This procedure is not easy to follow so if you don't need to write some code for Fab-manager, please prefer the [docker-compose installation method](
## General Guidelines
1. Install RVM, with the ruby version specified in the [.ruby-version file](../.ruby-version).
2. Install NVM, with the node.js version specified in the [.nvmrc file](../.nvmrc).
For instructions about installing NVM, please refer to [the NVM readme](
3. Install Yarn, the front-end package manager.
Depending on your system, the installation process may differ, please read the [official Yarn documentation](
4. Install docker.
Your system may provide a pre-packaged version of docker in its repositories, but this version may be outdated.
Please refer to [ubuntu](, [debian]( or [MacOS]( documentation to setup a recent version of docker.
5. Add your current user to the docker group, to allow using docker without `sudo`.
# add the docker group if it doesn't already exist
> **⚠ Warning**: **DO NOT** run `rake db:setup` instead of these commands, as this will not run some required raw SQL instructions.
> **🛈 Please note**: Your password length must be between 8 and 128 characters, otherwise db:seed will be rejected. This is configured in [config/initializers/devise.rb](config/initializers/devise.rb)
ElasticSearch is a powerful search engine based on Apache Lucene combined with a NoSQL database used as a cache to index data and quickly process complex requests on it.
See [schedule.yml](config/schedule.yml) to modify this behavior.
If the scheduled task wasn't executed for any reason (eg. you are in a dev environment and your computer was turned off at 1 AM), you can force the statistics data generation in ElasticSearch, running the following command.
# Here for the 50 last days
rake fablab:es:generate_stats[50]
### Backup and Restore
To backup and restore the ElasticSearch database, use the [elasticsearch-dump]( tool.
Dump the database with: `elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/stats --output=fablab_stats.json`.
Restore it with: `elasticdump --input=fablab_stats.json --output=http://localhost:9200/stats`.