mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-31 17:25:25 +02:00

New translations app.admin.en.yml (Norwegian)

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2022-06-22 14:22:54 +02:00
parent 7ed1b992b7
commit 495b580514

View File

@ -447,26 +447,29 @@
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
create: "New category"
update: "Edit the category"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
significance: "Significance"
info: "Categories will be shown ordered by signifiance. The higher you set the significance, the first the category will be shown."
title: "New category"
cta: "Create the category"
success: "The new category was successfully created"
error: "Unable to create the category: "
title: "Edit the category"
cta: "Validate"
success: "The category was successfully updated"
error: "Unable to update the category: "
title: "Delete a category"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
cta: "Delete"
success: "The category was successfully deleted"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
title: "Delete a category"
confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this category? If you do, the plans associated with this category won't be sorted anymore."
cta: "Delete"
success: "The category was successfully deleted"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
#ajouter un code promotionnel
add_a_coupon: "Legg til rabattkupong"
@ -513,7 +516,7 @@
credit_note: "Kreditnota"
display_more_invoices: "Vis flere fakturaer..."
no_invoices_for_now: "Ingen fakturaer for øyeblikket."
payment_schedules_list: "Betalingsplaner"
payment_schedules: "Payment schedules"
invoicing_settings: "Faktureringsinnstillinger"
warning_invoices_disabled: "Advarsel: Fakturaer er ikke aktivert. Ingen fakturaer vil genereres av Fab-manager. Du må allikeve fylle inn informasjonen nedenfor, spesielt mva."
change_logo: "Endre logo"
@ -748,20 +751,27 @@
end_date: "End date"
vat_rate: "VAT rate"
amount: "Total amount"
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> identifiers and keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>your merchant back office</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Client key"
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
stripe_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://stripe.com' target='_blank'>Stripe</a> API keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys' target='_blank'>your dashboard</a>.</p><p>Updating these keys will trigger a synchronization of all users on Stripe, this may take some time. You'll receive a notification when it's done.</p>"
public_key: "Public key"
secret_key: "Secret key"
payment_settings: "Betalingsinnstillinger"
online_payment: "Online betaling"
online_payment_info_html: "Du kan la medlemmene dine bestille direkte online og betale med kort. Du kan eventuelt begrense bestillingen og betalingsprosesser tiln administratorer og ledere."
enable_online_payment: "Aktiver elektronisk betaling"
stripe_keys: "Stripe-nøkler"
stripe_keys_info_html: "<p>For å kunne gjennomføre online betalinger, må du konfigurere <a href='https://stripe.com' target='_blank'>Stripe</a> API-nøkler.</p><p>Hent dem fra <a href='https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys' target='_blank'>dashbordet ditt</a>.</p><p>Oppdatering av disse nøklene vil utløse en synkronisering av alle brukere på Stripe, dette kan ta litt tid. Du vil motta en varsling når den er ferdig.</p>"
public_key: "Offentlig nøkkel"
secret_key: "Hemmelig nøkkel"
error_check_keys: "Feil: Vennligst sjekk dine Stripe-nøkler."
stripe_keys_saved: "Stripe-nøkler ble lagret."
error_saving_stripe_keys: "Kan ikke lagre Stripe-nøkler. Prøv igjen senere."
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>For å kunne samle inn online betalinger, må du konfigurere <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> identifikatorer og nøkler.</p><p>Hente dem fra <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>selgeren din</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Klientnøkkel"
api_keys: "API-nøkler"
edit_keys: "Rediger nøkler"
currency: "Valuta"
@ -769,33 +779,29 @@
currency_alert_html: "<strong>Advarsel</strong>: valutaen kan ikke endres etter at den første elektroniske betalingen er gjort. Definer denne innstillingen nøye før systemet åpnes for medlemmene."
stripe_currency: "Stripe-valuta"
gateway_configuration_error: "Det oppstod en feil ved konfigurering av betalingsmetoden: "
payzen_keys: "PayZen nøkler"
payzen_username: "Brukernavn"
payzen_password: "Passord"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API servernavn"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
payzen_public_key: "Klient, offentlig nøkkel"
currency: "Valuta"
payzen_currency: "PayZen valuta"
currency_info_html: "Angi valutaen som skal brukes for elektronisk betaling. Du må oppgi en trebokstavers ISO land-kode fra listen. <a href='https://payzen.io/en-EN/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'>Stripe-støttede valutaer</a>."
