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New translations app.admin.en.yml (Norwegian)

This commit is contained in:
Sylvain 2021-07-19 16:24:05 +02:00 committed by Peng Du
parent 44ec1fc623
commit b8f78b76a5

View File

@ -72,25 +72,25 @@
reservable: "Reservable(s):"
labels: "Label(s):"
none: "None"
slot_successfully_deleted: "The slot {START} - {END} has been successfully deleted"
slot_successfully_deleted: "Reservasjonen {START} - {END} ble slettet"
slots_deleted: "The slot of {START}, and {COUNT, plural, =1{one other} other{{COUNT} others}}, have been deleted"
unable_to_delete_the_slot: "Unable to delete the slot {START} - {END}, probably because it's already reserved by a member"
unable_to_delete_the_slot: "Kan ikke slette reservasjoen {START} - {END}, sannsynligvis fordi det allerede er reservert av et medlem"
slots_not_deleted: "On {TOTAL} slots, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not deleted} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}. Some reservations may exist on {COUNT, plural, =1{it} other{them}}."
you_should_select_at_least_a_machine: "You should select at least one machine on this slot."
you_should_select_at_least_a_machine: "Du må velge minst én maskin for denne reservasjonen."
inconsistent_times: "Error: the end of the availability is before its beginning."
min_one_slot: "The availability must be split in one slot at least."
min_slot_duration: "You must specify a valid duration for the slots."
export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready."
actions: "Actions"
actions: "Handlinger"
block_reservations: "Block reservations"
do_you_really_want_to_block_this_slot: "Do you really want to block new reservations on this slot? It will become invisible to users."
locking_success: "Slot successfully locked, it won't appear any longer in the user calendar"
locking_failed: "An error occurred. Slot locking has failed"
allow_reservations: "Allow reservations"
do_you_really_want_to_allow_reservations: "Do you really want to allow booking again on this slot? It will become visible for the users."
allow_reservations: "Tillat reservasjoner"
do_you_really_want_to_allow_reservations: "Ønsker du virkelig å tillate bestilling igjen på denne reservasjonen? Det vil bli synlig for brukerne."
unlocking_success: "Slot successfully unlocked, it will appear again in the user calendar"
unlocking_failed: "An error occurred. Slot unlocking has failed"
reservations_locked: "Booking is blocked"
reservations_locked: "Reservasjonen er låst"
unlockable_because_reservations: "Unable to block booking on this slot because some uncancelled reservations exist on it."
delete_slot: "Delete this slot"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_slot: "Do you really want to delete this slot?"
@ -105,61 +105,61 @@
and: "and"
external_sync: "Calendar synchronization"
divide_this_availability: "Divide this availability in"
slots: "slots"
slots_of: "of"
minutes: "minutes"
slots: "reservasjoner"
slots_of: "av"
minutes: "minutter"
#import external iCal calendar
icalendar_import: "iCalendar import"
intro: "Fab-manager allows to automatically import calendar events, at RFC 5545 iCalendar format, from external URL. These URL are synchronized every hours and the events are shown in the public calendar. You can trigger a synchronisation too, by clicking on the corresponding button, in front of each import."
new_import: "New ICS import"
color: "Colour"
text_color: "Text colour"
url: "URL"
name: "Name"
example: "Example"
intro: "Fab-manager tillater automatisk import av kalenderhendelser, i RFC 5545 iKalender-format fra ekstern URL. Denne URLen synkroniseres hver time og hendelsene vises i offentlig kalender. Du kan også utløse en synkronisering ved å klikke på tilsvarende knapp foran hver import."
new_import: "Ny ICS import"
color: "Farge"
text_color: "Tekstfarge"
url: "Nettadresse"
name: "Navn"
example: "Eksempel"
display: "Display"
hide_text: "Hide the text"
hidden: "Hidden"
shown: "Shown"
hide_text: "Skjul teksten"
hidden: "Skjult"
shown: "Synlig"
create_error: "Unable to create iCalendar import. Please try again later"
delete_failed: "Unable to delete the iCalendar import. Please try again later"
refresh: "Updating..."
sync_failed: "Unable to synchronize the URL. Please try again later"
confirmation_required: "Confirmation required"
confirm_delete_import: "Do you really want to delete this iCalendar import?"
