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synced 2025-02-23 17:54:17 +01:00
Merge branch 'spaces-machines-tree' into staging
This commit is contained in:
@ -151,3 +151,5 @@ gem 'sentry-rails'
gem 'sentry-ruby'
gem "reverse_markdown"
gem "ancestry"
@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ GEM
public_suffix (>= 2.0.2, < 6.0)
aes_key_wrap (1.1.0)
afm (0.2.2)
ancestry (4.3.3)
activerecord (>= 5.2.6)
ansi (1.5.0)
api-pagination (4.8.2)
apipie-rails (0.5.17)
@ -536,6 +538,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ class API::SpacesController < API::APIController
respond_to :json
def index
@spaces = Space.includes(:space_image).where(deleted_at: nil)
@spaces = Space.includes(:space_image, :machines).where(deleted_at: nil)
@spaces_indexed_with_parent = @spaces.index_with { |space| @spaces.find { |s| s.id == space.parent_id } }
@spaces_grouped_by_parent_id = @spaces.group_by(&:parent_id)
def show
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ class API::SpacesController < API::APIController
authorize Space
@space = Space.new(space_params)
if @space.save
update_space_children(@space, params[:space][:child_ids])
render :show, status: :created, location: @space
render json: @space.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
@ -29,6 +32,7 @@ class API::SpacesController < API::APIController
def update
authorize @space
if @space.update(space_params)
update_space_children(@space, params[:space][:child_ids])
render :show, status: :ok, location: @space
render json: @space.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity
@ -50,8 +54,18 @@ class API::SpacesController < API::APIController
def space_params
params.require(:space).permit(:name, :description, :characteristics, :default_places, :disabled,
machine_ids: [],
space_image_attributes: %i[id attachment],
space_files_attributes: %i[id attachment _destroy],
advanced_accounting_attributes: %i[code analytical_section])
def update_space_children(parent_space, child_ids)
Space.transaction do
parent_space.children.each { |child| child.update!(parent: nil) }
child_ids.to_a.select(&:present?).each do |child_id|
Space.find(child_id).update!(parent: parent_space)
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
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@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
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<path d="M15.512 12.516C15.1636 12.3201 14.7697 12.2197 14.37 12.225C13.75 12.225 13.228 12.432 12.803 12.847C12.378 13.261 12.165 13.783 12.165 14.413C12.165 15.074 12.373 15.615 12.788 16.035C13.203 16.455 13.725 16.665 14.354 16.665C14.995 16.665 15.528 16.45 15.954 16.019C16.379 15.589 16.592 15.053 16.594 14.413C16.5962 14.0277 16.4976 13.6485 16.308 13.313C16.1215 12.9788 15.8459 12.7029 15.512 12.516ZM3.5 1.5C2.39543 1.5 1.5 2.39543 1.5 3.5V20.5C1.5 21.6046 2.39543 22.5 3.5 22.5H20.5C21.6046 22.5 22.5 21.6046 22.5 20.5V3.5C22.5 2.39543 21.6046 1.5 20.5 1.5H3.5ZM19.064 18.997H16.576V17.877H16.544C16.051 18.696 15.179 19.105 13.929 19.105C13.069 19.105 12.304 18.9 11.638 18.491C10.9765 18.0875 10.4416 17.5065 10.094 16.814C9.731 16.105 9.55 15.31 9.55 14.429C9.55 13.567 9.734 12.783 10.102 12.075C10.452 11.385 10.986 10.804 11.645 10.397C12.307 9.988 13.053 9.784 13.882 9.783C14.3579 9.77641 14.8308 9.85952 15.276 10.028C15.691 10.19 16.082 10.456 16.448 10.824V7.172L19.063 6.605L19.065 18.997H19.064Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 14 KiB |
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import { IApplication } from '../../models/application';
import { Loader } from '../base/loader';
import { react2angular } from 'react2angular';
import Icons from '../../../../images/icons.svg';
declare const Application: IApplication;
interface FabBadgeProps {
icon: string,
iconWidth: string,
className?: string,
* Renders a badge (parent needs to be position: relative)
export const FabBadge: React.FC<FabBadgeProps> = ({ icon, iconWidth, className }) => {
return (
<div className={`fab-badge ${className || ''}`}>
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width={iconWidth}>
<use href={`${Icons}#${icon}`}/>
const FabBadgeWrapper: React.FC<FabBadgeProps> = ({ icon, iconWidth, className }) => {
return (
<FabBadge icon={icon} iconWidth={iconWidth} className={className} />
Application.Components.component('fabBadge', react2angular(FabBadgeWrapper, ['icon', 'iconWidth', 'className']));
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { Loader } from '../base/loader';
import { ReserveButton } from './reserve-button';
import { User } from '../../models/user';
