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* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
Application.Directives.directive('cart', [ '$rootScope', '$uibModal', 'dialogs', 'growl', 'Auth', 'Price', 'Wallet', 'CustomAsset', 'Slot', 'helpers', '_t'
, ($rootScope, $uibModal, dialogs, growl, Auth, Price, Wallet, CustomAsset, Slot, helpers, _t) =>
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
slot: '=',
slotSelectionTime: '=',
events: '=',
user: '=',
modePlans: '=',
plan: '=',
planSelectionTime: '=',
settings: '=',
onSlotAddedToCart: '=',
onSlotRemovedFromCart: '=',
onSlotStartToModify: '=',
onSlotModifyDestination: '=',
onSlotModifySuccess: '=',
onSlotModifyCancel: '=',
onSlotModifyUnselect: '=',
onSlotCancelSuccess: '=',
afterPayment: '=',
reservableId: '@',
reservableType: '@',
reservableName: '@',
limitToOneSlot: '@'
templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "shared/_cart.html" %>',
link($scope, element, attributes) {
//# will store the user's plan if he choosed to buy one
$scope.selectedPlan = null;
2017-02-16 17:57:14 +01:00
//# total amount of the bill to pay
$scope.amountTotal = 0;
2017-02-16 17:57:14 +01:00
//# total amount of the elements in the cart, without considering any coupon
$scope.totalNoCoupon = 0;
2017-02-16 17:57:14 +01:00
//# Discount coupon to apply to the basket, if any
2017-02-16 17:57:14 +01:00
$scope.coupon =
{applied: null};
//# Global config: is the user authorized to change his bookings slots?
$scope.enableBookingMove = ($scope.settings.booking_move_enable === "true");
//# Global config: delay in hours before a booking while changing the booking slot is forbidden
$scope.moveBookingDelay = parseInt($scope.settings.booking_move_delay);
//# Global config: is the user authorized to cancel his bookings?
$scope.enableBookingCancel = ($scope.settings.booking_cancel_enable === "true");
//# Global config: delay in hours before a booking while the cancellation is forbidden
$scope.cancelBookingDelay = parseInt($scope.settings.booking_cancel_delay);
// Add the provided slot to the shopping cart (state transition from free to 'about to be reserved')
// and increment the total amount of the cart if needed.
// @param slot {Object} fullCalendar event object
$scope.validateSlot = function(slot){
slot.isValid = true;
return updateCartPrice();
// Remove the provided slot from the shopping cart (state transition from 'about to be reserved' to free)
// and decrement the total amount of the cart if needed.
// @param slot {Object} fullCalendar event object
// @param index {number} index of the slot in the reservation array
// @param [event] {Object} see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/expression#-event-
$scope.removeSlot = function(slot, index, event){
if (event) { event.preventDefault(); }
$scope.events.reserved.splice(index, 1);
// if is was the last slot, we remove any plan from the cart
if ($scope.events.reserved.length === 0) {
$scope.selectedPlan = null;
$scope.plan = null;
$scope.modePlans = false;
if (typeof $scope.onSlotRemovedFromCart === 'function') { $scope.onSlotRemovedFromCart(slot); }
return updateCartPrice();
// Checks that every selected slots were added to the shopping cart. Ie. will return false if
// any checked slot was not validated by the user.
$scope.isSlotsValid = function() {
let isValid = true;
angular.forEach($scope.events.reserved, function(m){
if (!m.isValid) { return isValid = false; }
return isValid;
// Switch the user's view from the reservation agenda to the plan subscription
$scope.showPlans = function() {
// first, we ensure that a user was selected (admin) or logged (member)
if (Object.keys($scope.user).length > 0) {
return $scope.modePlans = true;
} else {
// otherwise we alert, this error musn't occur when the current user hasn't the admin role
return growl.error(_t('cart.please_select_a_member_first'));
// Validates the shopping chart and redirect the user to the payment step
$scope.payCart = function() {
// first, we check that a user was selected
if (Object.keys($scope.user).length > 0) {
const reservation = mkReservation($scope.user, $scope.events.reserved, $scope.selectedPlan);
return Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: $scope.user.id}, function(wallet) {
const amountToPay = helpers.getAmountToPay($scope.amountTotal, wallet.amount);
if (!$scope.isAdmin() && (amountToPay > 0)) {
return payByStripe(reservation);
} else {
if ($scope.isAdmin() || (amountToPay === 0)) {
return payOnSite(reservation);
} else {
// otherwise we alert, this error musn't occur when the current user is not admin
return growl.error(_t('cart.please_select_a_member_first'));
// When modifying an already booked reservation, confirm the modification.
