mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-31 17:25:25 +02:00

(i18n) updated translations

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2022-10-05 12:16:08 +02:00
parent 81c1c80587
commit 6f14bdadf3
28 changed files with 362 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -759,7 +759,8 @@ de:
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>Um Online-Zahlungen zu erhalten, müssen Sie die <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> Identifikatoren und Schlüssel konfigurieren.</p><p>Holen Sie sie aus <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>Ihrem Händler-Backend</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Kundenschlüssel"
payzen_keys: "PayZen-Schlüssel"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
api_keys: "API keys"
payzen_username: "Benutzername"
payzen_password: "Passwort"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API Server Name"
@ -787,8 +788,13 @@ de:
stripe_currency: "Stripe-Währung"
gateway_configuration_error: "Fehler beim Konfigurieren des Zahlungs-Gateways: "
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
edit_keys: "Schlüssel bearbeiten"
payzen_public_key: "Öffentlicher Schlüssel des Kunden"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
currency: "Währung"
payzen_currency: "PayZen Währung"
currency_info_html: "Bitte geben Sie unten die Währung an, die für Online-Bezahlung verwendet wird. Sie sollten einen ISO-Code mit drei Buchstaben aus der Liste <a href='https://payzen.io/de-DE/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'>PayZen unterstützter Währungen eingeben</a>."
@ -1427,6 +1433,10 @@ de:
trainings_info_html: "<p>Trainings are fully integrated Fab-manager's agenda. If enabled, your members will be able to book and pay trainings.</p><p>Trainings provides a way to prevent members to book some machines, if they do have not taken the prerequisite course.</p>"
enable_trainings: "Schulungen aktivieren"
trainings_module: "Schulungs-Modul"
store: "Store"
store_info_html: "You can enable the store module that provides an easy way to <strong>sell various products and consumables</strong> to your members. This module also allows you to <strong>manage stocks</strong> and track orders."
enable_store: "Enable the store"
store_module: "store module"
invoicing: "Rechnungsstellung"
invoicing_info_html: "<p>Sie können das Rechnungsmodul komplett deaktivieren.</p><p>Das ist nützlich, wenn Sie über Ihr eigenes Rechnungssystem verfügen und nicht wollen, dass Fab-Manager Rechnungen generiert und an Mitglieder sendet.</p><p><strong>Warnung:</strong> Auch wenn Sie das Rechnungsmodul deaktivieren, müssen Sie die Mehrwertsteuer konfigurieren, um Fehler in Rechnungslegung und Preisen zu vermeiden. Die Konfiguration erfolgt in der Sektion « Rechnungen > Einstellungen ».</p>"
enable_invoicing: "Rechnungsstellung aktivieren"
@ -1927,7 +1937,8 @@ de:
error: "Unable to modify the category: "
success: "The category has been modified."
confirm: "Do you really want to delete this product category?"
confirm: "Do you really want to delete <strong>{CATEGORY}</strong>?<br>If it has sub-categories, they will also be deleted."
save: "Delete"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
success: "The category has been successfully deleted"
save: "Save"
@ -2085,3 +2096,4 @@ de:
withdrawal_instructions: 'Product withdrawal instructions'
withdrawal_info: "This text is displayed on the checkout page to inform the client about the products withdrawal method"
save: "Save"
update_success: "The settings were successfully updated"

View File

@ -759,7 +759,8 @@ es:
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> identifiers and keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>your merchant back office</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Client key"
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
api_keys: "API keys"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
@ -787,8 +788,13 @@ es:
stripe_currency: "Stripe currency"
gateway_configuration_error: "An error occurred while configuring the payment gateway: "
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
edit_keys: "Edit keys"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
currency: "Currency"
payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"
currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of <a href='https://payzen.io/en-EN/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'> PayZen supported currencies</a>."
@ -1427,6 +1433,10 @@ es:
trainings_info_html: "<p>Trainings are fully integrated Fab-manager's agenda. If enabled, your members will be able to book and pay trainings.</p><p>Trainings provides a way to prevent members to book some machines, if they do have not taken the prerequisite course.</p>"
enable_trainings: "Enable the trainings"
trainings_module: "trainings module"
store: "Store"
store_info_html: "You can enable the store module that provides an easy way to <strong>sell various products and consumables</strong> to your members. This module also allows you to <strong>manage stocks</strong> and track orders."
enable_store: "Enable the store"
store_module: "store module"
invoicing: "Invoicing"
invoicing_info_html: "<p>You can fully disable the invoicing module.</p><p>This is useful if you have your own invoicing system, and you don't want Fab-manager generates and sends invoices to the members.</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> even if you disable the invoicing module, you must to configure the VAT to prevent errors in accounting and prices. Do it from the « Invoices > Invoicing settings » section.</p>"
enable_invoicing: "Enable invoicing"
@ -1927,7 +1937,8 @@ es:
error: "Unable to modify the category: "
success: "The category has been modified."
confirm: "Do you really want to delete this product category?"
confirm: "Do you really want to delete <strong>{CATEGORY}</strong>?<br>If it has sub-categories, they will also be deleted."
save: "Delete"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
success: "The category has been successfully deleted"
save: "Save"
@ -2085,3 +2096,4 @@ es:
withdrawal_instructions: 'Product withdrawal instructions'
withdrawal_info: "This text is displayed on the checkout page to inform the client about the products withdrawal method"
save: "Save"
update_success: "The settings were successfully updated"

