mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-21 12:29:03 +01:00

(i18n) updated translations

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2022-12-22 14:29:43 +01:00
parent b567253322
commit 18e82c0151
18 changed files with 1190 additions and 1268 deletions

View File

@ -4,15 +4,169 @@ de:
name: "Name"
illustration: "Visual"
add_an_illustration: "Add a visual"
description: "Description"
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Attach a file"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
disable_machine: "Disable machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machine list."
validate_your_machine: "Validate your machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machines list."
ACTION_machine: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the machine"
create_success: "The machine was created successfully"
update_success: "The machine was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
validate_your_training: "Validate your training"
associated_machines: "Associated machines"
associated_machines_help: "If you associate a machine to this training, the members will need to successfully pass this training before being able to reserve the machine."
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
public_page: "Show in training lists"
public_help: "When unchecked, this option will prevent the training from appearing in the trainings list."
disable_training: "Disable the training"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the training won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the trainings list."
ACTION_training: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the training"
create_success: "The training was created successfully"
update_success: "The training was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
characteristics: "Characteristics"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
disable_space: "Disable the space"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the space won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the spaces list."
ACTION_space: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the space"
create_success: "The space was created successfully"
update_success: "The space was updated successfully"
title: "Title"
matching_visual: "Matching visual"
description: "Description"
attachments: "Attachments"
add_a_new_file: "Add a new file"
event_category: "Event category"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates and opening hours"
all_day: "All day"
all_day_help: "Will the event last all day or do you want to set times?"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
start_time: "Start time"
end_time: "End time"
recurrence: "Recurrence"
_and_ends_on: "and ends on"
prices_and_availabilities: "Prices and availabilities"
standard_rate: "Standard rate"
0_equal_free: "0 = free"
fare_class: "Fare class"
price: "Price"
seats_available: "Seats available"
seats_help: "If you leave this field empty, this event will be available without reservations."
event_themes: "Event themes"
age_range: "Age range"
add_price: "Add a price"
ACTION_event: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the event"
create_success: "The event was created successfully"
events_updated: "{COUNT, plural, =1{One event was} other{{COUNT} Events were}} successfully updated"
events_not_updated: "{TOTAL, plural, =1{The event was} other{On {TOTAL} events {COUNT, plural, =1{one was} other{{COUNT} were}}}} not updated."
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Unable to remove the requested price because it is associated with some existing reservations"
other_error: "An unexpected error occurred while updating the event"
none: "None"
every_days: "Every days"
every_week: "Every week"
every_month: "Every month"
every_year: "Every year"
general_information: "General information"
name: "Name"
name_max_length: "Name length must be less than 24 characters."
group: "Group"
transversal: "Transversal plan"
transversal_help: "If this option is checked, a copy of this plan will be created for each currently enabled groups."
category: "Category"
category_help: "Categories allow you to group the subscription plans, on the public view of the subscriptions."
number_of_periods: "Number of periods"
period: "Period"
year: "Year"
month: "Month"
week: "Week"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with a running payment schedule."
visual_prominence: "Visual prominence of the subscription"
visual_prominence_help: "On the subscriptions page, the most prominent subscriptions will be placed at the top of the list. An elevated number means a higher prominence."
rolling_subscription: "Rolling subscription?"
rolling_subscription_help: "A rolling subscription will begin the day of the first trainings. Otherwise, it will begin as soon as it is bought."
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?"
monthly_payment_help: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months."
description: "Description"
information_sheet: "Information sheet"
notified_partner: "Notified partner"
new_user: "New user ..."
alert_partner_notification: "As part of a partner subscription, some notifications may be sent to this user."
disabled: "Disable subscription"
disabled_help: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it."
duration: "Duration"
partnership: "Partnership"
partner_plan: "Partner plan"
partner_plan_help: "You can sell subscriptions in partnership with another organization. By doing so, the other organization will be notified when a member subscribes to this subscription plan."
partner_created: "The partner was successfully created"
ACTION_plan: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the plan"
create_success: "Plan(s) successfully created. Don't forget to redefine prices."
update_success: "The plan was updated successfully"
title: "Create a new partner"
create_partner: "Create the partner"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Last name"
email: "Email address"
prices: "Prices"
copy_prices_from: "Copy prices from"
copy_prices_from_help: "This will replace all the prices of this plan with the prices of the selected plan"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
title: "Periodic event update"
edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update?"
edit_this_event: "Only this event"
edit_this_and_next: "This event and the followings"
edit_all: "All events"
date_wont_change: "Warning: you have changed the event date. This modification won't be propagated to other occurrences of the periodic event."
confirm: "Update the {MODE, select, single{event} other{events}}"
title: "Advanced accounting parameters"
code: "Accounting code"
analytical_section: "Analytical section"
code: "Accounting code"
label: "Account label"
journal_code: "Journal code"
sales_journal: "Sales journal"
financial: "Financial"
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machine reservation"
training: "Training reservation"
event: "Event reservation"
space: "Space reservation"
prepaid_pack: "Pack of prepaid-hours"
product: "Product of the store"
error: "Erroneous invoices"
error_help: "As part of a maintenance operation, it may exceptionally happen that invoices, that have been generated by mistake due to a bug in the software, are discovered. As these invoices cannot be deleted, they will be exported to the account defined here. Please manually cancel these invoices."
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
enable_advanced: "Enable the advanced accounting"
enable_advanced_help: "This will enable the ability to have custom accounting codes per resources (machines, spaces, training ...). These codes can be modified on each resource edition form."
save: "Save"
update_success: "The accounting settings were successfully updated"
#add a new machine
declare_a_new_machine: "Neue Maschine angeben"
@ -494,21 +648,9 @@ de:
#add a subscription plan on the platform
add_a_subscription_plan: "Abonnement hinzufügen"
unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "Das Abonnement konnte nicht erstellt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Abonnement(s) erfolgreich erstellt. Vergessen Sie nicht, die Preise neu zu definieren."
unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Der Benutzer konnte nicht gespeichert werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob nicht bereits ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen vorhanden ist."
#edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices
subscription_plan: "Abonnementplan:"
prices: "Preise"
copy_prices_from: "Preise kopieren von"
machines: "Maschinen"
machine: "Maschine"
hourly_rate: "Stundensatz"
spaces: "Räume"
space: "Raum"
unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "Abonnementänderungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut."
subscription_successfully_changed: "Abonnement erfolgreich geändert."
#list of all invoices & invoicing parameters
invoices: "Rechnungen"
@ -681,62 +823,6 @@ de:
failed_to_close_period: "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten, der Abrechnungszeitraum konnte nicht geschlossen werden"
no_periods: "Momentan keine Schließungen"
accounting_codes: "Abrechnungscodes"
accounting_journal_code: "Journalcode"
general_journal_code: "Allgemeiner Journalcode"
accounting_card_client_code: "Kartenkunde Code"
card_client_code: "Rechnungscode für Kunden, die mit Kreditkarte bezahlt haben"
accounting_card_client_label: "Kreditkarten-Kunde Label"
card_client_label: "Konto-Label für Kunden, die mit Kreditkarte bezahlt haben"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Guthabenkonto-Kunde Code"
wallet_client_code: "Rechnungscode für Kunden, die mit dem Guthabenkonto bezahlen"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Guthabenkonto-Kunde Label"
wallet_client_label: "Konto-Label für Kunden, die mit dem Guthabenkonto bezahlen"
accounting_other_client_code: "Code für anders bezahlende Kunden"
other_client_code: "Rechnungscode für Kunden, die mit einer anderen Zahlungsart bezahlen"
accounting_other_client_label: "Label für anders bezahlende Kunden"
other_client_label: "Rechnungs-Label für Kunden, die mit einer anderen Zahlungsart bezahlen"
accounting_wallet_code: "Guthabenkonto-Code"
general_wallet_code: "Rechnungscode für Guthabenkonto"
accounting_wallet_label: "Guthabenkonto-Label"
general_wallet_label: "Konten-Code für Guthabenkonto"
accounting_vat_code: "MwSt.-Code"
general_vat_code: "Rechnungscode für MwSt."
accounting_vat_label: "MwSt.-Bezeichnung"
general_vat_label: "MwSt.-Konto-Bezeichnung"
accounting_subscription_code: "Abonnement-Code"
general_subscription_code: "Abrechnungscode für alle Abonnements"
accounting_subscription_label: "Abonnementbezeichung"
general_subscription_label: "Abrechnungscode für alle Abonnements"
accounting_Machine_code: "Maschinencode"
general_machine_code: "Abrechnungscode für alle Maschinen"
accounting_Machine_label: "Maschinenbezeichnug"
general_machine_label: "Abrechnungscode für alle Maschinen"
accounting_Training_code: "Trainings-Code"
general_training_code: "Abrechnungscode für alle Schulungen"
accounting_Training_label: "Schulungsbezeichnung"
general_training_label: "Abrechnungs-Label für alle Schulungen"
accounting_Event_code: "Veranstaltungs-Code"
general_event_code: "Abrechnungscode für alle Veranstaltungen"
accounting_Event_label: "Veranstaltungsbezeichnung"
general_event_label: "Abrechnungs-Label für alle Veranstaltungen"
accounting_Space_code: "Raum-Code"
general_space_code: "Abrechnungscode für alle Räume"
accounting_Space_label: "Raumbezeichnung"
general_space_label: "Abrechnungs-Label für alle Räume"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-pack code"
general_pack_code: "Accounting code for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-pack label"
general_pack_label: "Account label for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Product_code: "Product code (Store)"
general_product_code: "Accounting code for products (Store)"
accounting_Product_label: "Product label (Store)"
general_product_label: "Account label for products (Store)"
accounting_Error_code: "Fehlercode"
general_error_code: "Rechnungscode für fehlerhafte Rechnungen"
accounting_Error_label: "Fehlerbezeichnung"
general_error_label: "Kontobezeichnung für fehlerhafte Rechnungen"
codes_customization_success: "Anpassung der Abrechnungscodes erfolgreich gespeichert."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Beim Speichern der Codes ist ein unerwarteter Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut."
export_accounting_data: "Abrechnungsdaten exportieren"
export_what: "Was möchten Sie exportieren?"
export_VAT: "Die gesammelte MwSt. exportieren"
@ -1472,6 +1558,9 @@ de:
address: "Adresse"
address_required_info_html: "Sie können festlegen, ob eine Adresse für die Neuregistrierung eines Benutzers erforderlich sein soll.<br/><strong>Bitte beachten Sie</strong> dass in Abhängigkeit von Landesvorschriften Adressen für die Gültigkeit der Rechnungen erforderlich sein können."
address_is_required: "Adresse ist erforderlich"
external_id: "External identifier"
external_id_info_html: "You can set up an external identifier for your users, which cannot be modified by the user himself."
enable_external_id: "Enable the external ID"
captcha: "Captcha"
captcha_info_html: "Sie können einen Schutz gegen Roboter einrichten, um zu verhindern, dass diese Accounts erstellen. Dieser Schutz verwendet Google reCAPTCHA. Melden Sie sich für <a href='http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin' target='_blank'>ein API-Schlüsselpaar</a> an, um reCaptcha zu verwenden."
site_key: "Site-Schlüssel"

View File

@ -4,15 +4,169 @@ es:
name: "Name"
illustration: "Visual"
add_an_illustration: "Add a visual"
description: "Description"
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Attach a file"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
disable_machine: "Disable machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machine list."
validate_your_machine: "Validate your machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machines list."
ACTION_machine: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the machine"
create_success: "The machine was created successfully"
update_success: "The machine was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
validate_your_training: "Validate your training"
associated_machines: "Associated machines"
associated_machines_help: "If you associate a machine to this training, the members will need to successfully pass this training before being able to reserve the machine."
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
public_page: "Show in training lists"
public_help: "When unchecked, this option will prevent the training from appearing in the trainings list."
disable_training: "Disable the training"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the training won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the trainings list."
ACTION_training: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the training"
create_success: "The training was created successfully"
update_success: "The training was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
characteristics: "Characteristics"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
disable_space: "Disable the space"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the space won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the spaces list."
ACTION_space: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the space"
create_success: "The space was created successfully"
update_success: "The space was updated successfully"
title: "Title"
matching_visual: "Matching visual"
description: "Description"
attachments: "Attachments"
add_a_new_file: "Add a new file"
event_category: "Event category"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates and opening hours"
all_day: "All day"
all_day_help: "Will the event last all day or do you want to set times?"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
start_time: "Start time"
end_time: "End time"
recurrence: "Recurrence"
_and_ends_on: "and ends on"
prices_and_availabilities: "Prices and availabilities"
standard_rate: "Standard rate"
0_equal_free: "0 = free"
fare_class: "Fare class"
price: "Price"
seats_available: "Seats available"
seats_help: "If you leave this field empty, this event will be available without reservations."
event_themes: "Event themes"
age_range: "Age range"
add_price: "Add a price"
ACTION_event: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the event"
create_success: "The event was created successfully"
events_updated: "{COUNT, plural, =1{One event was} other{{COUNT} Events were}} successfully updated"
events_not_updated: "{TOTAL, plural, =1{The event was} other{On {TOTAL} events {COUNT, plural, =1{one was} other{{COUNT} were}}}} not updated."
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Unable to remove the requested price because it is associated with some existing reservations"
other_error: "An unexpected error occurred while updating the event"
none: "None"
every_days: "Every days"
every_week: "Every week"
every_month: "Every month"
every_year: "Every year"
general_information: "General information"
name: "Name"
name_max_length: "Name length must be less than 24 characters."
group: "Group"
transversal: "Transversal plan"
transversal_help: "If this option is checked, a copy of this plan will be created for each currently enabled groups."
category: "Category"
category_help: "Categories allow you to group the subscription plans, on the public view of the subscriptions."
number_of_periods: "Number of periods"
period: "Period"
year: "Year"
month: "Month"
week: "Week"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with a running payment schedule."
visual_prominence: "Visual prominence of the subscription"
visual_prominence_help: "On the subscriptions page, the most prominent subscriptions will be placed at the top of the list. An elevated number means a higher prominence."
rolling_subscription: "Rolling subscription?"
rolling_subscription_help: "A rolling subscription will begin the day of the first trainings. Otherwise, it will begin as soon as it is bought."
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?"
monthly_payment_help: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months."
description: "Description"
information_sheet: "Information sheet"
notified_partner: "Notified partner"
new_user: "New user ..."
alert_partner_notification: "As part of a partner subscription, some notifications may be sent to this user."
disabled: "Disable subscription"
disabled_help: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it."
duration: "Duration"
partnership: "Partnership"
partner_plan: "Partner plan"
partner_plan_help: "You can sell subscriptions in partnership with another organization. By doing so, the other organization will be notified when a member subscribes to this subscription plan."
partner_created: "The partner was successfully created"
ACTION_plan: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the plan"
create_success: "Plan(s) successfully created. Don't forget to redefine prices."
update_success: "The plan was updated successfully"
title: "Create a new partner"
create_partner: "Create the partner"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Last name"
email: "Email address"
prices: "Prices"
copy_prices_from: "Copy prices from"
copy_prices_from_help: "This will replace all the prices of this plan with the prices of the selected plan"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
title: "Periodic event update"
edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update?"
edit_this_event: "Only this event"
edit_this_and_next: "This event and the followings"
edit_all: "All events"
date_wont_change: "Warning: you have changed the event date. This modification won't be propagated to other occurrences of the periodic event."
confirm: "Update the {MODE, select, single{event} other{events}}"
title: "Advanced accounting parameters"
code: "Accounting code"
analytical_section: "Analytical section"
code: "Accounting code"
label: "Account label"
journal_code: "Journal code"
sales_journal: "Sales journal"
financial: "Financial"
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machine reservation"
training: "Training reservation"
event: "Event reservation"
space: "Space reservation"
prepaid_pack: "Pack of prepaid-hours"
product: "Product of the store"
error: "Erroneous invoices"
error_help: "As part of a maintenance operation, it may exceptionally happen that invoices, that have been generated by mistake due to a bug in the software, are discovered. As these invoices cannot be deleted, they will be exported to the account defined here. Please manually cancel these invoices."
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
enable_advanced: "Enable the advanced accounting"
enable_advanced_help: "This will enable the ability to have custom accounting codes per resources (machines, spaces, training ...). These codes can be modified on each resource edition form."
save: "Save"
update_success: "The accounting settings were successfully updated"
#add a new machine
declare_a_new_machine: "Declara una nueva máquina"
@ -494,21 +648,9 @@ es:
#add a subscription plan on the platform
add_a_subscription_plan: "Agregar un plan de suscripción"
unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "No se puede crear el plan de suscripción. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Suscripción(es) creada correctamente. No olvide redefinir los precios."
unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "No se puede guardar este usuario. Compruebe que no hay un usuario ya definido con el mismo nombre."
#edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices
subscription_plan: "Plan de suscripción:"
prices: "Precios"
copy_prices_from: "Copia los precios desde"
machines: "Máquinas"
machine: "Máquina"
hourly_rate: "Hourly rate"
spaces: "Espacios"
space: "Espacio"
unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "No se pueden guardar los cambios de suscripción. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo."
subscription_successfully_changed: "Suscripción cambiada correctamente."
#list of all invoices & invoicing parameters
invoices: "Facturas"
@ -681,62 +823,6 @@ es:
failed_to_close_period: "An error occurred, unable to close the accounting period"
no_periods: "No closings for now"
accounting_codes: "Accounting codes"
accounting_journal_code: "Journal code"
general_journal_code: "Journal code"
accounting_card_client_code: "Card clients code"
card_client_code: "Accounting code for clients who paid by card"
accounting_card_client_label: "Card clients label"
card_client_label: "Account label for clients who paid by card"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Wallet clients code"
wallet_client_code: "Accounting code for clients who paid by virtual wallet"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Wallet clients label"
wallet_client_label: "Account label for clients who paid by virtual wallet"
accounting_other_client_code: "Other means client code"
other_client_code: "Accounting code for clients who paid using another payment means"
accounting_other_client_label: "Other means client label"
other_client_label: "Accounting label for clients who paid using another payment means"
accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet code"
general_wallet_code: "Accounting code for wallet credit"
accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet label"
general_wallet_label: "Account label for wallet credit"
accounting_vat_code: "VAT code"
general_vat_code: "Accounting code for VAT"
accounting_vat_label: "VAT label"
general_vat_label: "VAT account label"
accounting_subscription_code: "Subscriptions code"
general_subscription_code: "Accounting code for all subscriptions"
accounting_subscription_label: "Subscriptions label"
general_subscription_label: "Account label for all subscriptions"
accounting_Machine_code: "Machines code"
general_machine_code: "Accounting code for all machines"
accounting_Machine_label: "Machine label"
general_machine_label: "Account label for all machines"
accounting_Training_code: "Trainings code"
general_training_code: "Accounting code for all trainings"
accounting_Training_label: "Trainings label"
general_training_label: "Account label for all trainings"
accounting_Event_code: "Events code"
general_event_code: "Accounting code for all events"
accounting_Event_label: "Events label"
general_event_label: "Account label for all events"
accounting_Space_code: "Space code"
general_space_code: "Accounting code for all spaces"
accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label"
general_space_label: "Account label for all spaces"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-pack code"
general_pack_code: "Accounting code for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-pack label"
general_pack_label: "Account label for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Product_code: "Product code (Store)"
general_product_code: "Accounting code for products (Store)"
accounting_Product_label: "Product label (Store)"
general_product_label: "Account label for products (Store)"
accounting_Error_code: "Errors code"
general_error_code: "Accounting code for erroneous invoices"
accounting_Error_label: "Errors label"
general_error_label: "Account label for erroneous invoices"
codes_customization_success: "Customization of accounting codes successfully saved."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred while saving the codes. Please try again later."
export_accounting_data: "Export accounting data"
export_what: "What do you want to export?"
export_VAT: "Export the collected VAT"
@ -1472,6 +1558,9 @@ es:
address: "Address"
address_required_info_html: "You can define if the address should be required to register a new user on Fab-manager.<br/><strong>Please note</strong> that, depending on your country, the regulations may requires addresses for the invoices to be valid."
address_is_required: "Address is required"
external_id: "External identifier"
external_id_info_html: "You can set up an external identifier for your users, which cannot be modified by the user himself."
enable_external_id: "Enable the external ID"
captcha: "Captcha"
captcha_info_html: "You can setup a protection against robots, to prevent them creating members accounts. This protection is using Google reCAPTCHA. Sign up for <a href='http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin' target='_blank'>an API key pair</a> to start using the captcha."
site_key: "Site key"