$scope.modifySlot = () =>
Slot.update({id: $scope.events.modifiable.id}, {
slot: {
start_at: $scope.events.placable.start,
end_at: $scope.events.placable.end,
availability_id: $scope.events.placable.availability_id
, function() { // success
// -> run the callback
if (typeof $scope.onSlotModifySuccess === 'function') { $scope.onSlotModifySuccess(); }
// -> set the events as successfully moved (to display a summary)
$scope.events.moved = {
newSlot: $scope.events.placable,
2017-02-22 10:28:14 +01:00
oldSlot: $scope.events.modifiable
// -> reset the 'moving' status
$scope.events.placable = null;
return $scope.events.modifiable = null;
, function(err) { // failure
return console.error(err);
// Cancel the current booking modification, reseting the whole process
// @param event {Object} see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/expression#-event-
$scope.cancelModifySlot = function(event) {
if (event) { event.preventDefault(); }
if (typeof $scope.onSlotModifyCancel === 'function') { $scope.onSlotModifyCancel(); }
$scope.events.placable = null;
return $scope.events.modifiable = null;
// When modifying an already booked reservation, cancel the choice of the new slot
// @param e {Object} see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/expression#-event-
$scope.removeSlotToPlace = function(e){
if (typeof $scope.onSlotModifyUnselect === 'function') { $scope.onSlotModifyUnselect(); }
return $scope.events.placable = null;
// Checks if $scope.events.modifiable and $scope.events.placable have tag incompatibilities
// @returns {boolean} true in case of incompatibility
$scope.tagMissmatch = function() {
if ($scope.events.placable.tag_ids.length === 0) { return false; }
for (let tag of Array.from($scope.events.modifiable.tags)) {
if (!Array.from($scope.events.placable.tag_ids).includes(tag.id)) {
return true;
return false;
// Check if the currently logged user has teh 'admin' role?
// @returns {boolean}
$scope.isAdmin = () => $rootScope.currentUser && ($rootScope.currentUser.role === 'admin');
// Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the directive is loaded
const initialize = function() {
// What the binded slot
$scope.$watch('slotSelectionTime', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
return slotSelectionChanged();
$scope.$watch('user', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
return updateCartPrice();
$scope.$watch('planSelectionTime', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {
return planSelectionChanged();
// watch when a coupon is applied to re-compute the total price
return $scope.$watch('coupon.applied', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if ((newValue !== null) || (oldValue !== null)) {
return updateCartPrice();
// Callback triggered when the selected slot changed
var slotSelectionChanged = function() {
if ($scope.slot) {
if (!$scope.slot.is_reserved && !$scope.events.modifiable && !$scope.slot.is_completed) {
// slot is not reserved and we are not currently modifying a slot
// -> can be added to cart or removed if already present
const index = $scope.events.reserved.indexOf($scope.slot);
if (index === -1) {
if (($scope.limitToOneSlot === 'true') && $scope.events.reserved[0]) {
// if we limit the number of slots in the cart to 1, and there is already
// a slot in the cart, we remove it before adding the new one
$scope.removeSlot($scope.events.reserved[0], 0);
// slot is not in the cart, so we add it
if (typeof $scope.onSlotAddedToCart === 'function') { $scope.onSlotAddedToCart(); }
} else {
// slot is in the cart, remove it
$scope.removeSlot($scope.slot, index);
// in every cases, because a new reservation has started, we reset the cart content
// finally, we update the prices
return updateCartPrice();
} else if (!$scope.slot.is_reserved && !$scope.slot.is_completed && $scope.events.modifiable) {
// slot is not reserved but we are currently modifying a slot
// -> we request the calender to change the rendering
if (typeof $scope.onSlotModifyUnselect === 'function') { $scope.onSlotModifyUnselect(); }
// -> then, we re-affect the destination slot
if (!$scope.events.placable || ($scope.events.placable._id !== $scope.slot._id)) {
return $scope.events.placable = $scope.slot;
} else {
return $scope.events.placable = null;
} else if ($scope.slot.is_reserved && $scope.events.modifiable && ($scope.slot.is_reserved._id === $scope.events.modifiable._id)) {
// slot is reserved and currently modified
// -> we cancel the modification
return $scope.cancelModifySlot();
} else if ($scope.slot.is_reserved && (slotCanBeModified($scope.slot) || slotCanBeCanceled($scope.slot)) && !$scope.events.modifiable && ($scope.events.reserved.length === 0)) {
// slot is reserved and is ok to be modified or cancelled
// but we are not currently running a modification or having any slots in the cart
