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synced 2025-03-22 13:19:50 +01:00
(feat) add uid_attribute for saml provider
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
## Next release
- improvement: add uid_attribute for saml provider
## v6.3.25 2024 May 28
- Fix a bug: member wallet amount calculation error in the excel export
@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ class API::AuthProvidersController < API::APIController
.permit(:id, :name, :providable_type,
providable_attributes: %i[id sp_entity_id idp_sso_service_url profile_url idp_cert_fingerprint idp_cert
idp_slo_service_url authn_requests_signed want_assertions_signed sp_certificate sp_private_key],
idp_slo_service_url authn_requests_signed want_assertions_signed sp_certificate
sp_private_key uid_attribute],
auth_provider_mappings_attributes: [:id, :local_model, :local_field, :api_field, :api_endpoint, :api_data_type,
:_destroy, { transformation: [:type, :format, :true_value, :false_value,
{ mapping: %i[from to] }] }])
@ -65,6 +65,11 @@ export const SamlForm = <TFieldValues extends FieldValues, TContext extends obje
formState={formState} />
<FormInput id="providable_attributes.uid_attribute"
formState={formState} />
<FormSwitch id="providable_attributes.authn_requests_signed" control={control}
label={t('app.admin.authentication.saml_form.authn_requests_signed')} />
@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ export interface SamlProvider {
sp_certificate: string,
sp_private_key: string,
authn_requests_signed: boolean,
want_assertions_signed: boolean
want_assertions_signed: boolean,
uid_attribute: string,
export interface MappingFields {
@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ end
if @provider.providable_type == SamlProvider.name
json.providable_attributes do
json.extract! @provider.providable, :id, :sp_entity_id, :idp_sso_service_url, :profile_url, :idp_cert_fingerprint, :idp_cert, :idp_slo_service_url,
:authn_requests_signed, :want_assertions_signed, :sp_certificate, :sp_private_key
:authn_requests_signed, :want_assertions_signed, :sp_certificate, :sp_private_key, :uid_attribute
@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ end
if provider.providable_type == 'SamlProvider'
json.providable_attributes do
json.extract! provider.providable, :id, :sp_entity_id, :idp_sso_service_url, :profile_url, :idp_cert_fingerprint, :idp_cert, :idp_slo_service_url,
:authn_requests_signed, :want_assertions_signed, :sp_certificate, :sp_private_key
:authn_requests_signed, :want_assertions_signed, :sp_certificate, :sp_private_key, :uid_attribute
@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ Devise.setup do |config|
idp_cert_fingerprint: active_provider.providable.idp_cert_fingerprint,
certificate: active_provider.providable.sp_certificate,
private_key: active_provider.providable.sp_private_key,
uid_attribute: (active_provider.providable.respond_to?(:uid_attribute) && active_provider.providable.uid_attribute.present?) ? active_provider.providable.uid_attribute : nil,
security: OneLogin::RubySaml::Settings::DEFAULTS[:security].merge({
authn_requests_signed: active_provider.providable.authn_requests_signed,
want_assertions_signed: active_provider.providable.want_assertions_signed
@ -57,35 +57,35 @@ de:
disable_machine: "Maschine deaktivieren"
disabled_help: "Wenn deaktiviert, ist die Maschine nicht reservierbar und erscheint standardmäßig nicht in der Liste der Maschinen."
reservable: "Kann diese Maschine reserviert werden?"
reservable_help: "When disabled, the machine will be shown in the default list of machines, but without the reservation button. If you already have created some availability slots for this machine, you may want to remove them: do it from the admin agenda."
reservable_help: "Wenn deaktiviert, wird die Maschine in der Standardliste der Maschinen angezeigt, aber ohne die Schaltfläche Reservierung. Wenn Sie bereits einige Verfügbarkeitsplätze für diese Maschine erstellt haben, können Sie diese aus der Admin-Agenda entfernen."
save: "Speichern"
create_success: "The machine was created successfully"
update_success: "The machine was updated successfully"
create_success: "Die Maschine wurde erfolgreich erstellt"
update_success: "Die Maschine wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert"
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{New} other{Update the}} training"
beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Beware, when creating a training, its reservation prices are initialized at zero."
dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "Don't forget to change them before creating slots for this training."