View File

@ -759,7 +759,8 @@ fr:
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>Pour pouvoir encaisser des paiements en ligne, vous devez configurer les identifiants et les clefs <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a>.</p><p>Retrouvez les dans <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>votre back office marchant</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Clef client"
payzen_keys: "Clefs PayZen"
payzen_public_key: "Clef publique client"
api_keys: "Clefs d'API"
payzen_username: "Nom d'utilisateur"
payzen_password: "Mot de passe"
payzen_endpoint: "Nom du serveur de l'API REST"
@ -787,8 +788,13 @@ fr:
stripe_currency: "Devise Stripe"
gateway_configuration_error: "Une erreur est survenue lors de la configuration de la passerelle de paiement : "
payzen_keys: "Clefs PayZen"
edit_keys: "Modifier les clefs"
payzen_public_key: "Clef publique client"
payzen_username: "Nom d'utilisateur"
payzen_password: "Mot de passe"
payzen_endpoint: "Nom du serveur de l'API REST"
payzen_hmac: "Clef HMAC-SHA-256"
currency: "Devise"
payzen_currency: "Devise PayZen"
currency_info_html: "Veuillez indiquer la devise à utiliser lors des paiements en ligne. Vous devez fournir un code ISO à trois lettres, issu de la liste des <a href='https://payzen.io/fr-FR/back-office/reporting/liste-des-devises-supportees.html' target='_blank'>devises supportées par PayZen</a>."
@ -1427,6 +1433,10 @@ fr:
trainings_info_html: "<p>Les formations sont entièrement intégrées dans l'agenda de Fab-manager. Si elles sont activées, vos membres pourrons réserver et payer des formations.</p><p>Les formations fournissent une solution pour éviter que des membres ne réservent des machines, sans avoir suivi la formation préalable.</p>"
enable_trainings: "Activer les formations"
trainings_module: "module formations"
store: "Boutique"
store_info_html: "Vous pouvez activer le module boutique qui fournit un moyen facile de <strong>vendre différents produits et consommables</strong> à vos membres. Ce module vous permet également de <strong>gérer les stocks</strong> et de suivre les commandes."
enable_store: "Activer la boutique"
store_module: "module boutique"
invoicing: "Facturation"
invoicing_info_html: "<p>Vous pouvez complètement désactiver le module de facturation.</p><p>Cela est utile si vous possédez votre propre système de facturation, et que vous ne souhaitez pas que Fab-manager génère et envoie des factures aux membres.</p><p><strong>Attention :</strong> même si vous désactivez le module de facturation, vous devez configurer la TVA pour éviter des erreurs de prix et de comptabilité. Faites le depuis la section « Factures > Paramètres de facturation ».</p>"
enable_invoicing: "Activer la facturation"
@ -1928,6 +1938,7 @@ fr:
success: "La catégorie a été modifiée."
confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie de produit ?"
save: "Supprimer"
error: "Impossible de supprimer la catégorie : "
success: "La catégorie a été supprimée avec succès"
save: "Enregistrer"
@ -2085,3 +2096,4 @@ fr:
withdrawal_instructions: 'Instructions de retrait du produit'
withdrawal_info: "Ce texte est affiché sur la page de paiement pour informer le client de la méthode de retrait des produits"
save: "Enregistrer"
update_success: "Paramètres mis à jour"

View File

@ -759,7 +759,8 @@
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> identifiers and keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>your merchant back office</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Client key"
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
api_keys: "API keys"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
@ -787,8 +788,13 @@
stripe_currency: "Stripe-valuta"
gateway_configuration_error: "Det oppstod en feil ved konfigurering av betalingsmetoden: "
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
edit_keys: "Edit keys"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
currency: "Currency"
payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"
currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of <a href='https://payzen.io/en-EN/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'> PayZen supported currencies</a>."
@ -1427,6 +1433,10 @@
trainings_info_html: "<p>Trainings are fully integrated Fab-manager's agenda. If enabled, your members will be able to book and pay trainings.</p><p>Trainings provides a way to prevent members to book some machines, if they do have not taken the prerequisite course.</p>"
enable_trainings: "Enable the trainings"
trainings_module: "trainings module"
store: "Store"
store_info_html: "You can enable the store module that provides an easy way to <strong>sell various products and consumables</strong> to your members. This module also allows you to <strong>manage stocks</strong> and track orders."
enable_store: "Enable the store"
store_module: "store module"
invoicing: "Invoicing"
invoicing_info_html: "<p>You can fully disable the invoicing module.</p><p>This is useful if you have your own invoicing system, and you don't want Fab-manager generates and sends invoices to the members.</p><p><strong>Warning:</strong> even if you disable the invoicing module, you must to configure the VAT to prevent errors in accounting and prices. Do it from the « Invoices > Invoicing settings » section.</p>"
enable_invoicing: "Enable invoicing"
@ -1927,7 +1937,8 @@
error: "Unable to modify the category: "
success: "The category has been modified."
confirm: "Do you really want to delete this product category?"
confirm: "Do you really want to delete <strong>{CATEGORY}</strong>?<br>If it has sub-categories, they will also be deleted."
save: "Delete"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
success: "The category has been successfully deleted"
save: "Save"
@ -2085,3 +2096,4 @@
withdrawal_instructions: 'Product withdrawal instructions'
withdrawal_info: "This text is displayed on the checkout page to inform the client about the products withdrawal method"
save: "Save"
update_success: "The settings were successfully updated"

