mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 13:19:50 +01:00
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ de:
n_digits_annual_amount_of_orders: "(n) Ziffern, jährliche Anzahl von Bestellungen (z.B. yyyyy => 00012 : 12. Bestellung des Jahres"
add_a_notice_regarding_the_online_sales_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Fügen Sie nur dann eine Mitteilung zu den Online-Verkäufen hinzu, wenn die Rechnung betroffen ist."
this_will_never_be_added_when_a_refund_notice_is_present: "Dies wird nie hinzugefügt, wenn eine Rückerstattung vorhanden ist."
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(z.B. fügt W[/VL] jenen Rechnungen "/VL" hinzu, die mit karte bezahlt werden)'
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(z. B. fügt W[/VL] jenen Rechnungen "/VL" hinzu, die mit Online-Karte bezahlt werden)'
add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Fügen Sie nur dann eine Mitteilung zu Erstattungen hinzu, wenn die Rechnung betroffen ist."
this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "Dies wird nie hinzugefügt, wenn eine Online-Verkaufsmitteilung vorhanden ist."
eg_RA_will_add_A_to_the_refund_invoices: '(z.B. fügt R[/A] den Rückerstattungsrechnungen "/A" hinzu)'
@ -642,15 +642,42 @@ de:
error_check_keys: "Fehler: Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Stripe-Schlüssel."
stripe_keys_saved: "Stripe-Schlüssel erfolgreich gespeichert."
error_saving_stripe_keys: "Die Stripe-Schlüssel konnten nicht gespeichert werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut."
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> identifiers and keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>your merchant back office</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Client key"
api_keys: "API keys"
edit_keys: "Schlüssel bearbeiten"
currency: "Währung"
currency_info_html: "Bitte geben Sie unten die Währung an, die für Online-Bezahlung verwendet wird. Sie sollten einen ISO-Code mit drei Buchstaben aus der Liste <a href='https://stripe.com/docs/currencies' target='_blank'>Stripe unterstützter Währungen eingeben</a>."
currency_alert_html: "<strong>Warnung</strong>: Die Währung kann nicht mehr geändert werden, nachdem die erste Online-Zahlung eingegangen ist. Bitte nehmen Sie diese Einstellung sorgfältig vor, bevor Sie Fab-Manager für Mitglieder öffnen."
stripe_currency: "Stripe-Währung"
gateway_configuration_error: "An error occurred while configuring the payment gateway."
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
payzen_username: "Benutzername"
payzen_password: "Passwort"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
currency: "Währung"
payzen_currency: "PayZen Währung"
currency_info_html: "Bitte geben Sie unten die Währung an, die für Online-Bezahlung verwendet wird. Sie sollten einen ISO-Code mit drei Buchstaben aus der Liste <a href='https://payzen.io/de-DE/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'>PayZen unterstützter Währungen eingeben</a>."
save: "Speichern"
currency_error: "The inputted value is not a valid currency"
error_while_saving: "An error occurred while saving the currency: "
currency_updated: "The PayZen currency was successfully updated to {CURRENCY}."
#select a payment gateway
select_gateway_title: "Select a payment gateway"
gateway_info: "To securely collect and process payments online, Fab-manager needs to use an third-party service authorized by the financial institutions, called a payment gateway."
select_gateway: "Please select an available gateway"
stripe: "Stripe"
payzen: "PayZen"
confirm_button: "Validate the gateway"
filter_schedules: "Pläne filtern"
no_payment_schedules: "Keine Zahlungspläne zum Anzeigen"
load_more: "Mehr laden"
card_updated_success: "The user's card was successfully updated"
reference: "Referenz"
customer: "Kunde"
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ es:
n_digits_annual_amount_of_orders: "(n) dígitos, recuento anual de órdenes (ej: aaaaa => 000008: octava orden de este año)"
add_a_notice_regarding_the_online_sales_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Añadir un aviso con respecto a las ventas en línea, sólo si la factura es de interés."
this_will_never_be_added_when_a_refund_notice_is_present: "Esto nunca se agregará cuando se presente un aviso de reembolso."
