mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-22 13:19:50 +01:00

WIP: error handling for card payments on later deadlines

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2021-01-27 17:24:10 +01:00
parent 1a93aadda0
commit 163976b988
9 changed files with 195 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ const PaymentSchedulesTableComponent: React.FC<PaymentSchedulesTableProps> = ({
const [showExpanded, setShowExpanded] = useState({});
* Check if the requested payment schedule is displayed with its deadlines (PaymentScheduleItem) or without them
const isExpanded = (paymentScheduleId: number): boolean => {
return showExpanded[paymentScheduleId];
@ -39,6 +42,9 @@ const PaymentSchedulesTableComponent: React.FC<PaymentSchedulesTableProps> = ({
return new Intl.NumberFormat(Fablab.intl_locale, {style: 'currency', currency: Fablab.intl_currency}).format(price);
* Return the value for the CSS property 'display', for the payment schedule deadlines
const statusDisplay = (paymentScheduleId: number): string => {
if (isExpanded(paymentScheduleId)) {
return 'table-row'
@ -47,6 +53,9 @@ const PaymentSchedulesTableComponent: React.FC<PaymentSchedulesTableProps> = ({
* Return the action icon for showing/hiding the deadlines
const expandCollapseIcon = (paymentScheduleId: number): JSX.Element => {
if (isExpanded(paymentScheduleId)) {
return <i className="fas fa-minus-square" />;
@ -55,6 +64,9 @@ const PaymentSchedulesTableComponent: React.FC<PaymentSchedulesTableProps> = ({
* Show or hide the deadlines for the provided payment schedule, inverting their current status
const togglePaymentScheduleDetails = (paymentScheduleId: number): ReactEventHandler => {
return (): void => {
if (isExpanded(paymentScheduleId)) {
@ -65,10 +77,17 @@ const PaymentSchedulesTableComponent: React.FC<PaymentSchedulesTableProps> = ({
* For use with downloadButton()
enum TargetType {
Invoice = 'invoices',
PaymentSchedule = 'payment_schedules'
* Return a button to download a PDF file, may be an invoice, or a payment schedule, depending or the provided parameters
const downloadButton = (target: TargetType, id: number): JSX.Element => {
const link = `api/${target}/${id}/download`;
return (
@ -79,81 +98,147 @@ const PaymentSchedulesTableComponent: React.FC<PaymentSchedulesTableProps> = ({
* Return the human-readable string for the status of the provided deadline.
const formatState = (item: PaymentScheduleItem): JSX.Element => {
let res = t(`app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.state_${item.state}`);
if (item.state === PaymentScheduleItemState.Paid) {
res += ` (${item.payment_method})`;
const key = `app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.method_${item.payment_method}`
res += ` (${t(key)})`;
return <span className={`state-${item.state}`}>{res}</span>;
* Return the action button(s) for the given deadline
const itemButtons = (item: PaymentScheduleItem): JSX.Element => {
switch (item.state) {
case PaymentScheduleItemState.Paid:
return downloadButton(TargetType.Invoice, item.invoice_id);
case PaymentScheduleItemState.Pending:
return (<span><button>encaisser le chèque</button><button>réessayer (stripe)</button></span>);
return (
<button className="action-button" onClick={handleConfirmCheckPayment(item)}>
<i className="fas fa-money-check" />
case PaymentScheduleItemState.RequireAction:
return (
<button className="action-button" onClick={handleSolveAction(item)}>
<i className="fas fa-wrench" />
case PaymentScheduleItemState.RequirePaymentMethod:
return (
<button className="action-button" onClick={handleUpdateCard(item)}>
<i className="fas fa-credit-card" />
return <span />
const handleConfirmCheckPayment = (item: PaymentScheduleItem): ReactEventHandler => {
return (): void => {
- display confirmation modal
- create /api/payment_schedule/item/confirm_check endpoint and post to it
const handleSolveAction = (item: PaymentScheduleItem): ReactEventHandler => {
return (): void => {
- create component wrapped with <StripeElements>
- stripe.confirmCardSetup(item.client_secret).then(function(result) {
if (result.error) {
// Display error.message in your UI.
} else {
// The setup has succeeded. Display a success message.
const handleUpdateCard = (item: PaymentScheduleItem): ReactEventHandler => {
return (): void => {
- Notify the customer, collect new payment information, and create a new payment method
- Attach the payment method to the customer
- Update the default payment method
- Pay the invoice using the new payment method
return (
<table className="schedules-table">
<th className="w-35" />
<th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.schedule_num')}</th>
<th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.date')}</th>
<th className="w-120">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.price')}</th>
{showCustomer && <th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.customer')}</th>}
<th className="w-200"/>
{paymentSchedules.map(p => <tr key={p.id}>
<td colSpan={6}>
<table className="schedules-table-body">
<td className="w-35 row-header" onClick={togglePaymentScheduleDetails(p.id)}>{expandCollapseIcon(p.id)}</td>
<td className="w-200">{p.reference}</td>
<td className="w-200">{formatDate(p.created_at)}</td>
<td className="w-120">{formatPrice(p.total)}</td>
{showCustomer && <td className="w-200">{p.user.name}</td>}
<td className="w-200">{downloadButton(TargetType.PaymentSchedule, p.id)}</td>
<tr style={{ display: statusDisplay(p.id) }}>
<td className="w-35" />
<td colSpan={5}>
<table className="schedule-items-table">
<th className="w-120">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.deadline')}</th>
<th className="w-120">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.amount')}</th>
<th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.state')}</th>
<th className="w-200" />
{_.orderBy(p.items, 'due_date').map(item => <tr key={item.id}>
<table className="schedules-table">
<th className="w-35" />
<th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.schedule_num')}</th>
<th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.date')}</th>
<th className="w-120">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.price')}</th>
{showCustomer && <th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.customer')}</th>}
<th className="w-200"/>
{paymentSchedules.map(p => <tr key={p.id}>
<td colSpan={6}>
<table className="schedules-table-body">
<td className="w-35 row-header" onClick={togglePaymentScheduleDetails(p.id)}>{expandCollapseIcon(p.id)}</td>
<td className="w-200">{p.reference}</td>
<td className="w-200">{formatDate(p.created_at)}</td>
<td className="w-120">{formatPrice(p.total)}</td>
{showCustomer && <td className="w-200">{p.user.name}</td>}
<td className="w-200">{downloadButton(TargetType.PaymentSchedule, p.id)}</td>
<tr style={{ display: statusDisplay(p.id) }}>
<td className="w-35" />
<td colSpan={5}>
<table className="schedule-items-table">
<th className="w-120">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.deadline')}</th>
<th className="w-120">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.amount')}</th>
<th className="w-200">{t('app.admin.invoices.schedules_table.state')}</th>
<th className="w-200" />
{_.orderBy(p.items, 'due_date').map(item => <tr key={item.id}>
PaymentSchedulesTableComponent.defaultProps = { showCustomer: false };

