2015-05-05 03:10:25 +02:00
/ *
Holder . js - client side image placeholders
© 2012 - 2015 Ivan Malopinsky - http : //imsky.co
* /
//Libraries and functions
var onDomReady = require ( './lib/ondomready' ) ;
var SceneGraph = require ( './scenegraph' ) ;
var utils = require ( './utils' ) ;
var extend = utils . extend ;
var cssProps = utils . cssProps ;
var encodeHtmlEntity = utils . encodeHtmlEntity ;
var decodeHtmlEntity = utils . decodeHtmlEntity ;
var imageExists = utils . imageExists ;
var getNodeArray = utils . getNodeArray ;
var dimensionCheck = utils . dimensionCheck ;
//Constants and definitions
var SVG _NS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' ;
var version = '%version%' ;
var generatorComment = '\n' +
'Created with Holder.js ' + version + '.\n' +
'Learn more at http://holderjs.com\n' +
'(c) 2012-2015 Ivan Malopinsky - http://imsky.co\n' ;
var Holder = {
version : version ,
/ * *
* Adds a theme to default settings
* @ param { string } name Theme name
* @ param { Object } theme Theme object , with foreground , background , size , font , and fontweight properties .
* /
addTheme : function ( name , theme ) {
name != null && theme != null && ( App . settings . themes [ name ] = theme ) ;
delete App . vars . cache . themeKeys ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Appends a placeholder to an element
* @ param { string } src Placeholder URL string
* @ param { string } el Selector of target element ( s )
* /
addImage : function ( src , el ) {
var node = document . querySelectorAll ( el ) ;
if ( node . length ) {
for ( var i = 0 , l = node . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) {
var img = newEl ( 'img' ) ;
var domProps = { } ;
domProps [ App . vars . dataAttr ] = src ;
setAttr ( img , domProps ) ;
node [ i ] . appendChild ( img ) ;
return this ;
} ,
/ * *
* Sets whether or not an image is updated on resize .
* If an image is set to be updated , it is immediately rendered .
* @ param { Object } el Image DOM element
* @ param { Boolean } value Resizable update flag value
* /
setResizeUpdate : function ( el , value ) {
if ( el . holderData ) {
el . holderData . resizeUpdate = ! ! value ;
if ( el . holderData . resizeUpdate ) {
updateResizableElements ( el ) ;
} ,
/ * *
* Runs Holder with options . By default runs Holder on all images with "holder.js" in their source attributes .
* @ param { Object } userOptions Options object , can contain domain , themes , images , and bgnodes properties
* /
run : function ( userOptions ) {
userOptions = userOptions || { } ;
var engineSettings = { } ;
var options = extend ( App . settings , userOptions ) ;
App . vars . preempted = true ;
App . vars . dataAttr = options . dataAttr || App . vars . dataAttr ;
engineSettings . renderer = options . renderer ? options . renderer : App . setup . renderer ;
if ( App . setup . renderers . join ( ',' ) . indexOf ( engineSettings . renderer ) === - 1 ) {
engineSettings . renderer = App . setup . supportsSVG ? 'svg' : ( App . setup . supportsCanvas ? 'canvas' : 'html' ) ;
var images = getNodeArray ( options . images ) ;
var bgnodes = getNodeArray ( options . bgnodes ) ;
var stylenodes = getNodeArray ( options . stylenodes ) ;
var objects = getNodeArray ( options . objects ) ;
engineSettings . stylesheets = [ ] ;
engineSettings . svgXMLStylesheet = true ;
engineSettings . noFontFallback = options . noFontFallback ? options . noFontFallback : false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < stylenodes . length ; i ++ ) {
var styleNode = stylenodes [ i ] ;
if ( styleNode . attributes . rel && styleNode . attributes . href && styleNode . attributes . rel . value == 'stylesheet' ) {
var href = styleNode . attributes . href . value ;
//todo: write isomorphic relative-to-absolute URL function
var proxyLink = newEl ( 'a' ) ;
proxyLink . href = href ;
var stylesheetURL = proxyLink . protocol + '//' + proxyLink . host + proxyLink . pathname + proxyLink . search ;
engineSettings . stylesheets . push ( stylesheetURL ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < bgnodes . length ; i ++ ) {
//Skip processing background nodes if getComputedStyle is unavailable, since only modern browsers would be able to use canvas or SVG to render to background
if ( ! global . getComputedStyle ) continue ;
var backgroundImage = global . getComputedStyle ( bgnodes [ i ] , null ) . getPropertyValue ( 'background-image' ) ;
var dataBackgroundImage = bgnodes [ i ] . getAttribute ( 'data-background-src' ) ;
var rawURL = null ;
if ( dataBackgroundImage == null ) {
rawURL = backgroundImage ;
} else {
rawURL = dataBackgroundImage ;
var holderURL = null ;
var holderString = '?' + options . domain + '/' ;
if ( rawURL . indexOf ( holderString ) === 0 ) {
holderURL = rawURL . slice ( 1 ) ;
} else if ( rawURL . indexOf ( holderString ) != - 1 ) {
var fragment = rawURL . substr ( rawURL . indexOf ( holderString ) ) . slice ( 1 ) ;
var fragmentMatch = fragment . match ( /([^\"]*)"?\)/ ) ;
if ( fragmentMatch != null ) {
holderURL = fragmentMatch [ 1 ] ;
if ( holderURL != null ) {
var holderFlags = parseURL ( holderURL , options ) ;
if ( holderFlags ) {
prepareDOMElement ( {
mode : 'background' ,
el : bgnodes [ i ] ,
flags : holderFlags ,