View File

@ -4,15 +4,169 @@ fr:
name: "Nom"
illustration: "Illustration"
add_an_illustration: "Ajouter un visuel"
description: "Description"
technical_specifications: "Caractéristiques techniques"
attached_files_pdf: "Pièces jointes (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Joindre un fichier"
add_an_attachment: "Ajouter une pièce jointe"
disable_machine: "Désactiver la machine"
disabled_help: "Lorsque désactivée, la machine ne sera pas réservable et n'apparaîtra pas par défaut dans la liste des machines."
validate_your_machine: "Valider votre machine"
ACTION_machine: "{ACTION, select, create{Créer} other{Mettre à jour}} la machine"
create_success: "La machine a bien été créée"
update_success: "La machine a bien été mise à jour"
name: "Nom"
illustration: "Visuel"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_training: "Ajouter une nouvelle formation"
validate_your_training: "Valider votre formation"
associated_machines: "Machines associées"
associated_machines_help: "Si vous associez une machine à cette formation, les membres devront réussir cette formation avant de pouvoir réserver la machine."
default_seats: "Nombre de places par défaut"
public_page: "Afficher dans la liste des formations"
public_help: "Si cette option est désactivée, cela empêchera cette formation d'apparaître dans la liste des formations."
disable_training: "Désactiver la formation"
disabled_help: "Lorsque désactivée, la formation ne sera pas réservable et n'apparaîtra pas par défaut dans la liste des formations."
ACTION_training: "{ACTION, select, create{Créer} other{Mettre à jour}} la formation"
create_success: "La formation a bien été créée"
update_success: "La formation a bien été mise à jour"
name: "Nom"
illustration: "Visuel"
description: "Description"
characteristics: "Caractéristiques"
attached_files_pdf: "Pièces jointes (pdf)"
add_an_attachment: "Ajouter une pièce jointe"
default_seats: "Nombre de places par défaut"
disable_space: "Désactiver l'espace"
disabled_help: "Lorsque désactivée, l'espace ne sera pas réservable et n'apparaîtra pas par défaut dans la liste des espaces."
ACTION_space: "{ACTION, select, create{Créer} other{Mettre à jour}} l'espace"
create_success: "L'espace a bien été créé"
update_success: "L'espace a bien été mis à jour"
title: "Titre"
matching_visual: "Visuel associé"
description: "Description"
attachments: "Pièces jointes"
add_a_new_file: "Ajouter un nouveau fichier"
event_category: "Catégorie de l'événement"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates et horaires"
all_day: "Toute la journée"
all_day_help: "L'événement durera-t-il toute la journée ou voulez-vous définir des heures ?"
start_date: "Date de début"
end_date: "Date de fin"
start_time: "Heure de début"
end_time: "Heure de fin"
recurrence: "Récurrence"
_and_ends_on: "et se terminera le"
prices_and_availabilities: "Tarifs et disponibilités"
standard_rate: "Tarif standard"
0_equal_free: "0 = gratuit"
fare_class: "Classe tarifaire"
price: "Prix"
seats_available: "Places disponibles"
seats_help: "Si vous laissez ce champ vide, cet événement sera disponible sans réservations."
event_themes: "Thèmes de l'événement"
age_range: "Tranche d'âge"
add_price: "Ajouter un tarif"
ACTION_event: "{ACTION, select, create{Créer} other{Mettre à jour}} l'événement"
create_success: "L'événement a bien été créé"
events_updated: "{COUNT, plural, one {}=1{Un événement à été} other{{COUNT} événements ont été}} mis à jour avec succès"
events_not_updated: "{TOTAL, plural, =1{L'événement n'a} other{Sur {TOTAL} évènements {COUNT, plural, =1{un n'a} other{{COUNT} n'ont}}}} pas été mis à jour."
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Impossible de supprimer le tarif demandé, car il est associé à des réservations existantes"
other_error: "Une erreur inattendue est survenue lors de la mise à jour de lévénement"
none: "Aucune"
every_days: "Tous les jours"
every_week: "Chaque semaine"
every_month: "Chaque mois"
every_year: "Chaque année"
general_information: "Informations générales"
name: "Nom"
name_max_length: "Le nom doit faire moins de 24 caractères."
group: "Groupe"
transversal: "Abonnement transversal"
transversal_help: "Si cette option est cochée, une copie de cette formule d'abonnement sera créée pour chaque groupe actuellement activé."
category: "Catégorie"
category_help: "Les catégories vous permettent de regrouper les formules d'abonnement, sur la vue publique des abonnements."
number_of_periods: "Nombre de périodes"
period: "Période"
year: "Année"
month: "Mois"
week: "Semaine"
subscription_price: "Prix de l'abonnement"
edit_amount_info: "Veuillez noter que si vous modifiez le prix de cette formule d'abonnement, le nouveau prix ne s'appliquera qu'aux nouveaux abonnés. Les abonnements actuels resteront inchangés, y-compris ceux ayant un échéancier de paiement en cours."
visual_prominence: "Importance visuelle de l'abonnement"
visual_prominence_help: "Sur la page des abonnements, les formules les plus importantes seront placés en haut de la liste. Un nombre élevé signifie une plus grande importance."
rolling_subscription: "Abonnement glissant ?"
rolling_subscription_help: "Un abonnement glissant commencera le jour de la première formation. Sinon, il commencera dès qu'il est acheté."
monthly_payment: "Paiement mensuel ?"
monthly_payment_help: "Si le paiement mensuel est activé, les membres pourront choisir entre un paiement unique ou un échéancier de paiement échelonné chaque mois."
description: "Description"
information_sheet: "Fiche descriptive"
notified_partner: "Partenaire notifié"
new_user: "Nouvel utilisateur ..."
alert_partner_notification: "Dans le cadre d'un abonnement partenaire, certaines notifications pourront être adressées à cet utilisateur."
disabled: "Désactiver l'abonnement"
disabled_help: "Attention : désactiver l'abonnement ne désabonnera pas les utilisateurs ayant actuellement cet abonnement actif."
duration: "Durée"
partnership: "Partenariat"
partner_plan: "Abonnement partenaire"
partner_plan_help: "Vous pouvez vendre des abonnements en partenariat avec un autre organisme. Ce faisant, l'autre entité sera informée lorsqu'un membre s'abonne à cette formule d'abonnement."
partner_created: "Le partenaire a bien été créé"
ACTION_plan: "{ACTION, select, create{Créer} other{Mettre à jour}} la formule d'abonnement"
create_success: "Création du/des formule(s) d'abonnement réussie(s). N'oubliez pas de redéfinir les tarifs."
update_success: "La formule d'abonnement a bien été mise à jour"
title: "Créer un nouveau partenaire"
create_partner: "Créer le partenaire"
first_name: "Prénom"
surname: "Nom"
email: "Adresse électronique"
prices: "Tarifs"
copy_prices_from: "Copier les prix depuis"
copy_prices_from_help: "Cela remplacera tous les prix de cette formule d'abonnement par les prix de la formule sélectionnée"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Espaces"
title: "Mise à jour d'un événement périodique"
edit_recurring_event: "Vous êtes sur le point de mettre à jour un événement périodique. Que voulez-vous mettre à jour ?"
edit_this_event: "Uniquement cet événement"
edit_this_and_next: "Cet événement et tous les suivants"
edit_all: "Tous les événements"
date_wont_change: "Attention : vous avez modifié la date de lévénement. Cette modification ne sera pas être répercutée sur les autres occurrences de lévénement périodique."
confirm: "Mise à jour {MODE, select, single{de l'événement} other{des événements}}"
title: "Paramètres de comptabilité avancée"
code: "Code comptable"
analytical_section: "Section analytique"
code: "Code comptable"
label: "Intitulé du compte"
journal_code: "Code journal"
sales_journal: "Journal des ventes"
financial: "Financier"
card: "Paiements par carte"
wallet_debit: "Paiements par porte-monnaie virtuel"
other: "Autres moyens de paiement"
wallet_credit: "Crédit du porte-monnaie virtuel"
sales: "Ventes"
subscriptions: "Abonnements"
machine: "Réservation de machines"
training: "Réservation de formations"
event: "Réservation d'événements"
space: "Réservation d'espaces"
prepaid_pack: "Packs d'heures prépayées"
product: "Produit du magasin"
error: "Factures erronées"
error_help: "Dans le cadre d'une opération de maintenance, il peut arriver de manière exceptionnelle que des factures, qui ont été générés par erreur à cause d'un bogue dans le logiciel, soient découvertes. Comme ces factures ne peuvent pas être supprimées, elles seront exportées vers le compte défini ici. Veuillez annuler manuellement ces factures."
advanced_accounting: "Comptabilité avancée"
enable_advanced: "Activer la comptabilité avancée"
enable_advanced_help: "Cela permettra d'avoir des codes comptables personnalisés par ressource (machines, espaces, formations, ...). Ces codes peuvent être modifiés sur le formulaire d'édition de chaque ressource."
save: "Enregistrer"
update_success: "Les paramètres comptables ont bien été mis à jour"
#add a new machine
declare_a_new_machine: "Déclarer une nouvelle machine"
@ -494,21 +648,9 @@ fr:
#add a subscription plan on the platform
add_a_subscription_plan: "Ajouter une formule d'abonnement"
unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "L'abonnement n'a pas pu être créé. Veuillez réessayer."
successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Création du/des abonnement(s) réussie. N'oubliez pas de redéfinir les tarifs."
unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Impossible d'enregistrer cet utilisateur. Vérifiez qu'il n'existe pas déjà un utilisateur du même nom."
#edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices
subscription_plan: "Formule d'abonnement :"
prices: "Tarifs"
copy_prices_from: "Copier les prix depuis"
machines: "Machines"
machine: "Machine"
hourly_rate: "Tarif horaire"
spaces: "Espaces"
space: "Espace"
unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "Les modifications de l'abonnement n'ont pas pu être enregistrées. Veuillez réessayer."
subscription_successfully_changed: "Modification de l'abonnement réussie."
#list of all invoices & invoicing parameters
invoices: "Factures"
@ -681,62 +823,6 @@ fr:
failed_to_close_period: "Une erreur est survenue, impossible de clôturer la période comptable"
no_periods: "Aucune clôture pour le moment"
accounting_codes: "Codes comptables"
accounting_journal_code: "Code journal"
general_journal_code: "Code journal"
accounting_card_client_code: "Code clients par carte"
card_client_code: "Code comptable pour les clients ayant réglé par carte bancaire"
accounting_card_client_label: "Libellé clients par carte"
card_client_label: "Libellé du compte pour les clients ayant réglé par carte bancaire"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Code clients par porte-monnaie"
wallet_client_code: "Code comptable pour les clients ayant réglé par porte-monnaie virtuel"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Libellé clients par porte-monnaie"
wallet_client_label: "Libellé du compte pour les clients ayant réglé par porte-monnaie virtuel"
accounting_other_client_code: "Code clients autre moyen"
other_client_code: "Code comptable pour les clients ayant avec un autre moyen de paiement"
accounting_other_client_label: "Libellé clients autre moyen"
other_client_label: "Libellé du compte pour les clients ayant réglé avec un autre moyen de paiement"
accounting_wallet_code: "Code porte-monnaie"
general_wallet_code: "Code comptable pour le crédit du porte-monnaie"
accounting_wallet_label: "Libellé porte-monnaie"
general_wallet_label: "Libellé du compte pour le crédit du porte-monnaie"
accounting_vat_code: "Code TVA"
general_vat_code: "Code comptable pour la TVA"
accounting_vat_label: "Libellé TVA"
general_vat_label: "Libellé du compte TVA"
accounting_subscription_code: "Code abonnements"
general_subscription_code: "Code comptable pour tous les abonnements"
accounting_subscription_label: "Libellé abonnements"
general_subscription_label: "Libellé du compte pour tous les abonnements"
accounting_Machine_code: "Code machines"
general_machine_code: "Code comptable pour toutes les machines"
accounting_Machine_label: "Libellé machine"
general_machine_label: "Libellé du compte pour toutes les machines"
accounting_Training_code: "Code formations"
general_training_code: "Code comptable pour toutes les formations"
accounting_Training_label: "Libellé formations"
general_training_label: "Libellé du compte pour toutes les formations"
accounting_Event_code: "Code événements"
general_event_code: "Code comptable pour tous les événements"
accounting_Event_label: "Libellé événements"
general_event_label: "Libellé du compte pour tous les événements"
accounting_Space_code: "Code espaces"
general_space_code: "Code comptable pour tous les espaces"
accounting_Space_label: "Libellé espaces"
general_space_label: "Libellé du compte pour tous les espaces"
accounting_Pack_code: "Code pack prépayé"
general_pack_code: "Code comptable pour tous les packs prépayés"
accounting_Pack_label: "Libellé pack prépayé"
general_pack_label: "Libellé du compte pour tous les packs prépayés"
accounting_Product_code: "Code du produit (boutique)"
general_product_code: "Code comptable pour les produits (boutique)"
accounting_Product_label: "Libellé produit (boutique)"
general_product_label: "Code comptable pour les produits (boutique)"
accounting_Error_code: "Code erreurs"
general_error_code: "Code comptable pour les factures en erreur"
accounting_Error_label: "Libellé erreurs"
general_error_label: "Libellé du compte pour les factures en erreur"
codes_customization_success: "La personnalisation des codes comptables a bien été enregistrée."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Une erreur inattendue est survenue lors de lenregistrement des codes. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
export_accounting_data: "Exporter les données comptables"
export_what: "Que voulez-vous exporter ?"
export_VAT: "Exporter la TVA collectée"
@ -1472,6 +1558,9 @@ fr:
address: "Adresse"
address_required_info_html: "Vous pouvez définir si l'adresse doit être requise, lors de l'enregistrement d'un nouvel utilisateur sur Fab-manager.<br/><strong>Veuillez noter</strong> que, selon votre pays, la réglementation peut exiger des adresses pour que les factures soient valides."
address_is_required: "Adresse requise"
external_id: "Identifiant externe"
external_id_info_html: "Vous pouvez configurer un identifiant externe pour vos utilisateurs, qui ne pourra pas être modifié par l'utilisateur lui-même."
enable_external_id: "Activer l'identifiant externe"
captcha: "Captcha"
captcha_info_html: "Vous pouvez mettre en place une protection contre les robots, pour les empêcher de créer des comptes membre. Cette protection utilise Google reCAPTCHA. Inscrivez vous pour obtenir <a href='http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin' target='_blank'>une paire de clefs d'API</a> afin d'utiliser le captcha."
site_key: "Clef de site"