import { FabBadge } from '../base/fab-badge';
interface MachineCardProps {
user?: User,
@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ const MachineCard: React.FC<MachineCardProps> = ({ user, machine, onShowMachine,
return (
<div className={`machine-card ${loading ? 'loading' : ''} ${machine.disabled ? 'disabled' : ''} ${!machine.reservable ? 'unreservable' : ''}`}>
{machine.space && user.role === 'admin' && <FabBadge icon='pin-map' iconWidth='3rem' /> }
<div className="machine-name">
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { FormState, UseFormRegister, UseFormSetValue } from 'react-hook-form';
import { FieldValues } from 'react-hook-form/dist/types/fields';
import { User } from '../../models/user';
import { SocialNetwork } from '../../models/social-network';
import Icons from '../../../../images/social-icons.svg';
import Icons from '../../../../images/icons.svg';
import { FormInput } from '../form/form-input';
import { Trash } from 'phosphor-react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { IApplication } from '../../models/application';
import { Loader } from '../base/loader';
import { react2angular } from 'react2angular';
import { SettingName } from '../../models/setting';
import Icons from '../../../../images/social-icons.svg';
import Icons from '../../../../images/icons.svg';
import { Trash } from 'phosphor-react';
import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next';
import { FabButton } from '../base/fab-button';
@ -14,9 +14,13 @@ import { FormSwitch } from '../form/form-switch';
import { FormMultiFileUpload } from '../form/form-multi-file-upload';
import { FabButton } from '../base/fab-button';
import { Space } from '../../models/space';
import { Machine } from '../../models/machine';
import { AdvancedAccountingForm } from '../accounting/advanced-accounting-form';
import SettingAPI from '../../api/setting';
import { FabAlert } from '../base/fab-alert';
import MachineAPI from '../../api/machine';
import { FormMultiSelect } from '../form/form-multi-select';
import { SelectOption } from '../../models/select';
declare const Application: IApplication;
@ -41,6 +45,41 @@ export const SpaceForm: React.FC<SpaceFormProps> = ({ action, space, onError, on
SettingAPI.get('advanced_accounting').then(res => setIsActiveAccounting(res.value === 'true')).catch(onError);
}, []);
* Asynchronously load the full list of machines to display in the drop-down select field
const loadMachines = (inputValue: string, callback: (options: Array<SelectOption<number>>) => void): void => {
MachineAPI.index().then(data => {
callback(data.map(m => machineToOption(m)));
}).catch(error => onError(error));
* Convert a machine to an option usable by react-select
const machineToOption = (machine: Machine): SelectOption<number> => {
return { value: machine.id, label: machine.name };
* Asynchronously load the full list of spaces to display in the drop-down select field
const loadSpaces = (inputValue: string, callback: (options: Array<SelectOption<number>>) => void): void => {
SpaceAPI.index().then(data => {
if (space) {
data = data.filter((d) => d.id !== space.id);
callback(data.map(m => spaceToOption(m)));
}).catch(error => onError(error));
* Convert a space to an option usable by react-select
const spaceToOption = (space: Space): SelectOption<number> => {
return { value: space.id, label: space.name };
* Callback triggered when the user validates the machine form: handle create or update
@ -106,6 +145,29 @@ export const SpaceForm: React.FC<SpaceFormProps> = ({ action, space, onError, on
<p className="title">
<p className="description">
<div className="content">
<FormMultiSelect control={control}
loadOptions={loadSpaces} />
<FormMultiSelect control={control}
loadOptions={loadMachines} />
<p className="title">{t('app.admin.space_form.attachments')}</p>
@ -33,5 +33,8 @@ export interface Machine {
slug: string,
advanced_accounting_attributes?: AdvancedAccounting,
machine_category_id?: number
machine_category_id?: number,
space: {
name: string
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export interface Slot {
end: TDateISO,
is_reserved: boolean,
is_completed: boolean,
is_blocked?: boolean,
backgroundColor: 'white',
availability_id: number,
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
@import "modules/base/edit-destroy-buttons";
@import "modules/base/editorial-block";
@import "modules/base/fab-alert";
@import "modules/base/fab-badge";
@import "modules/base/fab-button";
@import "modules/base/fab-input";