engineSettings : engineSettings
} ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < objects . length ; i ++ ) {
var object = objects [ i ] ;
var objectAttr = { } ;
try {
objectAttr . data = object . getAttribute ( 'data' ) ;
objectAttr . dataSrc = object . getAttribute ( App . vars . dataAttr ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
var objectHasSrcURL = objectAttr . data != null && objectAttr . data . indexOf ( options . domain ) === 0 ;
var objectHasDataSrcURL = objectAttr . dataSrc != null && objectAttr . dataSrc . indexOf ( options . domain ) === 0 ;
if ( objectHasSrcURL ) {
prepareImageElement ( options , engineSettings , objectAttr . data , object ) ;
} else if ( objectHasDataSrcURL ) {
prepareImageElement ( options , engineSettings , objectAttr . dataSrc , object ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < images . length ; i ++ ) {
var image = images [ i ] ;
var imageAttr = { } ;
try {
imageAttr . src = image . getAttribute ( 'src' ) ;
imageAttr . dataSrc = image . getAttribute ( App . vars . dataAttr ) ;
imageAttr . rendered = image . getAttribute ( 'data-holder-rendered' ) ;
} catch ( e ) { }
var imageHasSrc = imageAttr . src != null ;
var imageHasDataSrcURL = imageAttr . dataSrc != null && imageAttr . dataSrc . indexOf ( options . domain ) === 0 ;
var imageRendered = imageAttr . rendered != null && imageAttr . rendered == 'true' ;
if ( imageHasSrc ) {
if ( imageAttr . src . indexOf ( options . domain ) === 0 ) {
prepareImageElement ( options , engineSettings , imageAttr . src , image ) ;
} else if ( imageHasDataSrcURL ) {
//Image has a valid data-src and an invalid src
if ( imageRendered ) {
//If the placeholder has already been render, re-render it
prepareImageElement ( options , engineSettings , imageAttr . dataSrc , image ) ;
} else {
//If the placeholder has not been rendered, check if the image exists and render a fallback if it doesn't
( function ( src , options , engineSettings , dataSrc , image ) {
imageExists ( src , function ( exists ) {
if ( ! exists ) {
prepareImageElement ( options , engineSettings , dataSrc , image ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ( imageAttr . src , options , engineSettings , imageAttr . dataSrc , image ) ;
} else if ( imageHasDataSrcURL ) {
prepareImageElement ( options , engineSettings , imageAttr . dataSrc , image ) ;
return this ;
} ;
var App = {
settings : {
domain : 'holder.js' ,
images : 'img' ,
objects : 'object' ,
bgnodes : 'body .holderjs' ,
stylenodes : 'head link.holderjs' ,
stylesheets : [ ] ,
themes : {
'gray' : {
background : '#EEEEEE' ,
foreground : '#AAAAAA'
} ,
'social' : {
background : '#3a5a97' ,
foreground : '#FFFFFF'
} ,
'industrial' : {
background : '#434A52' ,
foreground : '#C2F200'
} ,
'sky' : {
background : '#0D8FDB' ,
foreground : '#FFFFFF'
} ,
'vine' : {
background : '#39DBAC' ,
foreground : '#1E292C'
} ,
'lava' : {
background : '#F8591A' ,
foreground : '#1C2846'
} ,
defaults : {
size : 10 ,
units : 'pt' ,
scale : 1 / 16
} ,
flags : {
dimensions : {
regex : /^(\d+)x(\d+)$/ ,
output : function ( val ) {
var exec = this . regex . exec ( val ) ;
return {
width : + exec [ 1 ] ,
height : + exec [ 2 ]
} ;
} ,
fluid : {
regex : /^([0-9]+%?)x([0-9]+%?)$/ ,
output : function ( val ) {
var exec = this . regex . exec ( val ) ;
return {
width : exec [ 1 ] ,
height : exec [ 2 ]
} ;
} ,
colors : {
regex : /(?:#|\^)([0-9a-f]{3,})\:(?:#|\^)([0-9a-f]{3,})/i ,
output : function ( val ) {
var exec = this . regex . exec ( val ) ;
return {
foreground : '#' + exec [ 2 ] ,
background : '#' + exec [ 1 ]
} ;
} ,
text : {
regex : /text\:(.*)/ ,
output : function ( val ) {
return this . regex . exec ( val ) [ 1 ] . replace ( '\\/' , '/' ) ;
} ,
font : {
regex : /font\:(.*)/ ,
output : function ( val ) {
return this . regex . exec ( val ) [ 1 ] ;
} ,
auto : {
regex : /^auto$/
} ,
textmode : {
regex : /textmode\:(.*)/ ,
output : function ( val ) {
return this . regex . exec ( val ) [ 1 ] ;
} ,
random : {
regex : /^random$/
} ,
size : {
regex : /size\:(\d+)/ ,
output : function ( val ) {
return this . regex . exec ( val ) [ 1 ] ;
} ;
/ * *
* Processes provided source attribute and sets up the appropriate rendering workflow
* @ private
* @ param options Instance options from Holder . run
* @ param renderSettings Instance configuration
* @ param src Image URL
* @ param el Image DOM element
* /
function prepareImageElement ( options , engineSettings , src , el ) {
var holderFlags = parseURL ( src . substr ( src . lastIndexOf ( options . domain ) ) , options ) ;
if ( holderFlags ) {
prepareDOMElement ( {
mode : null ,
el : el ,
flags : holderFlags ,
engineSettings : engineSettings
} ) ;
/ * *
* Processes a Holder URL and extracts flags
* @ private
* @ param url URL
* @ param options Instance options from Holder . run
* /
function parseURL ( url , options ) {
var ret = {
theme : extend ( App . settings . themes . gray , null ) ,
stylesheets : options . stylesheets ,
holderURL : [ ]
} ;
var render = false ;
var vtab = String . fromCharCode ( 11 ) ;
var flags = url . replace ( /([^\\])\//g , '$1' + vtab ) . split ( vtab ) ;
var uriRegex = /%[0-9a-f]{2}/gi ;
for ( var fl = flags . length , j = 0 ; j < fl ; j ++ ) {
var flag = flags [ j ] ;
