From da6af320f741f8dc547cb9ccc62c79128ddb67aa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 01/68] New translations en.yml (French) --- config/locales/fr.yml | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index 2f64a9e45..cb157bda8 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ fr: + #subscription plan duration duration: - #durée d'une formule d'abonnement year: one: 'un an' other: '%{count} ans' @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ fr: one: 'une semaine' other: '%{count} semaines' errors: + #CarrierWave messages: - #CarrierWave carrierwave_processing_error: "n'a pas pu être traité" carrierwave_integrity_error: "n'est pas d'un type de fichier autorisé" carrierwave_download_error: "ne peut pas être téléchargé" @@ -38,27 +38,27 @@ fr: must_be_in_the_past: "La période doit être strictement antérieure à la date du jour." apipie: api_documentation: "Documentation de l'API" + #error messages when importing an account from a SSO omniauth: - #messages d'erreur lors de l'import d'un compte depuis un SSO email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "L'adresse de courriel \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" est déjà associée à un compte utilisateur, merci de saisir votre code d'authentification." your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Votre nom d'utilisateur (%{USERNAME}) est déjà associée à un autre compte utilisateur, impossible de le mettre à jour." your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Votre adresse de courriel (%{EMAIL}) est déjà associée à un autre compte utilisateur, impossible de la mettre à jour." this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "Ce compte %{NAME} est déjà lié à un utilisateur de la plate-forme." + #availability slots in the calendar availabilities: - #créneaux de disponibilité dans le calendrier not_available: "Non disponible" i_ve_reserved: "J'ai réservé" length_must_be_slot_multiple: "doit être au moins %{MIN} minutes après la date de début" must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "doit être associé avec au moins 1 machine" + #members management members: - #gestion des membres unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Impossible de changer le groupe tant qu'un abonnement est en cours" please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Merci d'enter le code d'authentification qui a été envoyé à l'adresse de courriel %{EMAIL}" your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Votre code d'authentification n'est pas valide." current_authentication_method_no_code: "La méthode d'authentification actuelle ne requiert pas de code de migration" requested_account_does_not_exists: "Le compte utilisateur demandé n'existe pas" + #PDF invoices generation invoices: - #génération des factures en PDF refund_invoice_reference: "Référence de l'avoir : %{REF}" invoice_reference: "Référence facture : %{REF}" code: "Code : %{CODE}" @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ fr: one: "Une place %{NAME}" other: "%{count} places %{NAME}" reservation_other: "Réservation (autre)" - coupon_CODE_discount_of_DISCOUNT: "Code {CODE} : remise de {DISCOUNT} {TYPE, select, percent_off{%} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation + coupon_CODE_discount_of_DISCOUNT: "Code {CODE} : remise de {DISCOUNT} {TYPE, select, percent_off{%} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation total_including_all_taxes: "Total TTC" including_VAT_RATE: "Dont TVA %{RATE}%" including_total_excluding_taxes: "Dont total HT" @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ fr: subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "Abonnement de %{NAME} pour %{DURATION} à compter du %{DATE}" subscription_of_NAME_extended_starting_from_STARTDATE_until_ENDDATE: "Prolongement Abonnement (Jours gratuits) de %{NAME} à compter du %{STARTDATE} jusqu'au %{ENDDATE}" and: 'et' + #CVS accounting export (columns headers) accounting_export: journal_code: "Code journal" date: "Date écriture" @@ -128,19 +129,19 @@ fr: Event_reservation: "réserv. évènement" Space_reservation: "réserv. espace" wallet: "porte-monnaie" + #training availabilities trainings: - #disponibilités formations i_ve_reserved: "J'ai réservé" completed: "Complet" + #error messages when updating an event events: - #messages d'erreur lors de la mise à jour d'un évènement error_deleting_reserved_price: "Impossible de supprimer le tarif demandé car il est associé à des réservations" other_error: "Une erreur inattendue est survenue lors de la mise à jour de l'évènement" - #durée d'un évènement + #event duration from_STARTDATE_to_ENDDATE: "Du %{STARTDATE} au %{ENDDATE}," from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "de %{STARTTIME} à %{ENDTIME}" + #members list export to EXCEL format export_members: - #export de la liste des members au format EXCEL members: "Membres" id: "ID" surname: "Nom" @@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ fr: man: "Homme" woman: "Femme" without_subscriptions: "Sans Abonnement" + #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format export_reservations: - #export de la liste des réservations machines/formations/évènements au format EXCEL reservations: "Réservations" customer_id: "ID client" customer: "Client" @@ -184,8 +185,8 @@ fr: payment_method: "Méthode de paiement" local_payment: "Paiement à l'accueil" online_payment: "Paiement en ligne" + #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format export_subscriptions: - #export de la liste des abonnements au format EXCEL subscriptions: "Abonnements" id: "ID" customer: "Client" @@ -198,8 +199,8 @@ fr: payment_method: "Méthode de paiement" local_payment: "Paiement à l'accueil" online_payment: "Paiement en ligne" + #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format export_availabilities: - #export des listes de créneaux de réservations, par type, au format EXCEL machines: "Machines" trainings: "Formations" spaces: "Espaces" @@ -214,8 +215,8 @@ fr: reservations: "Réservations" available_seats: "Places disponibles" api: + #internal app notifications notifications: - #notifications internes à l'application deleted_user: "Utilisateur supprimé" notify_admin_abuse_reported: an_abuse_was_reported_on_TYPE_ID_NAME_html: "Un abus a été signalé sur %{TYPE} %{ID} : %{NAME}." @@ -232,15 +233,15 @@ fr: notify_admin_subscription_canceled: USER_s_subscription_has_been_cancelled: "L'abonnement de %{USER} a été annulé." notify_admin_subscription_extended: - subscription_PLAN_of_the_member_USER_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "L'abonnement {PLAN} du membre {USER} a été prolongé {FREE, select, true{gratuitement} other{}} jusqu'au {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation + subscription_PLAN_of_the_member_USER_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "L'abonnement {PLAN} du membre {USER} a été prolongé {FREE, select, true{gratuitement} other{}} jusqu'au {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: USER_s_subscription_has_expired: "L'abonnement de %{USER} est arrivé à expiration." notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: USER_s_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "L'abonnement de %{USER} expire dans 7 jours." notify_admin_user_group_changed: - user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "L'utilisateur {NAME} a changé de groupe." #messageFormat interpolation + user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "L'utilisateur {NAME} a changé de groupe." #messageFormat interpolation notify_admin_user_merged: - user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "L'utilisateur {NAME} a fusionné son compte avec le compte importé depuis {PROVIDER} ({UID})." #messageFormat interpolation + user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "L'utilisateur {NAME} a fusionné son compte avec le compte importé depuis {PROVIDER} ({UID})." #messageFormat interpolation notify_admin_when_project_published: project_NAME_has_been_published_html: "Le projet %{NAME} vient d'être publié." notify_admin_when_user_is_created: @@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ fr: notify_member_subscription_canceled: your_subscription_PLAN_was_successfully_cancelled_html: "Votre abonnement %{PLAN} est bien annulé." notify_member_subscription_extended: - your_subscription_PLAN_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Votre abonnement {PLAN} a été prolongé {FREE, select, true{gratuitement} other{}} jusqu'au {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation + your_subscription_PLAN_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Votre abonnement {PLAN} a été prolongé {FREE, select, true{gratuitement} other{}} jusqu'au {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_member_subscription_is_expired: your_subscription_has_expired: "Votre abonnement est arrivé à expiration." notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: @@ -328,8 +329,8 @@ fr: click_to_show: "Cliquez ici pour la consulter" notify_admin_refund_created: refund_created: "Un avoir de %{AMOUNT} a été généré pour l'utilisateur %{USER}" + #statistics tools for admins statistics: - #outil de statistiques pour les administrateurs subscriptions: "Abonnements" machines_hours: "Créneaux machines" spaces: "Espaces" @@ -355,8 +356,8 @@ fr: revenue: "Chiffre d'affaires" account_creation: "Création de compte" project_publication: "Publication de projet" + #statistics exports to the excel file format export: - #export des statistiques au format excel entries: "Entrées" revenue: "Chiffre d'affaires" average_age: "Âge moyen" @@ -370,10 +371,10 @@ fr: type: "Type" male: "Homme" female: "Femme" + #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property price_category: - #catégorie initiale de prix pour les évènements, en remplacement de l'ancienne propriété "montant réduit" reduced_fare: "Tarif réduit" reduced_fare_if_you_are_under_25_student_or_unemployed: "Tarif réduit si vous avez moins de 25 ans, que vous êtes étudiant ou demandeur d'emploi." group: - #nom du groupe utilisateur pour les administrateurs + #name of the user's group for administrators admins: 'Administrateurs' From 1da5cde40021348f0e47e71ac7d98bb96ebc401f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 02/68] New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 19 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index edd45da3d..1a7cc20fe 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -# Additional translations at - +#Additional translations at es: devise: confirmations: @@ -15,16 +14,16 @@ es: not_found_in_database: "mail o contraseña inválidos." timeout: "Su sesión ha expirado. Por favor, inicie sesión de nuevo." unauthenticated: "Necesita iniciar sesión o registrarse antes de contiunar." - unconfirmed: "Debe confirmar su cuenta antes de continuar. Por favor haga clic en el enlace abajo del formulario." + unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." mailer: confirmation_instructions: - action: - instruction: + action: "Confirm my email address" + instruction: "You can finalize your registration by confirming your email address. Please click on the following link:" subject: "Instrucciones de confirmación" reset_password_instructions: - action: - instruction: - ignore_otherwise: + action: "Change my password" + instruction: "Someone asked for a link to change your password. You can do it through the link below." + ignore_otherwise: "If you have not made this request, please ignore this message." subject: "Instrucciones para restablecer contraseña" unlock_instructions: subject: "Desbloquear instrucciones" @@ -54,10 +53,10 @@ es: unlocked: "Tu cuenta se ha desbloqueado con éxito. Por favor inicie sesión para continuar." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "Ya se confirmó, intente iniciar sesión." + already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." confirmation_period_expired: "Necesita ser confirmado dentro de %{period}, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" expired: "ha expirado, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" - not_found: "Este correo no esta associado con ninguna cuenta." + not_found: "This email was not found" not_locked: "no estaba bloqueado" not_saved: one: "un error prohibió que %{resource} fuese guardado:" From b2c1d31a6383bc9da5b7ffa06850418df1935028 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:51 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 03/68] New translations app.public.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.public.ach.yml | 174 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 129 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.public.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.public.ach.yml index bc623609c..1bff3055b 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.public.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.public.ach.yml @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ ach: app: public: + #header and "about" page common: - #header and "about" page about_the_fablab: "crwdns8805:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdnd8805:0NAME={NAME}crwdne8805:0" return: "crwdns8807:0crwdne8807:0" #cookies @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ ach: my_events: "crwdns8827:0crwdne8827:0" my_invoices: "crwdns8829:0crwdne8829:0" my_wallet: "crwdns8831:0crwdne8831:0" + #contextual help + help: "crwdns19580:0crwdne19580:0" #login/logout sign_out: "crwdns8833:0crwdne8833:0" sign_up: "crwdns8835:0crwdne8835:0" @@ -38,15 +40,15 @@ ach: subscriptions: "crwdns8857:0crwdne8857:0" public_calendar: "crwdns8859:0crwdne8859:0" #left menu (admin) - trainings_monitoring: "crwdns8861:0crwdne8861:0" - manage_the_calendar: "crwdns8863:0crwdne8863:0" - manage_the_users: "crwdns8865:0crwdne8865:0" - manage_the_invoices: "crwdns8867:0crwdne8867:0" + trainings_monitoring: "crwdns19582:0crwdne19582:0" + manage_the_calendar: "crwdns19584:0crwdne19584:0" + manage_the_users: "crwdns19586:0crwdne19586:0" + manage_the_invoices: "crwdns19588:0crwdne19588:0" subscriptions_and_prices: "crwdns8869:0crwdne8869:0" - manage_the_events: "crwdns8871:0crwdne8871:0" - manage_the_machines: "crwdns8873:0crwdne8873:0" - manage_the_spaces: "crwdns8875:0crwdne8875:0" - manage_the_projects_elements: "crwdns8877:0crwdne8877:0" + manage_the_events: "crwdns19590:0crwdne19590:0" + manage_the_machines: "crwdns19592:0crwdne19592:0" + manage_the_spaces: "crwdns19594:0crwdne19594:0" + manage_the_projects_elements: "crwdns19596:0crwdne19596:0" statistics: "crwdns8879:0crwdne8879:0" customization: "crwdns8881:0crwdne8881:0" open_api_clients: "crwdns8883:0crwdne8883:0" @@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ ach: used_for_reservation: "crwdns8959:0crwdne8959:0" used_for_profile: "crwdns8961:0crwdne8961:0" public_profile: "crwdns8963:0crwdne8963:0" - you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "crwdns19539:0crwdne19539:0" + you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "crwdns19598:0crwdne19598:0" #password modification modal change_your_password: "crwdns8965:0crwdne8965:0" your_new_password: "crwdns8967:0crwdne8967:0" @@ -99,39 +101,39 @@ ach: #connection modal connection: "crwdns8971:0crwdne8971:0" password_forgotten: "crwdns8973:0crwdne8973:0" - confirm_my_account: "crwdns19541:0crwdne19541:0" + confirm_my_account: "crwdns19600:0crwdne19600:0" not_registered_to_the_fablab: "crwdns8975:0crwdne8975:0" create_an_account: "crwdns8977:0crwdne8977:0" wrong_email_or_password: "crwdns8979:0crwdne8979:0" caps_lock_is_on: "crwdns8981:0crwdne8981:0" #confirmation modal - you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: crwdns19543:0crwdne19543:0 + you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: "crwdns19602:0crwdne19602:0" #forgotten password modal your_email_address_is_unknown: "crwdns8983:0crwdne8983:0" you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password: "crwdns8985:0crwdne8985:0" #Fab-manager's version version: "crwdns8987:0crwdne8987:0" - upgrade_fabmanager: "crwdns19545:0crwdne19545:0" - current_version: "crwdns19547:0{VERSION}crwdne19547:0" - upgrade_to: "crwdns19549:0{VERSION}crwdne19549:0" - read_more: "crwdns19551:0crwdne19551:0" - security_version_html: "crwdns19553:0crwdne19553:0" - how_to: "crwdns19555:0crwdne19555:0" + upgrade_fabmanager: "crwdns19604:0crwdne19604:0" + current_version: "crwdns19606:0{VERSION}crwdne19606:0" + upgrade_to: "crwdns19608:0{VERSION}crwdne19608:0" + read_more: "crwdns19610:0crwdne19610:0" + security_version_html: "crwdns19612:0crwdne19612:0" + how_to: "crwdns19614:0crwdne19614:0" #Notifications and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "crwdns8989:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdnd8989:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdne8989:0" + #about page about: - #about page read_the_fablab_policy: "crwdns8991:0crwdne8991:0" read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "crwdns8993:0crwdne8993:0" your_fablab_s_contacts: "crwdns8995:0crwdne8995:0" privacy_policy: "crwdns8997:0crwdne8997:0" + #'privacy policy' page privacy: - #'privacy policy' page title: "crwdns8999:0crwdne8999:0" dpo: "crwdns9001:0crwdne9001:0" last_update: "crwdns9003:0crwdne9003:0" + #home page home: - #home page latest_documented_projects: "crwdns9005:0crwdne9005:0" follow_us: "crwdns9007:0crwdne9007:0" latest_tweets: "crwdns9009:0crwdne9009:0" @@ -149,11 +151,11 @@ ach: full_price: "crwdns9031:0crwdne9031:0" event_full: "crwdns9033:0crwdne9033:0" still_available: "crwdns9035:0crwdne9035:0" + #projects gallery projects_list: - #projects gallery the_fablab_projects: "crwdns9037:0crwdne9037:0" add_a_project: "crwdns9039:0crwdne9039:0" - search_over_the_whole_network: "crwdns9041:0crwdne9041:0" + search_over_the_whole_network: "crwdns19616:0crwdne19616:0" tooltip_openlab_projects_switch: "crwdns9043:0crwdne9043:0" openlab_search_not_available_at_the_moment: "crwdns9045:0crwdne9045:0" project_search_result_is_empty: "crwdns9047:0crwdne9047:0" @@ -167,8 +169,8 @@ ach: all_materials: "crwdns9063:0crwdne9063:0" load_next_projects: "crwdns9065:0crwdne9065:0" rough_draft: "crwdns9067:0crwdne9067:0" + #details of a projet projects_show: - #details of a projet rough_draft: "crwdns9069:0crwdne9069:0" project_description: "crwdns9071:0crwdne9071:0" by_name: "crwdns9073:0{NAME}crwdne9073:0" @@ -196,17 +198,18 @@ ach: message_is_required: "crwdns9117:0crwdne9117:0" report: "crwdns9119:0crwdne9119:0" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "crwdns9121:0crwdne9121:0" + #list of machines machines_list: - #list of machines the_fablab_s_machines: "crwdns9123:0crwdne9123:0" add_a_machine: "crwdns9125:0crwdne9125:0" + new_availability: "crwdns19618:0crwdne19618:0" book: "crwdns9127:0crwdne9127:0" _or_the_: "crwdns9129:0crwdne9129:0" status_enabled: "crwdns9131:0crwdne9131:0" status_disabled: "crwdns9133:0crwdne9133:0" status_all: "crwdns9135:0crwdne9135:0" + #details of a machine machines_show: - #details of a machine book_this_machine: "crwdns9137:0crwdne9137:0" technical_specifications: "crwdns9139:0crwdne9139:0" files_to_download: "crwdns9141:0crwdne9141:0" @@ -216,20 +219,20 @@ ach: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "crwdns9149:0crwdne9149:0" unauthorized_operation: "crwdns9151:0crwdne9151:0" the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "crwdns9153:0crwdne9153:0" + #list of trainings trainings_list: - #list of trainings book: "crwdns9155:0crwdne9155:0" the_trainings: "crwdns9157:0crwdne9157:0" + #details of a training training_show: - #details of a training book_this_training: "crwdns9159:0crwdne9159:0" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "crwdns9161:0crwdne9161:0" unauthorized_operation: "crwdns9163:0crwdne9163:0" confirmation_required: "crwdns9165:0crwdne9165:0" the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "crwdns9167:0crwdne9167:0" + #summary of the subscriptions plans: - #summary of the subscriptions - subscriptions: "crwdns9169:0crwdne9169:0" + subscriptions: "crwdns19620:0crwdne19620:0" i_choose_that_plan: "crwdns9171:0crwdne9171:0" i_subscribe_online: "crwdns9173:0crwdne9173:0" i_already_subscribed: "crwdns9175:0crwdne9175:0" @@ -256,8 +259,8 @@ ach: here_is_the_NAME_subscription_summary: "crwdns9217:0{NAME}crwdne9217:0" confirm_payment_of_html: "crwdns9219:0ROLE={ROLE}crwdnd9219:0AMOUNT={AMOUNT}crwdne9219:0" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00) online_payment_disabled: "crwdns9221:0crwdne9221:0" + #Fablab's events list events_list: - #Fablab's events list the_fablab_s_events: "crwdns9223:0crwdne9223:0" all_categories: "crwdns9225:0crwdne9225:0" for_all: "crwdns9227:0crwdne9227:0" @@ -269,9 +272,10 @@ ach: add_an_event: "crwdns9239:0crwdne9239:0" load_the_next_events: "crwdns9241:0crwdne9241:0" full_price_: "crwdns9243:0crwdne9243:0" - to_date: crwdns10123:0crwdne10123:0 + to_date: "crwdns19622:0crwdne19622:0" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 + all_themes: "crwdns19624:0crwdne19624:0" + #details and booking of an event events_show: - #details and booking of an event event_description: "crwdns9247:0crwdne9247:0" downloadable_documents: "crwdns9249:0crwdne9249:0" information_and_booking: "crwdns9251:0crwdne9251:0" @@ -280,8 +284,8 @@ ach: ending: "crwdns9257:0crwdne9257:0" opening_hours: "crwdns9259:0crwdne9259:0" all_day: "crwdns9261:0crwdne9261:0" - from_time: crwdns10125:0crwdne10125:0 - to_time: crwdns10127:0crwdne10127:0 + from_time: "crwdns19626:0crwdne19626:0" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "crwdns19628:0crwdne19628:0" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 full_price_: "crwdns9267:0crwdne9267:0" tickets_still_availables: "crwdns9269:0crwdne9269:0" sold_out: "crwdns9271:0crwdne9271:0" @@ -303,14 +307,14 @@ ach: you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "crwdns9303:0crwdne9303:0" confirmation_required: "crwdns9305:0crwdne9305:0" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "crwdns9307:0crwdne9307:0" - delete_recurring_event: "crwdns19557:0crwdne19557:0" - delete_this_event: "crwdns19559:0crwdne19559:0" - delete_this_and_next: "crwdns19561:0crwdne19561:0" - delete_all: "crwdns19563:0crwdne19563:0" + delete_recurring_event: "crwdns19630:0crwdne19630:0" + delete_this_event: "crwdns19632:0crwdne19632:0" + delete_this_and_next: "crwdns19634:0crwdne19634:0" + delete_all: "crwdns19636:0crwdne19636:0" event_successfully_deleted: "crwdns9309:0crwdne9309:0" - events_deleted: "crwdns19565:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19565:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne19565:0" - unable_to_delete_the_event: "crwdns19567:0crwdne19567:0" - events_not_deleted: "crwdns19569:0TOTAL={TOTAL}crwdnd19569:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19569:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19569:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne19569:0" + events_deleted: "crwdns19638:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19638:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne19638:0" + unable_to_delete_the_event: "crwdns19640:0crwdne19640:0" + events_not_deleted: "crwdns19642:0TOTAL={TOTAL}crwdnd19642:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19642:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19642:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne19642:0" cancel_the_reservation: "crwdns9313:0crwdne9313:0" do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "crwdns9315:0crwdne9315:0" reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "crwdns9317:0crwdne9317:0" @@ -320,8 +324,8 @@ ach: view_event_list: "crwdns9325:0crwdne9325:0" share_on_facebook: "crwdns9327:0crwdne9327:0" share_on_twitter: "crwdns9329:0crwdne9329:0" + #public calendar calendar: - #public calendar calendar: "crwdns9331:0crwdne9331:0" show_unavailables: "crwdns9333:0crwdne9333:0" filter_calendar: "crwdns9335:0crwdne9335:0" @@ -330,16 +334,17 @@ ach: spaces: "crwdns9341:0crwdne9341:0" events: "crwdns9343:0crwdne9343:0" externals: "crwdns9345:0crwdne9345:0" + #list of spaces spaces_list: - #list of spaces the_spaces: "crwdns9347:0crwdne9347:0" + new_availability: "crwdns19644:0crwdne19644:0" add_a_space: "crwdns9349:0crwdne9349:0" status_enabled: "crwdns9351:0crwdne9351:0" status_disabled: "crwdns9353:0crwdne9353:0" status_all: "crwdns9355:0crwdne9355:0" book: "crwdns9357:0crwdne9357:0" + #display the details of a space space_show: - #display the details of a space book_this_space: "crwdns9359:0crwdne9359:0" unauthorized_operation: "crwdns9361:0crwdne9361:0" confirmation_required: "crwdns9363:0crwdne9363:0" @@ -348,3 +353,82 @@ ach: characteristics: "crwdns9369:0crwdne9369:0" files_to_download: "crwdns9371:0crwdne9371:0" projects_using_the_space: "crwdns9373:0crwdne9373:0" + tour: + conclusion: + title: "crwdns19646:0crwdne19646:0" + content: "crwdns20176:0crwdne20176:0" + welcome: + welcome: + title: "crwdns19650:0crwdne19650:0" + content: "crwdns19652:0crwdne19652:0" + home: + title: "crwdns19654:0crwdne19654:0" + content: "crwdns19656:0crwdne19656:0" + machines: + title: "crwdns19658:0crwdne19658:0" + content: "crwdns19660:0crwdne19660:0" + trainings: + title: "crwdns19662:0crwdne19662:0" + content: "crwdns19664:0crwdne19664:0" + spaces: + title: "crwdns19666:0crwdne19666:0" + content: "crwdns19668:0crwdne19668:0" + events: + title: "crwdns19670:0crwdne19670:0" + content: "crwdns19672:0crwdne19672:0" + calendar: + title: "crwdns19674:0crwdne19674:0" + content: "crwdns19676:0crwdne19676:0" + projects: + title: "crwdns19678:0crwdne19678:0" + content: "crwdns19680:0crwdne19680:0" + plans: + title: "crwdns19682:0crwdne19682:0" + content: "crwdns19684:0crwdne19684:0" + admin: + title: "crwdns19686:0crwdne19686:0" + content: "crwdns19688:0crwdne19688:0" + about: + title: "crwdns19690:0crwdne19690:0" + content: "crwdns19692:0crwdne19692:0" + notifications: + title: "crwdns19694:0crwdne19694:0" + content: "crwdns19696:0crwdne19696:0" + profile: + title: "crwdns19698:0crwdne19698:0" + content: "crwdns19700:0crwdne19700:0" + news: + title: "crwdns19702:0crwdne19702:0" + content: "crwdns19704:0[Customization]crwdne19704:0" + last_projects: + title: "crwdns19706:0crwdne19706:0" + content: "crwdns19708:0crwdne19708:0" + last_tweet: + title: "crwdns19710:0crwdne19710:0" + content: "crwdns19712:0[Customization]crwdne19712:0" + last_members: + title: "crwdns19714:0crwdne19714:0" + content: "crwdns19716:0crwdne19716:0" + next_events: + title: "crwdns19718:0crwdne19718:0" + content: "crwdns19720:0crwdne19720:0" + customize: + title: "crwdns19722:0crwdne19722:0" + content: "crwdns19724:0crwdne19724:0" + version: + title: "crwdns19726:0crwdne19726:0" + content: "crwdns19728:0crwdne19728:0" + machines: + welcome: + title: "crwdns19730:0crwdne19730:0" + content: "crwdns19732:0crwdne19732:0" + view: + title: "crwdns19734:0crwdne19734:0" + content: "crwdns19736:0crwdne19736:0" + spaces: + welcome: + title: "crwdns19738:0crwdne19738:0" + content: "crwdns19740:0crwdne19740:0" + view: + title: "crwdns19742:0crwdne19742:0" + content: "crwdns19744:0crwdne19744:0" From e5e969cb5cee3540c0d1bd416a43747cd0fa67f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:52 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 04/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml index f594b4b04..00b0421ee 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ ach: trainings_reserve: #book a training trainings_planning: "crwdns8767:0crwdne8767:0" - planning_of: "crwdns8769:0crwdne8769:0" + planning_of: "crwdns20180:0crwdne20180:0" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) all_trainings: "crwdns8771:0crwdne8771:0" cancel_my_selection: "crwdns8773:0crwdne8773:0" i_change: "crwdns8775:0crwdne8775:0" From b9e12822920c8c294dbc5617b894b2e6835b34bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 05/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml | 323 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 269 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml index 1b6266adc..f99aaeb7b 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ ach: beware_this_cannot_be_reverted: "crwdns6739:0crwdne6739:0" the_machine_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot: "crwdns6741:0crwdne6741:0" deletion_failed: "crwdns6743:0crwdne6743:0" + do_you_really_want_to_remove_PLAN_from_this_slot: "crwdns19746:0{PLAN}crwdne19746:0" + the_plan_was_successfully_removed_from_the_slot: "crwdns19748:0crwdne19748:0" DATE_slot: "crwdns6745:0{DATE}crwdne6745:0" what_kind_of_slot_do_you_want_to_create: "crwdns6747:0crwdne6747:0" training: "crwdns6749:0crwdne6749:0" @@ -38,12 +40,19 @@ ach: next: "crwdns6755:0crwdne6755:0" previous: "crwdns6757:0crwdne6757:0" select_some_machines: "crwdns6759:0crwdne6759:0" - select_all: "crwdns19459:0crwdne19459:0" - select_none: "crwdns19461:0crwdne19461:0" + select_all: "crwdns19750:0crwdne19750:0" + select_none: "crwdns19752:0crwdne19752:0" + manage_machines: "crwdns19754:0crwdne19754:0" + manage_spaces: "crwdns19756:0crwdne19756:0" + manage_trainings: "crwdns19758:0crwdne19758:0" number_of_tickets: "crwdns6761:0crwdne6761:0" adjust_the_opening_hours: "crwdns6763:0crwdne6763:0" - to_time: crwdns10109:0crwdne10109:0 - restrict_with_labels: "crwdns6767:0crwdne6767:0" + to_time: "crwdns19760:0crwdne19760:0" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + restrict_options: "crwdns19762:0crwdne19762:0" + restrict_with_labels: "crwdns19764:0crwdne19764:0" + restrict_for_subscriptions: "crwdns19766:0crwdne19766:0" + select_some_plans: "crwdns19768:0crwdne19768:0" + plans: "crwdns19770:0crwdne19770:0" recurrence: "crwdns6769:0crwdne6769:0" enabled: "crwdns6771:0crwdne6771:0" period: "crwdns6773:0crwdne6773:0" @@ -56,6 +65,7 @@ ach: select_nb_period: "crwdns6787:0crwdne6787:0" select_end_date: "crwdns6789:0crwdne6789:0" about_to_create: "crwdns6791:0TYPE={TYPE}crwdnd6791:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdne6791:0" + divided_in_slots: "crwdns20172:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd20172:0DURATION={DURATION}crwdne20172:0" reservable: "crwdns6793:0crwdne6793:0" labels: "crwdns6795:0crwdne6795:0" none: "crwdns6797:0crwdne6797:0" @@ -87,9 +97,10 @@ ach: view_reservations: "crwdns6849:0crwdne6849:0" legend: "crwdns6851:0crwdne6851:0" and: "crwdns6853:0crwdne6853:0" + external_sync: "crwdns19774:0crwdne19774:0" icalendar: icalendar_import: "crwdns6855:0crwdne6855:0" - intro: "crwdns6857:0crwdne6857:0" + intro: "crwdns19776:0crwdne19776:0" new_import: "crwdns6859:0crwdne6859:0" color: "crwdns6861:0crwdne6861:0" text_color: "crwdns6863:0crwdne6863:0" @@ -122,6 +133,7 @@ ach: trainings: #track and monitor the trainings trainings_monitoring: "crwdns6913:0crwdne6913:0" + plan_session: "crwdns19778:0crwdne19778:0" trainings: "crwdns6915:0crwdne6915:0" add_a_new_training: "crwdns6917:0crwdne6917:0" name: "crwdns6919:0crwdne6919:0" @@ -169,8 +181,8 @@ ach: on_DATE: "crwdns6995:0{DATE}crwdne6995:0" from_DATE: "crwdns6997:0{DATE}crwdne6997:0" from_TIME: "crwdns6999:0{TIME}crwdne6999:0" - to_date: crwdns10111:0crwdne10111:0 - to_time: crwdns10113:0crwdne10113:0 + to_date: "crwdns19780:0crwdne19780:0" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 + to_time: "crwdns19782:0crwdne19782:0" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 title: "crwdns7005:0crwdne7005:0" dates: "crwdns7007:0crwdne7007:0" booking: "crwdns7009:0crwdne7009:0" @@ -221,6 +233,18 @@ ach: events_edit: #edit an existing event edit_the_event: "crwdns7095:0crwdne7095:0" + confirmation_required: "crwdns19784:0crwdne19784:0" + edit_recurring_event: "crwdns19786:0crwdne19786:0" + edit_this_event: "crwdns19788:0crwdne19788:0" + edit_this_and_next: "crwdns19790:0crwdne19790:0" + edit_all: "crwdns19792:0crwdne19792:0" + date_wont_change: "crwdns19794:0crwdne19794:0" + event_successfully_updated: "crwdns19796:0crwdne19796:0" + events_updated: "crwdns19798:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19798:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne19798:0" + unable_to_update_the_event: "crwdns19800:0crwdne19800:0" + events_not_updated: "crwdns19802:0TOTAL={TOTAL}crwdnd19802:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19802:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne19802:0" + error_deleting_reserved_price: "crwdns19804:0crwdne19804:0" + other_error: "crwdns19806:0crwdne19806:0" event_reservations: #event reservations list the_reservations: "crwdns7097:0crwdne7097:0" @@ -262,7 +286,7 @@ ach: hours: "crwdns7165:0{DURATION}crwdne7165:0" related_subscriptions: "crwdns7167:0crwdne7167:0" please_specify_a_number: "crwdns7169:0crwdne7169:0" - none: crwdns7171:0crwdne7171:0 + none: "crwdns19808:0crwdne19808:0" #grammar concordance with training. an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_number_of_credits: "crwdns7173:0crwdne7173:0" an_error_occurred_while_deleting_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "crwdns7175:0{TRAINING}crwdne7175:0" an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "crwdns7177:0crwdne7177:0" @@ -386,7 +410,7 @@ ach: year: "crwdns7391:0crwdne7391:0" month: "crwdns7393:0crwdne7393:0" day: "crwdns7395:0crwdne7395:0" - num_of_invoice: "crwdns7397:0crwdne7397:0" + num_of_invoice: "crwdns20178:0crwdne20178:0" online_sales: "crwdns7399:0crwdne7399:0" wallet: "crwdns7401:0crwdne7401:0" refund: "crwdns7403:0crwdne7403:0" @@ -438,7 +462,7 @@ ach: description: "crwdns7495:0crwdne7495:0" description_optional: "crwdns7497:0crwdne7497:0" will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "crwdns7499:0crwdne7499:0" - none: "crwdns7501:0crwdne7501:0" + none: "crwdns19810:0crwdne19810:0" #grammar concordance with payment mean by_cash: "crwdns7503:0crwdne7503:0" by_cheque: "crwdns7505:0crwdne7505:0" by_transfer: "crwdns7507:0crwdne7507:0" @@ -632,9 +656,9 @@ ach: status_enabled: "crwdns7871:0crwdne7871:0" status_disabled: "crwdns7873:0crwdne7873:0" status_all: "crwdns7875:0crwdne7875:0" - member_filter_all: "crwdns19463:0crwdne19463:0" - member_filter_not_confirmed: "crwdns19465:0crwdne19465:0" - member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "crwdns19467:0crwdne19467:0" + member_filter_all: "crwdns19812:0crwdne19812:0" + member_filter_not_confirmed: "crwdns19814:0crwdne19814:0" + member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "crwdns19816:0crwdne19816:0" members_new: #add a member add_a_member: "crwdns7877:0crwdne7877:0" @@ -761,8 +785,8 @@ ach: statistics: "crwdns8091:0crwdne8091:0" evolution: "crwdns8093:0crwdne8093:0" age_filter: "crwdns8095:0crwdne8095:0" - from_age: "crwdns8097:0crwdne8097:0" #context: age. eg: from 8 to 40 years old - to_age: "crwdns8099:0crwdne8099:0" #context: age. eg: from 8 to 40 years old + from_age: "crwdns8097:0crwdne8097:0" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old + to_age: "crwdns8099:0crwdne8099:0" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old _years_old: "crwdns8101:0crwdne8101:0" start: "crwdns8103:0crwdne8103:0" end: "crwdns8105:0crwdne8105:0" @@ -771,8 +795,8 @@ ach: criterion: "crwdns8111:0crwdne8111:0" value: "crwdns8113:0crwdne8113:0" exclude: "crwdns8115:0crwdne8115:0" - from_date: crwdns10115:0crwdne10115:0 - to_date: crwdns10117:0crwdne10117:0 + from_date: "crwdns19818:0crwdne19818:0" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 + to_date: "crwdns19820:0crwdne19820:0" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 entries: "crwdns8121:0crwdne8121:0" revenue_: "crwdns8123:0crwdne8123:0" average_age: "crwdns8125:0crwdne8125:0" @@ -797,14 +821,16 @@ ach: man: "crwdns8163:0crwdne8163:0" woman: "crwdns8165:0crwdne8165:0" export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "crwdns8167:0crwdne8167:0" + create_plans_to_start: "crwdns20160:0crwdne20160:0" + click_here: "crwdns20162:0crwdne20162:0" stats_graphs: #statistics graphs statistics: "crwdns8169:0crwdne8169:0" data: "crwdns8171:0crwdne8171:0" day: "crwdns8173:0crwdne8173:0" week: "crwdns8175:0crwdne8175:0" - from_date: crwdns10119:0crwdne10119:0 - to_date: crwdns10121:0crwdne10121:0 + from_date: "crwdns19822:0crwdne19822:0" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 + to_date: "crwdns19824:0crwdne19824:0" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 month: "crwdns8181:0crwdne8181:0" start: "crwdns8183:0crwdne8183:0" end: "crwdns8185:0crwdne8185:0" @@ -829,7 +855,7 @@ ach: neutral: "crwdns8219:0crwdne8219:0" eg: "crwdns8221:0crwdne8221:0" about: "crwdns8223:0crwdne8223:0" - the_team: "crwdns19469:0crwdne19469:0" + the_team: "crwdns19826:0crwdne19826:0" male_preposition: "crwdns8225:0crwdne8225:0" female_preposition: "crwdns8227:0crwdne8227:0" neutral_preposition: "crwdns8229:0crwdne8229:0" @@ -866,9 +892,9 @@ ach: leave_it_empty_to_not_bring_up_any_news_on_the_home_page: "crwdns8291:0crwdne8291:0" twitter_stream: "crwdns8293:0crwdne8293:0" name_of_the_twitter_account: "crwdns8295:0crwdne8295:0" - link: "crwdns19471:0crwdne19471:0" - link_to_about: 'crwdns19473:0crwdne19473:0' - content: "crwdns19475:0crwdne19475:0" + link: "crwdns19828:0crwdne19828:0" + link_to_about: 'crwdns19830:0crwdne19830:0' + content: "crwdns19832:0crwdne19832:0" title_of_the_about_page: "crwdns8297:0crwdne8297:0" shift_enter_to_force_carriage_return: "crwdns8299:0crwdne8299:0" input_the_main_content: "crwdns8301:0crwdne8301:0" @@ -902,22 +928,22 @@ ach: space_explications_alert: "crwdns8357:0crwdne8357:0" main_color: "crwdns8359:0crwdne8359:0" secondary_color: "crwdns8361:0crwdne8361:0" - customize_home_page: "crwdns19477:0crwdne19477:0" - reset_home_page: "crwdns19479:0crwdne19479:0" - confirmation_required: "crwdns19481:0crwdne19481:0" - confirm_reset_home_page: "crwdns19483:0crwdne19483:0" - home_items: "crwdns19485:0crwdne19485:0" - item_news: "crwdns19487:0crwdne19487:0" - item_projects: "crwdns19489:0crwdne19489:0" - item_twitter: "crwdns19491:0crwdne19491:0" - item_members: "crwdns19493:0crwdne19493:0" - item_events: "crwdns19495:0crwdne19495:0" - home_content: "crwdns19497:0crwdne19497:0" - home_content_reset: "crwdns19499:0crwdne19499:0" - home_css: "crwdns19501:0crwdne19501:0" + customize_home_page: "crwdns19834:0crwdne19834:0" + reset_home_page: "crwdns19836:0crwdne19836:0" + confirmation_required: "crwdns19838:0crwdne19838:0" + confirm_reset_home_page: "crwdns19840:0crwdne19840:0" + home_items: "crwdns19842:0crwdne19842:0" + item_news: "crwdns19844:0crwdne19844:0" + item_projects: "crwdns19846:0crwdne19846:0" + item_twitter: "crwdns19848:0crwdne19848:0" + item_members: "crwdns19850:0crwdne19850:0" + item_events: "crwdns19852:0crwdne19852:0" + home_content: "crwdns19854:0crwdne19854:0" + home_content_reset: "crwdns19856:0crwdne19856:0" + home_css: "crwdns19858:0crwdne19858:0" home_blogpost: "crwdns8363:0crwdne8363:0" twitter_name: "crwdns8365:0crwdne8365:0" - link_name: "crwdns19503:0crwdne19503:0" + link_name: "crwdns19860:0crwdne19860:0" about_title: "crwdns8367:0crwdne8367:0" about_body: "crwdns8369:0crwdne8369:0" about_contacts: "crwdns8371:0crwdne8371:0" @@ -940,13 +966,13 @@ ach: display_name: "crwdns8405:0crwdne8405:0" display_name_enable: "crwdns8407:0crwdne8407:0" machines_sort_by: "crwdns8409:0crwdne8409:0" - fab_analytics: "crwdns19505:0crwdne19505:0" + fab_analytics: "crwdns19862:0crwdne19862:0" elements_ordering: "crwdns8411:0crwdne8411:0" machines_order: "crwdns8413:0crwdne8413:0" display_machines_sorted_by: "crwdns8415:0crwdne8415:0" - advanced: "crwdns19507:0crwdne19507:0" - customize_home_page_css: "crwdns19509:0crwdne19509:0" - home_css_notice_html: "crwdns19511:0crwdne19511:0" + advanced: "crwdns19864:0crwdne19864:0" + customize_home_page_css: "crwdns19866:0crwdne19866:0" + home_css_notice_html: "crwdns19868:0crwdne19868:0" sort_by: default: "crwdns8417:0crwdne8417:0" name: "crwdns8419:0crwdne8419:0" @@ -962,20 +988,21 @@ ach: publish_will_notify: "crwdns8437:0crwdne8437:0" publish: "crwdns8439:0crwdne8439:0" users_notified: "crwdns8441:0crwdne8441:0" - about_analytics: "crwdns19513:0crwdne19513:0" - read_more: "crwdns19515:0crwdne19515:0" + about_analytics: "crwdns19870:0crwdne19870:0" + read_more: "crwdns19872:0crwdne19872:0" analytics: - intro_analytics_html: "crwdns19517:0crwdne19517:0" - version: "crwdns19519:0crwdne19519:0" - members: "crwdns19521:0crwdne19521:0" - admins: "crwdns19523:0crwdne19523:0" - availabilities: "crwdns19525:0crwdne19525:0" - reservations: "crwdns19527:0crwdne19527:0" - plans: "crwdns19529:0crwdne19529:0" - spaces: "crwdns19531:0crwdne19531:0" - online_payment: "crwdns19533:0crwdne19533:0" - invoices: "crwdns19535:0crwdne19535:0" - openlab: "crwdns19537:0crwdne19537:0" + title: "crwdns19874:0crwdne19874:0" + intro_analytics_html: "crwdns19876:0crwdne19876:0" + version: "crwdns19878:0crwdne19878:0" + members: "crwdns19880:0crwdne19880:0" + admins: "crwdns19882:0crwdne19882:0" + availabilities: "crwdns19884:0crwdne19884:0" + reservations: "crwdns19886:0crwdne19886:0" + plans: "crwdns19888:0crwdne19888:0" + spaces: "crwdns19890:0crwdne19890:0" + online_payment: "crwdns19892:0crwdne19892:0" + invoices: "crwdns19894:0crwdne19894:0" + openlab: "crwdns19896:0crwdne19896:0" open_api_clients: add_new_client: "crwdns8443:0crwdne8443:0" api_documentation: "crwdns8445:0crwdne8445:0" @@ -1014,3 +1041,191 @@ ach: report_will_be_destroyed: "crwdns8499:0crwdne8499:0" report_removed: "crwdns8501:0crwdne8501:0" failed_to_remove: "crwdns8503:0crwdne8503:0" + tour: + conclusion: + title: "crwdns19898:0crwdne19898:0" + content: "crwdns20174:0crwdne20174:0" + trainings: + welcome: + title: "crwdns19902:0crwdne19902:0" + content: "crwdns19904:0crwdne19904:0" + trainings: + title: "crwdns19906:0crwdne19906:0" + content: "crwdns19908:0[Calendar]crwdne19908:0" + filter: + title: "crwdns19910:0crwdne19910:0" + content: "crwdns19912:0crwdne19912:0" + tracking: + title: "crwdns19914:0crwdne19914:0" + content: "crwdns19916:0crwdne19916:0" + calendar: + welcome: + title: "crwdns19918:0crwdne19918:0" + content: "crwdns19920:0crwdne19920:0" + agenda: + title: "crwdns19922:0crwdne19922:0" + content: "crwdns19924:0crwdne19924:0" + export: + title: "crwdns19926:0crwdne19926:0" + content: "crwdns19928:0crwdne19928:0" + import: + title: "crwdns19930:0crwdne19930:0" + content: "crwdns19932:0crwdne19932:0" + members: + welcome: + title: "crwdns19934:0crwdne19934:0" + content: "crwdns19936:0crwdne19936:0" + list: + title: "crwdns19938:0crwdne19938:0" + content: "crwdns19940:0crwdne19940:0" + search: + title: "crwdns19942:0crwdne19942:0" + content: "crwdns19944:0crwdne19944:0" + filter: + title: "crwdns19946:0crwdne19946:0" + content: "crwdns19948:0crwdne19948:0" + actions: + title: "crwdns19950:0crwdne19950:0" + content: "crwdns19952:0crwdne19952:0" + exports: + title: "crwdns19954:0crwdne19954:0" + content: "crwdns19956:0crwdne19956:0" + import: + title: "crwdns19958:0crwdne19958:0" + content: "crwdns19960:0crwdne19960:0" + admins: + title: "crwdns19962:0crwdne19962:0" + content: "crwdns19964:0crwdne19964:0" + groups: + title: "crwdns19966:0crwdne19966:0" + content: "crwdns20164:0crwdne20164:0" + labels: + title: "crwdns19970:0crwdne19970:0" + content: "crwdns19972:0crwdne19972:0" + sso: + title: "crwdns19974:0crwdne19974:0" + content: "crwdns19976:0crwdne19976:0" + invoices: + welcome: + title: "crwdns19978:0crwdne19978:0" + content: "crwdns19980:0crwdne19980:0" + list: + title: "crwdns19982:0crwdne19982:0" + content: "crwdns19984:0crwdne19984:0" + chained: + title: "crwdns19986:0crwdne19986:0" + content: "crwdns19988:0crwdne19988:0" + download: + title: "crwdns19990:0crwdne19990:0" + content: "crwdns19992:0crwdne19992:0" + refund: + title: "crwdns19994:0crwdne19994:0" + content: "crwdns19996:0crwdne19996:0" + settings: + title: "crwdns19998:0crwdne19998:0" + content: "crwdns20000:0crwdne20000:0" + codes: + title: "crwdns20002:0crwdne20002:0" + content: "crwdns20004:0crwdne20004:0" + export: + title: "crwdns20006:0crwdne20006:0" + content: "crwdns20008:0crwdne20008:0" + periods: + title: "crwdns20010:0crwdne20010:0" + content: "crwdns20012:0crwdne20012:0" + pricing: + welcome: + title: "crwdns20014:0crwdne20014:0" + content: "crwdns20016:0crwdne20016:0" + new_plan: + title: "crwdns20018:0crwdne20018:0" + content: "crwdns20020:0crwdne20020:0" + trainings: + title: "crwdns20022:0crwdne20022:0" + content: "crwdns20024:0crwdne20024:0" + machines: + title: "crwdns20026:0crwdne20026:0" + content: "crwdns20028:0crwdne20028:0" + spaces: + title: "crwdns20030:0crwdne20030:0" + content: "crwdns20032:0crwdne20032:0" + credits: + title: "crwdns20034:0crwdne20034:0" + content: "crwdns20036:0crwdne20036:0" + coupons: + title: "crwdns20038:0crwdne20038:0" + content: "crwdns20040:0crwdne20040:0" + events: + welcome: + title: "crwdns20042:0crwdne20042:0" + content: "crwdns20044:0crwdne20044:0" + list: + title: "crwdns20046:0crwdne20046:0" + content: "crwdns20048:0crwdne20048:0" + filter: + title: "crwdns20050:0crwdne20050:0" + content: "crwdns20052:0crwdne20052:0" + categories: + title: "crwdns20054:0crwdne20054:0" + content: "crwdns20056:0crwdne20056:0" + themes: + title: "crwdns20058:0crwdne20058:0" + content: "crwdns20060:0crwdne20060:0" + ages: + title: "crwdns20062:0crwdne20062:0" + content: "crwdns20064:0crwdne20064:0" + prices: + title: "crwdns20066:0crwdne20066:0" + content: "crwdns20068:0crwdne20068:0" + project_elements: + welcome: + title: "crwdns20070:0crwdne20070:0" + content: "crwdns20072:0crwdne20072:0" + abuses: + title: "crwdns20074:0crwdne20074:0" + content: "crwdns20076:0crwdne20076:0" + statistics: + welcome: + title: "crwdns20078:0crwdne20078:0" + content: "crwdns20080:0crwdne20080:0" + export: + title: "crwdns20082:0crwdne20082:0" + content: "crwdns20084:0crwdne20084:0" + trending: + title: "crwdns20086:0crwdne20086:0" + content: "crwdns20088:0crwdne20088:0" + settings: + welcome: + title: "crwdns20090:0crwdne20090:0" + content: "crwdns20092:0crwdne20092:0" + home: + title: "crwdns20094:0crwdne20094:0" + content: "crwdns20096:0crwdne20096:0" + components: + title: "crwdns20098:0crwdne20098:0" + content: "crwdns20100:0crwdne20100:0" + codeview: + title: "crwdns20102:0crwdne20102:0" + content: "crwdns20104:0crwdne20104:0" + reset: + title: "crwdns20106:0crwdne20106:0" + content: "crwdns20108:0crwdne20108:0" + css: + title: "crwdns20110:0crwdne20110:0" + content: "crwdns20112:0crwdne20112:0" + about: + title: "crwdns20114:0crwdne20114:0" + content: "crwdns20116:0crwdne20116:0" + privacy: + title: "crwdns20118:0crwdne20118:0" + content: "crwdns20120:0crwdne20120:0" + draft: + title: "crwdns20122:0crwdne20122:0" + content: "crwdns20124:0crwdne20124:0" + open_api: + welcome: + title: "crwdns20126:0crwdne20126:0" + content: "crwdns20128:0crwdne20128:0" + doc: + title: "crwdns20130:0crwdne20130:0" + content: "crwdns20132:0crwdne20132:0" From 88648202b6b01be1faf5802a2230b2c034a94440 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 06/68] New translations rails.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/rails.ach.yml | 54 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/rails.ach.yml b/config/locales/rails.ach.yml index 59db18b20..ebbd2611c 100644 --- a/config/locales/rails.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/rails.ach.yml @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ ach: - crwdns4265:0crwdne4265:0 - crwdns4267:0crwdne4267:0 formats: - default: "%Y-%m-%d" - long: "%B %d, %Y" - short: "%b %d" + default: "crwdns4269:0%Y-%m-%dcrwdne4269:0" + long: "crwdns4271:0%Bcrwdnd4271:0%dcrwdnd4271:0%Ycrwdne4271:0" + short: "crwdns4273:0%bcrwdnd4273:0%dcrwdne4273:0" month_names: - - crwdns4275:0crwdne4275:0 @@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ ach: - crwdns4295:0crwdne4295:0 - crwdns4297:0crwdne4297:0 order: - - :year - - :month - - :day + - crwdns4299:0crwdne4299:0 + - crwdns4301:0crwdne4301:0 + - crwdns4303:0crwdne4303:0 datetime: distance_in_words: about_x_hours: @@ -146,36 +146,36 @@ ach: number: currency: format: - delimiter: "," - format: "%u%n" - precision: 2 - separator: "." + delimiter: "crwdns4407:0crwdne4407:0" + format: "crwdns4409:0%ucrwdnd4409:0%ncrwdne4409:0" + precision: 0 + separator: "crwdns4413:0crwdne4413:0" significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false - unit: "$" + unit: "crwdns4415:0crwdne4415:0" format: - delimiter: "," - precision: 3 - separator: "." + delimiter: "crwdns4417:0crwdne4417:0" + precision: 0 + separator: "crwdns4421:0crwdne4421:0" significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false human: decimal_units: - format: "%n %u" + format: "crwdns4423:0%ncrwdnd4423:0%ucrwdne4423:0" units: billion: crwdns4425:0crwdne4425:0 million: crwdns4427:0crwdne4427:0 quadrillion: crwdns4429:0crwdne4429:0 thousand: crwdns4431:0crwdne4431:0 trillion: crwdns4433:0crwdne4433:0 - unit: '' + unit: 'crwdns4435:0crwdne4435:0' format: - delimiter: '' - precision: 3 + delimiter: 'crwdns4437:0crwdne4437:0' + precision: 0 significant: true strip_insignificant_zeros: true storage_units: - format: "%n %u" + format: "crwdns4441:0%ncrwdnd4441:0%ucrwdne4441:0" units: byte: one: crwdns4443:1crwdne4443:1 @@ -186,20 +186,20 @@ ach: tb: crwdns4451:0crwdne4451:0 percentage: format: - delimiter: '' - format: "%n%" + delimiter: 'crwdns4453:0crwdne4453:0' + format: "crwdns4455:0%ncrwdne4455:0" precision: format: - delimiter: '' + delimiter: 'crwdns4457:0crwdne4457:0' support: array: last_word_connector: "crwdns4459:0crwdne4459:0" two_words_connector: "crwdns4461:0crwdne4461:0" words_connector: "crwdns4463:0crwdne4463:0" time: - am: am + am: crwdns4465:0crwdne4465:0 formats: - default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" - long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" - short: "%d %b %H:%M" - pm: pm + default: "crwdns4467:0%acrwdnd4467:0%dcrwdnd4467:0%bcrwdnd4467:0%Ycrwdnd4467:0%H:%M:%Scrwdnd4467:0%zcrwdne4467:0" + long: "crwdns4469:0%Bcrwdnd4469:0%dcrwdnd4469:0%Ycrwdnd4469:0%H:%Mcrwdne4469:0" + short: "crwdns4471:0%dcrwdnd4471:0%bcrwdnd4471:0%H:%Mcrwdne4471:0" + pm: crwdns4473:0crwdne4473:0 From b66b0b4ba934048b0fed498d93e1539e2683861f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:56 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 07/68] New translations mails.