@import "modules/base/fab-modal";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.fab-badge {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 1.5rem;
padding: 0.8rem;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background-color: var(--secondary);
color: var(--secondary-text-color);
border-bottom-left-radius: 16px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 16px;
z-index: 1;
pointer-events: none;
@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
@include colorVariant(var(--information), var(--gray-soft-lightest));
&.is-secondary {
@include colorVariant(var(--secondary), var(--gray-hard-darkest));
@include colorVariant(var(--secondary), var(--secondary-text-color));
&.is-black {
@include colorVariant(var(--gray-hard-darkest), var(--gray-soft-lightest));
&.is-main {
@include colorVariant(var(--main), var(--gray-soft-lightest));
@include colorVariant(var(--main), var(--main-text-color));
@ -11,6 +11,94 @@
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(400px, 1fr));
gap: 3.2rem;
.panel { margin-bottom: 0; }
.panel {
position: relative;
margin-bottom: 0;
&-relations {
padding: 1.6rem;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: flex-start;
row-gap: 1.6rem;
background-color: var(--gray-soft-light);
border-radius: var(--border-radius);
.space-parent {
@include text-lg(500);
color: var(--gray-hard-light);
margin: 0;
.space-current {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 0.8rem;
&.has-parent::before {
content: "";
display: block;
width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gray-hard-lightest);
border-left: 1px solid var(--gray-hard-lightest);
&-name {
padding: 0.8rem;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
gap: 0.8rem;
@include text-lg(600);
color: var(--main);
background-color: var(--gray-soft-lightest);
border-radius: var(--border-radius-sm);
svg { color: var(--gray-hard-darkest); }
.related-spaces {
margin: 0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 0.8rem;
list-style-type: none;
.related-spaces {
position: relative;
padding-inline-start: 2.6rem;
@include text-lg(500);
color: var(--gray-hard-light);
&::before {
position: absolute;
top: 0.5rem;
left: 0.8rem;
content: "";
display: block;
width: 1rem;
height: 1rem;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gray-hard-lightest);
border-left: 1px solid var(--gray-hard-lightest);
.related-machines {
position: relative;
&::before {
position: absolute;
top: 0.4rem;
left: 1.6rem;
content: "";
display: block;
width: 0.6rem;
height: 0.6rem;
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--gray-hard-lightest);
border-left: 1px solid var(--gray-hard-lightest);
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
<div class="spaces-grid">
<div ng-class="{'disabled-reservable' : space.disabled && spaceFiltering === 'all'}" ng-repeat="space in spaces | filterDisabled:spaceFiltering">
<div class="widget panel panel-default">
<fab-badge ng-if="isAuthorized('admin') && (space.parent || space.children.length)" icon="'pin-map'" icon-width="'3rem'"></fab-badge>
<div class="panel-heading picture" ng-if="!space.space_image_attributes" ng-click="showSpace(space)">
<img src="data:image/png;base64," data-src="holder.js/100%x100%/text:/font:'Font Awesome 5 Free'/icon" bs-holder class="img-responsive">
@ -41,6 +41,23 @@
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-4">
<div class="spaces-relations m" ng-show="space.parent || space.children.length || space.machines.length">
<p ng-show="space.parent" class="space-parent">{{ space.parent.name }}</p>
<div class="space-current" ng-class="{'has-parent': space.parent}">
<span class="space-current-name">
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="3rem">
<use href="../../images/icons.svg#pin-map"/>
{{ space.name }}
<ul ng-show="space.machines.length" class="related-machines">
<li ng-repeat="machine in space.machines" class="">{{ machine.name }}</li>
<ul ng-show="space.children.length" class="related-spaces">
<li ng-repeat="child_space in space.children" class="">{{ child_space.name }}</li>
<div class="widget panel b-a m m-t-lg" ng-show="space.characteristics">
<div class="panel-heading b-b small">
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module AvailabilityHelper
EVENT_COLOR = '#dd7e6b'
IS_FULL = '#eeeeee'
IS_BLOCKED = '#b2e774' # same color as IS_RESERVED_BY_CURRENT_USER for simplicity
def availability_border_color(availability)
case availability.available_type
@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ module AvailabilityHelper
elsif slot.full?
elsif slot.is_blocked
@ -283,6 +283,26 @@ class CartItem::Reservation < CartItem::BaseItem
return false
unless operator.privileged?