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(por ejemplo, X [/ VL] agregará "/ VL" a las facturas liquidadas con tarjeta de crédito)'
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(por ejemplo, X[/VL] agregará "/VL" a las facturas liquidadas con tarjeta online)'
add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Añada un aviso con respecto a los reembolsos, sólo si la factura es de interés."
this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "Esto nunca se agregará cuando un aviso de venta en línea está presente."
eg_RA_will_add_A_to_the_refund_invoices: '(ed. R[/A] añadirá "/A" a las facturas de reembolso)'
@ -642,15 +642,42 @@ es:
error_check_keys: "Error: please check your Stripe keys."
stripe_keys_saved: "Stripe keys successfully saved."
error_saving_stripe_keys: "Unable to save the Stripe keys. Please try again later."
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> identifiers and keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>your merchant back office</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Client key"
api_keys: "API keys"
edit_keys: "Edit keys"
currency: "Currency"
currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of <a href='https://stripe.com/docs/currencies' target='_blank'>Stripe supported currencies</a>."
currency_alert_html: "<strong>Warning</strong>: the currency cannot be changed after the first online payment was made. Please define this setting carefully before opening Fab-manager to your members."
stripe_currency: "Stripe currency"
gateway_configuration_error: "An error occurred while configuring the payment gateway."
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
currency: "Currency"
payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"
currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of <a href='https://payzen.io/en-EN/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'> PayZen supported currencies</a>."
save: "Save"
currency_error: "The inputted value is not a valid currency"
error_while_saving: "An error occurred while saving the currency: "
currency_updated: "The PayZen currency was successfully updated to {CURRENCY}."
#select a payment gateway
select_gateway_title: "Select a payment gateway"
gateway_info: "To securely collect and process payments online, Fab-manager needs to use an third-party service authorized by the financial institutions, called a payment gateway."
select_gateway: "Please select an available gateway"
stripe: "Stripe"
payzen: "PayZen"
confirm_button: "Validate the gateway"
filter_schedules: "Filter schedules"
no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
load_more: "Load more"
card_updated_success: "The user's card was successfully updated"
reference: "Reference"
customer: "Customer"
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ fr:
n_digits_annual_amount_of_orders: "Nombre de commandes dans l'année, sur (n) chiffres (ex. yyyyyy => 000008 : 8ème commande cette année)"
add_a_notice_regarding_the_online_sales_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Ajoute une information relative à la vente en ligne, uniquement si cela concerne la facture."
this_will_never_be_added_when_a_refund_notice_is_present: "Ceci ne sera jamais cumulé avec une information de remboursement."
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(ex. X[/VL] ajoutera "/VL" aux factures réglées en ligne par carte bancaire)'
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(ex. X[/VL] ajoutera "/VL" aux factures réglées par carte bancaire en ligne)'
add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Ajoute une information relative aux remboursements, uniquement si cela concerne la facture."
this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "Ceci ne sera jamais cumulé avec une information de vente en ligne."
eg_RA_will_add_A_to_the_refund_invoices: '(ex. R[/A] ajoutera "/A" aux factures de remboursement)'
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ fr:
currency_error: "La valeur saisie n'est pas une devise valide"
error_while_saving: "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'enregistrement de la devise : "
currency_updated: "La devise PayZen a bien été mise à jour à {CURRENCY}."
# select a payment gateway
#select a payment gateway
select_gateway_title: "Sélectionnez une passerelle de paiement"
gateway_info: "Pour collecter et traiter les paiements en ligne en toute sécurité, Fab-manager a besoin d'utiliser un service tiers autorisé par les institutions financières, appelé une passerelle de paiement."
