From 29bc7a0f55b10dda2f510665a5ca0bb94571d667 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2021 14:08:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] New translations en.yml (French) --- config/locales/fr.yml | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 111 insertions(+) diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index 4fab61147..2f5669334 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -414,3 +414,114 @@ fr: group: #name of the user's group for administrators admins: 'Administrateurs' + settings: + locked_setting: "the setting is locked." + about_title: "\"About\" page title" + about_body: "\"About\" page content" + about_contacts: "\"About\" page contacts" + privacy_draft: "Privacy policy draft" + privacy_body: "Privacy policy" + privacy_dpo: "Data protection officer address" + twitter_name: "Twitter feed name" + home_blogpost: "Homepage's brief" + machine_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the machine reservation page" + training_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the training reservation page" + training_information_message: "Information message on the machine reservation page" + subscription_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the subscription page" + invoice_logo: "Invoices' logo" + invoice_reference: "Invoice's reference" + invoice_code-active: "Activation of the invoices' code" + invoice_code-value: "Invoices' code" + invoice_order-nb: "Invoice's order number" + invoice_VAT-active: "Activation of the VAT" + invoice_VAT-rate: "VAT rate" + invoice_text: "Invoices' text" + invoice_legals: "Invoices' legal information" + booking_window_start: "Opening time" + booking_window_end: "Closing time" + booking_move_enable: "Activation of reservations moving" + booking_move_delay: "Preventive delay before any reservation move" + booking_cancel_enable: "Activation of reservations cancelling" + booking_cancel_delay: "Preventive delay before any reservation cancellation" + main_color: "Main colour" + secondary_color: "Secondary colour" + fablab_name: "Fablab's name" + name_genre: "Title concordance" + reminder_enable: "Activation of reservations reminding" + reminder_delay: "Delay before sending the reminder" + event_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the event reservation page" + space_explications_alert: "Explanation message on the space reservation page" + visibility_yearly: "Maximum visibility for annual subscribers" + visibility_others: "Maximum visibility for other members" + display_name_enable: "Display names in the calendar" + machines_sort_by: "Machines display order" + accounting_journal_code: "Journal code" + accounting_card_client_code: "Card clients code" + accounting_card_client_label: "Card clients label" + accounting_wallet_client_code: "Wallet clients code" + accounting_wallet_client_label: "Wallet clients label" + accounting_other_client_code: "Other means client code" + accounting_other_client_label: "Other means client label" + accounting_wallet_code: "Wallet code" + accounting_wallet_label: "Wallet label" + accounting_VAT_code: "VAT code" + accounting_VAT_label: "VAT label" + accounting_subscription_code: "Subscriptions code" + accounting_subscription_label: "Subscriptions label" + accounting_Machine_code: "Machines code" + accounting_Machine_label: "Machines label" + accounting_Training_code: "Trainings code" + accounting_Training_label: "Trainings label" + accounting_Event_code: "Events code" + accounting_Event_label: "Events label" + accounting_Space_code: "Spaces code" + accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label" + hub_last_version: "Last Fab-manager's version" + hub_public_key: "Instance public key" + fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics" + link_name: "Link title to the \"About\" page" + home_content: "The home page" + home_css: "Stylesheet of the home page" + origin: "Instance URL" + uuid: "Instance ID" + phone_required: "Phone required?" + tracking_id: "Tracking ID" + book_overlapping_slots: "Book overlapping slots" + slot_duration: "Default duration of booking slots" + events_in_calendar: "Display events in the calendar" + spaces_module: "Spaces module" + plans_module: "Plans modules" + invoicing_module: "Invoicing module" + facebook_app_id: "Facebook App ID" + twitter_analytics: "Twitter analytics account" + recaptcha_site_key: "reCAPTCHA Site Key" + recaptcha_secret_key: "reCAPTCHA Secret Key" + feature_tour_display: "Feature tour display mode" + email_from: "Expeditor's address" + disqus_shortname: "Disqus shortname" + allowed_cad_extensions: "Allowed CAD files extensions" + allowed_cad_mime_types: "Allowed CAD files MIME types" + openlab_app_id: "OpenLab ID" + openlab_app_secret: "OpenLab secret" + openlab_default: "Default projects gallery view" + online_payment_module: "Online payments module" + stripe_public_key: "Stripe public key" + stripe_secret_key: "Stripe secret key" + stripe_currency: "Stripe currency" + invoice_prefix: "Invoices' files prefix" + confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" + wallet_module: "Wallet module" + statistics_module: "Statistics module" + upcoming_events_shown: "Display limit for upcoming events" + payment_schedule_prefix: "Payment schedule's files prefix" + trainings_module: "Trainings module" + address_required: "Address required" + accounting_Error_code: "Errors code" + accounting_Error_label: "Errors label" + payment_gateway: "Payment gateway" + payzen_username: "PayZen username" + payzen_password: "PayZen password" + payzen_endpoint: "PayZen API endpoint" + payzen_public_key: "PayZen client public key" + payzen_hmac: "PayZen HMAC-SHA-256 key" + payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"