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synced 2025-03-06 03:29:25 +01:00
(i18n) update translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,53 +63,53 @@ sv:
update_success: "Utrustningen uppdaterades framgångsrikt"
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{Ny} other{uppdatera}} utbildningen"
beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Beware, when creating a training, its reservation prices are initialized at zero."
dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "Don't forget to change them before creating slots for this training."
description: "Description"
name: "Name"
illustration: "Visual"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximum display size: 932 * 700 px (unconstrained ratio). The image may be cropped in list view. Only the description page displays the full image."
add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
validate_your_training: "Validate your training"
settings: "Settings"
associated_machines: "Associated machines"
associated_machines_help: "If you associate a machine to this training, the members will need to successfully pass this training before being able to reserve the machine."
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
public_page: "Show in training lists"
public_help: "When unchecked, this option will prevent the training from appearing in the trainings list."
disable_training: "Disable the training"
disabled_help: "When disabled, the training won't be reservable and won't appear by default in the trainings list."
automatic_cancellation: "Automatic cancellation"
automatic_cancellation_info: "If you edit specific conditions here, the general cancellation conditions will no longer be taken into account. You will be notified if a session is cancelled. Credit notes and refunds will be automatic if the wallet is enabled. Otherwise you will have to do it manually."
automatic_cancellation_switch: "Activate automatic cancellation for this training"
automatic_cancellation_threshold: "Minimum number of registrations to maintain a session"
automatic_cancellation_deadline: "Deadline, in hours, before automatic cancellation"
authorization_validity: "Authorisations validity period"
authorization_validity_info: "You can define a specific validity period in months for this training. The general conditions will no longer be taken into account."
authorization_validity_switch: "Activate an authorization validity period"
authorization_validity_period: "Validity period in months"
validation_rule: "Authorisations cancellation rule"
validation_rule_info: "Define a rule that cancel an authorisation if the machines associated with the training are not reserved for a specific period of time. This rule prevails over the authorisations validity period."
validation_rule_switch: "Activate the validation rule"
validation_rule_period: "Time limit in months"
save: "Save"
create_success: "The training was created successfully"
update_success: "The training was updated successfully"
beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Varning, när du skapar en utbildning, sätts dess bokningspriser till noll."
dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "Glöm inte att ändra dem innan du skapar platser för denna utbildning."
description: "Beskrivning"
name: "Namn"
illustration: "Visuell"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximal storlek: 932 * 700 px (obegränsat förhållande). Bilden kan beskäras i listvyn. Endast beskrivningssidan visar hela bilden."
add_a_new_training: "Lägg till en ny utbildning"
validate_your_training: "Validera din utbildning"
settings: "Inställningar"
associated_machines: "Kopplad utrustning"
associated_machines_help: "Om du associerar utrustning till denna utbildning, kommer medlemmarna att behöva klara denna utbildning innan de kan reservera utrustningen."
default_seats: "Förvalt antal platser"
public_page: "Visa i utbildningslistor"
public_help: "När detta alternativ är avmarkerat kommer det att förhindra att utbildningen visas i utbildningslistan."
disable_training: "Inaktivera utbildningen"
disabled_help: "När den är inaktiverad kommer utbildningen inte att vara bokningsbar och kommer inte att visas som standard i utbildningslistan."
automatic_cancellation: "Automatisk avbokning"
automatic_cancellation_info: "Om du redigerar specifika villkor här kommer de allmänna avbokningsvillkoren inte längre att beaktas. Du kommer att meddelas om en session avbryts. Kreditnotor och återbetalningar kommer att skapas automatiskt om plånboken är aktiverad. Annars måste du göra det manuellt."
automatic_cancellation_switch: "Aktivera automatisk avbokning för denna utbildning"
automatic_cancellation_threshold: "Minsta antal bokningar för att upprätthålla ett tillfälle"
automatic_cancellation_deadline: "Deadline, i timmar, före automatisk annullering"
authorization_validity: "Giltighetstid för tillstånd"
authorization_validity_info: "Du kan definiera en specifik giltighetstid i månader för denna utbildning. De allmänna villkoren kommer inte längre att beaktas."
authorization_validity_switch: "Aktivera en giltighetsperiod för auktorisering"
authorization_validity_period: "Giltighetstid i månader"
validation_rule: "Auktorisering annuleras enligt"
validation_rule_info: "Definiera en regel som upphäver ett tillstånd om utrustningen i samband med utbildningen inte är reserverad för en viss tidsperiod. Denna regel råder över giltighetstiden för tillstånd."
validation_rule_switch: "Aktivera valideringsregeln"
validation_rule_period: "Tidsgräns i månader"
save: "Spara"
create_success: "Utbildningen har skapats"
update_success: "Utbildningen har uppdaterats"
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{New} other{Update the}} space"
watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Watch out! When creating a new space, its prices are initialized at 0 for all subscriptions."
consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Consider changing its prices before creating any reservation slot."
name: "Name"
illustration: "Visual"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximum display size: 932 * 700 px (unconstrained ratio). The image may be cropped in list view. Only the description page displays the full image."
description: "Description"
characteristics: "Characteristics"
attachments: "Attachments"
attached_files_pdf: "Attached files (pdf)"
add_an_attachment: "Add an attachment"
settings: "Settings"
default_seats: "Default number of seats"
disable_space: "Disable the space"
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{Ny} other{Uppdatera }} lokal"
watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Observera! När du skapar ny lokal sätts dess pris till 0 i samtliga prenumerationer."
consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Överväg att ändra priset innan du skapar en reservationsplats."
name: "Namn"
illustration: "Visuell"
illustration_recommendation: "Maximal storlek: 932 * 700 px (obegränsat förhållande). Bilden kan beskäras i listvyn. Endast beskrivningssidan visar hela bilden."
description: "Beskrivning"
characteristics: "Egenskaper"
attachments: "Bilagor"
attached_files_pdf: "Bifogade filer (pdf)"
add_an_attachment: "Lägg till bilaga"
settings: "Inställningar"
default_seats: "Förvalt antal platser"
disable_space: "Inaktivera lokalen"
disabled_help: "När den är inaktiverad kommer lokalen inte att vara bokningsbar och kommer inte att visas som standard i listan med lokaler."
save: "Spara"
create_success: "Lokalen skapades framgångsrikt"
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ sv:
save: "Spara"
create_success: "Evenemanget skapades"
events_updated: "{COUNT, plural, one {}=1{Ett evenemang} other{{COUNT} Evenemang}} uppdaterades"
events_not_updated: "{TOTAL, plural, =1{The event was} other{On {TOTAL} events {COUNT, plural, =1{one was} other{{COUNT} were}}}} not updated."
events_not_updated: "{TOTAL, plural, =1{Evenemanget } other{On {TOTAL} evenemang {COUNT, plural, =1{ett} other{{COUNT} }}}} uppdaterades inte."
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Det går inte att ta bort det begärda priset eftersom det är associerat med vissa befintliga bokningar"
other_error: "Ett oväntat fel inträffade när evenemanget uppdaterades"
@ -163,362 +163,362 @@ sv:
standard: "Evenemangsstandard"
nominative: "Evenemangbeskrivning"
family: "Event reserved for members"
pre_registration: "Pre-registration"
pre_registration_help: "If this option is checked, administrators and managers must validate registrations before they become final."
pre_registration_end_date: "Deadline for pre-registration"
family: "Evenemang reserverat för medlemmar"
pre_registration: "Föranmälan"
pre_registration_help: "Om detta alternativ markeras måste administratörer och chefer validera bokningar innan de blir slutgiltiga."
pre_registration_end_date: "Deadline för förbokning"
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{New} other{Update the}} plan"
tab_settings: "Settings"
tab_usage_limits: "Usage limits"
description: "Description"
general_settings: "General settings"
general_settings_info: "Determine to which group this subscription is dedicated. Also set its price and duration in periods."
activation_and_payment: "Subscription activation and payment"
name: "Name"
name_max_length: "Name length must be less than 24 characters."
group: "Group"
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{Ny} other{Uppdatera}} plan"
tab_settings: "Inställningar"
tab_usage_limits: "Användningsbegränsning"
description: "Beskrivning"
general_settings: "Allmänna inställningar"
general_settings_info: "Bestäm vilken grupp denna prenumeration är tillägnad. Ange också sitt pris och varaktighet i perioder."
activation_and_payment: "Aktivering och betalning av prenumeration"
name: "Namn"
name_max_length: "Namnlängd måste vara mindre än 24 tecken."
group: "Grupp"
transversal: "Transversal plan"
transversal_help: "If this option is checked, a copy of this plan will be created for each currently enabled groups."
display: "Display"
category: "Category"
category_help: "Categories allow you to group the subscription plans, on the public view of the subscriptions."
number_of_periods: "Number of periods"
transversal_help: "Om detta alternativ är markerat kommer en kopia av denna plan att skapas för varje nuvarande aktiverade grupper."
display: "Visa"
category: "Kategori"
category_help: "Kategorier tillåter dig att gruppera prenumerationsplanerna på den publika prenumerationsvyn."
