainEx::DestroyBackBuffers() { for (auto& backBuffer : m_backBuffers) backBuffer->ClearContainer(); m_backBuffers.clear(); } bool D3D9SwapChainEx::UpdateWindowCtx() { if (!m_window) return false; auto entry = m_presenters.find(m_window); if (entry == m_presenters.end()) { entry = m_presenters.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(m_window), std::forward_as_tuple()).first; entry->second.frameLatencySignal = new sync::Fence(entry->second.frameId); entry->second.presenter = CreatePresenter(m_window, entry->second.frameLatencySignal); } m_wctx = &entry->second; return true; } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::CreateBackBuffers(uint32_t NumBackBuffers, DWORD Flags) { // Explicitly destroy current swap image before // creating a new one to free up resources DestroyBackBuffers(); int NumFrontBuffer = HasFrontBuffer() ? 1 : 0; const uint32_t NumBuffers = NumBackBuffers + NumFrontBuffer; m_backBuffers.reserve(NumBuffers); // Create new back buffer D3D9_COMMON_TEXTURE_DESC desc; desc.Width = std::max(m_presentParams.BackBufferWidth, 1u); desc.Height = std::max(m_presentParams.BackBufferHeight, 1u); desc.Depth = 1; desc.MipLevels = 1; desc.ArraySize = 1; desc.Format = EnumerateFormat(m_presentParams.BackBufferFormat); desc.MultiSample = m_presentParams.MultiSampleType; desc.MultisampleQuality = m_presentParams.MultiSampleQuality; desc.Pool = D3DPOOL_DEFAULT; desc.Usage = D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET; desc.Discard = FALSE; desc.IsBackBuffer = TRUE; desc.IsAttachmentOnly = FALSE; // we cannot respect D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER here because // we might need to lock for the BlitGDI fallback path desc.IsLockable = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NumBuffers; i++) { D3D9Surface* surface; try { surface = new D3D9Surface(m_parent, &desc, this, nullptr); m_parent->IncrementLosableCounter(); } catch (const DxvkError& e) { DestroyBackBuffers(); Logger::err(e.message()); return D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY; } m_backBuffers.emplace_back(surface); } // Initialize the image so that we can use it. Clearing // to black prevents garbled output for the first frame. small_vector, 4> images; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_backBuffers.size(); i++) images.push_back(m_backBuffers[i]->GetCommonTexture()->GetImage()); m_parent->InjectCs([ cImages = std::move(images) ] (DxvkContext* ctx) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cImages.size(); i++) { ctx->initImage(cImages[i], cImages[i]->getAvailableSubresources(), VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED); } }); return D3D_OK; } void D3D9SwapChainEx::CreateBlitter() { Rc hud = hud::Hud::createHud(m_device); if (hud) { m_apiHud = hud->addItem("api", 1, GetApiName()); hud->addItem("samplers", -1, m_parent); hud->addItem("ffshaders", -1, m_parent); hud->addItem("swvp", -1, m_parent); #ifdef D3D9_ALLOW_UNMAPPING hud->addItem("memory", -1, m_parent); #endif } m_blitter = new DxvkSwapchainBlitter(m_device, std::move(hud)); } void D3D9SwapChainEx::InitRamp() { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NumControlPoints; i++) { DWORD identity = DWORD(MapGammaControlPoint(float(i) / float(NumControlPoints - 1))); m_ramp.red[i] = identity; m_ramp.green[i] = identity; m_ramp.blue[i] = identity; } } void D3D9SwapChainEx::UpdateTargetFrameRate(uint32_t SyncInterval) { double frameRateOption = double(m_parent->GetOptions()->maxFrameRate); double frameRate = std::max(frameRateOption, 0.0); if (SyncInterval && frameRateOption == 0.0) frameRate = -m_displayRefreshRate / double(SyncInterval); m_wctx->presenter->setFrameRateLimit(frameRate, GetActualFrameLatency()); } void D3D9SwapChainEx::SyncFrameLatency() { // Wait for the sync event so that we respect the maximum frame latency m_wctx->frameLatencySignal->wait(m_wctx->frameId - GetActualFrameLatency()); } void D3D9SwapChainEx::SetApiName(const char* name) { if (m_apiHud && name) m_apiHud->setApiName(name); } uint32_t D3D9SwapChainEx::GetActualFrameLatency() { uint32_t maxFrameLatency = m_parent->GetFrameLatency(); if (m_frameLatencyCap) maxFrameLatency = std::min(maxFrameLatency, m_frameLatencyCap); maxFrameLatency = std::min(maxFrameLatency, m_presentParams.BackBufferCount + 1); return maxFrameLatency; } VkSurfaceFormatKHR D3D9SwapChainEx::GetSurfaceFormat() { D3D9Format format = EnumerateFormat(m_presentParams.BackBufferFormat); switch (format) { default: Logger::warn(str::format("D3D9SwapChainEx: Unexpected format: ", format)); [[fallthrough]]; case D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8: case D3D9Format::X8R8G8B8: return { VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, m_colorspace }; case D3D9Format::A8B8G8R8: case D3D9Format::X8B8G8R8: return { VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, m_colorspace }; case D3D9Format::A2R10G10B10: return { VK_FORMAT_A2R10G10B10_UNORM_PACK32, m_colorspace }; case D3D9Format::A2B10G10R10: return { VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32, m_colorspace }; case D3D9Format::X1R5G5B5: case D3D9Format::A1R5G5B5: return { VK_FORMAT_B5G5R5A1_UNORM_PACK16, m_colorspace }; case D3D9Format::R5G6B5: return { VK_FORMAT_B5G6R5_UNORM_PACK16, m_colorspace }; case D3D9Format::A16B16G16R16F: { if (!m_unlockAdditionalFormats) { Logger::warn(str::format("D3D9SwapChainEx: Unexpected format: ", format)); return VkSurfaceFormatKHR { }; } return { VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT, m_colorspace }; } } } void D3D9SwapChainEx::NotifyDisplayRefreshRate( double RefreshRate) { m_displayRefreshRate = RefreshRate; } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::EnterFullscreenMode( D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentParams, const D3DDISPLAYMODEEX* pFullscreenDisplayMode) { if (FAILED(ChangeDisplayMode(pPresentParams, pFullscreenDisplayMode))) { Logger::err("D3D9: EnterFullscreenMode: Failed to change display mode"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } // Testing shows we shouldn't hook WM_NCCALCSIZE but we shouldn't change // windows style either. // // Some games restore window styles after we have changed it, so hooking is // also required. Doing it will allow us to create fullscreen windows // regardless of their style and it also appears to work on Windows. HookWindowProc(m_window, this); D3D9WindowMessageFilter filter(m_window); m_monitor = wsi::getDefaultMonitor(); if (!wsi::enterFullscreenMode(m_monitor, m_window, &m_windowState, true)) { Logger::err("D3D9: EnterFullscreenMode: Failed to enter fullscreen mode"); return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } m_parent->NotifyFullscreen(m_window, true); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::LeaveFullscreenMode() { if (!wsi::isWindow(m_window)) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if (FAILED(RestoreDisplayMode(m_monitor))) Logger::warn("D3D9: LeaveFullscreenMode: Failed to restore display mode"); m_monitor = nullptr; ResetWindowProc(m_window); if (!wsi::leaveFullscreenMode(m_window, &m_windowState, false)) { Logger::err("D3D9: LeaveFullscreenMode: Failed to exit fullscreen mode"); return D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE; } m_parent->NotifyFullscreen(m_window, false); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::ChangeDisplayMode( D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* pPresentParams, const D3DDISPLAYMODEEX* pFullscreenDisplayMode) { D3DDISPLAYMODEEX mode; if (pFullscreenDisplayMode) { mode = *pFullscreenDisplayMode; } else { mode.Width = pPresentParams->BackBufferWidth; mode.Height = pPresentParams->BackBufferHeight; mode.Format = pPresentParams->BackBufferFormat; mode.RefreshRate = pPresentParams->FullScreen_RefreshRateInHz; mode.ScanLineOrdering = D3DSCANLINEORDERING_PROGRESSIVE; mode.Size = sizeof(D3DDISPLAYMODEEX); } wsi::WsiMode wsiMode = ConvertDisplayMode(mode); HMONITOR monitor = wsi::getDefaultMonitor(); if (!wsi::setWindowMode(monitor, m_window, &m_windowState, wsiMode)) return D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE; if (wsi::getCurrentDisplayMode(monitor, &wsiMode)) NotifyDisplayRefreshRate(double(wsiMode.refreshRate.numerator) / double(wsiMode.refreshRate.denominator)); else NotifyDisplayRefreshRate(0.0); return D3D_OK; } HRESULT D3D9SwapChainEx::RestoreDisplayMode(HMONITOR hMonitor) { if (hMonitor == nullptr) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if (!wsi::restoreDisplayMode()) return D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE; NotifyDisplayRefreshRate(0.0); return D3D_OK; } void D3D9SwapChainEx::UpdatePresentRegion(const RECT* pSourceRect, const RECT* pDestRect) { const bool isWindowed = m_presentParams.Windowed; // Tests show that present regions are ignored in fullscreen if (pSourceRect == nullptr || !isWindowed) { m_srcRect.top = 0; m_srcRect.left = 0; m_srcRect.right = m_presentParams.BackBufferWidth; m_srcRect.bottom = m_presentParams.BackBufferHeight; } else m_srcRect = *pSourceRect; UINT width, height; wsi::getWindowSize(m_window, &width, &height); RECT dstRect; if (pDestRect == nullptr || !isWindowed) { // TODO: Should we hook WM_SIZE message for this? dstRect.top = 0; dstRect.left = 0; dstRect.right = LONG(width); dstRect.bottom = LONG(height); } else dstRect = *pDestRect; m_partialCopy = dstRect.left != 0 || dstRect.top != 0 || dstRect.right - dstRect.left != LONG(width) || dstRect.bottom - dstRect.top != LONG(height); m_swapchainExtent = { width, height }; m_dstRect = dstRect; } void D3D9SwapChainEx::UpdatePresentParameters() { if (m_wctx) { m_wctx->presenter->setSurfaceExtent(m_swapchainExtent); m_wctx->presenter->setSurfaceFormat(GetSurfaceFormat()); } } VkExtent2D D3D9SwapChainEx::GetPresentExtent() { return m_swapchainExtent; } std::string D3D9SwapChainEx::GetApiName() { return this->GetParent()->IsExtended() ? "D3D9Ex" : "D3D9"; } D3D9VkExtSwapchain::D3D9VkExtSwapchain(D3D9SwapChainEx *pSwapChain) : m_swapchain(pSwapChain) { } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::AddRef() { return m_swapchain->AddRef(); } ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::Release() { return m_swapchain->Release(); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void** ppvObject) { return m_swapchain->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObject); } BOOL STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::CheckColorSpaceSupport( VkColorSpaceKHR ColorSpace) { return m_swapchain->m_wctx->presenter->supportsColorSpace(ColorSpace); } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::SetColorSpace( VkColorSpaceKHR ColorSpace) { if (!CheckColorSpaceSupport(ColorSpace)) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; m_swapchain->m_colorspace = ColorSpace; if (m_swapchain->m_wctx) m_swapchain->m_wctx->presenter->setSurfaceFormat(m_swapchain->GetSurfaceFormat()); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::SetHDRMetaData( const VkHdrMetadataEXT *pHDRMetadata) { if (!pHDRMetadata) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; m_swapchain->m_hdrMetadata = *pHDRMetadata; if (m_swapchain->m_wctx) m_swapchain->m_wctx->presenter->setHdrMetadata(*pHDRMetadata); return S_OK; } HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::GetCurrentOutputDesc( D3D9VkExtOutputMetadata *pOutputDesc) { HMONITOR monitor = m_swapchain->m_monitor; if (!monitor) monitor = wsi::getDefaultMonitor(); // ^ this should be the display we are mostly covering someday. wsi::WsiEdidData edidData = wsi::getMonitorEdid(monitor); wsi::WsiDisplayMetadata metadata = {}; { std::optional r_metadata = std::nullopt; if (!edidData.empty()) r_metadata = wsi::parseColorimetryInfo(edidData); if (r_metadata) metadata = *r_metadata; else Logger::err("D3D9: Failed to parse display metadata + colorimetry info, using blank."); } NormalizeDisplayMetadata(CheckColorSpaceSupport(VK_COLOR_SPACE_HDR10_ST2084_EXT), metadata); pOutputDesc->RedPrimary[0] = metadata.redPrimary[0]; pOutputDesc->RedPrimary[1] = metadata.redPrimary[1]; pOutputDesc->GreenPrimary[0] = metadata.greenPrimary[0]; pOutputDesc->GreenPrimary[1] = metadata.greenPrimary[1]; pOutputDesc->BluePrimary[0] = metadata.bluePrimary[0]; pOutputDesc->BluePrimary[1] = metadata.bluePrimary[1]; pOutputDesc->WhitePoint[0] = metadata.whitePoint[0]; pOutputDesc->WhitePoint[1] = metadata.whitePoint[1]; pOutputDesc->MinLuminance = metadata.minLuminance; pOutputDesc->MaxLuminance = metadata.maxLuminance; pOutputDesc->MaxFullFrameLuminance = metadata.maxFullFrameLuminance; return S_OK; } void STDMETHODCALLTYPE D3D9VkExtSwapchain::UnlockAdditionalFormats() { m_swapchain->m_unlockAdditionalFormats = true; } }