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/mails.ach.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/mails.ach.yml b/config/locales/mails.ach.yml index d1efe86e3..1f8bed984 100644 --- a/config/locales/mails.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/mails.ach.yml @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ ach: this_coupon_is_valid_USAGE_times_until_DATE_for_all_your_purchases: "crwdns4187:0USAGE={USAGE}crwdnd4187:0TYPE={TYPE}crwdnd4187:0DATE={DATE}crwdnd4187:0DATE={DATE}crwdne4187:0" notify_admin_free_disk_space: subject: "crwdns4189:0crwdne4189:0" - body: "crwdns4191:0%{THRESHOLD}crwdnd4191:0%{AVAILABLE}crwdne4191:0" + body: "crwdns20156:0%{THRESHOLD}crwdnd20156:0%{AVAILABLE}crwdne20156:0" notify_admin_close_period_reminder: subject: "crwdns4193:0crwdne4193:0" body: From 0bbc3005841ff5f0e92d714374aa01cf46f9cec5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:58 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 08/68] New translations devise.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/devise.ach.yml | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/devise.ach.yml b/config/locales/devise.ach.yml index b6b4e5736..5f8010b6f 100644 --- a/config/locales/devise.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/devise.ach.yml @@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ ach: not_found_in_database: "crwdns3787:0crwdne3787:0" timeout: "crwdns3789:0crwdne3789:0" unauthenticated: "crwdns3791:0crwdne3791:0" - unconfirmed: "crwdns3793:0crwdne3793:0" + unconfirmed: "crwdns19573:0crwdne19573:0" mailer: confirmation_instructions: - action: crwdns3795:0crwdne3795:0 - instruction: crwdns3797:0crwdne3797:0 + action: "crwdns20182:0crwdne20182:0" + instruction: "crwdns20184:0crwdne20184:0" subject: "crwdns3799:0crwdne3799:0" reset_password_instructions: - action: crwdns3801:0crwdne3801:0 - instruction: crwdns3803:0crwdne3803:0 - ignore_otherwise: crwdns3805:0crwdne3805:0 + action: "crwdns20186:0crwdne20186:0" + instruction: "crwdns20188:0crwdne20188:0" + ignore_otherwise: "crwdns20190:0crwdne20190:0" subject: "crwdns3807:0crwdne3807:0" unlock_instructions: subject: "crwdns3809:0crwdne3809:0" @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ ach: unlocked: "crwdns3847:0crwdne3847:0" errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "crwdns3849:0crwdne3849:0" + already_confirmed: "crwdns19575:0crwdne19575:0" confirmation_period_expired: "crwdns3851:0%{period}crwdne3851:0" expired: "crwdns3853:0crwdne3853:0" - not_found: "crwdns3855:0crwdne3855:0" + not_found: "crwdns19577:0crwdne19577:0" not_locked: "crwdns3857:0crwdne3857:0" not_saved: one: "crwdns3859:1%{resource}crwdne3859:1" From de5ac12906c01be283dc718d10c33efd1e4abcd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:53:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 09/68] New translations en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/ach.yml | 65 ++++++++++++------------------------------ 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ach.yml b/config/locales/ach.yml index 6a335e902..42d9408a1 100644 --- a/config/locales/ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/ach.yml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ ach: + #subscription plan duration duration: - #subscription plan duration year: one: 'crwdns3157:1crwdne3157:1' other: 'crwdns3157:5%{count}crwdne3157:5' @@ -10,13 +10,9 @@ ach: week: one: 'crwdns3161:1crwdne3161:1' other: 'crwdns3161:5%{count}crwdne3161:5' - time: - formats: - # See for a list of available directives - hour_minute: "%I:%M %p" errors: + #CarrierWave messages: - #CarrierWave carrierwave_processing_error: "crwdns3165:0crwdne3165:0" carrierwave_integrity_error: "crwdns3167:0crwdne3167:0" carrierwave_download_error: "crwdns3169:0crwdne3169:0" @@ -40,55 +36,29 @@ ach: end_before_start: "crwdns3205:0%{START}crwdne3205:0" invalid_duration: "crwdns3207:0%{DAYS}crwdne3207:0" must_be_in_the_past: "crwdns3209:0crwdne3209:0" - activemodel: - errors: - messages: - carrierwave_processing_error: crwdns3211:0crwdne3211:0 - carrierwave_integrity_error: crwdns3213:0crwdne3213:0 - carrierwave_download_error: crwdns3215:0crwdne3215:0 - extension_white_list_error: crwdns3217:0%{extension}crwdnd3217:0%{allowed_types}crwdne3217:0 - extension_black_list_error: crwdns3219:0%{extension}crwdnd3219:0%{prohibited_types}crwdne3219:0 - rmagick_processing_error: crwdns3221:0%{e}crwdne3221:0 - mime_types_processing_error: crwdns3223:0%{e}crwdne3223:0 - mini_magick_processing_error: crwdns3225:0%{e}crwdne3225:0 - wrong_size: crwdns3227:0%{file_size}crwdne3227:0 - size_too_small: crwdns3229:0%{file_size}crwdne3229:0 - size_too_big: crwdns3231:0%{file_size}crwdne3231:0 - export_not_found: crwdns3233:0crwdne3233:0 - percentage_out_of_range: crwdns3235:0crwdne3235:0 - cannot_be_blank_at_same_time: crwdns3237:0%{field}crwdne3237:0 - cannot_be_in_the_past: crwdns3239:0crwdne3239:0 - cannot_be_before_previous_value: crwdns3241:0crwdne3241:0 - cannot_overlap: crwdns3243:0crwdne3243:0 - cannot_encompass: crwdns3245:0crwdne3245:0 - in_closed_period: crwdns3247:0crwdne3247:0 - invalid_footprint: crwdns3249:0crwdne3249:0 - end_before_start: crwdns3251:0%{START}crwdne3251:0 - invalid_duration: crwdns3253:0%{DAYS}crwdne3253:0 - must_be_in_the_past: crwdns3255:0crwdne3255:0 apipie: api_documentation: "crwdns3257:0crwdne3257:0" + #error messages when importing an account from a SSO omniauth: - #error messages when importing an account from a SSO email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "crwdns3259:0%{OLD_MAIL}crwdne3259:0" your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "crwdns3261:0%{USERNAME}crwdne3261:0" your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "crwdns3263:0%{EMAIL}crwdne3263:0" this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "crwdns3265:0%{NAME}crwdne3265:0" + #availability slots in the calendar availabilities: - #availability slots in the calendar not_available: "crwdns3267:0crwdne3267:0" i_ve_reserved: "crwdns3269:0crwdne3269:0" length_must_be_slot_multiple: "crwdns3271:0%{MIN}crwdne3271:0" must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "crwdns3273:0crwdne3273:0" + #members management members: - #members management unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "crwdns3275:0crwdne3275:0" please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "crwdns3277:0%{EMAIL}crwdne3277:0" your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "crwdns3279:0crwdne3279:0" current_authentication_method_no_code: "crwdns3281:0crwdne3281:0" requested_account_does_not_exists: "crwdns3283:0crwdne3283:0" + #PDF invoices generation invoices: - #PDF invoices generation refund_invoice_reference: "crwdns3285:0%{REF}crwdne3285:0" invoice_reference: "crwdns3287:0%{REF}crwdne3287:0" code: "crwdns3289:0%{CODE}crwdne3289:0" @@ -139,6 +109,7 @@ ach: subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "crwdns3371:0%{NAME}crwdnd3371:0%{DURATION}crwdnd3371:0%{DATE}crwdne3371:0" subscription_of_NAME_extended_starting_from_STARTDATE_until_ENDDATE: "crwdns3373:0%{NAME}crwdnd3373:0%{STARTDATE}crwdnd3373:0%{ENDDATE}crwdne3373:0" and: 'crwdns3375:0crwdne3375:0' + #CVS accounting export (columns headers) accounting_export: journal_code: "crwdns3377:0crwdne3377:0" date: "crwdns3379:0crwdne3379:0" @@ -158,19 +129,19 @@ ach: Event_reservation: "crwdns3407:0crwdne3407:0" Space_reservation: "crwdns3409:0crwdne3409:0" wallet: "crwdns3411:0crwdne3411:0" + #training availabilities trainings: - #training availabilities i_ve_reserved: "crwdns3413:0crwdne3413:0" completed: "crwdns3415:0crwdne3415:0" + #error messages when updating an event events: - #error messages when updating an event error_deleting_reserved_price: "crwdns3417:0crwdne3417:0" other_error: "crwdns3419:0crwdne3419:0" #event duration from_STARTDATE_to_ENDDATE: "crwdns3421:0%{STARTDATE}crwdnd3421:0%{ENDDATE}crwdne3421:0" from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "crwdns3423:0%{STARTTIME}crwdnd3423:0%{ENDTIME}crwdne3423:0" + #members list export to EXCEL format export_members: - #members list export to EXCEL format members: "crwdns3425:0crwdne3425:0" id: "crwdns3427:0crwdne3427:0" surname: "crwdns3429:0crwdne3429:0" @@ -201,8 +172,8 @@ ach: man: "crwdns3479:0crwdne3479:0" woman: "crwdns3481:0crwdne3481:0" without_subscriptions: "crwdns3483:0crwdne3483:0" + #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format export_reservations: - #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format reservations: "crwdns3485:0crwdne3485:0" customer_id: "crwdns3487:0crwdne3487:0" customer: "crwdns3489:0crwdne3489:0" @@ -214,8 +185,8 @@ ach: payment_method: "crwdns3501:0crwdne3501:0" local_payment: "crwdns3503:0crwdne3503:0" online_payment: "crwdns3505:0crwdne3505:0" + #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format export_subscriptions: - #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format subscriptions: "crwdns3507:0crwdne3507:0" id: "crwdns3509:0crwdne3509:0" customer: "crwdns3511:0crwdne3511:0" @@ -228,8 +199,8 @@ ach: payment_method: "crwdns3525:0crwdne3525:0" local_payment: "crwdns3527:0crwdne3527:0" online_payment: "crwdns3529:0crwdne3529:0" + #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format export_availabilities: - #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format machines: "crwdns3531:0crwdne3531:0" trainings: "crwdns3533:0crwdne3533:0" spaces: "crwdns3535:0crwdne3535:0" @@ -244,15 +215,15 @@ ach: reservations: "crwdns3553:0crwdne3553:0" available_seats: "crwdns3555:0crwdne3555:0" api: + #internal app notifications notifications: - #internal app notifications deleted_user: "crwdns3557:0crwdne3557:0" notify_admin_abuse_reported: an_abuse_was_reported_on_TYPE_ID_NAME_html: "crwdns3559:0%{TYPE}crwdnd3559:0%{ID}crwdnd3559:0%{NAME}crwdne3559:0" notify_admin_member_create_reservation: a_RESERVABLE_reservation_was_made_by_USER_html: "crwdns3561:0%{RESERVABLE}crwdnd3561:0%{USER}crwdne3561:0" notify_admin_profile_complete: - account_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_has_completed_its_information_html: "crwdns3563:0%{PROVIDER}crwdnd3563:0%{UID}crwdne3563:0" + account_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_has_completed_its_information_html: "crwdns20158:0%{PROVIDER}crwdnd20158:0%{UID}crwdne20158:0" notify_admin_slot_is_canceled: USER_s_reservation_on_the_DATE_was_cancelled_remember_to_generate_a_refund_invoice_if_applicable_html: "crwdns3565:0%{USER}crwdnd3565:0%{DATE}crwdne3565:0" notify_admin_slot_is_modified: @@ -358,8 +329,8 @@ ach: click_to_show: "crwdns3687:0crwdne3687:0" notify_admin_refund_created: refund_created: "crwdns4559:0%{AMOUNT}crwdnd4559:0%{USER}crwdne4559:0" + #statistics tools for admins statistics: - #statistics tools for admins subscriptions: "crwdns3689:0crwdne3689:0" machines_hours: "crwdns4561:0crwdne4561:0" spaces: "crwdns3693:0crwdne3693:0" @@ -385,8 +356,8 @@ ach: revenue: "crwdns3733:0crwdne3733:0" account_creation: "crwdns3735:0crwdne3735:0" project_publication: "crwdns3737:0crwdne3737:0" + #statistics exports to the excel file format export: - #statistics exports to the excel file format entries: "crwdns3739:0crwdne3739:0" revenue: "crwdns3741:0crwdne3741:0" average_age: "crwdns3743:0crwdne3743:0" @@ -400,8 +371,8 @@ ach: type: "crwdns3759:0crwdne3759:0" male: "crwdns3761:0crwdne3761:0" female: "crwdns3763:0crwdne3763:0" + #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property price_category: - #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property reduced_fare: "crwdns3765:0crwdne3765:0" reduced_fare_if_you_are_under_25_student_or_unemployed: "crwdns3767:0crwdne3767:0" group: From 6cb0124c944ececbda9b35eb28353c532f4260c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 10/68] New translations app.shared.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 54 +++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 742e82504..d3bfee661 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ es: app: shared: + #translations of common buttons buttons: - #translations of common buttons confirm_changes: "Confirmar cambios" consult: "Consultar" edit: "Editar" @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ es: you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "Si cierra la página se perderán todas las modificaciones que no se hayan guardado" you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Si recarga la página se perderán todas las modificaciones que no se hayan guardado" payment_card_error: "A problem has occurred with your credit card:" + #user edition form user: - #user edition form man: "Man" woman: "Woman" add_an_avatar: "Añadir un avatar" @@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ es: used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes" used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings" used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile" + #project edition form project: - #project edition form name: "Name" name_is_required: "Name is required." illustration: "Ilustración" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ es: themes: "Themes" tags: "Tags" save_as_draft: "Save as draft" + #machine edition form machine: - #machine edition form name: "Nombre" name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre." illustration: "Ilustración" @@ -106,28 +106,28 @@ es: add_an_attachment: "añadir archivo adjunto" disable_machine: "Disable machine" validate_your_machine: "Validar su máquina" + #frame to select a plan to subscribe plan_subscribe: - #frame to select a plan to subscribe subscribe_online: "suscribirse online" do_not_subscribe: "no suscribe" + #admin: choose a member to interact with member_select: - #admin: choose a member to interact with select_a_member: "Selecciona un miembro" start_typing: "Empezar a escribir..." + #stripe payment modal stripe: - #stripe payment modal online_payment: "Online payment" i_have_read_and_accept_: "He leido y acepto" _the_general_terms_and_conditions: "Los términos y condiciones." credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "{amount} {currency} falta por pagar para efectuar su reserva" client_credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "{amount} {currency} falta por pagar para efectuar la reserva del cliente" confirm_payment_of_: "Pay: {AMOUNT}" + #dialog of on site payment for reservations valid_reservation_modal: - #dialog of on site payment for reservations booking_confirmation: "Confirmar reserva" here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Resumen de los espacios reservados por el usuario actual:" + #event edition form event: - #event edition form title: "Title" title_is_required: "Se requiere un título." matching_visual: "Coincidencia visual" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ es: tickets_available: "Entradas disponibles" event_theme: "Tema del evento" age_range: "Rango de edades" + #subscription plan edition form plan: - #subscription plan edition form general_information: "Información general" name: "Nombre" name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre." @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ es: email_address_is_required: "Se requiere un mail." disabled: "Disable subscription" disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Beware: disabling this plan won't unsubscribe users having active subscriptions with it." + #training edition form trainings: - #training edition form name: "Nombre" name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre." illustration: "Ilustración" @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ es: number_of_tickets: "Número de entradas" public_page: "Hacer curso público" disable_training: "Disable the training" + #partial form to edit/create an user (admin view) user_admin: - #partial form to edit/create an user (admin view) user: "User" incomplete_profile: "Incomplete profile" user_profile: "Profil utilisateur" @@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ es: group_is_required: "Se requiere un grupo" trainings: "Cursos" tags: "Tags" + #partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO) authentication: - #partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO) name: "Nombre" provider_name_is_required: "Se requiere el nombre del proveedor." authentication_type: "Tipo de autenticación" @@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ es: expected_data_type: "Tipo de datos esperado" input_format: "Formato de entrada" mappings: "Mapeos" + #edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider oauth2: - #edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider common_url: "URL común" common_url_is_required: "se requiere una URL común." provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "La URL cedida no es válida." @@ -253,27 +253,25 @@ es: api_endpoint_url: "API final de URL" api_type: "Tipo de API" api_fields: "Campos de API" + #machine/training slot modification modal confirm_modify_slot_modal: - #machine/training slot modification modal change_the_slot: "Cambiar la ranura" do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Desea cambiar su reserva efectuada inicialmente el:" do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Desea cambiar la reserva de {NAME} , efectuada inicialmente el:" cancel_this_reservation: "Cancelar reserva" i_want_to_change_date: "Quiero cambiar la fecha" - + #modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine request_training_modal: - #modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine to_book_the_MACHINE_you_must_have_completed_the_TRAINING: "Para reservar \"{MACHINE}\" debes haber completado el curso: {TRAINING}." register_for_the_training: "Apuntarse al curso" i_dont_want_to_register_now: "No quiero apuntarme aún" - + #modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine training_reservation_modal: - #modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine machine_reservation: "Reserva de máquina" you_must_wait_for_your_training_is_being_validated_by_the_fablab_team_to_book_this_machine: "Debes esperar a que el Fablab valide tu curso para reservar la máquina." your_training_will_occur_: "Tu curso será realizado" + #user public profile public_profile: - #user public profile last_activity_html: "Last activity
on {DATE}" to_come: "por llegar" approved: "aprobada" @@ -287,8 +285,8 @@ es: email_address: "Email address" trainings: "Trainings" no_trainings: "No trainings" + #wallet wallet: - #wallet wallet: 'Cartera' your_wallet_amount: 'Su dinero disponible' wallet_amount: 'Cantidad disponible' @@ -323,8 +321,8 @@ es: debit_reservation_machine: "Débito por reserva de máquina" debit_reservation_event: "Débito por reserva de evento" warning_uneditable_credit: "ADVERTENCIA: una vez validada la reserva no podrá modificarse el pago." + #promotional coupon (creation/edition form) coupon: - #promotional coupon (creation/edition form) name: "Nombre" name_is_required: "Name is required." code: "Código" @@ -346,8 +344,8 @@ es: max_usages: "Usos máximos permitidos" max_usages_must_be_equal_or_greater_than_0: "El número de usos máximos permitidos debe ser mayor que 0." enabled: "Activo" + #coupon (input zone for users) coupon_input: - #coupon (input zone for users) i_have_a_coupon: "I have a coupon!" code_: "Code:" the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "Se ha aplicado el cupón {PERCENT}% de descuento." @@ -359,8 +357,8 @@ es: unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "No se puede aplicar el cupón: el descuento excede el monto total de esta compra." unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "No se puede aplicar el cupón: se ha producido un error inesperado, póngase en contacto con el gerente del Fablab." unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Este código no existe." + #form to create/edit a space space: - #form to create/edit a space name: "Nombre" name_is_required: "Se requiere un nombre." illustration: "Ilustración" @@ -375,8 +373,8 @@ es: default_places: "Máximo de entradas predeterminado" default_places_is_required: "Se requiere un máximo de entradas predeterminado." disable_space: "Disable space" + #shopping cart module for reservations cart: - #module de panier d'achat de réservations summary: "Resumen" select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Selecciona uno {SINGLE, select, true{slot} other{or more slots}} en el calendario" you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "Acaba de seleccionar el espacio :" @@ -406,15 +404,15 @@ es: tags_of_the_destination_slot: "Etiquetas del espacio final:" confirm_my_modification: "Confirmar modificación" your_booking_slot_was_successfully_moved_from_: "Tu reserva de espacio ha sido reemplazada con éxito" - to_date: "a" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 + to_date: "a" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 please_select_a_member_first: "Por favor, selecciona un miembro de la lista" - unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: 'No se puede seleccionar un plan si alguno de los espacios seleccionados está en el pasado' + unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: "No se puede seleccionar un plan si alguno de los espacios seleccionados está en el pasado" unable_to_change_the_reservation: "Imposible cambiar reserva" confirmation_required: "Confirmación requerida" do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "¿Está seguro de querer cancelar la reserva?" reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "La reserva se ha cancelado con éxito." cancellation_failed: "Cancelación fallida." - confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Payment on site} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(context: confirm my payment of $20.00) + confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Payment on site} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #eg. confirm my payment of $20.00 a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later." none: "Ninguno" online_payment_disabled: "El pago en línea no está disponible. Póngase en contacto directamente con la recepción de Fablab." From 812081148180702edea82e237fc9fbc968705b3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 11/68] New translations app.public.