number_of_periods: "Antal perioder"
period: "Period"
year: "Year"
month: "Month"
week: "Week"
subscription_price: "Subscription price"
edit_amount_info: "Please note that if you change the price of this plan, the new price will only apply to new subscribers. Current subscriptions will stay unchanged, even those with a running payment schedule."
visual_prominence: "Visual prominence of the subscription"
visual_prominence_help: "On the subscriptions page, the most prominent subscriptions will be placed at the top of the list. An elevated number means a higher prominence."
rolling_subscription: "Rolling subscription?"
rolling_subscription_help: "A rolling subscription will begin the day of the first trainings. Otherwise, it will begin as soon as it is bought."
monthly_payment: "Monthly payment?"
monthly_payment_help: "If monthly payment is enabled, the members will be able to choose between a one-time payment or a payment schedule staged each months."
information_sheet: "Information sheet"
notified_partner: "Notified partner"
new_user: "New user"
alert_partner_notification: "As part of a partner subscription, some notifications may be sent to this user."
disabled: "Disable subscription"
disabled_help: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it."
duration: "Duration"
partnership: "Partnership"
partner_plan: "Partner plan"
partner_plan_help: "You can sell subscriptions in partnership with another organization. By doing so, the other organization will be notified when a member subscribes to this subscription plan."
partner_created: "The partner was successfully created"
slots_visibility: "Slots visibility"
slots_visibility_help: "You can determine how far in advance subscribers can view and reserve machine slots. When this setting is set, it takes precedence over the general settings."
machines_visibility: "Visibility time limit, in hours (machines)"
visibility_minimum: "Visibility cannot be less than 7 hours"
save: "Save"
create_success: "Plan(s) successfully created. Don't forget to redefine prices."
year: "År"
month: "Månad"
week: "Vecka"
subscription_price: "Prenumerationspris"
edit_amount_info: "Observera att om du ändrar priset på denna plan, kommer det nya priset endast gälla för nya prenumeranter. Aktuella prenumerationer kommer att förbli oförändrade, även de med ett löpande betalningsschema."
visual_prominence: "Visualisering av prenumerationen"
visual_prominence_help: "På prenumerationssidan kommer de mest framträdande abonnemangen att placeras högst upp på listan. Ett högt nummer betyder en högre placering."
rolling_subscription: "Rullande prenumeration?"
rolling_subscription_help: "En rullande prenumeration kommer att börja på dagen för de första utbildningarna, annars kommer den att börja så snart den köps."
monthly_payment: "Månadsbetalning?"
monthly_payment_help: "Om månatlig betalning är aktiverad, kommer medlemmarna att kunna välja mellan en engångsbetalning eller ett betalningsschema iscensatt varje månad."
information_sheet: "Informationsblad"
notified_partner: "Meddelad samarbetspartner"
new_user: "Ny användare"
alert_partner_notification: "Som en del av en partnerprenumeration, kan vissa meddelanden skickas till den här användaren."
disabled: "Inaktivera prenumeration"
disabled_help: "Obs: inaktivering av denna plan kommer inte att avregistrera användare som har aktiva prenumerationer med den."
duration: "Varaktighet"
partnership: "Samarbete"
partner_plan: "Partnerprenumeration"
partner_plan_help: "Du kan sälja abonnemang i samarbete med en annan organisation. Genom att göra det kommer den andra organisationen att meddelas när en medlem prenumererar på denna prenumerationsplan."
partner_created: "Samarbetspartnern har skapats"
slots_visibility: "Platsers synlighet"
slots_visibility_help: "Du kan avgöra hur långt i förväg prenumeranter kan visa och reservera platser. När den här inställningen är inställd, har den företräde framför de allmänna inställningarna."
machines_visibility: "Tidsgräns för synlighet, i timmar (utrustning)"
visibility_minimum: "Synligheten kan inte vara mindre än 7 timmar"
save: "Spara"
create_success: "Plan(er) har skapats. Glöm inte att omdefiniera priser."
update_success: "Planen har uppdaterats"
usage_limitation: "Begränsningar och tillåten användning"
usage_limitation_info: "Define a maximum number of reservation hours per day and per machine category. Machine categories that have no parameters configured will not be subject to any limitation."
usage_limitation_switch: "Restrict machine reservations to a number of hours per day."
new_usage_limitation: "Add a limitation of use"
all_limitations: "All limitations"
by_category: "By machines category"
by_machine: "By machine"
category: "Machines category"
machine: "Machine name"
max_hours_per_day: "Max. hours/day"
ongoing_limitations: "Ongoing limitations"
saved_limitations: "Saved limitations"
cancel: "Cancel this limitation"
cancel_deletion: "Cancel"
ongoing_deletion: "Ongoing deletion"
usage_limitation_info: "Definiera ett maximalt antal bokningstider per dag och per utrustningskategori. Utrustningskategorier som inte har några konfigurerade parametrar kommer inte att omfattas av någon begränsning."
usage_limitation_switch: "Begränsa utrustningsbokningar till ett antal timmar per dag."
new_usage_limitation: "Lägg till en begränsning av användningen"
all_limitations: "Alla begränsningar"
by_category: "Enligt utrustningskategori"
by_machine: "Efter utrustning"
category: "Utrustningskategori"
machine: "Utrustningens namn"
max_hours_per_day: "Max. timmar/dag"
ongoing_limitations: "Pågående begränsningar"
saved_limitations: "Sparade begränsningar"
cancel: "Avbryt denna begränsning"
cancel_deletion: "Avbryt"
ongoing_deletion: "Pågående radering"
title: "Manage limitation of use"
limit_reservations: "Limit reservations"
by_category: "By machines category"
by_machine: "By machine"
category: "Machines category"
machine: "Machine name"
categories_info: "If you select all machine categories, the limits will apply across the board."
machine_info: "Please note that if you have already created a limitation for the machines category including the selected machine, it will be permanently overwritten."
max_hours_per_day: "Maximum number of reservation hours per day"
confirm: "Confirm"
title: "Hantera begränsning av användning"
limit_reservations: "Begränsa bokningar"
by_category: "Enligt utrustningskategori"
by_machine: "Efter maskin"
category: "Utrustningskategori"
machine: "Utrustningens namn"
categories_info: "Om du väljer alla utrustningskategorier, kommer gränserna att gälla över hela linjen."
machine_info: "Observera att om du redan har skapat en begränsning för kategorin utrustning inklusive den valda utrustningen, kommer den att skrivas över permanent."
max_hours_per_day: "Maximalt antal bokningstimmar per dag"
confirm: "Bekräfta"
title: "Create a new partner"
create_partner: "Create the partner"
first_name: "First name"
surname: "Last name"
email: "Email address"
field_is_required: "This field is required"
title: "Skapa en ny samarbetspartner"
create_partner: "Skapa samarbetspartner"
first_name: "Förnamn"
surname: "Efternamn"
email: "E-postadress"
field_is_required: "Detta fält är obligatoriskt"
prices: "Prices"
about_prices: "The prices defined here will apply to members subscribing to this plan, for machines and spaces. All prices are per hour."
copy_prices_from: "Copy prices from"
copy_prices_from_help: "This will replace all the prices of this plan with the prices of the selected plan"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
prices: "Priser"
about_prices: "De priser som anges här gäller för medlemmar som prenumererar på denna plan, för utrustning och lokaler. Alla priser är per timme."
copy_prices_from: "Kopiera priser från"
copy_prices_from_help: "Detta kommer att ersätta alla priser i denna plan med priserna på den valda planen"
machines: "Utrustning"
spaces: "Lokaler"
title: "Periodic event update"
edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update?"
edit_this_event: "Only this event"
edit_this_and_next: "This event and the followings"
edit_all: "All events"
date_wont_change: "Warning: you have changed the event date. This modification won't be propagated to other occurrences of the periodic event."
confirm: "Update the {MODE, select, single{event} other{events}}"
title: "Periodisk evenemangsuppdatering"
edit_recurring_event: "Du håller på att uppdatera ett återkommande evenemang. Vad vill du uppdatera?"
edit_this_event: "Bara detta evenemang"
edit_this_and_next: "Detta evenemang samt framtida"
edit_all: "Alla evenemang"
date_wont_change: "Varning: du har ändrat evenemangsdatumet. Denna ändring kommer inte att spridas till andra tillfällen av det återkommande evenemanget."
confirm: "Uppdatera {MODE, select, single{evenemanget} other{evenemangen}}"
title: "Advanced accounting parameters"
code: "Accounting code"
analytical_section: "Analytical section"
title: "Avancerade redovisningsparametrar"
code: "Redovisningskoder"
analytical_section: "Analyssektion"
code: "Accounting code"
label: "Account label"
journal_code: "Journal code"
sales_journal: "Sales journal"
financial: "Financial"
card: "Card payments"
wallet_debit: "Virtual wallet payments"
other: "Other payment means"
wallet_credit: "Virtual wallet credit"
sales: "Sales"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
machine: "Machine reservation"
training: "Training reservation"
event: "Event reservation"
space: "Space reservation"
prepaid_pack: "Pack of prepaid-hours"
product: "Product of the store"
error: "Erroneous invoices"
error_help: "As part of a maintenance operation, it may exceptionally happen that invoices, that have been generated by mistake due to a bug in the software, are discovered. As these invoices cannot be deleted, they will be exported to the account defined here. Please manually cancel these invoices."
