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2020-03-13 17:10:38 +01:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2020-04-20 09:42:07 +02:00
require 'test_helper'
# module definition
module Availabilities; end
class Availabilities::AsAdminTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
setup do
admin = User.with_role(:admin).first
login_as(admin, scope: :user)
test 'return availability by id' do
a = Availability.take
get "/api/availabilities/#{a.id}"
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 200, response.status
2023-02-24 17:26:55 +01:00
assert_match Mime[:json].to_s, response.content_type
# Check the correct availability was returned
availability = json_response(response.body)
assert_equal a.id, availability[:id], 'availability id does not match'
test 'get machine availabilities as admin' do
m = Machine.find_by(slug: 'decoupeuse-vinyle')
# this simulates a fullCalendar (v2) call
2023-02-17 11:44:04 +01:00
start_date = Time.current.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
end_date = 7.days.from_now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
tz = Time.zone.tzinfo.name
get "/api/availabilities/machines/#{m.id}?start=#{start_date}&end=#{end_date}&timezone=#{tz}&_=1217026492144"
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 200, response.status
2023-02-24 17:26:55 +01:00
assert_match Mime[:json].to_s, response.content_type
# Check the correct availabilities was returned
availabilities = json_response(response.body)
assert_not_empty availabilities, 'no availabilities were found'
assert_not_nil availabilities[0], 'first availability was unexpectedly nil'
assert_not_nil availabilities[0][:machine], "first availability's machine was unexpectedly nil"
assert_equal m.id, availabilities[0][:machine][:id], "first availability's machine does not match the required machine"
# as admin, we can get availabilities from the past (from v4.3.0)
test 'get calendar availabilities without spaces' do
# disable spaces in application
Setting.set('spaces_module', false)
# this simulates a fullCalendar (v2) call
2023-02-17 11:44:04 +01:00
start_date = Time.current.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
end_date = 7.days.from_now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
tz = Time.zone.tzinfo.name
get "/api/availabilities?start=#{start_date}&end=#{end_date}&timezone=#{tz}&_=1487169767960&#{all_machines}"
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 200, response.status
2023-02-24 17:26:55 +01:00
assert_match Mime[:json].to_s, response.content_type
# Check the correct availabilities was returned
availabilities = json_response(response.body)
assert_not_empty availabilities, 'no availabilities were found'
assert_not_nil availabilities[0], 'first availability was unexpectedly nil'
assert_not availabilities.pluck(:available_type).include?('space'), 'unexpected space availability instead that it was disabled'
# re-enable spaces
Setting.set('spaces_module', true)
2020-04-20 09:42:07 +02:00
test 'get calendar availabilities with spaces' do
# this simulates a fullCalendar (v2) call
2023-02-17 11:44:04 +01:00
start_date = Time.current.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
end_date = 7.days.from_now.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
tz = Time.zone.tzinfo.name
get "/api/availabilities?start=#{start_date}&end=#{end_date}&timezone=#{tz}&_=1487169767960&#{all_spaces}"
2020-04-20 09:42:07 +02:00
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 200, response.status
2023-02-24 17:26:55 +01:00
assert_match Mime[:json].to_s, response.content_type
2020-04-20 09:42:07 +02:00
# Check the correct availabilities was returned
availabilities = json_response(response.body)
assert_not_empty availabilities, 'no availabilities were found'
assert_not_nil availabilities[0], 'first availability was unexpectedly nil'
2020-04-20 09:42:07 +02:00
assert availabilities.pluck(:available_type).include?('space'), 'space availability not found instead that it was enabled'
test 'create availabilities' do
2023-02-17 11:44:04 +01:00
date = Time.current.change(hour: 8, min: 0, sec: 0)
slots_count = Slot.count
post '/api/availabilities',
params: {
availability: {
start_at: date.iso8601,
end_at: (date + 6.hours).iso8601,
available_type: 'machines',
tag_ids: [],
is_recurrent: true,
period: 'week',
nb_periods: 1,
end_date: (date + 2.weeks).end_of_day.iso8601,
slot_duration: 90,
machine_ids: [2, 3, 5],
occurrences: [
{ start_at: date.iso8601, end_at: (date + 6.hours).iso8601 },
{ start_at: (date + 1.week).iso8601, end_at: (date + 1.week + 6.hours).iso8601 },
{ start_at: (date + 2.weeks).iso8601, end_at: (date + 2.weeks + 6.hours).iso8601 }
plan_ids: [1]
2020-04-20 09:42:07 +02:00
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 201, response.status
2023-02-24 17:26:55 +01:00
assert_match Mime[:json].to_s, response.content_type
# Check the id
availability = json_response(response.body)
assert_not_nil availability[:id], 'availability ID was unexpectedly nil'
# Check the slots
2023-02-17 11:44:04 +01:00
assert_equal (availability[:start_at].to_time.in_time_zone + (availability[:slot_duration].minutes * 4)).iso8601,
'expected end_at = start_at + 4 slots of 90 minutes'
assert_equal (slots_count + (4 * 3)), Slot.count, 'expected (4*3) slots of 90 minutes were created'
assert_equal 90.minutes, Availability.find(availability[:id]).slots.first.duration
# Check the recurrence
2023-02-17 11:44:04 +01:00
assert_equal (availability[:start_at].to_time.in_time_zone + 2.weeks).to_date,
'expected end_date = start_at + 2 weeks'
def all_machines
Machine.all.map { |m| "m%5B%5D=#{m.id}" }.join('&')
def all_trainings
Training.all.map { |m| "t%5B%5D=#{m.id}" }.join('&')
2020-04-20 09:42:07 +02:00
def all_spaces
Space.all.map { |m| "s%5B%5D=#{m.id}" }.join('&')
2017-02-15 16:22:19 +01:00
2016-04-13 17:26:17 +02:00