View File

@ -149,8 +149,8 @@ pt:
title: "Configurações"
comments: "Comentários"
disqus: "Discos"
disqus_info: "Se você quiser habilitar seus membros e visitantes para comentar em projetos, você pode habilitar os fóruns de Discos definindo o seguinte parâmetro. Visite <a href='https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208-what-s-a-shortname-' target='_blank'>o site do Disqus</a> para obter mais informações."
disqus: "Disqus"
disqus_info: "Se você quiser habilitar seus membros e visitantes para comentar em projetos, você pode habilitar os fóruns do Disqus definindo o seguinte parâmetro. Visite <a href='https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208-what-s-a-shortname-' target='_blank'>o site do Disqus</a> para obter mais informações."
shortname: "Shortname"
cad_files: "Arquivos CAD"
validation: "Validação"
@ -759,11 +759,12 @@ pt:
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>Para coletar pagamentos online, você deve configurar os identificadores e chaves do <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a>.</p><p>Recupere eles da <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>sua área de administração</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Chave de cliente"
payzen_keys: "Chaves PayZen"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
api_keys: "API keys"
payzen_username: "Nome de Usuário"
payzen_password: "Senha"
payzen_endpoint: "Nome do servidor API REST"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
payzen_hmac: "Chave HMAC-SHA-256"
stripe_keys_info_html: "<p>Para coletar pagamentos online, você deve configurar as <a href='https://stripe.com' target='_blank'>chaves de API do Stripe</a>.</p><p>Recupere eles do <a href='https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys' target='_blank'>seu painel</a>.</p><p>A atualização dessas chaves ativará uma sincronização de todos os usuários no Stripe, isso pode levar algum tempo. Você receberá uma notificação quando estiver pronto.</p>"
public_key: "Chave pública"
@ -787,8 +788,13 @@ pt:
stripe_currency: "Moeda do Stripe"
gateway_configuration_error: "Ocorreu um erro ao configurar o gateway de pagamento: "
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
edit_keys: "Editar chaves"
payzen_public_key: "Chave pública do cliente"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
currency: "Moeda"
payzen_currency: "Moeda PayZen"
currency_info_html: "Por favor, especifique abaixo a moeda usada para pagamento online. Você deve fornecer um código ISO de três letras, presente na <a href='https://payzen.io/en-EN/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'>lista de moedas com suporte a Stripe</a>."
@ -1427,6 +1433,10 @@ pt:
trainings_info_html: "<p>Os treinamentos estão totalmente integrados na agenda do Fabmanager. Se ativado, seus membros poderão reservar e pagar treinamentos.</p><p>A forma de impedir que os membros agendem determinadas máquinas é através dos pré-requisitos para uso das mesmas </p>"
enable_trainings: "Ativar treinamentos"
trainings_module: "módulo de treinamentos"
store: "Store"
store_info_html: "You can enable the store module that provides an easy way to <strong>sell various products and consumables</strong> to your members. This module also allows you to <strong>manage stocks</strong> and track orders."
enable_store: "Enable the store"
store_module: "store module"
invoicing: "Faturamento"
invoicing_info_html: "<p>Você pode desativar completamente o módulo de faturamento.</p><p>Isso é útil se você tiver o seu próprio sistema de faturação, e não quer que o Fab-manager gere e envie faturas para os membros.</p><p><strong>Aviso:</strong> mesmo se você desativar o módulo de faturação, você deve configurar o IVA para evitar erros na contabilidade e nos preços. Faça isso na seção « Faturas > Configurações de faturação ».</p>"
enable_invoicing: "Habilitar faturamento"
@ -1449,7 +1459,7 @@ pt:
recaptcha_secret_key: "chave secreta reCAPTCHA"
feature_tour_display: "exibir tour de recursos"
email_from: "endereço do expedidor"
disqus_shortname: "Atalho Disqus"
disqus_shortname: "Shortname do Disqus"
COUNT_items_removed: "{COUNT, plural, one {} =1{Um item} other{{COUNT} itens}} removeu"
item_added: "1 artigo adicionado"
openlab_app_id: "ID OpenLab"
@ -1900,8 +1910,8 @@ pt:
content: "Clique aqui para acessar a documentação online da API."
manage_the_store: "Manage the Store"
settings: "Settings"
all_products: "All products"
settings: "Configurações"
all_products: "Todos os produtos"
categories_of_store: "Store categories"
the_orders: "Orders"
back_to_list: "Back to list"
@ -1909,14 +1919,14 @@ pt:
title: "Categories"
info: "<strong>Information:</strong></br>Find below all the categories created. The categories are arranged on two levels maximum, you can arrange them with a drag and drop. The order of the categories will be identical on the public view and the list below. Please note that you can delete a category or a sub-category even if they are associated with products. The latter will be left without categories. If you delete a category that contains sub-categories, the latter will also be deleted."
create: "Create a product category"
update: "Modify the product category"
delete: "Delete the product category"
create: "Criar uma categoria de produto"
update: "Modificar a categoria do produto"
delete: "Excluir a categoria do produto"
new_product_category: "Create a category"
edit_product_category: "Modify a category"
new_product_category: "Criar uma categoria"
edit_product_category: "Modificar uma categoria"
name: "Name of category"
name: "Nome da categoria"
slug: "URL"
select_parent_product_category: "Choose a parent category (N1)"
no_parent: "No parent"
@ -1927,7 +1937,8 @@ pt:
error: "Unable to modify the category: "
success: "The category has been modified."
confirm: "Do you really want to delete this product category?"
confirm: "Do you really want to delete <strong>{CATEGORY}</strong>?<br>If it has sub-categories, they will also be deleted."
save: "Delete"
error: "Unable to delete the category: "
success: "The category has been successfully deleted"
save: "Save"
@ -2004,19 +2015,19 @@ pt:
assigning_category_info: "<strong>Information</strong></br>You can only declare one category per product. If you assign this product to a sub-category, it will automatically be assigned to its parent category as well."
assigning_machines: "Assigning machines"
assigning_machines_info: "<strong>Information</strong></br>You can link one or more machines from your workshop to your product. This product will then be subject to the filters on the catalogue view.</br>The machines selected below will be linked to the product."
product_description: "Product description"
product_description: "Descrição do produto"
product_description_info: "<strong>Information</strong></br>This product description will be presented in the product sheet. You have a few editorial styles at your disposal to create the product sheet."
product_files: "Document"
product_files_info: "<strong>Information</strong></br>Add documents related to this product. They will be presented in the product sheet, in a separate block. You can only upload pdf documents."
add_product_file: "Add a document"
product_images: "Pictures of the product"
product_images_info: "<strong>Advice</strong></br>We advise you to use a square format, JPG or PNG. For JPG, please use white for the background colour. The main visual will be the first presented in the product sheet."
add_product_image: "Add an image"
save: "Save"
add_product_file: "Adicionar um documento"
product_images: "Fotos do produto"
product_images_info: "<strong>Dica</strong></br>Aconselhamos que você use um formato quadrado, JPG ou PNG. Para JPG, por favor, use branco para a cor de fundo. O visual principal será o primeiro apresentado na folha de produto."
add_product_image: "Adicionar uma imagem"
save: "Salvar"
stock_up_to_date: "Stock up to date"
stock_up_to_date: "Estoque atualizado"
date_time: "{DATE} - {TIME}"
ongoing_operations: "Ongoing stock operations"
ongoing_operations: "Operações de estoque em andamento"
save_reminder: "Don't forget to save your operations"
low_stock_threshold: "Define a low stock threshold"
stock_threshold_toggle: "Activate stock threshold"
@ -2045,7 +2056,7 @@ pt:
update_stock: "Update stock"
reason_type: "Reason"
stocks: "Stock:"
quantity: "Quantity"
quantity: "Quantidade"
inward_stock: "Inward stock"
returned: "Returned by client"
@ -2059,29 +2070,30 @@ pt:
heading: "Orders"
create_order: "Create an order"
filter: "Filter"
filter_clear: "Clear all"
filter_apply: "Apply"
filter: "Filtro"
filter_clear: "Limpar tudo"
filter_apply: "Aplicar"
filter_ref: "By reference"
filter_status: "By status"
filter_client: "By client"
filter_period: "By period"
filter_period_from: "From"
filter_period_from: "De"
filter_period_to: "to"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
paid: "Paid"
payment_failed: "Payment error"
canceled: "Canceled"
ready: "Ready"
refunded: "Refunded"
delivered: "Delivered"
paid: "Pago"
payment_failed: "Erro no pagamento"
canceled: "Cancelado"
ready: "Pronto"
refunded: "Reembolsado"
delivered: "Entregue"
newest: "Newest first"
oldest: "Oldest first"
newest: "Mais recentes primeiro"
oldest: "Mais antigos primeiro"
title: 'Settings'
title: 'Configurações'
withdrawal_instructions: 'Product withdrawal instructions'
withdrawal_info: "This text is displayed on the checkout page to inform the client about the products withdrawal method"
save: "Save"
save: "Salvar"
update_success: "The settings were successfully updated"