if ( flag . match ( uriRegex ) ) {
try {
flag = decodeURIComponent ( flag ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
flag = flags [ j ] ;
var push = false ;
if ( App . flags . dimensions . match ( flag ) ) {
render = true ;
ret . dimensions = App . flags . dimensions . output ( flag ) ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . fluid . match ( flag ) ) {
render = true ;
ret . dimensions = App . flags . fluid . output ( flag ) ;
ret . fluid = true ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . textmode . match ( flag ) ) {
ret . textmode = App . flags . textmode . output ( flag ) ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . colors . match ( flag ) ) {
var colors = App . flags . colors . output ( flag ) ;
ret . theme = extend ( ret . theme , colors ) ;
//todo: convert implicit theme use to a theme: flag
push = true ;
} else if ( options . themes [ flag ] ) {
//If a theme is specified, it will override custom colors
if ( options . themes . hasOwnProperty ( flag ) ) {
ret . theme = extend ( options . themes [ flag ] , null ) ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . font . match ( flag ) ) {
ret . font = App . flags . font . output ( flag ) ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . auto . match ( flag ) ) {
ret . auto = true ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . text . match ( flag ) ) {
ret . text = App . flags . text . output ( flag ) ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . size . match ( flag ) ) {
ret . size = App . flags . size . output ( flag ) ;
push = true ;
} else if ( App . flags . random . match ( flag ) ) {
if ( App . vars . cache . themeKeys == null ) {
App . vars . cache . themeKeys = Object . keys ( options . themes ) ;
var theme = App . vars . cache . themeKeys [ 0 | Math . random ( ) * App . vars . cache . themeKeys . length ] ;
ret . theme = extend ( options . themes [ theme ] , null ) ;
push = true ;
if ( push ) {
ret . holderURL . push ( flag ) ;
ret . holderURL . unshift ( options . domain ) ;
ret . holderURL = ret . holderURL . join ( '/' ) ;
return render ? ret : false ;
/ * *
* Modifies the DOM to fit placeholders and sets up resizable image callbacks ( for fluid and automatically sized placeholders )
* @ private
* @ param settings DOM prep settings
* /
function prepareDOMElement ( prepSettings ) {
var mode = prepSettings . mode ;
var el = prepSettings . el ;
var flags = prepSettings . flags ;
var _engineSettings = prepSettings . engineSettings ;
var dimensions = flags . dimensions ,
theme = flags . theme ;
var dimensionsCaption = dimensions . width + 'x' + dimensions . height ;
mode = mode == null ? ( flags . fluid ? 'fluid' : 'image' ) : mode ;
if ( flags . text != null ) {
theme . text = flags . text ;
//<object> SVG embedding doesn't parse Unicode properly
if ( el . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === 'object' ) {
var textLines = theme . text . split ( '\\n' ) ;
for ( var k = 0 ; k < textLines . length ; k ++ ) {
textLines [ k ] = encodeHtmlEntity ( textLines [ k ] ) ;
theme . text = textLines . join ( '\\n' ) ;
var holderURL = flags . holderURL ;
var engineSettings = extend ( _engineSettings , null ) ;
if ( flags . font ) {
theme . font = flags . font ;
//Only run the <canvas> webfont fallback if noFontFallback is false, if the node is not an image, and if canvas is supported
if ( ! engineSettings . noFontFallback && el . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === 'img' && App . setup . supportsCanvas && engineSettings . renderer === 'svg' ) {
engineSettings = extend ( engineSettings , {
renderer : 'canvas'
} ) ;
//Chrome and Opera require a quick 10ms re-render if web fonts are used with canvas
if ( flags . font && engineSettings . renderer == 'canvas' ) {
engineSettings . reRender = true ;
if ( mode == 'background' ) {
if ( el . getAttribute ( 'data-background-src' ) == null ) {
setAttr ( el , {
'data-background-src' : holderURL
} ) ;
} else {
var domProps = { } ;
domProps [ App . vars . dataAttr ] = holderURL ;
setAttr ( el , domProps ) ;
flags . theme = theme ;
//todo consider using all renderSettings in holderData
el . holderData = {
flags : flags ,
engineSettings : engineSettings
} ;
if ( mode == 'image' || mode == 'fluid' ) {
setAttr ( el , {
'alt' : ( theme . text ? theme . text + ' [' + dimensionsCaption + ']' : dimensionsCaption )
} ) ;
var renderSettings = {
mode : mode ,
el : el ,
holderSettings : {
dimensions : dimensions ,
theme : theme ,
flags : flags
} ,
engineSettings : engineSettings
} ;
if ( mode == 'image' ) {
if ( engineSettings . renderer == 'html' || ! flags . auto ) {
el . style . width = dimensions . width + 'px' ;
el . style . height = dimensions . height + 'px' ;
if ( engineSettings . renderer == 'html' ) {
el . style . backgroundColor = theme . background ;
} else {
render ( renderSettings ) ;
if ( flags . textmode == 'exact' ) {
el . holderData . resizeUpdate = true ;
App . vars . resizableImages . push ( el ) ;
updateResizableElements ( el ) ;
} else if ( mode == 'background' && engineSettings . renderer != 'html' ) {
render ( renderSettings ) ;
} else if ( mode == 'fluid' ) {
el . holderData . resizeUpdate = true ;
if ( dimensions . height . slice ( - 1 ) == '%' ) {
