diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml
index 824385e80..e12efd656 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.no.yml
@@ -1190,29 +1190,29 @@
recaptcha_secret_key: "reCAPTCHA hemmelig nøkkel"
feature_tour_display: "gjennomgang av funksjoner"
email_from: "expeditor's address"
- disqus_shortname: "Disqus shortname"
- COUNT_items_removed: "{COUNT, plural, =1{One item} other{{COUNT} items}} removed"
- item_added: "One item added"
+ disqus_shortname: "Disqus, kortnavn"
+ COUNT_items_removed: "{COUNT, plural, one {} =1{Et element} other{{COUNT} elementer}} fjernet"
+ item_added: "Ett element lagt til"
openlab_app_id: "OpenLab ID"
- openlab_app_secret: "OpenLab secret"
- openlab_default: "default gallery view"
- online_payment_module: "online payment module"
- stripe_currency: "Stripe currency"
- account_confirmation: "Account confirmation"
- confirmation_required_info: "Optionally, you can force the users to confirm their email address before being able to access Fab-manager."
- confirmation_is_required: "Confirmation required"
- wallet_module: "wallet module"
- public_agenda_module: "public agenda module"
- statistics_module: "statistics module"
- upcoming_events_shown: "display limit for upcoming events"
- display_invite_to_renew_pack: "Display the invite to renew prepaid-packs"
- packs_threshold_info_html: "You can define under how many hours the user will be invited to buy a new prepaid-pack, if his stock of prepaid hours is under this threshold.
You can set a number of hours (eg. 5) or a percentage of his current pack pack (eg. 0.05 means 5%)."
- renew_pack_threshold: "threshold for packs renewal"
+ openlab_app_secret: "OpenLab hemmelighet"
+ openlab_default: "standard gallerivisning"
+ online_payment_module: "online betalingsmodul"
+ stripe_currency: "Stripe valuta"
+ account_confirmation: "Bekreft konto"
+ confirmation_required_info: "Alternativt kan du tvinge brukerne til å bekrefte sin e-postadresse før de får tilgang til Fab-manager."
+ confirmation_is_required: "Bekreftelse påkrevd"
+ wallet_module: "virtuell lommebokmodul"
+ public_agenda_module: "offentlig agenda-modul"
+ statistics_module: "statistikkmodul"
+ upcoming_events_shown: "grense for visning av antall kommende hendelser"
+ display_invite_to_renew_pack: "Vis invitasjonen til å fornye forhånds-pakker"
+ packs_threshold_info_html: "Du kan definere under hvor mange timer brukeren vil bli invitert til å kjøpe en ny prepaid-pakke, hvis hans beholdning av forhåndsbetalte timer er under denne grensen.
Du kan angi antall timer (f. eks. 5) eller en prosentenhet i sin nåværende pakningspakkef. eks. 0,05 betyr 5 %)."
+ renew_pack_threshold: "terskel for fornyelse av pakker"
general: "Generelt"
title: "Tittel"
fablab_title: "Tittel"
- title_concordance: "Title concordance"
+ title_concordance: "Tittelsamsvar"
male: "Mann."
female: "Kvinne."
neutral: "Nøytral."
@@ -1221,27 +1221,27 @@
male_preposition: " "
female_preposition: " "
neutral_preposition: ""
- elements_ordering: "Elements ordering"
+ elements_ordering: "Elementrekkefølge"
machines_order: "Rekkefølge, maskiner"
display_machines_sorted_by: "Vis maskiner sortert etter"
- default: "Default"
- name: "Name"
- created_at: "Creation date"
- updated_at: "Last update date"
- help: "Help"
- feature_tour: "Feature tour"
+ default: "Standard"
+ name: "Navn"
+ created_at: "Opprettelsesdato"
+ updated_at: "Sist oppdatert dato"
+ help: "Hjelp"
+ feature_tour: "Funksjonsgjennomgang"
feature_tour_info_html: "
When an administrator or a manager in logged-in, a feature tour will be triggered the first time he/she visits each section of the application. You can change this behavior to one of the following values:
The virtual wallet allows you to allocate a sum of money to users. Then, can spend this money as they wish, in Fab-manager.
Members cannot credit their wallet themselves, it's a privilege of managers and administrators.
" enable_wallet: "Enable wallet" public_agenda: "Public agenda"