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 34 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 16525e472..d18bd3860 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ es: app: public: + #header and "about" page common: - #header and "about" page about_the_fablab: "Acerca de {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}} {NAME}" return: "Volver" #cookies @@ -121,19 +121,19 @@ es: how_to: "How to upgrade?" #Notifications and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "y {NUMBER, plural, =0{no other notifications} =1{one other notification} otras{{NUMBER} other notifications}}..." + #about page about: - #about page read_the_fablab_policy: "Leer la politica del FabLab" read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Leer los terminos y condiciones del FabLab" your_fablab_s_contacts: "Sus contactos del FabLab" privacy_policy: "Política de privacidad" + #'privacy policy' page privacy: - #'privacy policy' page title: "Política de privacidad" dpo: "Oficial de protección de datos" last_update: "Última actualización," + #home page home: - #home page latest_documented_projects: "Los últimos proyectos documentados" follow_us: "Siguenos" latest_tweets: "Los últimos tweets" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ es: full_price: "Precio final" event_full: "Evento lleno" still_available: "Available place(s)" + #projects gallery projects_list: - #projects gallery the_fablab_projects: "Los proyectos del FabLab" add_a_project: "Añadir un proyecto" search_over_the_whole_network: "Buscar en toda la red de FabLab" @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ es: all_materials: "Todo el material" load_next_projects: "Cargar más proyectos" rough_draft: "Borrador" + #details of a projet projects_show: - #details of a projet rough_draft: "Draft" project_description: "Descripción de proyecto" by_name: "Por {NAME}" @@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ es: message_is_required: "El mensaje es obligatorio." report: "Reportar" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "¿Está seguro de querer eliminar este proyecto?" + #list of machines machines_list: - #list of machines the_fablab_s_machines: "Las máquinas del FabLab" add_a_machine: "Añadir una máquina" new_availability: "Open reservations" @@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ es: status_enabled: "Activas" status_disabled: "No activas" status_all: "Todas" + #details of a machine machines_show: - #details of a machine book_this_machine: "Alquilar máquina" technical_specifications: "Technical specifications" files_to_download: "Archivos a descargar" @@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ es: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "¿Está seguro de querer eliminar esta máquina?" unauthorized_operation: "Unauthorized operation" the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "La máquina no puede borrarse porque está siendo usada o ha sido reservada por algún usuario." + #list of trainings trainings_list: - #list of trainings book: "Reservar" the_trainings: "Lista de cursos" + #details of a training training_show: - #details of a training book_this_training: "reservar plaza en este curso" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Está seguro de querer eliminar este curso?" unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada" confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "El curso no puede borrarse porque ya ha sido reservado por algún usuario." + #summary of the subscriptions plans: - #summary of the subscriptions subscriptions: "Suscripciones" i_choose_that_plan: "Elijo este plan" i_subscribe_online: "Suscribirme online" @@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ es: here_is_the_NAME_subscription_summary: "Resumen de la suscrpición de {NAME}:" confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Cash} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00) online_payment_disabled: "Payment by credit card is not available. Please contact the Fablab's reception directly." + #Fablab's events list events_list: - #Fablab's events list the_fablab_s_events: "Los eventos del FabLab" all_categories: "Todas las categorías" for_all: "Para todo" @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ es: full_price_: "Full price:" to_date: "to" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 all_themes: "All themes" + #details and booking of an event events_show: - #details and booking of an event event_description: "Descripción del evento" downloadable_documents: "Archivos descargables" information_and_booking: "Información y reservas" @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ es: opening_hours: "Hora de apertura:" all_day: "All day" from_time: "From" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 - to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 full_price_: "Full price:" tickets_still_availables: "Entradas disponibles:" sold_out: "Entradas vendidas." @@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ es: view_event_list: "View events to come" share_on_facebook: "Share on Facebook" share_on_twitter: "Share on Twitter" + #public calendar calendar: - #public calendar calendar: "Calendario" show_unavailables: "Mostrar campos inválidos" filter_calendar: "Filtrar calendario" @@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ es: spaces: "Espacios" events: "Eventos" externals: "Otros calendarios" + #list of spaces spaces_list: - #list of spaces the_spaces: "Espacios" new_availability: "Open reservations" add_a_space: "Añadir espacios" @@ -343,8 +343,8 @@ es: status_disabled: "No activos" status_all: "Todos" book: "Reservar" + #display the details of a space space_show: - #display the details of a space book_this_space: "Reservar este espacio" unauthorized_operation: "Operación no autorizada" confirmation_required: "Confirmación requerida" From dc7a36e4008e64d18ff7a2224785a78b44cf9aa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 12/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index faf628241..c7cfa86e8 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ es: app: logged: profile_completion: - # user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider + #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider confirm_your_new_account: "Confirme su nueva cuenta" you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Acaba de crear una nueva cuenta en {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}} {NAME}, al iniciar sesión desde" we_need_some_more_details: "Para finalizar la configuración de la plataforma, necesitamos algunos detalles más." @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ es: _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconnect then reconnect" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "for your changes to take effect." dashboard: - # dashboard: public profile + #dashboard: public profile profile: empty: '' settings: - # dashboard: edit my profile + #dashboard: edit my profile last_activity_on_: "Última vez activo" i_want_to_change_group: "Quiero cambiar de grupo" your_subscription_expires_on_: "su suscripción acaba el" @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ es: _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "reconectarse" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que sus cambios sean aplicados." projects: - # dashboard: my projects + #dashboard: my projects you_dont_have_any_projects: "Aún no tiene proyectos." add_a_project: "Add a project" author: "Autor" @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ es: materials: "Materials" collaborators: "Collaborators" trainings: - # dashboard: my trainings + #dashboard: my trainings your_next_trainings: "Sus próximos cursos" your_previous_trainings: "Sus cursos anteriores" your_approved_trainings: "Sus cursos aprobados" no_trainings: "No trainings" events: - # dashboard: my events + #dashboard: my events your_next_events: "Sus próximos eventos" no_events_to_come: "No hay próximos eventos" your_previous_events: "Sus eventos anteriores" @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ es: NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{normal place reserved} other{normal places reserved}}" NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{of {NAME} place reserved} other{of {NAME} places reserved}}" invoices: - # dashboard: my invoices + #dashboard: my invoices reference_number: "Numero de referencia" date: "Date" price: "Price" @@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ es: download_the_credit_note: "Download the refund invoice" no_invoices_for_now: "No invoices for now." members_show: - # public profil of a member + #public profil of a member members_list: "Lista de miembros" members: - # list of members accepting to be contacted + #list of members accepting to be contacted the_fablab_members: "Los miembros del fablab" display_more_members: "Ver más miembros" no_members_for_now: "Aún no hay miembros" @@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ es: pseudonym: "Pseudonym" email_address: "Email address" projects_new: - # add a new project + #add a new project add_a_new_project: "Añadir nuevo proyecto" projects_edit: - # modify an existing project + #modify an existing project edit_the_project: "Editar proyecto" rough_draft: "Draft" publish: "Publicar" machines_reserve: - # book a machine + #book a machine machine_planning: "Planning de la máquina" i_ve_reserved: "He reservado" not_available: "No disponible" @@ -158,16 +158,16 @@ es: cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later." trainings_reserve: - # book a training + #book a training trainings_planning: "Plan de curso" - planning_of: "Plan de " # followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "Planning of" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) all_trainings: "Todos los cursos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar mi selección" i_change: "I change" i_shift: "I shift" i_ve_reserved: "He reservado" space_reserve: - # book a space + #book a space planning_of_space_NAME: "Planes de {NAME} " i_ve_reserved: "he reservado" i_shift: "reemplazo" From 0d525790b8ac011d73a8ef31155309e83c1c2878 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 13/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 62724d2b2..c402a01ba 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ es: from_DATE: "Desde {DATE}" from_TIME: "Desde {TIME}" to_date: "to" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 - to_time: "to" #eg: from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 title: "Title" dates: "Dates" booking: "Booking" @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ es: hours: "Slots of {DURATION} minutes" related_subscriptions: "Suscripciónes relacionada" please_specify_a_number: "Por favor, especifique un número." - none: "Nada" + none: "Nada" #grammar concordance with training. an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_number_of_credits: "Se ha producido un error al guardar el número de créditos." an_error_occurred_while_deleting_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "Se ha producido un error al eliminar el crédito con la {TRAINING}." an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "Se ha producido un error: no se puede encontrar el crédito a revocar." @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ es: year: "Año" month: "Mes" day: "Día" - num_of_invoice: "#de factura" + num_of_invoice: "#of invoice" online_sales: "Ventas en línea" wallet: "Cartera" refund: "Reembolso" @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ es: description: "Descripción" description_optional: "Descripción (opcional):" will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Aparecerá en la factura de reembolso." - none: "Nada" #grammar note: concordancia con medio de pago + none: "Nada" #grammar concordance with payment mean by_cash: "En efectivo" by_cheque: "Mediante cheque" by_transfer: "Por transferencia" @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ es: general_space_code: "Accounting code for all spaces" accounting_Space_label: "Spaces label" general_space_label: "Account label for all spaces" - codes_customization_success: "Customization of the accounting codes successfully saved." + codes_customization_success: "Customization of accounting codes successfully saved." export_accounting_data: "Export accounting data" export_to: "Export to the accounting software" export_is_running: "Exportando, será notificado cuando esté listo." @@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ es: encoding: "Encoding" separator: "Separator" dateFormat: "Date format" - labelMaxLength: "Label (max)" + labelMaxLength: "Label maximum length" decimalSeparator: "Decimal separator" exportInvoicesAtZero: "Export invoices equal to 0" columns: "Columns" @@ -785,8 +785,8 @@ es: statistics: "Statistics" evolution: "Evolución" age_filter: "Filtro de edad" - from_age: "Desde" #context: age. eg: from 8 to 40 years old - to_age: "a" #context: age. eg: from 8 to 40 years old + from_age: "Desde" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old + to_age: "a" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old _years_old: "años" start: "Principio:" end: "Final:" @@ -829,8 +829,8 @@ es: data: "Datos" day: "Dia" week: "Semana" - from_date: "From" # eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 - to_date: "to" # eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 + from_date: "From" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 + to_date: "to" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 month: "Month" start: "Inicio:" end: "Final:" From 67eb3086d177a0ef80b7728a46be02181061019d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 14/68] New translations mails.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 60ae3e371..ca43a34db 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ es: layouts: notifications_mailer: - see_you_later: "Nos vemos pronto en {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}}" #messageFormat interpolation + see_you_later: "Nos vemos pronto en {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}}" #messageFormat interpolation sincerely: "Atentamente," signature: "El equipo del FabLab." do_not_reply: "Por favor no conteste a este mail." @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ es: subject: "Tu cuenta FabLab se ha creado con éxito" body: hello: "Hola %{NAME}," - intro: "El equipo FabLab acaba de crear una cuenta para ti, en la web {GENDER, select, male{del} female{de la} neutral{de} other{de las}} {FABLAB}" #messageFormat interpolation + intro: "El equipo FabLab acaba de crear una cuenta para ti, en la web {GENDER, select, male{del} female{de la} neutral{de} other{de las}} {FABLAB}" #messageFormat interpolation connection_parameters: "Estos son los datos asociados a tu cuenta:" account_name: "Nombre de usuario:" password: "Contraseña:" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ es: notify_admin_subscription_extended: subject: "Una suscripción ha sido extendida" body: - subscription_extended_html: "La suscripción {PLAN} del usuario {NAME} ha sido extendida {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation + subscription_extended_html: "La suscripción {PLAN} del usuario {NAME} ha sido extendida {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_member_subscription_extended: subject: "Su suscripción ha sido extendida" body: @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ es: notify_member_invoice_ready: subject: "La factura de su FabLab" body: - please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encuentre como archivo adjunto su factura de {DATE}, por un valor de {AMOUNT} referente a {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation - invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Puede acceder a su factura en %{DASHBOARD} en la web del FabLab." + please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encuentre como archivo adjunto su factura de {DATE}, por un valor de {AMOUNT} referente a {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation + invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Puede acceder a su factura en %{DASHBOARD} en la web del FabLab." your_dashboard: "Su Panel" notify_member_reservation_reminder: subject: "Recordatorio de reserva" @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ es: notify_member_avoir_ready: subject: "Su factura de reembolso de FabLab" body: - please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encuentre como archivo adjunto su factura de reembolso de {DATE}, con una cantidad de {AMOUNT} referente a su {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} WalletTransaction{wallet credit} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation + please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encuentre como archivo adjunto su factura de reembolso de {DATE}, con una cantidad de {AMOUNT} referente a su {TYPE, select, Reservation{reservation} WalletTransaction{wallet credit} other{subscription}}." #messageFormat interpolation invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Puede acceder a su factura en %{DASHBOARD} en la web del FabLab." your_dashboard: "Su panel" notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ es: subject: "Cupón" body: enjoy_a_discount_of_PERCENT_with_code_CODE: "Disfruta de un descuento del %{PERCENT}% en toda la web con el código %{CODE}." - enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Disfruta de un descuento de %{AMOUNT} en toda la web con el código %{CODE}." + enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Disfruta de un descuento de %{AMOUNT} en toda la web con el código %{CODE}." this_coupon_is_valid_USAGE_times_until_DATE_for_all_your_purchases: "Este cupón es válido {USAGE, plural, =1{just once} other{many times}}: para todas tus compras {TYPE, select, amount_off{at least equal to the amount of the coupon} other{}}, desde ahora {DATE, select, NO-DATE{and without time limit} other{and until {DATE}}}." notify_admin_free_disk_space: subject: "Low disk space" From caa82107125608980779f3a1b89d2da80581c01c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 15/68] New translations en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/es.yml | 33 +++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml index 3d6c33a41..66be26758 100644 --- a/config/locales/es.yml +++ b/config/locales/es.yml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ es: + #subscription plan duration duration: - #subscription plan duration year: one: 'un año' other: '%{count} años' @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ es: one: 'una semana' other: '%{count} semanas' errors: + #CarrierWave messages: - #CarrierWave carrierwave_processing_error: "falló al procesar" carrierwave_integrity_error: "es un tipo de archivo no permitido" carrierwave_download_error: "no pudo ser descargado" @@ -38,27 +38,27 @@ es: must_be_in_the_past: "El período debe ser estrictamente anterior a la fecha de hoy." apipie: api_documentation: "Documentación API" + #error messages when importing an account from a SSO omniauth: - #error messages when importing an account from a SSO email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "El correo electrónico \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" ya está ligado a otra cuenta, ingrese su código de autenticación." your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Su nombre de usuario (%{USERNAME}) ya está ligado a otra cuenta, no se puede actualizar." your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Your e-mail address (%{EMAIL}) ya está ligado a otra cuenta, no se puede actualizar." this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "Esta cuenta %{NAME} ya está ligada a un usuario de la plataforma." + #availability slots in the calendar availabilities: - #availability slots in the calendar not_available: "No disponible" i_ve_reserved: "He reservado" length_must_be_slot_multiple: "Debe ser al menos %{MIN} minutos después de la fecha de inicio" must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "debe estar asociado con al menos 1 máquina" + #members management members: - #members management unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "No se puede cambiar de grupo mientras haya una suscripción en curso" please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Por favor Ingrese el código de autenticación enviado a la dirección de correo electrónico %{EMAIL}" your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Su código de autenticación no es válido." current_authentication_method_no_code: "El método de autenticación actual no requiere ningún código de migración" requested_account_does_not_exists: "La cuenta solicitada no existe" + #PDF invoices generation invoices: - #PDF invoices generation refund_invoice_reference: "Referencia de la factura de reembolso: %{REF}" invoice_reference: "Referencia de factura: %{REF}" code: "Código: %{CODE}" @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ es: subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "Suscripción %{NAME} por %{DURATION} empezando desde %{DATE}" subscription_of_NAME_extended_starting_from_STARTDATE_until_ENDDATE: "Subscripción de %{NAME} extendida (días gratuitos) empezando desde %{STARTDATE} hasta %{ENDDATE}" and: 'y' + #CVS accounting export (columns headers) accounting_export: journal_code: "Código de registro" date: "Fecha contable" @@ -128,19 +129,19 @@ es: Event_reservation: "reserv. evento" Space_reservation: "reserv. espacio" wallet: "cartera" + #training availabilities trainings: - #training availabilities i_ve_reserved: "Reservé" completed: "Lleno" + #error messages when updating an event events: - #error messages when updating an event error_deleting_reserved_price: "No se puede eliminar el precio solicitado porque está asociado con algunas reservas." other_error: "Se ha producido un error inesperado al actualizar el evento." #event duration from_STARTDATE_to_ENDDATE: "Del %{STARTDATE} al %{ENDDATE}," from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "de %{STARTTIME} a %{ENDTIME}" + #members list export to EXCEL format export_members: - #members list export to EXCEL format members: "Miembros" id: "ID" surname: "Apellido" @@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ es: man: "hombre" woman: "mujer" without_subscriptions: "Sin suscripciones" + #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format export_reservations: - #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format reservations: "Reservas" customer_id: "Identificación del cliente" customer: "Cliente" @@ -184,8 +185,8 @@ es: payment_method: "Método de pago" local_payment: "Pago en recepción" online_payment: "Pago online" + #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format export_subscriptions: - #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format subscriptions: "Suscripciones" id: "ID" customer: "Cliente" @@ -198,8 +199,8 @@ es: payment_method: "Método de pago" local_payment: "Pago en recepción" online_payment: "Pago en línea" + #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format export_availabilities: - #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format machines: "Máquinas" trainings: "Formaciones" spaces: "Espacios" @@ -214,8 +215,8 @@ es: reservations: "Reservas" available_seats: "Asientos disponibles" api: + #internal app notifications notifications: - #internal app notifications deleted_user: "Usuario eliminado" notify_admin_abuse_reported: an_abuse_was_reported_on_TYPE_ID_NAME_html: "Un abuso ha sido reportado %{TYPE} %{ID}: %{NAME}." @@ -328,8 +329,8 @@ es: click_to_show: "Haga clic aquí para consultar" notify_admin_refund_created: refund_created: "Se ha creado un reembolso de %{AMOUNT} para el usuario %{USER}" + #statistics tools for admins statistics: - #statistics tools for admins subscriptions: "Suscripciones" machines_hours: "Machine slots" spaces: "Espacios" @@ -355,8 +356,8 @@ es: revenue: "Ingresos" account_creation: "Creación de cuenta" project_publication: "Publicación de proyectos" + #statistics exports to the excel file format export: - #statistics exports to the excel file format entries: "Entradas" revenue: "Ingresos" average_age: "Edad media" @@ -370,8 +371,8 @@ es: type: "Tipo" male: "Hombre" female: "Mujer" + #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property price_category: - #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property reduced_fare: "Tarifa reducida" reduced_fare_if_you_are_under_25_student_or_unemployed: "Tarifa reducida si tienes menos de 25 años, eres estudiante o estás desempleado." group: From 206745b74ba204dd8936756ca39079636c9d5537 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 16/68] New translations devise.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 23 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 861b32de2..7f7a7cae8 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -# Autres traductions disponibles sur - +#Additional translations at fr: devise: confirmations: @@ -9,22 +8,22 @@ fr: failure: already_authenticated: "Vous êtes déjà connecté(e)." inactive: "Votre compte n’est pas encore activé." - invalid: "Adresse courriel ou mot de passe incorrect." - invalid_token: "Jeton d'authentification incorrect." + invalid: "E-mail ou mot de passe incorrect." locked: "Votre compte est verrouillé." + last_attempt: "You have one more attempt before your account will be locked." not_found_in_database: "E-mail ou mot de passe incorrect." timeout: "Votre session est périmée, veuillez vous reconnecter pour continuer." unauthenticated: "Vous devez vous connecter ou vous enregistrer pour continuer." - unconfirmed: "Vous devez confirmer votre adresse de courriel pour pouvoir vous connecter. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien en dessous du formulaire." + unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." mailer: confirmation_instructions: - action: "Confirmer mon e-mail !" - instruction: "Vous pouvez finaliser votre inscription en confirmant votre adresse mail, en cliquant sur le lien suivant :" + action: "Confirm my email address" + instruction: "You can finalize your registration by confirming your email address. Please click on the following link:" subject: "Confirmation d'inscription" reset_password_instructions: - action: "Changer mon mot de passe" - instruction: "Quelqu'un a demandé un lien pour changer votre mot de passe. Vous pouvez le faire via le lien ci-dessous." - ignore_otherwise: "Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de cette demande, merci d'ignorer ce message." + action: "Change my password" + instruction: "Someone asked for a link to change your password. You can do it through the link below." + ignore_otherwise: "If you have not made this request, please ignore this message." subject: "Instructions pour changer le mot de passe" unlock_instructions: subject: "Instructions pour déverrouiller le compte" @@ -54,10 +53,10 @@ fr: unlocked: "Votre compte a été débloqué avec succès. Veuillez vous connecter." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "Cette adresse de courriel a déjà été confirmée." + already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." confirmation_period_expired: "doit être confirmé(e) en %{period}, veuillez en demander un(e) autre" expired: "est périmé, veuillez en demander un autre" - not_found: "Cette adresse de courriel n'est associée à aucun compte." + not_found: "This email was not found" not_locked: "n’était pas verrouillé(e)" not_saved: one: "une erreur a empêché ce (ou cette) %{resource} d’être enregistré(e) :" From 7ac9fc0468226ea99bb5c583bd7d274700c92ce7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 17/68] New translations app.shared.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 80 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 406a28a70..5ca3e88eb 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ pt: app: shared: + #translations of common buttons buttons: - #translations of common buttons confirm_changes: "Confirmar mudanças" consult: "Consultar" edit: "Editar" @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ pt: you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "Você irá perder todas as modificações não salvas se sair desta página" you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Você irá perder todas as modificações não salvas se recarregar desta página" payment_card_error: "A problem has occurred with your credit card:" + #user edition form user: - #user edition form man: "Man" woman: "Woman" add_an_avatar: "Adicionar avatar" @@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ pt: used_for_invoicing: "This data will be used for billing purposes" used_for_reservation: "This data will be used in case of change on one of your bookings" used_for_profile: "This data will only be displayed on your profile" + #project edition form project: - #project edition form name: "Name" name_is_required: "Name is required." illustration: "Ilustração" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ pt: themes: "Themes" tags: "Tags" save_as_draft: "Save as draft" + #machine edition form machine: - #machine edition form name: "Nome" name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório." illustration: "Ilustração" @@ -106,28 +106,28 @@ pt: add_an_attachment: "Adicionar anexo" disable_machine: "Desativar máquina" validate_your_machine: "Validar sua máquina" + #frame to select a plan to subscribe plan_subscribe: - #frame to select a plan to subscribe subscribe_online: "Inscrição online" do_not_subscribe: "não inscrito" + #admin: choose a member to interact with member_select: - #admin: choose a member to interact with select_a_member: "Selecionar um membro" start_typing: "Escrevendo..." + #stripe payment modal stripe: - #stripe payment modal online_payment: "Online payment" i_have_read_and_accept_: "Eu li e aceito" _the_general_terms_and_conditions: "os termos e condições." credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "{amount} {currency} a ser pago para confirmar sua inscrição" client_credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "{amount} {currency} a ser pago para confirmar a inscrição do cliente" confirm_payment_of_: "Pay: {AMOUNT}" + #dialog of on site payment for reservations valid_reservation_modal: - #dialog of on site payment for reservations booking_confirmation: "Confirmação de reserva" here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Aqui está um resumo das reservas para o usuário atual:" + #event edition form event: - #event edition form title: "Title" title_is_required: "Título é obrigatório." matching_visual: "Correspondência visual" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ pt: tickets_available: "Tickets disponíveis" event_theme: "Tema do evento" age_range: "Faixa etária" + #subscription plan edition form plan: - #subscription plan edition form general_information: "Informação geral" name: "Nome" name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório." @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ pt: email_address_is_required: "Email é obrigatório." disabled: "Disable subscrição" disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Aviso: desativar a assinatura não desautorizará os usuários que atualmente possuem esta assinatura ativa." + #training edition form trainings: - #training edition form name: "Nome" name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório." illustration: "Ilustração" @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ pt: number_of_tickets: "Número de vagas" public_page: "Mostrar na lista de treinamentos" disable_training: "Desativar treinamento" + #partial form to edit/create an user (admin view) user_admin: - #partial form to edit/create an user (admin view) user: "User" incomplete_profile: "Incomplete profile" user_profile: "Perfil de usuário" @@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ pt: group_is_required: "Grupo é obrigatório" trainings: "Treinamentos" tags: "Tags" + #partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO) authentication: - #partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO) name: "Nome" provider_name_is_required: "Nome da provider é obrigatório." authentication_type: "Tipo de autenticação" @@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ pt: expected_data_type: "Esperado tipo de dado" input_format: "Insira o formato" mappings: "Mapeamentos" + #edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider oauth2: - #edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider common_url: "Common URL" common_url_is_required: "Common URL is required." provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "Provided URL is not a valid URL." @@ -253,25 +253,25 @@ pt: api_endpoint_url: "API endpoint URL" api_type: "API tipo" api_fields: "API linhas" + #machine/training slot modification modal confirm_modify_slot_modal: - #machine/training slot modification modal change_the_slot: "Alterar o slot" do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Você deseja alterar seu agendamento, inicialmente marcado para:" do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Você deseja alterar o agendamento do usuário {NAME}, inicialmente marcado para:" cancel_this_reservation: "Cancelar essa reserva" i_want_to_change_date: "Eu quero alterar a data" + #modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine request_training_modal: - #modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine to_book_the_MACHINE_you_must_have_completed_the_TRAINING: "Para agendar \"{MACHINE}\" você deve completar o treinamento {TRAINING}." register_for_the_training: "Inscrever-se no treinamento" i_dont_want_to_register_now: "Não desejo me inscrever agora" + #modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine training_reservation_modal: - #modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine machine_reservation: "Reserva de máquina" you_must_wait_for_your_training_is_being_validated_by_the_fablab_team_to_book_this_machine: "Você deve esperar que seu treinamento seja validado pela equipe do FabLab para reservar esta máquina." your_training_will_occur_: "Seu treinamento ocorrerá" + #user public profile public_profile: - #user public profile last_activity_html: "Última atividade
em {DATE}" to_come: "vir" approved: "aprovado" @@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ pt: email_address: "Email address" trainings: "Trainings" no_trainings: "No trainings" + #wallet wallet: - #wallet wallet: 'Carteira' your_wallet_amount: 'Seus créditos disponíveis' wallet_amount: 'Crédito disponível' @@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ pt: debit_reservation_machine: "Débito por reserva de máquina" debit_reservation_event: "Débito por reserva de evento" warning_uneditable_credit: "Aviso: uma vez validado, o valor creditado não será mais editado." + #promotional coupon (creation/edition form) coupon: - #promotional coupon (creation/edition form) name: "Nome" name_is_required: "Name is required." code: "Código" @@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ pt: max_usages: "Máximo de usos permitido" max_usages_must_be_equal_or_greater_than_0: "Os usos máximos permitidos devem ser maiores que 0." enabled: "Ativo" + #coupon (input zone for users) coupon_input: - #coupon (input zone for users) i_have_a_coupon: "Eu tenho um cupom!" code_: "Código:" the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "O cupom foi aplicado. Você recebeu {PERCENT}% de desconto." @@ -357,28 +357,28 @@ pt: unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Não é possível aplicar o cupom: o desconto excede o valor total desta compra." unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Não é possível aplicar o cupom: um erro inesperado aconteceu, por favor entre em contato com o FabLab." unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Este código não existe." + #form to create/edit a space space: - #form to create/edit a space - name: "Nome" - name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório." - illustration: "Ilustração" - add_an_illustration: "Adicionar ilustração" - description: "Descrição" - description_is_required: "Descrição é obrigatório." - characteristics: "Características" - characteristics_are_required: "Características são obrigatórias." - attached_files_pdf: "Arquivos anexos (pdf)" - attach_a_file: "Anexar arquivo" - add_an_attachment: "Adicionar um anexo" - default_places: "Tickets máximo padrão" - default_places_is_required: "Tickets máximo padrão é obrigatório." - disable_space: "Desativar espaço" + name: "Nome" + name_is_required: "Nome é obrigatório." + illustration: "Ilustração" + add_an_illustration: "Adicionar ilustração" + description: "Descrição" + description_is_required: "Descrição é obrigatório." + characteristics: "Características" + characteristics_are_required: "Características são obrigatórias." + attached_files_pdf: "Arquivos anexos (pdf)" + attach_a_file: "Anexar arquivo" + add_an_attachment: "Adicionar um anexo" + default_places: "Tickets máximo padrão" + default_places_is_required: "Tickets máximo padrão é obrigatório." + disable_space: "Desativar espaço" + #shopping cart module for reservations cart: - #module de panier d'achat de réservations summary: "Sumário" select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Selecionar um {SINGLE, select, true{slot} other{ou mais slots}} no calendário" you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "Você selecionou apenas o slot:" - datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} até {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM + datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} até {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM cost_of_TYPE: "Custo de {TYPE, select, Machine{máquina hora} Training{o treinamento} other{o elemento}}" offer_this_slot: "Oferecer este slot" confirm_this_slot: "Confirmar este slot" @@ -406,13 +406,13 @@ pt: your_booking_slot_was_successfully_moved_from_: "Seu slot de reserva foi movido com sucesso para" to_date: "até" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 please_select_a_member_first: "Por favor selecione o membro primeiramente" - unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: 'Não é possível selecionar um plano se algum dos slots selecionados estiver no passado' + unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: "Não é possível selecionar um plano se algum dos slots selecionados estiver no passado" unable_to_change_the_reservation: "Não permitido alterar esta reserva" confirmation_required: "Confirmação é obrigatória" do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "Você realmente quer cancelar essa reserva?" reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reserva a foi cancelada com sucesso." cancellation_failed: "Cancelamento falhou." - confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Pagamento pelo site} other{Pagar}}: {AMOUNT}" #(context: confirm my payment of $20.00) + confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Pagamento pelo site} other{Pagar}}: {AMOUNT}" #eg. confirm my payment of $20.00 a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Um problema ocorreu durante o processo de pagamento. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde." none: "Vazio" online_payment_disabled: "O pagamento online não está disponível. Entre em contato diretamente com a recepção do Fablab." From 3dcd41f4295479309042ded5f1b62c7b8f1ed0f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:16 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 18/68] New translations app.public.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 38 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index deeff8433..85c146a2c 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ pt: app: public: + #header and "about" page common: - #header and "about" page about_the_fablab: "Sobre {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}} {NAME}" return: "Voltar" #cookies @@ -121,19 +121,19 @@ pt: how_to: "How to upgrade?" #Notifications and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "and {NUMBER, plural, =0{no other notifications} =1{one other notification} other{{NUMBER} other notifications}}..." + #about page about: - #about page read_the_fablab_policy: "Ler a política do FabLab" read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Ler os termos e condições do FabLab" your_fablab_s_contacts: "Nossos contatos" privacy_policy: "Política de privacidade" + #'privacy policy' page privacy: - #'privacy policy' page title: "Política de privacidade" dpo: "Oficial de proteção de dados" last_update: "Última atualização," + #home page home: - #home page latest_documented_projects: "Últimos projetos documentados" follow_us: "Siga nos" latest_tweets: "Os últimos tweets" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ pt: full_price: "Valor inteira" event_full: "Evento lotado" still_available: "Locais disponíveis" + #projects gallery projects_list: - #projects gallery the_fablab_projects: "Projetos do Fab Lab" add_a_project: "Adicionar projeto" search_over_the_whole_network: "Pesquisar em todos os FabLabs" @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ pt: all_materials: "Todos os materiais" load_next_projects: "Carregar próximos projetos" rough_draft: "Rascunho" + #details of a projet projects_show: - #details of a projet rough_draft: "Draft" project_description: "Descrição do projeto" by_name: "Por {NAME}" @@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ pt: message_is_required: "Menssagem é obrigatório." report: "Enviar" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Você quer realmente deletar esse projeto?" + #list of machines machines_list: - #list of machines the_fablab_s_machines: "Lista de máquinas no FabLab" add_a_machine: "Adicionar uma máquina" new_availability: "Open reservations" @@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ pt: status_enabled: "Ativo" status_disabled: "Desabilitado" status_all: "Todos" + #details of a machine machines_show: - #details of a machine book_this_machine: "Reservar essa máquina" technical_specifications: "Technical specifications" files_to_download: "Arquivos para download" @@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ pt: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "Você realmente quer deletar essa máquina?" unauthorized_operation: "Operação não autorizada" the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "Esta máquina não pode ser deletada, pois já está em reservada por alguns usuários." + #list of trainings trainings_list: - #list of trainings book: "Book" the_trainings: "Os treinamentos" + #details of a training training_show: - #details of a training book_this_training: "Reservar este treinamento" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Você realmente quer deletar esse treinamento?" unauthorized_operation: "Operação não autorizada" confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "O treinamento não pode ser deletado pois já foi reservado por alguns usuários." + #summary of the subscriptions plans: - #summary of the subscriptions subscriptions: "Assinaturas" i_choose_that_plan: "Eu escolho esse plano" i_subscribe_online: "Me inscrever online" @@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ pt: here_is_the_NAME_subscription_summary: "Aqui é o sumário de inscrição do {NAME}:" confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Cash} other{Pay}}: {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00) online_payment_disabled: "Payment by credit card is not available. Please contact the Fablab's reception directly." + #Fablab's events list events_list: - #Fablab's events list the_fablab_s_events: "Eventos do Fablab" all_categories: "Todas categorias" for_all: "Para todos" @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ pt: full_price_: "Full price:" to_date: "to" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 all_themes: "All themes" + #details and booking of an event events_show: - #details and booking of an event event_description: "Descrição do evento" downloadable_documents: "Documentos para download" information_and_booking: "Informações e reservas" @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ pt: opening_hours: "Abre ás:" all_day: "All day" from_time: "From" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 - to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 full_price_: "Full price:" tickets_still_availables: "Tickets ainda disponíveis:" sold_out: "Esgotado." @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ pt: change_the_reservation: "Alterar reserva" you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "Você pode alterar essa reserva nos campos a seguir:" confirmation_required: "Confirmação obrigatória" - do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Vocêrealmente deseja remover este evento?" + do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Vocêrealmente deseja remover este evento?" delete_recurring_event: "You're about to delete a periodic event. What do you want to do?" delete_this_event: "Only this event" delete_this_and_next: "This event and the following" @@ -318,14 +318,14 @@ pt: cancel_the_reservation: "Cancel the reservation" do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation_this_apply_to_all_booked_tickets: "Do you really want to cancel this reservation? This apply to ALL booked tickets." reservation_was_successfully_cancelled: "Reservation was successfully cancelled" - cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." #translation_missin + cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." event_is_over: "The event is over" thanks_for_coming: "Thanks for coming!" view_event_list: "View events to come" share_on_facebook: "Share on Facebook" share_on_twitter: "Share on Twitter" + #public calendar calendar: - #public calendar calendar: "Calendário" show_unavailables: "Mostrar slots não disponíveis" filter_calendar: "Filtrar calendário" @@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ pt: spaces: "Espaços" events: "Eventos" externals: "Outras agendas" + #list of spaces spaces_list: - #list of spaces the_spaces: "Os espaços" new_availability: "Open reservations" add_a_space: "Adicionar espaço" @@ -343,8 +343,8 @@ pt: status_disabled: "Desabilitado" status_all: "Todos" book: "Reservar" + #display the details of a space space_show: - #display the details of a space book_this_space: "Marcar este espaço" unauthorized_operation: "Operação não autorizada" confirmation_required: "Confirmação obrigatória" From a02899278a3137e4f1d080d4c242017d799abe02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 19/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 5bb66f2fc..475c8c7a1 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ pt: app: logged: profile_completion: - # user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider + #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider confirm_your_new_account: "Confirme sua nova conta" you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Você acabou de criar uma nova conta como {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}} {NAME}" we_need_some_more_details: "Para finalizar a configuração da plataforma, precisamos de mais detalhes" @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ pt: _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconnect then reconnect" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "for your changes to take effect." dashboard: - # dashboard: public profile + #dashboard: public profile profile: empty: '' settings: - # dashboard: edit my profile + #dashboard: edit my profile last_activity_on_: "Última atividade em" i_want_to_change_group: "Eu quero trocar de grupo!" your_subscription_expires_on_: "Sua inscrição expira em" @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ pt: _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconecte e se conecte novamente" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que suas alterações tenham efeitos." projects: - # dashboard: my projects + #dashboard: my projects you_dont_have_any_projects: "Você não tem nenhum projeto." add_a_project: "Add a project" author: "Autor" @@ -104,13 +104,13 @@ pt: materials: "Materials" collaborators: "Collaborators" trainings: - # dashboard: my trainings + #dashboard: my trainings your_next_trainings: "Seus próximos treinamentos" your_previous_trainings: "Seus treinamentos anteriores" your_approved_trainings: "Seus treinamentos aprovados" no_trainings: "No trainings" events: - # dashboard: my events + #dashboard: my events your_next_events: "Seus próximos eventos" no_events_to_come: "Sem eventos futuros" your_previous_events: "Seus eventos anteriores" @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ pt: NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{lugar normal reservado} other{lugares normais reservados}}" NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{{NAME} lugar reservado} other{{NAME} lugares reservados}}" invoices: - # dashboard: my invoices + #dashboard: my invoices reference_number: "Número de referência" date: "Date" price: "Price" @@ -126,10 +126,10 @@ pt: download_the_credit_note: "Download the refund invoice" no_invoices_for_now: "No invoices for now." members_show: - # public profil of a member + #public profil of a member members_list: "Lista de membros" members: - # list of members accepting to be contacted + #list of members accepting to be contacted the_fablab_members: "Membros do FabLab" display_more_members: "Mostrar mais membros..." no_members_for_now: "Sem membros" @@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ pt: pseudonym: "Pseudonym" email_address: "Email address" projects_new: - # add a new project + #add a new project add_a_new_project: "Adicionar novo projeto" projects_edit: - # modify an existing project + #modify an existing project edit_the_project: "Editar projeto" rough_draft: "Draft" publish: "Publicar" machines_reserve: - # book a machine + #book a machine machine_planning: "Planejamento de máquinas" i_ve_reserved: "Eu tenho reserva" not_available: "Não disponível" @@ -158,16 +158,16 @@ pt: cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later." trainings_reserve: - # book a training + #book a training trainings_planning: "Planos de treinamento" - planning_of: "Planejamento de" # followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "Planning of" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) all_trainings: "Todos treinamentos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar minha seleção" i_change: "I change" i_shift: "I shift" i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei" space_reserve: - # book a space + #book a space planning_of_space_NAME: "Plano de {NAME} espaço" i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei" i_shift: "Eu troco" From 9704803478aa26cc29ecf697ebc142791d5af83d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 11:54:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 20/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 40 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 00c95c3db..97f7cc873 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ pt: manage_trainings: "Click here to add or remove trainings." number_of_tickets: "Número de vagas: " adjust_the_opening_hours: "Ajustar o horário de funcionamento" - to_time: "ás" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "ás" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 restrict_options: "Restriction options" restrict_with_labels: "Restrinja este slot com etiquetas" restrict_for_subscriptions: "Restrict this slot for subscription users" @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ pt: NUMBER_reservation: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, one{reserva} other{reservas}}" none: "Vazio" training_validation: "Validação de treinamentos" - training_of_the_DATE_TIME_html : "Training of the {DATE} - {TIME}" + training_of_the_DATE_TIME_html: "Training of the {DATE} - {TIME}" you_can_validate_the_training_of_the_following_members: "Você pode validar um treinamento dos seguintes membros:" deleted_user: "Deleted user" no_reservation: "Sem reservas" @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ pt: from_DATE: "Em {DATE}" from_TIME: "Ás {TIME}" to_date: "to" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 - to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "to" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 title: "Title" dates: "Dates" booking: "Reserva" @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ pt: hours: "Slots of {DURATION} minutes" related_subscriptions: "Assinaturas relacionadas" please_specify_a_number: "Por favor especifique um número." - none: "Vazio" #grammar concordance with training. + none: "Vazio" #grammar concordance with training. an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_number_of_credits: "Um erro ocorreu enquanto era salvo o número de créditos." an_error_occurred_while_deleting_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "Um erro ocorreu enquanto o crédito era deletado do {TRAINING}." an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "Um erro ocorreu : incapaz de encontrar o crédito para revogar." @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ pt: successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Assinaturas criadas com sucesso. Não se esqueça de redefinir os preços." unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Impossível salvar este usuário. Certifique-se que ele não possui o mesmo nome de outro usuário." edit: - #edit a subscription plan / machine slot prices + #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices subscription_plan: "Plano de assinatura:" prices: "Preços" copy_prices_from: "Copiar preços de" @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ pt: year: "Ano" month: "Mês" day: "Dia" - num_of_invoice: "#da fatura" + num_of_invoice: "#of invoice" online_sales: "Vendas online" wallet: "Carteira" refund: "Restituição" @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ pt: description: "Descrição" description_optional: "Descrição (optional):" will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Aparecerá na fatura de reembolso." - none: "Vazio" #grammar concordance with payment mean + none: "Vazio" #grammar concordance with payment mean by_cash: "Em dinheiro" by_cheque: "Em cheque" by_transfer: "Por transferência" @@ -785,8 +785,8 @@ pt: statistics: "Statistics" evolution: "Evolução" age_filter: "Filtro de idade" - from_age: "Dos" #eg: from 8 to 40 years old - to_age: "aos" #eg: from 8 to 40 years old + from_age: "Dos" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old + to_age: "aos" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old _years_old: "anos de idade" start: "Início:" end: "Fim:" @@ -961,23 +961,23 @@ pt: default_value_is_24_hours: "Se o campo estiver vazio: 24 horas." visibility_yearly: "visibilidade máxima para assinantes anuais" visibility_others: "visibilidade máxima para outros membros" - confidentiality: "Confidentiality" - display_machine_reservation_user_name: "Display the full name of the user who booked a machine slot" - display_name: "Display the name" - display_name_enable: "name display" - machines_sort_by: "machines display order" + confidentiality: "TODO" + display_machine_reservation_user_name: "TODO" + display_name: "TODO" + display_name_enable: "TODO" + machines_sort_by: "TODO" fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics" - elements_ordering: "Elements ordering" - machines_order: "Machines order" - display_machines_sorted_by: "Display machines sorted by" + elements_ordering: "TODO" + machines_order: "TODO" + display_machines_sorted_by: "TODO" advanced: "Advanced settings" customize_home_page_css: "Customise the stylesheet og the home page" home_css_notice_html: "You can customize the stylesheet which will apply to the home page, using the SASS syntax. These styles will be automatically subordinated to the .home-page selector to prevent any risk of breaking the application. Meanwhile please be careful, any changes in the home page editor at the top of the page may broke your styles, always refer to the HTML code." sort_by: - default: "Default" + default: "TODO" name: "Nome" - created_at: "Creation date" - updated_at: "Last update date" + created_at: "TODO" + updated_at: "TODO" privacy: title: "Política de privacidade" input_the_dpo: "Input the contact of the Data Protection Officer" From 969b6682d59bce9bc0be43fe8b2b9a7c29e6b601 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 21/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml index 00b0421ee..01df0642f 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ ach: app: logged: + #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider profile_completion: - #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider confirm_your_new_account: "crwdns8505:0crwdne8505:0" you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "crwdns8507:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdnd8507:0NAME={NAME}crwdne8507:0" we_need_some_more_details: "crwdns8509:0crwdne8509:0" @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ ach: #dashboard: public profile profile: empty: 'crwdns8577:0crwdne8577:0' + #dashboard: edit my profile settings: - #dashboard: edit my profile last_activity_on_: "crwdns8579:0crwdne8579:0" i_want_to_change_group: "crwdns8581:0crwdne8581:0" your_subscription_expires_on_: "crwdns8583:0crwdne8583:0" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ ach: _click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "crwdns8665:0crwdne8665:0" _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "crwdns8667:0crwdne8667:0" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "crwdns8669:0crwdne8669:0" + #dashboard: my projects projects: - #dashboard: my projects you_dont_have_any_projects: "crwdns8671:0crwdne8671:0" add_a_project: "crwdns8673:0crwdne8673:0" author: "crwdns8675:0crwdne8675:0" @@ -103,33 +103,33 @@ ach: machines: "crwdns8685:0crwdne8685:0" materials: "crwdns8687:0crwdne8687:0" collaborators: "crwdns8689:0crwdne8689:0" + #dashboard: my trainings trainings: - #dashboard: my trainings your_next_trainings: "crwdns8691:0crwdne8691:0" your_previous_trainings: "crwdns8693:0crwdne8693:0" your_approved_trainings: "crwdns8695:0crwdne8695:0" no_trainings: "crwdns8697:0crwdne8697:0" + #dashboard: my events events: - #dashboard: my events your_next_events: "crwdns8699:0crwdne8699:0" no_events_to_come: "crwdns8701:0crwdne8701:0" your_previous_events: "crwdns8703:0crwdne8703:0" no_passed_events: "crwdns8705:0crwdne8705:0" NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "crwdns8707:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdnd8707:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdne8707:0" NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "crwdns8709:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdnd8709:0NUMBER={NUMBER}crwdnd8709:0NAME={NAME}crwdnd8709:0NAME={NAME}crwdne8709:0" + #dashboard: my invoices invoices: - #dashboard: my invoices reference_number: "crwdns8711:0crwdne8711:0" date: "crwdns8713:0crwdne8713:0" price: "crwdns8715:0crwdne8715:0" download_the_invoice: "crwdns8717:0crwdne8717:0" download_the_credit_note: "crwdns8719:0crwdne8719:0" no_invoices_for_now: "crwdns8721:0crwdne8721:0" + #public profil of a member members_show: - #public profil of a member members_list: "crwdns8723:0crwdne8723:0" + #list of members accepting to be contacted members: - #list of members accepting to be contacted the_fablab_members: "crwdns8725:0crwdne8725:0" display_more_members: "crwdns8727:0crwdne8727:0" no_members_for_now: "crwdns8729:0crwdne8729:0" @@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ ach: user: "crwdns8733:0crwdne8733:0" pseudonym: "crwdns8735:0crwdne8735:0" email_address: "crwdns8737:0crwdne8737:0" + #add a new project projects_new: - #add a new project add_a_new_project: "crwdns8739:0crwdne8739:0" + #modify an existing project projects_edit: - #modify an existing project edit_the_project: "crwdns8741:0crwdne8741:0" rough_draft: "crwdns8743:0crwdne8743:0" publish: "crwdns8745:0crwdne8745:0" + #book a machine machines_reserve: - #book a machine machine_planning: "crwdns8747:0crwdne8747:0" i_ve_reserved: "crwdns8749:0crwdne8749:0" not_available: "crwdns8751:0crwdne8751:0" @@ -157,17 +157,17 @@ ach: reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "crwdns8761:0crwdne8761:0" cancellation_failed: "crwdns8763:0crwdne8763:0" a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "crwdns8765:0crwdne8765:0" + #book a training trainings_reserve: - #book a training trainings_planning: "crwdns8767:0crwdne8767:0" - planning_of: "crwdns20180:0crwdne20180:0" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "crwdns20194:0crwdne20194:0" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) all_trainings: "crwdns8771:0crwdne8771:0" cancel_my_selection: "crwdns8773:0crwdne8773:0" i_change: "crwdns8775:0crwdne8775:0" i_shift: "crwdns8777:0crwdne8777:0" i_ve_reserved: "crwdns8779:0crwdne8779:0" + #book a space space_reserve: - #book a space planning_of_space_NAME: "crwdns8781:0{NAME}crwdne8781:0" i_ve_reserved: "crwdns8783:0crwdne8783:0" i_shift: "crwdns8785:0crwdne8785:0" From 59692507d5a6252f68704cc04a2a81cccf425181 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 22/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml index f99aaeb7b..ef60861fa 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ ach: year: "crwdns7391:0crwdne7391:0" month: "crwdns7393:0crwdne7393:0" day: "crwdns7395:0crwdne7395:0" - num_of_invoice: "crwdns20178:0crwdne20178:0" + num_of_invoice: "crwdns20192:0crwdne20192:0" online_sales: "crwdns7399:0crwdne7399:0" wallet: "crwdns7401:0crwdne7401:0" refund: "crwdns7403:0crwdne7403:0" From 264d4d8da35661d93fa9010db71cce30b83d0344 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:38 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 23/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index c7cfa86e8..dbecdb544 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ es: app: logged: + #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider profile_completion: - #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider confirm_your_new_account: "Confirme su nueva cuenta" you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Acaba de crear una nueva cuenta en {GENDER, select, male{el} female{la} neutral{} other{las}} {NAME}, al iniciar sesión desde" we_need_some_more_details: "Para finalizar la configuración de la plataforma, necesitamos algunos detalles más." @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ es: #dashboard: public profile profile: empty: '' + #dashboard: edit my profile settings: - #dashboard: edit my profile last_activity_on_: "Última vez activo" i_want_to_change_group: "Quiero cambiar de grupo" your_subscription_expires_on_: "su suscripción acaba el" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ es: _click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "haz clic en el botón de sincronización" _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "reconectarse" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que sus cambios sean aplicados." + #dashboard: my projects projects: - #dashboard: my projects you_dont_have_any_projects: "Aún no tiene proyectos." add_a_project: "Add a project" author: "Autor" @@ -103,33 +103,33 @@ es: machines: "Machines" materials: "Materials" collaborators: "Collaborators" + #dashboard: my trainings trainings: - #dashboard: my trainings your_next_trainings: "Sus próximos cursos" your_previous_trainings: "Sus cursos anteriores" your_approved_trainings: "Sus cursos aprobados" no_trainings: "No trainings" + #dashboard: my events events: - #dashboard: my events your_next_events: "Sus próximos eventos" no_events_to_come: "No hay próximos eventos" your_previous_events: "Sus eventos anteriores" no_passed_events: "No passed events" NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{normal place reserved} other{normal places reserved}}" NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{of {NAME} place reserved} other{of {NAME} places reserved}}" + #dashboard: my invoices invoices: - #dashboard: my invoices reference_number: "Numero de referencia" date: "Date" price: "Price" download_the_invoice: "Download the invoice" download_the_credit_note: "Download the refund invoice" no_invoices_for_now: "No invoices for now." + #public profil of a member members_show: - #public profil of a member members_list: "Lista de miembros" + #list of members accepting to be contacted members: - #list of members accepting to be contacted the_fablab_members: "Los miembros del fablab" display_more_members: "Ver más miembros" no_members_for_now: "Aún no hay miembros" @@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ es: user: "User" pseudonym: "Pseudonym" email_address: "Email address" + #add a new project projects_new: - #add a new project add_a_new_project: "Añadir nuevo proyecto" + #modify an existing project projects_edit: - #modify an existing project edit_the_project: "Editar proyecto" rough_draft: "Draft" publish: "Publicar" + #book a machine machines_reserve: - #book a machine machine_planning: "Planning de la máquina" i_ve_reserved: "He reservado" not_available: "No disponible" @@ -157,17 +157,17 @@ es: reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully." cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later." + #book a training trainings_reserve: - #book a training trainings_planning: "Plan de curso" - planning_of: "Planning of" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "Planning of " #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) all_trainings: "Todos los cursos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar mi selección" i_change: "I change" i_shift: "I shift" i_ve_reserved: "He reservado" + #book a space space_reserve: - #book a space planning_of_space_NAME: "Planes de {NAME} " i_ve_reserved: "he reservado" i_shift: "reemplazo" From d5861737e117bb1bd19d0634c02bbdb9403ed798 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 24/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index c402a01ba..2f2056389 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ es: year: "Año" month: "Mes" day: "Día" - num_of_invoice: "#of invoice" + num_of_invoice: "# of invoice" online_sales: "Ventas en línea" wallet: "Cartera" refund: "Reembolso" From 8fc79b411ae856977e46e01e01417d9a1f37323f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 25/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 28 ++++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 475c8c7a1..60d8f29b9 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ pt: app: logged: + #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider profile_completion: - #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider confirm_your_new_account: "Confirme sua nova conta" you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Você acabou de criar uma nova conta como {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}} {NAME}" we_need_some_more_details: "Para finalizar a configuração da plataforma, precisamos de mais detalhes" @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ pt: #dashboard: public profile profile: empty: '' + #dashboard: edit my profile settings: - #dashboard: edit my profile last_activity_on_: "Última atividade em" i_want_to_change_group: "Eu quero trocar de grupo!" your_subscription_expires_on_: "Sua inscrição expira em" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ pt: _click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "clique no botão de sincronização" _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "disconecte e se conecte novamente" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "para que suas alterações tenham efeitos." + #dashboard: my projects projects: - #dashboard: my projects you_dont_have_any_projects: "Você não tem nenhum projeto." add_a_project: "Add a project" author: "Autor" @@ -103,33 +103,33 @@ pt: machines: "Machines" materials: "Materials" collaborators: "Collaborators" + #dashboard: my trainings trainings: - #dashboard: my trainings your_next_trainings: "Seus próximos treinamentos" your_previous_trainings: "Seus treinamentos anteriores" your_approved_trainings: "Seus treinamentos aprovados" no_trainings: "No trainings" + #dashboard: my events events: - #dashboard: my events your_next_events: "Seus próximos eventos" no_events_to_come: "Sem eventos futuros" your_previous_events: "Seus eventos anteriores" no_passed_events: "No passed events" NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{lugar normal reservado} other{lugares normais reservados}}" NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{{NAME} lugar reservado} other{{NAME} lugares reservados}}" + #dashboard: my invoices invoices: - #dashboard: my invoices reference_number: "Número de referência" date: "Date" price: "Price" download_the_invoice: "Download the invoice" download_the_credit_note: "Download the refund invoice" no_invoices_for_now: "No invoices for now." + #public profil of a member members_show: - #public profil of a member members_list: "Lista de membros" + #list of members accepting to be contacted members: - #list of members accepting to be contacted the_fablab_members: "Membros do FabLab" display_more_members: "Mostrar mais membros..." no_members_for_now: "Sem membros" @@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ pt: user: "User" pseudonym: "Pseudonym" email_address: "Email address" + #add a new project projects_new: - #add a new project add_a_new_project: "Adicionar novo projeto" + #modify an existing project projects_edit: - #modify an existing project edit_the_project: "Editar projeto" rough_draft: "Draft" publish: "Publicar" + #book a machine machines_reserve: - #book a machine machine_planning: "Planejamento de máquinas" i_ve_reserved: "Eu tenho reserva" not_available: "Não disponível" @@ -157,17 +157,17 @@ pt: reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "Reservation was cancelled successfully." cancellation_failed: "Cancellation failed." a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "A problem occurred during the payment process. Please try again later." + #book a training trainings_reserve: - #book a training trainings_planning: "Planos de treinamento" - planning_of: "Planning of" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "Planning of " #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) all_trainings: "Todos treinamentos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar minha seleção" i_change: "I change" i_shift: "I shift" i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei" + #book a space space_reserve: - #book a space planning_of_space_NAME: "Plano de {NAME} espaço" i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei" i_shift: "Eu troco" From 8c4fa92031f147cb426b2ba472073887aae5cd1f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:51 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 26/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 97f7cc873..ec3e25667 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ pt: year: "Ano" month: "Mês" day: "Dia" - num_of_invoice: "#of invoice" + num_of_invoice: "# of invoice" online_sales: "Vendas online" wallet: "Carteira" refund: "Restituição" From 0e11ccabccb6dc2638a2878b6759a878cc683dd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 27/68] New translations mails.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 14 +++++++------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 5060d078b..22d86666d 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ pt: layouts: notifications_mailer: - see_you_later: "Te vejo em breve em {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}}" #messageFormat interpolation + see_you_later: "Te vejo em breve em {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}}" #messageFormat interpolation sincerely: "Atenciosamente," signature: "Equipe do Fab Lab." do_not_reply: "Por favor não responda este email." @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pt: subject: "Sua conta no FabLab foi criada com sucesso" body: hello: "Olá %{NAME}," - intro: "A equipe do FabLab acaba de criar uma conta para você em {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}} {FABLAB} website:" #messageFormat interpolation + intro: "A equipe do FabLab acaba de criar uma conta para você em {GENDER, select, male{o} female{a} neutral{} other{do}} {FABLAB} website:" #messageFormat interpolation connection_parameters: "Aqui estão seus parâmetros de conexão:" account_name: "Nome da conta:" password: "Senha:" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pt: notify_admin_subscription_extended: subject: "Uma assinatura foi estendida" body: - subscription_extended_html: "Assinatura {PLAN} pelo usuário {NAME} foi extendida {FREE, select, true{grátis} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation + subscription_extended_html: "Assinatura {PLAN} pelo usuário {NAME} foi extendida {FREE, select, true{grátis} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_member_subscription_extended: subject: "Sua assinatura foi extendida" body: @@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ pt: notify_member_invoice_ready: subject: "Fatura do seu FabLab" body: - please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encontre como anexo a sua fatura de {DATE}, com o montante de {AMOUNT} sobre o seu {TYPE, select, Reservation{reserva} other{assinatura}}." #messageFormat interpolation - invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Você pode acessar sua fatura em %{DASHBOARD} no site Fab Lab." + please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encontre como anexo a sua fatura de {DATE}, com o montante de {AMOUNT} sobre o seu {TYPE, select, Reservation{reserva} other{assinatura}}." #messageFormat interpolation + invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Você pode acessar sua fatura em %{DASHBOARD} no site Fab Lab." your_dashboard: "seu dashboard" notify_member_reservation_reminder: subject: "Lembrete de reserva" @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ pt: notify_member_avoir_ready: subject: "Fatura de reembolso do seu FabLab" body: - please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encontre como anexo a sua fatura de reembolso {DATE}, com o montante de {AMOUNT} sobre o seu {TYPE, select, Reservation{reserva} WalletTransaction{carteira de crédito} other{assinatura}}." #messageFormat interpolation + please_find_attached_html: "Por favor, encontre como anexo a sua fatura de reembolso {DATE}, com o montante de {AMOUNT} sobre o seu {TYPE, select, Reservation{reserva} WalletTransaction{carteira de crédito} other{assinatura}}." #messageFormat interpolation invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Você pode acessar sua fatura de reembolso em %{DASHBOARD} no site Fab Lab." your_dashboard: "seu dashboard" notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ pt: subject: "Cupom" body: enjoy_a_discount_of_PERCENT_with_code_CODE: "Desfrute de um desconto de %{PERCENT}% em todo o site com o código %{CODE}." - enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Desfrute de um desconto de %{AMOUNT} em todo o site com o código %{CODE}." + enjoy_a_discount_of_AMOUNT_with_code_CODE: "Desfrute de um desconto de %{AMOUNT} em todo o site com o código %{CODE}." this_coupon_is_valid_USAGE_times_until_DATE_for_all_your_purchases: "Esse cupom é válido {USAGE, plural, =1{uma vez} other{vérias vezes}}: para todas as suas compras {TYPE, select, amount_off{pelo menos igual ao montante do cupom} other{}}, from now {DATE, select, NO-DATE{e sem limite de tempo} other{até {DATE}}}." notify_admin_free_disk_space: subject: "Low disk space" From 5be85b800737cfd7af098a0990f212c7a90af709 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 28/68] New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 23 +++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 5781441f8..bcc5e6543 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -# Additional translations at - +#Additional translations at pt: devise: confirmations: @@ -15,17 +14,17 @@ pt: not_found_in_database: "Email ou senha inválidos." timeout: "Sua sessão expirou, faça login novamente para continuar." unauthenticated: "Você precisa fazer login ou se registrar, antes de continuar." - unconfirmed: "Você precisa confirmar sua conta, antes de continuar. Por favor, clique no link abaixo do formulário." + unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." mailer: confirmation_instructions: - action: - instruction: - subject: "Instruções de confirmação" + action: "Confirm my email address" + instruction: "You can finalize your registration by confirming your email address. Please click on the following link:" + subject: "Confirmation instructions" reset_password_instructions: - action: - instruction: - ignore_otherwise: - subject: "Instruções para redefinir sua senha" + action: "Change my password" + instruction: "Someone asked for a link to change your password. You can do it through the link below." + ignore_otherwise: "If you have not made this request, please ignore this message." + subject: "Reset password instructions" unlock_instructions: subject: "Instruções para desbloquear sua conta" omniauth_callbacks: @@ -54,10 +53,10 @@ pt: unlocked: "Sua conta foi desbloqueada com sucesso. Faça login para continuar." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "Este email já foi confirmado." + already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." confirmation_period_expired: "deve ser confirmada dentro de %{period}, por favor solicite uma nova" expired: "expirado, por favor solicite uma nova" - not_found: "Este email não está associado a nenhuma conta." + not_found: "This email was not found" not_locked: "não encontra-se bloqueada" not_saved: one: "1 erro impediu a gravação de %{resource} :" From 4cb19929e7b4ee42dc51d70c85062913567003e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 29/68] New translations en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/pt.yml | 45 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/pt.yml b/config/locales/pt.yml index 931365c03..01bf18932 100755 --- a/config/locales/pt.yml +++ b/config/locales/pt.yml @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ pt: + #subscription plan duration duration: - #subscription plan duration year: one: 'um ano' other: '%{count} anos' @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ pt: one: 'uma semana' other: '%{count} semanas' errors: + #CarrierWave messages: - #CarrierWave carrierwave_processing_error: "falhou ao ser processado" carrierwave_integrity_error: "não é de um tipo de arquivo permitido" carrierwave_download_error: "não pode ser baixado" @@ -38,27 +38,27 @@ pt: must_be_in_the_past: "The period must be strictly prior to today's date." apipie: api_documentation: "Documentação da API" + #error messages when importing an account from a SSO omniauth: - #error messages when importing an account from a SSO email_already_linked_to_another_account_please_input_your_authentication_code: "E-mail \"%{OLD_MAIL}\" já está vinculado a outra conta, insira seu código de autenticação." your_username_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Seu nome de usuário ( %{USERNAME}) já está vinculado a outra conta, não conseguindo atualizá-lo." your_email_address_is_already_linked_to_another_account_unable_to_update_it: "Seu endereço de e-mail ( %{EMAIL}) já está vinculado a outra conta, não conseguindo atualizá-lo." this_account_is_already_linked_to_an_user_of_the_platform: "Esta conta %{NAME} já está ligada a um utilizador da plataforma." + #availability slots in the calendar availabilities: - #availability slots in the calendar not_available: "Não disponível " i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei" length_must_be_slot_multiple: "deve ser pelo menos %{MIN} minutos após a data de início" must_be_associated_with_at_least_1_machine: "deve estar associada a pelo menos uma máquina" + #members management members: - #members management unable_to_change_the_group_while_a_subscription_is_running: "Não é possível alterar o grupo enquanto uma assinatura está sendo executada" please_input_the_authentication_code_sent_to_the_address: "Por favor insira o código de autenticação enviado para seu endereço de email %{EMAIL}" your_authentication_code_is_not_valid: "Seu código de autentiicação não é válido." current_authentication_method_no_code: "O método de autenticação atual não requer nenhum código de migração" requested_account_does_not_exists: "A conta requisitada não existe" + #PDF invoices generation invoices: - #PDF invoices generation refund_invoice_reference: "Referência da fatura de reembolso: %{REF}" invoice_reference: "Fatura de referência: %{REF}" code: "Código: %{CODE}" @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ pt: one: "Um %{NAME} ticket" other: "%{count} %{NAME} tickets" reservation_other: "Reserva (outro)" - coupon_CODE_discount_of_DISCOUNT: "Cupom {CODE}: desconto de {DISCOUNT}{TYPE, select, percent_off{%} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation + coupon_CODE_discount_of_DISCOUNT: "Cupom {CODE}: desconto de {DISCOUNT}{TYPE, select, percent_off{%} other{}}" #messageFormat interpolation total_including_all_taxes: "Total de taxas inclusas" including_VAT_RATE: "Incluindo VAT %{RATE}%" including_total_excluding_taxes: "Incluindo total de faixas exclusas" @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ pt: by_cheque: "em cheque" by_transfer: "por transferência" by_cash: "em dinheiro" - no_refund: "Sem reembolso" by_wallet: "pela carteira" + no_refund: "Sem reembolso" settlement_by_debit_card: "Liquidação por cartão de débito" settlement_done_at_the_reception: "Liquidação feita na recepção" settlement_by_wallet: "Liquidação por carteira" @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ pt: subscription_of_NAME_for_DURATION_starting_from_DATE: "Assinatura de %{NAME} de %{DURATION} começando em %{DATE}" subscription_of_NAME_extended_starting_from_STARTDATE_until_ENDDATE: "Assinatura de %{NAME} estendida (dias livres) a partir de% STARTDATE até %{ENDDATE}" and: 'e' + #CVS accounting export (columns headers) accounting_export: journal_code: "Journal code" date: "Entry date" @@ -128,19 +129,19 @@ pt: Event_reservation: "event reserv." Space_reservation: "space reserv." wallet: "wallet" + #training availabilities trainings: - #training availabilities i_ve_reserved: "Eu reservei" completed: "Cheio" + #error messages when updating an event events: - #error messages when updating an event error_deleting_reserved_price: "Não permitido deletar o preço requisitado, pois está associado a algumas reservas" other_error: "Um erro inesperado ocorreu enquanto o evento era atualizado" #event duration from_STARTDATE_to_ENDDATE: "De %{STARTDATE} a %{ENDDATE}," from_STARTTIME_to_ENDTIME: "das %{STARTTIME} às %{ENDTIME}" + #members list export to EXCEL format export_members: - #members list export to EXCEL format members: "Membros" id: "ID" surname: "Sobrenome" @@ -171,8 +172,8 @@ pt: man: "Homem" woman: "Mulher" without_subscriptions: "Sem assinaturas" + #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format export_reservations: - #machines/trainings/events reservations list to EXCEL format reservations: "Reservas" customer_id: "ID do cliente" customer: "Cliente" @@ -184,8 +185,8 @@ pt: payment_method: "Método de pagamento" local_payment: "Pagamento na recepção" online_payment: "Pagamento online" + #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format export_subscriptions: - #subscriptions list export to EXCEL format subscriptions: "Assinaturas" id: "ID" customer: "Cliente" @@ -198,8 +199,8 @@ pt: payment_method: "Método de pagamento" local_payment: "Pagamento na recepção" online_payment: "Pagamento online" + #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format export_availabilities: - #reservation slots export, by type, to EXCEL format machines: "Máquinas" trainings: "Treinamentos" spaces: "Espaços" @@ -214,8 +215,8 @@ pt: reservations: "Reservas" available_seats: "Assentos disponíveis" api: + #internal app notifications notifications: - #internal app notifications deleted_user: "Usuário deletado" notify_admin_abuse_reported: an_abuse_was_reported_on_TYPE_ID_NAME_html: "Um abuso foi relatado em %{TYPE} %{ID}: %{NAME} ." @@ -232,15 +233,15 @@ pt: notify_admin_subscription_canceled: USER_s_subscription_has_been_cancelled: "Assinatura do usuário %{USER} foi cancelado." notify_admin_subscription_extended: - subscription_PLAN_of_the_member_USER_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "A assinatura {PLAN} do membro {USER} foi extendida {FREE, select, true{grátis} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation + subscription_PLAN_of_the_member_USER_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "A assinatura {PLAN} do membro {USER} foi extendida {FREE, select, true{grátis} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_admin_subscription_is_expired: USER_s_subscription_has_expired: "A assinatura do usuário %{USER} expirou." notify_admin_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: USER_s_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: "A assinatura do usuário %{USER} expira em 7 dias." notify_admin_user_group_changed: - user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "Usuário {NAME} mudou {GENDER, select, true{seu} other{seu}} grupo." #messageFormat interpolation + user_NAME_changed_his_group_html: "Usuário {NAME} mudou {GENDER, select, true{seu} other{seu}} grupo." #messageFormat interpolation notify_admin_user_merged: - user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "Usuário {NAME} vinculou {GENDER, select, true{sua} other{sua}} conta com a importada de {PROVIDER} ({UID}) ." #messageFormat interpolation + user_NAME_has_merged_his_account_with_the_one_imported_from_PROVIDER_UID_html: "Usuário {NAME} vinculou {GENDER, select, true{sua} other{sua}} conta com a importada de {PROVIDER} ({UID}) ." #messageFormat interpolation notify_admin_when_project_published: project_NAME_has_been_published_html: "Projeto %{NAME} foi publicado." notify_admin_when_user_is_created: @@ -262,7 +263,7 @@ pt: notify_member_subscription_canceled: your_subscription_PLAN_was_successfully_cancelled_html: "Sua assinatura %{PLAN} foi cancelada com sucesso." notify_member_subscription_extended: - your_subscription_PLAN_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Sua inscrição {PLAN} foi estendida {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation + your_subscription_PLAN_has_been_extended_FREE_until_DATE_html: "Sua inscrição {PLAN} foi estendida {FREE, select, true{for free} other{}} until {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_member_subscription_is_expired: your_subscription_has_expired: "Sua assinatura expirou." notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: @@ -328,8 +329,8 @@ pt: click_to_show: "Click here to consult" notify_admin_refund_created: refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been created for user %{USER}" + #statistics tools for admins statistics: - #statistics tools for admins subscriptions: "Assinaturas" machines_hours: "Slots de máquina" spaces: "Espaços" @@ -355,8 +356,8 @@ pt: revenue: "Receita" account_creation: "Criação de conta" project_publication: "Publicação de projeto" + #statistics exports to the excel file format export: - #statistics exports to the excel file format entries: "Entradas" revenue: "Receita" average_age: "Idade média" @@ -370,8 +371,8 @@ pt: type: "Tipo" male: "Homem" female: "Mulher" + #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property price_category: - #initial price's category for events, created to replace the old "reduced amount" property reduced_fare: "Tarifa reduzida" reduced_fare_if_you_are_under_25_student_or_unemployed: "Tarifa reduzida se tiver menos de 25 anos, estudante ou desempregado." group: From 31e331202e74bf842a32d4ed710826d82972ca37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:10:58 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 30/68] New translations app.shared.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 52 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index a306b13ee..c5c73f881 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ fr: app: shared: + #translations of common buttons buttons: - #traductions de boutons communs confirm_changes: "Valider les modifications" consult: "Consulter" edit: "Éditer" @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ fr: you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "Vous perdrez les modifications non enregistrées si vous quittez cette page" you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "Vous perdrez les modifications non enregistrées si vous rechargez cette page" payment_card_error: "Un problème est survenu avec votre carte bancaire :" + #user edition form user: - #formulaire d'édition du profil utilisateur man: "Homme" woman: "Femme" add_an_avatar: "Ajouter un avatar" @@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ fr: phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone" phone_number_is_required: "Le numéro de téléphone est requis." i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "J'autorise les utilisateurs du Fab Lab inscrits sur le site à me contacter" - i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "J'accepte de recevoir des informations du Fab Lab" + i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab" used_for_statistics: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins statistiques" used_for_invoicing: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins de facturation" used_for_reservation: "Cette donnée sera utilisée en cas de changement sur une de vos réservations" used_for_profile: "Cette donnée sera seulement affichée sur votre profil" + #project edition form project: - #formulaire d'étition d'un projet name: "Nom" name_is_required: "Le nom est requis." illustration: "Illustration" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ fr: themes: "Thématiques" tags: "Étiquettes" save_as_draft: "Enregistrer comme brouillon" + #machine edition form machine: - #formulaire d'édition d'une machine name: "Nom" name_is_required: "Le nom est requis." illustration: "Visuel" @@ -106,28 +106,28 @@ fr: add_an_attachment: "Ajouter une pièce jointe" disable_machine: "Désactiver la machine" validate_your_machine: "Valider votre machine" + #frame to select a plan to subscribe plan_subscribe: - #cadre de souscription à un abonnement subscribe_online: "je m'abonne en ligne" do_not_subscribe: "je ne souhaite pas m'abonner" + #admin: choose a member to interact with member_select: - #admin : choisir un membre avec lequel interagir select_a_member: "Sélectionnez un membre" start_typing: "Commencez à écrire..." + #stripe payment modal stripe: - #fenêtre de paiement stripe online_payment: "Paiement en ligne" i_have_read_and_accept_: "J'ai bien pris connaissance, et accepte" _the_general_terms_and_conditions: "les conditions générales de vente." credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "Il vous reste {amount} {currency} à payer pour valider votre réservation" client_credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "Il reste {amount} {currency} à payer pour valider la réservation" confirm_payment_of_: "Payer : {AMOUNT}" + #dialog of on site payment for reservations valid_reservation_modal: - #fenêtre de paiement sur place d'une réservation booking_confirmation: "Validation réservation" here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "Voici le récapitulatif des créneaux à réserver pour l'utilisateur courant :" + #event edition form event: - #formulaire d'édition d'un événement title: "Titre" title_is_required: "Le titre est requis." matching_visual: "Visuel associé" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ fr: tickets_available: "Places disponibles" event_theme: "Thème de l'évènement" age_range: "Tranche d'âge" + #subscription plan edition form plan: - #formulaire d'édition d'une formule d'abonnement general_information: "Informations générales" name: "Nom" name_is_required: "Le nom est requis" @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ fr: email_address_is_required: "L'adresse e-mail est requise." disabled: "Désactiver l'abonnement" disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "Attention : désactiver l'abonnement ne désabonnera pas les utilisateurs ayant actuellement cet abonnement actif." + #training edition form trainings: - #formulaire d'édition d'une formation name: "Nom" name_is_required: "Le nom est requis." illustration: "Visuel" @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ fr: number_of_tickets: "Nombre de places" public_page: "Afficher dans la liste de formation" disable_training: "Désactiver la formation" + #partial form to edit/create an user (admin view) user_admin: - #formulaire partiel d'édition/création utilisateur (vue admin) user: "Utilisateur" incomplete_profile: "Profil incomplet" user_profile: "Profil utilisateur" @@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ fr: group_is_required: "Le groupe est requis." trainings: "Formations" tags: "Étiquettes" + #partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO) authentication: - #formulaire partiel d'édition/création d'un fournisseur d'authentification (SSO) name: "Nom" provider_name_is_required: "Le nom du fournisseur est requis." authentication_type: "Type d'authentification" @@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ fr: expected_data_type: "Type de données attendues" input_format: "Format d'entrée" mappings: "Correspondances" + #edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider oauth2: - #formulaire d'édition/création d'un fournisseur d'authentification de type OAuth2 common_url: "URL commune" common_url_is_required: "L'URL commune est requise." provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "L'URL fournie n'est pas une URL valide." @@ -253,25 +253,25 @@ fr: api_endpoint_url: "Terminaison/URL de l'API" api_type: "Type d'API" api_fields: "Champ de l'API" + #machine/training slot modification modal confirm_modify_slot_modal: - #fenêtre de modification d'un créneau de réservation machine/formation change_the_slot: "Modifier le créneau" do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Souhaitez-vous changer votre créneau de réservation initialement prévu au :" do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "Souhaitez-vous changer le créneau de réservation de {NAME}, initialement prévu au :" cancel_this_reservation: "Annuler cette réservation" i_want_to_change_date: "Je veux changer de date" + #modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine request_training_modal: - #fenêtre présentant l'obligation de participer à une formation avant de réserver une machine to_book_the_MACHINE_you_must_have_completed_the_TRAINING: "Pour réserver la machine \"{MACHINE}\" vous devez avoir suivi la {TRAINING}." register_for_the_training: "S'inscrire à la formation" i_dont_want_to_register_now: "Je ne souhaite pas m'inscrire pour l'instant" + #modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine training_reservation_modal: - #fenêtre présentant l'obligation d'attendre la validation de la formation pour réserver une machine machine_reservation: "Réservation machine" you_must_wait_for_your_training_is_being_validated_by_the_fablab_team_to_book_this_machine: "Il faut attendre que votre formation soit validée par l'équipe du Fab Lab pour réserver cette machine." your_training_will_occur_: "Votre formation aura lieu le" + #user public profile public_profile: - #profil publique d'un utilisateur last_activity_html: "Dernière activité
le {DATE}" to_come: "à venir" approved: "validée" @@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ fr: email_address: "Adresse électronique" trainings: "Formations" no_trainings: "Aucune formation" + #wallet wallet: - #porte-monnaie wallet: 'Porte-monnaie' your_wallet_amount: 'Votre montant disponible' wallet_amount: 'Montant disponible' @@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ fr: debit_reservation_machine: "Payer un reservation de machine" debit_reservation_event: "Payer un reservation d'évenement" warning_uneditable_credit: "Attention : une fois validé, le montant crédité ne sera plus modifiable." + #promotional coupon (creation/edition form) coupon: - #code promotionnel (formulaire de création/édition) name: "Nom" name_is_required: "le nom est requis." code: "Code" @@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ fr: max_usages: "Nombre maximum d'utilisations autorisées" max_usages_must_be_equal_or_greater_than_0: "Le nombre d'utilisations maximum doit être supérieur ou égal à 0." enabled: "Activé" + #coupon (input zone for users) coupon_input: - #code promotionnel (zone de saisie pour les utilisateurs) i_have_a_coupon: "J'ai un code promo !" code_: "Code :" the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "Le code promo a bien été appliqué. Vous bénéficiez d'une remise de {PERCENT} %." @@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ fr: unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "Impossible d'appliquer la réduction : la réduction dépasse le total de cet achat." unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "Impossible d'appliquer la réduction : une erreur inattendue s'est produite, veuillez contacter le gestionnaire du Fablab." unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "Ce code promo n'existe pas." + #form to create/edit a space space: - #formulaire de création/modification d'un espace name: "Nom" name_is_required: "Le nom est requis." illustration: "Visuel" @@ -373,12 +373,12 @@ fr: default_places: "Maximum de places par défaut" default_places_is_required: "Le nombre de places maximum par défaut est requis." disable_space: "Désactiver l'espace" + #shopping cart module for reservations cart: - #module de panier d'achat de réservations summary: "Résumé" select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "Sélectionnez un {SINGLE, select, true{créneau} other{ou plusieurs créneaux}} dans le calendrier" you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "Vous venez de sélectionner le créneau :" - datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} à {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM + datetime_to_time: "{START_DATETIME} à {END_TIME}" #eg: Thursday, September 4 1986 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM cost_of_TYPE: "Coût de {TYPE, select, Machine{l'heure machine} Training{la formation} other{l'élément}}" offer_this_slot: "Offrir ce créneau" confirm_this_slot: "Valider ce créneau" @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ fr: do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir annuler cette réservation ?" reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "La réservation a bien été annulée." cancellation_failed: "L'annulation a échouée." - confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Paiement sur place} other{Payer}} : {AMOUNT}" #eg. valider mon paiement de 20,00 € + confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Paiement sur place} other{Payer}} : {AMOUNT}" #eg. confirm my payment of $20.00 a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Il y a eu un problème lors de la procédure de paiement. Veuillez réessayer plus tard." none: "Aucune" online_payment_disabled: "Le payment par carte bancaire n'est pas disponible. Merci de contacter directement l'accueil du Fablab." From 81e597f40afedb883e5ce9b96a15ad7b4c318935 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:11:00 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 31/68] New translations app.public.