el . style . height = dimensions . height ;
} else if ( flags . auto == null || ! flags . auto ) {
el . style . height = dimensions . height + 'px' ;
if ( dimensions . width . slice ( - 1 ) == '%' ) {
el . style . width = dimensions . width ;
} else if ( flags . auto == null || ! flags . auto ) {
el . style . width = dimensions . width + 'px' ;
if ( el . style . display == 'inline' || el . style . display === '' || el . style . display == 'none' ) {
el . style . display = 'block' ;
setInitialDimensions ( el ) ;
if ( engineSettings . renderer == 'html' ) {
el . style . backgroundColor = theme . background ;
} else {
App . vars . resizableImages . push ( el ) ;
updateResizableElements ( el ) ;
/ * *
* Core function that takes output from renderers and sets it as the source or background - image of the target element
* @ private
* @ param renderSettings Renderer settings
* /
function render ( renderSettings ) {
var image = null ;
var mode = renderSettings . mode ;
var holderSettings = renderSettings . holderSettings ;
var el = renderSettings . el ;
var engineSettings = renderSettings . engineSettings ;
switch ( engineSettings . renderer ) {
case 'svg' :
if ( ! App . setup . supportsSVG ) return ;
break ;
case 'canvas' :
if ( ! App . setup . supportsCanvas ) return ;
break ;
default :
return ;
//todo: move generation of scene up to flag generation to reduce extra object creation
var scene = {
width : holderSettings . dimensions . width ,
height : holderSettings . dimensions . height ,
theme : holderSettings . theme ,
flags : holderSettings . flags
} ;
var sceneGraph = buildSceneGraph ( scene ) ;
function getRenderedImage ( ) {
var image = null ;
switch ( engineSettings . renderer ) {
case 'canvas' :
image = sgCanvasRenderer ( sceneGraph , renderSettings ) ;
break ;
case 'svg' :
image = sgSVGRenderer ( sceneGraph , renderSettings ) ;
break ;
default :
throw 'Holder: invalid renderer: ' + engineSettings . renderer ;
return image ;
image = getRenderedImage ( ) ;
if ( image == null ) {
throw 'Holder: couldn\'t render placeholder' ;
//todo: add <object> canvas rendering
if ( mode == 'background' ) {
el . style . backgroundImage = 'url(' + image + ')' ;
el . style . backgroundSize = scene . width + 'px ' + scene . height + 'px' ;
} else {
if ( el . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === 'img' ) {
setAttr ( el , {
'src' : image
} ) ;
} else if ( el . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === 'object' ) {
setAttr ( el , {
'data' : image
} ) ;
setAttr ( el , {
'type' : 'image/svg+xml'
} ) ;
if ( engineSettings . reRender ) {
global . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
var image = getRenderedImage ( ) ;
if ( image == null ) {
throw 'Holder: couldn\'t render placeholder' ;
//todo: refactor this code into a function
if ( el . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === 'img' ) {
setAttr ( el , {
'src' : image
} ) ;
} else if ( el . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) === 'object' ) {
setAttr ( el , {
'data' : image
} ) ;
setAttr ( el , {
'type' : 'image/svg+xml'
} ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
//todo: account for re-rendering
setAttr ( el , {
'data-holder-rendered' : true
} ) ;
/ * *
* Core function that takes a Holder scene description and builds a scene graph
* @ private
* @ param scene Holder scene object
* /
function buildSceneGraph ( scene ) {
var fontSize = App . defaults . size ;
if ( parseFloat ( scene . theme . size ) ) {
fontSize = scene . theme . size ;
} else if ( parseFloat ( scene . flags . size ) ) {
fontSize = scene . flags . size ;
scene . font = {
family : scene . theme . font ? scene . theme . font : 'Arial, Helvetica, Open Sans, sans-serif' ,
size : textSize ( scene . width , scene . height , fontSize ) ,
units : scene . theme . units ? scene . theme . units : App . defaults . units ,
weight : scene . theme . fontweight ? scene . theme . fontweight : 'bold'
} ;
scene . text = scene . theme . text ? scene . theme . text : Math . floor ( scene . width ) + 'x' + Math . floor ( scene . height ) ;
switch ( scene . flags . textmode ) {
case 'literal' :
scene . text = scene . flags . dimensions . width + 'x' + scene . flags . dimensions . height ;
break ;
case 'exact' :
if ( ! scene . flags . exactDimensions ) break ;
scene . text = Math . floor ( scene . flags . exactDimensions . width ) + 'x' + Math . floor ( scene . flags . exactDimensions . height ) ;
break ;
var sceneGraph = new SceneGraph ( {
width : scene . width ,
height : scene . height
} ) ;
var Shape = sceneGraph . Shape ;
var holderBg = new Shape . Rect ( 'holderBg' , {
fill : scene . theme . background
} ) ;
holderBg . resize ( scene . width , scene . height ) ;
sceneGraph . root . add ( holderBg ) ;
var holderTextGroup = new Shape . Group ( 'holderTextGroup' , {
text : scene . text ,
align : 'center' ,
font : scene . font ,
fill : scene . theme . foreground
} ) ;
holderTextGroup . moveTo ( null , null , 1 ) ;
sceneGraph . root . add ( holderTextGroup ) ;
var tpdata = holderTextGroup . textPositionData = stagingRenderer ( sceneGraph ) ;
if ( ! tpdata ) {
throw 'Holder: staging fallback not supported yet.' ;
holderTextGroup . properties . leading = tpdata . boundingBox . height ;