View File

@ -4,15 +4,169 @@
name: "Name"
illustration: "Visual"
add_an_illustration: "Add a visual"
description: "Description"
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Attach a file"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
disable_machine: "Disable machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machine list."
validate_your_machine: "Validate your machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machines list."
ACTION_machine: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the machine"
create_success: "The machine was created successfully"
update_success: "The machine was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
validate_your_training: "Validate your training"
associated_machines: "Associated machines"
associated_machines_help: "If you associate a machine to this training, the members will need to successfully pass this training before being able to reserve the machine."
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
public_page: "Show in training lists"
public_help: "When unchecked, this option will prevent the training from appearing in the trainings list."
disable_training: "Disable the training"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the training won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the trainings list."
ACTION_training: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the training"
create_success: "The training was created successfully"
update_success: "The training was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
characteristics: "Characteristics"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
disable_space: "Disable the space"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the space won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the spaces list."
ACTION_space: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the space"
create_success: "The space was created successfully"
update_success: "The space was updated successfully"
title: "Title"
matching_visual: "Matching visual"
description: "Description"
attachments: "Attachments"
add_a_new_file: "Add a new file"
event_category: "Event category"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates and opening hours"
all_day: "All day"
all_day_help: "Will the event last all day or do you want to set times?"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
start_time: "Start time"
end_time: "End time"
recurrence: "Recurrence"
_and_ends_on: "and ends on"
prices_and_availabilities: "Prices and availabilities"
standard_rate: "Standard rate"
0_equal_free: "0 = free"
fare_class: "Fare class"
price: "Price"
seats_available: "Seats available"
seats_help: "If you leave this field empty, this event will be available without reservations."
event_themes: "Event themes"
age_range: "Age range"
add_price: "Add a price"
ACTION_event: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the event"
create_success: "The event was created successfully"
events_updated: "{COUNT, plural, =1{One event was} other{{COUNT} Events were}} successfully updated"
events_not_updated: "{TOTAL, plural, =1{The event was} other{On {TOTAL} events {COUNT, plural, =1{one was} other{{COUNT} were}}}} not updated."
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Unable to remove the requested price because it is associated with some existing reservations"
other_error: "An unexpected error occurred while updating the event"
none: "None"
every_days: "Every days"
every_week: "Every week"
every_month: "Every month"
every_year: "Every year"
general_information: "General information"
name: "Name"
name_max_length: "Name length must be less than 24 characters."
group: "Group"
transversal: "Transversal plan"
transversal_help: "If this option is checked, a copy of this plan will be created for each currently enabled groups."
category: "Category"
category_help: "Categories allow you to group the subscription plans, on the public view of the subscriptions."
number_of_periods: "Number of periods"
period: "Period"
year: "Year"
month: "Month"
week: "Week"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with a running payment schedule."
visual_prominence: "Visual prominence of the subscription"
visual_prominence_help: "On the subscriptions page, the most prominent subscriptions will be placed at the top of the list. An elevated number means a higher prominence."
rolling_subscription: "Rolling subscription?"
rolling_subscription_help: "A rolling subscription will begin the day of the first trainings. Otherwise, it will begin as soon as it is bought."
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?"
monthly_payment_help: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months."
description: "Description"
information_sheet: "Information sheet"
notified_partner: "Notified partner"
new_user: "New user ..."
alert_partner_notification: "As part of a partner subscription, some notifications may be sent to this user."
disabled: "Disable subscription"
disabled_help: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it."
duration: "Duration"
partnership: "Partnership"
partner_plan: "Partner plan"
partner_plan_help: "You can sell subscriptions in partnership with another organization. By doing so, the other organization will be notified when a member subscribes to this subscription plan."
partner_created: "The partner was successfully created"
ACTION_plan: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the plan"
create_success: "Plan(s) successfully created. Don't forget to redefine prices."
update_success: "The plan was updated successfully"
title: "Create a new partner"
create_partner: "Create the partner"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Last name"
email: "Email address"
prices: "Prices"
copy_prices_from: "Copy prices from"
copy_prices_from_help: "This will replace all the prices of this plan with the prices of the selected plan"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
title: "Periodic event update"
edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update?"
edit_this_event: "Only this event"
edit_this_and_next: "This event and the followings"
edit_all: "All events"
date_wont_change: "Warning: you have changed the event date. This modification won't be propagated to other occurrences of the periodic event."
confirm: "Update the {MODE, select, single{event} other{events}}"
title: "Advanced accounting parameters"
code: "Accounting code"
analytical_section: "Analytical section"
code: "Accounting code"
label: "Account label"
journal_code: "Journal code"
sales_journal: "Sales journal"
financial: "Financial"
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machine reservation"
training: "Training reservation"
event: "Event reservation"
space: "Space reservation"
prepaid_pack: "Pack of prepaid-hours"
product: "Product of the store"
error: "Erroneous invoices"
error_help: "As part of a maintenance operation, it may exceptionally happen that invoices, that have been generated by mistake due to a bug in the software, are discovered. As these invoices cannot be deleted, they will be exported to the account defined here. Please manually cancel these invoices."
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
enable_advanced: "Enable the advanced accounting"
enable_advanced_help: "This will enable the ability to have custom accounting codes per resources (machines, spaces, training ...). These codes can be modified on each resource edition form."
save: "Save"
update_success: "The accounting settings were successfully updated"
#add a new machine
declare_a_new_machine: "Sett opp en ny maskin"
@ -494,21 +648,9 @@
#add a subscription plan on the platform
add_a_subscription_plan: "Legg til en abonnementsplan"
unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "Kunne ikke opprette abonnementsplanen. Prøv på nytt."
successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Abonnement(er) opprettet. Ikke glem å omdefinere priser."
unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Kan ikke lagre denne brukeren. Kontroller at det ikke er en allerede definert bruker med samme navn."
#edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices
subscription_plan: "Medlemskap/abonnement:"
prices: "Priser"
copy_prices_from: "Kopier priser fra"
machines: "Maskiner"
machine: "Maskin"
hourly_rate: "Timepris"
spaces: "Plass/rom"
space: "Plass/rom"
unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "Kan ikke lagre abonnementsendringer. Prøv på nytt."
subscription_successfully_changed: "Abonnement ble endret."
#list of all invoices & invoicing parameters
invoices: "Fakturaer"
@ -681,62 +823,6 @@
failed_to_close_period: "Det oppstod en feil, kan ikke avslutte regnskapsperioden"
no_periods: "Ingen avslutninger for nå"
accounting_codes: "Regnskapskoder"
accounting_journal_code: "Journalkode"
general_journal_code: "Journalkode"
accounting_card_client_code: "Kortets klientkode"
card_client_code: "Regnskapskode for klienter som har betalt med kort"
accounting_card_client_label: "Kortets klientkode"
card_client_label: "Regnskapskode for klienter som har betalt med kort"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Lommebok, klientkode"
wallet_client_code: "Kontokode for klienter som betalt med virtuell lommebok"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Lommebok, klientkode"
wallet_client_label: "Kontokode for klienter som betalt med virtuell lommebok"
accounting_other_client_code: "Klientkode for andre betalingsmetoder"
other_client_code: "Regnskapskode for klienter som betalt med en annen betalingsmåte"
accounting_other_client_label: "Klientetikett for andre betalingsmetoder"
other_client_label: "Etablering av merkelapp for klienter som betalte ved hjelp av en annen betalingsmåte"
accounting_wallet_code: "Lommebok-kode"
general_wallet_code: "Regnskapskode for virtuell lommebok-kreditt"
accounting_wallet_label: "Etikett for virtuell lommebok"
general_wallet_label: "Regnskapskode for virtuell lommebok-kreditt"
accounting_vat_code: "Mva-kode"
general_vat_code: "Regnskapskode for mva"
accounting_vat_label: "Merkelapp for MVA"
general_vat_label: "Mva-kontoetikett"
accounting_subscription_code: "Abonnementskode"
general_subscription_code: "Regnskapskode for alle abonnementer"
accounting_subscription_label: "Etikett for abonnementer"
general_subscription_label: "Konto-etikett for alle abonnementer"
accounting_Machine_code: "Maskinkoder"
general_machine_code: "Regnskapskode for alle maskiner"
accounting_Machine_label: "Maskinetikett"
general_machine_label: "Regnskapskode for alle maskiner"
accounting_Training_code: "Kode for opplæring/kurs"
general_training_code: "Regnskapskode for all opplæring"
accounting_Training_label: "Etikett for opplæring"
general_training_label: "Konto-etikett for all opplæring"
accounting_Event_code: "Kode, arrangementer"
general_event_code: "Kode, alle arrangementer"
accounting_Event_label: "Etikett, arrangementer"
general_event_label: "Kontokode, alle arrangementer"
accounting_Space_code: "Kode, plasser/rom"
general_space_code: "Regnskapskode for plasser/rom"
accounting_Space_label: "Etikett, plasser/rom"
general_space_label: "Regnskapskode for alle plasser/rom"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-pack code"
general_pack_code: "Accounting code for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-pack label"
general_pack_label: "Account label for prepaid-packs"
accounting_Product_code: "Product code (Store)"
general_product_code: "Accounting code for products (Store)"
accounting_Product_label: "Product label (Store)"
general_product_label: "Account label for products (Store)"
accounting_Error_code: "Kode for feil"
general_error_code: "Regnskapskode for fakturafeil"
accounting_Error_label: "Etikett for feil"
general_error_label: "Kontoetikett for fakturafeil"
codes_customization_success: "Tilpasning av regnskapskodene ble lagret."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Det oppstod en uventet feil under lagring av kodene. Prøv igjen senere."
export_accounting_data: "Eksporter regnskapsdata"
export_what: "What do you want to export?"
export_VAT: "Export the collected VAT"
@ -1472,6 +1558,9 @@
address: "Address"
address_required_info_html: "You can define if the address should be required to register a new user on Fab-manager.<br/><strong>Please note</strong> that, depending on your country, the regulations may requires addresses for the invoices to be valid."
address_is_required: "Adresse er påkrevd"
external_id: "External identifier"
external_id_info_html: "You can set up an external identifier for your users, which cannot be modified by the user himself."
enable_external_id: "Enable the external ID"
captcha: "Captcha"
captcha_info_html: "Du kan sette opp beskyttelse mot roboter for å unngå at de oppretter medlemskontoer. Beskyttelsen bruker Google reCAPTCHA. Registrer deg for <a href='http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin' target='_blank'>et API-nøkkelpar</a> for å begynne å bruke captcha."
site_key: "Nettstedsnøkkel"