@ -677,6 +677,7 @@ fr:
filter_schedules: "Filtrer les échéanciers"
no_payment_schedules: "Pas d'échéancier à afficher"
load_more: "Voir plus"
card_updated_success: "La carte bancaire de l'utilisateur a bien été mise à jour"
reference: "Référence"
customer: "Client"
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ pt:
n_digits_annual_amount_of_orders: "(n) dígitos, contagem anual de pedidos (ex. aaaaaa => 000008: oitava ordem deste ano)"
add_a_notice_regarding_the_online_sales_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Adicionar um aviso sobre as vendas on-line, somente se a fatura estiver envolvida."
this_will_never_be_added_when_a_refund_notice_is_present: "Isso nunca será adicionado quando uma notificação de reembolso estiver presente."
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(ex. X[/VL] irá adicionar "/VL" às faturas liquidadas com cartão de crédito)'
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: '(ex. X[/VL] irá adicionar "/VL" às faturas liquidadas com cartão online)'
add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "Adicionar um aviso sobre reembolsos, apenas se a fatura estiver envolvida."
this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "Isto nunca será adicionado quando uma notificação de vendas online estiver presente."
eg_RA_will_add_A_to_the_refund_invoices: '(ed. R[/A] irá adicionar "/A" nas faturas reembolsadas)'
@ -642,15 +642,42 @@ pt:
error_check_keys: "Erro: por favor, verifique as suas chaves da Stripe."
stripe_keys_saved: "Chaves Stripe salvas com sucesso."
error_saving_stripe_keys: "Não foi possível salvar as chaves do Stripe. Por favor, tente novamente mais tarde."
payzen_keys_info_html: "<p>To be able to collect online payments, you must configure the <a href='https://payzen.eu' target='_blank'>PayZen</a> identifiers and keys.</p><p>Retrieve them from <a href='https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-merchant/' target='_blank'>your merchant back office</a>.</p>"
client_keys: "Client key"
api_keys: "API keys"
edit_keys: "Editar chaves"
currency: "Moeda"
currency_info_html: "Por favor, especifique abaixo da moeda usada para pagamento online. Você deve fornecer um código ISO de três letras, da lista de <a href='https://stripe.com/docs/currencies' target='_blank'>moedas com suporte a Stripe</a>."
currency_alert_html: "<strong>Aviso</strong>: a moeda não pode ser alterada após o primeiro pagamento online ter sido feito. Defina essa configuração cuidadosamente antes de abrir o Fab-manager para seus membros."
stripe_currency: "Moeda do Stripe"
gateway_configuration_error: "An error occurred while configuring the payment gateway."
payzen_keys: "PayZen keys"
payzen_username: "Username"
payzen_password: "Password"
payzen_endpoint: "REST API server name"
payzen_hmac: "HMAC-SHA-256 key"
payzen_public_key: "Client public key"
currency: "Currency"
payzen_currency: "PayZen currency"
currency_info_html: "Please specify below the currency used for online payment. You should provide a three-letter ISO code, from the list of <a href='https://payzen.io/en-EN/payment-file/ips/list-of-supported-currencies.html' target='_blank'> PayZen supported currencies</a>."
save: "Save"
currency_error: "The inputted value is not a valid currency"
error_while_saving: "An error occurred while saving the currency: "
currency_updated: "The PayZen currency was successfully updated to {CURRENCY}."
#select a payment gateway
select_gateway_title: "Select a payment gateway"
gateway_info: "To securely collect and process payments online, Fab-manager needs to use an third-party service authorized by the financial institutions, called a payment gateway."