//todo: alignment: TL, TC, TR, CL, CR, BL, BC, BR
var textNode = null ;
var line = null ;
function finalizeLine ( parent , line , width , height ) {
line . width = width ;
line . height = height ;
parent . width = Math . max ( parent . width , line . width ) ;
parent . height += line . height ;
parent . add ( line ) ;
if ( tpdata . lineCount > 1 ) {
var offsetX = 0 ;
var offsetY = 0 ;
var maxLineWidth = scene . width * App . setup . lineWrapRatio ;
var lineIndex = 0 ;
line = new Shape . Group ( 'line' + lineIndex ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tpdata . words . length ; i ++ ) {
var word = tpdata . words [ i ] ;
textNode = new Shape . Text ( word . text ) ;
var newline = word . text == '\\n' ;
if ( offsetX + word . width >= maxLineWidth || newline === true ) {
finalizeLine ( holderTextGroup , line , offsetX , holderTextGroup . properties . leading ) ;
offsetX = 0 ;
offsetY += holderTextGroup . properties . leading ;
lineIndex += 1 ;
line = new Shape . Group ( 'line' + lineIndex ) ;
line . y = offsetY ;
if ( newline === true ) {
continue ;
textNode . moveTo ( offsetX , 0 ) ;
offsetX += tpdata . spaceWidth + word . width ;
line . add ( textNode ) ;
finalizeLine ( holderTextGroup , line , offsetX , holderTextGroup . properties . leading ) ;
for ( var lineKey in holderTextGroup . children ) {
line = holderTextGroup . children [ lineKey ] ;
line . moveTo (
( holderTextGroup . width - line . width ) / 2 ,
null ,
null ) ;
holderTextGroup . moveTo (
( scene . width - holderTextGroup . width ) / 2 , ( scene . height - holderTextGroup . height ) / 2 ,
null ) ;
//If the text exceeds vertical space, move it down so the first line is visible
if ( ( scene . height - holderTextGroup . height ) / 2 < 0 ) {
holderTextGroup . moveTo ( null , 0 , null ) ;
} else {
textNode = new Shape . Text ( scene . text ) ;
line = new Shape . Group ( 'line0' ) ;
line . add ( textNode ) ;
holderTextGroup . add ( line ) ;
holderTextGroup . moveTo (
( scene . width - tpdata . boundingBox . width ) / 2 , ( scene . height - tpdata . boundingBox . height ) / 2 ,
null ) ;
//todo: renderlist
return sceneGraph ;
/ * *
* Adaptive text sizing function
* @ private
* @ param width Parent width
* @ param height Parent height
* @ param fontSize Requested text size
* /
function textSize ( width , height , fontSize ) {
var stageWidth = parseInt ( width , 10 ) ;
var stageHeight = parseInt ( height , 10 ) ;
var bigSide = Math . max ( stageWidth , stageHeight ) ;
var smallSide = Math . min ( stageWidth , stageHeight ) ;
var newHeight = 0.8 * Math . min ( smallSide , bigSide * App . defaults . scale ) ;
return Math . round ( Math . max ( fontSize , newHeight ) ) ;
/ * *
* Iterates over resizable ( fluid or auto ) placeholders and renders them
* @ private
* @ param element Optional element selector , specified only if a specific element needs to be re - rendered
* /
function updateResizableElements ( element ) {
var images ;
if ( element == null || element . nodeType == null ) {
images = App . vars . resizableImages ;
} else {
images = [ element ] ;
for ( var i = 0 , l = images . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) {
var el = images [ i ] ;
if ( el . holderData ) {
var flags = el . holderData . flags ;
var dimensions = dimensionCheck ( el ) ;
if ( dimensions ) {
if ( ! el . holderData . resizeUpdate ) {
continue ;
if ( flags . fluid && flags . auto ) {
var fluidConfig = el . holderData . fluidConfig ;
switch ( fluidConfig . mode ) {
case 'width' :
dimensions . height = dimensions . width / fluidConfig . ratio ;
break ;
case 'height' :
dimensions . width = dimensions . height * fluidConfig . ratio ;
break ;
var settings = {
mode : 'image' ,
holderSettings : {
dimensions : dimensions ,
theme : flags . theme ,
flags : flags
} ,
el : el ,
engineSettings : el . holderData . engineSettings
} ;
if ( flags . textmode == 'exact' ) {
flags . exactDimensions = dimensions ;
settings . holderSettings . dimensions = flags . dimensions ;
render ( settings ) ;
} else {
setInvisible ( el ) ;
/ * *
* Sets up aspect ratio metadata for fluid placeholders , in order to preserve proportions when resizing
* @ private
* @ param el Image DOM element
* /
function setInitialDimensions ( el ) {
if ( el . holderData ) {
var dimensions = dimensionCheck ( el ) ;
if ( dimensions ) {
var flags = el . holderData . flags ;
var fluidConfig = {
fluidHeight : flags . dimensions . height . slice ( - 1 ) == '%' ,
fluidWidth : flags . dimensions . width . slice ( - 1 ) == '%' ,
mode : null ,
initialDimensions : dimensions
} ;
if ( fluidConfig . fluidWidth && ! fluidConfig . fluidHeight ) {
fluidConfig . mode = 'width' ;
fluidConfig . ratio = fluidConfig . initialDimensions . width / parseFloat ( flags . dimensions . height ) ;
} else if ( ! fluidConfig . fluidWidth && fluidConfig . fluidHeight ) {
fluidConfig . mode = 'height' ;
fluidConfig . ratio = parseFloat ( flags . dimensions . width ) / fluidConfig . initialDimensions . height ;
el . holderData . fluidConfig = fluidConfig ;
} else {
setInvisible ( el ) ;
/ * *
* Iterates through all current invisible images , and if they ' re visible , renders them and removes them from further checks . Runs every animation frame .
