# How to configure Fab-manager to use a Single Sign-On authentication?
For this guide, we will use [GitHub](https://developer.github.com/v3/oauth/) as an authentication provider, because it has a standard implementation of the protocol and it is free to use.
- First, you must have a GitHub account. This is free, so create one if you don't have any.
Visit https://github.com/join?source=login to create an account.
- Secondly, you will need to register your fab-manager instance as an application in GitHub.
Visit https://github.com/settings/applications/new to register your instance.
- In `Homepage URL`, put the public URL where your fab-manager's instance is located (eg. https://example.com).
- In `Authorization callback URL`, you must specify an URL that will match this scheme: https://example.com/users/auth/oauth2-github/callback (replace example.com with your own fab-manager's address).
- **Profile edition URL**: `https://github.com/settings/profile` This is the URL where you are directed when you click on `Edit profile` in your GitHub dashboard.
- **Client identifier**: Your Client ID, collected just before.
- **Client secret**: Your Client Secret, collected just before.
- Then you will need to define the matching of the fields between the fab-manager and what the external SSO can provide.
Please note that the only mandatory field is `User.uid`.
To continue with our GitHub example, you will need to look at [this documentation page](https://developer.github.com/v3/users/#get-the-authenticated-user) to know witch field can be mapped and how, and [this one](https://developer.github.com/v3/) to know the root URL of the API.
- **API endpoint URL**: `https://api.github.com/user` Here you can set a complete URL **OR** only an endpoint referring to the previously set **Common URL**.
- **API type**: `JSON` Only JSON API are currently supported
- **API fields**: `id` According to the GitHub API documentation, this is the name of the JSON field which uniquely identify the user.
- Once you are done, your newly created authentication provider, will be marked as **Pending** in the authentication providers list.
To set it as the current active provider, you must open a terminal on the hosting server (and/or container) and run the following commands:
# replace GitHub with the name of the provider you just created
rake fablab:switch_auth_provider[GitHub]
- As the command just prompted you, you have to re-compile the assets (with eg, `rake tmp:clear` - this vary with the method you used to deploy your instance)