View File

@ -759,7 +759,8 @@ zu:
payzen_keys_info_html: "crwdns25436:0crwdne25436:0"
client_keys: "crwdns25438:0crwdne25438:0"
payzen_keys: "crwdns25440:0crwdne25440:0"
payzen_public_key: "crwdns30648:0crwdne30648:0"
api_keys: "crwdns30650:0crwdne30650:0"
payzen_username: "crwdns25442:0crwdne25442:0"
payzen_password: "crwdns25444:0crwdne25444:0"
payzen_endpoint: "crwdns25446:0crwdne25446:0"
@ -787,8 +788,13 @@ zu:
stripe_currency: "crwdns25486:0crwdne25486:0"
gateway_configuration_error: "crwdns25488:0crwdne25488:0"
payzen_keys: "crwdns30652:0crwdne30652:0"
edit_keys: "crwdns25490:0crwdne25490:0"
payzen_public_key: "crwdns25492:0crwdne25492:0"
payzen_username: "crwdns30654:0crwdne30654:0"
payzen_password: "crwdns30656:0crwdne30656:0"
payzen_endpoint: "crwdns30658:0crwdne30658:0"
payzen_hmac: "crwdns30660:0crwdne30660:0"
currency: "crwdns25494:0crwdne25494:0"
payzen_currency: "crwdns25496:0crwdne25496:0"
currency_info_html: "crwdns25498:0crwdne25498:0"
@ -1427,6 +1433,10 @@ zu:
trainings_info_html: "crwdns26648:0crwdne26648:0"
enable_trainings: "crwdns26650:0crwdne26650:0"
trainings_module: "crwdns26652:0crwdne26652:0"
store: "crwdns30662:0crwdne30662:0"
store_info_html: "crwdns30664:0crwdne30664:0"
enable_store: "crwdns30666:0crwdne30666:0"
store_module: "crwdns30668:0crwdne30668:0"
invoicing: "crwdns26654:0crwdne26654:0"
invoicing_info_html: "crwdns26656:0crwdne26656:0"
enable_invoicing: "crwdns26658:0crwdne26658:0"
@ -1927,7 +1937,8 @@ zu:
error: "crwdns30028:0crwdne30028:0"
success: "crwdns30030:0crwdne30030:0"
confirm: "crwdns30032:0crwdne30032:0"
confirm: "crwdns30032:0{CATEGORY}crwdne30032:0"
save: "crwdns30670:0crwdne30670:0"
error: "crwdns30034:0crwdne30034:0"
success: "crwdns30036:0crwdne30036:0"
save: "crwdns30038:0crwdne30038:0"
@ -2085,3 +2096,4 @@ zu:
withdrawal_instructions: 'crwdns30304:0crwdne30304:0'
withdrawal_info: "crwdns30306:0crwdne30306:0"
save: "crwdns30308:0crwdne30308:0"
update_success: "crwdns30672:0crwdne30672:0"

View File

@ -400,18 +400,25 @@ de:
price_low: "Price: low to high"
price_high: "Price: high to low"
ref: "ref: {REF}"
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
show_more: "Display more"
show_less: "Display less"
documentation: "Documentation"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
available: "Available"
limited_stock: "Limited stock"
out_of_stock: "Out of stock"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add: "Add"
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
unit: "unit"
per_unit: "/ unit"
free: "Free"
my_cart: "My Cart"
@ -434,6 +441,14 @@ de:
checkout_total: "Cart total"
checkout_error: "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the administrator."
checkout_success: "Purchase confirmed. Thanks!"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing."
update_item: "Update"
product_not_found: "This product is no longer available, please remove it from your cart."
out_of_stock: "This product is out of stock, please remove it from your cart."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Only {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, =1{unit} other{units}} left in stock, please adjust the quantity of items."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Minimum number of product was changed to {QUANTITY}, please adjust the quantity of items."
price_changed_PRICE: "The product price was modified to {PRICE}"
heading: "My orders"

View File

@ -400,18 +400,25 @@ es:
price_low: "Price: low to high"
price_high: "Price: high to low"
ref: "ref: {REF}"
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
show_more: "Display more"
show_less: "Display less"
documentation: "Documentation"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
available: "Available"
limited_stock: "Limited stock"
out_of_stock: "Out of stock"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add: "Add"
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
unit: "unit"
per_unit: "/ unit"
free: "Free"
my_cart: "My Cart"
@ -434,6 +441,14 @@ es:
checkout_total: "Cart total"
checkout_error: "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the administrator."
checkout_success: "Purchase confirmed. Thanks!"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing."
update_item: "Update"
product_not_found: "This product is no longer available, please remove it from your cart."
out_of_stock: "This product is out of stock, please remove it from your cart."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Only {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, =1{unit} other{units}} left in stock, please adjust the quantity of items."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Minimum number of product was changed to {QUANTITY}, please adjust the quantity of items."
price_changed_PRICE: "The product price was modified to {PRICE}"
heading: "My orders"