* @ private
* /
function visibilityCheck ( ) {
var renderableImages = [ ] ;
var keys = Object . keys ( App . vars . invisibleImages ) ;
var el ;
for ( var i = 0 , l = keys . length ; i < l ; i ++ ) {
el = App . vars . invisibleImages [ keys [ i ] ] ;
if ( dimensionCheck ( el ) && el . nodeName . toLowerCase ( ) == 'img' ) {
renderableImages . push ( el ) ;
delete App . vars . invisibleImages [ keys [ i ] ] ;
if ( renderableImages . length ) {
Holder . run ( {
images : renderableImages
} ) ;
global . requestAnimationFrame ( visibilityCheck ) ;
/ * *
* Starts checking for invisible placeholders if not doing so yet . Does nothing otherwise .
* @ private
* /
function startVisibilityCheck ( ) {
if ( ! App . vars . visibilityCheckStarted ) {
global . requestAnimationFrame ( visibilityCheck ) ;
App . vars . visibilityCheckStarted = true ;
/ * *
* Sets a unique ID for an image detected to be invisible and adds it to the map of invisible images checked by visibilityCheck
* @ private
* @ param el Invisible DOM element
* /
function setInvisible ( el ) {
if ( ! el . holderData . invisibleId ) {
App . vars . invisibleId += 1 ;
App . vars . invisibleImages [ 'i' + App . vars . invisibleId ] = el ;
el . holderData . invisibleId = App . vars . invisibleId ;
//todo: see if possible to convert stagingRenderer to use HTML only
var stagingRenderer = ( function ( ) {
var svg = null ,
stagingText = null ,
stagingTextNode = null ;
return function ( graph ) {
var rootNode = graph . root ;
if ( App . setup . supportsSVG ) {
var firstTimeSetup = false ;
var tnode = function ( text ) {
return document . createTextNode ( text ) ;
} ;
if ( svg == null || svg . parentNode !== document . body ) {
firstTimeSetup = true ;
svg = initSVG ( svg , rootNode . properties . width , rootNode . properties . height ) ;
//Show staging element before staging
svg . style . display = 'block' ;
if ( firstTimeSetup ) {
stagingText = newEl ( 'text' , SVG _NS ) ;
stagingTextNode = tnode ( null ) ;
setAttr ( stagingText , {
x : 0
} ) ;
stagingText . appendChild ( stagingTextNode ) ;
svg . appendChild ( stagingText ) ;
document . body . appendChild ( svg ) ;
svg . style . visibility = 'hidden' ;
svg . style . position = 'absolute' ;
svg . style . top = '-100%' ;
svg . style . left = '-100%' ;
//todo: workaround for zero-dimension <svg> tag in Opera 12
//svg.setAttribute('width', 0);
//svg.setAttribute('height', 0);
var holderTextGroup = rootNode . children . holderTextGroup ;
var htgProps = holderTextGroup . properties ;
setAttr ( stagingText , {
'y' : htgProps . font . size ,
'style' : cssProps ( {
'font-weight' : htgProps . font . weight ,
'font-size' : htgProps . font . size + htgProps . font . units ,
'font-family' : htgProps . font . family
} )
} ) ;
//Get bounding box for the whole string (total width and height)
stagingTextNode . nodeValue = htgProps . text ;
var stagingTextBBox = stagingText . getBBox ( ) ;
//Get line count and split the string into words
var lineCount = Math . ceil ( stagingTextBBox . width / ( rootNode . properties . width * App . setup . lineWrapRatio ) ) ;
var words = htgProps . text . split ( ' ' ) ;
var newlines = htgProps . text . match ( /\\n/g ) ;
lineCount += newlines == null ? 0 : newlines . length ;
//Get bounding box for the string with spaces removed
stagingTextNode . nodeValue = htgProps . text . replace ( /[ ]+/g , '' ) ;
var computedNoSpaceLength = stagingText . getComputedTextLength ( ) ;
//Compute average space width
var diffLength = stagingTextBBox . width - computedNoSpaceLength ;
var spaceWidth = Math . round ( diffLength / Math . max ( 1 , words . length - 1 ) ) ;
//Get widths for every word with space only if there is more than one line
var wordWidths = [ ] ;
if ( lineCount > 1 ) {
stagingTextNode . nodeValue = '' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < words . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( words [ i ] . length === 0 ) continue ;
stagingTextNode . nodeValue = decodeHtmlEntity ( words [ i ] ) ;
var bbox = stagingText . getBBox ( ) ;
wordWidths . push ( {
text : words [ i ] ,
width : bbox . width
} ) ;
//Hide staging element after staging
svg . style . display = 'none' ;
return {
spaceWidth : spaceWidth ,
lineCount : lineCount ,
boundingBox : stagingTextBBox ,
words : wordWidths
} ;
} else {
//todo: canvas fallback for measuring text on android 2.3
return false ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
var sgCanvasRenderer = ( function ( ) {
var canvas = newEl ( 'canvas' ) ;
var ctx = null ;
return function ( sceneGraph ) {
if ( ctx == null ) {
ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
var root = sceneGraph . root ;
canvas . width = App . dpr ( root . properties . width ) ;
canvas . height = App . dpr ( root . properties . height ) ;
ctx . textBaseline = 'middle' ;
ctx . fillStyle = root . children . holderBg . properties . fill ;
ctx . fillRect ( 0 , 0 , App . dpr ( root . children . holderBg . width ) , App . dpr ( root . children . holderBg . height ) ) ;