if reservable_type == "Space"
space = reservable
slot = reservation_slot.slot
if Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([space], [slot]).any?
errors.add(:slot, I18n.t('cart_item_validation.blocked_by_another_reservation'))
return false
if reservable_type == "Machine"
machine = reservable
slot = reservation_slot.slot
if Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([machine], [slot]).any?
errors.add(:slot, I18n.t('cart_item_validation.blocked_by_another_reservation'))
return false
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ class Machine < ApplicationRecord
has_many :plan_limitations, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :machine, foreign_type: 'limitable_type', as: :limitable
belongs_to :space
after_create :create_statistic_subtype
after_create :create_machine_prices
after_create :update_gateway_product
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ class Slot < ApplicationRecord
after_create_commit :create_places_cache
attr_accessor :is_blocked
# @param reservable [Machine,Space,Training,Event,NilClass]
# @return [Integer] the total number of reserved places
def reserved_places(reservable = nil)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
class Space < ApplicationRecord
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :name, use: :slugged
has_ancestry cache_depth: true
validates :name, :default_places, presence: true
@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ class Space < ApplicationRecord
has_many :cart_item_space_reservations, class_name: 'CartItem::SpaceReservation', dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :reservable,
foreign_type: 'reservable_type', as: :reservable
has_many :machines, dependent: :nullify
after_create :create_statistic_subtype
after_create :create_space_prices
after_create :update_gateway_product
@ -39,7 +39,10 @@ class Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService
availabilities = availabilities(ma_availabilities, 'machines', user, window[:start], window[:end])
if @level == 'slot'
slots = availabilities.map(&:slots).flatten
blocked_slots = Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines(machines, slots)
flag_or_remove_blocked_slots(slots, blocked_slots, @current_user)
@ -57,7 +60,10 @@ class Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService
availabilities = availabilities(sp_availabilities, 'space', user, window[:start], window[:end])
if @level == 'slot'
slots = availabilities.map(&:slots).flatten
blocked_slots = Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces(spaces, slots)
flag_or_remove_blocked_slots(slots, blocked_slots, @current_user)
@ -133,4 +139,15 @@ class Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService
def flag_or_remove_blocked_slots(slots, blocked_slots, user)
if user.admin? || user.manager?
blocked_slots.each do |slot|
slot.is_blocked = true
slots -= blocked_slots
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ class MachineService
def list(filters)
sort_by = Setting.get('machines_sort_by') || 'default'
machines = if sort_by == 'default'
Machine.includes(:machine_image, :plans)
Machine.includes(:machine_image, :plans, :space)
Machine.includes(:machine_image, :plans).order(sort_by)
Machine.includes(:machine_image, :plans, :space).order(sort_by)
# do not include soft destroyed
machines = machines.where(deleted_at: nil)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Services around slots
module Slots; end
# Check the reservation status of a slot
class Slots::InterblockingService
# returns an array of slots
# @param spaces [ActiveRecord::Relation<Space>]
# @param slots [ActiveRecord::Relation<Slot>]
def blocked_slots_for_spaces(spaces, slots)
blocking_slots_start_at_end_at = []
spaces.each do |space|
parent_and_child_space_ids = [space.parent_id, space.child_ids].flatten.compact
blocking_slots_start_at_end_at << Slot.joins(slots_reservations: :reservation)
.where(slots_reservations: { canceled_at: nil },
reservations: { reservable_type: 'Space',
reservable_id: parent_and_child_space_ids })
.pluck(:start_at, :end_at)
.map { |d| %i[start_at end_at].zip(d).to_h }
child_machine_ids = Machine.where(space_id: [space.id, parent_and_child_space_ids].flatten)
blocking_slots_start_at_end_at << Slot.joins(slots_reservations: :reservation)
.where(slots_reservations: { canceled_at: nil },
reservations: { reservable_type: 'Machine',
reservable_id: child_machine_ids })
.pluck(:start_at, :end_at)
.map { |d| %i[start_at end_at].zip(d).to_h }
blocking_slots_start_at_end_at = blocking_slots_start_at_end_at.flatten&.uniq || []
blocked_slots(slots, blocking_slots_start_at_end_at)
def blocked_slots_for_machines(machines, slots)
blocking_slots_start_at_end_at = []
machines.each do |machine|
parent_space_ids = machine.space&.path_ids
next unless parent_space_ids&.any?
