mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 00:29:17 +01:00
(i18n) updated translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -415,6 +415,8 @@ de:
add_a_material: "Materialien hinfügen"
themes: "Themen"
add_a_new_theme: "Neues Thema hinzufügen"
project_categories: "Categories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Add a new category"
licences: "Lizenzen"
statuses: "Statuses"
description: "Beschreibung"
@ -445,6 +447,10 @@ de:
open_lab_app_secret: "Geheimnis"
openlab_default_info_html: "In der Projektgalerie können Besucher zwischen zwei Ansichten wechseln: alle gemeinsam geteilten Projekte des OpenLab-Netzwerkes oder nur die in Ihrem FabLab dokumentierten Projekte.<br/>Hier können Sie die standardmäßig angezeigte Ansicht auswählen."
default_to_openlab: "OpenLab standardmäßig anzeigen"
filters: Projects list filters
project_categories: Categories
name: "Name"
add: "Hinzufügen"
actions_controls: "Actions"
@ -1773,6 +1779,10 @@ de:
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Erweiterte Preise am selben Tag"
public_registrations: "Öffentliche Registrierungen"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Show the username in the list"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of date filters on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
training_reservations: "Schulungen"
machine_reservations: "Maschinen"
@ -415,6 +415,8 @@ es:
add_a_material: "Añadir un material"
themes: "Temas"
add_a_new_theme: "Añadir un nuevo tema"
project_categories: "Categories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Add a new category"
licences: "Licencias"
statuses: "Statuses"
description: "Descripción"
@ -445,6 +447,10 @@ es:
open_lab_app_secret: "Secret"
openlab_default_info_html: "In the projects gallery, visitors can switch between two views: all shared projects from the whole OpenLab network, or only the projects documented in your Fab Lab.<br/>Here, you can choose which view is shown by default."
default_to_openlab: "Display OpenLab by default"
filters: Projects list filters
project_categories: Categories
name: "Name"
add: "Add"
actions_controls: "Actions"
@ -1773,6 +1779,10 @@ es:
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Show the username in the list"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of date filters on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
training_reservations: "Trainings"
machine_reservations: "Machines"
@ -415,8 +415,8 @@ fr:
add_a_material: "Ajouter un matériau"
themes: "Thématiques"
add_a_new_theme: "Ajouter une nouvelle thématique"
project_categories: "Catégories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Ajouter une nouvelle catégorie"
project_categories: "Categories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Add a new category"
licences: "Licences"
statuses: "Statuts"
description: "Description"
@ -447,10 +447,10 @@ fr:
open_lab_app_secret: "Secret"
openlab_default_info_html: "Dans la galerie de projets, les visiteurs peuvent choisir entre deux vues : tous les projets de l'ensemble du réseau OpenLab, ou uniquement les projets documentés dans votre Fab Lab.<br/>Ici, vous pouvez choisir quelle vue est affichée par défaut."
default_to_openlab: "Afficher OpenLab par défaut"
filters: Filtres de la vue liste
project_categories: Catégories
filters: Projects list filters
project_categories: Categories
name: "Nom"
name: "Name"
add: "Ajouter"
actions_controls: "Actions"
@ -1779,10 +1779,10 @@ fr:
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Prix étendus le même jour"
public_registrations: "Inscriptions publiques"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Afficher le nom d'utilisateur dans la liste"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Présence du filtre par membre dans la vue liste des projets"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Présence des filtres par date dans la vue liste des projets"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Texte du filtre par catégories de la galerie de projets"
project_categories_wording: "Mot utilisé en remplacement du mot \"Catégories\" sur les pages publiques"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of date filters on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
training_reservations: "Formations"
machine_reservations: "Machines"
@ -415,6 +415,8 @@ it:
add_a_material: "Aggiungi un materiale"
themes: "Temi"
add_a_new_theme: "Aggiungi un nuovo tema"
project_categories: "Categories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Add a new category"
licences: "Licenze"
statuses: "Status"
description: "Descrizione"
@ -445,6 +447,10 @@ it:
open_lab_app_secret: "Segreto"
openlab_default_info_html: "Nella galleria di progetti, i visitatori possono scegliere tra due viste: tutti i progetti condivisi da tutta la rete di OpenLab, o solo i progetti documentati nel tuo Fab Lab.<br/>Qui, puoi scegliere quale vista è mostrata per impostazione predefinita."