View File

@ -400,18 +400,25 @@ fr:
price_low: "Prix : croissant"
price_high: "Prix : décroissant"
ref: "ref: {REF}"
add_to_cart_success: "Produit ajouté au panier."
unexpected_error_occurred: "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite. Veuillez réessayer plus tard."
show_more: "Afficher plus"
show_less: "Afficher moins"
documentation: "Documentation"
minimum_purchase: "Achat minimum : "
add_to_cart: "Ajouter au panier"
available: "Disponible"
limited_stock: "Stock limité"
out_of_stock: "Rupture de stock"
minimum_purchase: "Achat minimum : "
add: "Ajouter"
add_to_cart: "Ajouter au panier"
unit: "unité"
per_unit: "/ unité"
free: "Gratuit"
my_cart: "Mon panier"
@ -434,6 +441,14 @@ fr:
checkout_total: "Total du panier"
checkout_error: "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite. Veuillez contacter l'administrateur."
checkout_success: "Achat confirmé. Merci !"
select_user: "Veuillez sélectionner un utilisateur avant de continuer."
update_item: "Mettre à jour"
product_not_found: "Ce produit n'est plus disponible, veuillez le retirer de votre panier."
out_of_stock: "Ce produit est en rupture de stock, veuillez le retirer de votre panier."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Seulement {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, one {}=1{unité} other{unités}} restant en stock, veuillez ajuster la quantité d'articles."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Le nombre minimum de produits a été changé à {QUANTITY}, veuillez ajuster la quantité d'articles."
price_changed_PRICE: "Le prix du produit a été modifié à {PRICE}"
heading: "Mes commandes"

View File

@ -400,18 +400,25 @@
price_low: "Price: low to high"
price_high: "Price: high to low"
ref: "ref: {REF}"
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
show_more: "Display more"
show_less: "Display less"
documentation: "Documentation"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
available: "Available"
limited_stock: "Limited stock"
out_of_stock: "Out of stock"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add: "Add"
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
unit: "unit"
per_unit: "/ unit"
free: "Free"
my_cart: "My Cart"
@ -434,6 +441,14 @@
checkout_total: "Cart total"
checkout_error: "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the administrator."
checkout_success: "Purchase confirmed. Thanks!"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing."
update_item: "Update"
product_not_found: "This product is no longer available, please remove it from your cart."
out_of_stock: "This product is out of stock, please remove it from your cart."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Only {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, =1{unit} other{units}} left in stock, please adjust the quantity of items."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Minimum number of product was changed to {QUANTITY}, please adjust the quantity of items."
price_changed_PRICE: "The product price was modified to {PRICE}"
heading: "My orders"

View File

@ -400,18 +400,25 @@ pt:
price_low: "Price: low to high"
price_high: "Price: high to low"
ref: "ref: {REF}"
add_to_cart_success: "Product added to the cart."
unexpected_error_occurred: "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
show_more: "Display more"
show_less: "Display less"
documentation: "Documentation"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
available: "Available"
limited_stock: "Limited stock"
out_of_stock: "Out of stock"
minimum_purchase: "Minimum purchase: "
add: "Add"
add_to_cart: "Add to cart"
unit: "unit"
per_unit: "/ unit"
free: "Free"
my_cart: "My Cart"
@ -430,18 +437,26 @@ pt:
checkout_products_COUNT: "Your cart contains {COUNT} {COUNT, plural, =1{product} other{products}}"
checkout_products_total: "Products total"
checkout_gift_total: "Discount total"
checkout_coupon: "Coupon"
checkout_total: "Cart total"
checkout_coupon: "Cupom"
checkout_total: "Total do carrinho"
checkout_error: "An unexpected error occurred. Please contact the administrator."
checkout_success: "Purchase confirmed. Thanks!"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing."
update_item: "Update"
product_not_found: "This product is no longer available, please remove it from your cart."
out_of_stock: "This product is out of stock, please remove it from your cart."
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "Only {QUANTITY} {QUANTITY, plural, =1{unit} other{units}} left in stock, please adjust the quantity of items."
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "Minimum number of product was changed to {QUANTITY}, please adjust the quantity of items."
price_changed_PRICE: "The product price was modified to {PRICE}"
heading: "My orders"
newest: "Newest first"
oldest: "Oldest first"
newest: "Mais recentes primeiro"
oldest: "Mais antigos primeiro"
select_a_member: "Select a member"
start_typing: "Start typing..."
select_a_member: "Selecionar um membro"
start_typing: "Comece a digitar..."
title: "Obrigado pela sua atenção"

View File

@ -400,18 +400,25 @@ zu:
price_low: "crwdns30350:0crwdne30350:0"
price_high: "crwdns30352:0crwdne30352:0"
ref: "crwdns30674:0{REF}crwdne30674:0"
add_to_cart_success: "crwdns30676:0crwdne30676:0"
unexpected_error_occurred: "crwdns30354:0crwdne30354:0"
show_more: "crwdns30356:0crwdne30356:0"
show_less: "crwdns30358:0crwdne30358:0"
documentation: "crwdns30360:0crwdne30360:0"
minimum_purchase: "crwdns30678:0crwdne30678:0"
add_to_cart: "crwdns30680:0crwdne30680:0"
available: "crwdns30682:0crwdne30682:0"
limited_stock: "crwdns30684:0crwdne30684:0"
out_of_stock: "crwdns30686:0crwdne30686:0"
available: "crwdns30362:0crwdne30362:0"
limited_stock: "crwdns30364:0crwdne30364:0"
out_of_stock: "crwdns30366:0crwdne30366:0"
minimum_purchase: "crwdns30368:0crwdne30368:0"
add: "crwdns30370:0crwdne30370:0"
add_to_cart: "crwdns30372:0crwdne30372:0"
unit: "crwdns30374:0crwdne30374:0"
per_unit: "crwdns30688:0crwdne30688:0"
free: "crwdns30690:0crwdne30690:0"
my_cart: "crwdns30376:0crwdne30376:0"
@ -434,6 +441,14 @@ zu:
checkout_total: "crwdns30406:0crwdne30406:0"
checkout_error: "crwdns30408:0crwdne30408:0"
checkout_success: "crwdns30410:0crwdne30410:0"
select_user: "crwdns30692:0crwdne30692:0"
update_item: "crwdns30696:0crwdne30696:0"
product_not_found: "crwdns30698:0crwdne30698:0"
out_of_stock: "crwdns30700:0crwdne30700:0"
stock_limit_QUANTITY: "crwdns30702:0QUANTITY={QUANTITY}crwdnd30702:0QUANTITY={QUANTITY}crwdne30702:0"
quantity_min_QUANTITY: "crwdns30704:0{QUANTITY}crwdne30704:0"
price_changed_PRICE: "crwdns30706:0{PRICE}crwdne30706:0"
heading: "crwdns30642:0crwdne30642:0"