View File

@ -4,15 +4,169 @@ pt:
name: "Name"
illustration: "Visual"
add_an_illustration: "Add a visual"
description: "Description"
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Attach a file"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
disable_machine: "Disable machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machine list."
validate_your_machine: "Validate your machine"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the machine won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the machines list."
ACTION_machine: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the machine"
create_success: "The machine was created successfully"
update_success: "The machine was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
validate_your_training: "Validate your training"
associated_machines: "Associated machines"
associated_machines_help: "If you associate a machine to this training, the members will need to successfully pass this training before being able to reserve the machine."
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
public_page: "Show in training lists"
public_help: "When unchecked, this option will prevent the training from appearing in the trainings list."
disable_training: "Disable the training"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the training won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the trainings list."
ACTION_training: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the training"
create_success: "The training was created successfully"
update_success: "The training was updated successfully"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Illustration"
description: "Description"
characteristics: "Characteristics"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
disable_space: "Disable the space"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the space won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the spaces list."
ACTION_space: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the space"
create_success: "The space was created successfully"
update_success: "The space was updated successfully"
title: "Title"
matching_visual: "Matching visual"
description: "Description"
attachments: "Attachments"
add_a_new_file: "Add a new file"
event_category: "Event category"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates and opening hours"
all_day: "All day"
all_day_help: "Will the event last all day or do you want to set times?"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
start_time: "Start time"
end_time: "End time"
recurrence: "Recurrence"
_and_ends_on: "and ends on"
prices_and_availabilities: "Prices and availabilities"
standard_rate: "Standard rate"
0_equal_free: "0 = free"
fare_class: "Fare class"
price: "Price"
seats_available: "Seats available"
seats_help: "If you leave this field empty, this event will be available without reservations."
event_themes: "Event themes"
age_range: "Age range"
add_price: "Add a price"
ACTION_event: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the event"
create_success: "The event was created successfully"
events_updated: "{COUNT, plural, =1{One event was} other{{COUNT} Events were}} successfully updated"
events_not_updated: "{TOTAL, plural, =1{The event was} other{On {TOTAL} events {COUNT, plural, =1{one was} other{{COUNT} were}}}} not updated."
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Unable to remove the requested price because it is associated with some existing reservations"
other_error: "An unexpected error occurred while updating the event"
none: "None"
every_days: "Every days"
every_week: "Every week"
every_month: "Every month"
every_year: "Every year"
general_information: "General information"
name: "Name"
name_max_length: "Name length must be less than 24 characters."
group: "Group"
transversal: "Transversal plan"
transversal_help: "If this option is checked, a copy of this plan will be created for each currently enabled groups."
category: "Category"
category_help: "Categories allow you to group the subscription plans, on the public view of the subscriptions."
number_of_periods: "Number of periods"
period: "Period"
year: "Year"
month: "Month"
week: "Week"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with a running payment schedule."
visual_prominence: "Visual prominence of the subscription"
visual_prominence_help: "On the subscriptions page, the most prominent subscriptions will be placed at the top of the list. An elevated number means a higher prominence."
rolling_subscription: "Rolling subscription?"
rolling_subscription_help: "A rolling subscription will begin the day of the first trainings. Otherwise, it will begin as soon as it is bought."
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?"
monthly_payment_help: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months."
description: "Description"
information_sheet: "Information sheet"
notified_partner: "Notified partner"
new_user: "New user ..."
alert_partner_notification: "As part of a partner subscription, some notifications may be sent to this user."
disabled: "Disable subscription"
disabled_help: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it."
duration: "Duration"
partnership: "Partnership"
partner_plan: "Partner plan"
partner_plan_help: "You can sell subscriptions in partnership with another organization. By doing so, the other organization will be notified when a member subscribes to this subscription plan."
partner_created: "The partner was successfully created"
ACTION_plan: "{ACTION, select, create{Create} other{Update}} the plan"
create_success: "Plan(s) successfully created. Don't forget to redefine prices."
update_success: "The plan was updated successfully"
title: "Create a new partner"
create_partner: "Create the partner"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Last name"
email: "Email address"
prices: "Prices"
copy_prices_from: "Copy prices from"
copy_prices_from_help: "This will replace all the prices of this plan with the prices of the selected plan"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
title: "Periodic event update"
edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update?"
edit_this_event: "Only this event"
edit_this_and_next: "This event and the followings"
edit_all: "All events"
date_wont_change: "Warning: you have changed the event date. This modification won't be propagated to other occurrences of the periodic event."
confirm: "Update the {MODE, select, single{event} other{events}}"
title: "Advanced accounting parameters"
code: "Accounting code"
analytical_section: "Analytical section"
code: "Accounting code"
label: "Account label"
journal_code: "Journal code"
sales_journal: "Sales journal"
financial: "Financial"
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machine reservation"
training: "Training reservation"
event: "Event reservation"
space: "Space reservation"
prepaid_pack: "Pack of prepaid-hours"
product: "Product of the store"
error: "Erroneous invoices"
error_help: "As part of a maintenance operation, it may exceptionally happen that invoices, that have been generated by mistake due to a bug in the software, are discovered. As these invoices cannot be deleted, they will be exported to the account defined here. Please manually cancel these invoices."
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
enable_advanced: "Enable the advanced accounting"
enable_advanced_help: "This will enable the ability to have custom accounting codes per resources (machines, spaces, training ...). These codes can be modified on each resource edition form."
save: "Save"
update_success: "The accounting settings were successfully updated"
#add a new machine
declare_a_new_machine: "Criar nova máquina"
@ -494,21 +648,9 @@ pt:
#add a subscription plan on the platform
add_a_subscription_plan: "Adicionar plano de assinatura"
unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "Não é possível criar plano de assinatura. por favor tente novamente."
successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Assinaturas criadas com sucesso. Não se esqueça de redefinir os preços."
unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Impossível salvar este usuário. Certifique-se que ele não possui o mesmo nome de outro usuário."
#edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices
subscription_plan: "Plano de assinatura:"
prices: "Preços"
copy_prices_from: "Copiar preços de"
machines: "Máquinas"
machine: "Máquina"
hourly_rate: "Preço por hora"
spaces: "Espaços"
space: "Espaço"
unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "Impossível salvar mudanças da assinatura. Por favor tente novamente."
subscription_successfully_changed: "Assinatura alterada com sucesso."
#list of all invoices & invoicing parameters
invoices: "Faturas"
@ -681,62 +823,6 @@ pt:
failed_to_close_period: "Ocorreu um erro, não foi possível fechar o período de contabilidade"
no_periods: "Sem fechamentos por enquanto"
accounting_codes: "Códigos contábeis"
accounting_journal_code: "Código do diário"
general_journal_code: "Código do diário"
accounting_card_client_code: "Rótulo de cartão clientes"
card_client_code: "Código de contabilidade para clientes que pagaram com cartão"
accounting_card_client_label: "Rótulo de cartão clientes"
card_client_label: "Rótulo de conta para clientes que pagaram por cartão"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Código de clientes da carteira"
wallet_client_code: "Código de conta para clientes que pagaram por carteira virtual"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Rótulo para carteira"
wallet_client_label: "Rótulo de conta para clientes que pagaram por carteira virtual"
accounting_other_client_code: "Other payment client code"
other_client_code: "Código de conta para os clientes que pagaram usando outro meio de pagamento"
accounting_other_client_label: "Other payment client label"
other_client_label: "Etiqueta de contabilidade para os clientes que pagaram usando outro meio de pagamento"
accounting_wallet_code: "Código da carteira"
general_wallet_code: "Código de contabilidade para crédito da carteira"
accounting_wallet_label: "Rótulo da carteira"
general_wallet_label: "Rótulo de conta para crédito de carteira"
accounting_vat_code: "VAT code"
general_vat_code: "Código de contabilidade para IVA"
accounting_vat_label: "Etiqueta de imposto"
general_vat_label: "Rótulo de conta VAT"
accounting_subscription_code: "Código das assinaturas"
general_subscription_code: "Código de contabilidade para todas as assinaturas"
accounting_subscription_label: "Rótulo das assinaturas"
general_subscription_label: "Rótulo de conta para todas as assinaturas"
accounting_Machine_code: "Código das máquinas"
general_machine_code: "Código de contabilidade para todas as máquinas"
accounting_Machine_label: "Etiqueta de máquina"
general_machine_label: "Rótulo de conta para todas as máquinas"
accounting_Training_code: "Código de treinamentos"
general_training_code: "Código de contabilidade para todos os treinamentos"
accounting_Training_label: "Rótulo de treinamentos"
general_training_label: "Rótulo de conta para todos os treinamentos"
accounting_Event_code: "Código de eventos"
general_event_code: "Código de contabilidade para todos os eventos"
accounting_Event_label: "Rótulo de eventos"
general_event_label: "Rótulo de conta para todos os eventos"
accounting_Space_code: "Código do espaço"
general_space_code: "Código de contabilidade para todos os espaços"
accounting_Space_label: "Rótulo de espaços"
general_space_label: "Rótulo de conta para todos os espaços"
accounting_Pack_code: "Código do pacote pré-pago"
general_pack_code: "Código de contabilidade para pacotes pré-pagos"
accounting_Pack_label: "Etiqueta do pacote pré-pago"
general_pack_label: "Etiqueta da conta para pacotes pré-pagos"
accounting_Product_code: "Product code (Store)"
general_product_code: "Accounting code for products (Store)"
accounting_Product_label: "Product label (Store)"
general_product_label: "Account label for products (Store)"
accounting_Error_code: "Código do erro"
general_error_code: "Código de contabilidade para faturas erradas"
accounting_Error_label: "Rótulo dos erros"
general_error_label: "Rótulo de conta para faturas erradas"
codes_customization_success: "Customization of accounting codes successfully saved."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Ocorreu um erro inesperado ao salvar os códigos. Tente novamente mais tarde."
export_accounting_data: "Exportar dados de contabilidade"
export_what: "O que você deseja exportar?"
export_VAT: "Exportar imposto coletado"
@ -1472,6 +1558,9 @@ pt:
address: "Endereço"
address_required_info_html: "Você pode definir se o endereço deve ser necessário para registrar um novo usuário no Fab-manager.<br/><strong>Por favor, note</strong> que, dependendo do seu país, as regulamentações podem exigir endereços para que as faturas sejam válidas."
address_is_required: "Endereço é obrigatório"
external_id: "External identifier"
external_id_info_html: "You can set up an external identifier for your users, which cannot be modified by the user himself."
enable_external_id: "Enable the external ID"
captcha: "Captcha"
captcha_info_html: "Você pode configurar uma proteção contra robôs, para evitar que eles criem contas de membros. Esta proteção está usando o Google reCAPTCHA. Inscreva-se para <a href='http://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin' target='_blank'>um par de chaves de API</a> para começar a usar o captcha."
site_key: "Chave do site"

View File

@ -4,15 +4,169 @@ zu:
name: "crwdns31659:0crwdne31659:0"
illustration: "crwdns31661:0crwdne31661:0"
add_an_illustration: "crwdns31663:0crwdne31663:0"
description: "crwdns31665:0crwdne31665:0"
technical_specifications: "crwdns31667:0crwdne31667:0"
attached_files_pdf: "crwdns31669:0crwdne31669:0"
attach_a_file: "crwdns31671:0crwdne31671:0"
add_an_attachment: "crwdns31673:0crwdne31673:0"
disable_machine: "crwdns31675:0crwdne31675:0"
disabled_help: "crwdns31677:0crwdne31677:0"
validate_your_machine: "crwdns31679:0crwdne31679:0"
ACTION_machine: "crwdns31757:0ACTION={ACTION}crwdne31757:0"
create_success: "crwdns31759:0crwdne31759:0"
update_success: "crwdns31761:0crwdne31761:0"
name: "crwdns31763:0crwdne31763:0"
illustration: "crwdns31765:0crwdne31765:0"
description: "crwdns31767:0crwdne31767:0"
add_a_new_training: "crwdns31769:0crwdne31769:0"
validate_your_training: "crwdns31771:0crwdne31771:0"
associated_machines: "crwdns31773:0crwdne31773:0"
associated_machines_help: "crwdns31775:0crwdne31775:0"
default_seats: "crwdns31777:0crwdne31777:0"
public_page: "crwdns31779:0crwdne31779:0"
public_help: "crwdns31781:0crwdne31781:0"
disable_training: "crwdns31783:0crwdne31783:0"
disabled_help: "crwdns31785:0crwdne31785:0"
ACTION_training: "crwdns31787:0ACTION={ACTION}crwdne31787:0"
create_success: "crwdns31789:0crwdne31789:0"
update_success: "crwdns31791:0crwdne31791:0"
name: "crwdns31793:0crwdne31793:0"
illustration: "crwdns31795:0crwdne31795:0"
description: "crwdns31797:0crwdne31797:0"
characteristics: "crwdns31799:0crwdne31799:0"
attached_files_pdf: "crwdns31801:0crwdne31801:0"
add_an_attachment: "crwdns31803:0crwdne31803:0"
default_seats: "crwdns31805:0crwdne31805:0"
disable_space: "crwdns31807:0crwdne31807:0"
disabled_help: "crwdns31809:0crwdne31809:0"
ACTION_space: "crwdns31811:0ACTION={ACTION}crwdne31811:0"
create_success: "crwdns31813:0crwdne31813:0"
update_success: "crwdns31815:0crwdne31815:0"
title: "crwdns31817:0crwdne31817:0"
matching_visual: "crwdns31819:0crwdne31819:0"
description: "crwdns31821:0crwdne31821:0"
attachments: "crwdns31823:0crwdne31823:0"
add_a_new_file: "crwdns31825:0crwdne31825:0"
event_category: "crwdns31827:0crwdne31827:0"
dates_and_opening_hours: "crwdns31829:0crwdne31829:0"
all_day: "crwdns31831:0crwdne31831:0"
all_day_help: "crwdns31833:0crwdne31833:0"
start_date: "crwdns31835:0crwdne31835:0"
end_date: "crwdns31837:0crwdne31837:0"
start_time: "crwdns31839:0crwdne31839:0"
end_time: "crwdns31841:0crwdne31841:0"
recurrence: "crwdns31843:0crwdne31843:0"
_and_ends_on: "crwdns31845:0crwdne31845:0"
prices_and_availabilities: "crwdns31847:0crwdne31847:0"
standard_rate: "crwdns31849:0crwdne31849:0"
0_equal_free: "crwdns31851:0crwdne31851:0"
fare_class: "crwdns31853:0crwdne31853:0"
price: "crwdns31855:0crwdne31855:0"
seats_available: "crwdns31857:0crwdne31857:0"
seats_help: "crwdns31859:0crwdne31859:0"
event_themes: "crwdns31861:0crwdne31861:0"
age_range: "crwdns31863:0crwdne31863:0"
add_price: "crwdns31865:0crwdne31865:0"
ACTION_event: "crwdns31867:0ACTION={ACTION}crwdne31867:0"
create_success: "crwdns31869:0crwdne31869:0"
events_updated: "crwdns31871:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd31871:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne31871:0"
events_not_updated: "crwdns31873:0TOTAL={TOTAL}crwdnd31873:0TOTAL={TOTAL}crwdnd31873:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd31873:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne31873:0"
error_deleting_reserved_price: "crwdns31875:0crwdne31875:0"
other_error: "crwdns31877:0crwdne31877:0"
none: "crwdns31879:0crwdne31879:0"
every_days: "crwdns31881:0crwdne31881:0"
every_week: "crwdns31883:0crwdne31883:0"
every_month: "crwdns31885:0crwdne31885:0"
every_year: "crwdns31887:0crwdne31887:0"
general_information: "crwdns31889:0crwdne31889:0"
name: "crwdns31891:0crwdne31891:0"
name_max_length: "crwdns31893:0crwdne31893:0"
group: "crwdns31895:0crwdne31895:0"
transversal: "crwdns31897:0crwdne31897:0"
transversal_help: "crwdns31899:0crwdne31899:0"
category: "crwdns31901:0crwdne31901:0"
category_help: "crwdns31903:0crwdne31903:0"
number_of_periods: "crwdns31905:0crwdne31905:0"
period: "crwdns31907:0crwdne31907:0"
year: "crwdns31909:0crwdne31909:0"
month: "crwdns31911:0crwdne31911:0"
week: "crwdns31913:0crwdne31913:0"
subscription_price: "crwdns31915:0crwdne31915:0"
edit_amount_info: "crwdns31917:0crwdne31917:0"
visual_prominence: "crwdns31919:0crwdne31919:0"
visual_prominence_help: "crwdns31921:0crwdne31921:0"
rolling_subscription: "crwdns31923:0crwdne31923:0"
rolling_subscription_help: "crwdns31925:0crwdne31925:0"
monthly_payment: "crwdns31927:0crwdne31927:0"
monthly_payment_help: "crwdns31929:0crwdne31929:0"
description: "crwdns31931:0crwdne31931:0"
information_sheet: "crwdns31933:0crwdne31933:0"
notified_partner: "crwdns31935:0crwdne31935:0"
new_user: "crwdns31937:0crwdne31937:0"
alert_partner_notification: "crwdns31939:0crwdne31939:0"
disabled: "crwdns31941:0crwdne31941:0"
disabled_help: "crwdns31943:0crwdne31943:0"
duration: "crwdns31945:0crwdne31945:0"
partnership: "crwdns31947:0crwdne31947:0"
partner_plan: "crwdns31949:0crwdne31949:0"
partner_plan_help: "crwdns31951:0crwdne31951:0"
partner_created: "crwdns31953:0crwdne31953:0"
ACTION_plan: "crwdns31955:0ACTION={ACTION}crwdne31955:0"
create_success: "crwdns31957:0crwdne31957:0"
update_success: "crwdns31959:0crwdne31959:0"
title: "crwdns31961:0crwdne31961:0"
create_partner: "crwdns31963:0crwdne31963:0"
first_name: "crwdns31965:0crwdne31965:0"
surname: "crwdns31967:0crwdne31967:0"
email: "crwdns31969:0crwdne31969:0"
prices: "crwdns31971:0crwdne31971:0"
copy_prices_from: "crwdns31973:0crwdne31973:0"
copy_prices_from_help: "crwdns31975:0crwdne31975:0"
machines: "crwdns31977:0crwdne31977:0"
spaces: "crwdns31979:0crwdne31979:0"
title: "crwdns31981:0crwdne31981:0"
edit_recurring_event: "crwdns31983:0crwdne31983:0"
edit_this_event: "crwdns31985:0crwdne31985:0"
edit_this_and_next: "crwdns31987:0crwdne31987:0"
edit_all: "crwdns31989:0crwdne31989:0"
date_wont_change: "crwdns31991:0crwdne31991:0"
confirm: "crwdns31993:0MODE={MODE}crwdne31993:0"
title: "crwdns31995:0crwdne31995:0"
code: "crwdns31997:0crwdne31997:0"
analytical_section: "crwdns31999:0crwdne31999:0"
code: "crwdns32001:0crwdne32001:0"
label: "crwdns32003:0crwdne32003:0"
journal_code: "crwdns32005:0crwdne32005:0"
sales_journal: "crwdns32007:0crwdne32007:0"
financial: "crwdns32009:0crwdne32009:0"
card: "crwdns32011:0crwdne32011:0"
wallet_debit: "crwdns32013:0crwdne32013:0"
other: "crwdns32015:0crwdne32015:0"
wallet_credit: "crwdns32017:0crwdne32017:0"
VAT: "crwdns32019:0crwdne32019:0"
sales: "crwdns32021:0crwdne32021:0"
subscriptions: "crwdns32023:0crwdne32023:0"
machine: "crwdns32025:0crwdne32025:0"
training: "crwdns32027:0crwdne32027:0"
event: "crwdns32029:0crwdne32029:0"
space: "crwdns32031:0crwdne32031:0"
prepaid_pack: "crwdns32033:0crwdne32033:0"
product: "crwdns32035:0crwdne32035:0"
error: "crwdns32037:0crwdne32037:0"
error_help: "crwdns32039:0crwdne32039:0"
advanced_accounting: "crwdns32041:0crwdne32041:0"
enable_advanced: "crwdns32043:0crwdne32043:0"
enable_advanced_help: "crwdns32045:0crwdne32045:0"
save: "crwdns32047:0crwdne32047:0"
update_success: "crwdns32049:0crwdne32049:0"
#add a new machine
declare_a_new_machine: "crwdns24050:0crwdne24050:0"
@ -494,21 +648,9 @@ zu:
#add a subscription plan on the platform
add_a_subscription_plan: "crwdns24906:0crwdne24906:0"
unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "crwdns24908:0crwdne24908:0"
successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "crwdns24910:0crwdne24910:0"
unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "crwdns24912:0crwdne24912:0"
#edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices
subscription_plan: "crwdns24914:0crwdne24914:0"
prices: "crwdns24916:0crwdne24916:0"
copy_prices_from: "crwdns24918:0crwdne24918:0"
machines: "crwdns24920:0crwdne24920:0"
machine: "crwdns24922:0crwdne24922:0"
hourly_rate: "crwdns24924:0crwdne24924:0"
spaces: "crwdns24926:0crwdne24926:0"
space: "crwdns24928:0crwdne24928:0"
unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "crwdns24930:0crwdne24930:0"
subscription_successfully_changed: "crwdns24932:0crwdne24932:0"
#list of all invoices & invoicing parameters
invoices: "crwdns24934:0crwdne24934:0"
@ -681,62 +823,6 @@ zu:
failed_to_close_period: "crwdns25266:0crwdne25266:0"
no_periods: "crwdns25268:0crwdne25268:0"
accounting_codes: "crwdns25270:0crwdne25270:0"
accounting_journal_code: "crwdns25272:0crwdne25272:0"
general_journal_code: "crwdns25274:0crwdne25274:0"
accounting_card_client_code: "crwdns25276:0crwdne25276:0"
card_client_code: "crwdns25278:0crwdne25278:0"
accounting_card_client_label: "crwdns25280:0crwdne25280:0"
card_client_label: "crwdns25282:0crwdne25282:0"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "crwdns25284:0crwdne25284:0"
wallet_client_code: "crwdns25286:0crwdne25286:0"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "crwdns25288:0crwdne25288:0"
wallet_client_label: "crwdns25290:0crwdne25290:0"
accounting_other_client_code: "crwdns25292:0crwdne25292:0"
other_client_code: "crwdns25294:0crwdne25294:0"
accounting_other_client_label: "crwdns25296:0crwdne25296:0"
other_client_label: "crwdns25298:0crwdne25298:0"
accounting_wallet_code: "crwdns25300:0crwdne25300:0"
general_wallet_code: "crwdns25302:0crwdne25302:0"
accounting_wallet_label: "crwdns25304:0crwdne25304:0"
general_wallet_label: "crwdns25306:0crwdne25306:0"
accounting_vat_code: "crwdns25308:0crwdne25308:0"
general_vat_code: "crwdns25310:0crwdne25310:0"
accounting_vat_label: "crwdns25312:0crwdne25312:0"
general_vat_label: "crwdns25314:0crwdne25314:0"
accounting_subscription_code: "crwdns25316:0crwdne25316:0"
general_subscription_code: "crwdns25318:0crwdne25318:0"
accounting_subscription_label: "crwdns25320:0crwdne25320:0"
general_subscription_label: "crwdns25322:0crwdne25322:0"
accounting_Machine_code: "crwdns25324:0crwdne25324:0"
general_machine_code: "crwdns25326:0crwdne25326:0"
accounting_Machine_label: "crwdns25328:0crwdne25328:0"
general_machine_label: "crwdns25330:0crwdne25330:0"
accounting_Training_code: "crwdns25332:0crwdne25332:0"
general_training_code: "crwdns25334:0crwdne25334:0"
accounting_Training_label: "crwdns25336:0crwdne25336:0"
general_training_label: "crwdns25338:0crwdne25338:0"
accounting_Event_code: "crwdns25340:0crwdne25340:0"
general_event_code: "crwdns25342:0crwdne25342:0"
accounting_Event_label: "crwdns25344:0crwdne25344:0"
general_event_label: "crwdns25346:0crwdne25346:0"
accounting_Space_code: "crwdns25348:0crwdne25348:0"
general_space_code: "crwdns25350:0crwdne25350:0"
accounting_Space_label: "crwdns25352:0crwdne25352:0"
general_space_label: "crwdns25354:0crwdne25354:0"
accounting_Pack_code: "crwdns25356:0crwdne25356:0"
general_pack_code: "crwdns25358:0crwdne25358:0"
accounting_Pack_label: "crwdns25360:0crwdne25360:0"
general_pack_label: "crwdns25362:0crwdne25362:0"
accounting_Product_code: "crwdns31224:0crwdne31224:0"
general_product_code: "crwdns31226:0crwdne31226:0"
accounting_Product_label: "crwdns31228:0crwdne31228:0"
general_product_label: "crwdns31230:0crwdne31230:0"
accounting_Error_code: "crwdns25364:0crwdne25364:0"
general_error_code: "crwdns25366:0crwdne25366:0"
accounting_Error_label: "crwdns25368:0crwdne25368:0"
general_error_label: "crwdns25370:0crwdne25370:0"
codes_customization_success: "crwdns25372:0crwdne25372:0"
unexpected_error_occurred: "crwdns25374:0crwdne25374:0"
export_accounting_data: "crwdns25376:0crwdne25376:0"
export_what: "crwdns25378:0crwdne25378:0"
export_VAT: "crwdns25380:0crwdne25380:0"
@ -1472,6 +1558,9 @@ zu:
address: "crwdns26676:0crwdne26676:0"
address_required_info_html: "crwdns26678:0crwdne26678:0"
address_is_required: "crwdns26680:0crwdne26680:0"
external_id: "crwdns32051:0crwdne32051:0"
external_id_info_html: "crwdns36043:0crwdne36043:0"
enable_external_id: "crwdns32055:0crwdne32055:0"
captcha: "crwdns26682:0crwdne26682:0"
captcha_info_html: "crwdns26684:0crwdne26684:0"
site_key: "crwdns26686:0crwdne26686:0"