select_gateway: "Please select an available gateway"
stripe: "Stripe"
payzen: "PayZen"
confirm_button: "Validate the gateway"
filter_schedules: "Filter schedules"
no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
load_more: "Load more"
card_updated_success: "The user's card was successfully updated"
reference: "Reference"
customer: "Customer"
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ zu:
n_digits_annual_amount_of_orders: "crwdns7437:0crwdne7437:0"
add_a_notice_regarding_the_online_sales_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "crwdns7439:0crwdne7439:0"
this_will_never_be_added_when_a_refund_notice_is_present: "crwdns7441:0crwdne7441:0"
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: 'crwdns7443:0[/VL]crwdne7443:0'
eg_XVL_will_add_VL_to_the_invoices_settled_by_card: 'crwdns21516:0[/VL]crwdne21516:0'
add_a_notice_regarding_refunds_only_if_the_invoice_is_concerned: "crwdns7445:0crwdne7445:0"
this_will_never_be_added_when_an_online_sales_notice_is_present: "crwdns7447:0crwdne7447:0"
eg_RA_will_add_A_to_the_refund_invoices: 'crwdns21064:0[/A]crwdne21064:0'
@ -642,15 +642,42 @@ zu:
error_check_keys: "crwdns20596:0crwdne20596:0"
stripe_keys_saved: "crwdns20598:0crwdne20598:0"
error_saving_stripe_keys: "crwdns20600:0crwdne20600:0"
payzen_keys_info_html: "crwdns21518:0crwdne21518:0"
client_keys: "crwdns21520:0crwdne21520:0"
api_keys: "crwdns21522:0crwdne21522:0"
edit_keys: "crwdns20602:0crwdne20602:0"
currency: "crwdns20604:0crwdne20604:0"
currency_info_html: "crwdns20606:0crwdne20606:0"
currency_alert_html: "crwdns20608:0crwdne20608:0"
stripe_currency: "crwdns20610:0crwdne20610:0"
gateway_configuration_error: "crwdns21524:0crwdne21524:0"
payzen_keys: "crwdns21526:0crwdne21526:0"
payzen_username: "crwdns21528:0crwdne21528:0"
payzen_password: "crwdns21530:0crwdne21530:0"
payzen_endpoint: "crwdns21532:0crwdne21532:0"
payzen_hmac: "crwdns21534:0crwdne21534:0"
payzen_public_key: "crwdns21536:0crwdne21536:0"
currency: "crwdns21538:0crwdne21538:0"
payzen_currency: "crwdns21540:0crwdne21540:0"
currency_info_html: "crwdns21542:0crwdne21542:0"
save: "crwdns21544:0crwdne21544:0"
currency_error: "crwdns21546:0crwdne21546:0"
error_while_saving: "crwdns21548:0crwdne21548:0"
currency_updated: "crwdns21550:0{CURRENCY}crwdne21550:0"
#select a payment gateway
select_gateway_title: "crwdns21552:0crwdne21552:0"
gateway_info: "crwdns21554:0crwdne21554:0"
select_gateway: "crwdns21556:0crwdne21556:0"
stripe: "crwdns21558:0crwdne21558:0"
payzen: "crwdns21560:0crwdne21560:0"
confirm_button: "crwdns21562:0crwdne21562:0"
filter_schedules: "crwdns21072:0crwdne21072:0"
no_payment_schedules: "crwdns21074:0crwdne21074:0"
load_more: "crwdns21076:0crwdne21076:0"
card_updated_success: "crwdns21564:0crwdne21564:0"
reference: "crwdns21078:0crwdne21078:0"
customer: "crwdns21080:0crwdne21080:0"
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ de:
no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
load_more: "Load more"
card_updated_success: "Your card was successfully updated"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "Mitgliederliste"
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ es:
no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
load_more: "Load more"
card_updated_success: "Your card was successfully updated"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "Lista de miembros"
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ fr:
no_payment_schedules: "Pas d'échéancier à afficher"
load_more: "Voir plus"
card_updated_success: "Votre carte bancaire a bien été mise à jour"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "Liste des membres"
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ pt:
no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
load_more: "Load more"
card_updated_success: "Your card was successfully updated"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "Lista de membros"
@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ zu:
no_payment_schedules: "crwdns21158:0crwdne21158:0"
load_more: "crwdns21160:0crwdne21160:0"
card_updated_success: "crwdns21482:0crwdne21482:0"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "crwdns8723:0crwdne8723:0"
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ de:
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_html: "<p>Möchten Sie diese Reservierung wirklich stornieren?</p><p>Achtung: wenn diese Reservierung kostenlos, als Teil eines Abonnements erfolgt, wird das aufgewendete Guthaben nicht zurückerstattet.</p>"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Die Reservierung wurde erfolgreich storniert."
cancellation_failed: "Stornierung fehlgeschlagen."
