mirror of https://github.com/LaCasemate/fab-manager.git synced 2025-03-15 12:29:16 +01:00

(bug) invoice rounding error using coupons

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2022-10-26 17:35:02 +02:00
parent fc2b52c2ca
commit a3190115ab
10 changed files with 396 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
- Fix a bug: portuguese time formatting (#405)
- Fix a bug: admin users groups being overriden by SSO group_id (#404)
- Fix a bug: no statistics on trainings and spaces reservations
- Fix a bug: invalid ventilation for amount coupons
- Fix a bug: invalid VAT for invoices using amount coupons
- Fix a bug: invalid 1 cent rounding for invoices using coupons
- Fix a security issue: updated nokogiri to 1.13.9 to fix [GHSA-2qc6-mcvw-92cw](https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-2qc6-mcvw-92cw)
- [TODO DEPLOY] `rails fablab:maintenance:regenerate_statistics[2021,6]`
- [TODO DEPLOY] `rails fablab:setup:set_admins_group`

View File

@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ class CartItem::MachineReservation < CartItem::Reservation
return 0 if @plan.nil?
machine_credit = @plan.machine_credits.find { |credit| credit.creditable_id == @reservable.id }
credits_hours(machine_credit, @new_subscription)
credits_hours(machine_credit, new_plan_being_bought: @new_subscription)

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class CartItem::Reservation < CartItem::BaseItem
amount = 0
hours_available = credits
grouped_slots.values.each do |slots|
grouped_slots.each_value do |slots|
prices = applicable_prices(slots)
slots.each_with_index do |slot, index|
amount += get_slot_price_from_prices(prices, slot, is_privileged,
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class CartItem::Reservation < CartItem::BaseItem
slot_minutes = (slot[:slot_attributes][:end_at].to_time - slot[:slot_attributes][:start_at].to_time) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
price = prices[:prices].find { |p| p[:duration] <= slot_minutes && p[:duration].positive? }
price = prices[:prices].first if price.nil?
hourly_rate = (price[:price].amount.to_f / price[:price].duration) * MINUTES_PER_HOUR
hourly_rate = ((Rational(price[:price].amount.to_f) / Rational(price[:price].duration)) * Rational(MINUTES_PER_HOUR)).to_f
# apply the base price to the real slot duration
real_price = get_slot_price(hourly_rate, slot, is_privileged, options)
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ class CartItem::Reservation < CartItem::BaseItem
slot_minutes = (slot[:slot_attributes][:end_at].to_time - slot[:slot_attributes][:start_at].to_time) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
# apply the base price to the real slot duration
real_price = if options[:is_division]
(slot_rate / MINUTES_PER_HOUR) * slot_minutes
((Rational(slot_rate) / Rational(MINUTES_PER_HOUR)) * Rational(slot_minutes)).to_f
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class CartItem::Reservation < CartItem::BaseItem
if real_price.positive? && options[:prepaid][:minutes]&.positive?
consumed = slot_minutes
consumed = options[:prepaid][:minutes] if slot_minutes > options[:prepaid][:minutes]
real_price = (slot_minutes - consumed) * (slot_rate / MINUTES_PER_HOUR)
real_price = (Rational(slot_minutes - consumed) * (Rational(slot_rate) / Rational(MINUTES_PER_HOUR))).to_f
options[:prepaid][:minutes] -= consumed
@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ class CartItem::Reservation < CartItem::BaseItem
# and the base price (1 hours), we use the 7 hours price, then 3 hours price, and finally the base price twice (7+3+1+1 = 12).
# All these prices are returned to be applied to the reservation.
def applicable_prices(slots)
total_duration = slots.map { |slot| (slot[:slot_attributes][:end_at].to_time - slot[:slot_attributes][:start_at].to_time) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE }.reduce(:+)
total_duration = slots.map do |slot|
(slot[:slot_attributes][:end_at].to_time - slot[:slot_attributes][:start_at].to_time) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE
rates = { prices: [] }
remaining_duration = total_duration
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ class CartItem::Reservation < CartItem::BaseItem
# Compute the number of remaining hours in the users current credits (for machine or space)
def credits_hours(credits, new_plan_being_bought = false)
def credits_hours(credits, new_plan_being_bought: false)
return 0 unless credits
hours_available = credits.hours

