diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml index a47752f66..aeb193e48 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml @@ -307,7 +307,6 @@ fr: prominence: "Importance" price: "Prix" machine_hours: "Créneaux machines" - these_prices_match_machine_hours_rates_html: "Les tarifs ci-dessous correspondent à une heure d'utilisation machine, sans abonnement." prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "Tous les prix seront automatiquement calculés par rapport au tarif horaire défini ici.
Par exemple, si vous définissez un tarif horaire à {RATE} : un créneau de {DURATION} minutes (par défaut), sera facturé {PRICE}." you_can_override: "Vous pouvez surcharger cette durée pour chaque disponibilité que vous créez dans l'agenda. Le prix sera alors ajusté en conséquence." machines: "Machines" @@ -369,6 +368,42 @@ fr: status_enabled: "Actifs" status_disabled: "Désactivés" status_all: "Tous" + machines_pricing: + prices_match_machine_hours_rates_html: "The prices below match one hour of machine usage, without subscription." + prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.
For example, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes (default), will be charged {PRICE}." + you_can_override: "You can override this duration for each availability you create in the agenda. The price will then be adjusted accordingly." + machines: "Machines" + price_updated: "Price successfully updated" + configure_packs_button: + packs: "Prepaid packs" + no_packs: "No packs for now" + pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} hours" + pack_form: + hours: "Hours" + amount: "Price" + disabled: "Disabled" + validity_count: "Maximum validity" + select_interval: "Interval..." + intervals: + day: "{COUNT, plural, one{Day} other{Days}}" + week: "{COUNT, plural, one{Week} other{Weeks}}" + month: "{COUNT, plural, one{Month} other{Months}}" + year: "{COUNT, plural, one{Year} other{Years}}" + create_pack: + new_pack: "New prepaid pack" + new_pack_info: "A prepaid pack allows users to buy {TYPE, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}} hours before booking any slots. These packs can provide discounts on volumes purchases." + create_pack: "Create this pack" + pack_successfully_created: "The new prepaid pack was successfully created." + delete_pack: + pack_deleted: "The prepaid pack was successfully deleted." + unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the prepaid pack: " + delete_pack: "Delete the prepaid pack" + confirm_delete: "Delete" + delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this prepaid pack? This won't be possible if the pack was already bought by users." + edit_pack: + edit_pack: "Edit the pack" + confirm_changes: "Confirm changes" + pack_successfully_updated: "The prepaid pack was successfully updated." #ajouter un code promotionnel coupons_new: add_a_coupon: "Ajouter un code promotionnel" @@ -1170,6 +1205,9 @@ fr: public_agenda_module: "module d'agenda public" statistics_module: "module de statistiques" upcoming_events_shown: "la limite d'affichage des événements à venir" + display_invite_to_renew_pack: "Display the invite to renew prepaid-packs" + packs_threshold_info_html: "You can define under how many hours the user will be invited to buy a prepaid-pack, if his stock of prepaid hours in under this threshold.
You can set a number of hours (eg. 5) or a percentage of his current pack pack (eg. 0.05 means 5%)." + renew_pack_threshold: "threshold for packs renewal" general: general: "Général" title: "Titre" @@ -1321,6 +1359,15 @@ fr: delete_confirmation: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie ? Si vous le faites, les formules associés à cette catégorie ne seront plus triés." category_deleted: "La catégorie a bien été supprimée" unable_to_delete: "Impossible de supprimer la catégorie : " + local_payment: + offline_payment: "Payment on site" + about_to_cash: "You're about to confirm the cashing by an external payment mean. Please do not click on the button below until you have fully cashed the requested payment." + payment_method: "Payment method" + method_card: "Online by card" + method_check: "By check" + card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines." + check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments." + online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. You cannot collect this payment schedule by online card." #feature tour tour: conclusion: