mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 14:22:17 +01:00
update locale
This commit is contained in:
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ShowEventController", ["$scope", "$state", "
eventToReserve: $scope.event
reserve: $scope.reserve
member: $scope.ctrl.member
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'growl', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, cgv, Auth, Reservation, growl, wallet, helpers, $locale) ->
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'growl', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, cgv, Auth, Reservation, growl, wallet, helpers, $locale, $filter) ->
# user wallet amount
$scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount
@ -486,6 +486,8 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ShowEventController", ["$scope", "$state", "
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
# Callback for the stripe payment authorization
$scope.payment = (status, response) ->
if response.error
@ -522,7 +524,7 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ShowEventController", ["$scope", "$state", "
Price.compute({reservation: reservation}).$promise
wallet: ->
Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: reservation.user_id}).$promise
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'wallet', '$locale', 'helpers', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, Auth, Reservation, wallet, $locale, helpers) ->
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'wallet', '$locale', 'helpers', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, Auth, Reservation, wallet, $locale, helpers, $filter) ->
# user wallet amount
$scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount
@ -537,6 +539,8 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ShowEventController", ["$scope", "$state", "
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
# Button label
if $scope.amount > 0
$scope.validButtonName = _t('confirm_(payment_on_site)')
@ -758,7 +758,7 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ReserveMachineController", ["$scope", "$stat
Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: reservation.user_id}).$promise
cgv: ->
CustomAsset.get({name: 'cgv-file'}).$promise
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, cgv, Auth, Reservation, wallet, helpers, $locale) ->
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, cgv, Auth, Reservation, wallet, helpers, $locale, $filter) ->
# user wallet amount
$scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount
@ -773,6 +773,8 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ReserveMachineController", ["$scope", "$stat
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
# Callback to process the payment with Stripe, triggered on button click
@ -826,6 +828,8 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ReserveMachineController", ["$scope", "$stat
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
# Button label
if $scope.amount > 0
$scope.validButtonName = "#{_t('confirm_my_payment_of_')} #{$filter('currency')($scope.amount)}"
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "PlansIndexController", ["$scope", "$rootScop
member: -> $scope.ctrl.member
wallet: ->
Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: $scope.ctrl.member.id}).$promise
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'selectedPlan', 'member', 'Subscription', 'CustomAsset', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, selectedPlan, member, Subscription, CustomAsset, wallet, helpers, $locale) ->
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'selectedPlan', 'member', 'Subscription', 'CustomAsset', 'wallet', 'helpers', '$locale', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, selectedPlan, member, Subscription, CustomAsset, wallet, helpers, $locale, $filter) ->
# user wallet amount
$scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount
@ -176,6 +176,9 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "PlansIndexController", ["$scope", "$rootScop
$scope.selectedPlan = selectedPlan
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
# retrieve the CGV
CustomAsset.get {name: 'cgv-file'}, (cgv) ->
$scope.cgv = cgv.custom_asset
@ -227,6 +230,8 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "PlansIndexController", ["$scope", "$rootScop
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
$scope.plan = selectedPlan
$scope.member = member
@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ReserveTrainingController", ["$scope", "$sta
Wallet.getWalletByUser({user_id: reservation.user_id}).$promise
cgv: ->
CustomAsset.get({name: 'cgv-file'}).$promise
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'wallet', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', '$locale', 'helpers', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, wallet, cgv, Auth, Reservation, $locale, helpers) ->
controller: ['$scope', '$uibModalInstance', '$state', 'reservation', 'price', 'wallet', 'cgv', 'Auth', 'Reservation', '$locale', 'helpers', '$filter', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, $state, reservation, price, wallet, cgv, Auth, Reservation, $locale, helpers, $filter) ->
# user wallet amount
$scope.walletAmount = wallet.amount
@ -495,6 +495,8 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ReserveTrainingController", ["$scope", "$sta
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
# Callback to process the payment with Stripe, triggered on button click
@ -551,6 +553,8 @@ Application.Controllers.controller "ReserveTrainingController", ["$scope", "$sta
$scope.currencySymbol = $locale.NUMBER_FORMATS.CURRENCY_SYM
$scope.numberFilter = $filter('number')
# Button label
if $scope.amount > 0
$scope.validButtonName = "#{_t('confirm_my_payment_of_')} #{$filter('currency')($scope.amount)}"
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
<h1 translate>{{ 'subscription_confirmation' }}</h1>
<div class="modal-body">
<h3 ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && price > 0">{{ 'you_have_amount_in_wallet' | translate:{ amount: walletAmount, currency: currencySymbol } }}</h3>
<h3 class="m-t-xs" ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && price > 0">{{ 'you_have_amount_in_wallet' | translate:{ amount: numberFilter(walletAmount, 2), currency: currencySymbol } }}</h3>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && price > 0 && amount === 0" class="text-italic">{{'wallet_pay_reservation' | translate}}</p>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && amount !== 0" class="text-italic">{{'credit_amount_for_pay_reservation' | translate:{ amount: amount, currency: currencySymbol } }}</p>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && amount !== 0" class="text-italic">{{'credit_amount_for_pay_reservation' | translate:{ amount: numberFilter(amount, 2), currency: currencySymbol } }}</p>
<p>{{ 'here_is_the_NAME_subscription_summary' | translate:{NAME:member.name} }}</p>
<p>{{ plan | humanReadablePlanName }}</p>
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
<h1 translate>{{ 'booking_confirmation' }}</h1>
<div class="modal-body">
<h3 ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && price > 0">{{ 'you_have_amount_in_wallet' | translate:{ amount: walletAmount, currency: currencySymbol } }}</h3>
<h3 class="m-t-xs" ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && price > 0">{{ 'you_have_amount_in_wallet' | translate:{ amount: numberFilter(walletAmount, 2), currency: currencySymbol } }}</h3>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && price > 0 && amount === 0" class="text-italic">{{'wallet_pay_reservation' | translate}}</p>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && amount !== 0" class="text-italic">{{'credit_amount_for_pay_reservation' | translate:{ amount: amount, currency: currencySymbol } }}</p>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && amount !== 0" class="text-italic">{{'credit_amount_for_pay_reservation' | translate:{ amount: numberFilter(amount, 2), currency: currencySymbol } }}</p>
<p translate>{{ 'here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user' }}</p>
<ul ng-repeat="slot in reservation.slots_attributes">
@ -10,17 +10,8 @@
<form name="stripeForm" stripe:form="payment" class="form-horizontal">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': stripeForm.acceptCondition.$dirty && stripeForm.acceptCondition.$invalid}" ng-show="cgv">
<div class="col-sm-12 text-sm">
<input type="checkbox" name="acceptCondition" ng-model="acceptCondition" value="true" ng-required="cgv != null"/> {{ 'i_have_read_and_accept_' | translate }} <a href="{{cgv.custom_asset_file_attributes.attachment_url}}" target="_blank" translate>{{ '_the_general_terms_and_conditions' }}</a>
<div ng-if="!cgv">
<input type="hidden" name="acceptCondition" ng-model="acceptCondition" value="true">
<h3 ng-if="walletAmount">{{ 'you_have_amount_in_wallet' | translate:{ amount: walletAmount, currency: currencySymbol } }}</h3>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && amount !== 0" class="text-italic">{{'credit_amount_for_pay_reservation' | translate:{ amount: amount, currency: currencySymbol } }}</p>
<h3 class="m-t-xs" ng-if="walletAmount">{{ 'you_have_amount_in_wallet' | translate:{ amount: numberFilter(walletAmount, 2), currency: currencySymbol } }}</h3>
<p ng-if="walletAmount > 0 && amount !== 0" class="text-italic">{{'credit_amount_for_pay_reservation' | translate:{ amount: numberFilter(amount, 2), currency: currencySymbol } }}</p>
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': stripeForm.number.$dirty && stripeForm.number.$invalid}">
<div class="col-sm-12">
@ -40,6 +31,15 @@
<div class="form-group" ng-class="{'has-error': stripeForm.acceptCondition.$dirty && stripeForm.acceptCondition.$invalid}" ng-show="cgv">
<div class="col-sm-12 text-sm">
<input type="checkbox" name="acceptCondition" ng-model="acceptCondition" value="true" ng-required="cgv != null"/> {{ 'i_have_read_and_accept_' | translate }} <a href="{{cgv.custom_asset_file_attributes.attachment_url}}" target="_blank" translate>{{ '_the_general_terms_and_conditions' }}</a>
<div ng-if="!cgv">
<input type="hidden" name="acceptCondition" ng-model="acceptCondition" value="true">
<div class="panel-footer no-padder">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-valid btn-info btn-block p-l btn-lg text-u-c r-b text-base" ng-disabled="stripeForm.$invalid || attempting">{{ 'confirm_my_payment_of_' | translate }} {{ amount | currency }}</button>
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<div class="modal-header">
<img ng-src="{{logoBlack.custom_asset_file_attributes.attachment_url}}" alt="{{logo.custom_asset_file_attributes.attachment}}" class="modal-logo"/>
<h1 translate>{{ 'credit' }}</h1>
<h1 translate>{{ 'credit_title' }}</h1>
<div class="modal-body">
<form name="walletForm" ng-class="{'has-error': walletForm.amount.$dirty && walletForm.amount.$invalid}">
<div class="text-center amountGroup">
<span class="beforeAmount" translate>{{ 'to_credit' }}</span>
<span class="beforeAmount" translate>{{ 'credit_label' }}</span>
<input class="form-control" type="number" name="amount" ng-model="amount" required min="1" step="any">
<span class="afterAmount">{{currencySymbol}}</span>
<span class="help-block" ng-show="walletForm.amount.$dirty && walletForm.amount.$error.required" translate>{{'amount_is_required'}}</span>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ fr:
add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Ajoute une information relative aux remboursements, uniquement si cela concerne la facture. "
this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "Ceci ne sera jamais cumulé avec une information de vente en ligne."