View File

@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ class CartItem::SpaceReservation < CartItem::Reservation
return 0 if @plan.nil?
space_credit = @plan.space_credits.find { |credit| credit.creditable_id == @reservable.id }
credits_hours(space_credit, @new_subscription)
credits_hours(space_credit, new_plan_being_bought: @new_subscription)

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
class InvoiceItem < Footprintable
belongs_to :invoice
has_one :invoice_item # associates invoice_items of an invoice to invoice_items of an Avoir
has_one :payment_gateway_object, as: :item
has_one :invoice_item, dependent: :destroy # associates invoice_items of an invoice to invoice_items of an Avoir
has_one :payment_gateway_object, as: :item, dependent: :destroy
belongs_to :object, polymorphic: true
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ class InvoiceItem < Footprintable
def amount_after_coupon
# deduct coupon discount
coupon_service = CouponService.new
coupon_service.ventilate(invoice.total, amount, invoice.coupon)
total_without_coupon = coupon_service.invoice_total_no_coupon(invoice)
coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, amount, invoice.coupon)
# return the item amount, coupon discount deducted, if any, and VAT excluded, if applicable

View File

@ -26,11 +26,14 @@ class CouponService
return price if coupon_object.nil?
if coupon_object.status(user_id, total) == 'active'
if coupon_object.type == 'percent_off'
price -= (price * coupon_object.percent_off / 100.00).truncate
elsif coupon_object.type == 'amount_off'
case coupon_object.type
when 'percent_off'
price -= (Rational(price * coupon_object.percent_off) / Rational(100.0)).to_f.ceil
when 'amount_off'
# do not apply cash coupon unless it has a lower amount that the total price
price -= coupon_object.amount_off if coupon_object.amount_off <= price
raise InvalidCouponError("unsupported coupon type #{coupon_object.type}")
@ -61,14 +64,15 @@ class CouponService
def ventilate(total, amount, coupon)
price = amount
if !coupon.nil? && total != 0
if coupon.type == 'percent_off'
price = amount - (amount * coupon.percent_off / 100.00)
elsif coupon.type == 'amount_off'
ratio = (coupon.amount_off / 100.00) / total
discount = (amount * ratio.abs) * 100
price = amount - discount
case coupon.type
when 'percent_off'
price = amount - (Rational(amount * coupon.percent_off) / Rational(100.00)).to_f.round
when 'amount_off'
ratio = Rational(amount) / Rational(total)
discount = (coupon.amount_off * ratio.abs)
price = (amount - discount).to_f.round
raise InvalidCouponError
raise InvalidCouponError("unsupported coupon type #{coupon.type}")

View File

@ -37,7 +37,9 @@ class VatHistoryService
def vat_history(vat_rate_type)
# This method is really complex and cannot be simplified using the current data model
# As a futur improvement, we should save the VAT rate for each invoice_item in the DB
def vat_history(vat_rate_type) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
chronology = []
end_date = DateTime.current
Setting.find_by(name: 'invoice_VAT-active').history_values.order(created_at: 'DESC').each do |v|
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ class VatHistoryService
# when the VAT rate was enabled, set the date it was enabled and the rate
range = chronology.find { |p| rate.created_at.to_i.between?(p[:start].to_i, p[:end].to_i) }
date = range[:enabled] ? rate.created_at : range[:end]
date_rates.push(date: date, rate: rate.value.to_i) unless date_rates.find { |d| d[:date] == date }
date_rates.push(date: date, rate: rate.value.to_f) unless date_rates.find { |d| d[:date] == date }
chronology.reverse_each do |period|
# when the VAT rate was disabled, set the date it was disabled and rate=0

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ plan_3:
type: Plan
base_name: Mensuel tarif réduit
ui_weight: 0
interval_count: 1*
interval_count: 1
slug: mensuel-tarif-reduit
@ -72,3 +72,21 @@ plan_schedulable:
interval_count: 1
monthly_payment: true
slug: abonnement-mensualisable
id: 5
name: Abonnement crazy fabbers
amount: 1498
interval: month
group_id: 2
stp_plan_id: mensuel-tarif-reduit-student-month-20160404171827
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
training_credit_nb: 1
type: Plan
base_name: Crazy fabbers
ui_weight: 1
interval_count: 2
slug: crazy-fabbers