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, stripe{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Während des Zahlungsvorgangs ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut."
none: "Keine"
online_payment_disabled: "Online-Zahlung ist nicht verfügbar. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die FabLab-Rezeption direkt."
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ de:
state_paid: "Paid"
state_error: "Error"
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_stripe: "by card"
method_card: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
solve: "Solve"
@ -507,7 +507,17 @@ de:
confirm_button: "Confirm"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
ok_button: "OK"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription"
confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?"
please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception."
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ es:
online_payment: "Online payment"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "He leido y acepto "
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "Los términos y condiciones."
payment_schedule_html: "<p>You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.</p><p>By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by Stripe and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.</p>"
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "los términos y condiciones."
payment_schedule_html: "<p>You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.</p><p>By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by {GATEWAY} and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.</p>"
confirm_payment_of_: "Pay: {AMOUNT}"
#dialog of on site payment for reservations
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ es:
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_html: "<p>¿Está seguro de querer cancelar la reserva?</p><p>Advertencia: si esta reserva se realizó de forma gratuita, como parte de una suscripción, los créditos utilizados no serán reacreditados.</p>"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "La reserva se ha cancelado con éxito."
cancellation_failed: "Cancelación fallida."
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, stripe{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later."
none: "Ninguno"
online_payment_disabled: "El pago en línea no está disponible. Póngase en contacto directamente con la recepción de FabLab."
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ es:
state_paid: "Paid"
state_error: "Error"
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_stripe: "by card"
method_card: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
solve: "Solve"
@ -507,7 +507,17 @@ es:
confirm_button: "Confirm"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
ok_button: "OK"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription"
confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?"
please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception."
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
@ -507,10 +507,17 @@ fr:
confirm_button: "Confirmer"
resolve_action: "Résoudre l'action"
ok_button: "OK"
validate_button: "Valider la nouvelle carte"
cancel_subscription: "Annuler l'abonnement"
confirm_cancel_subscription: "Vous êtes sur le point d'annuler cet échéancier de paiement ainsi que l'abonnement lié. Êtes-vous sur ?"
please_ask_reception: "Pour toute question, merci de contacter l'accueil du FabLab."
online_payment_disabled: "Le paiement par carte bancaire n'est pas disponible. Merci de contacter directement l'accueil du FabLab."
unexpected_error: "Une erreur est survenue. Merci de rapporter cet incident à l'équipe de Fab-Manager."
unexpected_error: "Une erreur est survenue. Merci de rapporter cet incident à l'équipe de Fab-Manager."
update_card: "Mettre à jour la carte"
validate_button: "Valider la nouvelle carte"
update_card: "Mettre à jour la carte"
validate_button: "Valider la nouvelle carte"
@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ pt:
online_payment: "Pagamento Online"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "Eu li e aceito "
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "os termos e condições."
payment_schedule_html: "<p>You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.</p><p>By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by Stripe and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.</p>"
confirm_payment_of_: "Pagamento: {AMOUNT}"
payment_schedule_html: "<p>You're about to subscribe to a payment schedule of {DEADLINES} months.</p><p>By paying this bill, you agree to send instructions to the financial institution that issue your card, to take payments from your card account, for the whole duration of this subscription. This imply that your card data are saved by {GATEWAY} and a series of payments will be initiated on your behalf, conforming to the payment schedule previously shown.</p>"
confirm_payment_of_: "Pay: {AMOUNT}"
#dialog of on site payment for reservations
booking_confirmation: "Confirmação de reserva"
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ pt:
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_html: "<p>Você realmente quer cancelar essa reserva?</p><p>Warning: if this reservation was made free of charge, as part of a subscription, the credits used will not be re-credited.</p>"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reserva a foi cancelada com sucesso."
cancellation_failed: "Cancelamento falhou."
