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'use strict'
# Controller used in the members listing page
Application.Controllers.controller "membersController", ["$scope", "$state", 'Member', ($scope, $state, Member) ->
## members list
$scope.members = Member.query()
## Merbers ordering/sorting. Default: not sorted
$scope.orderMember = null
# Change the members ordering criterion to the one provided
# @param orderBy {string} ordering criterion
$scope.setOrderMember = (orderBy)->
if $scope.orderMember == orderBy
$scope.orderMember = '-'+orderBy
$scope.orderMember = orderBy
# Controller used when editing the current user's profile
Application.Controllers.controller "editProfileController", ["$scope", "$state", "Member", "Auth", 'growl', 'dialogs', 'CSRF', ($scope, $state, Member, Auth, growl, dialogs, CSRF) ->
## API URL where the form will be posted
$scope.actionUrl = "/api/members/" + $scope.currentUser.id
## Form action on the above URL
$scope.method = 'patch'
## Current user's profile
$scope.user = Member.get {id: $scope.currentUser.id}
## Angular-Bootstrap datepicker configuration for birthday
$scope.datePicker =
format: 'dd/MM/yyyy'
opened: false # default: datePicker is not shown
startingDay: 1 # France: the week starts on monday
# Callback to diplay the datepicker as a dropdown when clicking on the input field
# @param $event {Object} jQuery event object
$scope.openDatePicker = ($event) ->
$scope.datePicker.opened = true
# For use with ngUpload (https://github.com/twilson63/ngUpload).
# Intended to be the callback when the upload is done: any raised error will be stacked in the
# $scope.alerts array. If everything goes fine, the user's profile is updated and the user is
# redirected to the home page
# @param content {Object} JSON - The upload's result
$scope.submited = (content) ->
if !content.id?
$scope.alerts = []
angular.forEach content, (v, k)->
angular.forEach v, (err)->
msg: k+': '+err,
type: 'danger'
$scope.currentUser.profile.user_avatar = content.profile.user_avatar
Auth._currentUser.profile.user_avatar = content.profile.user_avatar
$scope.currentUser.name = content.name
Auth._currentUser.name = content.name
$scope.currentUser = content
Auth._currentUser = content
# For use with 'ng-class', returns the CSS class name for the uploads previews.
# The preview may show a placeholder or the content of the file depending on the upload state.
# @param v {*} any attribute, will be tested for truthiness (see JS evaluation rules)
$scope.fileinputClass = (v)->
if v
# Controller used on the public user's profile page (seeing another user's profile)
Application.Controllers.controller "showProfileController", ["$scope", "$stateParams", 'Member', ($scope, $stateParams, Member) ->
## Selected user's profile (id from the current URL)
$scope.user = Member.get {id: $stateParams.id}