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/* eslint-disable
// TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate.
// Fix any style issues and re-enable lint.
* decaffeinate suggestions:
* DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from
* DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns
* DS205: Consider reworking code to avoid use of IIFEs
* Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md
'use strict'
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
Application.Controllers.controller('GraphsController', ['$scope', '$state', '$rootScope', 'es', 'Statistics', '_t',
function ($scope, $state, $rootScope, es, Statistics, _t) {
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # height of the HTML/SVG charts elements in pixels
const CHART_HEIGHT = 500
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # Label of the charts' horizontal axes
const X_AXIS_LABEL = _t('date')
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # Label of the charts' vertical axes
const Y_AXIS_LABEL = _t('number')
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # Colors for the line charts. Each new line uses the next color in this array
const CHART_COLORS = ['#b35a94', '#1c5794', '#00b49e', '#6fac48', '#ebcf4a', '#fd7e33', '#ca3436', '#a26e3a']
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # ui-view transitions optimization: if true, the charts will never be refreshed
$scope.preventRefresh = false
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # statistics structure in elasticSearch
$scope.statistics = []
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # statistics data recovered from elasticSearch
$scope.data = null
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # default interval: one day
$scope.display =
{ interval: 'week' }
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # active tab will be set here
$scope.selectedIndex = null
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
// # for palmares graphs, filters values are stored here
$scope.ranking = {
sortCriterion: 'ca',
groupCriterion: 'subType'
// # default: we do not open the datepicker menu
$scope.datePicker =
{ show: false }
// # datePicker parameters for interval beginning
$scope.datePickerStart = {
format: Fablab.uibDateFormat,
opened: false, // default: datePicker is not shown
minDate: null,
maxDate: moment().subtract(1, 'day').toDate(),
selected: moment().utc().subtract(1, 'months').subtract(1, 'day').startOf('day').toDate(),
options: {
startingDay: Fablab.weekStartingDay
// # datePicker parameters for interval ending
$scope.datePickerEnd = {
format: Fablab.uibDateFormat,
opened: false, // default: datePicker is not shown
minDate: null,
maxDate: moment().subtract(1, 'day').toDate(),
selected: moment().subtract(1, 'day').endOf('day').toDate(),
options: {
startingDay: Fablab.weekStartingDay
// #
// Callback to open the datepicker (interval start)
// @param {Object} jQuery event object
// #
$scope.toggleStartDatePicker = $event => toggleDatePicker($event, $scope.datePickerStart)
// #
// Callback to open the datepicker (interval end)
// @param {Object} jQuery event object
// #
$scope.toggleEndDatePicker = $event => toggleDatePicker($event, $scope.datePickerEnd)
// #
// Callback called when the active tab is changed.
// Recover the current tab and store its value in $scope.selectedIndex
// @param tab {Object} elasticsearch statistic structure
// #
$scope.setActiveTab = function (tab) {
$scope.selectedIndex = tab
$scope.ranking.groupCriterion = 'subType'
if (tab.ca) {
$scope.ranking.sortCriterion = 'ca'
} else {
$scope.ranking.sortCriterion = tab.types[0].key
return refreshChart()
// #
// Callback to close the date-picking popup and refresh the results
// #
$scope.validateDateChange = function () {
$scope.datePicker.show = false
return refreshChart()
// #