advanced_accounting: "Advanced accounting"
enable_advanced: "Enable the advanced accounting"
enable_advanced_help: "This will enable the ability to have custom accounting codes per resources (machines, spaces, training ...). These codes can be modified on each resource edition form."
save: "Save"
update_success: "The accounting settings were successfully updated"
code: "Redovisningskoder"
label: "Kontonamn"
journal_code: "Journalkod"
sales_journal: "Försäljningjournalkod"
financial: "Finansiell"
card: "Kortbetalningar"
wallet_debit: "Virtuella plånboksbetalningar"
other: "Andra betalningsmetoder"
wallet_credit: "Virtuell plånbokskredit"
VAT: "Moms"
sales: "Försäljning"
subscriptions: "Prenumerationer"
machine: "Utrustningsbokning"
training: "Bokning av utbildning"
event: "Evenmangsbokning"
space: "Lokalbokning"
prepaid_pack: "Paket med förbetalda timmar"
product: "Produkt i butiken"
error: "Felaktiga fakturor"
error_help: "Till följd av underhåll, kan det ibland hända att fakturor, som har genererats av misstag på grund av en bugg i programvaran, upptäcks. Eftersom dessa fakturor inte kan tas bort, kommer de att exporteras till det konto som definieras här. Vänligen avbryt dessa fakturor manuellt."
advanced_accounting: "Avancerad redovisning"
enable_advanced: "Aktivera avancerad redovisning"
enable_advanced_help: "Detta kommer att göra det möjligt att ha anpassade bokföringskoder per resurs (utrustning, lokaler, utbildning) . Dessa koder kan ändras på varje form av resursutgåva."
save: "Spara"
update_success: "Redovisningsinställningarna har uppdaterats"
#add a new machine
declare_a_new_machine: "Declare a new machine"
declare_a_new_machine: "Definiera ny utrustning"
#machine edition
machine_edit: "Edit a machine"
machine_edit: "Redigera utrustning"
#manage the trainings & machines slots
calendar_management: "Calendar management"
trainings: "Trainings"
machines: "Machines"
spaces: "Spaces"
events: "Events"
availabilities: "Availabilities"
availabilities_notice: "Export to an Excel workbook every slots available for reservation, and their occupancy rate."
select_a_slot: "Please select a slot"
calendar_management: "Kalenderhantering"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
machines: "Utrustning"
spaces: "Lokaler"
events: "Evenemang"
availabilities: "Tillgänglighet"
availabilities_notice: "Exportera tillgängliga platser till Excel."
select_a_slot: "Välj en plats"
info: "Info"
tags: "Tags"
slot_duration: "Slot duration: {DURATION} minutes"
ongoing_reservations: "Ongoing reservations"
without_reservation: "Without reservation"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_the_USER_s_reservation_the_DATE_at_TIME_concerning_RESERVATION: "Do you really want to cancel {USER}'s reservation, the {DATE} at {TIME}, concerning {RESERVATION}?"
reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Reservation was successfully cancelled."
reservation_cancellation_failed: "Reservation cancellation failed."
unable_to_remove_the_last_machine_of_the_slot_delete_the_slot_rather: "Unable to remove the last machine of the slot. Delete the slot rather."
do_you_really_want_to_remove_MACHINE_from_this_slot: "Do you really want to remove \"{MACHINE}\" from this slot?"
this_will_prevent_any_new_reservation_on_this_slot_but_wont_cancel_those_existing: "This will prevent any new reservation on this slot but won't cancel those existing."
beware_this_cannot_be_reverted: "Beware: this cannot be reverted."
the_machine_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot: "The machine was successfully removed from the slot."
deletion_failed: "Deletion failed."
do_you_really_want_to_remove_PLAN_from_this_slot: "Do you really want to remove \"{PLAN}\" from this slot?"
the_plan_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot: "The plan was successfully removed from the slot."
DATE_slot: "{DATE} slot:"
what_kind_of_slot_do_you_want_to_create: "What kind of slot do you want to create?"
training: "Training"
machine: "Machine"
space: "Space"
next: "Next >"
previous: "< Previous"
select_some_machines: "Select some machines"
select_all: "All"
select_none: "None"
manage_machines: "Click here to add or remove machines."
manage_spaces: "Click here to add or remove spaces."
manage_trainings: "Click here to add or remove trainings."
number_of_tickets: "Number of tickets: "
adjust_the_opening_hours: "Adjust the opening hours"
to_time: "to" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
restrict_options: "Restriction options"
restrict_with_labels: "Restrict this slot with labels"
restrict_for_subscriptions: "Restrict this slot for subscription users"
select_some_plans: "Select some plans"
plans: "Plan(s):"
recurrence: "Recurrence"
enabled: "Enabled"
tags: "Taggar"
slot_duration: "Platsens längd: {DURATION} minuter"
ongoing_reservations: "Pågående bokningar"
without_reservation: "Utan bokning"
confirmation_required: "Bekräftelse krävs"
do_you_really_want_to_cancel_the_USER_s_reservation_the_DATE_at_TIME_concerning_RESERVATION: "Vill du verkligen avbryta {USER}s bokning, den {DATE} kl{TIME}, angående {RESERVATION}?"
reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Bokningen har avbrutits."
reservation_cancellation_failed: "Bokningen kunde inte avbrytas."
unable_to_remove_the_last_machine_of_the_slot_delete_the_slot_rather: "Det går inte att ta bort den sista utrustningen på plats. Ta bort platsen snarare."
do_you_really_want_to_remove_MACHINE_from_this_slot: "Vill du verkligen ta bort \"{MACHINE}\" från denna plats?"
this_will_prevent_any_new_reservation_on_this_slot_but_wont_cancel_those_existing: "Detta kommer att förhindra alla nya bokningar på denna plats men kommer inte att avbryta de befintliga."
beware_this_cannot_be_reverted: "OBS! Detta går inte att ångra."
the_machine_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot: "Utrustningen togs bort från platsen."
deletion_failed: "Radering misslyckades."
do_you_really_want_to_remove_PLAN_from_this_slot: "Vill du verkligen ta bort \"{PLAN}\" från denna plats?"
the_plan_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot: "Utrustningen togs bort från platsen."
DATE_slot: "{DATE} plats:"
what_kind_of_slot_do_you_want_to_create: "Vilken typ av plats vill du skapa?"
training: "Utbildning"
machine: "Utrustning"
space: "Lokal"
next: "Nästa >"
previous: "< Föregående"
select_some_machines: "Välj utrustning"
select_all: "Alla"
select_none: "Inget"
manage_machines: "Klicka här för att lägga till eller ta bort utrustning."
manage_spaces: "Klicka här för att lägga till eller ta bort lokaler."
manage_trainings: "Klicka här för att lägga till eller ta bort utbildningar."
number_of_tickets: "Antal biljetter: "
adjust_the_opening_hours: "Justera öppettiderna"
to_time: "till" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
restrict_options: "Begränsningar"
restrict_with_labels: "Begränsa denna plats med etiketter"
restrict_for_subscriptions: "Begränsa denna plats för prenumerationsanvändare"
select_some_plans: "Välj planer"
plans: "Plan(er):"
recurrence: "Återkommande"
enabled: "Aktiverad"
period: "Period"
week: "Week"
month: "Month"
number_of_periods: "Number of periods"
end_date: "End date"
summary: "Summary"
select_period: "Please select a period for the recurrence"
select_nb_period: "Please select a number of periods for the recurrence"
select_end_date: "Please select the date of the last occurrence"
about_to_create: "You are about to create the following {TYPE, select, machines{machine} training{training} space{space} other{other}} {NUMBER, plural, one{slot} other{slots}}:"
divided_in_slots: "{COUNT, plural, =1{This slot} other{These slots}} will be open for booking in {DURATION}-minutes increments."
reservable: "Reservable(s):"
labels: "Label(s):"
none: "None"
slot_successfully_deleted: "The slot {START} - {END} has been successfully deleted"
slots_deleted: "The slot of {START}, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been deleted"
unable_to_delete_the_slot: "Unable to delete the slot {START} - {END}, probably because it's already reserved by a member"
slots_not_deleted: "On {TOTAL} slots, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exist on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}."
you_should_select_at_least_a_machine: "You should select at least one machine on this slot."
inconsistent_times: "Error: the end of the availability is before its beginning."
min_one_slot: "The availability must be split in one slot at least."
min_slot_duration: "You must specify a valid duration for the slots."
export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready."
actions: "Actions"
block_reservations: "Block reservations"
do_you_really_want_to_block_this_slot: "Do you really want to block new reservations on this slot? It will become invisible to users."
locking_success: "Slot successfully locked, it won't appear any longer in the user calendar"
locking_failed: "An error occurred. Slot locking has failed"
allow_reservations: "Allow reservations"
do_you_really_want_to_allow_reservations: "Do you really want to allow booking again on this slot? It will become visible for the users."