save: "Lagre"
currency_error: "Den angitte verdien er ikke en gyldig valuta"
error_while_saving: "En feil oppstod under lagring av valutaen: "
currency_updated: "PayZen valuta ble oppdatert til {CURRENCY}."
edit_keys: "Edit keys"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
currency: "Currency"
payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"
currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of <a href='https://payzen.io/en-EN/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'> PayZen supported currencies</a>."
save: "Save"
currency_error: "The inputted value is not a valid currency"
error_while_saving: "An error occurred while saving the currency: "
currency_updated: "The PayZen currency was successfully updated to {CURRENCY}."
#select a payment gateway
select_gateway_title: "Velg en betalingsgateway"
gateway_info: "For å sikre innkreving og behandle betalinger online må Fab-manager bruke en autorisert tredjepartstjeneste, også kalt en betalingsgateway."
select_gateway: "Vennligst velg en tilgjengelig gateway"
select_gateway_title: "Select a payment gateway"
gateway_info: "To securely collect and process payments online, Fab-manager needs to use an third-party service authorized by the financial institutions, called a payment gateway."
select_gateway: "Please select an available gateway"
stripe: "Stripe"
payzen: "PayZen"
confirm_button: "Validere gateway"
filter_schedules: "Filtrer tidsplaner"
no_payment_schedules: "Ingen betalingsplaner å vise"
load_more: "Last mer"
card_updated_success: "Brukerens kort ble oppdatert"
confirm_button: "Validate the gateway"
filter_schedules: "Filter schedules"
no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
load_more: "Load more"
card_updated_success: "The user's card was successfully updated"
reference: "Referanse"
customer: "Kunde"
@ -944,6 +950,26 @@
success: "Vellykket"
failed: "Mislyktes"
error_details: "Feildetaljer:"
validate_member_success: "Member successfully validated"
invalidate_member_success: "Member successfully invalidated"
validate_member_error: "An unexpected error occurred: unable to validate this member."
invalidate_member_error: "An unexpected error occurred: unable to invalidate this member."
validate_account: "Validate the account"
refusal_comment: "Comment"
comment_placeholder: "Please type a comment here"
title: "Refuse some supporting documents"
refusal_successfully_sent: "The refusal has been successfully sent."
unable_to_send: "Unable to refuse the supporting documents: "
confirm: "Confirm"
title: "Supporting documents"
find_below_documents_files: "You will find below the supporting documents submitted by the member."
to_complete: "To complete"
refuse_documents: "Refusing the documents"
refuse_documents_info: "After verification, you may notify the member that the evidence submitted is not acceptable. You can specify the reasons for your refusal and indicate the actions to be taken. The member will be notified by e-mail."
#edit a member
change_role: "Endre rolle"
@ -993,29 +1019,14 @@
cannot_extend_own_subscription: "Du kan ikke utvide ditt eget medlemskap. Be en annen leder eller en administrator om å utvide abonnementet."
update_success: "Member's profile successfully updated"
my_documents: "My documents"
my_documents_info: "Following the declaration of your profile, you must declare the proof of identity documents. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
proof_of_identity_file_size_error: "The weight limit is {SIZE} MB max"
my_documents_alert: "Attention!</br>You can submit your documents in pdf or in image (jpg) under a weight limit of {SIZE} Mb max"
proof_of_identity_files: "Proof of identity"
find_below_the_proof_of_identity_files: "You will find below the proof of identity documents submitted by the member."
save: "Save"
to_complete: "To complete"
proof_of_identity_refusal: "Refusal of the proof of identity"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files: "Refusing to proof of identity"
refuse_proof_of_identity_files_info: "After verification, you may notify the member that the evidence submitted is not acceptable. You can specify the reasons for your refusal and indicate the actions to be taken. The member will be notified by e-mail."
confirm: "Confirm"
cancel: "Cancel"
proof_of_identity_refusal_comment: "Comment"
proof_of_identity_refuse_input_message: "Type your text"
validate_account: "Validate the account"
validate_member_success: "The member is validated"
invalidate_member_success: "The member is invalidated"
validate_member_error: "An error occurred: impossible to validate from this member."