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, stripe{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{METHOD, select, card{Pay by card} other{Pay on site}}: {AMOUNT}"
a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Um problema ocorreu durante o processo de pagamento. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde."
none: "Vazio"
online_payment_disabled: "O pagamento online não está disponível. Entre em contato diretamente com a recepção do FabLab."
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ pt:
state_paid: "Paid"
state_error: "Error"
state_canceled: "Canceled"
method_stripe: "by card"
method_card: "by card"
method_check: "by check"
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
solve: "Solve"
@ -507,7 +507,17 @@ pt:
confirm_button: "Confirm"
resolve_action: "Resolve the action"
ok_button: "OK"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
cancel_subscription: "Cancel the subscription"
confirm_cancel_subscription: "You're about to cancel this payment schedule and the related subscription. Are you sure?"
please_ask_reception: "For any questions, please contact the FabLab's reception."
online_payment_disabled: "Online payment is not available. Please contact the FabLab's reception directly."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
unexpected_error: "An error occurred. Please report this issue to the Fab-Manager's team."
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
update_card: "Update the card"
validate_button: "Validate the new card"
@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ zu:
start_typing: "crwdns9573:0crwdne9573:0"
#payment modal
online_payment: "crwdns9575:0crwdne9575:0"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "crwdns20916:0crwdne20916:0"
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "crwdns9579:0crwdne9579:0"
payment_schedule_html: "crwdns20918:0{DEADLINES}crwdne20918:0"
confirm_payment_of_: "crwdns9585:0{AMOUNT}crwdne9585:0"
online_payment: "crwdns21484:0crwdne21484:0"
i_have_read_and_accept_: "crwdns21486:0crwdne21486:0"
_the_general_terms_and_conditions: "crwdns21488:0crwdne21488:0"
payment_schedule_html: "crwdns21490:0{DEADLINES}crwdnd21490:0{GATEWAY}crwdne21490:0"
confirm_payment_of_: "crwdns21492:0{AMOUNT}crwdne21492:0"
#dialog of on site payment for reservations
booking_confirmation: "crwdns9587:0crwdne9587:0"
@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ zu:
subscription_confirmation: "crwdns20920:0crwdne20920:0"
here_is_the_subscription_summary: "crwdns20922:0crwdne20922:0"
payment_method: "crwdns20924:0crwdne20924:0"
method_card: "crwdns20926:0crwdne20926:0"
method_card: "crwdns21494:0crwdne21494:0"
method_check: "crwdns20928:0crwdne20928:0"
card_collection_info: "crwdns20930:0crwdne20930:0"
card_collection_info: "crwdns21496:0crwdne21496:0"
check_collection_info: "crwdns20932:0{DEADLINES}crwdne20932:0"
#event edition form
@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ zu:
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_html: "crwdns20908:0crwdne20908:0"
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "crwdns10097:0crwdne10097:0"
cancellation_failed: "crwdns10099:0crwdne10099:0"
confirm_payment_of_html: "crwdns21420:0METHOD={METHOD}crwdnd21420:0AMOUNT={AMOUNT}crwdne21420:0"
confirm_payment_of_html: "crwdns21498:0METHOD={METHOD}crwdnd21498:0AMOUNT={AMOUNT}crwdne21498:0"
a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "crwdns10103:0crwdne10103:0"
none: "crwdns10105:0crwdne10105:0"
online_payment_disabled: "crwdns20228:0crwdne20228:0"
@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ zu:
state_paid: "crwdns21016:0crwdne21016:0"
state_error: "crwdns21018:0crwdne21018:0"
state_canceled: "crwdns21020:0crwdne21020:0"
method_stripe: "crwdns21022:0crwdne21022:0"
method_card: "crwdns21500:0crwdne21500:0"
method_check: "crwdns21024:0crwdne21024:0"
confirm_payment: "crwdns21026:0crwdne21026:0"
solve: "crwdns21028:0crwdne21028:0"
@ -507,7 +507,17 @@ zu:
confirm_button: "crwdns21036:0crwdne21036:0"
resolve_action: "crwdns21038:0crwdne21038:0"
ok_button: "crwdns21040:0crwdne21040:0"
validate_button: "crwdns21042:0crwdne21042:0"