default_to_openlab: "Visualizza OpenLab per impostazione predefinita"
filters: Projects list filters
project_categories: Categories
name: "Name"
add: "Aggiungi"
actions_controls: "Azioni"
@ -1773,6 +1779,10 @@ it:
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Prezzi estesi nello stesso giorno"
public_registrations: "Registri pubblici"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Mostra il nome utente nella lista"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of date filters on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
training_reservations: "Abilitazioni"
machine_reservations: "Macchine"
@ -415,6 +415,8 @@
add_a_material: "Legg til et materiale"
themes: "Temaer"
add_a_new_theme: "Legge til et nytt tema"
project_categories: "Categories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Add a new category"
licences: "Lisenser"
statuses: "Statuses"
description: "Beskrivelse"
@ -445,6 +447,10 @@
open_lab_app_secret: "Hemmelighet"
openlab_default_info_html: "I prosjektgalleriet kan besøkende bytte mellom to visninger: alle delte projetter fra hele OpenLab-nettverket. eller bare prosjektene som er dokumentert i din Fab Lab.<br/>Her kan du velge hvilken visning som standard."
default_to_openlab: "Vis OpenLab som standard"
filters: Projects list filters
project_categories: Categories
name: "Name"
add: "Add"
actions_controls: "Actions"
@ -1773,6 +1779,10 @@
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Extended prices in the same day"
public_registrations: "Public registrations"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Show the username in the list"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of date filters on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
training_reservations: "Trainings"
machine_reservations: "Machines"
@ -415,6 +415,8 @@ pt:
add_a_material: "Adicionar material"
themes: "Temas"
add_a_new_theme: "Adicionar um novo tema"
project_categories: "Categories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Add a new category"
licences: "Licenças"
statuses: "Statuses"
description: "Descrição"
@ -445,6 +447,10 @@ pt:
open_lab_app_secret: "Senha"
openlab_default_info_html: "Na galeria de projetos, os visitantes podem alternar entre duas visualizações: todos os projetos compartilhados de toda a rede OpenLab, ou apenas os projetos documentados no seu Fab Lab.<br/>Aqui, você pode escolher qual exibição é mostrada por padrão."
default_to_openlab: "Mostrar OpenLab por padrão"
filters: Projects list filters
project_categories: Categories
name: "Name"
add: "Add"
actions_controls: "Actions"
@ -1773,6 +1779,10 @@ pt:
extended_prices_in_same_day: "Preços estendidos no mesmo dia"
public_registrations: "Inscrições públicas"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Mostrar o nome de usuário na lista"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of date filters on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
training_reservations: "Treinamentos"
machine_reservations: "Máquinas"
@ -415,6 +415,8 @@ zu:
add_a_material: "crwdns24306:0crwdne24306:0"
themes: "crwdns24308:0crwdne24308:0"
add_a_new_theme: "crwdns24310:0crwdne24310:0"
project_categories: "crwdns37617:0crwdne37617:0"
add_a_new_project_category: "crwdns37619:0crwdne37619:0"
licences: "crwdns24312:0crwdne24312:0"
statuses: "crwdns36893:0crwdne36893:0"
description: "crwdns24314:0crwdne24314:0"
@ -445,6 +447,10 @@ zu:
open_lab_app_secret: "crwdns24362:0crwdne24362:0"
openlab_default_info_html: "crwdns37609:0crwdne37609:0"
default_to_openlab: "crwdns24366:0crwdne24366:0"
filters: crwdns37621:0crwdne37621:0
project_categories: crwdns37623:0crwdne37623:0
name: "crwdns37625:0crwdne37625:0"
add: "crwdns36895:0crwdne36895:0"
actions_controls: "crwdns36897:0crwdne36897:0"
@ -1773,6 +1779,10 @@ zu:
extended_prices_in_same_day: "crwdns26752:0crwdne26752:0"