unlocking_success: "Slot successfully unlocked, it will appear again in the user calendar"
unlocking_failed: "An error occurred. Slot unlocking has failed"
reservations_locked: "Booking is blocked"
unlockable_because_reservations: "Unable to block booking on this slot because some uncancelled reservations exist on it."
delete_slot: "Delete this slot"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_slot: "Do you really want to delete this slot?"
delete_recurring_slot: "You're about to delete a recurring slot. What do you want to do?"
delete_this_slot: "Only this slot"
delete_this_and_next: "This slot and the following"
delete_all: "All slots"
event_in_the_past: "Create a slot in the past"
confirm_create_event_in_the_past: "You are about to create a slot in the past. Are you sure you want to do this? Members will not be able to book this slot."
edit_event: "Edit the event"
view_reservations: "View reservations"
legend: "Legend"
and: "and"
external_sync: "Calendar synchronization"
divide_this_availability: "Divide this availability in"
slots: "slots"
slots_of: "of"
minutes: "minutes"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
select_type: "Please select a type to continue"
no_modules_available: "No reservable module available. Please enable at least one module (machines, spaces or trainings) in the Customization section."
week: "Vecka"
month: "Månad"
number_of_periods: "Antal perioder"
end_date: "Slutdatum"
summary: "Sammanfattning"
select_period: "Välj en period för återkommande"
select_nb_period: "Välj ett antal perioder för återkommande"
select_end_date: "Välj datumet för den senaste förekomsten"
about_to_create: "Du håller på att skapa följande {TYPE, select, machines{utrustning} training{utbildning} space{lokal} other{annat}} {NUMBER, plural, one{plats} other{platser}}:"
divided_in_slots: "{COUNT, plural, one {}=1{Denna plats} other{Dessa platser}} kommer att vara öppna för bokning i perioder om {DURATION}-minuter."
reservable: "Reserverbara:"
labels: "Etikett(er):"
none: "Inget"
slot_successfully_deleted: "Platsen {START} - {END} har tagits bort"
slots_deleted: "Platsen för {START}och {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{en annan} other{{COUNT} andra}}har tagits bort"
unable_to_delete_the_slot: "Det går inte att ta bort platsen {START} - {END}, förmodligen för att det redan är reserverad av en medlem"
slots_not_deleted: "Av {TOTAL} platser {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{togs en inte bort} other{togs {COUNT} inte bort}}. Vissa reservationer kan finnas på {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{det} other{dem}}."
you_should_select_at_least_a_machine: "Du bör välja minst en utrustning på denna plats."
inconsistent_times: "Fel: slutet av tillgängligheten är före dess början."
min_one_slot: "Tillgången måste delas i minst en plats."
min_slot_duration: "Du måste ange en giltig varaktighet för platserna."
export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Exporten körs. Du kommer att meddelas när den är klar."
actions: "Aktiviteter"
block_reservations: "Begränsa bokningar"
do_you_really_want_to_block_this_slot: "Vill du verkligen blockera nya bokningar på denna plats? Det kommer att bli osynligt för användare."
locking_success: "Plats blockerad, den kommer inte att visas längre i användarkalendern"
locking_failed: "Ett fel uppstod. Blockering av plats har misslyckats"
allow_reservations: "Tillåt bokningar"
do_you_really_want_to_allow_reservations: "Vill du verkligen tillåta bokning igen på denna plats? Den kommer att bli synlig för användarna."
unlocking_success: "Platsen har låsts upp, den kommer att visas igen i användarkalendern"
unlocking_failed: "Ett fel uppstod. Låsning av plats har misslyckats"
reservations_locked: "Bokningen är blockerad"
unlockable_because_reservations: "Det går inte att blockera bokning på den här platsen eftersom vissa oavslutade bokningar finns på den."
delete_slot: "Ta bort denna plats"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_slot: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna plats?"
delete_recurring_slot: "Du håller på att ta bort en återkommande plats. Vad vill du göra?"
delete_this_slot: "Endast denna plats"
delete_this_and_next: "Denna plats och följande"
delete_all: "Alla platser"
event_in_the_past: "Skapa en plats i det förflutna"
confirm_create_event_in_the_past: "Du är på väg att skapa en plats i det förflutna. Är du säker på att du vill göra detta? Medlemmar kommer inte att kunna boka denna plats."
edit_event: "Redigera evenemanget"
view_reservations: "Visa bokningar"
legend: "Förklaring"
and: "och"
external_sync: "Kalendersynkronisering"
divide_this_availability: "Dela upp denna tillgänglighet i"
slots: "platser"
slots_of: "av"
minutes: "minuter"
deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
select_type: "Välj en typ att fortsätta"
no_modules_available: "Ingen bokningsbar modul tillgänglig. Aktivera minst en modul (utrustning, lokaler eller utbildningar) i avsnittet Anpassning."
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar import"
intro: "Fab-manager allows to automatically import calendar events, at RFC 5545 iCalendar format, from external URL. These URL are synchronized every hours and the events are shown in the public calendar. You can trigger a synchronisation too, by clicking on the corresponding button, in front of each import."
new_import: "New ICS import"
color: "Colour"
text_color: "Text colour"
icalendar_import: "importera iCalendar"
intro: "Fab-manager gör det möjligt att automatiskt importera kalenderhändelser, på RFC 5545 iCalendar-format, från extern URL. Denna URL synkroniseras varje timme och händelserna visas i den offentliga kalendern. Du kan utlösa en synkronisering också, genom att klicka på motsvarande knapp framför varje import."
new_import: "Ny ICS import"
color: "Färg"
text_color: "Textfärg"
url: "URL"
name: "Name"
example: "Example"
display: "Display"
hide_text: "Hide the text"
hidden: "Hidden"
shown: "Shown"
create_error: "Unable to create iCalendar import. Please try again later"
delete_failed: "Unable to delete the iCalendar import. Please try again later"
refresh: "Updating..."
sync_failed: "Unable to synchronize the URL. Please try again later"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_delete_import: "Do you really want to delete this iCalendar import?"
delete_success: "iCalendar import successfully deleted"
name: "Namn"
example: "Exempel"
display: "Visa"
hide_text: "Dölj texten"
hidden: "Dolt"
shown: "Visas"
create_error: "Det går inte att skapa iCalendar-import. Försök igen senare"
delete_failed: "Det går inte att ta bort iCalendar-importen. Försök igen senare"
refresh: "Uppdaterar..."
sync_failed: "Det gick inte att synkronisera webbadressen. Försök igen senare"
confirmation_required: "Verifiering krävs"
confirm_delete_import: "Vill du verkligen ta bort denna iCalendar-import?"
delete_success: "iCalendar-import har tagits bort"
#management of the projects' components & settings
name: "Name"
projects_settings: "Projects settings"
materials: "Materials"
add_a_material: "Add a material"
themes: "Themes"
add_a_new_theme: "Add a new theme"
project_categories: "Categories"
add_a_new_project_category: "Add a new category"
licences: "Licences"
statuses: "Statuses"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_licence: "Add a new licence"
manage_abuses: "Manage the reports"
name: "Namn"
projects_settings: "Projektinställningar"
materials: "Material"
add_a_material: "Lägg till material"
themes: "Teman"
add_a_new_theme: "Lägg till ett nytt tema"
project_categories: "Kategorier"
add_a_new_project_category: "Lägg till en ny kategori"
licences: "Licenser"
statuses: "Status"
description: "Beskrivning"
add_a_new_licence: "Lägg till en ny licens"
manage_abuses: "Hantera rapporter"
title: "Settings"
comments: "Comments"
title: "Inställningar"
comments: "Kommentarer"
disqus: "Disqus"
disqus_info: "If you want to enable your members and visitors to comment on projects, you can enable the Disqus forums by setting the following parameter. Visit <a href='https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208-what-s-a-shortname-' target='_blank'>the Disqus website</a> for more information."
shortname: "Shortname"
cad_files: "CAD files"
validation: "Validation"
validation_info: "Users can upload CAD (Computer Aided Design) files with the documentation of their projects. You can specify which files types are allowed. Use the test input below to determine the MIME type of a file."
extensions: "Allowed extensions"
new_extension: "New extension"
new_ext_info_html: "<p>Specify a new file extension to allow these files to be uploaded.</p><p>Please consider that allowing file archives (eg. ZIP) or binary executable (eg. EXE) may result in a <strong>dangerous security issue</strong> and must be avoided in any cases.</p>"
mime_types: "Allowed MIME types"
new_mime_type: "New MIME type"
new_type_info_html: "<p>Specify a new MIME type to allow these files to be uploaded.</p><p>Please use the test input to determine the MIME type of a file. Please consider that allowing file archives (eg. application/zip) or binary executable (eg. application/exe) may result in a <strong>dangerous security issue</strong> and must be avoided in any cases.</p>"
test_file: "Test a file"
set_a_file: "Select a file"
file_is_TYPE: "MIME type of this file is {TYPE}"
projects_sharing: "Projects sharing"
open_lab_projects: "OpenLab Projects"
open_lab_info_html: "Enable OpenLab to share your projects with other Fab Labs and display a gallery of shared projects. Please send an email to <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>contact@fab-manager.com</a> to get your access credentials for free."