invalidate_member_error: "An error occurred: impossible to invalidate from this member."
proof_of_identity_refusal_successfully_sent: "Refusal of the proof of identity has been sent."
proof_of_identity_refusal_unable_to_send: "Impossible to refuse proof of identity : "
proof_of_identity_files_successfully_uploaded: "The proof of identity has been sent."
proof_of_identity_files_unable_to_upload: "Impossible to send proof of identity : "
#extend a subscription for free
extend_subscription: "Forleng abonnementet"
@ -1028,7 +1039,7 @@
extend: "Extend"
extend_success: "The subscription was successfully extended for free"
#renew a subscription
renew_subscription: "Renew the subscription"
renew_subscription_info: "You are about to renew the user's subscription by charging him again for his current subscription."
credits_will_be_reset: "The balance of free credits (training / machines / spaces) of the user will be reset, unused credits will be lost."
@ -1038,6 +1049,7 @@
pay_in_one_go: "Pay in one go"
renew: "Renew"
renew_success: "The subscription was successfully renewed"
#take a new subscription
subscribe_USER: "Subscribe {USER}"
@ -1244,6 +1256,11 @@
week_of_START_to_END: "Week of {START} to {END}"
no_data_for_this_period: "No data for this period"
date: "Date"
customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved: "Customization of the {SETTING} successfully saved."
error_SETTING_locked: "Unable to update the setting: {SETTING} is locked. Please contact your system administrator."
an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting: "An error occurred while saving the setting. Please try again later."
save: "save"
#global application parameters and customization
customize_the_application: "Customize the application"
@ -1498,58 +1515,67 @@
statistics: "Statistics"
statistics_info_html: "<p>Enable or disable the statistics module.</p><p>If enabled, every nights, the data of the day just passed will be consolidated in the database of a powerful analysis engine. Then, every administrators will be able to browse statistical charts and tables in the corresponding section.</p>"
enable_statistics: "Enable statistics"
account: "Account"
customize_account_settings: "Customize account settings"
user_validation_required: "validation of accounts"
user_validation_required_title: "Validation of accounts"
user_validation_required_info: "By activating this option, only members whose account is validated by an administrator or a manager will be able to make reservations."
user_validation_required_option_label: "Activate the account validation option"
user_validation_required_list_title: "Member account validation information message"
user_validation_required_list_info: "Your administrator must validate your account. You will then be able to access all the booking features."
user_validation_required_list_other_info: "The resources selected below will be subject to member account validation."
subscription: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machines"
event: "Events"
space: "Spaces"
training: "Trainings"
pack: "Prepaid pack"
create_groups: "Create groups"
add_proof_of_identity_types: "Add proof of identity"
proof_of_identity_type_info: "You can add proof of identity according to the user groups created in order to ask your members to deposit them in their space. Each member will be informed of the proof of identity to be provided in their personal space (My proof of identity tab). On your side, you can check the proof of identity and validate their account (provided that the Account Validation option is activated)."
proof_of_identity_type_no_group_info: "Proof of identity are necessarily applied to groups.</br>If you do not have a group yet, you can create one from the \"Users/Groups\" page (button on the right)."
proof_of_identity_type_title: "Proof of identity"
add_proof_of_identity_type_button: "Create proof of identity"
no_proof_of_identity_types: "You do not have any proof of identity.</br>Make sure you have created at least one group in order to add a document."
group_name: "Group"
name: "Proof of identity"
all_groups: 'All groups'
new_proof_of_identity_type: "Create a proof of identity"
edit_proof_of_identity_type: "Edit the proof of identity"
proof_of_identity_type_form_info: "Field parameters"
proof_of_identity_type_select_group: "Choose a group"
proof_of_identity_type_input_name: "Name"
create: "Create"
edit: "Edit"
customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved: "Customization of the {SETTING} successfully saved."
error_SETTING_locked: "Unable to update the setting: {SETTING} is locked. Please contact your system administrator."
an_error_occurred_saving_the_setting: "An error occurred while saving the setting. Please try again later."
user_validation_required_option_label: "Activate the account validation option"
user_validation_required_list_title: "Member account validation information message"
user_validation_required_list_info: "Your administrator must validate your account. Then, you will be able to access all the booking features."
user_validation_required_list_other_info: "The resources selected below will be subject to member account validation."
subscription: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machines"
event: "Events"
space: "Spaces"
training: "Trainings"
pack: "Prepaid pack"
confirm: "Confirm"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_proof_of_identity_type: "Do you really want to remove this proof of identity ?"