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ de:
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
external_id: "External identifier"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ de:
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
note: "Private note"
note_help: "This note is only shown to privileged users. The member won't be able to view it."
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
@ -110,8 +113,16 @@ de:
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
help: "Your password must be minimum 12 characters long, have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character."
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 12 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
not_in_requirements: "Your password doesn't meet the minimal requirements"
0: "Very weak password"
1: "Weak password"
2: "Almost ok"
3: "Good password"
4: "Excellent password"
#project edition form
name: "Name"
@ -141,21 +152,6 @@ de:
themes: "Themen"
tags: "Stichwörter"
save_as_draft: "Als Entwurf speichern"
#machine edition form
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name ist erforderlich."
illustration: "Ansicht"
add_an_illustration: "Foto hinzufügen"
description: "Beschreibung"
description_is_required: "Beschreibung ist erforderlich."
technical_specifications: "Techische Daten"
technical_specifications_are_required: "Technische Spezifikationen sind erforderlich."
attached_files_pdf: "Dateianhänge (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Eine Datei anfügen"
add_an_attachment: "Anhang hinzufügen"
disable_machine: "Maschine deaktivieren"
validate_your_machine: "Bestätigen Sie Ihr Gerät"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Diese Maschine buchen"
@ -187,100 +183,6 @@ de:
method_check: "Per Scheck"
card_collection_info: "Nach der Validierung werden Sie nach der Kartennummer des Mitglieds gefragt. Diese Karte wird automatisch zu den Fristen belastet."
check_collection_info: "Durch die Validierung bestätigen Sie, dass Sie {DEADLINES} Schecks haben und so alle monatlichen Zahlungen abwickeln können."
title: "Event themes"
select_theme: "Pick up a theme…"
#event edition form
title: "Titel"
title_is_required: "Titel ist erforderlich."
matching_visual: "Passendes Bild"
choose_a_picture: "Bild auswählen"
description: "Beschreibung"
description_is_required: "Beschreibung ist erforderlich."
attachments: "Dateianhänge"
add_a_new_file: "Neue Datei hinzufügen"
event_type: "Art der Veranstaltung"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Termine und Öffnungszeiten"
all_day: "Ganztägig"
start_date: "Startdatum"
end_date: "Enddatum"
start_time: "Startzeit"
end_time: "Ende"
recurrence: "Wiederholung"
_and_ends_on: "und endet am"
prices_and_availabilities: "Preise und Verfügbarkeiten"
standard_rate: "Standardpreis"
0_equal_free: "0 = kostenlos"
tickets_available: "Tickets verfügbar"
event_themes: "Veranstaltungsthemen"
select_theme: "Ein Theme auswählen..."
age_range: "Altersklasse"
add_price: "Preis hinzufügen"
#subscription plan edition form
general_information: "Allgemeine Informationen"
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name ist erforderlich"
name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "Der Name muss weniger als 24 Zeichen lang sein."
type: "Typ"
partner: "Partner"
standard: "Standard"
type_is_required: "Typ ist erforderlich."
group: "Gruppe"
groups: "Gruppen"
all: "Alle"
transversal_all_groups: "Transversal (alle Gruppen)"
group_is_required: "Gruppe ist erforderlich."
category: "Kategorie"
number_of_periods: "Anzahl der Zeiträume"
number_of_periods_is_required: "Anzahl der Zeiträume ist erforderlich."
period: "Zeitraum"
year: "Jahr"
month: "Monat"
week: "Woche"
period_is_required: "Zeitraum ist erforderlich."
subscription_price: "Abonnementspreis"
price_is_required: "Preis ist erforderlich."
edit_amount_info: "Bitte beachten Sie, nach einer Preisänderung der neue Preis nur für neue Abonnenten gilt. Der Preis aktueller Abonnements bleibt unverändert, auch für die mit laufendem Zahlungszeitplan."
visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Sichtbarkeit des Abonnements"
on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "Auf der Abonnement-Seite werden die prominentesten Abonnements ganz oben auf der Liste platziert."
an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "Eine höhere Zahl bedeutet einen höheren Stellenwert."
rolling_subscription: "Rollendes Abonnement?"
a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "Ein rollendes Abonnement beginnt mit dem Tag der ersten Schulung."
otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "Andernfalls beginnt es ab Kaufdatum."
monthly_payment: "Monatliche Zahlung?"
monthly_payment_info: "Wenn die monatliche Zahlung aktiviert ist, können die Mitglieder zwischen einer einmaligen Zahlung oder einem monatlichen Zahlungsplan wählen."
description: "Beschreibung"
type_a_short_description: "Geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung an."
information_sheet: "Informationsblatt"
attach_an_information_sheet: "Ein Informationsblatt anhängen"
notified_partner: "Benachrichtigter Partner"
new_user: "Neuer Nutzer..."
as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "Als Teil eines Partnerabonnements können einige Benachrichtigungen an diesen Benutzer gesendet werden."
new_partner: "Neuer Partner"
first_name: "Vorname"
first_name_is_required: "Der Vorname ist erforderlich."
surname: "Nachname"
surname_is_required: "Der Nachname ist erforderlich."
email_address: "EMailAdresse"
email_address_is_required: "Die E-Mail-Adresse ist erforderlich."
disabled: "Abonnement deaktivieren"
disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Achtung: Das Deaktivieren dieses Pakets wird Benutzer mit aktiven Abonnements nicht abbestellen."
#training edition form
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name ist erforderlich."
illustration: "Abbildung"
add_an_illustration: "Bild hinzufügen"
description: "Beschreibung"
description_is_required: "Beschreibung ist erforderlich."
add_a_new_training: "Neue Schulung hinzufügen"
validate_your_training: "Schulung bestätigen"
associated_machines: "Verknüpfte Maschinen"
number_of_tickets: "Anzahl der Tickets"
public_page: "In Schulungslisten anzeigen"
disable_training: "Training deaktivieren"
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "Nutzer"
@ -397,22 +299,6 @@ de:
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Der Gutschein kann nicht eingelöst werden: Der Rabatt überschreitet den Gesamtbetrag dieses Kaufs."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Der Gutschein konnte nicht eingelöst werden: Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten, bitte kontaktieren Sie den Fablab-Manager."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Dieser Code existiert nicht."
#form to create/edit a space
name: "Name"
name_is_required: "Name ist erforderlich."
illustration: "Abbildung"
add_an_illustration: "Abbildung hinzufügen"
description: "Beschreibung"
description_is_required: "Beschreibung ist erforderlich."
characteristics: "Eigenschaften"
characteristics_are_required: "Eigenschaften sind erforderlich."
attached_files_pdf: "Dateianhänge (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Datei anhängen"
add_an_attachment: "Anhang hinzufügen"
default_places: "Maximale Anzahl von Tickets"
default_places_is_required: "Maximale Anzahl an Tickets ist erforderlich."
disable_space: "Raum deaktivieren"
your_payment_schedule: "Your payment schedule"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} monthly {NUMBER, plural, =1{payment} other{payments}} of {AMOUNT}"

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ es:
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
external_id: "External identifier"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ es:
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
note: "Private note"
note_help: "This note is only shown to privileged users. The member won't be able to view it."
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
@ -110,8 +113,16 @@ es:
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
help: "Your password must be minimum 12 characters long, have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character."
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 12 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
not_in_requirements: "Your password doesn't meet the minimal requirements"
0: "Very weak password"
1: "Weak password"
2: "Almost ok"
3: "Good password"
4: "Excellent password"
#project edition form
name: "Name"
@ -141,21 +152,6 @@ es:
themes: "Themes"
tags: "Tags"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
#machine edition form
name: "Nombre"
name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre."
illustration: "Ilustración"
add_an_illustration: "añadir una ilustración"
description: "descripción"
description_is_required: "Se requiere una descripción."
technical_specifications: "Technical specifications"
technical_specifications_are_required: "Se requieren especificaciones técnicas."
attached_files_pdf: "archivos anclados (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "adjuntar archivo"
add_an_attachment: "añadir archivo adjunto"
disable_machine: "Disable machine"
validate_your_machine: "Validar su máquina"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Book this machine"
@ -187,100 +183,6 @@ es:
method_check: "By check"
card_collection_info: "By validating, you'll be prompted for the member's card number. This card will be automatically charged at the deadlines."
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
title: "Event themes"
select_theme: "Pick up a theme…"
#event edition form
title: "Title"
title_is_required: "Se requiere un título."
matching_visual: "Coincidencia visual"
choose_a_picture: "Selecciona una imagen"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "Description is required."
attachments: "Adjuntos"
add_a_new_file: "añadir un archivo"
event_type: "Tipo de evento"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Fechas y horas de apertura"
all_day: "Todo el día"
start_date: "Fecha de inicio"
end_date: "Fecha de fin"
start_time: "Hora de inicio"
end_time: "Hora de fin"
recurrence: "Repeticiones"
_and_ends_on: "termina el"
prices_and_availabilities: "Precios y disponibilidad"
standard_rate: "Puntuación estándar"
0_equal_free: "0 = Gratis"
tickets_available: "Entradas disponibles"
event_themes: "Temas del evento"
select_theme: "Pick up a theme..."
age_range: "Rango de edades"
add_price: "Add a price"
#subscription plan edition form
general_information: "Información general"
name: "Nombre"
name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre."
name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "el nombre debe contener menos de 24 caracteres."
type: "Tipo"
partner: "Partner"
standard: "Standard"
type_is_required: "Se requiere un tipo."
group: "Grupo"
groups: "Grupos"
all: "Todos"
transversal_all_groups: "Transversal (todos los grupos)"
group_is_required: "Se requiere un grupo."
category: "Category"
number_of_periods: "Numero de periodos"
number_of_periods_is_required: "El numero de periodos es obligatorio."
period: "Periodo"
year: "Año"
month: "Mes"
week: "Semana"
period_is_required: "Se requiere un periodo."
subscription_price: "Precio de la suscripción"
price_is_required: "Se requiere un precio."
edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with running payment schedule."
visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Relevancia visual de la suscripción"
on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "Las suscripciónes se ordenaran por orden de relevancia en la página de suscripciónes"
an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "Un número elevado indica mayor relevancia."
rolling_subscription: "¿Suscripción continua?"
a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "Una suscripción continuada empezará el día que se dé el primer curso."
otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "De otro modo, empezará tan pronto como se haya adquirido."
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?"
monthly_payment_info: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months."
description: "Description"
type_a_short_description: "Type a short description"
information_sheet: "hoja de información"
attach_an_information_sheet: "adjuntar una hoja de infomación"
notified_partner: "Compañero notificado"
new_user: "Nuevo usuario ..."
as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "Como parte de la suscripción, algunas notificaciones podrían ser enviadas a este usuario."
new_partner: "Nuevo compañero"
first_name: "First name"
first_name_is_required: "First name is required."
surname: "Last name"
surname_is_required: "Last name is required."
email_address: "Email address"
email_address_is_required: "Se requiere un mail."
disabled: "Disable subscription"
disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it."
#training edition form
name: "Nombre"
name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre."
illustration: "Ilustración"
add_an_illustration: "añadir una ilustración"
description: "descripción"
description_is_required: "Se requiere una descripción."
add_a_new_training: "Añadir curso"
validate_your_training: "Validar curso"
associated_machines: "Máquinas asociadas"
number_of_tickets: "Número de entradas"
public_page: "Hacer curso público"
disable_training: "Disable the training"
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "User"
@ -397,22 +299,6 @@ es:
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "No se puede aplicar el cupón: el descuento excede el monto total de esta compra."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "No se puede aplicar el cupón: se ha producido un error inesperado, póngase en contacto con el gerente del Fablab."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Este código no existe."
#form to create/edit a space
name: "Nombre"
name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre."
illustration: "Ilustración"
add_an_illustration: "añadir una ilustración"
description: "descripción"
description_is_required: "Se requiere una descripción."
characteristics: "Características"
characteristics_are_required: "Las características son obligatorias."
attached_files_pdf: "Archivos adjuntos (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Adjuntar archvo"
add_an_attachment: "Añadir adjunto"
default_places: "Máximo de entradas predeterminado"
default_places_is_required: "Se requiere un máximo de entradas predeterminado."
disable_space: "Disable space"
your_payment_schedule: "Your payment schedule"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} monthly {NUMBER, plural, =1{payment} other{payments}} of {AMOUNT}"