blocking_slots_start_at_end_at << Slot.joins(slots_reservations: :reservation)
.where(slots_reservations: { canceled_at: nil }, reservations: { reservable_type: 'Space',
reservable_id: parent_space_ids })
.pluck(:start_at, :end_at)
.map { |d| %i[start_at end_at].zip(d).to_h }
blocking_slots_start_at_end_at = blocking_slots_start_at_end_at.flatten&.uniq || []
blocked_slots(slots, blocking_slots_start_at_end_at)
def blocked_slots(slots, blocking_slots)
slots.select do |slot|
blocking_slots.find do |blocking_slot|
blocking_slot[:start_at] < slot.end_at && slot.start_at < blocking_slot[:end_at]
@ -15,12 +15,16 @@ class Slots::TitleService
is_reserved_by_user = slot.reserved_by?(@user&.id, reservables)
name = reservables.map(&:name).join(', ')
if !is_reserved && !is_reserved_by_user
elsif is_reserved && !is_reserved_by_user
"#{name} #{@show_name ? "- #{slot_users_names(slot, reservables)}" : ''}"
if !slot.is_blocked
if !is_reserved && !is_reserved_by_user
elsif is_reserved && !is_reserved_by_user
"#{name} #{@show_name ? "- #{slot_users_names(slot, reservables)}" : ''}"
"#{name} - #{I18n.t('availabilities.i_ve_reserved')}"
"#{name} - #{I18n.t('availabilities.i_ve_reserved')}"
"#{name} - #{I18n.t('availabilities.blocked')}"
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ json.start slot.start_at.iso8601
json.end slot.end_at.iso8601
json.is_reserved slot.reserved?(reservable)
json.is_completed slot.full?(reservable)
json.is_blocked slot.is_blocked
json.backgroundColor 'white'
json.availability_id slot.availability_id
@ -15,3 +15,9 @@ if machine.advanced_accounting
json.partial! 'api/advanced_accounting/advanced_accounting', advanced_accounting: machine.advanced_accounting
if machine.space_id
json.space do
json.name machine.space.name
@ -14,3 +14,7 @@ if space.advanced_accounting
json.partial! 'api/advanced_accounting/advanced_accounting', advanced_accounting: space.advanced_accounting
json.machines space.machines do |machine|
json.name machine.name
@ -2,4 +2,15 @@
json.array!(@spaces) do |space|
json.partial! 'api/spaces/space', space: space
parent = @spaces_indexed_with_parent[space]
if parent
json.parent do
json.name parent.name
json.children @spaces_grouped_by_parent_id[space.id] do |child|
json.name child.name
@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
json.partial! 'api/spaces/space', space: @space
json.extract! @space, :characteristics, :created_at, :updated_at
json.extract! @space, :characteristics, :machine_ids, :child_ids, :created_at, :updated_at
json.space_files_attributes @space.space_files do |f|
json.id f.id
json.attachment_name f.attachment_identifier
json.attachment_url f.attachment_url
if @space.parent
json.parent do
json.name @space.parent.name
json.children @space.children do |child|
json.name child.name
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Ancestry.default_ancestry_format = :materialized_path2
@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ en:
save: "Save"
create_success: "The space was created successfully"
update_success: "The space was updated successfully"
associated_machines: "Included machines"
children_spaces: "Included spaces"
associated_objects: "Associated objects"
associated_objects_warning: "Only use these fields if you want interblocking reservation between spaces, child spaces and machines. If you want machine and space reservations to remain independent, please leave the following fields blank."
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{New} other{Update the}} event"
title: "Title"
@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ fr:
save: "Enregistrer"
create_success: "L'espace a bien été créé"
update_success: "L'espace a bien été mis à jour"
associated_machines: "Machines"
children_spaces: "Espaces"
associated_objects: "Machines et sous-espaces"
associated_objects_warning: "Utilisez ces champs uniquement si vous souhaitez que la réservation de l'espace bloque la réservation des machines associées et des sous-espaces (et vice-versa). Si vous souhaitez que les réservations restent indépendantes, veuillez laisser les champs suivants vides."