disqus_info: "Om du vill aktivera dina medlemmar och besökare att kommentera projekt, kan du aktivera Disqus forum genom att ställa in följande parameter. Besök <a href='https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208-what-s-a-shortname-' target='_blank'>Disqus hemsida</a> för mer information."
shortname: "Kort namn"
cad_files: "CAD-filer"
validation: "Godkännande"
validation_info: "Användare kan ladda upp CAD-filer (Computer Aided Design) med dokumentationen av sina projekt. Du kan ange vilka filtyper som är tillåtna. Använd testinmatningen nedan för att bestämma MIME-typen av en fil."
extensions: "Tillåtna filändelser"
new_extension: "Nytt tillägg"
new_ext_info_html: "<p>Ange ett nytt filtillägg för att tillåta att dessa filer laddas upp.</p><p>Tänk på att tillåta filarkiv (t. ex. ZIP) eller binär exekverbar (t. ex. EXE) kan resultera i ett <strong>farligt säkerhetsproblem</strong> och måste undvikas i alla fall.</p>"
mime_types: "Tillåtna MIME-typer"
new_mime_type: "Ny MIME-typ"
new_type_info_html: "<p>Ange en ny MIME-typ för att tillåta att dessa filer laddas upp.</p><p>Använd testinmatningen för att bestämma MIME-typen av en fil. Tänk på att tillåta filarkiv (t. ex. applikation / zip) eller binär körbar (t. ex. applikation/exe) kan resultera i ett <strong>farligt säkerhetsproblem</strong> och måste undvikas i alla fall.</p>"
test_file: "Testa en fil"
set_a_file: "Välj en fil"
file_is_TYPE: "MIME-typ av denna fil är {TYPE}"
projects_sharing: "Projektdelning"
open_lab_projects: "OpenLab projekt"
open_lab_info_html: "Aktivera OpenLab för att dela dina projekt med andra Fab Labs och visa ett galleri av delade projekt. Vänligen skicka ett mail till <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>contact@fab-manager.com</a> för att få dina åtkomstuppgifter gratis."
open_lab_app_id: "ID"
open_lab_app_secret: "Secret"
openlab_default_info_html: "In the projects gallery, visitors can switch between two views: all shared projects from the whole OpenLab network, or only the projects documented in your Fab Lab.<br/>Here, you can choose which view is shown by default."
default_to_openlab: "Display OpenLab by default"
filters: Projects list filters
project_categories: Categories
open_lab_app_secret: "Hemlighet"
openlab_default_info_html: "I projektgalleriet kan besökarna växla mellan två vyer: alla delade projekt från hela OpenLab-nätverket, eller bara de projekt som dokumenterats i ditt Fab Lab.<br/>Här kan du välja vilken vy som visas som standard."
default_to_openlab: "Visa OpenLab som standard"
filters: Projektlista filter
project_categories: Kategorier
name: "Name"
delete_dialog_title: "Confirmation required"
delete_dialog_info: "The associations between this category and the projects will me deleted."
name: "Namn"
delete_dialog_title: "Verifiering krävs"
delete_dialog_info: "Kopplingarna mellan denna kategori och projekten kommer jag att ta bort."
add: "Add"
actions_controls: "Actions"
name: "Name"
add: "Lägg till"
actions_controls: "Aktiviteter"
name: "Namn"
edit: "Edit"
delete_option: "Delete Option"
edit: "Redigera"
delete_option: "Radera alternativ"
name: "Name"
description: "Description"
name_cannot_be_blank: "Name cannot be blank."
save: "Save"
cancel: "Cancel"
name: "Namn"
description: "Beskrivning"
name_cannot_be_blank: "Namn får inte vara tomt."
save: "Spara"
cancel: "Avbryt"
option_create_success: "Status was successfully created."
option_delete_success: "Status was successfully deleted."
option_update_success: "Status was successfully updated."
option_create_success: "Statusen har skapats."
option_delete_success: "Statusen har raderats."
option_update_success: "Statusen har uppdaterats."
#track and monitor the trainings
trainings_monitoring: "Trainings monitoring"
all_trainings: "All trainings"
add_a_new_training: "Add a new training"
name: "Training name"
associated_machines: "Associated machines"
cancellation: "Cancellation (attendees | deadline)"
trainings_monitoring: "Övervakning av utbildningar"
all_trainings: "Alla utbildningar"
add_a_new_training: "Lägg till en ny utbildning"
name: "Utbildningsnamn"
associated_machines: "Kopplad utrustning"
cancellation: "Avbokning (deltagare | deadline)"
cancellation_minimum: "{ATTENDEES} minimum"
cancellation_deadline: "{DEADLINE} h"
capacity: "Capacity (max. attendees)"
authorisation: "Time-limited authorisation"
period_MONTH: "{MONTH} {MONTH, plural, one{month} other{months}}"
active_true: "Yes"
active_false: "No"
validation_rule: "Lapsed without reservation"
select_a_training: "Select a training"
training: "Training"
date: "Date"
year_NUMBER: "Year {NUMBER}"
month_of_NAME: "Month of {NAME}"
NUMBER_reservation: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one{reservation} other{reservations}}"
none: "None"
training_validation: "Training validation"
training_of_the_DATE_TIME_html: "Training of the <strong>{DATE} - {TIME}</strong>"
you_can_validate_the_training_of_the_following_members: "You can validate the training of the following members:"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
no_reservation: "No reservation"
validate_the_trainings: "Validate the trainings"
edition_of_the_description_tooltip: "Edition of the description tooltip"
describe_the_training_in_a_few_words: "Describe the training in a few words."
description_is_limited_to_255_characters: "Description is limited to 255 characters."
cancellation_deadline: "{DEADLINE} t"
capacity: "Kapacitet (max. deltagare)"
authorisation: "Tidsbegränsad behörighet"
period_MONTH: "{MONTH} {MONTH, plural, one{månad} other{månader}}"
active_true: "Ja"
active_false: "Nej"
validation_rule: "Bortfallet utan bokning"
select_a_training: "Välj en utbildning"
training: "Utbildning"
date: "Datum"
year_NUMBER: "År {NUMBER}"
month_of_NAME: "Månaden {NAME}"
NUMBER_reservation: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one{bokning} other{bokningar}}"
none: "Inget"
training_validation: "Validering av träning"
training_of_the_DATE_TIME_html: "Utbildning den <strong>{DATE} - {TIME}</strong>"
you_can_validate_the_training_of_the_following_members: "Du kan validera träningen av följande medlemmar:"
deleted_user: "Raderad användare"
no_reservation: "Ingen bokning"
validate_the_trainings: "Validera utbildningarna"
edition_of_the_description_tooltip: "Upplagan av beskrivningens verktygstips"
describe_the_training_in_a_few_words: "Beskriv utbildningen med några ord."
description_is_limited_to_255_characters: "Beskrivningen är begränsad till 255 tecken."
description_was_successfully_saved: "Description was successfully saved."
training_successfully_deleted: "Training successfully deleted."
unable_to_delete_the_training_because_some_users_already_booked_it: "Unable to delete the training because some users already booked it."
@ -546,63 +546,63 @@ sv:
authorization_validity_switch: "Activate an authorization validity period"
authorization_validity_period: "Validity period in months"
validation_rule: "Authorisations cancellation rule"
validation_rule_info: "Define a rule that cancel an authorisation if the machines associated with the training are not reserved for a specific period of time. This rule prevails over the authorisations validity period."
validation_rule_switch: "Activate the validation rule"
validation_rule_period: "Time limit in months"
generic_text_block: "Editorial text block"
generic_text_block_info: "Displays an editorial block above the list of trainings visible to members."
generic_text_block_switch: "Display editorial block"
cta_switch: "Display a button"
cta_label: "Button label"
validation_rule_info: "Definiera en regel som upphäver ett tillstånd om utrustningen i samband med utbildningen inte är bokade för en viss tidsperiod. Denna regel råder över giltighetstiden för tillstånd."
validation_rule_switch: "Aktivera valideringsregeln"
validation_rule_period: "Tidsgräns i månader"
generic_text_block: "Textblock"
generic_text_block_info: "Visar ett textblock ovanför listan över utbildningar som är synlig för medlemmar."
generic_text_block_switch: "Visa textblock"
cta_switch: "Visa en knapp"
cta_label: "Knappetikett"
cta_url: "url"
save: "Save"
update_success: "The trainings settings were successfully updated"
save: "Spara"
update_success: "Utbildningsinställningarna har uppdaterats"
#events tracking and management
settings: "Settings"
events_monitoring: "Events monitoring"
manage_filters: "Manage filters"
fablab_events: "Fablab events"
add_an_event: "Add an event"
all_events: "All events"
passed_events: "Passed events"
events_to_come: "Events to come"
events_to_come_asc: "Events to come | chronological order"
on_DATE: "on {DATE}"
from_DATE: "from {DATE}"
from_TIME: "from {TIME}"
to_date: "to" #e.g.: from 01/01 to 01/05
to_time: "to" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
title: "Title"
dates: "Dates"
booking: "Booking"
sold_out: "Sold out"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
without_reservation: "Without reservation"
free_admission: "Free admission"
view_reservations: "View reservations"
load_the_next_events: "Load the next events..."