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ fr:
declare_organization: "Je déclare être une structure"
declare_organization_help: "Si vous déclarez être une structure, vos factures seront émises au nom de la structure."
pseudonym: "Pseudonyme"
external_id: "Identifiant externe"
first_name: "Prénom"
surname: "Nom de famille"
email_address: "Adresse de courriel"
@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ fr:
group: "Groupe"
trainings: "Formations"
tags: "Étiquettes"
note: "Note privée"
note_help: "Cette note est uniquement affichée aux utilisateurs possédant des privilèges. Le membre ne pourra pas la voir."
terms_and_conditions_html: "J'ai lu et j'accepte <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">les conditions générales<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "Vous devez accepter les conditions générales"
save: "Enregistrer"
@ -110,8 +113,16 @@ fr:
new_password: "Nouveau mot de passe"
confirm_password: "Confirmez le mot de passe"
help: "Votre mot de passe doit comporter au moins 12 caractères, posséder au moins une lettre majuscule, une lettre minuscule, un chiffre et un caractère spécial."
password_too_short: "Le mot de passe est trop court (doit contenir au moins 12 caractères)"
confirmation_mismatch: "La confirmation ne concorde pas avec le mot de passe."
not_in_requirements: "Votre mot de passe ne répond pas aux exigences minimales"
0: "Mot de passe très faible"
1: "Mot de passe faible"
2: "Presque correct"
3: "Bon mot de passe"
4: "Excellent mot de passe"
#project edition form
name: "Nom"
@ -141,21 +152,6 @@ fr:
themes: "Thématiques"
tags: "Étiquettes"
save_as_draft: "Enregistrer comme brouillon"
#machine edition form
name: "Nom"
name_is_required: "Le nom est requis."
illustration: "Visuel"
add_an_illustration: "Ajouter un visuel"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "La description est requise."
technical_specifications: "Caractéristiques techniques"
technical_specifications_are_required: "Les caractéristiques techniques sont requises."
attached_files_pdf: "Pièces jointes (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Joindre un fichier"
add_an_attachment: "Ajouter une pièce jointe"
disable_machine: "Désactiver la machine"
validate_your_machine: "Valider votre machine"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Réserver cette machine"
@ -187,100 +183,6 @@ fr:
method_check: "Par chèques"
card_collection_info: "En validant, vous serez invité à saisir les informations de carte bancaire du membre. Cette carte sera prélevée automatiquement aux échéances."
check_collection_info: "En validant, vous confirmez être en possession de {DEADLINES} chèques permettant d'encaisser l'ensemble des mensualité."
title: "Thèmes de l'événement"
select_theme: "Choisissez un thème …"
#event edition form
title: "Titre"
title_is_required: "Le titre est requis."
matching_visual: "Visuel associé"
choose_a_picture: "Choisir une image"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "La description est requise."
attachments: "Pièces jointes"
add_a_new_file: "Ajouter un nouveau fichier"
event_type: "Type d'événement"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Dates et horaires"
all_day: "Toute la journée"
start_date: "Date de début"
end_date: "Date de fin"
start_time: "Heure de début"
end_time: "Heure de fin"
recurrence: "Récurrence"
_and_ends_on: "et se terminera le"
prices_and_availabilities: "Tarifs et disponibilités"
standard_rate: "Tarif standard"
0_equal_free: "0 = gratuit"
tickets_available: "Places disponibles"
event_themes: "Thèmes de l'événement"
select_theme: "Choisissez un thème ..."
age_range: "Tranche d'âge"
add_price: "Ajouter un tarif"
#subscription plan edition form
general_information: "Informations générales"
name: "Nom"
name_is_required: "Le nom est requis"
name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "Le nom doit faire moins de 24 caractères."
type: "Type"
partner: "Partenaire"
standard: "Standard"
type_is_required: "Le type est requis."
group: "Groupe"
groups: "Groupes"
all: "Tous"
transversal_all_groups: "Transversal (tout les groupes)"
group_is_required: "Le groupe est requis."
category: "Catégorie"
number_of_periods: "Nombre de périodes"
number_of_periods_is_required: "Le nombre de périodes est requis."
period: "Période"
year: "Année"
month: "Mois"
week: "Semaine"
period_is_required: "La période est requise."
subscription_price: "Coût de l'abonnement"
price_is_required: "Le prix est requis."
edit_amount_info: "Veuillez noter que si vous modifiez le prix de cette formule d'abonnement, le nouveau prix ne s'appliquera qu'aux nouveaux abonnés. Les abonnements actuels resteront inchangés, y-compris ceux ayant un échéancier de paiement est en cours."
visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Importance visuelle de l'abonnement"
on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "Sur la page des abonnements, les abonnements les plus importants seront placés en haut de la liste."
an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "Un nombre plus élevé traduit une importance plus élevée."
rolling_subscription: "Abonnement glissant ?"
a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "Un abonnement glissant prendra effet seulement le jour de la première formation."
otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "Dans le cas contraire, il prendra effet dès sa date d'achat."
monthly_payment: "Paiement mensuel ?"
monthly_payment_info: "Si le paiement mensuel est activé, les membres pourront choisir entre un paiement unique ou un échéancier de paiement échelonné chaque mois."
description: "Description"
type_a_short_description: "Saisir une courte description"
information_sheet: "Fiche descriptive"
attach_an_information_sheet: "Joindre une fiche descriptive"
notified_partner: "Partenaire notifié"
new_user: "Nouvel utilisateur..."
as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "Dans le cadre d'un abonnement partenaire, certaines notifications pourront être adressées à cet utilisateur."
new_partner: "Nouveau partenaire"
first_name: "Prénom"
first_name_is_required: "Le prénom est requis."
surname: "Nom"
surname_is_required: "Le nom est requis."
email_address: "Adresse de courriel"
email_address_is_required: "L'adresse e-mail est requise."
disabled: "Désactiver l'abonnement"
disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Attention : désactiver l'abonnement ne désabonnera pas les utilisateurs ayant actuellement cet abonnement actif."
#training edition form
name: "Nom"
name_is_required: "Le nom est requis."
illustration: "Visuel"
add_an_illustration: "Ajouter un visuel"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "La description est requise."
add_a_new_training: "Ajouter une nouvelle formation"
validate_your_training: "Valider votre formation"
associated_machines: "Machines associées"
number_of_tickets: "Nombre de places"
public_page: "Afficher dans la liste de formation"
disable_training: "Désactiver la formation"
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "Utilisateur"
@ -397,22 +299,6 @@ fr:
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Impossible d'appliquer la réduction : la réduction dépasse le total de cet achat."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Impossible d'appliquer la réduction : une erreur inattendue s'est produite, veuillez contacter le gestionnaire du FabLab."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Ce code promo n'existe pas."
#form to create/edit a space
name: "Nom"
name_is_required: "Le nom est requis."
illustration: "Visuel"
add_an_illustration: "Ajouter un visuel"
description: "Description"
description_is_required: "La description est requise."
characteristics: "Caractéristiques"
characteristics_are_required: "Les caractéristiques sont requises."
attached_files_pdf: "Pièces jointes (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Joindre un fichier"
add_an_attachment: "Ajouter une pièce jointe"
default_places: "Maximum de places par défaut"
default_places_is_required: "Le nombre de places maximum par défaut est requis."
disable_space: "Désactiver l'espace"
your_payment_schedule: "Votre échéancier de paiement"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =1{mensualité} other{mensualités}} de {AMOUNT}"

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
declare_organization: "I declare to be an organization"
declare_organization_help: "If you declare to be an organization, your invoices will be issued in the name of the organization."
pseudonym: "Nickname"
external_id: "External identifier"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Surname"
email_address: "Email address"
@ -96,6 +97,8 @@
group: "Group"
trainings: "Trainings"
tags: "Tags"
note: "Private note"
note_help: "This note is only shown to privileged users. The member won't be able to view it."
terms_and_conditions_html: "I've read and accept <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">the terms and conditions<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "You must accept the terms and conditions"
save: "Save"
@ -110,8 +113,16 @@
new_password: "New password"
confirm_password: "Confirm password"
help: "Your password must be minimum 12 characters long, have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character."
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 12 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmation mismatch with password."
not_in_requirements: "Your password doesn't meet the minimal requirements"
0: "Very weak password"
1: "Weak password"
2: "Almost ok"
3: "Good password"
4: "Excellent password"
#project edition form
name: "Navn"
@ -141,21 +152,6 @@
themes: "Temaer"
tags: "Etiketter"
save_as_draft: "Lagre som utkast"
#machine edition form
name: "Navn"
name_is_required: "Bilde."
illustration: "Bilde"
add_an_illustration: "Legg til bilde"
description: "Beskrivelse"
description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd."
technical_specifications: "Tekniske detaljer"
technical_specifications_are_required: "Tekniske spesifikasjoner kreves."
attached_files_pdf: "Vedlagte filer (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Legg ved fil"
add_an_attachment: "Legg til vedlegg"
disable_machine: "Deaktiver maskinen"
validate_your_machine: "Valider maskinen din"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Reserver denne maskinen"
@ -187,100 +183,6 @@
method_check: "Med sjekk"
card_collection_info: "Ved å validere vil du bli bedt om å oppgi kortnummeret til medlemmet. Dette kortet vil automatisk bli belastet på fristen."
check_collection_info: "Ved å validere, bekrefter du at du har {DEADLINES} sjekker slik at du kan samle inn alle månedlige betalinger."
title: "Event themes"
select_theme: "Pick up a theme…"
#event edition form
title: "Tittel"
title_is_required: "Tittel er påkrevd."
matching_visual: "Matching visual"
choose_a_picture: "Velg bilde"
description: "Beskrivelse"
description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd."
attachments: "Vedlegg"
add_a_new_file: "Legg til ny fil"
event_type: "Type arrangement"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Datoer og åpningstider"
all_day: "Hele dagen"
start_date: "Startdato"
end_date: "Sluttdato"
start_time: "Starttid"
end_time: "Sluttid"
recurrence: "Gjentakelse"
_and_ends_on: "og slutter"
prices_and_availabilities: "Priser og tilgjengeligheter"
standard_rate: "Standard sats"
0_equal_free: "0 = gratis"
tickets_available: "Ledige plasser"
event_themes: "Event-temaer"
select_theme: "Velg tema..."
age_range: "Aldersgruppe"
add_price: "Legg til pris"
#subscription plan edition form
general_information: "Generell informasjon"
name: "Navn"
name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd"
name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "Navnlengden må være mindre enn 24 tegn."
type: "Type"
partner: "Partner"
standard: "Standard"
type_is_required: "Type er påkrevd."
group: "Gruppe"
groups: "Grupper"
all: "Alle"
transversal_all_groups: "Transversal (all groups)"
group_is_required: "Gruppe er påkrevd."
category: "Kategori"
number_of_periods: "Antall perioder"
number_of_periods_is_required: "Antall perioder kreves."
period: "Periode"
year: "År"
month: "Måned"
week: "Uke"
period_is_required: "Periode er påkrevd."
subscription_price: "Pris, medlemskap/abonnement"
price_is_required: "Periode er påkrevd."
edit_amount_info: "Vær oppmerksom på at hvis du endrer prisen på denne planen, vil den nye prisen kun gjelde for nye abonnenter. Gjeldende abonnementer vil forbli uendret, selv de med å kjøre betalingsplan."
visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Visuell fremtredende rolle i abonnementet"
on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "På abonnementssiden vil de mest fremtredende abonnementene plasseres øverst på listen."
an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "Et høyere tall betyr en høyere markering."
rolling_subscription: "Rullende abonnement?"
a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "Et rullende abonnement vil starte dagen for de første opplæringene."
otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "Ellers vil det begynne så snart det er kjøpt."
monthly_payment: "Månedlig betaling?"
monthly_payment_info: "Hvis månedlig betaling er aktivert, vil medlemmene kunne velge mellom en engangsbetaling eller betaling hver måned."
description: "Beskrivelse"
type_a_short_description: "Skriv inn en kort beskrivelse"
information_sheet: "Informasjonskjema"
attach_an_information_sheet: "Legg ved et informasjonsark"
notified_partner: "Varslet partner"
new_user: "Ny bruker..."
as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "Som en del av et partnerabonnement kan noen varsler sendes til denne brukeren."
new_partner: "Ny partner"
first_name: "Fornavn"
first_name_is_required: "Fornavn er påkrevd."
surname: "Etternavn"
surname_is_required: "Etternavn er påkrevd."
email_address: "E-postadresse"
email_address_is_required: "E-postadresse er påkrevd."
disabled: "Deaktivere abonnement"
disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "OBS: deaktivering av dette medlemskapet vil ikke avslutte aktive brukere med dette medlemskapet."
#training edition form
name: "Navn"
name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd."
illustration: "Illustrasjon"
add_an_illustration: "Legg til en illustrasjon"
description: "Beskrivelse"
description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd."
add_a_new_training: "Legge til ny opplæring/kurs"
validate_your_training: "Godkjen opplæring/kurs"
associated_machines: "Tilknyttede maskiner"
number_of_tickets: "Antall billetter"
public_page: "Vis i opplæringslister"
disable_training: "Deaktiver treningen"
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "Bruker"
@ -397,22 +299,6 @@
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Kunne ikke bruke kupongen: rabatten overstiger totalbeløpet på dette kjøpet."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Kunne ikke legge til kupong: det oppstod en uventet feil, vennligst kontakt ledelsen."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Denne koden finnes ikke."
#form to create/edit a space
name: "Navn"
name_is_required: "Navn er påkrevd."
illustration: "Illustrasjon"
add_an_illustration: "Legg til en illustrasjon"
description: "Beskrivelse"
description_is_required: "Beskrivelse er påkrevd."
characteristics: "Egenskaper"
characteristics_are_required: "Egenskaper er påkrevd."
attached_files_pdf: "Vedlagte filer (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Legg ved fil"
add_an_attachment: "Legg til vedlegg"
default_places: "Standard maksimalt antall billetter"
default_places_is_required: "Standard maksimalt antall billetter er påkrevd."
disable_space: "Deaktiver rom/plass"
your_payment_schedule: "Your payment schedule"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} monthly {NUMBER, plural, =1{payment} other{payments}} of {AMOUNT}"