// -> first the affect the modification/cancellation rights attributes to the current slot
$scope.slot.movable = slotCanBeModified($scope.slot);
$scope.slot.cancelable = slotCanBeCanceled($scope.slot);
// -> then, we open a dialog to ask to the user to choose an action
return dialogs.confirm({
templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "shared/confirm_modify_slot_modal.html" %>',
resolve: {
object() { return $scope.slot; }
, function(type) {
// the user has choosen an action, so we proceed
if (type === 'move') {
if (typeof $scope.onSlotStartToModify === 'function') { $scope.onSlotStartToModify(); }
return $scope.events.modifiable = $scope.slot;
} else if (type === 'cancel') {
return dialogs.confirm({
resolve: {
object() {
return {
title: _t('cart.confirmation_required'),
msg: _t('cart.do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation')
, () => // cancel confirmed
Slot.cancel({id: $scope.slot.id}, function() { // successfully canceled
if (typeof $scope.onSlotCancelSuccess === 'function') { return $scope.onSlotCancelSuccess(); }
, () => // error while canceling
// Reset the parameters that may lead to a wrong price but leave the content (events added to cart)
var resetCartState = function() {
$scope.selectedPlan = null;
$scope.coupon.applied = null;
$scope.events.moved = null;
$scope.events.paid = [];
$scope.events.modifiable = null;
return $scope.events.placable = null;
// Determines if the provided booked slot is able to be modified by the user.
// @param slot {Object} fullCalendar event object
var slotCanBeModified = function(slot){
if ($scope.isAdmin()) { return true; }
const slotStart = moment(slot.start);
const now = moment();
if (slot.can_modify && $scope.enableBookingMove && (slotStart.diff(now, "hours") >= $scope.moveBookingDelay)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Determines if the provided booked slot is able to be canceled by the user.
// @param slot {Object} fullCalendar event object
var slotCanBeCanceled = function(slot) {
if ($scope.isAdmin()) { return true; }
const slotStart = moment(slot.start);
const now = moment();
if (slot.can_modify && $scope.enableBookingCancel && (slotStart.diff(now, "hours") >= $scope.cancelBookingDelay)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Callback triggered when the selected slot changed
var planSelectionChanged = function() {
if (Auth.isAuthenticated()) {
if ($scope.selectedPlan !== $scope.plan) {
$scope.selectedPlan = $scope.plan;
} else {
$scope.selectedPlan = null;
return updateCartPrice();
} else {
return $rootScope.login(null, function() {
$scope.selectedPlan = $scope.plan;
return updateCartPrice();
// Update the total price of the current selection/reservation
var updateCartPrice = function() {
if (Object.keys($scope.user).length > 0) {
const r = mkReservation($scope.user, $scope.events.reserved, $scope.selectedPlan);
return Price.compute(mkRequestParams(r, $scope.coupon.applied), function(res) {
$scope.amountTotal = res.price;
$scope.totalNoCoupon = res.price_without_coupon;
return setSlotsDetails(res.details);
} else {
// otherwise we alert, this error musn't occur when the current user is not admin
return $scope.amountTotal = null;
var setSlotsDetails = details =>
angular.forEach($scope.events.reserved, slot =>
angular.forEach(details.slots, function(s) {
if (moment(s.start_at).isSame(slot.start)) {
slot.promo = s.promo;
return slot.price = s.price;
// Format the parameters expected by /api/prices/compute or /api/reservations and return the resulting object
// @param reservation {Object} as returned by mkReservation()
// @param coupon {Object} Coupon as returned from the API
// @return {{reservation:Object, coupon_code:string}}
var mkRequestParams = function(reservation, coupon) {
const params = {
coupon_code: ((coupon ? coupon.code : undefined))
return params;
// Create an hash map implementing the Reservation specs
// @param member {Object} User as retreived from the API: current user / selected user if current is admin
// @param slots {Array<Object>} Array of fullCalendar events: slots selected on the calendar
// @param [plan] {Object} Plan as retrived from the API: plan to buy with the current reservation
// @return {{user_id:Number, reservable_id:Number, reservable_type:String, slots_attributes:Array<Object>, plan_id:Number|null}}
var mkReservation = function(member, slots, plan = null) {
const reservation = {
user_id: member.id,
reservable_id: $scope.reservableId,
reservable_type: $scope.reservableType,
slots_attributes: [],
plan_id: ((plan ? plan.id : undefined))
angular.forEach(slots, (slot, key) =>
start_at: slot.start,
end_at: slot.end,
availability_id: slot.availability_id,
2017-02-16 17:57:14 +01:00
offered: slot.offered || false
return reservation;
// Open a modal window that allows the user to process a credit card payment for his current shopping cart.