categories: "Categories"
add_a_category: "Add a category"
name: "Name"
themes: "Theme"
add_a_theme: "Add a theme"
age_ranges: "Age ranges"
add_a_range: "Add a range"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_ELEMENT: "Do you really want to delete this {ELEMENT, select, category{category} theme{theme} age_range{age range} other{element}}?"
unable_to_delete_ELEMENT_already_in_use_NUMBER_times: "Unable to delete this {ELEMENT, select, category{category} theme{theme} age_range{age range} other{element}} because it is already associated with {NUMBER, plural, =0{no events} one{one event} other{{NUMBER} events}}."
at_least_one_category_is_required: "At least one category is required."
unable_to_delete_the_last_one: "Unable to delete the last one."
unable_to_delete_an_error_occured: "Unable to delete: an error occurred."
manage_prices_categories: "Manage prices' categories"
prices_categories: "Prices' categories"
add_a_price_category: "Add a price's category"
usages_count: "Usages count"
price_category: "Price category"
settings: "Inställningar"
events_monitoring: "Övervakning av evenemang"
manage_filters: "Hantera filter"
fablab_events: "Fablab-evenemang"
add_an_event: "Lägg till ett evenemang"
all_events: "Alla evenemang"
passed_events: "Tidigare evenemang"
events_to_come: "Kommande evenemang"
events_to_come_asc: "Kommande evenemang | kronologisk ordning"
on_DATE: "den {DATE}"
from_DATE: "från {DATE}"
from_TIME: "från {TIME}"
to_date: "till" #e.g.: from 01/01 to 01/05
to_time: "till" #e.g. from 18:00 to 21:00
title: "Rubrik"
dates: "Datum"
booking: "Bokning"
sold_out: "Slutsåld"
cancelled: "Inställt"
without_reservation: "Utan bokning"
free_admission: "Fri entré"
view_reservations: "Visa bokningar"
load_the_next_events: "Ladda nästa evenemang..."
categories: "Kategorier"
add_a_category: "Lägg till kategori"
name: "Namn"
themes: "Tema"
add_a_theme: "Lägg till tema"
age_ranges: "Åldersspann"
add_a_range: "Lägg till ett intervall"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_ELEMENT: "Vill du verkligen ta bort detta {ELEMENT, select, category{kategori} theme{tema} age_range{åldersintervall} other{elementet}}?"
unable_to_delete_ELEMENT_already_in_use_NUMBER_times: "Kunde inte ta bort denna {ELEMENT, select, category{kategori} theme{tema} age_range{åldersintervall} other{elementet}} eftersom den redan är associerad med {NUMBER, plural, =0{inga händelser} one{en händelse} other{{NUMBER} händelser}}."
at_least_one_category_is_required: "Minst en kategori krävs."
unable_to_delete_the_last_one: "Det går inte att ta bort den sista."
unable_to_delete_an_error_occured: "Det gick inte att ta bort: ett fel inträffade."
manage_prices_categories: "Hantera priskategorier"
prices_categories: "Priskategorier"
add_a_price_category: "Lägg till priskategori"
usages_count: "Användningar"
price_category: "Priskategori"
category_name: "Category's name"
category_name_is_required: "Category's name is required."
enter_here_the_conditions_under_which_this_price_is_applicable: "Enter here the conditions under which this price is applicable"
conditions_are_required: "Conditions are required."
category_name_is_required: "Kategorins namn är obligatoriskt."
enter_here_the_conditions_under_which_this_price_is_applicable: "Ange här de villkor under vilka detta pris är tillämpligt"
conditions_are_required: "Förutsättningar krävs."
price_category_successfully_created: "Price category successfully created."
unable_to_add_the_price_category_check_name_already_used: "Unable to add the price category, check that the name is not already used."
unexpected_error_occurred_please_refresh: "An unexpected error occurred, please refresh the page."
@ -633,12 +633,12 @@ sv:
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update?"
edit_this_event: "Only this event"
edit_this_and_next: "This event and the following"
edit_all: "All events"
date_wont_change: "Warning: you have changed the event date. This modification won't be propagated to other occurrences of the periodic event."
event_successfully_updated: "Event successfully updated."
events_updated: "The event, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been updated"
unable_to_update_the_event: "Unable to update the event"
edit_this_and_next: "Detta evenemang samt framtida"
edit_all: "Alla evenemang"
date_wont_change: "Varning: du har ändrat evenemangsdatumet. Denna ändring kommer inte att spridas till andra tillfällen av det återkommande evenemanget."
event_successfully_updated: "Evenemanget är uppdaterat."
events_updated: "Evenemanget och {COUNT, plural, one {}=1{en annan} other{{COUNT} andra}}har uppdaterats"
unable_to_update_the_event: "Det gick inte att uppdatera evenemanget"
events_not_updated: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not updated} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}."
error_deleting_reserved_price: "Unable to delete the requested price because it is associated with some reservations"
other_error: "An unexpected error occurred while updating the event"
@ -657,59 +657,59 @@ sv:
booked_by: "Booked by"
reservations: "Reservations"
status: "Status"
gestion: "Gestion"
validation: "Validation"
gestion: "Förvaltning"
validation: "Godkännande"
pre_registered: "Pre-registered"
to_pay: "To pay"
paid: "Paid"
canceled: "Canceled"
present: "Present"
registered: "Registered"
not_validated: "Not validated"
affirmative: "yes"
negative: "no"
validate: "Validate"
pay: "Pay"
validate_the_reservation: "Validate the reservation"
do_you_really_want_to_validate_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Do you really want to validate this reservation? This apply to ALL booked tickets."
reservation_was_successfully_validated: "Reservation was successfully validated."
validation_failed: "Validation failed."
reservation_was_successfully_invalidated: "Reservation was successfully invalidated."
invalidation_failed: "Invalidation failed."
confirm_payment: "Confirm payment"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Cash} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00)
offer_this_reservation: "I offer this reservation"
i_have_received_the_payment: "I have received the payment"
reservation_was_successfully_paid: "Reservation was successfully paid."
present: "Present"
confirm_present: "Confirm presence"
confirm_present_info: "Confirm the presence of the user for this event"
reservation_was_successfully_present: "The presence of the user was successfully confirmed."
age: "{NUMBER} years old"
pre_registered: "Förregistrerad"
to_pay: "Att betala"
paid: "Betald"
canceled: "Avbruten"
present: "Närvarande"
registered: "Registrerad"
not_validated: "Ej validerad"
affirmative: "ja"
negative: "nej"
validate: "Bekräfta"
pay: "Betala"
validate_the_reservation: "Bekräfta bokningen"
do_you_really_want_to_validate_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Vill du verkligen bekräfta denna bokning? Detta gäller för ALLA bokade biljetter."
reservation_was_successfully_validated: "Bokningen har bekräftats."
validation_failed: "Validering misslyckades."
reservation_was_successfully_invalidated: "Bokningen har avslagits."
invalidation_failed: "Avslag misslyckades."
confirm_payment: "Bekräfta betalning"
confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Kontant} other{Betala}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00)
offer_this_reservation: "Jag erbjuder bokningen"
i_have_received_the_payment: "Jag har mottagit betalningen"
reservation_was_successfully_paid: "Bokningen har betalats."
present: "Närvarande"
confirm_present: "Bekräfta närvaro"
confirm_present_info: "Bekräfta närvaron för detta evenemang"
reservation_was_successfully_present: "Användarens närvaro bekräftades."
age: "{NUMBER} år gammal"
title: "Settings"
generic_text_block: "Editorial text block"
generic_text_block_info: "Displays an editorial block above the list of events visible to members."
generic_text_block_switch: "Display editorial block"
cta_switch: "Display a button"
cta_label: "Button label"
title: "Inställningar"
generic_text_block: "Textblock"
generic_text_block_info: "Visar ett textblock ovanför listan över utrustning som är synlig för medlemmar."
