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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'test_helper'
class ProductsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def setup
@admin = User.find_by(username: 'admin')
login_as(@admin, scope: :user)
test 'create a product' do
name = 'PLA Filament 3mm'
post '/api/products',
params: {
product: {
name: name,
slug: 'pla-filament-3mm',
sku: 'TOL-12953',
description: '3mm red PLA plastic filament for 3D printing. PLA is a great general purpose filament with great surface ' \
'finish, is easy to print, and even biodegradable.',
is_active: true,
product_category_id: 3,
amount: 174,
quantity_min: 5,
low_stock_alert: true,
low_stock_threshold: 100,
machine_ids: [4, 6],
product_files_attributes: [
{ attachment: fixture_file_upload('/files/document.pdf', 'application/pdf', true) },
{ attachment: fixture_file_upload('/files/document2.pdf', 'application/pdf', true) }
product_images_attributes: [
{ attachment: fixture_file_upload('/files/products/pla-filament.jpg', 'image/jpg'), is_main: true },
{ attachment: fixture_file_upload('/files/products/pla-filament2.jpg', 'image/jpg'), is_main: false }
advanced_accounting_attributes: {
code: '704611',
analytical_section: '9D441C'
product_stock_movements_attributes: [
{ stock_type: 'internal', quantity: 100, reason: 'inward_stock' },
{ stock_type: 'external', quantity: 14, reason: 'other_in' }
headers: upload_headers
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 201, response.status, response.body
assert_equal Mime[:json], response.content_type
# Check the poduct was correctly created
db_product = Product.where(name: name).first
assert_not_nil db_product
assert_equal 2, db_product.product_images.count
assert_equal 2, db_product.product_files.count
assert_equal name, db_product.name
assert_equal '704611', db_product.advanced_accounting.code
assert_equal '9D441C', db_product.advanced_accounting.analytical_section
assert_not_empty db_product.description
assert_equal true, db_product.is_active
assert_equal 3, db_product.product_category_id
assert_equal 17_400, db_product.amount
assert_equal 5, db_product.quantity_min
assert_equal true, db_product.low_stock_alert
assert_equal 100, db_product.low_stock_threshold
assert_equal [4, 6], db_product.machine_ids
assert_equal 'pla-filament-3mm', db_product.slug
assert_equal 'TOL-12953', db_product.sku
assert_equal 100, db_product.stock['internal']
assert_equal 14, db_product.stock['external']
test 'update a product' do
db_product = Product.find(3)
description = '<p>Cette caisse en <strong>bois masif</strong> est vraiment superbe !</p>'
put '/api/products/3',
params: {
product: {
description: description,
amount: 52_300,
product_stock_movements_attributes: [
{ stock_type: 'external', quantity: 20, reason: 'damaged' },
{ stock_type: 'internal', quantity: 1, reason: 'sold' }
headers: default_headers
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 200, response.status, response.body
assert_equal Mime[:json], response.content_type
# Check the product was correctly updated
assert_equal description, db_product.description
assert_equal 80, db_product.stock['external']
assert_equal 0, db_product.stock['internal']
product = json_response(response.body)
assert_equal description, product[:description]
assert_equal 80, product[:stock][:external]
assert_equal 0, product[:stock][:internal]
test 'delete a product' do
delete '/api/products/3', headers: default_headers
assert_response :success
assert_empty response.body
test 'clone a product' do
name = 'Panneau de contre-plaqué peuplier 15 mm'
put '/api/products/15/clone',
params: {
product: {
name: name,
sku: '12-4614',
is_active: false
headers: default_headers
assert_response :success
assert_equal Mime[:json], response.content_type
# Check the new product
product = Product.last
original = Product.find(15)
assert_equal name, product.name
assert_equal '12-4614', product.sku
assert_not product.is_active
assert_equal original.product_category_id, product.product_category_id
assert_equal original.amount, product.amount
assert_equal original.quantity_min, product.quantity_min
assert_equal original.low_stock_alert, product.low_stock_alert
assert_equal 0, product.stock['internal']
assert_equal 0, product.stock['external']
assert_not_equal original.slug, product.slug