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_created: "The new proof of identity has been created."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_create: "Unable to delete the proof of identity : "
proof_of_identity_type_successfully_updated: "The proof of identity has been updated."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_update: "Unable to modify the proof of identity : "
proof_of_identity_type_deleted: "The proof of identity has been deleted."
proof_of_identity_type_unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the proof of identity : "
organization: "Organization"
organization_profile_custom_fields_info: "You can display additional fields for users who declare themselves to be an organization. You can also choose to make them mandatory at account creation."
organization_profile_custom_fields_alert: "Attention: the activated fields will be automatically displayed on the issued invoices. Once configured, please do not modify them."
required: "Confirmation required"
actived: "Activate the field"
organization_profile_custom_field_successfully_updated: "The organization field has been updated."
organization_profile_custom_field_unable_to_update: "Impossible to modify the field : "
successfully_created: "The new supporting documents request has been created."
unable_to_create: "Unable to delete the supporting documents request: "
successfully_updated: "The supporting documents request has been updated."
unable_to_update: "Unable to modify the supporting documents request: "
new_type: "Create a supporting documents request"
edit_type: "Edit the supporting documents request"
create: "Create"
edit: "Edit"
type_form_info: "Field parameters"
select_group: "Choose one or many group(s)"
name: "Name"
add_supporting_documents_types: "Add supporting documents"
all_groups: 'All groups'
supporting_documents_type_info: "You can ask for supporting documents, according to the user's groups. This will ask your members to deposit those kind of documents in their personnal space. Each members will be informed that supporting documents are required to be provided in their personal space (My supporting documents tab). On your side, you'll be able to check the provided supporting documents and validate the member's account (if the Account Validation option is enabled)."
no_groups_info: "Supporting documents are necessarily applied to groups.</br>If you do not have any group yet, you can create one from the \"Users/Groups\" page (button on the right)."
create_groups: "Create groups"
supporting_documents_type_title: "Supporting documents requests"
add_type: "New supporting documents request"
group_name: "Group"
name: "Supporting documents"
no_types: "You do not have any supporting documents requests.</br>Make sure you have created at least one group in order to add a request."
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm: "Confirm"
deleted: "The supporting documents request has been deleted."
unable_to_delete: "Unable to delete the supporting documents request: "
confirm_delete_supporting_documents_type: "Do you really want to remove this requested type of supporting documents?"
field_successfully_updated: "The organization field has been updated."
unable_to_update: "Impossible to modify the field : "
required: "Confirmation required"
actived: "Activate the field"
show_upcoming_events: "Show upcoming events"
@ -1630,9 +1656,7 @@
report_will_be_destroyed: "Once the report has been processed, it will be deleted. This can't be undone, continue?"
report_removed: "The report has been deleted"
failed_to_remove: "An error occurred, unable to delete the report"
validate_cart: "Validate my cart"
offline_payment: "Payment on site"
about_to_cash: "You're about to confirm the cashing by an external payment mean. Please do not click on the button below until you have fully cashed the requested payment."
about_to_confirm: "You're about to confirm your {ITEM, select, subscription{subscription} other{reservation}}."
payment_method: "Payment method"
@ -1643,6 +1667,9 @@
check_collection_info: "By validating, you confirm that you have {DEADLINES} checks, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments."
transfer_collection_info: "<p>By validating, you confirm that you set up {DEADLINES} bank direct debits, allowing you to collect all the monthly payments.</p><p><strong>Please note:</strong> the bank transfers are not automatically handled by Fab-manager.</p>"
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. You cannot collect this payment schedule by online card."
validate_cart: "Validate my cart"
offline_payment: "Payment on site"
save: 'Save'
customization_of_SETTING_successfully_saved: "Customization of the {SETTING} successfully saved."