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ pt:
declare_organization: "Declaro ser uma organização"
declare_organization_help: "Se você declarar ser uma organização, suas faturas serão emitidas no nome da organização."
pseudonym: "Usuário"
external_id: "External identifier"
first_name: "Primeiro nome"
surname: "Sobrenome"
email_address: "Endereço de e-mail"
@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ pt:
group: "Grupo"
trainings: "Treinamentos"
tags: "Tags"
note: "Private note"
note_help: "This note is only shown to privileged users. The member won't be able to view it."
terms_and_conditions_html: "Eu li e aceito <a href=\"{POLICY_URL}\" target=\"_blank\">os termos e condições<a/>"
must_accept_terms: "Você deve aceitar os termos e condições"
save: "Salvar"
@ -110,8 +113,16 @@ pt:
new_password: "Nova senha"
confirm_password: "Confirmar a senha"
help: "Your password must be minimum 12 characters long, have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character."
password_too_short: "Password is too short (must be at least 12 characters)"
confirmation_mismatch: "Confirmação de senha é diferente da senha."
not_in_requirements: "Your password doesn't meet the minimal requirements"
0: "Very weak password"
1: "Weak password"
2: "Almost ok"
3: "Good password"
4: "Excellent password"
#project edition form
name: "Nome"
@ -141,21 +152,6 @@ pt:
themes: "Temas"
tags: "Tags"
save_as_draft: "Salvar como rascunho"
#machine edition form
name: "Nome"
name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório."
illustration: "Ilustração"
add_an_illustration: "Adicionar ilustração"
description: "Descrição"
description_is_required: "Especificações técnica é obrigatório."
technical_specifications: "Especificações técnicas"
technical_specifications_are_required: "Especificações técnicas são obrigatórias."
attached_files_pdf: "Arquivos anexos (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Anexar arquivo"
add_an_attachment: "Adicionar anexo"
disable_machine: "Desativar máquina"
validate_your_machine: "Validar sua máquina"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "Reservar essa máquina"
@ -187,100 +183,6 @@ pt:
method_check: "Por verificação"
card_collection_info: "Ao confirmar, será solicitado o número do cartão do membro. Este cartão será cobrado automaticamente nos prazos determinados."
check_collection_info: "Ao confirmar, você confirma que tem {DEADLINES} checks, permitindo o desconto de todos os pagamentos mensalmente."
title: "Temas do evento"
select_theme: "Escolher um tema…"
#event edition form
title: "Título"
title_is_required: "Título é obrigatório."
matching_visual: "Correspondência visual"
choose_a_picture: "Escolha uma imagem"
description: "Descrição"
description_is_required: "Descrição é obrigatório."
attachments: "Anexos"
add_a_new_file: "Adicionar um novo arquivo"
event_type: "Tipo de evento"
dates_and_opening_hours: "Datas e horas"
all_day: "Dia todo"
start_date: "Data de início"
end_date: "Data de término"
start_time: "Horário de início"
end_time: "Horário de término"
recurrence: "Recorrência"
_and_ends_on: "e acaba em"
prices_and_availabilities: "Preços e disponibilidades"
standard_rate: "Taxa padrão"
0_equal_free: "0 = grátis"
tickets_available: "Tickets disponíveis"
event_themes: "Temas do evento"
select_theme: "Usar um tema..."
age_range: "Faixa etária"
add_price: "Adicionar preço"
#subscription plan edition form
general_information: "Informação geral"
name: "Nome"
name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório."
name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "O nome deve conter no máximo 24 caracteres."
type: "Tipo"
partner: "Parceiro"
standard: "Padrão"
type_is_required: "Tipo é obrigatório."
group: "Grupo"
groups: "Grupos"
all: "Todos"
transversal_all_groups: "Transversal (todos os grupos)"
group_is_required: "Grupo é obrigatório."
category: "Categoria"
number_of_periods: "Número de períodos"
number_of_periods_is_required: "Número de períodos é obrigatório."
period: "Período"
year: "Ano"
month: "Mês"
week: "Semana"
period_is_required: "Período é obrigatório."
subscription_price: "Preço de inscrição"
price_is_required: "Preço é obrigatório."
edit_amount_info: "Por favor, note que se você alterar o preço deste plano, o novo preço só será aplicado aos novos assinantes. As assinaturas atuais permanecerão inalteradas, mesmo as com cronograma de pagamentos em execução."
visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "Proeminência visual da assinatura"
on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "Na página de inscrições a inscrição mais relevante aparecerá no topo da lista."
an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "Um número elevado significa uma maior relevância."
rolling_subscription: "Assinatura contínua?"
a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "A assinatura contínua começarrá no primeiro dia de treinamento."
otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "Caso contrário, elecomeçará assim que for comprado."
monthly_payment: "Pagamento mensal?"
monthly_payment_info: "Se o pagamento mensal estiver ativado, os membros poderão escolher entre um pagamento único ou um pagamento recorrente."
description: "Descrição"
type_a_short_description: "Adicione uma descrição curta"
information_sheet: "Folha de informação"
attach_an_information_sheet: "Anexar folha de informação"
notified_partner: "Parceiro notificado"
new_user: "Novo usuário ..."
as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "Como parte da inscrição do parceiro, algumas notificações podem ser enviadas para este usuário."
new_partner: "Novo parceiro"
first_name: "Primeiro nome"
first_name_is_required: "Primeiro nome é obrigatório."
surname: "Sobrenome"
surname_is_required: "Sobrenome é obrigatório."
email_address: "Endereço de e-mail"
email_address_is_required: "Email é obrigatório."
disabled: "Disable subscrição"
disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Aviso: desativar a assinatura não desautorizará os usuários que atualmente possuem esta assinatura ativa."
#training edition form
name: "Nome"
name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório."
illustration: "Ilustração"
add_an_illustration: "Adicionar ilustração"
description: "Descrição"
description_is_required: "Descrição é obrigatório."
add_a_new_training: "Adicionar um novo treinamento"
validate_your_training: "Validar seu treinamento"
associated_machines: "Máquinas associadas"
number_of_tickets: "Número de vagas"
public_page: "Mostrar na lista de treinamentos"
disable_training: "Desativar treinamento"
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "Usuário"
@ -397,22 +299,6 @@ pt:
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Não é possível aplicar o cupom: o desconto excede o valor total desta compra."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Não é possível aplicar o cupom: um erro inesperado aconteceu, por favor entre em contato com o FabLab."
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Este código não existe."
#form to create/edit a space
name: "Nome"
name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório."
illustration: "Ilustração"
add_an_illustration: "Adicionar ilustração"
description: "Descrição"
description_is_required: "Descrição é obrigatório."
characteristics: "Características"
characteristics_are_required: "Características são obrigatórias."
attached_files_pdf: "Arquivos anexos (pdf)"
attach_a_file: "Anexar arquivo"
add_an_attachment: "Adicionar um anexo"
default_places: "Tickets máximo padrão"
default_places_is_required: "Tickets máximo padrão é obrigatório."
disable_space: "Desativar espaço"
your_payment_schedule: "Sua agenda de pagamento"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "{NUMBER} meses de {NUMBER, plural, one {} =1{pagamento} other{pagamentos}} de {AMOUNT}"

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ zu:
declare_organization: "crwdns28636:0crwdne28636:0"
declare_organization_help: "crwdns28638:0crwdne28638:0"
pseudonym: "crwdns28640:0crwdne28640:0"
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surname: "crwdns28644:0crwdne28644:0"
email_address: "crwdns28646:0crwdne28646:0"
@ -96,6 +97,8 @@ zu:
group: "crwdns28692:0crwdne28692:0"
trainings: "crwdns28694:0crwdne28694:0"
tags: "crwdns28696:0crwdne28696:0"
note: "crwdns32059:0crwdne32059:0"
note_help: "crwdns32061:0crwdne32061:0"
terms_and_conditions_html: "crwdns28698:0{POLICY_URL}crwdne28698:0"
must_accept_terms: "crwdns28700:0crwdne28700:0"
save: "crwdns28702:0crwdne28702:0"
@ -110,8 +113,16 @@ zu:
new_password: "crwdns28716:0crwdne28716:0"
confirm_password: "crwdns28718:0crwdne28718:0"
help: "crwdns32063:0crwdne32063:0"
password_too_short: "crwdns31749:0crwdne31749:0"
confirmation_mismatch: "crwdns28722:0crwdne28722:0"
not_in_requirements: "crwdns32065:0crwdne32065:0"
0: "crwdns32067:0crwdne32067:0"
1: "crwdns32069:0crwdne32069:0"
2: "crwdns32071:0crwdne32071:0"
3: "crwdns32073:0crwdne32073:0"
4: "crwdns32075:0crwdne32075:0"
#project edition form
name: "crwdns28724:0crwdne28724:0"
@ -141,21 +152,6 @@ zu:
themes: "crwdns28772:0crwdne28772:0"
tags: "crwdns28774:0crwdne28774:0"
save_as_draft: "crwdns28776:0crwdne28776:0"
#machine edition form
name: "crwdns28778:0crwdne28778:0"
name_is_required: "crwdns28780:0crwdne28780:0"
illustration: "crwdns28782:0crwdne28782:0"
add_an_illustration: "crwdns28784:0crwdne28784:0"
description: "crwdns28786:0crwdne28786:0"
description_is_required: "crwdns28788:0crwdne28788:0"
technical_specifications: "crwdns28790:0crwdne28790:0"
technical_specifications_are_required: "crwdns28792:0crwdne28792:0"
attached_files_pdf: "crwdns28794:0crwdne28794:0"
attach_a_file: "crwdns28796:0crwdne28796:0"
add_an_attachment: "crwdns28798:0crwdne28798:0"
disable_machine: "crwdns28800:0crwdne28800:0"
validate_your_machine: "crwdns28802:0crwdne28802:0"
#button to book a machine reservation
book_this_machine: "crwdns28804:0crwdne28804:0"
@ -187,100 +183,6 @@ zu:
method_check: "crwdns28840:0crwdne28840:0"
card_collection_info: "crwdns28842:0crwdne28842:0"
check_collection_info: "crwdns28844:0{DEADLINES}crwdne28844:0"
title: "crwdns28846:0crwdne28846:0"
select_theme: "crwdns28848:0crwdne28848:0"
#event edition form
title: "crwdns28850:0crwdne28850:0"
title_is_required: "crwdns28852:0crwdne28852:0"
matching_visual: "crwdns28854:0crwdne28854:0"
choose_a_picture: "crwdns28856:0crwdne28856:0"
description: "crwdns28858:0crwdne28858:0"
description_is_required: "crwdns28860:0crwdne28860:0"
attachments: "crwdns28862:0crwdne28862:0"
add_a_new_file: "crwdns28864:0crwdne28864:0"
event_type: "crwdns28866:0crwdne28866:0"
dates_and_opening_hours: "crwdns28868:0crwdne28868:0"
all_day: "crwdns28870:0crwdne28870:0"
start_date: "crwdns28872:0crwdne28872:0"
end_date: "crwdns28874:0crwdne28874:0"
start_time: "crwdns28876:0crwdne28876:0"
end_time: "crwdns28878:0crwdne28878:0"
recurrence: "crwdns28880:0crwdne28880:0"
_and_ends_on: "crwdns28882:0crwdne28882:0"
prices_and_availabilities: "crwdns28884:0crwdne28884:0"
standard_rate: "crwdns28886:0crwdne28886:0"
0_equal_free: "crwdns28888:0crwdne28888:0"
tickets_available: "crwdns28890:0crwdne28890:0"
event_themes: "crwdns28892:0crwdne28892:0"
select_theme: "crwdns28894:0crwdne28894:0"
age_range: "crwdns28896:0crwdne28896:0"
add_price: "crwdns28898:0crwdne28898:0"
#subscription plan edition form
general_information: "crwdns28900:0crwdne28900:0"
name: "crwdns28902:0crwdne28902:0"
name_is_required: "crwdns28904:0crwdne28904:0"
name_length_must_be_less_than_24_characters: "crwdns28906:0crwdne28906:0"
type: "crwdns28908:0crwdne28908:0"
partner: "crwdns28910:0crwdne28910:0"
standard: "crwdns28912:0crwdne28912:0"
type_is_required: "crwdns28914:0crwdne28914:0"
group: "crwdns28916:0crwdne28916:0"
groups: "crwdns28918:0crwdne28918:0"
all: "crwdns28920:0crwdne28920:0"
transversal_all_groups: "crwdns28922:0crwdne28922:0"
group_is_required: "crwdns28924:0crwdne28924:0"
category: "crwdns28926:0crwdne28926:0"
number_of_periods: "crwdns28928:0crwdne28928:0"
number_of_periods_is_required: "crwdns28930:0crwdne28930:0"
period: "crwdns28932:0crwdne28932:0"
year: "crwdns28934:0crwdne28934:0"
month: "crwdns28936:0crwdne28936:0"
week: "crwdns28938:0crwdne28938:0"
period_is_required: "crwdns28940:0crwdne28940:0"
subscription_price: "crwdns28942:0crwdne28942:0"
price_is_required: "crwdns28944:0crwdne28944:0"
edit_amount_info: "crwdns28946:0crwdne28946:0"
visual_prominence_of_the_subscription: "crwdns28948:0crwdne28948:0"
on_the_subscriptions_page_the_most_prominent_subscriptions_will_be_placed_at_the_top_of_the_list: "crwdns28950:0crwdne28950:0"
an_evelated_number_means_a_higher_prominence: "crwdns28952:0crwdne28952:0"
rolling_subscription: "crwdns28954:0crwdne28954:0"
a_rolling_subscription_will_begin_the_day_of_the_first_training: "crwdns28956:0crwdne28956:0"
otherwise_it_will_begin_as_soon_as_it_is_bought: "crwdns28958:0crwdne28958:0"
monthly_payment: "crwdns28960:0crwdne28960:0"
monthly_payment_info: "crwdns28962:0crwdne28962:0"
description: "crwdns28964:0crwdne28964:0"
type_a_short_description: "crwdns28966:0crwdne28966:0"
information_sheet: "crwdns28968:0crwdne28968:0"
attach_an_information_sheet: "crwdns28970:0crwdne28970:0"
notified_partner: "crwdns28972:0crwdne28972:0"
new_user: "crwdns28974:0crwdne28974:0"
as_part_of_a_partner_subscription_some_notifications_may_be_sent_to_this_user: "crwdns28976:0crwdne28976:0"
new_partner: "crwdns28978:0crwdne28978:0"
first_name: "crwdns28980:0crwdne28980:0"
first_name_is_required: "crwdns28982:0crwdne28982:0"
surname: "crwdns28984:0crwdne28984:0"
surname_is_required: "crwdns28986:0crwdne28986:0"
email_address: "crwdns28988:0crwdne28988:0"
email_address_is_required: "crwdns28990:0crwdne28990:0"
disabled: "crwdns28992:0crwdne28992:0"
disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "crwdns28994:0crwdne28994:0"
#training edition form
name: "crwdns28996:0crwdne28996:0"
name_is_required: "crwdns28998:0crwdne28998:0"
illustration: "crwdns29000:0crwdne29000:0"
add_an_illustration: "crwdns29002:0crwdne29002:0"
description: "crwdns29004:0crwdne29004:0"
description_is_required: "crwdns29006:0crwdne29006:0"
add_a_new_training: "crwdns29008:0crwdne29008:0"
validate_your_training: "crwdns29010:0crwdne29010:0"
associated_machines: "crwdns29012:0crwdne29012:0"
number_of_tickets: "crwdns29014:0crwdne29014:0"
public_page: "crwdns29016:0crwdne29016:0"
disable_training: "crwdns29018:0crwdne29018:0"
#partial form to edit/create a user (admin view)
user: "crwdns29020:0crwdne29020:0"
@ -397,22 +299,6 @@ zu:
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "crwdns29220:0crwdne29220:0"
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "crwdns29222:0crwdne29222:0"
unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "crwdns29224:0crwdne29224:0"
#form to create/edit a space
name: "crwdns29226:0crwdne29226:0"
name_is_required: "crwdns29228:0crwdne29228:0"
illustration: "crwdns29230:0crwdne29230:0"
add_an_illustration: "crwdns29232:0crwdne29232:0"
description: "crwdns29234:0crwdne29234:0"
description_is_required: "crwdns29236:0crwdne29236:0"
characteristics: "crwdns29238:0crwdne29238:0"
characteristics_are_required: "crwdns29240:0crwdne29240:0"
attached_files_pdf: "crwdns29242:0crwdne29242:0"
attach_a_file: "crwdns29244:0crwdne29244:0"
add_an_attachment: "crwdns29246:0crwdne29246:0"
default_places: "crwdns29248:0crwdne29248:0"
default_places_is_required: "crwdns29250:0crwdne29250:0"
disable_space: "crwdns29252:0crwdne29252:0"
your_payment_schedule: "crwdns29254:0crwdne29254:0"
NUMBER_monthly_payment_of_AMOUNT: "crwdns29256:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdnd29256:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdnd29256:0AMOUNT={AMOUNT}crwdne29256:0"