var textGroup = root . children . holderTextGroup ;
var tgProps = textGroup . properties ;
ctx . font = textGroup . properties . font . weight + ' ' + App . dpr ( textGroup . properties . font . size ) + textGroup . properties . font . units + ' ' + textGroup . properties . font . family + ', monospace' ;
ctx . fillStyle = textGroup . properties . fill ;
for ( var lineKey in textGroup . children ) {
var line = textGroup . children [ lineKey ] ;
for ( var wordKey in line . children ) {
var word = line . children [ wordKey ] ;
var x = App . dpr ( textGroup . x + line . x + word . x ) ;
var y = App . dpr ( textGroup . y + line . y + word . y + ( textGroup . properties . leading / 2 ) ) ;
ctx . fillText ( word . properties . text , x , y ) ;
return canvas . toDataURL ( 'image/png' ) ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
var sgSVGRenderer = ( function ( ) {
//Prevent IE <9 from initializing SVG renderer
if ( ! global . XMLSerializer ) return ;
var xml = createXML ( ) ;
var svg = initSVG ( null , 0 , 0 ) ;
var bgEl = newEl ( 'rect' , SVG _NS ) ;
svg . appendChild ( bgEl ) ;
//todo: create a reusable pool for textNodes, resize if more words present
return function ( sceneGraph , renderSettings ) {
var root = sceneGraph . root ;
initSVG ( svg , root . properties . width , root . properties . height ) ;
var groups = svg . querySelectorAll ( 'g' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < groups . length ; i ++ ) {
groups [ i ] . parentNode . removeChild ( groups [ i ] ) ;
var holderURL = renderSettings . holderSettings . flags . holderURL ;
var holderId = 'holder_' + ( Number ( new Date ( ) ) + 32768 + ( 0 | Math . random ( ) * 32768 ) ) . toString ( 16 ) ;
var sceneGroupEl = newEl ( 'g' , SVG _NS ) ;
var textGroup = root . children . holderTextGroup ;
var tgProps = textGroup . properties ;
var textGroupEl = newEl ( 'g' , SVG _NS ) ;
var tpdata = textGroup . textPositionData ;
var textCSSRule = '#' + holderId + ' text { ' +
cssProps ( {
'fill' : tgProps . fill ,
'font-weight' : tgProps . font . weight ,
'font-family' : tgProps . font . family + ', monospace' ,
'font-size' : tgProps . font . size + tgProps . font . units
} ) + ' } ' ;
var commentNode = xml . createComment ( '\n' + 'Source URL: ' + holderURL + generatorComment ) ;
var holderCSS = xml . createCDATASection ( textCSSRule ) ;
var styleEl = svg . querySelector ( 'style' ) ;
setAttr ( sceneGroupEl , {
id : holderId
} ) ;
svg . insertBefore ( commentNode , svg . firstChild ) ;
styleEl . appendChild ( holderCSS ) ;
sceneGroupEl . appendChild ( bgEl ) ;
sceneGroupEl . appendChild ( textGroupEl ) ;
svg . appendChild ( sceneGroupEl ) ;
setAttr ( bgEl , {
'width' : root . children . holderBg . width ,
'height' : root . children . holderBg . height ,
'fill' : root . children . holderBg . properties . fill
} ) ;
textGroup . y += tpdata . boundingBox . height * 0.8 ;
for ( var lineKey in textGroup . children ) {
var line = textGroup . children [ lineKey ] ;
for ( var wordKey in line . children ) {
var word = line . children [ wordKey ] ;
var x = textGroup . x + line . x + word . x ;
var y = textGroup . y + line . y + word . y ;
var textEl = newEl ( 'text' , SVG _NS ) ;
var textNode = document . createTextNode ( null ) ;
setAttr ( textEl , {
'x' : x ,
'y' : y
} ) ;
textNode . nodeValue = word . properties . text ;
textEl . appendChild ( textNode ) ;
textGroupEl . appendChild ( textEl ) ;
var svgString = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' +
btoa ( unescape ( encodeURIComponent ( serializeSVG ( svg , renderSettings . engineSettings ) ) ) ) ;
return svgString ;
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
/ * *
* Generic new DOM element function
* @ private
* @ param tag Tag to create
* @ param namespace Optional namespace value
* /
function newEl ( tag , namespace ) {
if ( namespace == null ) {
return document . createElement ( tag ) ;
} else {
return document . createElementNS ( namespace , tag ) ;
/ * *
* Generic setAttribute function
* @ private
* @ param el Reference to DOM element
* @ param attrs Object with attribute keys and values
* /
function setAttr ( el , attrs ) {
for ( var a in attrs ) {
el . setAttribute ( a , attrs [ a ] ) ;
/ * *
* Generic SVG element creation function
* @ private
* @ param svg SVG context , set to null if new
* @ param width Document width
* @ param height Document height
* /
function initSVG ( svg , width , height ) {
var defs , style ;
if ( svg == null ) {
svg = newEl ( 'svg' , SVG _NS ) ;
defs = newEl ( 'defs' , SVG _NS ) ;
style = newEl ( 'style' , SVG _NS ) ;
setAttr ( style , {
'type' : 'text/css'
} ) ;
defs . appendChild ( style ) ;
svg . appendChild ( defs ) ;
} else {
style = svg . querySelector ( 'style' ) ;
//IE throws an exception if this is set and Chrome requires it to be set
if ( svg . webkitMatchesSelector ) {
svg . setAttribute ( 'xmlns' , SVG _NS ) ;
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
2015-05-05 03:10:25 +02:00
//Remove comment nodes
