diff --git a/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml b/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml
index 7cfe04658..0269e02bf 100755
--- a/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@ pt:
user_s_profile_is_required: "Seu perfil de usuário é obrigatório."
i_ve_read_and_i_accept_: "Eu li e aceito"
_the_fablab_policy: "a política do FabLab"
- your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
+ your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Seu perfil foi actualizado com êxito."
rules_changed: "Please fill the following form to update your profile and continue to use the platform."
- sso_intro: "You've just created a new account on {GENDER, select, neutral{} other{the}} {NAME}, by logging from"
+ sso_intro: "Você acabou de criar uma nova conta como {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}} {NAME}"
duplicate_email_info: "It looks like your email address is already used by another user. Check your email address and please input below the code you have received."
details_needed_info: "To finalize your account, we need some more details."
- title: "New on this platform?"
+ title: "Novo nessa plataforma?"
please_fill: "Please fill in the following form to create your account."
- disabled_data_from_sso: "Some data may have already been provided by {NAME} and cannot be modified."
+ disabled_data_from_sso: "Alguns dados podem já ter sido fornecidos por {NAME} e não podem ser modificados."
confirm_instructions_html: "Once you are done, please click on Save to confirm your account and start using the application."
duplicate_email_html: "It looks like your email address ({EMAIL}) is already associated with another account. If this account is not yours, please click on the following button to change the email associated with your {PROVIDER} account."
- edit_profile: "Change my data"
+ edit_profile: "Alterar meus dados"
after_edition_info_html: "Once your data are up to date, click on the synchronization button below, or disconnect then reconnect for your changes to take effect."
- sync_profile: "Sync my profile"
+ sync_profile: "Sincronizar meu perfil"
#dashboard: public profile
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ pt:
_click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "clique no botão de sincronização"
_disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconecte e se conecte novamente"
_for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que suas alterações tenham efeitos."
- your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Your profile has been successfully updated."
+ your_profile_has_been_successfully_updated: "Seu perfil foi actualizado com êxito."
#dashboard: my projects
you_dont_have_any_projects: "Você não tem nenhum projeto."
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ pt:
download_the_credit_note: "Baixar fatura de reembolso"
no_invoices_for_now: "Nenhuma fatura."
- no_payment_schedules: "No payment schedules to display"
- load_more: "Load more"
- card_updated_success: "Your card was successfully updated"
+ no_payment_schedules: "Nenhuma assinatura para exibir"
+ load_more: "Ver mais"
+ card_updated_success: "O seu cartão foi atualizado com sucesso"
file_successfully_uploaded: "The supporting documents were sent."
unable_to_upload: "Unable to send the supporting documents: "
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ pt:
my_documents_info: "Due to your group declaration, some supporting documents are required. Once submitted, these documents will be verified by the administrator."
upload_limits_alert_html: "Warning!
You can submit your documents as PDF or images (JPEG, PNG). Maximum allowed size: {SIZE} Mb"
file_size_error: "The file size exceeds the limit ({SIZE} MB)"
- save: "Save"
- browse: "Browse"
- edit: "Edit"
+ save: "Salvar"
+ browse: "Navegar"
+ edit: "Editar"
#public profil of a member
members_list: "Lista de membros"