(eg_R[/A]_will_add_/A_to_the_refund_invoices): '(ex. R[/A] ajoutera "/A" aux factures de remboursement)'
add_a_notice_regarding_the_wallet_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Ajoute une information relative à le porte-monnaie, uniquement si cela concerne la facture."
add_a_notice_regarding_the_wallet_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Ajoute une information relative au paiement par le porte-monnaie, uniquement si cela concerne la facture."
(eg_W[/PM]_will_add_/PM_to_the_invoices_settled_with_wallet): '(ex. W[/PM] ajoutera "/PM" aux factures réglées avec porte-monnaie)'
code: "Code"
enable_the_code: "Activer le code"
@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ en:
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "the general terms and conditions."
enter_your_card_number: "Enter your card number"
confirm_my_payment_of_: "Confirm my payment of" # context: confirm my payment of $20.00
credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "{{amount}} {{currency}} remains to be paid to confirm your reservation"
# dialog of on site payment for reservations
@ -305,6 +306,9 @@ en:
operator: 'Operator'
amount: 'Amount'
credit: 'Credit'
debit: 'Debit'
credit_title: 'Credit wallet'
credit_label: 'Set the amount to be credited'
to_credit: 'Credit'
wallet_credit_successfully: "Wallet of user is credited successfully."
a_problem_occurred_for_wallet_credit: "A problem is occurred while taking the credit of wallet"
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ fr:
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "les conditions générales de vente."
enter_your_card_number: "Saisissez votre numéro de carte"
confirm_my_payment_of_: "Valider mon paiement de" # contexte : valider mon paiement de 20,00 €
credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "Vous devez créditer {{amount}} {{currency}} pour valider votre réservation"
credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "Il vous reste {{amount}} {{currency}} à payer pour valider votre réservation"
# fenêtre de paiement sur place d'une réservation
@ -306,6 +306,9 @@ fr:
operator: 'Opérateur'
amount: 'Montant'
credit: 'Crédit'
debit: 'Débit'
credit_title: 'Créditer le porte-monnaie'
credit_label: 'Indiquez le montant à créditer'
to_credit: 'Créditer'
wallet_credit_successfully: "Le porte-monnaie d'utilisateur a été chargé avec succès."
a_problem_occurred_for_wallet_credit: "Il y a eu un problème lors de chargement au porte-monnaie d'utilisateur."
@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ en:
unknown_notification: "Unknown notification"
notification_ID_wrong_type_TYPE_unknown: "Notification %{ID} wrong (type %{TYPE} unknown)"
your_wallet_is_credited: "Your wallet is credited"
your_wallet_is_credited: "Your wallet has been credited by administrator"
wallet_is_credited: "The wallet of %{USER} is credited %{AMOUNT}"
wallet_is_credited: "The wallet of member %{USER} has been credited %{AMOUNT}"
# statistics tools for admins
@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ fr:
unknown_notification: "Notification inconnue"
notification_ID_wrong_type_TYPE_unknown: "Notification {ID} erronée (type {TYPE} inconnu)."
your_wallet_is_credited: "Votre porte-monnaie est chargé %{AMOUNT}"
your_wallet_is_credited: "Votre porte-monnaie a bien été crédité de %{AMOUNT} par l'administrateur"
wallet_is_credited: "Le porte-monnaie de %{USER} est chargé %{AMOUNT}"
wallet_is_credited: "Le porte-monnaie du membre %{USER} a bien été crédité de %{AMOUNT}"
# outil de statistiques pour les administrateurs
@ -241,14 +241,14 @@ en:
enabled: "From now on, all payments made by this user at the reception will lead to invoicing issuing. "
subject: "Your wallet is credited"
subject: "Your wallet has been credited"
wallet_credit_html: "Your wallet is credited %{AMOUNT}."
wallet_credit_html: "Your wallet has been credited %{AMOUNT} by administrator."
subject: "The wallet of an user is credited"
subject: "The wallet of an user has been credited"
wallet_credit_html: "The wallet of %{USER} is credited %{AMOUNT} by %{ADMIN}."
wallet_credit_html: "The wallet of member %{USER} has been credited %{AMOUNT} by administrator %{ADMIN}."
hello: "Hello %{user_name}"
@ -241,14 +241,14 @@ fr:
enabled: "Désormais, tous les paiement de cet utilisateur effectués à l'accueil, donneront lieu à la génération d'une facture."
subject: "Votre porte-monnaie est chargé"
subject: "Votre porte-monnaie a bien été crédité"
wallet_credit_html: "Votre porte-monnaie est chargé %{AMOUNT}."
wallet_credit_html: "Votre porte-monnaie a bien été crédité de %{AMOUNT} par l'adminitrateur."
subject: "Le porte-monnaie d'un utilisateur est chargé"
subject: "Le porte-monnaie d'un utilisateur a bien été crédité"
wallet_credit_html: "Le porte-monnaie de %{USER} est chargé %{AMOUNT} par %{ADMIN}."
wallet_credit_html: "Le porte-monnaie du membre %{USER} a bien été crédité de %{AMOUNT} par l'adminitrateur %{ADMIN}."
hello: "Bonjour %{user_name}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user