View File

@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ de:
gift_total: "Discount total"
coupon: "Coupon"
cart_total: "Cart total"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
@ -621,21 +622,22 @@ de:
delivered: "Delivered"
confirm: 'Confirm'
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_order_in_progress: "Is this order in the process of being prepared?"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Please confirm that this order in being prepared."
order_in_progress_success: "Order is under preparation"
confirm_order_ready: "Is this order ready?"
order_ready_note: 'Leave your message'
confirm_order_ready_html: "Please confirm that this order is ready."
order_ready_note: 'You can leave a message to the customer about withdrawal instructions'
order_ready_success: "Order is ready"
confirm_order_delivered: "Is this order delivered?"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Please confirm that this order was delivered."
order_delivered_success: "Order was delivered"
confirm_order_canceled: "Do you want to cancel this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Do you really want to cancel this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "Order was canceled"
confirm_order_refunded: "Do you want to refund this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<stong>Do you really want to refund this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "Order was refunded"
modal_title: "You have some unsaved changes"
confirmation_message: "If you leave this page, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?"
confirmation_button: "Yes, don't save"
keyword: "Keyword: {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Private stock"
stock_external: "Public stock"

View File

@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ es:
gift_total: "Discount total"
coupon: "Coupon"
cart_total: "Cart total"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
@ -621,21 +622,22 @@ es:
delivered: "Delivered"
confirm: 'Confirm'
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_order_in_progress: "Is this order in the process of being prepared?"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Please confirm that this order in being prepared."
order_in_progress_success: "Order is under preparation"
confirm_order_ready: "Is this order ready?"
order_ready_note: 'Leave your message'
confirm_order_ready_html: "Please confirm that this order is ready."
order_ready_note: 'You can leave a message to the customer about withdrawal instructions'
order_ready_success: "Order is ready"
confirm_order_delivered: "Is this order delivered?"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Please confirm that this order was delivered."
order_delivered_success: "Order was delivered"
confirm_order_canceled: "Do you want to cancel this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Do you really want to cancel this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "Order was canceled"
confirm_order_refunded: "Do you want to refund this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<stong>Do you really want to refund this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "Order was refunded"
modal_title: "You have some unsaved changes"
confirmation_message: "If you leave this page, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?"
confirmation_button: "Yes, don't save"
keyword: "Keyword: {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Private stock"
stock_external: "Public stock"

View File

@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ fr:
gift_total: "Total remise"
coupon: "Code promo"
cart_total: "Total du panier"
pickup: "Retirer vos produits"
cart: 'Panier'
in_progress: 'En cours de préparation'
@ -621,21 +622,22 @@ fr:
delivered: "Livrée"
confirm: 'Confirmer'
confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise"
confirm_order_in_progress: "Cette commande est-elle en cours de préparation ?"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Veuillez confirmer que cette commande en cours de préparation."
order_in_progress_success: "La commande est en cours de préparation"
confirm_order_ready: "Cette commande est-elle prête ?"
confirm_order_ready_html: "Veuillez confirmer que cette commande est prête."
order_ready_note: 'Laissez votre message'
order_ready_success: "La commande est prête"
confirm_order_delivered: "Cette commande a-t-elle été livrée ?"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Veuillez confirmer que cette commande a été livrée."
order_delivered_success: "La commande a été livrée"
confirm_order_canceled: "Voulez-vous annuler cette commande ? Vous pouvez modifier le stock du produit dans la gestion du stock."
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Voulez-vous vraiment annuler cette commande ?</strong><p>Si cela impacte le stock, veuillez refléter le changement dans <em>modifier le produit &gt; gestion des stocks</em>. Ceci ne sera pas automatique.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "La commande a été annulée"
confirm_order_refunded: "Voulez-vous rembourser cette commande ? Vous pouvez modifier le stock du produit dans la gestion du stock."
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<stong>Voulez-vous vraiment rembourser cette commande ?</strong><p>Si cela impacte sur le stock, veuillez refléter le changement dans <em>modifier le produit &gt; gestion des stocks</em>. Ceci ne sera pas automatique.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "La commande a été remboursée"
modal_title: "Vous avez des modifications non enregistrées"
confirmation_message: "Si vous quittez cette page, vos modifications seront perdues. Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir continuer ?"
confirmation_button: "Oui, ne pas enregistrer"
keyword: "Mot-clef : {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Stock interne"
stock_external: "Stock externe"

View File

@ -592,6 +592,7 @@
gift_total: "Discount total"
coupon: "Coupon"
cart_total: "Cart total"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
@ -621,21 +622,22 @@
delivered: "Delivered"
confirm: 'Confirm'
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_order_in_progress: "Is this order in the process of being prepared?"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Please confirm that this order in being prepared."
order_in_progress_success: "Order is under preparation"
confirm_order_ready: "Is this order ready?"
order_ready_note: 'Leave your message'
confirm_order_ready_html: "Please confirm that this order is ready."
order_ready_note: 'You can leave a message to the customer about withdrawal instructions'
order_ready_success: "Order is ready"
confirm_order_delivered: "Is this order delivered?"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Please confirm that this order was delivered."
order_delivered_success: "Order was delivered"
confirm_order_canceled: "Do you want to cancel this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Do you really want to cancel this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "Order was canceled"
confirm_order_refunded: "Do you want to refund this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<stong>Do you really want to refund this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "Order was refunded"
modal_title: "You have some unsaved changes"
confirmation_message: "If you leave this page, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?"
confirmation_button: "Yes, don't save"
keyword: "Keyword: {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Private stock"
stock_external: "Public stock"