delete_success: "iCalendar import successfully deleted"
refresh: "Oppdaterer..."
sync_failed: "Kan ikke synkronisere URL-adressen. Prøv igjen senere"
confirmation_required: "Bekreftelse påkrevd"
confirm_delete_import: "Vil du virkelig slette denne iCalendar-importen?"
delete_success: "iCalendar import ble slettet"
#management of the projects' components & settings
name: "Name"
projects_settings: "Projects settings"
materials: "Materials"
add_a_material: "Add a material"
themes: "Themes"
add_a_new_theme: "Add a new theme"
licences: "Licences"
description: "Description"
add_a_new_licence: "Add a new licence"
manage_abuses: "Manage the reports"
name: "Navn"
projects_settings: "Prosjektinnstillinger"
materials: "Materialer"
add_a_material: "Legg til et materiale"
themes: "Temaer"
add_a_new_theme: "Legge til et nytt tema"
licences: "Lisenser"
description: "Beskrivelse"
add_a_new_licence: "Legg til ny lisens"
manage_abuses: "Administrer rapporter"
title: "Settings"
comments: "Comments"
title: "Innstillinger"
comments: "Kommentarer"
disqus: "Disqus"
disqus_info: "If you want to enable your members and visitors to comment on projects, you can enable the Disqus forums by setting the following parameter. Visit <a href='https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208-what-s-a-shortname-' target='_blank'>the Disqus website</a> for more information."
shortname: "Shortname"
cad_files: "CAD files"
validation: "Validation"
validation_info: "Users can upload CAD (Computer Aided Design) files with the documentation of their projects. You can specify which files types are allowed. Use the test input below to determine the MIME type of a file."
extensions: "Allowed extensions"
new_extension: "New extension"
shortname: "Kort navn"
cad_files: "CAD-filer"
validation: "Validering"
validation_info: "Brukere kan laste opp CAD (datamaskinbasert design) filer med dokumentasjon i sine prosjekter. Du kan angi hvilke filtyper som er tillatt. Bruk testen under for å bestemme MIME-typen av en fil."
extensions: "Tillatte filtyper"
new_extension: "Ny utvidelse"
new_ext_info_html: "<p>Specify a new file extension to allow these files to be uploaded.</p><p>Please consider that allowing file archives (eg. ZIP) or binary executable (eg. EXE) may result in a <strong>dangerous security issue</strong> and must be avoided in any cases.</p>"
mime_types: "Allowed MIME types"
new_mime_type: "New MIME type"
mime_types: "Tillatte MIME-typer"
new_mime_type: "Ny MIME-type"
new_type_info_html: "<p>Specify a new MIME type to allow these files to be uploaded.</p><p>Please use the test input to determine the MIME type of a file. Please consider that allowing file archives (eg. application/zip) or binary executable (eg. application/exe) may result in a <strong>dangerous security issue</strong> and must be avoided in any cases.</p>"
test_file: "Test a file"
set_a_file: "Select a file"
file_is_TYPE: "MIME type of this file is {TYPE}"
projects_sharing: "Projects sharing"
test_file: "Test en fil"
set_a_file: "Velg en fil"
file_is_TYPE: "MIME-typen for denne filen er {TYPE}"
projects_sharing: "Deling av prosjekter"
open_lab_projects: "OpenLab Projects"
open_lab_info_html: "Enable OpenLab to share your projects with other Fab Labs and display a gallery of shared projects. Please send an email to <a href='mailto:contact@fab-manager.com'>contact@fab-manager.com</a> to get your access credentials for free."
