mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-22 13:19:50 +01:00

New translations app.admin.en.yml (Norwegian)

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2021-07-20 17:50:19 +02:00 committed by Peng Du
parent ee71092989
commit 54b5bb67ce

View File

@ -295,22 +295,22 @@
#subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management
pricing_management: "Pricing management"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
trainings: "Trainings"
list_of_the_subscription_plans: "List of the subscription plans"
subscriptions: "Medlemskap/abonnementer"
trainings: "Opplæringer/kurs"
list_of_the_subscription_plans: "Liste over abonnementsplaner"
disabled_plans_info_html: "<p><strong>Warning:</strong> the subscriptions are disabled on this application.</p><p>You can still create some, but they won't be available until the activation of the plans module, from the « Customization » section.</p>"
add_a_new_subscription_plan: "Add a new subscription plan"
name: "Name"
duration: "Duration"
group: "Group"
category: "Category"
prominence: "Prominence"
price: "Price"
machine_hours: "Machine slots"
add_a_new_subscription_plan: "Legg til ny abonnements/medlemsplan"
name: "Navn"
duration: "Varighet"
group: "Gruppe"
category: "Kategori"
prominence: "Rekkefølge"
price: "Pris"
machine_hours: "Maskiner, reservasjonsluker"
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.<br/><em>For example</em>, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes, will be charged <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
you_can_override: "You can override this duration for each availability you create in the agenda. The price will then be adjusted accordingly."
you_can_override: "Du kan overstyre varigheten for hver reservasjonsluke du oppretter. Prisen vil da bli justert deretter."
machines: "Maskiner"
credits: "Credits"
credits: "Kreditter"
subscription: "Subscription"
related_trainings: "Related trainings"
add_a_machine_credit: "Legg til maskinkreditt"
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_subscription_plan: "Do you really want to delete this subscription plan?"
subscription_plan_was_successfully_deleted: "Subscription plan was successfully deleted."
unable_to_delete_the_specified_subscription_an_error_occurred: "Unable to delete the specified subscription, an error occurred."
coupons: "Coupons"
coupons: "Kuponger"
list_of_the_coupons: "List of the coupons"
discount: "Discount"
nb_of_usages: "Number of usages"
@ -360,14 +360,14 @@
once: "Just once"
forever: "Each use"
valid_until: "Valid until (included)"
spaces: "Spaces"
spaces: "Plasser/rom"
these_prices_match_space_hours_rates_html: "The prices below match one hour of space usage, <strong>without subscription</strong>."
add_a_space_credit: "Add a Space credit"
space: "Space"
error_a_credit_linking_this_space_with_that_subscription_already_exists: "Error : a credit linking this space with that subscription already exists."
status_enabled: "Enabled"
status_disabled: "Disabled"
status_all: "All"
status_enabled: "Aktivert"
status_disabled: "Deaktivert"
status_all: "Alle"
prices_match_machine_hours_rates_html: "Prisene under samsvarer med en time maskinbruk <strong>uten abonnement</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.<br/><em>For example</em>, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes, will be charged <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
@ -719,12 +719,12 @@
date: "Date"
#management of users, labels, groups, and so on
users_management: "Users management"
users: "Users"
members: "Members"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
search_for_an_user: "Search for an user"
add_a_new_member: "Add a new member"
users_management: "Brukeradministrasjon"
users: "Brukere"
members: "Medlemmer"
subscriptions: "Abonnementer"
search_for_an_user: "Søk etter bruker"
add_a_new_member: "Legge til nytt medlem"
reservations: "Reservasjoner"
surname: "Etternavn"
first_name: "Fornavn"
@ -733,17 +733,17 @@
user_type: "Brukertype"
subscription: "Abonnement"
display_more_users: "Vis flere brukere..."
administrators: "Administrators"
administrators: "Administratorer"
search_for_an_administrator: "Søk etter administrator"
add_a_new_administrator: "Legg til ny administrator"
managers: "Managers"
managers: "Ledere"
managers_info: "En leder er en begrenset administrator som ikke kan endre innstillingene for programmet. Han vil imidlertid kunne håndtere reservasjoner for medlemmer og alle ledere, herunder seg selv, og behandle betalinger og refusjoner."
search_for_a_manager: "Search for a manager"
search_for_a_manager: "Søk etter en leder"
add_a_new_manager: "Legg til en ny manager"
delete_this_manager: "Do you really want to delete this manager? This cannot be undone."
manager_successfully_deleted: "Manager successfully deleted."
unable_to_delete_the_manager: "Unable to delete the manager."
partners: "Partners"
partners: "Partnere"
partners_info: "En partner er en spesiell bruker som kan assosieres med partnerplanene. Disse brukerne vil motta varsler om abonnementer til deres tilknyttede plan."
search_for_a_partner: "Søk etter en partner"
add_a_new_partner: "Legg til ny partner"
@ -751,9 +751,9 @@
partner_successfully_deleted: "Partner successfully deleted."
unable_to_delete_the_partner: "Unable to delete the partner."
associated_plan: "Tilknyttet plan"
groups: "Groups"
tags: "Tags"
authentication: "Authentication"
groups: "Grupper"
tags: "Etiketter"
authentication: "Autentisering"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_delete_member: "Do you really want to delete this member? This cannot be undone."
member_successfully_deleted: "Member successfully deleted."
@ -776,21 +776,21 @@
tag_successfully_deleted: "Tag successfully deleted."
an_error_occurred_and_the_tag_deletion_failed: "An error occurred and the tag deletion failed."
search_for_an_authentication_provider: "Search for an authentication provider"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Add a new authentication provider"
name: "Name"
strategy_name: "Strategy's name"
search_for_an_authentication_provider: "Søk etter en autentiseringsleverandør"
add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Legg til en ny autentiseringsleverandør"
name: "Navn"
strategy_name: "Strateginavn"
type: "Type"
state: "State"
state: "Status"
unknown: "Unknown: "
active: "Active"
active: "Aktiv"
pending: "Pending"
previous_provider: "Previous provider"
confirmation_required: "Delete the provider?"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_the_TYPE_authentication_provider_NAME: "Do you really want to delete the {TYPE} authentication provider: {NAME}?"
authentication_provider_successfully_deleted: "Authentication provider successfully deleted."
an_error_occurred_unable_to_delete_the_specified_provider: "An error occurred: unable to delete the specified provider."
local_database: "Local database"
local_database: "Lokal database"
o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0"
add_a_group: "Legg til en gruppe"
@ -809,9 +809,9 @@
status_enabled: "Aktivert"
status_disabled: "Deaktivert"
status_all: "Alt"
member_filter_all: "All"
member_filter_not_confirmed: "Unconfirmed"
member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "Inactive for 3 years"
member_filter_all: "Alle"
member_filter_not_confirmed: "Ubekreftet"
member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "Inaktiv i 3 år"
#add a member
add_a_member: "Add a member"