public_registrations: "crwdns26754:0crwdne26754:0"
show_username_in_admin_list: "crwdns26756:0crwdne26756:0"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "crwdns37627:0crwdne37627:0"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "crwdns37629:0crwdne37629:0"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "crwdns37631:0crwdne37631:0"
project_categories_wording: "crwdns37633:0crwdne37633:0"
training_reservations: "crwdns26758:0crwdne26758:0"
machine_reservations: "crwdns26760:0crwdne26760:0"
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ de:
full_price: "Voller Preis: "
#projects gallery
filter: Filter
the_fablab_projects: "The projects"
add_a_project: "Projekt hinzufügen"
network_search: "Fab-manager network"
@ -183,6 +184,10 @@ de:
all_materials: "Alle Materialien"
load_next_projects: "Nächste Projekte laden"
rough_draft: "Grober Entwurf"
filter_by_member: "Filter by member"
created_from: Created from
created_to: Created to
download_archive: Download
all_statuses: "All statuses"
select_status: "Select a status"
@ -216,6 +221,7 @@ de:
report: "Melden"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Wollen Sie dieses Projekt wirklich löschen?"
status: "Status"
markdown_file: "Markdown file"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "The machines"
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ es:
full_price: "Full price: "
#projects gallery
filter: Filter
the_fablab_projects: "The projects"
add_a_project: "Añadir un proyecto"
network_search: "Fab-manager network"
@ -183,6 +184,10 @@ es:
all_materials: "Todo el material"
load_next_projects: "Cargar más proyectos"
rough_draft: "Borrador"
filter_by_member: "Filter by member"
created_from: Created from
created_to: Created to
download_archive: Download
all_statuses: "All statuses"
select_status: "Select a status"
@ -216,6 +221,7 @@ es:
report: "Reportar"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "¿Está seguro de querer eliminar este proyecto?"
status: "Status"
markdown_file: "Markdown file"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "The machines"
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ fr:
full_price: "Plein tarif : "
#projects gallery
filter: Filtrer
filter: Filter
the_fablab_projects: "Les projets"
add_a_project: "Ajouter un projet"
network_search: "Réseau Fab-Manager"
@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ fr:
all_materials: "Tous les matériaux"
load_next_projects: "Charger les projets suivants"
rough_draft: "Brouillon"
filter_by_member: "Filter par membre"
created_from: Créés à partir du
created_to: Créés jusqu'au
download_archive: Télécharger
filter_by_member: "Filter by member"
created_from: Created from
created_to: Created to
download_archive: Download
all_statuses: "Tous les statuts"
select_status: "Sélectionnez un statut"
@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ fr:
report: "Signaler"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer ce projet ?"
status: "Statut"
markdown_file: "Fichier Markdown"
markdown_file: "Markdown file"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "Les machines"
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ it:
full_price: "Prezzo intero: "
#projects gallery
filter: Filter
the_fablab_projects: "Progetti"
add_a_project: "Aggiungi un progetto"
network_search: "Fab-manager network"
@ -183,6 +184,10 @@ it:
all_materials: "Tutti i materiali"
load_next_projects: "Carica i progetti successivi"
rough_draft: "Bozza preliminare"
filter_by_member: "Filter by member"
created_from: Created from
created_to: Created to
download_archive: Download
all_statuses: "Tutti gli stati"
select_status: "Seleziona uno status"
@ -216,6 +221,7 @@ it:
report: "Segnalazione"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Vuoi davvero eliminare questo progetto?"