open_lab_app_id: "ID"
@ -209,51 +209,51 @@
events_monitoring: "Events monitoring"
manage_filters: "Manage filters"
fablab_events: "Fablab events"
add_an_event: "Add an event"
all_events: "All events"
passed_events: "Passed events"
events_to_come: "Events to come"
events_to_come_asc: "Events to come | chronological order"
on_DATE: "on {DATE}"
from_DATE: "from {DATE}"
from_TIME: "from {TIME}"
to_date: "to" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05
to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00
title: "Title"
dates: "Dates"
booking: "Booking"
sold_out: "Sold out"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
add_an_event: "Legg til arrangement"
all_events: "Alle arrangement"
passed_events: "Tidligere arragnementer"
events_to_come: "Fremtidige arrangementer"
events_to_come_asc: "Kommende arrangementer i kronologisk rekkefølge"
on_DATE: " {DATE}"
from_DATE: "fra {DATE}"
from_TIME: "fra {TIME}"
to_date: "til" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05
to_time: "til" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00
title: "Tittel"
dates: "Datoer"
booking: "Reservasjon"
sold_out: "Utsolgt"
cancelled: "Avslyst"
without_reservation: "Without reservation"
free_admission: "Free admission"
view_reservations: "View reservations"
free_admission: "Gratis adgang"
view_reservations: "Vis reservasjoner"
load_the_next_events: "Load the next events..."
categories: "Categories"
add_a_category: "Add a category"
name: "Name"
themes: "Theme"
add_a_theme: "Add a theme"
age_ranges: "Age ranges"
categories: "Kategorier"
add_a_category: "Legg til kategori"
name: "Navn"
themes: "Tema"
add_a_theme: "Legg til nytt tema"
age_ranges: "Aldersspredning"
add_a_range: "Add a range"
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_ELEMENT: "Do you really want to delete this {ELEMENT, select, category{category} theme{theme} age_range{age range} other{element}}?"
unable_to_delete_ELEMENT_already_in_use_NUMBER_times: "Unable to delete this {ELEMENT, select, category{category} theme{theme} age_range{age range} other{element}} because it is already associated with {NUMBER, plural, =0{no events} one{one event} other{{NUMBER} events}}."
at_least_one_category_is_required: "At least one category is required."
unable_to_delete_the_last_one: "Unable to delete the last one."
unable_to_delete_an_error_occured: "Unable to delete: an error occurred."
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_ELEMENT: "Ønsker du virkelig å slette dette {ELEMENT, select, category{kategorien} theme{Tema!} age_range{Alders} other{element}}?"
unable_to_delete_ELEMENT_already_in_use_NUMBER_times: "Kan ikke slette dette {ELEMENT, select, category{Kategori} theme{Tema} age_range{aldersgrupper} other{Element}} fordi det er allerede knyttet til {NUMBER, plural, =0{ingen hendelser} one{en begivenhet} other{{NUMBER} hendelse}}."
at_least_one_category_is_required: "Det kreves minst én kategori."
unable_to_delete_the_last_one: "Kan ikke slette den siste."
unable_to_delete_an_error_occured: "Kan ikke slette: det oppsto en feil."
manage_prices_categories: "Manage prices' categories"
prices_categories: "Prices' categories"
add_a_price_category: "Add a price's category"
usages_count: "Usages count"
price_category: "Price category"
category_name: "Category's name"
category_name_is_required: "Category's name is required."
enter_here_the_conditions_under_which_this_price_is_applicable: "Enter here the conditions under which this price is applicable"
conditions_are_required: "Conditions are required."
price_category_successfully_created: "Price category successfully created."
unable_to_add_the_price_category_check_name_already_used: "Unable to add the price category, check that the name is not already used."
unexpected_error_occurred_please_refresh: "An unexpected error occurred, please refresh the page."
price_category_successfully_updated: "Price category successfully updated."
unable_to_update_the_price_category: "Unable to update the price category."
usages_count: "Antall bruk"
price_category: "Priskategori"
category_name: "Kategorinavn"
category_name_is_required: "Kategorinavn er påkrevd."
enter_here_the_conditions_under_which_this_price_is_applicable: "Skriv inn betingelsene for når denne prisen gjelder"
conditions_are_required: "Betingelser gjelder."
price_category_successfully_created: "Priskategori ble opprettet."
unable_to_add_the_price_category_check_name_already_used: "Kan ikke legge til priskategorien, sjekk at navnet ikke allerede er i bruk."
unexpected_error_occurred_please_refresh: "Det oppstod en uventet feil, vennligst oppdater siden."
price_category_successfully_updated: "Priskategori ble oppdatert."
unable_to_update_the_price_category: "Kan ikke oppdatere priskategorien."
unable_to_delete_this_price_category_because_it_is_already_used: "Unable to delete this price category because it is already used."
do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category: "Do you really want to delete this price category?"
price_category_successfully_deleted: "Price category successfully deleted."