generic_text_block_switch: "Visa textblock"
cta_switch: "Visa en knapp"
cta_label: "Knappetikett"
cta_url: "url"
save: "Save"
update_success: "The events settings were successfully updated"
save: "Spara"
update_success: "Evenemangsinställningarna har uppdaterats"
#subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management
pricing_management: "Pricing management"
subscriptions: "Subscriptions"
trainings: "Trainings"
list_of_the_subscription_plans: "List of the subscription plans"
disabled_plans_info_html: "<p><strong>Warning:</strong> the subscriptions are disabled on this application.</p><p>You can still create some, but they won't be available until the activation of the plans module, from the « Customization » section.</p>"
add_a_new_subscription_plan: "Add a new subscription plan"
name: "Name"
duration: "Duration"
group: "Group"
category: "Category"
prominence: "Prominence"
pricing_management: "Prishantering"
subscriptions: "Prenumerationer"
trainings: "Utbildningar"
list_of_the_subscription_plans: "Lista över prenumerationsplaner"
disabled_plans_info_html: "<p><strong>Varning:</strong> prenumerationerna är inaktiverade för denna applikation.</p><p>Du kan fortfarande skapa några, men de kommer inte att vara tillgängliga förrän aktiveringen av planeringsmodulen, från avsnittet « Anpassning ».</p>"
add_a_new_subscription_plan: "Lägg till en ny prenumerationsplan"
name: "Namn"
duration: "Varaktighet"
group: "Grupp"
category: "Kategori"
prominence: "Prominens"
price: "Price"
machine_hours: "Machine slots"
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.<br/><em>For example</em>, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes, will be charged <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
@ -760,64 +760,64 @@ sv:
coupon_successfully_sent_to_USER: "Coupon successfully sent to {USER}"
an_error_occurred_unable_to_send_the_coupon: "An unexpected error prevent from sending the coupon."
code: "Code"
enabled: "Enabled"
validity_per_user: "Validity per user"
once: "Just once"
forever: "Each use"
valid_until: "Valid until (included)"
spaces: "Spaces"
these_prices_match_space_hours_rates_html: "The prices below match one hour of space usage, <strong>without subscription</strong>."
add_a_space_credit: "Add a Space credit"
space: "Space"
error_a_credit_linking_this_space_with_that_subscription_already_exists: "Error: a credit linking this space with that subscription already exists."
status_enabled: "Enabled"
status_disabled: "Disabled"
status_all: "All"
enabled: "Aktiverad"
validity_per_user: "Giltighet per användare"
once: "Bara en gång"
forever: "Varje användning"
valid_until: "Giltig till (ingår)"
spaces: "Lokaler"
these_prices_match_space_hours_rates_html: "Priserna nedan avser en timmes lokalanvändning, <strong>utan abonnemang</strong>."
add_a_space_credit: "Lägg till en lokalkredit"
space: "Lokal"
error_a_credit_linking_this_space_with_that_subscription_already_exists: "Fel: en kredit som länkar detta utrymme med den prenumerationen finns redan."
status_enabled: "Aktiverad"
status_disabled: "Inaktiverad"
status_all: "Alla"
prices_match_space_hours_rates_html: "The prices below match one hour of space reservation, <strong>without subscription</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.<br/><em>For example</em>, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes, will be charged <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
you_can_override: "You can override this duration for each availability you create in the agenda. The price will then be adjusted accordingly."
extended_prices: "Moreover, you can define extended prices which will apply in priority over the hourly rate below. Extended prices allow you, for example, to set a favorable price for a booking of several hours."
spaces: "Spaces"
price_updated: "Price successfully updated"
prices_match_space_hours_rates_html: "Priserna nedan avser en timmes lokalanvändning, <strong>utan abonnemang</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "Alla priser beräknas automatiskt baserat på den timtaxa som anges här.<br/><em>Till exempel</em>, om du definierar en timtaxa på {RATE}: en plats på {DURATION} minuter, kommer debiteras <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
you_can_override: "Du kan åsidosätta denna varaktighet för varje tillgänglighet du skapar på agendan. Priset kommer då att justeras därefter."
extended_prices: "Dessutom kan du definiera utökade priser som kommer att gälla i prioritet över timpriset nedan. Utökade priser gör att du, till exempel, kan sätta ett förmånligt pris för en bokning av flera timmar."
spaces: "Lokaler"
price_updated: "Priset har uppdaterats"
prices_match_machine_hours_rates_html: "The prices below match one hour of machine usage, <strong>without subscription</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "All the prices will be automatically calculated based on the hourly rate defined here.<br/><em>For example</em>, if you define an hourly rate at {RATE}: a slot of {DURATION} minutes, will be charged <strong>{PRICE}</strong>."
you_can_override: "You can override this duration for each availability you create in the agenda. The price will then be adjusted accordingly."
machines: "Machines"
price_updated: "Price successfully updated"
prices_match_machine_hours_rates_html: "Priserna nedan avser en timmes lokalanvändning, <strong>utan abonnemang</strong>."
prices_calculated_on_hourly_rate_html: "Alla priser beräknas automatiskt baserat på den timtaxa som anges här.<br/><em>Till exempel</em>, om du definierar en timtaxa på {RATE}: en plats på {DURATION} minuter, kommer <strong>{PRICE}</strong> debiteras."
you_can_override: "Du kan åsidosätta denna varaktighet för varje tillgänglighet du skapar på agendan. Priset kommer då att justeras därefter."
machines: "Utrustning"
price_updated: "Priset har uppdaterats"
pack: "prepaid pack"
packs: "Prepaid packs"
no_packs: "No packs for now"
pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} hours"
delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this prepaid pack? This won't be possible if the pack was already bought by users."
edit_pack: "Edit the pack"
confirm_changes: "Confirm changes"
pack_successfully_updated: "The prepaid pack was successfully updated."
pack: "förbetalda paket"
packs: "Förbetalda paket"
no_packs: "Inga paket just nu"
pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} timmar"
delete_confirmation: "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort detta förbetalda paket? Detta kommer inte att vara möjligt om paketet redan köpts av användare."
edit_pack: "Redigera paketet"
confirm_changes: "Bekräfta ändringar"
pack_successfully_updated: "Det förbetalda paketet har uppdaterats."
extended_prices: "Extended prices"
no_extended_prices: "No extended price for now"
extended_price_DURATION: "{DURATION} hours"
extended_prices: "Utökade priser"
no_extended_prices: "Inget utökat pris för tillfället"
extended_price_DURATION: "{DURATION} timmar"
duration: "Duration (hours)"
amount: "Price"
duration: "Varaktighet (timmar)"
amount: "Pris"
hours: "Hours"
amount: "Price"
disabled: "Disabled"
validity_count: "Maximum validity"
select_interval: "Interval..."
hours: "Timmar"
amount: "Pris"
disabled: "Inaktiverad"
validity_count: "Maximal giltighet"
select_interval: "Intervall..."
day: "{COUNT, plural, one{Day} other{Days}}"
week: "{COUNT, plural, one{Week} other{Weeks}}"
month: "{COUNT, plural, one{Month} other{Months}}"
year: "{COUNT, plural, one{Year} other{Years}}"
day: "{COUNT, plural, one{dag} other{dagar}}"
week: "{COUNT, plural, one{vecka} other{veckor}}"
month: "{COUNT, plural, one{månad} other{månader}}"
year: "{COUNT, plural, one{år} other{år}}"
new_pack: "New prepaid pack"
new_pack_info: "A prepaid pack allows users to buy {TYPE, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}} hours before booking any slots. These packs can provide discounts on volumes purchases."
create_pack: "Create this pack"
pack_successfully_created: "The new prepaid pack was successfully created."
new_pack: "Nytt förbetalt paket"
new_pack_info: "Ett förbetalt paket låter användare köpa {TYPE, select, Machine{utrustning} Space{lokal} other{}} timmar innan du bokar några platser. Dessa paket kan ge rabatter på volyminköp."
create_pack: "Skapa detta paket"
pack_successfully_created: "Det nya förbetalda paketet har skapats."
new_extended_price: "New extended price"
new_extended_price_info: "Extended prices allows you to define prices based on custom durations, instead of the default hourly rates."
@ -889,56 +889,56 @@ sv:
operator_: "Operator:"
invoice_num_: "Invoice #:"
customer_: "Customer:"
date_: "Date:"
invoice_num: "Invoice #"
date: "Date"
price: "Price"
customer: "Customer"
download_the_invoice: "Download the invoice"
download_the_credit_note: "Download the credit note"
credit_note: "Credit note"
display_more_invoices: "Display more invoices..."
no_invoices_for_now: "No invoices for now."
payment_schedules: "Payment schedules"
invoicing_settings: "Invoicing settings"
edit_setting_info_html: "<strong>Information</strong><p>Hover over the invoice elements below, all items that light up in yellow are editable.</p>"
warning_invoices_disabled: "Warning: invoices are not enabled. No invoices will be generated by Fab-manager. Nevertheless, you must correctly fill the information below, especially VAT."
change_logo: "Change logo"
john_smith: "John Smith"
john_smith_at_example_com: "jean.smith@example.com"
invoice_reference_: "Invoice reference:"
code_: "Code:"
code_disabled: "Code disabled"
date_: "Datum:"
invoice_num: "Fakturanr"
date: "Datum"
price: "Pris"
customer: "Kund"
download_the_invoice: "Hämta faktura"
download_the_credit_note: "Ladda ner kreditnotan"
credit_note: "Kreditfaktura"
display_more_invoices: "Visa fler fakturor..."
no_invoices_for_now: "Inga fakturor för tillfället."
payment_schedules: "Betalningsschema"
invoicing_settings: "Faktureringsinställningar"
edit_setting_info_html: "<strong>Information</strong><p>Håll muspekaren över fakturaelementen nedan, alla objekt som lyser i gult är redigerbara.</p>"
warning_invoices_disabled: "Varning: fakturor är inte aktiverade. Inga fakturor kommer att genereras av Fab-manager. Trots detta måste du fylla i uppgifterna nedan, även moms."