status: "Stato"
markdown_file: "Markdown file"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "Le macchine"
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@
full_price: "Full pris: "
#projects gallery
filter: Filter
the_fablab_projects: "The projects"
add_a_project: "Legg til et prosjekt"
network_search: "Fab-manager network"
@ -183,6 +184,10 @@
all_materials: "Alle materialer"
load_next_projects: "Last neste prosjekt"
rough_draft: "Tidlig utkast"
filter_by_member: "Filter by member"
created_from: Created from
created_to: Created to
download_archive: Download
all_statuses: "All statuses"
select_status: "Select a status"
@ -216,6 +221,7 @@
report: "Rapporter"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Vil du virkelig slette dette prosjektet?"
status: "Status"
markdown_file: "Markdown file"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "The machines"
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ pt:
full_price: "Valor inteira: "
#projects gallery
filter: Filter
the_fablab_projects: "Os projetos"
add_a_project: "Adicionar projeto"
network_search: "Rede Fab-manager"
@ -183,6 +184,10 @@ pt:
all_materials: "Todos os materiais"
load_next_projects: "Carregar próximos projetos"
rough_draft: "Rascunho"
filter_by_member: "Filter by member"
created_from: Created from
created_to: Created to
download_archive: Download
all_statuses: "Todos os status"
select_status: "Selecione um status"
@ -216,6 +221,7 @@ pt:
report: "Enviar"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Você quer realmente deletar esse projeto?"
status: "Status"
markdown_file: "Markdown file"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "As máquinas"
@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ zu:
full_price: "crwdns28058:0crwdne28058:0"
#projects gallery
filter: crwdns37635:0crwdne37635:0
the_fablab_projects: "crwdns36237:0crwdne36237:0"
add_a_project: "crwdns28062:0crwdne28062:0"
network_search: "crwdns37071:0crwdne37071:0"
@ -183,6 +184,10 @@ zu:
all_materials: "crwdns28088:0crwdne28088:0"
load_next_projects: "crwdns28090:0crwdne28090:0"
rough_draft: "crwdns28092:0crwdne28092:0"
filter_by_member: "crwdns37637:0crwdne37637:0"
created_from: crwdns37639:0crwdne37639:0
created_to: crwdns37641:0crwdne37641:0
download_archive: crwdns37643:0crwdne37643:0
all_statuses: "crwdns37073:0crwdne37073:0"
select_status: "crwdns37075:0crwdne37075:0"
@ -216,6 +221,7 @@ zu:
report: "crwdns28144:0crwdne28144:0"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "crwdns28146:0crwdne28146:0"
status: "crwdns37077:0crwdne37077:0"
markdown_file: "crwdns37645:0crwdne37645:0"
#list of machines
the_fablab_s_machines: "crwdns36239:0crwdne36239:0"
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ de:
illustration: "Ansicht"
add_an_illustration: "Illustration hinzufügen"
CAD_file: "CAD-Datei"
CAD_files: "CAD files"
allowed_extensions: "Zugelassene Dateitypen:"
add_a_new_file: "Neue Datei hinzufügen"
description: "Beschreibung"
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ de:
steps: "Schritte"
step_N: "Schritt {INDEX}"
step_title: "Titel des Schrits"
step_image: "Image"
add_a_picture: "Ein Bild hinzufügen"
change_the_picture: "Bild ändern"
delete_the_step: "Diesen Schritt löschen"
@ -149,7 +151,9 @@ de:
employed_materials: "Verwendetes Material"
employed_machines: "Verwendete Maschinen"
collaborators: "Mitarbeitende"
author: Author
creative_commons_licences: "Creative Commons-Lizenzen"
licence: "Licence"
themes: "Themen"
tags: "Stichwörter"
save_as_draft: "Als Entwurf speichern"
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ es:
illustration: "Ilustración"
add_an_illustration: "Añadir una ilustración"
CAD_file: "Fichero CAD"
CAD_files: "CAD files"
allowed_extensions: "Extensiones permitidas:"
add_a_new_file: "Añadir un nuevo archivo"
description: "Description"
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ es:
steps: "Pasos"
step_N: "Step {INDEX}"
step_title: "Título de los pasos"
step_image: "Image"
add_a_picture: "Añadir imagen"
change_the_picture: "Cambiar imagen"
delete_the_step: "Eliminar el paso"
@ -149,7 +151,9 @@ es:
employed_materials: "Material empleados"
employed_machines: "Máquinas empleadas"
collaborators: "Collaborators"
author: Author
