7. Build the database. You may have to follow the steps described in [the PostgreSQL installation chapter](#postgresql) before, if you don't already have a working installation of PostgreSQL.
Password for the PostgreSQL user, as specified in `database.yml`.
Please see [Setup the FabManager database in PostgreSQL](#setup-fabmanager-in-postgresql) for informations on how to create a user and set his password.
Before running `rake db:setup`, you have to make sure that the user configured in [config/database.yml](config/database.yml) for the `development` environment exists.
ElasticSearch is a powerful search engine based on Apache Lucene combined with a NoSQL database used as a cache to index data and quickly process complex requests on it.
In FabManager, it is used for the admin's statistics module and to perform searches in projects.
### Install ElasticSearch on Ubuntu/Debian
For a more detailed guide concerning the ElasticSearch installation, please check the [official documentation](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup.html)
1. Install the OpenJDK's Java Runtime Environment (JRE). ElasticSearch recommends that you install Java 8 update 20 or later.
Please check that your distribution's version meet this requirement.
4. To automatically start ElasticSearch during bootup, then, depending if your system is compatible with SysV (eg. Ubuntu 14.04) or uses systemd (eg. Debian 8), you will need to run:
# System V
sudo update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 10
# *** OR *** (systemd)
sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
sudo /bin/systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
### Install ElasticSearch on MacOS X
This assumes you have [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/) installed on your system.
Otherwise, please follow the official instructions on the project's website.
brew update
brew install homebrew/versions/elasticsearch17
### Setup ElasticSearch for the FabManager
1. Launch the associated rake tasks in the project folder.
This will create the fields mappings in ElasticSearch DB
rake fablab:es_build_stats
2. Every nights, the statistics for the day that just ended are built automatically at 01:00 (AM).
See [schedule.yml](config/schedule.yml) to modify this behavior.
If the scheduled task wasn't executed for any reason (eg. you are in a dev environment and your computer was turned off at 1 AM), you can force the statistics data generation in ElasticSearch, running the following commands in a rails console.
The FabManager application can only run in a single language but this language can easily be changed.
### Translation
Check the files located in `config/locales`:
- Front app translations (angular.js) are located in `config/locales/app.scope.XX.yml`.
Where scope has one the following meaning :
- admin: translations of the administrator views (manage and configure the FabLab).
- logged: translations of the end-user's views accessible only to connected users.
- public: translation of end-user's views publicly accessible to anyone.
- shared: translations shared by many views (like forms or buttons).
- Back app translations (Ruby on Rails) are located in `config/locales/XX.yml`.
- Emails translations are located in `config/locales/mails.XX.yml`.
- Messages related to the authentication system are located in `config/locales/devise.XX.yml`.
If you plan to translate the application to a new locale, please consider that the reference translation is French.
Indeed, in some cases, the English texts/sentences can seems confuse or lack of context as they were originally translated from French.
To prevent syntax mistakes while translating locale files, we **STRONGLY advise** you to use a text editor witch support syntax coloration for YML and Ruby.
#### Front-end translations
Front-end translations uses [angular-translate](http://angular-translate.github.io) with some interpolations interpreted by angular.js and other interpreted by [MessageFormat](https://github.com/SlexAxton/messageformat.js/).
**These two kinds of interpolation use a near but different syntax witch SHOULD NOT be confused.**
Please refer to the official [angular-translate documentation](http://angular-translate.github.io/docs/#/guide/14_pluralization) before translating.
#### Back-end translations
Back-end translations uses the [Ruby on Rails syntax](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html) but some complex interpolations are interpreted by [MessageFormat](https://github.com/format-message/message-format-rb) and are marked as it in comments.
**DO NOT confuse the syntaxes.**
In each cases, some inline comments are included in the localisation files.
They can be recognized as they start with the sharp character (#).
These comments are not required to be translated, they are intended to help the translator to have some context informations about the sentence to translate.
### Configuration
Locales configurations are made in `config/application.yml`.
If you are in a development environment, your can keep the default values, otherwise, in production, values must be configured carefully.
Please, be aware that **the configured locale will imply the CURRENCY displayed to front-end users.**
_Eg.: configuring **fr-fr** will set the currency symbol to **€** but **fr-ca** will set **$** as currency symbol, so setting the `angular_locale` to simple **fr** (without country indication) will probably not do what you expect._
See `vendor/assets/components/angular-i18n/angular-locale_*.js` for a list of available locales. Default is **en**.
This configure the language analyzer for indexing and searching in projects with ElasticSearch.
See https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.7/analysis-lang-analyzer.html for a list of available analyzers (check that the doc version match your installed elasticSearch version).
In Rails: set Time.zone default to the specified zone and make Active Record auto-convert to this zone. Run `rake time:zones:all` for a list of available time zone names.
Date format for dates displayed and parsed in date pickers.
See https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/#uibdateparser-s-format-codes for a list available formats.
**BEWARE**: years format with less than 4 digits will result in problems because the system won't be able to distinct dates with the same less significant digits, eg. 50 could mean 1950 or 2050.