View File

@ -158,13 +158,14 @@ de:
credit_euro: "Guthaben in Euro"
lettering: "Beschriftung"
VAT: 'Mwst.'
subscription: "Abonnement"
Machine_reservation: "Maschinenreservierung"
Training_reservation: "Schulungsreservierung"
Event_reservation: "Veranstaltungsreservierung"
Space_reservation: "Raumreservierung"
wallet: "Guthabenkonto"
shop_order: "shop order"
subscription_abbreviation: "subscr."
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "machine reserv."
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "training reserv."
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "event reserv."
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "space reserv."
wallet_abbreviation: "wallet"
shop_order_abbreviation: "shop order"
start_date: "Anfangsdatum"
end_date: "Enddatum"
@ -527,17 +528,22 @@ de:
reservation_deadline: "Prevent reservation before it starts"
display_name_enable: "Namen im Kalender anzeigen"
machines_sort_by: "Anzeigereihenfolge der Maschinen"
accounting_journal_code: "Journalcode"
accounting_card_client_code: "Kreditkarten-Kunde Code"
accounting_card_client_label: "Kreditkarten-Kunde Label"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Guthabenkonto-Kunde Code"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Guthabenkonto-Kunde Label"
accounting_other_client_code: "Code für anders bezahlende Kunden"
accounting_other_client_label: "Label für anders bezahlende Kunden"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "Sales journal code"
accounting_payment_card_code: "Card payments code"
accounting_payment_card_label: "Card payments label"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Card clients journal code"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Wallet payments code"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Wallet payments label"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet payments journal code"
accounting_payment_other_code: "Other payment means code"
accounting_payment_other_label: "Other payment means label"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Other payment means journal code"
accounting_wallet_code: "Guthabenkonto-Code"
accounting_wallet_label: "Guthabenkonto-Label"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet credit journal code"
accounting_VAT_code: "MwSt.-Code"
accounting_VAT_label: "MwSt.-Bezeichnung"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "VAT journal code"
accounting_subscription_code: "Abonnement-Code"
accounting_subscription_label: "Abonnement-Label"
accounting_Machine_code: "Maschinencode"
@ -548,6 +554,10 @@ de:
accounting_Event_label: "Veranstaltungsbezeichnung"
accounting_Space_code: "Raum-Code"
accounting_Space_label: "Raumbezeichnung"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-hours pack code"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-hours pack label"
accounting_Product_code: "Store products code"
accounting_Product_label: "Store products label"
hub_last_version: "Letzte Version des Fab-Managers"
hub_public_key: "Öffentlicher Schlüssel der Instanz"
fab_analytics: "Fab-Analytics"
@ -622,3 +632,5 @@ de:
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"
store_hidden: "Store hidden to the public"
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
external_id: "external identifier"

View File

@ -158,13 +158,14 @@ es:
credit_euro: "Crédito euro"
lettering: "Punteo"
subscription: "suscr."
Machine_reservation: "reserv. máquina"
Training_reservation: "reserv. formación"
Event_reservation: "reserv. evento"
Space_reservation: "reserv. espacio"
wallet: "cartera"
shop_order: "shop order"
subscription_abbreviation: "subscr."
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "machine reserv."
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "training reserv."
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "event reserv."
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "space reserv."
wallet_abbreviation: "wallet"
shop_order_abbreviation: "shop order"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
@ -527,17 +528,22 @@ es:
reservation_deadline: "Prevent reservation before it starts"
display_name_enable: "Display names in the calendar"
machines_sort_by: "Machines display order"
accounting_journal_code: "Journal code"
accounting_card_client_code: "Card clients code"
accounting_card_client_label: "Card clients label"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Wallet clients code"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Wallet clients label"
accounting_other_client_code: "Other means client code"
accounting_other_client_label: "Other means client label"
accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet code"
accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet label"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "Sales journal code"
accounting_payment_card_code: "Card payments code"
accounting_payment_card_label: "Card payments label"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Card clients journal code"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Wallet payments code"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Wallet payments label"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet payments journal code"
accounting_payment_other_code: "Other payment means code"
accounting_payment_other_label: "Other payment means label"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Other payment means journal code"
accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet credit code"
accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet credit label"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet credit journal code"
accounting_VAT_code: "VAT code"
accounting_VAT_label: "VAT label"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "VAT journal code"
accounting_subscription_code: "Subscriptions code"
accounting_subscription_label: "Subscriptions label"
accounting_Machine_code: "Machines code"
@ -548,6 +554,10 @@ es:
accounting_Event_label: "Events label"
accounting_Space_code: "Spaces code"
accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-hours pack code"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-hours pack label"
accounting_Product_code: "Store products code"
accounting_Product_label: "Store products label"
hub_last_version: "Last Fab-manager's version"
hub_public_key: "Instance public key"
fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics"
@ -622,3 +632,5 @@ es:
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"
store_hidden: "Store hidden to the public"
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
external_id: "external identifier"

View File

@ -158,13 +158,14 @@ fr:
credit_euro: "Crédit euro"
lettering: "Lettrage"
subscription: "abo."
Machine_reservation: "réserv. machine"
Training_reservation: "réserv. formation"
Event_reservation: "réserv. événement"
Space_reservation: "réserv. espace"
wallet: "porte-monnaie"
shop_order: "commande de la boutique"
subscription_abbreviation: "abo."
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "réserv. machine"
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "réserv. formation"
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "réserv. événement"
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "réserv. espace"
wallet_abbreviation: "porte-monnaie"
shop_order_abbreviation: "commande de la boutique"
start_date: "Date de début"
end_date: "Date de fin"
@ -527,17 +528,22 @@ fr:
reservation_deadline: "Empêcher la réservation avant qu'elle ne commence"
display_name_enable: "Afficher les noms dans le calendrier"
machines_sort_by: "Ordre d'affichage des machines"
accounting_journal_code: "Code journal"
accounting_card_client_code: "Code clients par carte"
accounting_card_client_label: "Libellé clients par carte"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Code clients par porte-monnaie"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Libellé clients par porte-monnaie"
accounting_other_client_code: "Code clients autre moyen"
accounting_other_client_label: "Libellé clients autre moyen"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "Code journal des ventes"
accounting_payment_card_code: "Code paiement par carte"
accounting_payment_card_label: "Libellé paiements par carte"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Code journal paiements de la carte"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Code paiements par porte-monnaie"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Libellé paiements par porte-monnaie"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Code journal paiements par porte-monnaie"
accounting_payment_other_code: "Code autres moyens de paiement"
accounting_payment_other_label: "Libellé autres moyens de paiement"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Code journal autres moyens de paiement"
accounting_wallet_code: "Code porte-monnaie"
accounting_wallet_label: "Libellé porte-monnaie"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Code journal crédit du porte-monnaie"
accounting_VAT_code: "Code TVA"
accounting_VAT_label: "Libellé TVA"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "Code journal TVA"
accounting_subscription_code: "Code abonnements"
accounting_subscription_label: "Libellé abonnements"
accounting_Machine_code: "Code machines"
@ -548,6 +554,10 @@ fr:
accounting_Event_label: "Libellé évènements"
accounting_Space_code: "Code espaces"
accounting_Space_label: "Libellé espaces"
accounting_Pack_code: "Code pack d'heures prépayées"
accounting_Pack_label: "Libellé pack d'heures prépayées"
accounting_Product_code: "Code produits de la boutique"
accounting_Product_label: "Libellé produits de la boutique"
hub_last_version: "Dernière version de Fab-Manager"
hub_public_key: "Clé publique de l'instance"
fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics"
@ -622,3 +632,5 @@ fr:
store_module: "Module boutique"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Instructions de retrait"
store_hidden: "Boutique masquée au public"
advanced_accounting: "Comptabilité avancée"
external_id: "identifiant externe"

View File

@ -158,13 +158,14 @@
credit_euro: "Kreditt i Euro"
lettering: "Lettering"
subscription: "abonn."
Machine_reservation: "maskinreserv."
Training_reservation: "bestilling, opplæring/kurs"
Event_reservation: "arrangementetsreserv."
Space_reservation: "reserv., plass/rom"
wallet: "lommebok"
shop_order: "shop order"
subscription_abbreviation: "subscr."
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "machine reserv."
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "training reserv."
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "event reserv."
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "space reserv."
wallet_abbreviation: "wallet"
shop_order_abbreviation: "shop order"
start_date: "Start date"
end_date: "End date"
@ -527,17 +528,22 @@
reservation_deadline: "Prevent reservation before it starts"
display_name_enable: "Display names in the calendar"
machines_sort_by: "Machines display order"
accounting_journal_code: "Journal code"
accounting_card_client_code: "Card clients code"
accounting_card_client_label: "Card clients label"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Wallet clients code"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Wallet clients label"
accounting_other_client_code: "Other means client code"
accounting_other_client_label: "Other means client label"
accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet code"
accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet label"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "Sales journal code"
accounting_payment_card_code: "Card payments code"
accounting_payment_card_label: "Card payments label"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Card clients journal code"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Wallet payments code"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Wallet payments label"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet payments journal code"
accounting_payment_other_code: "Other payment means code"
accounting_payment_other_label: "Other payment means label"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Other payment means journal code"
accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet credit code"
accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet credit label"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet credit journal code"
accounting_VAT_code: "VAT code"
accounting_VAT_label: "VAT label"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "VAT journal code"
accounting_subscription_code: "Subscriptions code"
accounting_subscription_label: "Subscriptions label"
accounting_Machine_code: "Machines code"
@ -548,6 +554,10 @@
accounting_Event_label: "Events label"
accounting_Space_code: "Spaces code"
accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-hours pack code"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-hours pack label"
accounting_Product_code: "Store products code"
accounting_Product_label: "Store products label"
hub_last_version: "Last Fab-manager's version"
hub_public_key: "Instance public key"
fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics"
@ -622,3 +632,5 @@
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"
store_hidden: "Store hidden to the public"
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
external_id: "external identifier"

View File

@ -158,13 +158,14 @@ pt:
credit_euro: "Crédito em euro"
lettering: "Letras"
subscription: "subscr."
Machine_reservation: "reserva de máquina."
Training_reservation: "reserva de treinamento."
Event_reservation: "reserva de evento."
Space_reservation: "reserva de espaço."
wallet: "carteira"
shop_order: "shop order"
subscription_abbreviation: "subscr."
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "machine reserv."
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "training reserv."
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "event reserv."
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "space reserv."
wallet_abbreviation: "wallet"
shop_order_abbreviation: "shop order"
start_date: "Data de início"
end_date: "Data de término"
@ -527,17 +528,22 @@ pt:
reservation_deadline: "Prevent reservation before it starts"
display_name_enable: "Exibir os nomes no calendário"
machines_sort_by: "Ordem de exibição das máquinas"
accounting_journal_code: "Código do diário"
accounting_card_client_code: "Código do cartão do cliente"
accounting_card_client_label: "Rótulo do cartão dos clientes"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "Código das carteiras dos clientes"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "Rótulo das carteiras dos clientes"
accounting_other_client_code: "Outros meios do código do cliente"
accounting_other_client_label: "Outro tipo de rótulo do cliente"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "Sales journal code"
accounting_payment_card_code: "Card payments code"
accounting_payment_card_label: "Card payments label"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "Card clients journal code"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "Wallet payments code"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "Wallet payments label"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet payments journal code"
accounting_payment_other_code: "Other payment means code"
accounting_payment_other_label: "Other payment means label"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "Other payment means journal code"
accounting_wallet_code: "Código da carteira"
accounting_wallet_label: "Rótulo da carteira"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "Wallet credit journal code"
accounting_VAT_code: "VAT code"
accounting_VAT_label: "Etiqueta de imposto"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "VAT journal code"
accounting_subscription_code: "Código das assinaturas"
accounting_subscription_label: "Rótulo das assinaturas"
accounting_Machine_code: "Código das máquinas"
@ -548,6 +554,10 @@ pt:
accounting_Event_label: "Rótulo de eventos"
accounting_Space_code: "Código do espaço"
accounting_Space_label: "Rótulo de espaços"
accounting_Pack_code: "Prepaid-hours pack code"
accounting_Pack_label: "Prepaid-hours pack label"
accounting_Product_code: "Store products code"
accounting_Product_label: "Store products label"
hub_last_version: "Última versão do Fab-manager"
hub_public_key: "Instância de chave pública"
fab_analytics: "Estatísticas"
@ -622,3 +632,5 @@ pt:
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"
store_hidden: "Store hidden to the public"
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
external_id: "external identifier"

View File

@ -158,13 +158,14 @@ zu:
credit_euro: "crwdns3395:0crwdne3395:0"
lettering: "crwdns3397:0crwdne3397:0"
VAT: 'crwdns3399:0crwdne3399:0'
subscription: "crwdns3401:0crwdne3401:0"
Machine_reservation: "crwdns3403:0crwdne3403:0"
Training_reservation: "crwdns3405:0crwdne3405:0"
Event_reservation: "crwdns3407:0crwdne3407:0"
Space_reservation: "crwdns3409:0crwdne3409:0"
wallet: "crwdns3411:0crwdne3411:0"
shop_order: "crwdns31701:0crwdne31701:0"
subscription_abbreviation: "crwdns32077:0crwdne32077:0"
Machine_reservation_abbreviation: "crwdns32079:0crwdne32079:0"
Training_reservation_abbreviation: "crwdns32081:0crwdne32081:0"
Event_reservation_abbreviation: "crwdns32083:0crwdne32083:0"
Space_reservation_abbreviation: "crwdns32085:0crwdne32085:0"
wallet_abbreviation: "crwdns32087:0crwdne32087:0"
shop_order_abbreviation: "crwdns32089:0crwdne32089:0"
start_date: "crwdns22259:0crwdne22259:0"
end_date: "crwdns22261:0crwdne22261:0"
@ -527,17 +528,22 @@ zu:
reservation_deadline: "crwdns31755:0crwdne31755:0"
display_name_enable: "crwdns21708:0crwdne21708:0"
machines_sort_by: "crwdns21710:0crwdne21710:0"
accounting_journal_code: "crwdns21712:0crwdne21712:0"
accounting_card_client_code: "crwdns21714:0crwdne21714:0"
accounting_card_client_label: "crwdns21716:0crwdne21716:0"
accounting_wallet_client_code: "crwdns21718:0crwdne21718:0"
accounting_wallet_client_label: "crwdns21720:0crwdne21720:0"
accounting_other_client_code: "crwdns21722:0crwdne21722:0"
accounting_other_client_label: "crwdns21724:0crwdne21724:0"
accounting_sales_journal_code: "crwdns32091:0crwdne32091:0"
accounting_payment_card_code: "crwdns36045:0crwdne36045:0"
accounting_payment_card_label: "crwdns36047:0crwdne36047:0"
accounting_payment_card_journal_code: "crwdns36049:0crwdne36049:0"
accounting_payment_wallet_code: "crwdns36051:0crwdne36051:0"
accounting_payment_wallet_label: "crwdns36053:0crwdne36053:0"
accounting_payment_wallet_journal_code: "crwdns36055:0crwdne36055:0"
accounting_payment_other_code: "crwdns36057:0crwdne36057:0"
accounting_payment_other_label: "crwdns36059:0crwdne36059:0"
accounting_payment_other_journal_code: "crwdns36061:0crwdne36061:0"
accounting_wallet_code: "crwdns21726:0crwdne21726:0"
accounting_wallet_label: "crwdns21728:0crwdne21728:0"
accounting_wallet_journal_code: "crwdns32099:0crwdne32099:0"
accounting_VAT_code: "crwdns21730:0crwdne21730:0"
accounting_VAT_label: "crwdns21732:0crwdne21732:0"
accounting_VAT_journal_code: "crwdns32101:0crwdne32101:0"
accounting_subscription_code: "crwdns21734:0crwdne21734:0"
accounting_subscription_label: "crwdns21736:0crwdne21736:0"
accounting_Machine_code: "crwdns21738:0crwdne21738:0"
@ -548,6 +554,10 @@ zu:
accounting_Event_label: "crwdns21748:0crwdne21748:0"
accounting_Space_code: "crwdns21750:0crwdne21750:0"
accounting_Space_label: "crwdns21752:0crwdne21752:0"
accounting_Pack_code: "crwdns32103:0crwdne32103:0"
accounting_Pack_label: "crwdns32105:0crwdne32105:0"
accounting_Product_code: "crwdns32107:0crwdne32107:0"
accounting_Product_label: "crwdns32109:0crwdne32109:0"
hub_last_version: "crwdns21754:0crwdne21754:0"
hub_public_key: "crwdns21756:0crwdne21756:0"
fab_analytics: "crwdns21758:0crwdne21758:0"
@ -622,3 +632,5 @@ zu:
store_module: "crwdns31723:0crwdne31723:0"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "crwdns31725:0crwdne31725:0"
store_hidden: "crwdns31727:0crwdne31727:0"
advanced_accounting: "crwdns32111:0crwdne32111:0"
external_id: "crwdns32113:0crwdne32113:0"