View File

@ -460,3 +460,80 @@ price_54:
duration: 60
created_at: 2016-04-04 15:18:28.860220000 Z
updated_at: 2016-04-04 15:18:50.517702000 Z
id: 55
group_id: 2
plan_id: 5
priceable_id: 1
priceable_type: Machine
amount: 121
duration: 60
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
id: 56
group_id: 2
plan_id: 5
priceable_id: 2
priceable_type: Machine
amount: 1116
duration: 60
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
id: 57
group_id: 2
plan_id: 5
priceable_id: 3
priceable_type: Machine
amount: 1423
duration: 60
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
id: 58
group_id: 2
plan_id: 5
priceable_id: 4
priceable_type: Machine
amount: 1238
duration: 60
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
id: 59
group_id: 2
plan_id: 5
priceable_id: 5
priceable_type: Machine
amount: 724
duration: 60
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
id: 60
group_id: 2
plan_id: 5
priceable_id: 6
priceable_type: Machine
amount: 666
duration: 60
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
id: 61
group_id: 2
plan_id: 5
priceable_id: 1
priceable_type: Space
amount: 1373
duration: 60
created_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z
updated_at: 2022-10-26 17:08:21.681615000 Z

View File

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'test_helper'
module Invoices; end
class Invoices::RoundTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
def setup
@vlonchamp = User.find_by(username: 'vlonchamp')
@admin = User.find_by(username: 'admin')
login_as(@admin, scope: :user)
test 'invoice using percent coupon rounded up' do
machine = Machine.first
availability = machine.availabilities.first
plan = Plan.find(5)
# enable the VAT
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-active', true)
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-rate', 20)
post '/api/local_payment/confirm_payment', params: {
customer_id: @vlonchamp.id,
coupon_code: 'REDUC20',
items: [
reservation: {
reservable_id: machine.id,
reservable_type: machine.class.name,
slots_reservations_attributes: [
slot_id: availability.slots.first.id
subscription: {
plan_id: plan.id
}.to_json, headers: default_headers
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 201, response.status, response.body
assert_equal Mime[:json], response.content_type
# in the invoice, we should have:
# - machine reservation = 121 (97, coupon applied)
# - subscription = 1498 (1198, coupon applied)
### intermediate total = 1619
# - coupon (20%) = -323.8 => round to 324
### total incl. taxes = 1295
# - vat = 216
# - total exct. taxes = 1079
### amount paid = 1295
invoice = Invoice.last
assert_equal 121, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount
assert_equal 1498, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount
assert_equal 1295, invoice.total
coupon_service = CouponService.new
total_without_coupon = coupon_service.invoice_total_no_coupon(invoice)
assert_equal 97, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 1198, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 324, total_without_coupon - invoice.total
vat_service = VatHistoryService.new
vat_rate_groups = vat_service.invoice_vat(invoice)
assert_equal 216, vat_rate_groups.values.pluck(:total_vat).reduce(:+)
assert_equal 1079, invoice.invoice_items.map(&:net_amount).reduce(:+)
test 'invoice using percent coupon rounded down' do
machine = Machine.find(3)
availability = machine.availabilities.first
plan = Plan.find(5)
# enable the VAT
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-active', true)
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-rate', 20)
post '/api/local_payment/confirm_payment', params: {
customer_id: @vlonchamp.id,
coupon_code: 'REDUC20',
items: [
reservation: {
reservable_id: machine.id,
reservable_type: machine.class.name,
slots_reservations_attributes: [
slot_id: availability.slots.first.id
subscription: {
plan_id: plan.id
}.to_json, headers: default_headers
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 201, response.status, response.body
assert_equal Mime[:json], response.content_type
# in the invoice, we should have:
# - machine reservation = 1423 (1138, coupon applied)
# - subscription = 1498 (1198, coupon applied)
### intermediate total = 2921
# - coupon (20%) = -584.2 => round to 585
### total incl. taxes = 2336
# - vat = 390
# - total exct. taxes = 1946
### amount paid = 2336
invoice = Invoice.last