// Kind of constructor: these actions will be realized first when the controller is loaded
// #
const initialize = function () {
Statistics.query(function (stats) {
$scope.statistics = stats
// watch the interval changes to refresh the graph
$scope.$watch(scope => scope.display.interval
, (newValue, oldValue) => refreshChart())
$scope.$watch(scope => scope.ranking.sortCriterion
, (newValue, oldValue) => refreshChart())
$scope.$watch(scope => scope.ranking.groupCriterion
, (newValue, oldValue) => refreshChart())
return refreshChart()
// workaround for angular-bootstrap::tabs behavior: on tab deletion, another tab will be selected
// which will cause every tabs to reload, one by one, when the view is closed
return $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) {
if ((fromState.name === 'app.admin.stats_graphs') && (Object.keys(fromParams).length === 0)) {
return $scope.preventRefresh = true
// #
// Generic function to toggle a bootstrap datePicker
// @param $event {Object} jQuery event object
// @param datePicker {Object} settings object of the concerned datepicker. Must have an 'opened' property
// #
var toggleDatePicker = function ($event, datePicker) {
return datePicker.opened = !datePicker.opened
// #
// Query elasticSearch according to the current parameters and update the chart
// #
var refreshChart = function () {
if ($scope.selectedIndex && !$scope.preventRefresh) {
return query($scope.selectedIndex, function (aggregations, error) {
if (error) {
return console.error(error)
} else {
if ($scope.selectedIndex.graph.chart_type !== 'discreteBarChart') {
$scope.data = formatAggregations(aggregations)
return angular.forEach($scope.data, (datum, key) => updateChart($scope.selectedIndex.graph.chart_type, datum, key))
} else {
$scope.data = formatRankingAggregations(aggregations, $scope.selectedIndex.graph.limit, $scope.ranking.groupCriterion)
return updateChart($scope.selectedIndex.graph.chart_type, $scope.data.ranking, $scope.selectedIndex.es_type_key)
// #
// Callback used in NVD3 to print timestamps as literal dates on the X axis
// #
const xAxisTickFormatFunction = function (d, x, y) {
/* WARNING !! These tests (typeof/instanceof) may become broken on nvd3 update */
if ($scope.display.interval === 'day') {
if ((typeof d === 'number') || d instanceof Date) {
return d3.time.format(Fablab.d3DateFormat)(moment(d).toDate())
} else { // typeof d == 'string'
return d
} else if ($scope.display.interval === 'week') {
if ((typeof x === 'number') || d instanceof Date) {
return d3.time.format(_t('week_short') + ' %U')(moment(d).toDate())
} else if (typeof d === 'number') {
return _t('week_of_START_to_END', { START: moment(d).format('L'), END: moment(d).add(6, 'days').format('L') })
} else { // typeof d == 'string'
return d
} else if ($scope.display.interval === 'month') {
if (typeof d === 'number') {
const label = moment(d).format('MMMM YYYY')
return label.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + label.substr(1).toLowerCase()
} else { // typeof d == 'string'
return d
// #
// Format aggregations as retuned by elasticSearch to an understandable format for NVD3
// @param aggs {Object} as returned by elasticsearch
// #
var formatAggregations = function (aggs) {
const format = {}
angular.forEach(aggs, function (type, type_key) { // go through aggs[$TYPE] where $TYPE = month|year|hour|booking|...
format[type_key] = []
if (type.subgroups) {
return angular.forEach(type.subgroups.buckets, subgroup => // go through aggs.$TYPE.subgroups.buckets where each bucket represent a $SUBTYPE
angular.forEach($scope.selectedIndex.types, function (cur_type) { // in the mean time, go through the types of the current index (active tab) ...
if (cur_type.key === type_key) { // ... looking for the type matching $TYPE
return (() => {
const result = []
for (let it_st = 0, end = cur_type.subtypes.length - 1; it_st <= end; it_st++) { // when we've found it, iterate over its subtypes ...