ACTION_title: "{ACTION, select, create{Nouvel } other{Mettre à jour l''}}événement"
title: "Titre"
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ en:
not_available: "Not available"
reserving: "I'm reserving"
i_ve_reserved: "I've reserved"
blocked: "Blocked"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "must be at least %{MIN} minutes after the start date"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "must be associated with at least 1 machine"
deleted_user: "Deleted user"
@ -562,6 +563,7 @@ en:
space: "This space is disabled"
machine: "This machine is disabled"
reservable: "This machine is not reservable"
blocked_by_another_reservation: "This slot is blocked by another reservation"
select_user: "Please select a user before continuing"
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ fr:
not_available: "Non disponible"
reserving: "Je réserve"
i_ve_reserved: "J'ai réservé"
blocked: "Bloquée"
length_must_be_slot_multiple: "doit être au moins %{MIN} minutes après la date de début"
must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "doit être associé avec au moins 1 machine"
deleted_user: "Utilisateur supprimé"
@ -562,6 +563,7 @@ fr:
space: "Cet espace est désactivé"
machine: "Cette machine est désactivée"
reservable: "Cette machine n'est pas réservable"
blocked_by_another_reservation: "Ce créneau est bloqué par une autre réservation"
select_user: "Veuillez sélectionner un utilisateur avant de continuer"
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
class AddStpCustomerIdToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[4.2]
def up
add_column :users, :stp_customer_id, :string
User.all.each do |user|
if user.stp_customer_id.blank?
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
class AddAncestryToSpaces < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
add_column :spaces, :ancestry, :string, collation: 'C'
Space.update_all(ancestry: '/')
change_column_null(:spaces, :ancestry, false)
add_column :spaces, :ancestry_depth, :integer, default: 0
add_index :spaces, :ancestry
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
class AddSpaceIdToMachines < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
add_reference :machines, :space, foreign_key: true, index: true
@ -1736,7 +1736,8 @@ CREATE TABLE public.machines (
disabled boolean,
deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
machine_category_id bigint,
reservable boolean DEFAULT true
reservable boolean DEFAULT true,
space_id bigint
@ -3351,7 +3352,9 @@ CREATE TABLE public.spaces (
updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
characteristics text,
disabled boolean,
deleted_at timestamp without time zone
deleted_at timestamp without time zone,
ancestry character varying NOT NULL COLLATE pg_catalog."C",
ancestry_depth integer DEFAULT 0
@ -6853,6 +6856,13 @@ CREATE INDEX index_machines_on_machine_category_id ON public.machines USING btre
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_machines_on_slug ON public.machines USING btree (slug);
-- Name: index_machines_on_space_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX index_machines_on_space_id ON public.machines USING btree (space_id);
-- Name: index_notification_preferences_on_notification_type_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -7392,6 +7402,13 @@ CREATE INDEX index_spaces_availabilities_on_availability_id ON public.spaces_ava
CREATE INDEX index_spaces_availabilities_on_space_id ON public.spaces_availabilities USING btree (space_id);
-- Name: index_spaces_on_ancestry; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX index_spaces_on_ancestry ON public.spaces USING btree (ancestry);
-- Name: index_spaces_on_deleted_at; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -8451,6 +8468,14 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY public.statistic_profile_prepaid_packs
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_b0251cdfcf FOREIGN KEY (prepaid_pack_id) REFERENCES public.prepaid_packs(id);
-- Name: machines fk_rails_b2e37688bb; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
ALTER TABLE ONLY public.machines
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_b2e37688bb FOREIGN KEY (space_id) REFERENCES public.spaces(id);
-- Name: orders fk_rails_b33ed6c672; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: -
@ -9154,7 +9179,9 @@ INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES
@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ space_1:
created_at: 2017-02-15 15:55:04.123928000 Z
updated_at: 2017-02-15 15:55:04.123928000 Z
characteristics: Scie à chantourner, rabot, dégauchisseuse, chanfreineuse et pyrograveur
ancestry: '/'
@ -31,4 +31,43 @@ class SpaceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_nil Space.find_by(slug: slug)
assert_nil StatisticSubType.find_by(key: slug)
test "space can be associated with spaces in a tree-like structure" do
space_1 = Space.create!(name: "space 1", default_places: 2)
space_1_1 = Space.create!(name: "space 1_1", default_places: 2, parent: space_1)
space_1_2 = Space.create!(name: "space 1_2", default_places: 2, parent: space_1)
space_1_2_1 = Space.create!(name: "space 1_2_1", default_places: 2, parent: space_1_2)
space_other = Space.create!(name: "space other", default_places: 2)
assert_equal [space_1_1, space_1_2], space_1.children
assert_equal [], space_1_1.children
assert_equal [space_1_2_1], space_1_2.children
assert_equal [space_1, space_1_2], space_1_2_1.ancestors
