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* angular-bootstrap-switch
* @version v0.4.0 - 2015-04-13
* @author Francesco Pontillo (francescopontillo@gmail.com)
* @link https://github.com/frapontillo/angular-bootstrap-switch
* @license Apache License 2.0(http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)
(function() {
'use strict';
// Source: common/module.js
angular.module('frapontillo.bootstrap-switch', []);
// Source: dist/.temp/directives/bsSwitch.js
angular.module('frapontillo.bootstrap-switch').directive('bsSwitch', [
function ($parse, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function link(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
var isInit = false;
* Return the true value for this specific checkbox.
* @returns {Object} representing the true view value; if undefined, returns true.
var getTrueValue = function () {
if (attrs.type === 'radio') {
return attrs.value || $parse(attrs.ngValue)(scope) || true;
var trueValue = $parse(attrs.ngTrueValue)(scope);
if (!angular.isString(trueValue)) {
trueValue = true;
return trueValue;
* Get a boolean value from a boolean-like string, evaluating it on the current scope.
* @param value The input object
* @returns {boolean} A boolean value
var getBooleanFromString = function (value) {
return scope.$eval(value) === true;
* Get a boolean value from a boolean-like string, defaulting to true if undefined.
* @param value The input object
* @returns {boolean} A boolean value
var getBooleanFromStringDefTrue = function (value) {
return value === true || value === 'true' || !value;
* Returns the value if it is truthy, or undefined.
* @param value The value to check.
* @returns the original value if it is truthy, {@link undefined} otherwise.
var getValueOrUndefined = function (value) {
return value ? value : undefined;
* Get the value of the angular-bound attribute, given its name.
* The returned value may or may not equal the attribute value, as it may be transformed by a function.
* @param attrName The angular-bound attribute name to get the value for
* @returns {*} The attribute value
var getSwitchAttrValue = function (attrName) {
var map = {
'switchRadioOff': getBooleanFromStringDefTrue,
'switchActive': function (value) {
return !getBooleanFromStringDefTrue(value);
'switchAnimate': getBooleanFromStringDefTrue,
'switchLabel': function (value) {
return value ? value : ' ';
'switchIcon': function (value) {
if (value) {
return '<span class=\'' + value + '\'></span>';
'switchWrapper': function (value) {
return value || 'wrapper';
'switchInverse': getBooleanFromString,
'switchReadonly': getBooleanFromString
var transFn = map[attrName] || getValueOrUndefined;
return transFn(attrs[attrName]);
* Set a bootstrapSwitch parameter according to the angular-bound attribute.
* The parameter will be changed only if the switch has already been initialized
* (to avoid creating it before the model is ready).
* @param element The switch to apply the parameter modification to
* @param attr The name of the switch parameter
* @param modelAttr The name of the angular-bound parameter
var setSwitchParamMaybe = function (element, attr, modelAttr) {
if (!isInit) {
var newValue = getSwitchAttrValue(modelAttr);
element.bootstrapSwitch(attr, newValue);
var setActive = function () {
setSwitchParamMaybe(element, 'disabled', 'switchActive');
* If the directive has not been initialized yet, do so.
var initMaybe = function () {
// if it's the first initialization
if (!isInit) {
var viewValue = controller.$modelValue === getTrueValue();
isInit = !isInit;
// Bootstrap the switch plugin
radioAllOff: getSwitchAttrValue('switchRadioOff'),
disabled: getSwitchAttrValue('switchActive'),
state: viewValue,
onText: getSwitchAttrValue('switchOnText'),
offText: getSwitchAttrValue('switchOffText'),
onColor: getSwitchAttrValue('switchOnColor'),
offColor: getSwitchAttrValue('switchOffColor'),
animate: getSwitchAttrValue('switchAnimate'),
size: getSwitchAttrValue('switchSize'),
labelText: attrs.switchLabel ? getSwitchAttrValue('switchLabel') : getSwitchAttrValue('switchIcon'),
wrapperClass: getSwitchAttrValue('switchWrapper'),
handleWidth: getSwitchAttrValue('switchHandleWidth'),
labelWidth: getSwitchAttrValue('switchLabelWidth'),
inverse: getSwitchAttrValue('switchInverse'),
readonly: getSwitchAttrValue('switchReadonly')
if (attrs.type === 'radio') {
} else {
* Listen to model changes.
var listenToModel = function () {
attrs.$observe('switchActive', function (newValue) {
var active = getBooleanFromStringDefTrue(newValue);
// if we are disabling the switch, delay the deactivation so that the toggle can be switched
if (!active) {
$timeout(function () {
} else {
// if we are enabling the switch, set active right away
function modelValue() {
return controller.$modelValue;
// When the model changes
scope.$watch(modelValue, function (newValue) {
if (newValue !== undefined) {
element.bootstrapSwitch('state', newValue === getTrueValue(), false);
}, true);
// angular attribute to switch property bindings
var bindings = {
'switchRadioOff': 'radioAllOff',
'switchOnText': 'onText',
'switchOffText': 'offText',
'switchOnColor': 'onColor',
'switchOffColor': 'offColor',
'switchAnimate': 'animate',
'switchSize': 'size',
'switchLabel': 'labelText',
'switchIcon': 'labelText',
'switchWrapper': 'wrapperClass',
'switchHandleWidth': 'handleWidth',
'switchLabelWidth': 'labelWidth',
'switchInverse': 'inverse',
'switchReadonly': 'readonly'
var observeProp = function (prop, bindings) {
return function () {
attrs.$observe(prop, function () {
setSwitchParamMaybe(element, bindings[prop], prop);
// for every angular-bound attribute, observe it and trigger the appropriate switch function
for (var prop in bindings) {
attrs.$observe(prop, observeProp(prop, bindings));
* Listen to view changes.
var listenToView = function () {
if (attrs.type === 'radio') {
// when the switch is clicked
element.on('change.bootstrapSwitch', function (e) {
// discard not real change events
if (controller.$modelValue === controller.$viewValue && e.target.checked !== $(e.target).bootstrapSwitch('state')) {
// $setViewValue --> $viewValue --> $parsers --> $modelValue
// if the switch is indeed selected
if (e.target.checked) {
// set its value into the view
} else if (getTrueValue() === controller.$viewValue) {
// otherwise if it's been deselected, delete the view value
} else {
// When the checkbox switch is clicked, set its value into the ngModel
element.on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function (e) {
// $setViewValue --> $viewValue --> $parsers --> $modelValue
// Listen and respond to view changes
// Listen and respond to model changes
// On destroy, collect ya garbage
scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
]).directive('bsSwitch', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
require: 'ngModel',
template: '<input bs-switch>',
replace: true
// Source: bsSwitch.suffix