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{Neu} other{Aktualisiere die}} Schulung"
beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Vorsicht bei der Erstellung einer Schulung, die Reservierungspreise werden bei Null initialisiert."
dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "Vergesse nicht, sie anzupassen, bevor du die Schulung aktivierst."
description: "Beschreibung"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Visual"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximum display size: 932 * 700 px (unconstrained ratio). The image may be cropped in list view. Only the description page displays the full image."
add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
validate_your_training: "Validate your training"
illustration: "Ansicht"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximale Anzeigegröße: 932 * 700 px (uneingeschränktes Verhältnis). Das Bild kann in der Listenansicht zugeschnitten werden. Nur die Beschreibungsseite zeigt das vollständige Bild an."
add_a_new_training: "Neue Schulung hinzufügen"
validate_your_training: "Schulung bestätigen"
settings: "Einstellungen"
associated_machines: "Associated machines"
associated_machines_help: "If you associate a machine to this training, the members will need to successfully pass this training before being able to reserve the machine."
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
public_page: "Show in training lists"
associated_machines: "Verknüpfte Maschinen"
associated_machines_help: "Wenn du eine Maschine mit dieser Schulung verbindest, müssen die Mitglieder diese Ausbildung erfolgreich absolvieren, bevor sie die Maschine reservieren können."
default_seats: "Standardanzahl der Sitzplätze"
public_page: "In Schulungslisten anzeigen"
public_help: "Wenn diese Option deaktiviert ist, wird verhindert, dass das Training in der Trainingliste erscheint."
disable_training: "Disable the training"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the training won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the trainings list."
automatic_cancellation: "Automatic cancellation"
automatic_cancellation_info: "If you edit specific conditions here, the general cancellation conditions will no longer be taken into account. You will be notified if a session is cancelled. Credit notes and refunds will be automatic if the wallet is enabled. Otherwise you will have to do it manually."
automatic_cancellation_switch: "Activate automatic cancellation for this training"
automatic_cancellation_threshold: "Minimum number of registrations to maintain a session"
automatic_cancellation_deadline: "Deadline, in hours, before automatic cancellation"
authorization_validity: "Authorisations validity period"
authorization_validity_info: "You can define a specific validity period in months for this training. The general conditions will no longer be taken into account."
disable_training: "Schulung deaktivieren"
disabled_help: "Wenn deaktiviert, ist die Schulung nicht reservierbar und erscheint standardmäßig nicht in der Schulungsliste."
automatic_cancellation: "Automatische Stornierung"
automatic_cancellation_info: "Wenn Sie hier bestimmte Bedingungen ändern, werden die allgemeinen Stornierungsbedingungen nicht mehr berücksichtigt. Sie werden benachrichtigt, wenn eine Sitzung abgebrochen wird. Kreditnotizen und Rückerstattungen werden automatisch aktiviert, wenn die Brieftasche aktiviert ist. Andernfalls müssen Sie dies manuell tun."
automatic_cancellation_switch: "Automatische Stornierung für diese Schulung aktivieren"
automatic_cancellation_threshold: "Mindestanzahl der Anmeldungen für eine Sitzung"
automatic_cancellation_deadline: "Deadline, in Stunden vor der automatischen Stornierung"
authorization_validity: "Gültigkeitsdauer der Autorisierung"
authorization_validity_info: "Sie können eine bestimmte Gültigkeitsdauer in Monaten für diese Ausbildung festlegen, wobei die allgemeinen Bedingungen nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden."
authorization_validity_switch: "Activate an authorization validity period"
authorization_validity_period: "Validity period in months"
validation_rule: "Authorisations cancellation rule"
@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ de:
space: "Space reservation"
prepaid_pack: "Pack of prepaid-hours"
product: "Product of the store"
error: "Erroneous invoices"
error: "Falsche Rechnungen"
error_help: "As part of a maintenance operation, it may exceptionally happen that invoices, that have been generated by mistake due to a bug in the software, are discovered. As these invoices cannot be deleted, they will be exported to the account defined here. Please manually cancel these invoices."
