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# angular-google-analytics
This service lets you integrate google analytics tracker in your AngularJS applications easily.
You can use basic functions, `Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4');` or more advanced e-commerce features like product tracking, promo codes, transactions...
Proudly brought to you by [@revolunet](http://twitter.com/revolunet) and [@deltaepsilon](https://github.com/deltaepsilon).
## features
- configurable
- automatic page tracking
- events tracking
- e-commerce tracking
- enhanced e-commerce tracking
- multiple-domains
- ga.js and and analytics.js support
- cross-domain support
- multiple tracking objects
## install
`bower install angular-google-analytics`
Or alternatively, grab the dist/angular-google-analytics.min.js and include it in your project
## example
var app = angular.module('app', ['angular-google-analytics'])
.config(function(AnalyticsProvider) {
// initial configuration
// using multiple tracking objects (analytics.js only)
// AnalyticsProvider.setAccount([
// { tracker: 'UA-12345-12', name: "tracker1" },
// { tracker: 'UA-12345-34', name: "tracker2" }
// ]);
// track all routes (or not)
// track all url query params (default is false)
// Optional set domain (Use 'none' for testing on localhost)
// AnalyticsProvider.setDomainName('XXX');
// Use display features plugin
// url prefix (default is empty)
// - for example: when an app doesn't run in the root directory
// Use analytics.js instead of ga.js
// Use cross domain linking
AnalyticsProvider.setCrossLinkDomains(['domain-1.com', 'domain-2.com']);
// Ignore first page view... helpful when using hashes and whenever your bounce rate looks obscenely low.
// Enabled eCommerce module for analytics.js(uses legacy ecommerce plugin)
AnalyticsProvider.useECommerce(true, false);
// Enabled eCommerce module for analytics.js(uses ec plugin instead of ecommerce plugin)
AnalyticsProvider.useECommerce(true, true);
// Enable enhanced link attribution
// Enable analytics.js experiments
// Set custom cookie parameters for analytics.js
cookieDomain: 'foo.example.com',
cookieName: 'myNewName',
cookieExpires: 20000
// change page event name
// Delay script tage creation
// must manually call Analytics.createScriptTag(cookieConfig) or Analytics.createAnalyticsScriptTag(cookieConfig)
.run(function(Analytics) {
// In case you are relying on automatic page tracking, you need to inject Analytics
// at least once in your application (for example in the main run() block)
.controller('SampleController', function(Analytics) {
// create a new pageview event
// or create a new pageview event with optional page title
Analytics.trackPage('/video/detail/XXX', 'Video XXX');
// or create a new pageview event with optional page title, custom dimension and metric
// (analytics.js only)
Analytics.trackPage('/video/detail/XXX', 'Video XXX', {dimension15: 'My Custom Dimension', metric18: 8000});
// create a new tracking event
Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4');
// create a new tracking event with optional value
Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4);
// create a new tracking event with optional value and noninteraction flag
Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4, true);
// create a new tracking event with optional value, noninteraction flag, and custom dimension and metric
// (analytics.js only)
Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4, true, {dimension15: 'My Custom Dimension', metric18: 8000});
// tracking e-commerce
// - create transaction
Analytics.addTrans('1', '', '2.42', '0.42', '0', 'Amsterdam', '', 'Netherlands', 'EUR');
// - add items to transaction
Analytics.addItem('1', 'sku-1', 'Test product 1', 'Testing', '1', '1');
Analytics.addItem('1', 'sku-2', 'Test product 2', 'Testing', '1', '1');
// - complete transaction
// Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking
// Product Impression Tracking
Analytics.addImpression(productId, name, list, brand, category, variant, position, price);
// example:
Analytics.addImpression('sku-1', 'Test Product 1', 'Category List', 'Brand 1', 'Category-1', 'variant-1', '1', '24990');
Analytics.addImpression('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category List', 'Brand 2', 'Category-1', 'variant-3', '2', '2499');
// Product Click Tracking
Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
// example:
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
Analytics.productClick('Search Result');
// Product Detail Tracking
Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
// example:
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
// Add to cart Tracking
Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
// example:
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
// Remove from cart Tracking
Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
// example:
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
// Checkout Tracking
Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
Analytics.trackCheckout(checkoutStep, optionValue);
// example:
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
Analytics.trackCheckout(1, 'Visa');
// Transaction Tracking
Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
Analytics.trackTransaction(transactionId, affiliation, revenue, tax, shipping, coupon, list, step, option);
// example:
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2222', '1', 'MEN10', '1');
Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '1111', '1', 'WOMEN10', '1');
Analytics.trackTransaction('T1234', 'Online Store - Web', '3333', '10', '200', 'FLAT10', '', '', '');
// Promotion Impressions
Analytics.addPromo(productId, name, creative, position);
Analytics.addPromo(productId, name, creative, position);
Analytics.addPromo(productId, name, creative, position);
// Note: Before tracking promotion Click, call pageView otherwise promotion impressions will be treated as promotion clicks
// example:
Analytics.addPromo('PROMO_1234', 'Summer Sale', 'summer_banner2', 'banner_slot1');
// Promotion Clicks
Analytics.addPromo(promotionId, promotionName, creative, position);
Analytics.addPromo(promotionId, promotionName, creative, position);
Analytics.addPromo(promotionId, promotionName, creative, position);
// example:
Analytics.addPromo('PROMO_1234', 'Summer Sale', 'summer_banner2', 'banner_slot1');
Analytics.promoClick('Summer Sale');
// populate a custom dimension
Analytics.set('dimension1', 'Paid');
// Manually create script tag after using delayScriptTag
Analytics.createScriptTag({userId: 1234});
// Manually create Analytics script tag after using delayScriptTag
Analytics.createAnalyticsScriptTag({userId: 1234})
//Track User Timings
Analytics.trackTimings(timingCategory, timingVar, timingValue, timingLabel)
var endTime = new Date().getTime();
var timeSpent = endTime - startTime;
Analytics.trackTimings('Time to Checkout', 'User Timings', timeSpent);
### directive
Alternatively you can use a directive to avoid filling controllers with `Analytics.trackEvent()` statements. Note: the directive does not create an isolate scope.
<button type="button" ga-track-event="['video', 'play', 'django.mp4']"></button>
<!-- OR -->
<button type="button" ga-track-event="['video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4, true, {dimension15: 'My Custom Dimension', metric18: 8000}]"></button>
You can define the properties on your controller too `$scope.event = ['video', 'play', 'django.mp4']` and reference them
<button type="button" ga-track-event="event"></button>
## configuration
// setup your account
// automatic route tracking (default=true)
// Optional set domain (Use 'none' for testing on localhost)
// Use display features plugin
// Use analytics.js instead of ga.js
// Ignore first page view.
// Enable eCommerce module for analytics.js
AnalyticsProvider.useECommerce(true, false);
// Enable enhanced eCommerce module for analytics.js
AnalyticsProvider.useECommerce(true, true);
// Enable enhanced link attribution module for analytics.js or ga.js
// Enable analytics.js experiments
// Set custom cookie parameters for analytics.js
cookieDomain: 'foo.example.com',
cookieName: 'myNewName',
cookieExpires: 20000
// Change the default page event name. This is useful for ui-router, which fires $stateChangeSuccess instead of $routeChangeSuccess
// Delay script tage creation...must manually call Analytics.createScriptTag() or Analytics.createAnalyticsScriptTag() to enable analytics
## AdBlock EasyPrivacy
AdBlock has a module named [EasyPrivacy](https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.txt) that is meant to block web tracking scripts. angular-google-analytics.js gets filtered out by the EasyPrivacy blacklist.
Users who are already concatenating and minifying their scripts should not notice a problem as long as the new script name is not also on the EasyPrivacy blacklist. Alternatively, consider changing the filename manually.
## Licence
As AngularJS itself, this module is released under the permissive [MIT license](http://revolunet.mit-license.org). Your contributions are always welcome.