for ( var i = 0 ; i < svg . childNodes . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( svg . childNodes [ i ] . nodeType === NODE _TYPE _COMMENT ) {
svg . removeChild ( svg . childNodes [ i ] ) ;
//Remove CSS
while ( style . childNodes . length ) {
style . removeChild ( style . childNodes [ 0 ] ) ;
setAttr ( svg , {
'width' : width ,
'height' : height ,
'viewBox' : '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height ,
'preserveAspectRatio' : 'none'
} ) ;
return svg ;
/ * *
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
* Returns serialized SVG with XML processing instructions
2015-05-05 03:10:25 +02:00
* @ private
* @ param svg SVG context
* @ param stylesheets CSS stylesheets to include
* /
function serializeSVG ( svg , engineSettings ) {
if ( ! global . XMLSerializer ) return ;
var serializer = new XMLSerializer ( ) ;
var svgCSS = '' ;
var stylesheets = engineSettings . stylesheets ;
//External stylesheets: Processing Instruction method
if ( engineSettings . svgXMLStylesheet ) {
var xml = createXML ( ) ;
//Add <?xml-stylesheet ?> directives
for ( var i = stylesheets . length - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) {
var csspi = xml . createProcessingInstruction ( 'xml-stylesheet' , 'href="' + stylesheets [ i ] + '" rel="stylesheet"' ) ;
xml . insertBefore ( csspi , xml . firstChild ) ;
//Add <?xml ... ?> UTF-8 directive
2016-03-23 18:39:41 +01:00
//todo: remove in 2.7
/ *
var xmlpi = xml . createProcessingInstruction ( 'xml' , 'version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"' ) ;
xml . insertBefore ( xmlpi , xml . firstChild ) ;
* /
2015-05-05 03:10:25 +02:00
xml . removeChild ( xml . documentElement ) ;
svgCSS = serializer . serializeToString ( xml ) ;
var svgText = serializer . serializeToString ( svg ) ;
svgText = svgText . replace ( /\&(\#[0-9]{2,}\;)/g , '&$1' ) ;
return svgCSS + svgText ;
/ * *
* Creates a XML document
* @ private
* /
function createXML ( ) {
if ( ! global . DOMParser ) return ;
return new DOMParser ( ) . parseFromString ( '<xml />' , 'application/xml' ) ;
/ * *
* Prevents a function from being called too often , waits until a timer elapses to call it again
* @ param fn Function to call
* /
function debounce ( fn ) {
if ( ! App . vars . debounceTimer ) fn . call ( this ) ;
if ( App . vars . debounceTimer ) global . clearTimeout ( App . vars . debounceTimer ) ;
App . vars . debounceTimer = global . setTimeout ( function ( ) {
App . vars . debounceTimer = null ;
fn . call ( this ) ;
} , App . setup . debounce ) ;
/ * *
* Holder - specific resize / orientation change callback , debounced to prevent excessive execution
* /
function resizeEvent ( ) {
debounce ( function ( ) {
updateResizableElements ( null ) ;
} ) ;
//Set up flags
for ( var flag in App . flags ) {
if ( ! App . flags . hasOwnProperty ( flag ) ) continue ;
App . flags [ flag ] . match = function ( val ) {
return val . match ( this . regex ) ;
} ;
//Properties set once on setup
App . setup = {
renderer : 'html' ,
debounce : 100 ,
ratio : 1 ,
supportsCanvas : false ,
supportsSVG : false ,
lineWrapRatio : 0.9 ,
renderers : [ 'html' , 'canvas' , 'svg' ]
} ;
App . dpr = function ( val ) {
return val * App . setup . ratio ;
} ;
//Properties modified during runtime
App . vars = {
preempted : false ,
resizableImages : [ ] ,
invisibleImages : { } ,
invisibleId : 0 ,
visibilityCheckStarted : false ,
debounceTimer : null ,
cache : { } ,
dataAttr : 'data-src'
} ;
( function ( ) {
var devicePixelRatio = 1 ,
backingStoreRatio = 1 ;
var canvas = newEl ( 'canvas' ) ;
var ctx = null ;
if ( canvas . getContext ) {
if ( canvas . toDataURL ( 'image/png' ) . indexOf ( 'data:image/png' ) != - 1 ) {
App . setup . renderer = 'canvas' ;
ctx = canvas . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
App . setup . supportsCanvas = true ;
if ( App . setup . supportsCanvas ) {
devicePixelRatio = global . devicePixelRatio || 1 ;
backingStoreRatio = ctx . webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . mozBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . msBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . oBackingStorePixelRatio || ctx . backingStorePixelRatio || 1 ;
App . setup . ratio = devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio ;
if ( ! ! document . createElementNS && ! ! document . createElementNS ( SVG _NS , 'svg' ) . createSVGRect ) {
App . setup . renderer = 'svg' ;
App . setup . supportsSVG = true ;
} ) ( ) ;
//Starts checking for invisible placeholders
startVisibilityCheck ( ) ;
if ( onDomReady ) {
onDomReady ( function ( ) {
if ( ! App . vars . preempted ) {
Holder . run ( ) ;
if ( global . addEventListener ) {
global . addEventListener ( 'resize' , resizeEvent , false ) ;
global . addEventListener ( 'orientationchange' , resizeEvent , false ) ;
} else {
global . attachEvent ( 'onresize' , resizeEvent ) ;
if ( typeof global . Turbolinks == 'object' ) {
global . document . addEventListener ( 'page:change' , function ( ) {
Holder . run ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
module . exports = Holder ;