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
enable_advanced: "Enable the advanced accounting"
@ -930,7 +930,7 @@ de:
important_notes: "Wichtige Hinweise"
address_and_legal_information: "Adresse und rechtliche Informationen"
invoice_reference: "Rechnungsnummer"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
invoice_reference_is_required: "Rechnungsreferenz ist erforderlich."
text: "Text"
year: "Jahr"
month: "Monat"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ de:
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Name"
authentication_type: "Authentifizierungsart"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ en:
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Name"
authentication_type: "Authentication type"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ es-MX:
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Nombre"
authentication_type: "Tipo de autenticación"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ es:
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Nombre"
authentication_type: "Tipo de autenticación"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ fr:
want_assertions_signed: "Exiger des Assertions signées"
sp_certificate: "Certificat du SP"
sp_private_key: "Clé privée du SP"
uid_attribute: "Identifiant unique"
uid_attribute_help: "L'attribut de la réponse SAML qui contient l'identifiant unique de l'utilisateur. Si non défini, l'identifiant de nom retourné par l'IdP est utilisé."
name: "Nom"
authentication_type: "Type d'authentification"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ it:
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Nome"
authentication_type: "Tipo di autenticazione"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Name"
authentication_type: "Authentication type"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ pt:
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Nome"
authentication_type: "Tipo de autenticação"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ sv:
want_assertions_signed: "Want assertions signed"
sp_certificate: "Service provider certificate"
sp_private_key: "Service provider private key"
uid_attribute: "Name ID attribute"
uid_attribute_help: "The attribute of the SAML response that contains the user's unique identifier. If unset, the name identifier returned by the IdP is used."
name: "Namn"
authentication_type: "Autentiseringstyp"
@ -1576,6 +1576,8 @@ zu:
want_assertions_signed: "crwdns38202:0crwdne38202:0"
sp_certificate: "crwdns38204:0crwdne38204:0"
sp_private_key: "crwdns38206:0crwdne38206:0"
uid_attribute: "crwdns38216:0crwdne38216:0"
uid_attribute_help: "crwdns38218:0crwdne38218:0"
name: "crwdns26204:0crwdne26204:0"
authentication_type: "crwdns26206:0crwdne26206:0"
@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ de:
matching_between_User_uid_and_API_required: "Um diesen Provider hinzuzufügen, muss die Übereinstimmung zwischen User.uid und der API festgelegt werden."