View File

@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
export enum PaymentScheduleItemState {
New = 'new',
Pending = 'pending',
Paid = 'paid'
RequirePaymentMethod = 'requires_payment_method',
RequireAction = 'requires_action',
Paid = 'paid',
Error = 'error'
export enum PaymentMethod {
Stripe = 'stripe',
Check = 'check'
export interface PaymentScheduleItem {
id: number,
@ -9,7 +17,8 @@ export interface PaymentScheduleItem {
due_date: Date,
state: PaymentScheduleItemState,
invoice_id: number,
payment_method: string,
payment_method: PaymentMethod,
client_secret?: string,
details: {
recurring: number,
adjustment: number,

View File

@ -99,7 +99,8 @@
.download-button {
.action-button {
color: black;
background-color: #fbfbfb;
display: inline-block;
@ -139,13 +140,17 @@
// The color classes above are automatically generated from PaymentScheduleItem.state
.state-new {
color: #3a3a3a;
.state-pending {
.state-requires_action {
color: #d43333;
.state-paid {
.state-error {
color: black;

View File

@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ class PaymentScheduleItem < Footprintable
payment_schedule.ordered_items.first == self
def payment_intent
return unless stp_invoice_id
key = Setting.get('stripe_secret_key')
stp_invoice = Stripe::Invoice.retrieve(stp_invoice_id, api_key: key)
Stripe::PaymentIntent.retrieve(stp_invoice.payment_intent, api_key: key)
def self.columns_out_of_footprint
%w[invoice_id stp_invoice_id state payment_method]

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class PaymentScheduleService
# save the results
payment_schedule_item.update_attributes(invoice_id: invoice.id, stp_invoice_id: stp_invoice&.id)
payment_schedule_item.update_attributes(invoice_id: invoice.id)

View File

@ -16,5 +16,6 @@ json.array! @payment_schedules do |ps|
json.items ps.payment_schedule_items do |item|
json.extract! item, :id, :due_date, :state, :invoice_id, :payment_method
json.amount item.amount / 100.00
json.client_secret item.payment_intent.client_secret if item.stp_invoice_id && item.state == 'requires_action'

View File

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ class PaymentScheduleItemWorker
if stp_invoice.status == 'paid'
##### Stripe / Successfully paid
PaymentScheduleService.new.generate_invoice(psi, stp_invoice)
psi.update_attributes(state: 'paid', payment_method: 'stripe')
psi.update_attributes(state: 'paid', payment_method: 'stripe', stp_invoice_id: stp_invoice.id)
elsif stp_suscription.status == 'past_due'
##### Stripe / Payment error
NotificationCenter.call type: 'notify_admin_payment_schedule_failed',
receiver: User.admins_and_managers,
@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ class PaymentScheduleItemWorker
NotificationCenter.call type: 'notify_member_payment_schedule_failed',
receiver: psi.payment_schedule.user,
attached_object: psi
psi.update_attributes(state: 'pending')
stp_payment_intent = Stripe::PaymentIntent.retrieve(stp_invoice.payment_intent, api_key: stripe_key)
psi.update_attributes(state: stp_payment_intent.status, stp_invoice_id: stp_invoice.id)
psi.update_attributes(state: 'error')
### Check

View File

@ -652,8 +652,16 @@ en:
state: "State"
download: "Download"
state_new: "Not yet due"
state_pending: "Action required"
state_pending: "Waiting for the cashing of the check"
state_requires_payment_method: "The credit card must be updated"
state_requires_action: "Action required"
state_paid: "Paid"
state_error: "Error"
method_stripe: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
solve: "Solve"
update_card: "Update the card"
reference: "Reference"
customer: "Customer"

View File

@ -652,8 +652,16 @@ fr:
state: "État"
download: "Télécharger"
state_new: "Pas encore à l'échéance"
state_pending: "Action requise"
state_pending: "En attente de l'encaissement du chèque"
state_requires_payment_method: "La carte bancaire doit être mise à jour"
state_requires_action: "Action requise"
state_paid: "Payée"
state_error: "Erreur"
method_stripe: "par carte"
method_check: "par chèque"
confirm_payment: "Confirmer l'encaissement"
solve: "Résoudre"
update_card: "Mettre à jour la carte"
reference: "Référence"
customer: "Client"