const cur_subtype = cur_type.subtypes[it_st]
if (subgroup.key === cur_subtype.key) { // ... which match $SUBTYPE
// then we construct NVD3 dataSource according to these information
var dataSource = {
values: [],
key: cur_subtype.label,
total: 0,
color: CHART_COLORS[it_st],
area: true
// finally, we iterate over 'intervals' buckets witch contains
// per date aggregations for our current dataSource
angular.forEach(subgroup.intervals.buckets, function (interval) {
x: interval.key,
y: interval.total.value
return dataSource.total += parseInt(interval.total.value)
dataSource.key += ` (${dataSource.total})`
} else {
return result
return format
// #
// Format aggregations for ranking charts to an understandable format for NVD3
// @param aggs {Object} as returned by elasticsearch
// @param limit {number} limit the number of stats in the bar chart
// @param typeKey {String} field name witch results are grouped by
// #
var formatRankingAggregations = function (aggs, limit, typeKey) {
const format =
{ ranking: [] }
let it = 0
while (it < aggs.subgroups.buckets.length) {
const bucket = aggs.subgroups.buckets[it]
const dataSource = {
values: [],
key: getRankingLabel(bucket.key, typeKey),
color: CHART_COLORS[it],
area: true
x: getRankingLabel(bucket.key, typeKey),
y: bucket.total.value
const getY = object => object.values[0].y
format.ranking = stableSort(format.ranking, 'DESC', getY).slice(0, limit)
for (let i = 0, end = format.ranking.length; i <= end; i++) {
if (typeof format.ranking[i] === 'undefined') { format.ranking.splice(i, 1) }
return format
// #
// For BarCharts, return the label for a given bar
// @param key {string} raw value of the label
// @param typeKey {string} name of the field the results are grouped by
// #
var getRankingLabel = function (key, typeKey) {
if ($scope.selectedIndex) {
if (typeKey === 'subType') {
for (let type of Array.from($scope.selectedIndex.types)) {
for (let subtype of Array.from(type.subtypes)) {
if (subtype.key === key) {
return subtype.label
} else {
for (let field of Array.from($scope.selectedIndex.additional_fields)) {
if (field.key === typeKey) {
switch (field.data_type) {
case 'date': return moment(key).format('LL'); break
case 'list': return key.name; break
default: return key
// #
// Prepare the elasticSearch query for the stats matching the current controller's parameters
// @param index {{id:{number}, es_type_key:{string}, label:{string}, table:{boolean}, additional_fields:{Array},
// types:{Array}, graph:{Object}}} elasticSearch type in stats index to query
// @param callback {function} function be to run after results were retrieved,
// it will receive two parameters : results {Array}, error {String} (if any)
// #
var query = function (index, callback) {
// invalid callback handeling
if (typeof (callback) !== 'function') {
console.error('[graphsController::query] Error: invalid callback provided')
if (!index) {
callback([], '[graphsController::query] Error: invalid index provided')
if (index.graph.chart_type !== 'discreteBarChart') {
// list statistics types
const stat_types = []
for (let t of Array.from(index.types)) {
if (t.graph) {
// exception handeling
if (stat_types.length === 0) {
callback([], 'Error: Unable to retrieve any graphical statistic types in the provided index')
let type_it = 0
const results = {}
let error = ''
var recursiveCb = function () {
if (type_it < stat_types.length) {
return queryElasticStats(index.es_type_key, stat_types[type_it], function (prevResults, prevError) {
if (prevError) {
console.error(`[graphsController::query] ${prevError}`)
error += `\n${prevError}`
results[stat_types[type_it]] = prevResults
return recursiveCb()
} else {
return callback(results)
return recursiveCb()
} else { // palmares (ranking)
return queryElasticRanking(index.es_type_key, $scope.ranking.groupCriterion, $scope.ranking.sortCriterion, function (results, error) {
if (error) {
return callback([], error)
} else {
return callback(results)
// #
// Run the elasticSearch query to retreive the /stats/type aggregations
// @param esType {String} elasticSearch document type (subscription|machine|training|...)
// @param statType {String} statistics type (year|month|hour|booking|...)
// @param callback {function} function be to run after results were retrieved,
// it will receive two parameters : results {Array}, error {String} (if any)
// #
var queryElasticStats = function (esType, statType, callback) {
// handle invalid callback
if (typeof (callback) !== 'function') {
console.error('[graphsController::queryElasticStats] Error: invalid callback provided')
if (!esType || !statType) {
callback([], '[graphsController::queryElasticStats] Error: invalid parameters provided')
// run query
return es.search({
'index': 'stats',
'type': esType,
'searchType': 'query_then_fetch',
'size': 0,
'stat-type': statType,
'custom-query': '',
'start-date': moment($scope.datePickerStart.selected).format(),
'end-date': moment($scope.datePickerEnd.selected).format(),
'body': buildElasticAggregationsQuery(statType, $scope.display.interval, moment($scope.datePickerStart.selected), moment($scope.datePickerEnd.selected))
, function (error, response) {
if (error) {
return callback([], `Error: something unexpected occurred during elasticSearch query: ${error}`)
} else {
return callback(response.aggregations)
// #
// For ranking displays, run the elasticSearch query to retreive the /stats/type aggregations
// @param esType {string} elasticSearch document type (subscription|machine|training|...)