assert_equal 1423, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount
assert_equal 1498, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount
assert_equal 2336, invoice.total
coupon_service = CouponService.new
total_without_coupon = coupon_service.invoice_total_no_coupon(invoice)
assert_equal 1138, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 1198, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 585, total_without_coupon - invoice.total
vat_service = VatHistoryService.new
vat_rate_groups = vat_service.invoice_vat(invoice)
assert_equal 390, vat_rate_groups.values.pluck(:total_vat).reduce(:+)
assert_equal 1946, invoice.invoice_items.map(&:net_amount).reduce(:+)
test 'invoice using amount coupon rounded up' do
machine = Machine.first
availability = machine.availabilities.first
plan = Plan.find(5)
# enable the VAT
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-active', true)
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-rate', 19.6)
post '/api/local_payment/confirm_payment', params: {
customer_id: @vlonchamp.id,
coupon_code: 'GIME3EUR',
items: [
reservation: {
reservable_id: machine.id,
reservable_type: machine.class.name,
slots_reservations_attributes: [
slot_id: availability.slots.first.id
subscription: {
plan_id: plan.id
}.to_json, headers: default_headers
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 201, response.status, response.body
assert_equal Mime[:json], response.content_type
# in the invoice, we should have:
# - machine reservation = 121 (99, coupon applied)
# - subscription = 1498 (1220, coupon applied)
### intermediate total = 1619
# - coupon (20%) = -300
### total incl. taxes = 1319
# - vat = 216
# - total exct. taxes = 1103
### amount paid = 1319
invoice = Invoice.last
assert_equal 121, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount
assert_equal 1498, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount
assert_equal 1319, invoice.total
coupon_service = CouponService.new
total_without_coupon = coupon_service.invoice_total_no_coupon(invoice)
assert_equal 99, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 1220, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 300, total_without_coupon - invoice.total
vat_service = VatHistoryService.new
vat_rate_groups = vat_service.invoice_vat(invoice)
assert_equal 216, vat_rate_groups.values.pluck(:total_vat).reduce(:+)
assert_equal 1103, invoice.invoice_items.map(&:net_amount).reduce(:+)
test 'invoice using amount coupon rounded down' do
machine = Machine.find(3)
availability = machine.availabilities.first
plan = Plan.find(5)
# enable the VAT
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-active', true)
Setting.set('invoice_VAT-rate', 20)
post '/api/local_payment/confirm_payment', params: {
customer_id: @vlonchamp.id,
coupon_code: 'GIME3EUR',
items: [
reservation: {
reservable_id: machine.id,
reservable_type: machine.class.name,
slots_reservations_attributes: [
slot_id: availability.slots.first.id
subscription: {
plan_id: plan.id
}.to_json, headers: default_headers
# Check response format & status
assert_equal 201, response.status, response.body
assert_equal Mime[:json], response.content_type
# in the invoice, we should have:
# - machine reservation = 1423 (1277, coupon applied)
# - subscription = 1498 (1344, coupon applied)
### intermediate total = 2921
# - coupon (20%) = -300
### total incl. taxes = 2621
# - vat = 430
# - total exct. taxes = 2191
### amount paid = 2621
invoice = Invoice.last
assert_equal 1423, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount
assert_equal 1498, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount
assert_equal 2621, invoice.total
coupon_service = CouponService.new
total_without_coupon = coupon_service.invoice_total_no_coupon(invoice)
assert_equal 1277, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.first.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 1344, coupon_service.ventilate(total_without_coupon, invoice.invoice_items.last.amount, invoice.coupon)
assert_equal 300, total_without_coupon - invoice.total
vat_service = VatHistoryService.new
vat_rate_groups = vat_service.invoice_vat(invoice)
assert_equal 437, vat_rate_groups.values.pluck(:total_vat).reduce(:+)
assert_equal 2184, invoice.invoice_items.map(&:net_amount).reduce(:+)