assert_equal [space_1], space_1_2.ancestors
assert_equal [space_1], space_1_1.ancestors
assert_equal [], space_1.ancestors
assert_equal [space_1_1, space_1_2, space_1_2_1], space_1.descendants
assert_equal [], space_1_1.descendants
assert_equal [space_1_2_1], space_1_2.descendants
assert_equal [], space_1_2_1.descendants
assert_equal [], space_other.descendants
assert_equal [], space_other.ancestors
test "space can be associated with machines" do
space = spaces(:space_1)
machine_1 = machines(:machine_1)
machine_2 = machines(:machine_2)
space.machines << machine_1
space.machines << machine_2
assert_equal 2, space.machines.count
assert_equal space, machine_1.space
assert_equal space, machine_2.space
@ -66,6 +66,50 @@ class Availabilities::AvailabilitiesServiceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal availability.end_at, slots.max_by(&:end_at).end_at
test '[member] machines availabilities with blocked slots' do
space = Space.find(1)
machine = Machine.find(1).tap { |m| m.update!(space: space) }
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: space, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
machine_availability = Availability.create!(availabilities(:availability_7).slice(:start_at, :end_at, :slot_duration)
.merge(available_type: 'machines', machine_ids: [machine.id]))
machine_slot = availabilities(:availability_7).slots.first
slot = Slot.create!(availability: machine_availability, start_at: machine_slot.start_at, end_at: machine_slot.end_at)
opts = { start: 2.days.from_now.beginning_of_day, end: 4.days.from_now.end_of_day }
service = Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService.new(@no_subscription)
slots = service.machines([machine], @no_subscription, opts)
assert_equal 7, slots.count
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: slot)
slots = service.machines([machine], @no_subscription, opts)
assert_equal 5, slots.count
test '[admin] machines availabilities with blocked slots' do
space = Space.find(1)
machine = Machine.find(1).tap { |m| m.update!(space: space) }
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: space, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
machine_availability = Availability.create!(availabilities(:availability_7).slice(:start_at, :end_at, :slot_duration)
.merge(available_type: 'machines', machine_ids: [machine.id]))
machine_slot = availabilities(:availability_7).slots.first
slot = Slot.create!(availability: machine_availability, start_at: machine_slot.start_at, end_at: machine_slot.end_at)
opts = { start: 2.days.from_now.beginning_of_day, end: 4.days.from_now.end_of_day }
service = Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService.new(@admin)
slots = service.machines([machine], @admin, opts)
assert_equal 7, slots.count
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: slot)
slots = service.machines([machine], @admin, opts)
assert_equal 7, slots.count
assert_equal 2, slots.count(&:is_blocked)
test 'spaces availabilities' do
service = Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService.new(@no_subscription)
slots = service.spaces([Space.find(1)], @no_subscription, { start: 2.days.from_now.beginning_of_day, end: 4.days.from_now.end_of_day })
@ -77,6 +121,50 @@ class Availabilities::AvailabilitiesServiceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
assert_equal availability.end_at, slots.max_by(&:end_at).end_at
test '[member] spaces availabilities with blocked slots' do
space = Space.find(1)
machine = machines(:machine_1).tap { |m| m.update!(space: space) }
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: machine, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
machine_availability = Availability.create!(availabilities(:availability_18).slice(:start_at, :end_at, :slot_duration)
.merge(available_type: 'machines', machine_ids: [machine.id]))
space_slot = availabilities(:availability_18).slots.first
slot = Slot.create!(availability: machine_availability, start_at: space_slot.start_at, end_at: space_slot.end_at)
opts = { start: 2.days.from_now.beginning_of_day, end: 4.days.from_now.end_of_day }
service = Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService.new(@no_subscription)
slots = service.spaces([space], @no_subscription, opts)
assert_equal 4, slots.count
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: slot)
slots = service.spaces([space], @no_subscription, opts)
assert_equal 3, slots.count
test '[admin] spaces availabilities with blocked slots' do
space = Space.find(1)
machine = machines(:machine_1).tap { |m| m.update!(space: space) }
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: machine, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
machine_availability = Availability.create!(availabilities(:availability_18).slice(:start_at, :end_at, :slot_duration)
.merge(available_type: 'machines', machine_ids: [machine.id]))
space_slot = availabilities(:availability_18).slots.first
slot = Slot.create!(availability: machine_availability, start_at: space_slot.start_at, end_at: space_slot.end_at)
opts = { start: 2.days.from_now.beginning_of_day, end: 4.days.from_now.end_of_day }
service = Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService.new(@admin)
slots = service.spaces([space], @admin, opts)
assert_equal 4, slots.count
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: slot)
slots = service.spaces([space], @admin, opts)
assert_equal 4, slots.count
assert_equal 1, slots.count(&:is_blocked)
test 'trainings availabilities' do
service = Availabilities::AvailabilitiesService.new(@no_subscription)
trainings = [Training.find(1), Training.find(2)]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'test_helper'
class Slots::InterblockingServiceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
setup do
@parent_space = spaces(:space_1)
@child_space = Space.create!(name: 'space 1-1', default_places: 2, parent: @parent_space)
@space_availability = availabilities(:availability_18)
@space_slots = @space_availability.slots
@machine_availability = availabilities(:availability_7)
@machine_slots = @machine_availability.slots
@machine = machines(:machine_1).tap { |m| m.update!(space: @child_space) }
test '#blocked_slots_for_spaces : no reservation' do
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@parent_space], @space_slots)
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@child_space], @space_slots)
test '#blocked_slots_for_spaces : reservation on parent space' do
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: @parent_space, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: @space_slots.first)
assert_equal [@space_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@child_space], @space_slots)
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@parent_space], @space_slots)
test '#blocked_slots_for_spaces : reservation on child space' do
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: @child_space, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: @space_slots.first)
assert_equal [@space_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@parent_space], @space_slots)
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@child_space], @space_slots)
test '#blocked_slots_for_spaces : reservation on child machine' do
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: @machine, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
machine_availability = Availability.create!(@space_availability.slice(:start_at, :end_at, :slot_duration)
.merge(available_type: 'machines', machine_ids: [@machine.id]))
slot = Slot.create!(availability: machine_availability, start_at: @space_slots.first.start_at, end_at: @space_slots.first.end_at)
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: slot)
assert_equal [@space_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@parent_space], @space_slots)
assert_equal [@space_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@child_space], @space_slots)
slot.update!(start_at: slot.start_at - 15.minutes, end_at: slot.end_at - 15.minutes)
# still match when overlapping
assert_equal [@space_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@parent_space], @space_slots)
assert_equal [@space_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@child_space], @space_slots)
slot.update!(start_at: slot.start_at - 45.minutes, end_at: slot.end_at - 45.minutes)
# not overlapping anymore
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@parent_space], @space_slots)
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_spaces([@child_space], @space_slots)
test '#blocked_slots_for_machines : no reservation' do
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([@machine], @machine_slots)
test '#blocked_slots_for_machines : reservation on parent space' do
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: @parent_space, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
space_availability = Availability.create!(@machine_availability.slice(:start_at, :end_at, :slot_duration)
.merge(available_type: 'space', space_ids: [@parent_space.id]))
slot = Slot.create!(availability: space_availability, start_at: @machine_slots.first.start_at, end_at: @machine_slots.first.end_at)
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: slot)
assert_equal [@machine_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([@machine], @machine_slots)
slot.update!(start_at: slot.start_at - 15.minutes, end_at: slot.end_at - 15.minutes)
# still match when overlapping
assert_equal [@machine_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([@machine], @machine_slots)
slot.update!(start_at: slot.start_at - 45.minutes, end_at: slot.end_at - 45.minutes)
# not overlapping anymore
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([@machine], @machine_slots)
test '#blocked_slots_for_machines : reservation on child space' do
reservation = Reservation.create!(reservable: @child_space, statistic_profile: statistic_profiles(:jdupont))
space_availability = Availability.create!(@machine_availability.slice(:start_at, :end_at, :slot_duration)
.merge(available_type: 'space', space_ids: [@child_space.id]))
slot = Slot.create!(availability: space_availability, start_at: @machine_slots.first.start_at, end_at: @machine_slots.first.end_at)
SlotsReservation.create!(reservation: reservation, slot: slot)
assert_equal [@machine_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([@machine], @machine_slots)
slot.update!(start_at: slot.start_at - 15.minutes, end_at: slot.end_at - 15.minutes)
# still match when overlapping
assert_equal [@machine_slots.first], Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([@machine], @machine_slots)
slot.update!(start_at: slot.start_at - 45.minutes, end_at: slot.end_at - 45.minutes)
# not overlapping anymore
assert_empty Slots::InterblockingService.new.blocked_slots_for_machines([@machine], @machine_slots)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user