diff --git a/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml b/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml
index ad79e5155..df8667983 100755
--- a/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.logged.pt.yml
@@ -165,6 +165,37 @@ pt:
reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reserva a foi cancelada com sucesso."
cancellation_failed: "Cancelamento falhou."
a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Um problema ocorreu durante o processo de pagamento. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde."
+ #modal telling users that they must wait for their training validation before booking a machine
+ pending_training_modal:
+ machine_reservation: "Machine reservation"
+ wait_for_validated: "You must wait for your training is being validated by the FabLab team to book this machine."
+ training_will_occur_DATE_html: "Your training will occur at {DATE}"
+ #modal telling users that they need to pass a training before booking a machine
+ required_training_modal:
+ to_book_MACHINE_requires_TRAINING_html: "To book the \"{MACHINE}\" you must have completed the training {TRAINING}."
+ training_or_training_html: " or the training "
+ enroll_now: "Enroll to the training"
+ no_enroll_for_now: "I don't want to enroll now"
+ close: "Close"
+ propose_packs_modal:
+ available_packs: "Prepaid packs available"
+ packs_proposed: "You can buy a prepaid pack of hours for this machine. These packs allows you to benefit from volume discounts."
+ no_thanks: "No, thanks"
+ pack_DURATION: "{DURATION} hours"
+ buy_this_pack: "Buy this pack"
+ pack_bought_success: "You have successfully bought this pack of prepaid-hours. Your invoice will ba available soon from your dashboard."
+ validity: "Usable for {COUNT} {PERIODS}"
+ period:
+ day: "{COUNT, plural, one{day} other{days}}"
+ week: "{COUNT, plural, one{week} other{weeks}}"
+ month: "{COUNT, plural, one{month} other{months}}"
+ year: "{COUNT, plural, one{year} other{years}}"
+ packs_summary:
+ prepaid_hours: "Prepaid hours"
+ remaining_HOURS: "You have {HOURS} prepaid hours remaining for this {ITEM, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}}."
+ no_hours: "You don't have any prepaid hours for this {ITEM, select, Machine{machine} Space{space} other{}}."
+ buy_a_new_pack: "Buy a new pack"
#book a training
trainings_planning: "Planos de treinamento"