creative_commons_licences: "Licencias Creative Commons"
licence: "Licence"
themes: "Themes"
tags: "Tags"
save_as_draft: "Save as draft"
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ fr:
illustration: "Illustration"
add_an_illustration: "Ajouter un visuel"
CAD_file: "Fichier CAO"
CAD_files: "Fichiers CAO"
CAD_files: "CAD files"
allowed_extensions: "Extensions autorisées :"
add_a_new_file: "Ajouter un nouveau fichier"
description: "Description"
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ fr:
employed_materials: "Matériaux utilisés"
employed_machines: "Machines utilisées"
collaborators: "Les collaborateurs"
author: Auteur
author: Author
creative_commons_licences: "Licences Creative Commons"
licence: "Licence"
themes: "Thématiques"
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ it:
illustration: "Illustrazione"
add_an_illustration: "Aggiungi un'illustrazione"
CAD_file: "File CAD"
CAD_files: "CAD files"
allowed_extensions: "Estensioni consentite:"
add_a_new_file: "Aggiungi nuovo file"
description: "Descrizione"
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ it:
steps: "Passaggi"
step_N: "Passaggio {INDEX}"
step_title: "Titolo del passaggio"
step_image: "Image"
add_a_picture: "Aggiungi un'immagine"
change_the_picture: "Cambia immagine"
delete_the_step: "Elimina il passaggio"
@ -149,7 +151,9 @@ it:
employed_materials: "Materiali impiegati"
employed_machines: "Macchine impiegate"
collaborators: "Collaboratori"
author: Author
creative_commons_licences: "Licenze Creative Commons"
licence: "Licence"
themes: "Temi"
tags: "Etichette"
save_as_draft: "Salva come bozza"
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
illustration: "Bilde"
add_an_illustration: "Legg til en illustrasjon"
CAD_file: "CAD-filer"
CAD_files: "CAD files"
allowed_extensions: "Tillatte filtyper:"
add_a_new_file: "Legg til ny fil"
description: "Beskrivelse"
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@
steps: "Skritt"
step_N: "Trinn {INDEX}"
step_title: "Tittel på steg"
step_image: "Image"
add_a_picture: "Legg til bilde"
change_the_picture: "Endre bilde"
delete_the_step: "Slett trinnet"
@ -149,7 +151,9 @@
employed_materials: "Materialer brukt"
employed_machines: "Maskiner brukt"
collaborators: "Samarbeidspartnere"
author: Author
creative_commons_licences: "Creative Commons lisenser"
licence: "Licence"
themes: "Temaer"
tags: "Etiketter"
save_as_draft: "Lagre som utkast"
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ pt:
illustration: "Foto"
add_an_illustration: "Adicionar foto"
CAD_file: "Arquivo CAD"
CAD_files: "CAD files"
allowed_extensions: "Extensões permitidas:"
add_a_new_file: "Adicionar novo arquivo"
description: "Descrição"
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ pt:
steps: "Passos"
step_N: "Passo {INDEX}"
step_title: "Passo Título"
step_image: "Image"
add_a_picture: "Adicionar imagem"
change_the_picture: "Alterar imagem"
delete_the_step: "Deletar este passo"
@ -149,7 +151,9 @@ pt:
employed_materials: "Materiais utilizados"
employed_machines: "Máquinas utilizadas"
collaborators: "Colaboradores"
author: Author
creative_commons_licences: "Licença Creative Commons"
licence: "Licence"
themes: "Temas"
tags: "Tags"
save_as_draft: "Salvar como rascunho"
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ zu:
illustration: "crwdns28728:0crwdne28728:0"
add_an_illustration: "crwdns28730:0crwdne28730:0"
CAD_file: "crwdns28732:0crwdne28732:0"
CAD_files: "crwdns37647:0crwdne37647:0"
allowed_extensions: "crwdns28734:0crwdne28734:0"
add_a_new_file: "crwdns28736:0crwdne28736:0"
description: "crwdns28738:0crwdne28738:0"
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ zu:
steps: "crwdns28742:0crwdne28742:0"
step_N: "crwdns28744:0{INDEX}crwdne28744:0"
step_title: "crwdns28746:0crwdne28746:0"
step_image: "crwdns37649:0crwdne37649:0"
add_a_picture: "crwdns28748:0crwdne28748:0"
change_the_picture: "crwdns28750:0crwdne28750:0"
delete_the_step: "crwdns28752:0crwdne28752:0"
@ -149,7 +151,9 @@ zu:
employed_materials: "crwdns28764:0crwdne28764:0"
employed_machines: "crwdns28766:0crwdne28766:0"
collaborators: "crwdns28768:0crwdne28768:0"
author: crwdns37651:0crwdne37651:0
creative_commons_licences: "crwdns28770:0crwdne28770:0"