#PDF invoices generation
refund_invoice_reference: "Beleg der Rechnungsrückerstattungung: %{REF}"
invoice_reference: "Rechnungsbezug: %{REF}"
refund_invoice_reference: "Beleg der Rechnungsrückerstattung: %{REF}"
invoice_reference: "Rechnungsnummer: %{REF}"
code: "Code: %{CODE}"
order_number: "Bestellnummer: %{NUMBER}"
invoice_issued_on_DATE: "Rechnung ausgestellt am %{DATE}"
@ -729,8 +729,8 @@ de:
store_hidden: "Shop für die Öffentlichkeit versteckt"
advanced_accounting: "Erweiterte Buchhaltung"
external_id: "externe Id"
prevent_invoices_zero: "prevent building invoices at 0"
invoice_VAT-name: "VAT name"
prevent_invoices_zero: "Keine Rechnungserstellung bei 0€"
invoice_VAT-name: "Ust-Name"
trainings_auto_cancel: "Trainings automatic cancellation"
trainings_auto_cancel_threshold: "Minimum participants for automatic cancellation"
trainings_auto_cancel_deadline: "Automatic cancellation deadline"
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddUidAttributeToSamlProvider < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
add_column :saml_providers, :uid_attribute, :string
@ -2242,6 +2242,41 @@ CREATE SEQUENCE public.payment_gateway_objects_id_seq
ALTER SEQUENCE public.payment_gateway_objects_id_seq OWNED BY public.payment_gateway_objects.id;
-- Name: payment_infos; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE public.payment_infos (
id bigint NOT NULL,
data jsonb,
state character varying,
payment_for character varying,
service character varying,
statistic_profile_id bigint,
created_at timestamp(6) without time zone NOT NULL,
updated_at timestamp(6) without time zone NOT NULL
-- Name: payment_infos_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE SEQUENCE public.payment_infos_id_seq
-- Name: payment_infos_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER SEQUENCE public.payment_infos_id_seq OWNED BY public.payment_infos.id;
-- Name: payment_schedule_items; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -3248,7 +3283,8 @@ CREATE TABLE public.saml_providers (
sp_certificate character varying,
sp_private_key character varying,
authn_requests_signed boolean DEFAULT false,
want_assertions_signed boolean DEFAULT false
want_assertions_signed boolean DEFAULT false,
uid_attribute character varying
@ -4363,8 +4399,8 @@ CREATE TABLE public.users (
is_allow_newsletter boolean,
current_sign_in_ip inet,
last_sign_in_ip inet,
mapped_from_sso character varying,
validated_at timestamp without time zone,
mapped_from_sso character varying,
supporting_documents_reminder_sent_at timestamp(6) without time zone
@ -4917,6 +4953,13 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.organizations ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('publi
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.payment_gateway_objects ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.payment_gateway_objects_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: payment_infos id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.payment_infos ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('public.payment_infos_id_seq'::regclass);
-- Name: payment_schedule_items id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -5853,6 +5896,14 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.payment_gateway_objects
ADD CONSTRAINT payment_gateway_objects_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: payment_infos payment_infos_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.payment_infos
ADD CONSTRAINT payment_infos_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: payment_schedule_items payment_schedule_items_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -7066,6 +7117,13 @@ CREATE INDEX index_payment_gateway_objects_on_item_type_and_item_id ON public.pa
CREATE INDEX index_payment_gateway_objects_on_payment_gateway_object_id ON public.payment_gateway_objects USING btree (payment_gateway_object_id);
-- Name: index_payment_infos_on_statistic_profile_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX index_payment_infos_on_statistic_profile_id ON public.payment_infos USING btree (statistic_profile_id);
-- Name: index_payment_schedule_items_on_invoice_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -7857,14 +7915,6 @@ CREATE INDEX proof_of_identity_type_id_and_proof_of_identity_refusal_id ON publi
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unique_not_null_external_id ON public.invoicing_profiles USING btree (external_id) WHERE (external_id IS NOT NULL);
-- Name: accounting_periods accounting_periods_del_protect; Type: RULE; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE RULE accounting_periods_del_protect AS
ON DELETE TO public.accounting_periods DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
-- Name: accounting_periods accounting_periods_upd_protect; Type: RULE; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -7898,6 +7948,14 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.payment_schedules
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_00308dc223 FOREIGN KEY (wallet_transaction_id) REFERENCES public.wallet_transactions(id);
-- Name: payment_infos fk_rails_0308366a58; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.payment_infos
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_0308366a58 FOREIGN KEY (statistic_profile_id) REFERENCES public.statistic_profiles(id);
-- Name: cart_item_event_reservation_booking_users fk_rails_0964335a37; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -9244,8 +9302,10 @@ INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES
@ -9261,6 +9321,7 @@ INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES
@ -9271,6 +9332,7 @@ INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES
Reference in New Issue
Block a user