// @param groupKey {string} statistics subtype or custom field
// @param sortKey {string} statistics type or 'ca'
// @param callback {function} function be to run after results were retrieved,
// it will receive two parameters : results {Array}, error {String} (if any)
// #
var queryElasticRanking = function (esType, groupKey, sortKey, callback) {
// handle invalid callback
if (typeof (callback) !== 'function') {
return console.error('[graphsController::queryElasticRanking] Error: invalid callback provided')
if (!esType || !groupKey || !sortKey) {
return callback([], '[graphsController::queryElasticRanking] Error: invalid parameters provided')
// run query
return es.search({
'index': 'stats',
'type': esType,
'searchType': 'query_then_fetch',
'size': 0,
'body': buildElasticAggregationsRankingQuery(groupKey, sortKey, moment($scope.datePickerStart.selected), moment($scope.datePickerEnd.selected))
, function (error, response) {
if (error) {
return callback([], `Error: something unexpected occurred during elasticSearch query: ${error}`)
} else {
return callback(response.aggregations)
// #
// Parse a final elastic results bucket and return a D3 compatible object
// @param bucket {{key_as_string:{String}, key:{Number}, doc_count:{Number}, total:{{value:{Number}}}}} interval bucket
// #
const parseElasticBucket = bucket => [ bucket.key, bucket.total.value ]
// #
// Build an object representing the content of the REST-JSON query to elasticSearch, based on the parameters
// currently defined for data aggegations.
// @param type {String} statistics type (visit|rdv|rating|ca|plan|account|search|...)
// @param interval {String} statistics interval (year|quarter|month|week|day|hour|minute|second)
// @param intervalBegin {moment} statitics interval beginning (moment.js type)
// @param intervalEnd {moment} statitics interval ending (moment.js type)
// #
var buildElasticAggregationsQuery = function (type, interval, intervalBegin, intervalEnd) {
const q = {
'query': {
'bool': {
'must': [
'match': {
'type': type
'range': {
'date': {
'gte': intervalBegin.format(),
'lte': intervalEnd.format()
'aggregations': {
'subgroups': {
'terms': {
'field': 'subType'
}, // TODO allow aggregate by custom field
'aggregations': {
'intervals': {
'date_histogram': {
'field': 'date',
'interval': interval,
'min_doc_count': 0,
'extended_bounds': {
'min': intervalBegin.valueOf(),
'max': intervalEnd.valueOf()
'aggregations': {
'total': {
'sum': {
'field': 'stat'
// scale weeks on sunday as nvd3 supports only these weeks
if (interval === 'week') {
q.aggregations.subgroups.aggregations.intervals.date_histogram['offset'] = '-1d'
// scale days to UTC time
} else if (interval === 'day') {
const offset = moment().utcOffset()
q.aggregations.subgroups.aggregations.intervals.date_histogram['offset'] = (-offset) + 'm'
return q
// #
// Build an object representing the content of the REST-JSON query to elasticSearch, based on the parameters
// currently defined for data aggegations.