var payByStripe = reservation =>
templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "stripe/payment_modal.html" %>',
size: 'md',
resolve: {
reservation() {
return reservation;
price() {
return Price.compute(mkRequestParams(reservation, $scope.coupon.applied)).$promise;
wallet() {
return Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: reservation.user_id}).$promise;
cgv() {
return CustomAsset.get({name: 'cgv-file'}).$promise;
coupon() {
return $scope.coupon.applied;
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$filter', 'coupon',
function($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, cgv, Auth, Reservation, wallet, helpers, $filter, coupon) {
// user wallet amount
$scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount;
// Price
$scope.amount = helpers.getAmountToPay(price.price, wallet.amount);
// CGV
$scope.cgv = cgv.custom_asset;
// Reservation
$scope.reservation = reservation;
// Used in wallet info template to interpolate some translations
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number');
// Callback to process the payment with Stripe, triggered on button click
return $scope.payment = function(status, response) {
if (response.error) {
return growl.error(response.error.message);
} else {
$scope.attempting = true;
$scope.reservation.card_token = response.id;
return Reservation.save(mkRequestParams($scope.reservation, coupon), reservation => $uibModalInstance.close(reservation)
, function(response){
$scope.alerts = [];
if (response.status === 500) {
msg: response.statusText,
type: 'danger'
} else {
if (response.data.card && (response.data.card.join('').length > 0)) {
msg: response.data.card.join('. '),
type: 'danger'
} else if (response.data.payment && (response.data.payment.join('').length > 0)) {
msg: response.data.payment.join('. '),
type: 'danger'
return $scope.attempting = false;
.result['finally'](null).then(reservation=> afterPayment(reservation))
// Open a modal window that allows the user to process a local payment for his current shopping cart (admin only).
var payOnSite = reservation =>
templateUrl: '<%= asset_path "shared/valid_reservation_modal.html" %>',
size: 'sm',
resolve: {
reservation() {
return reservation;
price() {
return Price.compute(mkRequestParams(reservation, $scope.coupon.applied)).$promise;
wallet() {
return Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: reservation.user_id}).$promise;
coupon() {
return $scope.coupon.applied;
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$filter', 'coupon',
function($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, Auth, Reservation, wallet, helpers, $filter, coupon) {
// user wallet amount
$scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount;
// Global price (total of all items)
$scope.price = price.price;
// Price to pay (wallet deducted)
$scope.amount = helpers.getAmountToPay(price.price, wallet.amount);
// Reservation
$scope.reservation = reservation;
// Used in wallet info template to interpolate some translations
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number');
// Button label
if ($scope.amount > 0) {
$scope.validButtonName = _t('cart.confirm_payment_of_html', {ROLE:$rootScope.currentUser.role, AMOUNT:$filter('currency')($scope.amount)}, "messageformat");
} else {
if ((price.price > 0) && ($scope.walletAmount === 0)) {
$scope.validButtonName = _t('cart.confirm_payment_of_html', {ROLE:$rootScope.currentUser.role, AMOUNT:$filter('currency')(price.price)}, "messageformat");
} else {
$scope.validButtonName = _t('confirm');
// Callback to process the local payment, triggered on button click
$scope.ok = function() {
$scope.attempting = true;
return Reservation.save(mkRequestParams($scope.reservation, coupon), function(reservation) {
return $scope.attempting = true;
, function(response){
$scope.alerts = [];
$scope.alerts.push({msg: _t('cart.a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later'), type: 'danger' });
return $scope.attempting = false;
return $scope.cancel = () => $uibModalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
.result['finally'](null).then(reservation=> afterPayment(reservation))
// Actions to run after the payment was successfull
var afterPayment = function(reservation) {
// we set the cart content as 'paid' to display a summary of the transaction
$scope.events.paid = $scope.events.reserved;
// we call the external callback if present
if (typeof $scope.afterPayment === 'function') { $scope.afterPayment(reservation); }
// we reset the coupon and the cart content and we unselect the slot
$scope.events.reserved = [];
$scope.coupon.applied = null;
$scope.slot = null;
return $scope.selectedPlan = null;
//# !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the directive
return initialize();
2017-02-16 17:57:14 +01:00