View File

@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ pt:
gift_total: "Discount total"
coupon: "Coupon"
cart_total: "Cart total"
pickup: "Pickup your products"
cart: 'Cart'
in_progress: 'Under preparation'
@ -621,21 +622,22 @@ pt:
delivered: "Delivered"
confirm: 'Confirm'
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_order_in_progress: "Is this order in the process of being prepared?"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "Please confirm that this order in being prepared."
order_in_progress_success: "Order is under preparation"
confirm_order_ready: "Is this order ready?"
order_ready_note: 'Leave your message'
confirm_order_ready_html: "Please confirm that this order is ready."
order_ready_note: 'You can leave a message to the customer about withdrawal instructions'
order_ready_success: "Order is ready"
confirm_order_delivered: "Is this order delivered?"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "Please confirm that this order was delivered."
order_delivered_success: "Order was delivered"
confirm_order_canceled: "Do you want to cancel this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_canceled_html: "<strong>Do you really want to cancel this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_canceled_success: "Order was canceled"
confirm_order_refunded: "Do you want to refund this order? You can modify product stock in stock manage."
confirm_order_refunded_html: "<stong>Do you really want to refund this order?</strong><p>If this impacts stock, please reflect the change in <em>edit product &gt; stock management</em>. This won't be automatic.</p>"
order_refunded_success: "Order was refunded"
modal_title: "You have some unsaved changes"
confirmation_message: "If you leave this page, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?"
confirmation_button: "Yes, don't save"
keyword: "Keyword: {KEYWORD}"
stock_internal: "Private stock"
stock_external: "Public stock"

View File

@ -592,6 +592,7 @@ zu:
gift_total: "crwdns30480:0crwdne30480:0"
coupon: "crwdns30482:0crwdne30482:0"
cart_total: "crwdns30484:0crwdne30484:0"
pickup: "crwdns30708:0crwdne30708:0"
cart: 'crwdns30486:0crwdne30486:0'
in_progress: 'crwdns30488:0crwdne30488:0'
@ -621,21 +622,22 @@ zu:
delivered: "crwdns30530:0crwdne30530:0"
confirm: 'crwdns30532:0crwdne30532:0'
confirmation_required: "crwdns30534:0crwdne30534:0"
confirm_order_in_progress: "crwdns30616:0crwdne30616:0"
confirm_order_in_progress_html: "crwdns30712:0crwdne30712:0"
order_in_progress_success: "crwdns30538:0crwdne30538:0"
confirm_order_ready: "crwdns30618:0crwdne30618:0"
confirm_order_ready_html: "crwdns30714:0crwdne30714:0"
order_ready_note: 'crwdns30542:0crwdne30542:0'
order_ready_success: "crwdns30544:0crwdne30544:0"
confirm_order_delivered: "crwdns30620:0crwdne30620:0"
confirm_order_delivered_html: "crwdns30716:0crwdne30716:0"
order_delivered_success: "crwdns30622:0crwdne30622:0"
confirm_order_canceled: "crwdns30624:0crwdne30624:0"
confirm_order_canceled_html: "crwdns30718:0crwdne30718:0"
order_canceled_success: "crwdns30626:0crwdne30626:0"
confirm_order_refunded: "crwdns30628:0crwdne30628:0"
confirm_order_refunded_html: "crwdns30720:0crwdne30720:0"
order_refunded_success: "crwdns30630:0crwdne30630:0"
modal_title: "crwdns30558:0crwdne30558:0"
confirmation_message: "crwdns30560:0crwdne30560:0"
confirmation_button: "crwdns30562:0crwdne30562:0"
keyword: "crwdns30722:0{KEYWORD}crwdne30722:0"
stock_internal: "crwdns30564:0crwdne30564:0"
stock_external: "crwdns30566:0crwdne30566:0"

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ de:
one: 'Eine Woche'
other: '%{count} Wochen'
amount: "The price"
@ -38,6 +42,10 @@ de:
invalid_duration: "Der zulässige Zeitraum muss zwischen 1 Tag und 1 Jahr lang sein. Ihr Zeitraum ist %{DAYS} Tage lang."
must_be_in_the_past: "Der Zeitraum darf ausschließlich vor dem heutigen Datum liegen."
registration_disabled: "Registrierung ist deaktiviert"
undefined_in_store: "must be defined to make the product available in the store"
gateway_error: "Payement gateway error: %{MESSAGE}"
gateway_amount_too_small: "Payments under %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
gateway_amount_too_large: "Payments above %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
api_documentation: "API-Dokumentation"
code: "HTTP-Code"
@ -467,6 +475,8 @@ de:
free_extension: "Kostenlose Verlängerung eines Abonnements bis %{DATE}"
birthday_in_past: "Geburtsdatum muss in der Vergangenheit liegen"
please_contact_FABLAB: "Please contact {FABLAB, select, empty{us} other{{FABLAB}}} for withdrawal instructions."
locked_setting: "die Einstellung ist gesperrt."
about_title: "Seitentitel \"Über\""
@ -600,3 +610,5 @@ de:
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Show the username in the admin's members list"
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ es:
one: 'una semana'
other: '%{count} semanas'
amount: "The price"
@ -38,6 +42,10 @@ es:
invalid_duration: "La duración permitida es de 1 día a 1 año. Su período es %{DAYS} días de largo."
must_be_in_the_past: "El período debe ser estrictamente anterior a la fecha de hoy."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
undefined_in_store: "must be defined to make the product available in the store"
gateway_error: "Payement gateway error: %{MESSAGE}"
gateway_amount_too_small: "Payments under %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
gateway_amount_too_large: "Payments above %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
api_documentation: "Documentación API"
code: "HTTP code"
@ -467,6 +475,8 @@ es:
free_extension: "Free extension of a subscription, until %{DATE}"
birthday_in_past: "The date of birth must be in the past"
please_contact_FABLAB: "Please contact {FABLAB, select, empty{us} other{{FABLAB}}} for withdrawal instructions."
locked_setting: "the setting is locked."
about_title: "\"About\" page title"
@ -600,3 +610,5 @@ es:
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Show the username in the admin's members list"
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ fr:
one: 'une semaine'
other: '%{count} semaines'
amount: "Le Prix"
@ -38,6 +42,10 @@ fr:
invalid_duration: "La durée doit être comprise entre 1 jour et 1 an. Votre période dure %{DAYS} jours."
must_be_in_the_past: "La période doit être strictement antérieure à la date du jour."
registration_disabled: "L'inscription est désactivée"
undefined_in_store: "doit être défini pour rendre le produit disponible dans la boutique"
gateway_error: "Erreur de la passerelle de paiement : %{MESSAGE}"
gateway_amount_too_small: "Les paiements inférieurs à %{AMOUNT} ne sont pas pris en charge. Merci de passer commande directement à l'accueil."
gateway_amount_too_large: "Les paiements supérieurs à %{AMOUNT} ne sont pas pris en charge. Merci de passer commande directement à l'accueil."
api_documentation: "Documentation de l'API"
code: "Code HTTP "
@ -467,6 +475,8 @@ fr:
free_extension: "Extension gratuite d'un abonnement, jusqu'au %{DATE}"
birthday_in_past: "La date de naissance doit être dans le passé"
please_contact_FABLAB: "Veuillez {FABLAB, select, empty{nous contacter} other{contacter {FABLAB}}} pour les instructions de retrait."
locked_setting: "le paramètre est verrouillé."
about_title: "Le titre de la page \"À propos\""
@ -600,3 +610,5 @@ fr:
machines_module: "Module machines"
user_change_group: "Permettre aux utilisateurs de changer leur groupe"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Afficher le nom d'utilisateur dans la liste des membres de l'administrateur"
store_module: "Module boutique"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Instructions de retrait"