cancel_subscription: "crwdns21044:0crwdne21044:0"
confirm_cancel_subscription: "crwdns21046:0crwdne21046:0"
please_ask_reception: "crwdns21048:0crwdne21048:0"
online_payment_disabled: "crwdns21502:0crwdne21502:0"
unexpected_error: "crwdns21504:0crwdne21504:0"
unexpected_error: "crwdns21506:0crwdne21506:0"
update_card: "crwdns21508:0crwdne21508:0"
validate_button: "crwdns21510:0crwdne21510:0"
update_card: "crwdns21512:0crwdne21512:0"
validate_button: "crwdns21514:0crwdne21514:0"
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ de:
deadline_date: "Payment date"
deadline_amount: "Amount including tax"
total_amount: "Total amount"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, stripe{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} will be debited from your wallet to settle the first deadline."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ de:
your_role_is_ROLE: "Ihre Rolle wurde in %{ROLE} geändert."
user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "Benutzer <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> ist jetzt %{ROLE}."
all_members_sync: "Alle Mitglieder wurden erfolgreich auf Stripe synchronisiert."
all_objects_sync: "Alle daten wurden erfolgreich auf Stripe synchronisiert."
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Your payment schedule #%{REFERENCE}, of %{AMOUNT}, is ready. <a href='api/payment_schedules/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Click here to download</a>."
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ es:
deadline_date: "Payment date"
deadline_amount: "Amount including tax"
total_amount: "Total amount"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, stripe{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} will be debited from your wallet to settle the first deadline."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ es:
your_role_is_ROLE: "Your role has been changed to %{ROLE}."
user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "User <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> is now %{ROLE}."
all_members_sync: "All members were successfully synchronized on Stripe."
all_objects_sync: "All data were successfully synchronized on Stripe."
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Your payment schedule #%{REFERENCE}, of %{AMOUNT}, is ready. <a href='api/payment_schedules/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Click here to download</a>."
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ fr:
your_role_is_ROLE: "Votre rôle a été changé en %{ROLE}."
user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "L'utilisateur <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> est maintenant %{ROLE}."
all_members_sync: "Tous les membres ont été synchronisés avec succès sur Stripe."
all_objects_sync: "Toutes les données ont été synchronisés avec succès sur Stripe."
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Votre échéancier n°%{REFERENCE}, d'un montant de %{AMOUNT}, est prêt. <a href='api/payment_schedules/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Cliquez ici pour le télécharger</a>."
@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ de:
subject: "Ihre Rolle hat sich geändert"
role_changed_html: "Deine Rolle bei {GENDER, select, male{dem} female{der} neutral{} other{dem}} {NAME} hat sich geändert. Sie sind jetzt <strong>{ROLE}</strong>.<br/>Mit großer Macht kommt große Verantwortung, nutzen Sie Ihre neuen Privilegien fair und respektvoll."
subject: "Stripe-Synchronisation"
members_sync: "Alle Mitglieder wurden erfolgreich auf Stripe synchronisiert."
objects_sync: "Alle Mitglieder, Coupons, Maschinen, Schulungen, Räume und Pläne wurden erfolgreich auf Stripe synchronisiert."
subject: "Your payment schedule"
@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ es:
subject: "Your role has changed"
role_changed_html: "Your role at {GENDER, select, male{the} female{the} neutral{} other{the}} {NAME} has changed. You are now <strong>{ROLE}</strong>.<br/>With great power comes great responsibility, use your new privileges fairly and respectfully."
subject: "Stripe synchronization"
members_sync: "All members were successfully synchronized on Stripe."