change_logo: "Ändra logotyp"
john_smith: "Lars Larsson"
john_smith_at_example_com: "rolf@example.com"
invoice_reference_: "Fakturareferens:"
code_: "Kod:"
code_disabled: "Koden inaktiverad"
order_num: "Order #:"
invoice_issued_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Invoice issued on {DATE} at {TIME}"
object_reservation_of_john_smith_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Object: Reservation of John Smith on {DATE} at {TIME}"
order_summary: "Order summary:"
details: "Details"
amount: "Amount"
machine_booking-3D_printer: "Machine booking - 3D printer"
training_booking-3D_print: "Training booking - initiation to 3d printing"
total_amount: "Total amount"
total_including_all_taxes: "Total incl. all taxes"
VAT_disabled: "VAT disabled"
VAT_enabled: "VAT enabled"
including_VAT: "Including {NAME} {RATE}% of {AMOUNT}"
including_total_excluding_taxes: "Including Total excl. taxes"
including_amount_payed_on_ordering: "Including amount payed on ordering"
settlement_by_debit_card_on_DATE_at_TIME_for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "Settlement by debit card on {DATE} at {TIME}, for an amount of {AMOUNT}"
important_notes: "Important notes"
address_and_legal_information: "Address and legal information"
invoice_reference: "Invoice reference"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Invoice reference is required."
invoice_issued_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Faktura utfärdad den {DATE} kl {TIME}"
object_reservation_of_john_smith_on_DATE_at_TIME: "Objekt: Bokning av Gustav Wasa den {DATE} kl {TIME}"
order_summary: "Beställningsöversikt:"
details: "Detaljer"
amount: "Belopp"
machine_booking-3D_printer: "Utrustningsbokning - 3D-skrivare"
training_booking-3D_print: "Utbildningsbokning - introduktion till 3D-utskrift"
total_amount: "Totalt belopp"
total_including_all_taxes: "Totalt inkl. moms"
VAT_disabled: "Moms inaktiverad"
VAT_enabled: "Moms aktiverad"
including_VAT: "Inklusive {NAME} {RATE}% av {AMOUNT}"
including_total_excluding_taxes: "Inklusive Totalt exkl. moms"
including_amount_payed_on_ordering: "Inklusive belopp som betalades vid beställning"
settlement_by_debit_card_on_DATE_at_TIME_for_an_amount_of_AMOUNT: "Betalning med betalkort den {DATE} kl {TIME}, för ett belopp på {AMOUNT}"
important_notes: "Viktig information"
address_and_legal_information: "Adress och juridisk information"
invoice_reference: "Fakturareferens"
invoice_reference_is_required: "Faktura referens krävs."
text: "text"
year: "Year"
month: "Month"
day: "Day"
num_of_invoice: "Num. of invoice"
online_sales: "Online sales"
wallet: "Wallet"
refund: "Refund"
payment_schedule: "Payment schedule"
model: "Model"
year: "År"
month: "Månad"
day: "Dag"
num_of_invoice: "Antal fakturor"
online_sales: "Försäljning online"
wallet: "Plånbok"
refund: "Återbetala"
payment_schedule: "Betalningsschema"
model: "Modell"
documentation: "Documentation"
2_digits_year: "2 digits year (eg. 70)"
4_digits_year: "4 digits year (eg. 1970)"
@ -989,56 +989,56 @@ sv:
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
refund_invoice_successfully_created: "Refund invoice successfully created."
create_a_refund_on_this_invoice: "Create a refund on this invoice"
refund_mode: "Refund mode:"
do_you_want_to_disable_the_user_s_subscription: "Do you want to disabled the user's subscription:"
elements_to_refund: "Elements to refund"
description: "Description"
description_optional: "Description (optional):"
will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Will appear on the refund invoice."
none: "None" #grammar concordance with payment mean
by_cash: "By cash"
by_cheque: "By cheque"
by_transfer: "By transfer"
by_wallet: "By wallet"
you_must_select_at_least_one_element_to_create_a_refund: "You must select at least one element, to create a refund."
unable_to_create_the_refund: "Unable to create the refund"
invoice_reference_successfully_saved: "Invoice reference successfully saved."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_invoice_reference: "An error occurred while saving invoice reference."
invoicing_code_succesfully_saved: "Invoicing code successfully saved."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_invoicing_code: "An error occurred while saving the invoicing code."
code_successfully_activated: "Code successfully activated."
code_successfully_disabled: "Code successfully disabled."
an_error_occurred_while_activating_the_invoicing_code: "An error occurred while activating the invoicing code."
order_number_successfully_saved: "Order number successfully saved."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_order_number: "An error occurred while saving the order number."
VAT_rate_successfully_saved: "VAT rate successfully saved."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_VAT_rate: "An error occurred while saving the VAT rate."
VAT_successfully_activated: "VAT successfully activated."
VAT_successfully_disabled: "VAT successfully disabled."
an_error_occurred_while_activating_the_VAT: "An error occurred while activating the VAT."
text_successfully_saved: "Text successfully saved."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_text: "An error occurred while saving the text."
address_and_legal_information_successfully_saved: "Address and legal information successfully saved."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_address_and_the_legal_information: "An error occurred while saving the address and the legal information."
logo_successfully_saved: "Logo successfully saved."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_logo: "An error occurred while saving the logo."
filename: "File name"
schedule_filename: "Schedule file name"
prefix_info: "The invoices will be generated as PDF files, named with the following prefix."
schedule_prefix_info: "The payment schedules will be generated as PDF files, named with the following prefix."
refund_mode: "Återbetalningsläge:"
do_you_want_to_disable_the_user_s_subscription: "Vill du avaktivera användarens prenumeration:"
elements_to_refund: "Element att återbetala"
description: "Beskrivning"
description_optional: "Beskrivning (frivillig):"
will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Kommer att visas på kreditnota."
none: "Inget" #grammar concordance with payment mean
by_cash: "Med kontanter"
by_cheque: "Med check"
by_transfer: "Med överföring"
by_wallet: "Med plånbok"
you_must_select_at_least_one_element_to_create_a_refund: "Du måste välja minst ett element för att skapa en återbetalning."
unable_to_create_the_refund: "Det går inte att skapa återbetalning"
invoice_reference_successfully_saved: "Fakturareferens sparades."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_invoice_reference: "Ett fel inträffade när fakturareferensen skulle sparas."
invoicing_code_succesfully_saved: "Fakturareferens sparades."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_invoicing_code: "Ett fel inträffade när faktureringskoden skulle sparas."
code_successfully_activated: "Koden har aktiverats."
code_successfully_disabled: "Koden har inaktiverats."
an_error_occurred_while_activating_the_invoicing_code: "Ett fel inträffade när faktureringskoden skulle aktiveras."
order_number_successfully_saved: "Ordernumret har sparats."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_order_number: "Ett fel inträffade när ordernumret skulle sparas."
VAT_rate_successfully_saved: "Momssatsen har sparats."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_VAT_rate: "Ett fel inträffade när momssatsen skulle sparas."
VAT_successfully_activated: "Moms har aktiverats."
VAT_successfully_disabled: "Moms har inaktiverats."
an_error_occurred_while_activating_the_VAT: "Ett fel inträffade vid aktivering av moms."
text_successfully_saved: "Texten har sparats."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_text: "Ett fel inträffade när texten skulle sparas."
address_and_legal_information_successfully_saved: "Adress och juridisk information har sparats."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_address_and_the_legal_information: "Ett fel inträffade när adressen och den juridiska informationen skulle sparas."
logo_successfully_saved: "Logotypen har sparats."
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_logo: "Ett fel inträffade när logotypen skulle sparas."
filename: "Filnamn"
schedule_filename: "Schemafilnamn"
prefix_info: "Fakturorna kommer att genereras som PDF-filer, namngivna med följande prefix."
schedule_prefix_info: "Betalningsplanerna kommer att genereras som PDF-filer, namngivna med följande prefix."
prefix: "Prefix"
prefix_successfully_saved: "File prefix successfully saved"
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_prefix: "An error occurred while saving the file prefix"
online_payment: "Online payment"
close_accounting_period: "Close an accounting period"
close_from_date: "Close from"
start_date_is_required: "Start date is required"
close_until_date: "Close until"
end_date_is_required: "End date is required"
previous_closings: "Previous closings"
start_date: "From"
end_date: "To"
closed_at: "Closed at"
prefix_successfully_saved: "Filprefix har sparats"
an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_prefix: "Ett fel inträffade när filprefixet skulle sparas"
online_payment: "Onlinebetalning"
close_accounting_period: "Stäng en redovisningsperiod"
close_from_date: "Stäng från"
start_date_is_required: "Startdatum krävs"
close_until_date: "Stäng till"
end_date_is_required: "Slutdatum krävs"
previous_closings: "Tidigare stängningar"
start_date: "Från"
end_date: "Till"
closed_at: "Stängd vid"
closed_by: "By"
period_total: "Period total"
perpetual_total: "Perpetual total"
Reference in New Issue
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