View File

@ -379,10 +379,10 @@ de:
notify_user_order_is_ready: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is ready:"
subject: "Your command is canceled"
subject: "Your command was canceled"
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is canceled."
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was canceled."
subject: "Your command is refunded"
subject: "Your command was refunded"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is refunded:"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was refunded."

View File

@ -379,10 +379,10 @@ es:
notify_user_order_is_ready: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is ready:"
subject: "Your command is canceled"
subject: "Your command was canceled"
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is canceled."
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was canceled."
subject: "Your command is refunded"
subject: "Your command was refunded"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is refunded:"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was refunded."

View File

@ -379,10 +379,10 @@
notify_user_order_is_ready: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is ready:"
subject: "Your command is canceled"
subject: "Your command was canceled"
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is canceled."
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was canceled."
subject: "Your command is refunded"
subject: "Your command was refunded"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is refunded:"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was refunded."

View File

@ -379,10 +379,10 @@ pt:
notify_user_order_is_ready: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is ready:"
subject: "Your command is canceled"
subject: "Your command was canceled"
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is canceled."
notify_user_order_is_canceled: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was canceled."
subject: "Your command is refunded"
subject: "Your command was refunded"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} is refunded:"
notify_user_order_is_refunded: "Your command %{REFERENCE} was refunded."

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
one: 'en uke'
other: '%{count} weeks'
amount: "The price"
@ -38,6 +42,10 @@
invalid_duration: "Den tillatte varigheten må være mellom 1 dag og 1 år. Din periode er %{DAYS} dager lang."
must_be_in_the_past: "Perioden må være før dagens dato."
registration_disabled: "Registration is disabled"
undefined_in_store: "must be defined to make the product available in the store"
gateway_error: "Payement gateway error: %{MESSAGE}"
gateway_amount_too_small: "Payments under %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
gateway_amount_too_large: "Payments above %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
api_documentation: "API-dokumentasjon"
code: "HTTP kode"
@ -467,6 +475,8 @@
free_extension: "Free extension of a subscription, until %{DATE}"
birthday_in_past: "The date of birth must be in the past"
please_contact_FABLAB: "Please contact {FABLAB, select, empty{us} other{{FABLAB}}} for withdrawal instructions."
locked_setting: "innstillingen er låst."
about_title: "\"Om\" sidetittel"
@ -600,3 +610,5 @@
machines_module: "Machines module"
user_change_group: "Allow users to change their group"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Show the username in the admin's members list"
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ pt:
one: 'uma semana'
other: '%{count} semanas'
amount: "The price"
@ -38,6 +42,10 @@ pt:
invalid_duration: "A duração permitida deve ter entre 1 dia e 1 ano. Sua menstruação tem %{DAYS} dias."
must_be_in_the_past: "O período deve ser estritamente anterior à data de hoje."
registration_disabled: "Registo está desabilitado"
undefined_in_store: "must be defined to make the product available in the store"
gateway_error: "Payement gateway error: %{MESSAGE}"
gateway_amount_too_small: "Payments under %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
gateway_amount_too_large: "Payments above %{AMOUNT} are not supported. Please order directly at the reception."
api_documentation: "Documentação da API"
code: "Código HTTP"
@ -467,6 +475,8 @@ pt:
free_extension: "Extensão gratuita de uma assinatura, até %{DATE}"
birthday_in_past: "A data de nascimento deve estar no passado"
please_contact_FABLAB: "Please contact {FABLAB, select, empty{us} other{{FABLAB}}} for withdrawal instructions."
locked_setting: "a configuração está bloqueada."
about_title: "\"Sobre\" título da página"
@ -600,3 +610,5 @@ pt:
machines_module: "Módulo de Máquinas"
user_change_group: "Permitir que os usuários mudem de grupo"
show_username_in_admin_list: "Mostrar o nome de usuário na lista de membros do administrador"
store_module: "Store module"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "Withdrawal instructions"

View File

@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ zu:
one: 'crwdns3161:1crwdne3161:1'
other: 'crwdns3161:5%{count}crwdne3161:5'
amount: "crwdns30724:0crwdne30724:0"
@ -38,6 +42,10 @@ zu:
invalid_duration: "crwdns3207:0%{DAYS}crwdne3207:0"
must_be_in_the_past: "crwdns3209:0crwdne3209:0"
registration_disabled: "crwdns22285:0crwdne22285:0"
undefined_in_store: "crwdns30726:0crwdne30726:0"
gateway_error: "crwdns30728:0%{MESSAGE}crwdne30728:0"
gateway_amount_too_small: "crwdns30730:0%{AMOUNT}crwdne30730:0"
gateway_amount_too_large: "crwdns30732:0%{AMOUNT}crwdne30732:0"
api_documentation: "crwdns3257:0crwdne3257:0"
code: "crwdns20914:0crwdne20914:0"
@ -467,6 +475,8 @@ zu:
free_extension: "crwdns22091:0%{DATE}crwdne22091:0"
birthday_in_past: "crwdns22127:0crwdne22127:0"
please_contact_FABLAB: "crwdns30740:0FABLAB={FABLAB}crwdnd30740:0FABLAB={FABLAB}crwdne30740:0"
locked_setting: "crwdns21632:0crwdne21632:0"
about_title: "crwdns21634:0crwdne21634:0"
@ -600,3 +610,5 @@ zu:
machines_module: "crwdns23038:0crwdne23038:0"
user_change_group: "crwdns23040:0crwdne23040:0"
show_username_in_admin_list: "crwdns24016:0crwdne24016:0"
store_module: "crwdns30734:0crwdne30734:0"
store_withdrawal_instructions: "crwdns30736:0crwdne30736:0"