objects_sync: "All members, coupons, machines, trainings, spaces and plans were successfully synchronized on Stripe."
subject: "Your payment schedule"
@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ fr:
subject: "Vous avez changé de rôle"
role_changed_html: "Votre rôle {GENDER, select, male{au} female{à la} neutral{} other{aux}} {NAME} a changé. Vous êtes maintenant <strong>{ROLE}</strong>.<br/>Avec un grand pouvoir vient une grande responsabilité, utilisez vos nouveaux privilèges de manière juste et respectueuse."
subject: "Synchronisation Stripe"
members_sync: "Tous les membres ont été synchronisés avec succès sur Stripe."
objects_sync: "Tous les membres, codes promos, machines, formations, espaces et formules d'abonnements ont été synchronisés avec succès sur Stripe."
subject: "Votre échéancier de paiement"
@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ pt:
subject: "Sua função mudou"
role_changed_html: "Seu cargo em {NAME} mudou. Você está agora em <strong>{ROLE}</strong></strong>.<br/>Com grande poder vem grande responsabilidade, use os seus novos privilégios de forma justa e respeitosa."
subject: "Sincronização do Stripe"
members_sync: "Todos os membros foram sincronizados com sucesso no Stripe."
objects_sync: "Todos os membros, cupons, máquinas, treinamentos, espaços e planos foram sincronizados com sucesso no Stripe."
subject: "Your payment schedule"
@ -285,10 +285,10 @@ zu:
subject: "crwdns20464:0crwdne20464:0"
role_changed_html: "crwdns20466:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdnd20466:0NAME={NAME}crwdnd20466:0ROLE={ROLE}crwdne20466:0"
subject: "crwdns20854:0crwdne20854:0"
subject: "crwdns21566:0crwdne21566:0"
members_sync: "crwdns20856:0crwdne20856:0"
objects_sync: "crwdns21568:0crwdne21568:0"
subject: "crwdns21124:0crwdne21124:0"
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ pt:
deadline_date: "Payment date"
deadline_amount: "Amount including tax"
total_amount: "Total amount"
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, stripe{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_METHOD: "Debits will be made by {METHOD, select, card{card} other{check}} for each deadlines."
settlement_by_wallet: "%{AMOUNT} will be debited from your wallet to settle the first deadline."
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ pt:
your_role_is_ROLE: "Seu cargo foi alterado para %{ROLE}."
user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "O usuário <strong><em>%{NAME}</strong></em> agora é %{ROLE}."
all_members_sync: "Todos os membros foram sincronizados com sucesso no Stripe."
all_objects_sync: "Todos os dados foram sincronizados com sucesso no Stripe."
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "Your payment schedule #%{REFERENCE}, of %{AMOUNT}, is ready. <a href='api/payment_schedules/%{SCHEDULE_ID}/download' target='_blank'>Click here to download</a>."
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ zu:
deadline_date: "crwdns21104:0crwdne21104:0"
deadline_amount: "crwdns21106:0crwdne21106:0"
total_amount: "crwdns21108:0crwdne21108:0"
settlement_by_METHOD: "crwdns21110:0METHOD={METHOD}crwdne21110:0"
settlement_by_METHOD: "crwdns21570:0METHOD={METHOD}crwdne21570:0"
settlement_by_wallet: "crwdns21112:0%{AMOUNT}crwdne21112:0"
#CVS accounting export (columns headers)
@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ zu:
your_role_is_ROLE: "crwdns20452:0%{ROLE}crwdne20452:0"
user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "crwdns20454:0%{NAME}crwdnd20454:0%{ROLE}crwdne20454:0"
all_members_sync: "crwdns20850:0crwdne20850:0"
all_objects_sync: "crwdns21572:0crwdne21572:0"
your_schedule_is_ready_html: "crwdns21114:0%{REFERENCE}crwdnd21114:0%{AMOUNT}crwdnd21114:0%{SCHEDULE_ID}crwdne21114:0"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user