licence: "crwdns37653:0crwdne37653:0"
themes: "crwdns28772:0crwdne28772:0"
tags: "crwdns28774:0crwdne28774:0"
save_as_draft: "crwdns28776:0crwdne28776:0"
@ -697,6 +697,10 @@ de:
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Trainings validity period duration"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Trainings automatic invalidation"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Grace period before invalidating a training"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of dates filter on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
#statuses of projects
new: "Neu"
@ -697,6 +697,10 @@ es:
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Trainings validity period duration"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Trainings automatic invalidation"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Grace period before invalidating a training"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of dates filter on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
#statuses of projects
new: "New"
@ -697,10 +697,10 @@ fr:
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Durée de la période de validité des formations"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Invalidation automatique des formations"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Période de grâce avant d'invalider une formation"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Présence du filtre par membre dans la vue liste des projets"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Présence des filtres par date dans la vue liste des projets"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Texte du filtre par catégories de la galerie de projets"
project_categories_wording: "Mot utilisé en remplacement du mot \"Catégories\" sur les pages publiques"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of dates filter on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
#statuses of projects
new: "Nouveau"
@ -697,6 +697,10 @@ it:
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Durata del periodo di validità delle abilitazioni"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Annullamento automatico delle abilitazioni"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Periodo di tolleranza prima di invalidare un'abilitazione"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of dates filter on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
#statuses of projects
new: "Nuovo"
@ -697,6 +697,10 @@
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Trainings validity period duration"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Trainings automatic invalidation"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Grace period before invalidating a training"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of dates filter on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
#statuses of projects
new: "New"
@ -697,6 +697,10 @@ pt:
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "Trainings validity period duration"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "Trainings automatic invalidation"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "Grace period before invalidating a training"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "Presence of member filter on projects list"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "Presence of dates filter on projects list"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "Placeholder for categories filter in project gallery"
project_categories_wording: "Wording used to replace \"Categories\" on public pages"
#statuses of projects
new: "Novo"
@ -697,6 +697,10 @@ zu:
trainings_authorization_validity_duration: "crwdns37105:0crwdne37105:0"
trainings_invalidation_rule: "crwdns37107:0crwdne37107:0"
trainings_invalidation_rule_period: "crwdns37109:0crwdne37109:0"
projects_list_member_filter_presence: "crwdns37655:0crwdne37655:0"
projects_list_date_filters_presence: "crwdns37657:0crwdne37657:0"
project_categories_filter_placeholder: "crwdns37659:0crwdne37659:0"
project_categories_wording: "crwdns37661:0crwdne37661:0"
#statuses of projects
new: "crwdns37111:0crwdne37111:0"
Reference in New Issue
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