// @param groupKey {String} statistics subtype or custom field
// @param sortKey {String} statistics type or 'ca'
// @param intervalBegin {moment} statitics interval beginning (moment.js type)
// @param intervalEnd {moment} statitics interval ending (moment.js type)
// #
var buildElasticAggregationsRankingQuery = function (groupKey, sortKey, intervalBegin, intervalEnd) {
const q = {
'query': {
'bool': {
'must': [
'range': {
'date': {
'gte': intervalBegin.format(),
'lte': intervalEnd.format()
'term': {
'type': 'booking'
'aggregations': {
'subgroups': {
'terms': {
'field': groupKey,
'size': 10,
'order': {
'total': 'desc'
'aggregations': {
'top_events': {
'top_hits': {
'size': 1,
'sort': [
{ 'ca': 'desc' }
'total': {
'sum': {
'field': 'stat'
// results must be sorted and limited later by angular
if (sortKey !== 'ca') {
angular.forEach(q.query.bool.must, function (must) {
if (must.term) {
return must.term.type = sortKey
} else {
q.aggregations.subgroups.aggregations.total.sum.field = sortKey
return q
// #
// Redraw the NDV3 chart using the provided data
// @param chart_type {String} stackedAreaChart|discreteBarChart|lineChart
// @param data {Array} array of NVD3 dataSources
// @param type {String} which chart to update (statistic type key)
// #
var updateChart = function (chart_type, data, type) {
const id = `#chart-${type} svg`
// clean old charts
d3.selectAll(id + ' > *').remove()
return nv.addGraph(function () {
// no data or many dates, display line charts
let chart
if ((data.length === 0) || ((data[0].values.length > 1) && (chart_type !== 'discreteBarChart'))) {
if (chart_type === 'stackedAreaChart') {
chart = nv.models.stackedAreaChart().useInteractiveGuideline(true)
} else {
chart = nv.models.lineChart().useInteractiveGuideline(true)
if (data.length > 0) {
if ($scope.display.interval === 'day') {
setTimeScale(chart.xAxis, chart.xScale, [d3.time.day, data[0].values.length])
} else if ($scope.display.interval === 'week') {
setTimeScale(chart.xAxis, chart.xScale, [d3.time.week, data[0].values.length])
} else if ($scope.display.interval === 'month') {
setTimeScale(chart.xAxis, chart.xScale, [d3.time.month, data[0].values.length])
// only one date, display histograms
} else {
chart = nv.models.discreteBarChart()
chart.x(d => d.label)
chart.y(d => d.value)
data = prepareDataForBarChart(data, type)
// common for each charts
chart.margin({ left: 100, right: 100 })
// add new chart to the page
// resize the graph when the page is resized
// return the chart
return chart
// #
// Given an NVD3 line chart axis, scale it to display ordinated dates, according to the given arguments
// #
var setTimeScale = function (nvd3Axis, nvd3Scale, argsArray) {
const scale = d3.time.scale()
if (!argsArray && !argsArray.length) {
const oldTicks = nvd3Axis.axis.ticks
return nvd3Axis.axis.ticks = () => oldTicks.apply(nvd3Axis.axis, argsArray)
// #
// Translate line chart data in dates row to bar chart data, one bar per type.
// #
var prepareDataForBarChart = function (data, type) {
const newData = [{
key: type,
values: []
for (let info of Array.from(data)) {
if (info) {
'label': info.key,
'value': info.values[0].y,
'color': info.color
return newData
// #
// Sort the provided array, in the specified order, on the value returned by the callback.
// This is a stable-sorting algorithm implementation, ie. two call with the same array will return the same results
// orders, especially with equal values.
// @param array {Array} the array to sort
// @param order {string} 'ASC' or 'DESC'
// @param getValue {function} the callback which will return the value on which the sort will occurs
// @returns {Array}
// #
var stableSort = function (array, order, getValue) {
// prepare sorting
const keys_order = []
const result = []
for (let i = 0, end = array.length; i <= end; i++) {
keys_order[array[i]] = i
// callback for javascript native Array.sort()
const sort_fc = function (a, b) {
const val_a = getValue(a)
const val_b = getValue(b)
if (val_a === val_b) {
return keys_order[a] - keys_order[b]
if (val_a < val_b) {
if (order === 'ASC') {
return -1
} else { return 1 }
} else {
if (order === 'ASC') {
return 1
} else { return -1 }
// finish the sort
return result
// # !!! MUST BE CALLED AT THE END of the controller
return initialize()