diff --git a/config/locales/devise.no.yml b/config/locales/devise.no.yml index 159946b84..33adc0d58 100644 --- a/config/locales/devise.no.yml +++ b/config/locales/devise.no.yml @@ -2,40 +2,40 @@ "no": devise: confirmations: - confirmed: "Your account was successfully confirmed." - send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes." - send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive an email with instructions about how to confirm your account in a few minutes." + confirmed: "Kontoen din har blitt bekreftet." + send_instructions: "Du vil om noen minutter motta en e-post med instruksjoner om hvordan du bekrefter din e-postadresse." + send_paranoid_instructions: "Hvis din e-postadresse finnes i vår database, vil du motta en mail med instruksjoner om hvordan du kan bekrefte din e-postadresse om noen minutter." failure: - already_authenticated: "You are already signed in." - inactive: "Your account is not activated yet." - invalid: "Invalid email or password." - locked: "Your account is locked." - last_attempt: "You have one more attempt before your account will be locked." - not_found_in_database: "Invalid email or password." - timeout: "Your session expired. Please sign in again to continue." - unauthenticated: "You need to sign in or sign up before continuing." - unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." + already_authenticated: "Du er allerede logget inn." + inactive: "Din konto er ikke aktivert enda." + invalid: "Ugyldig epostadresse eller passord." + locked: "Denne kontoen er låst." + last_attempt: "Du har ett forsøk igjen før kontoen låses." + not_found_in_database: "Ugyldig epostadresse eller passord." + timeout: "Økten din har utløpt. Du må logge inn igjen for å fortsette." + unauthenticated: "Du må logge inn eller registrere deg før du fortsetter." + unconfirmed: "Du må bekrefte kontoen før du fortsetter. Klikk på lenken under skjemaet." mailer: confirmation_instructions: - action: "Confirm my email address" - instruction: "You can finalize your registration by confirming your email address. Please click on the following link:" - subject: "Confirmation instructions" + action: "Bekreft min e-postadresse" + instruction: "Du kan fullføre registreringen ved å bekrefte e-postadressen din. Klikk på følgende lenke:" + subject: "Instruksjoner for bekreftelse" reset_password_instructions: - action: "Change my password" - instruction: "Someone asked for a link to change your password. You can do it through the link below." - ignore_otherwise: "If you have not made this request, please ignore this message." - subject: "Reset password instructions" + action: "Endre passord" + instruction: "Noen har bedt om en link for å endre passordet ditt. Du kan gjøre dette gjennom linken nedenfor." + ignore_otherwise: "Hvis du ikke har gjort denne forespørselen, kan du se bort fra denne meldingen." + subject: "Hvordan tilbakestille passordet" unlock_instructions: - subject: "Unlock Instructions" + subject: "Instruksjoner for å låse opp kontoen" omniauth_callbacks: - failure: "Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because \"%{reason}\"." - success: "Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account." + failure: "Kunne ikke verifisere deg fra %{kind} fordi \"%{reason}\"." + success: "Godkjent fra %{kind} konto." passwords: - no_token: "You can't access this page without coming from a password reset email. If you do come from a password reset email, please make sure you used the full URL provided." - send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes." - send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes." - updated: "Your password was changed successfully. You are now signed in." - updated_not_active: "Your password was changed successfully." + no_token: "Du får bare tilgang til denne siden når du kommer fra en passord-tilbakestillings-e-post. Kontroller at du bruker hele URL-adressen." + send_instructions: "Du vil motta en e-post med instruksjoner om hvordan du tilbakestiller passordet ditt om noen minutter." + send_paranoid_instructions: "Hvis din e-postadresse finnes i vår database vil du motta en tilbakestill passord-kobling til din e-postadresse i løpet av et par minutter." + updated: "Passordet er endret. Du er nå logget inn." + updated_not_active: "Passordet ditt er endret." registrations: destroyed: "Bye! Your account was successfully cancelled. We hope to see you again soon." signed_up: "Welcome! You have signed up successfully."