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# Create the VkSurface on the first call to IDXGISwapChain::Present,
# rather than when creating the swap chain. Some games that start
# rendering with a different graphics API may require this option,
# or otherwise the window may stay black.
# Supported values: True, False
# dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = False
# Enforce a stricter maximum frame latency. Overrides the application
# setting specified by calling IDXGIDevice::SetMaximumFrameLatency.
# Setting this to 0 will have no effect.
# Supported values : 0 - 16
# dxgi.maxFrameLatency = 0
# Override PCI vendor and device IDs reported to the application. Can
# cause the app to adjust behaviour depending on the selected values.
# Supported values: Any four-digit hex number.
# dxgi.customDeviceId = 0000
# dxgi.customVendorId = 0000
# Report Nvidia GPUs as AMD GPUs by default. This is enabled by default
# to work around issues with NVAPI, but may cause issues in some games.
# Supported values: True, False
# dxgi.nvapiHack = True
# Override maximum amount of device memory and shared system memory
# reported to the application. This may fix texture streaming issues
# in games that do not support cards with large amounts of VRAM.
# Supported values: Any number in Megabytes.
# dxgi.maxDeviceMemory = 0
# dxgi.maxSharedMemory = 0
# Override back buffer count for the Vulkan swap chain.
# Setting this to 0 or less will have no effect.
# Supported values: Any number greater than or equal to 2.
# dxgi.numBackBuffers = 0
# Overrides synchronization interval (Vsync) for presentation.
# Setting this to 0 disables vertical synchronization entirely.
# A positive value 'n' will enable Vsync and repeat the same
# image n times, and a negative value will have no effect.
# Supported values: Any non-negative number
# dxgi.syncInterval = -1
# Toggles asynchronous present.
# Off-loads presentation to the queue submission thread in
# order to reduce stalling on the main rendering thread and
# improve performance.
# Supported values:
# - Auto: Enable on certain drivers
# - True / False: Always enable / disable
# dxgi.asyncPresent = Auto
# Enables or dsables d3d10 support.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d10.enable = True
# Handle D3D11_MAP_FLAG_DO_NOT_WAIT correctly when D3D11DeviceContext::Map()
# is called. Enabling this can potentially improve performance, but breaks
# games which do not expect Map() to return an error despite using the flag.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.allowMapFlagNoWait = False
# Performs range check on dynamically indexed constant buffers in shaders.
# This may be needed to work around a certain type of game bug, but may
# also introduce incorrect behaviour.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.constantBufferRangeCheck = False
# Assume single-use mode for command lists created on deferred contexts.
# This may need to be disabled for some applications to avoid rendering
# issues, which may come at a significant performance cost.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.dcSingleUseMode = True
# Override the maximum feature level that a D3D11 device can be created
# with. Setting this to a higher value may allow some applications to run
# that would otherwise fail to create a D3D11 device.
# Supported values: 9_1, 9_2, 9_3, 10_0, 10_1, 11_0, 11_1
# d3d11.maxFeatureLevel = 11_1
# Overrides the maximum allowed tessellation factor. This can be used to
# improve performance in titles which overuse tessellation.
# Supported values: Any number between 8 and 64
# d3d11.maxTessFactor = 0
# Enables relaxed pipeline barriers around UAV writes.
# This may improve performance in some games, but may also introduce
# rendering issues. Please don't report bugs with the option enabled.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.relaxedBarriers = False
# Overrides anisotropic filtering for all samplers. Set this to a positive
# value to enable AF for all samplers in the game, or to 0 in order to
# disable AF entirely. Negative values will have no effect.
# Supported values: Any number between 0 and 16
# d3d11.samplerAnisotropy = -1
# Enables SM4-compliant division-by-zero behaviour. Enabling may reduce
# performance and / or cause issues in games that expect the default
# behaviour of Windows drivers, which also is not SM4-compliant.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.strictDivision = False
# Clears workgroup memory in compute shaders to zero. Some games don't do
# this and rely on undefined behaviour. Enabling may reduce performance.
# Supported values: True, False
# d3d11.zeroWorkgroupMemory = False
# Enables the dedicated transfer queue if available
# If enabled, resource uploads will be performed on the
# transfer queue rather than the graphics queue. This
# may improve texture streaming performance.
# Supported values: True, False
# dxvk.enableTransferQueue = True
# Sets number of pipeline compiler threads.
# Supported values:
# - 0 to automatically determine the number of threads to use
# - any positive number to enforce the thread count
# dxvk.numCompilerThreads = 0
# Toggles raw SSBO usage.
# Uses storage buffers to implement raw and structured buffer
# views. Enabled by default on hardware which has a storage
# buffer offset alignment requirement of 4 Bytes (e.g. AMD).
# Enabling this may improve performance, but is not safe on
# hardware with higher alignment requirements.
# Supported values:
# - Auto: Don't change the default
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# dxvk.useRawSsbo = Auto
# Toggles early discard.
# Uses subgroup operations to determine whether it is safe to
# discard fragments before the end of a fragment shader. This
# is enabled by default on all drivers except RADV and Nvidia.
# Enabling this may improve or degrade performance depending
# on the game and hardware, or cause other issues.
# Supported values:
# - Auto: Don't change the default
# - True, False: Always enable / disable
# dxvk.useEarlyDiscard = Auto |