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 64 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 20d8c63e8..970e6fcf3 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ fr: app: public: + #header and "about" page common: - #en-tête et page "à propos" about_the_fablab: "A propos {GENDER, select, male{du} female{de la} neutral{} other{des}} {NAME}" return: "Retour" #cookies @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ fr: learn_more: "En savoir plus" accept: "Accepter les cookies" decline: "Refuser" - #sections du tableau de bord + #dashboard sections dashboard: "Tableau de bord" my_profile: "Mon profil" my_settings: "Mes paramètres" @@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ fr: my_events: "Mes évènements" my_invoices: "Mes factures" my_wallet: "Mon porte-monnaie" - #aide contextuelle + #contextual help help: "Aide" - #connexion / déconnexion + #login/logout sign_out: "Se déconnecter" sign_up: "S'inscrire" sign_in: "Se connecter" - #menu de gauche + #left menu notifications: "Notifications" admin: "Admin" reduce_panel: "Réduire le volet" - #menu de gauche (partie publique) + #left menu (public) home: "Accueil" reserve_a_machine: "Réserver une machine" trainings_registrations: "Inscriptions formations" @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fr: projects_gallery: "Galerie de projets" subscriptions: "Abonnements" public_calendar: "Agenda" - #menu de gauche (partie admin) + #left menu (admin) trainings_monitoring: "Formations" manage_the_calendar: "Agenda" manage_the_users: "Utilisateurs" @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ fr: statistics: "Statistiques" customization: "Personnalisation" open_api_clients: "Clients OpenAPI" - #fenêtre de création de compte + #account creation modal create_your_account: "Créer votre compte" man: "Homme" woman: "Femme" @@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ fr: used_for_profile: "Cette donnée sera seulement affichée sur votre profil" public_profile: "Vous aurez un profil public et les autres utilisateurs pourront vous associer à leurs projets" you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email_detailed: "Vous allez recevoir dans quelques minutes un email comportant des instructions pour confirmer votre compte." - #fenêtre de changement de mot de passe + #password modification modal change_your_password: "Modifier votre mot de passe" your_new_password: "Votre nouveau mot de passe" your_password_was_successfully_changed: "Votre mot de passe a bien été modifié." - #fenêtre de connexion + #connection modal connection: "Connexion" password_forgotten: "Mot de passe oublié ?" confirm_my_account: "Confirmer mon adresse de courriel" @@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ fr: create_an_account: "Créer un compte" wrong_email_or_password: "Adresse courriel ou mot de passe incorrect." caps_lock_is_on: "La touche de verrouillage des majuscules est activée." - #fenêtre d'envoi des instructions de confirmation + #confirmation modal you_will_receive_confirmation_instructions_by_email: "Vous recevrez les instructions de confirmation par email." - #mot de passe oublié + #forgotten password modal your_email_address_is_unknown: "Votre adresse de courriel est inconnue." you_will_receive_in_a_moment_an_email_with_instructions_to_reset_your_password: "Vous allez recevoir sous quelques minutes un courriel vous indiquant comment réinitialiser votre mot de passe." #Fab-manager's version @@ -121,26 +121,26 @@ fr: how_to: "Comment mettre à jour ?" #Notifications and_NUMBER_other_notifications: "et {NUMBER, plural, =0{aucune autre notification} =1{une autre notification} other{{NUMBER} autres notifications}}..." + #about page about: - #page à propos read_the_fablab_policy: "Consulter les règles d'utilisation du Fab Lab" read_the_fablab_s_general_terms_and_conditions: "Consulter les conditions générales de vente du Fab Lab" your_fablab_s_contacts: "Vos contacts au Fab Lab" privacy_policy: "Politique de confidentialité" + #'privacy policy' page privacy: - #page 'politique de confidentialité' title: "Politique de confidentialité" dpo: "Délégué à la protection des données" last_update: "Dernière mise à jour," + #home page home: - #page d'accueil latest_documented_projects: "Les derniers projets documentés" follow_us: "Suivez-nous" latest_tweets: "Les derniers tweets" latest_registered_members: "Derniers membres inscrits" create_an_account: "Créer un compte" discover_members: "Découvrir les membres" - #résumé des prochains évènements sur la page d'acceuil + #next events summary on the home page fablab_s_next_events: "Les prochains évènements du Fab Lab" every_events: "Tous les évènements" from_date_to_date: "du {START} au {END}" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ fr: full_price: "Plein tarif : " event_full: "Événement complet" still_available: "Place(s) disponible(s) :" + #projects gallery projects_list: - #galerie des projets the_fablab_projects: "Les projets du FabLab" add_a_project: "Ajouter un projet" search_over_the_whole_network: "Chercher sur tout le réseau Fab-manager" @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ fr: all_materials: "Tous les matériaux" load_next_projects: "Charger les projets suivants" rough_draft: "Brouillon" + #details of a projet projects_show: - #détails d'un projet rough_draft: "Brouillon" project_description: "Description du projet" by_name: "Par {NAME}" @@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ fr: message_is_required: "Le message est requis." report: "Signaler" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_project: "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer ce projet ?" + #list of machines machines_list: - #liste des machines the_fablab_s_machines: "Les machines du FabLab" add_a_machine: "Ajouter une machine" new_availability: "Ouvrir des réservations" @@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ fr: status_enabled: "Actives" status_disabled: "Désactivées" status_all: "Toutes" + #details of a machine machines_show: - #détail d'une machine book_this_machine: "Réserver cette machine" technical_specifications: "Caractéristiques techniques" files_to_download: "Fichiers à télécharger" @@ -219,19 +219,19 @@ fr: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_machine: "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette machine ?" unauthorized_operation: "Opération non autorisée" the_machine_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "La machine ne peut pas être supprimée car elle a déjà été réservée par des utilisateurs." + #list of trainings trainings_list: - #liste des formations book: "Réserver" the_trainings: "Les formations" + #details of a training training_show: - #détails d'une formation book_this_training: "Réserver cette formation" do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_training: "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette formation ?" unauthorized_operation: "Opération non autorisée" confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise" the_training_cant_be_deleted_because_it_is_already_reserved_by_some_users: "La formation ne peut pas être supprimée car elle a déjà été réservée par des utilisateurs." + #summary of the subscriptions plans: - #page récapitulative des abonnements subscriptions: "Les abonnements" i_choose_that_plan: "Je choisis cette formule" i_subscribe_online: "Je m'abonne en ligne" @@ -257,10 +257,10 @@ fr: an_error_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Il y a eu un problème lors de la procédure de paiement. Veuillez réessayer plus tard." subscription_confirmation: "Validation de l'abonnement" here_is_the_NAME_subscription_summary: "Voici le récapitulatif de l'abonnement de {NAME} :" - confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Encaisser} other{Payer}} : {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : valider un paiement de 20,00 €) + confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Encaisser} other{Payer}} : {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00) online_payment_disabled: "Le paiement par carte bancaire n'est pas disponible. Merci de contacter directement l'accueil du Fablab." + #Fablab's events list events_list: - #liste des évènements du fablab the_fablab_s_events: "Les évènements du Fab Lab" all_categories: "Toutes les catégories" for_all: "Tout public" @@ -274,8 +274,8 @@ fr: full_price_: "Plein tarif :" to_date: "au" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 all_themes: "Toutes les thématiques" + #details and booking of an event events_show: - #détails d'un événement et réservation event_description: "Description de l'évènement" downloadable_documents: "Documents à télécharger" information_and_booking: "Informations et réservation" @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ fr: opening_hours: "Horaires :" all_day: "Toute la journée" from_time: "De" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 - to_time: "à" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "à" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 full_price_: "Plein tarif :" tickets_still_availables: "Places encore disponibles :" sold_out: "Événement complet" @@ -300,13 +300,13 @@ fr: canceled_reservation_SEATS: "Réservation annulée ({SEATS} places)" book: "Réserver" confirm_and_pay: "Valider et payer" - confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Encaisser} other{Payer}} : {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : valider un paiement de 20,00 €) + confirm_payment_of_html: "{ROLE, select, admin{Encaisser} other{Payer}} : {AMOUNT}" #(contexte : validate a payment of $20,00) online_payment_disabled: "Le payment par carte bancaire n'est pas disponible. Merci de contacter directement l'accueil du Fablab." please_select_a_member_first: "Veuillez tout d'abord sélectionner un membre" change_the_reservation: "Modifier la réservation" you_can_shift_this_reservation_on_the_following_slots: "Vous pouvez déplacer cette réservation sur les créneaux suivants :" confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise" - do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet évènement ?" + do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_event: "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cet évènement ?" delete_recurring_event: "Vous êtes sur le point de supprimer un évènement périodique. Que voulez-vous supprimer ?" delete_this_event: "Uniquement cet évènement" delete_this_and_next: "Cet évènement et tous les suivants" @@ -324,8 +324,8 @@ fr: view_event_list: "Voir les évènements à venir" share_on_facebook: "Partager sur Facebook" share_on_twitter: "Partager sur Twitter" + #public calendar calendar: - #calendrier publique calendar: "Calendrier" show_unavailables: "Afficher les créneaux non disponibles" filter_calendar: "Filtrer le calendrier" @@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ fr: spaces: "Espaces" events: "Évènements" externals: "Autres calendriers" + #list of spaces spaces_list: - #liste des espaces the_spaces: "Les espaces" new_availability: "Ouvrir des réservations" add_a_space: "Ajouter un espace" @@ -343,8 +343,8 @@ fr: status_disabled: "Désactivés" status_all: "Tous" book: "Réserver" + #display the details of a space space_show: - #affichage des détails d'un espace book_this_space: "Réserver cet espace" unauthorized_operation: "Opération non autorisée" confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise" From 571541d68cfaab6a2804d40e5335b20e97457792 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:11:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 32/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 0d8dae68b..59fb5792d 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ fr: app: logged: + #user's profile completion page when logging from an SSO provider profile_completion: - # page de complétion du profil utilisateur, à la première connexion depuis un SSO confirm_your_new_account: "Confirmez votre nouveau compte" you_ve_just_created_a_new_account_on_the_fablab_by_logging_from: "Vous venez de créer un nouveau compte sur {GENDER, select, male{le} female{la} neutral{} other{les}} {NAME}, en vous connectant depuis" we_need_some_more_details: "Afin de finaliser le paramétrage de la plate-forme, nous avons besoin de quelques renseignements supplémentaires" @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ fr: _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "déconnectez-vous puis re-connectez vous" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "pour que les modifications soient prises en compte." dashboard: - # tableau de bord: profile publique + #dashboard: public profile profile: empty: '' + #dashboard: edit my profile settings: - # tableau de bord : éditer mon profil last_activity_on_: "Dernière activité le {DATE}" i_want_to_change_group: "Je veux changer de groupe !" your_subscription_expires_on_: "Votre abonnement expire le" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ fr: _click_on_the_synchronization_button_opposite_: "cliquez sur le bouton de synchronisation ci-contre" _disconnect_then_reconnect_: "déconnectez-vous puis re-connectez vous" _for_your_changes_to_take_effect: "pour que les modifications soient prises en compte." + #dashboard: my projects projects: - # tableau de bord : mes projets you_dont_have_any_projects: "Vous n'avez aucun projet." add_a_project: "Ajouter un projet" author: "Auteur" @@ -103,33 +103,33 @@ fr: machines: "Machines" materials: "Matériaux" collaborators: "Les collaborateurs" + #dashboard: my trainings trainings: - # tableau de bord : mes formations your_next_trainings: "Vos prochaines formations" your_previous_trainings: "Vos formations passées" your_approved_trainings: "Vos formations validées" no_trainings: "Aucune formation" + #dashboard: my events events: - # tableau de bord : mes évènements your_next_events: "Vos prochains évènements" no_events_to_come: "Aucun évènement à venir" your_previous_events: "Vos évènements passés" no_passed_events: "Aucun évènement passé" NUMBER_normal_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{place normale réservée} other{places normales réservées}}" NUMBER_of_NAME_places_reserved: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{} =1{place {NAME} réservée} other{places {NAME} réservées}}" + #dashboard: my invoices invoices: - # tableau de bord : mes factures reference_number: "Référence" date: "Date" price: "Prix" download_the_invoice: "Télécharger la facture" download_the_credit_note: "Télécharger l'avoir" no_invoices_for_now: "Aucune facture pour le moment." + #public profil of a member members_show: - # profil public d'un membre members_list: "Liste des membres" + #list of members accepting to be contacted members: - # liste des membres qui acceptent d'être contactés the_fablab_members: "Les membres du Fab Lab" display_more_members: "Afficher plus de membres..." no_members_for_now: "Pas de membres pour le moment" @@ -137,16 +137,16 @@ fr: user: "Utilisateur" pseudonym: "Pseudonyme" email_address: "Adresse électronique" + #add a new project projects_new: - # ajouter un nouveau projet add_a_new_project: "Ajouter un nouveau projet" + #modify an existing project projects_edit: - # modifier un projet existant edit_the_project: "Éditer le projet" rough_draft: "Brouillon" publish: "Publier" + #book a machine machines_reserve: - # réserver une machine machine_planning: "Planning machine" i_ve_reserved: "J'ai réservé" not_available: "Non disponible" @@ -157,17 +157,17 @@ fr: reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "La réservation a bien été annulée." cancellation_failed: "Échec de l'annulation." a_problem_occured_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "Un problème est survenu pendant le processus de paiement. Merci de réessayer ultérieurement." + #book a training trainings_reserve: - # réserver une formation trainings_planning: "Planning formations" - planning_of: "Planning de la" # suivi du nom de la formation (eg. Planning de la formation imprimante 3d) + planning_of: "Planning of " #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) all_trainings: "Toutes les formations" cancel_my_selection: "Annuler ma sélection" i_change: "Je change" i_shift: "Je déplace" i_ve_reserved: "J'ai réservé" + #book a space space_reserve: - # réserver un espace planning_of_space_NAME: "Planning de l'espace {NAME}" i_ve_reserved: "J'ai réservé" i_shift: "Je déplace" From 468f9d0f89d6dbccd2a4388b5f2e93fb1f5148fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:11:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 33/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 72 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index e55e8443d..ff1b0e7bf 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ fr: app: admin: machines_new: - #ajout d'une nouvelle machine + #add a new machine declare_a_new_machine: "Déclarer une nouvelle machine" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_machine_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Attention, lors de la création d'une machine, ses tarifs de réservation sont initialisés à zero pour tous les abonnements." consider_changing_them_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Pensez à les modifier avant de créer des créneaux pour cette machine." machines_edit: - #edition d'une machine + #machine edition machine_edit: "Modifier une machine" calendar: - #gestion des créneaux machines et formations + #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar_management: "Gestion du calendrier" trainings: "Formations" machines: "Machines" @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ fr: manage_trainings: "Cliquez-ici pour ajouter ou supprimer des formations." number_of_tickets: "Nombre de places : " adjust_the_opening_hours: "Ajuster l'horaire" - to_time: "à" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "à" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 restrict_options: "Options de restriction" restrict_with_labels: "Restreindre ce créneau avec des étiquettes" restrict_for_subscriptions: "Restreindre ce créneau pour les abonnements" @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ fr: confirm_delete_import: "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet import iCalendar ?" delete_success: "L'import iCalendar a bien été supprimé" project_elements: - #gestion des éléments constituant les projets + #management of the projects' components name: "Nom" projects_elements_management: "Gestion des éléments projets" materials: "Matériaux" @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ fr: add_a_new_licence: "Ajouter une nouvelle licence" manage_abuses: "Gérer les signalements" trainings: - #suivre et surveiller les formations + #track and monitor the trainings trainings_monitoring: "Suivi formations" plan_session: "Planifier une nouvelle session" trainings: "Formations" @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ fr: NUMBER_reservation: "{NUMBER} {NUMBER, plural, =0{réservation} one{réservation} other{réservations}}" none: "Aucune" training_validation: "Validation formation" - training_of_the_DATE_TIME_html : "Formation du {DATE} - {TIME}" + training_of_the_DATE_TIME_html: "Formation du {DATE} - {TIME}" you_can_validate_the_training_of_the_following_members: "Vous pouvez valider la formation des membres suivants :" deleted_user: "Utilisateur supprimé" no_reservation: "Aucune réservation" @@ -164,12 +164,12 @@ fr: status_disabled: "Désactivés" status_all: "Tous" trainings_new: - #créer une nouvelle formation + #create a new training add_a_new_training: "Ajouter une nouvelle formation" beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Attention, lors de la création d'une formation, ses tarifs de réservation sont initialisés à zero." dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "Pensez à les modifier avant de créer des créneaux pour cette formation." events: - #gestion et suivi des évènements + #events tracking and management events_monitoring: "Suivi des évènements" manage_filters: "Gérer les filtres" fablab_events: "Les évènements du Fab Lab" @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ fr: from_DATE: "du {DATE}" from_TIME: "de {TIME}" to_date: "au" #eg: from 01/01 to 01/05 - to_time: "à" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 + to_time: "à" #eg. from 18:00 to 21:00 title: "Titre" dates: "Dates" booking: "Réservations" @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ fr: price_category_successfully_deleted: "Catégorie tarifaire supprimée avec succès." price_category_deletion_failed: "Échec de la suppression de la catégorie tarifaire." events_new: - #ajouter un nouvel évènement + #add a new event add_an_event: "Ajouter un évènement" none: "Aucune" every_days: "Tous les jours" @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ fr: every_month: "Chaque mois" every_year: "Chaque année" events_edit: - #modifier un évènement existant + #edit an existing event edit_the_event: "Éditer l'évènement" confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise" edit_recurring_event: "Vous êtes sur le point de modifier un évènement périodique. Que voulez-vous modifier ?" @@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ fr: error_deleting_reserved_price: "Impossible de supprimer le tarif demandé car il est associé à des réservations" other_error: "Une erreur inattendue est survenue lors de la mise à jour de l'évènement" event_reservations: - #liste des réservations sur un évènement + #event reservations list the_reservations: "Les réservations :" user: "Utilisateur" payment_date: "Date de paiement" @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ fr: back_to_monitoring: "Retour au suivi" canceled: "Annulée" pricing: - #gestion des abonnements, des tarifs, des crédits et des codes promo + #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing_management: "Gestion de la tarification" subscriptions: "Abonnements" trainings: "Formations" @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ fr: hours: "Créneaux de {DURATION} minutes" related_subscriptions: "Abonnements associés" please_specify_a_number: "Veuillez spécifier un nombre." - none: "Aucune" #grammar concordance with training. + none: "Aucune" #grammar concordance with training. an_error_occurred_while_saving_the_number_of_credits: "Une erreur est survenue lors de l'enregistrement du nombre de crédits." an_error_occurred_while_deleting_credit_with_the_TRAINING: "Une erreur est survenue lors de la suppression du crédit avec la {TRAINING}." an_error_occurred_unable_to_find_the_credit_to_revoke: "Une erreur est survenue : impossible de retrouver le crédit à enlever." @@ -346,13 +346,13 @@ fr: unable_to_update_the_coupon_an_error_occurred: "Impossible de mettre à jour le code promotionnel : une erreur est survenue." plans: new: - #ajouter une formule d'abonnement sur la plate-forme + #add a subscription plan on the platform add_a_subscription_plan: "Ajouter une formule d'abonnement" unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "L'abonnement n'a pas pu être créé. Veuillez réessayer." successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Création du/des abonnement(s) réussie. N'oubliez pas de redéfinir les tarifs." unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Impossible d'enregistrer cet utilisateur. Vérifiez qu'il n'existe pas déjà un utilisateur du même nom." edit: - #modifier une formule d'abonnement / les prix des créneaux machines + #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices subscription_plan: "Formule d'abonnement :" prices: "Tarifs" copy_prices_from: "Copier les prix depuis" @@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ fr: unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "Les modifications de l'abonnement n'ont pas pu être enregistrées. Veuillez réessayer." subscription_successfully_changed: "Modification de l'abonnement réussie." invoices: - #liste de toutes les factures & paramètres de facturation + #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: "Factures" accounting_periods: "Périodes comptables" invoices_list: "Liste des factures" @@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ fr: year: "Année" month: "Mois" day: "Jour" - num_of_invoice: "N° de facture" + num_of_invoice: "# of invoice" online_sales: "Vente en ligne" wallet: "Porte-monnaie" refund: "Remboursement" @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ fr: description: "Description" description_optional: "Description (optionnelle) :" will_appear_on_the_refund_invoice: "Apparaîtra sur la facture de remboursement." - none: "Aucun" #grammar concordance with payment mean + none: "Aucun" #grammar concordance with payment mean by_cash: "En espèces" by_cheque: "Par chèque" by_transfer: "Par virement" @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ fr: credit_euro: "Crédit euro" lettering: "Lettrage" members: - #gestion des utilisateurs, des groupes, des étiquettes, etc. + #management of users, labels, groups, and so on users_management: "Gestion des utilisateurs" members: "Membres" subscriptions: "Abonnements" @@ -660,11 +660,11 @@ fr: member_filter_not_confirmed: "Non confirmés" member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "Inactifs depuis 3 ans" members_new: - #ajouter un membre + #add a member add_a_member: "Ajouter un membre" user_is_an_organization: "L'utilisateur est une structure" members_import: - #import massif de members + #members bulk import import_members: "Importer des membres" info: "Vous pouvez téléverser un fichier CSV afin de créer des nouveaux membres ou de mettre à jour les existants. Votre fichier doit utiliser les identifiants ci-dessous pour spécifier le groupe, les formations et les étiquettes des membres." required_fields: "Votre fichier doit obligatoirement comporter, au minimum, les informations suivantes pour chaque utilisateur à créer : courriel, nom, prénom et groupe. Si le mot passe n'est pas rempli, il sera généré automatiquement. Lors d'une mise à jour, les champs non remplis seront gardés tel quels." @@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ fr: update_on_username: "Pseudonyme" update_on_email: "Adresse de courriel" members_import_result: - #résultats de l'import + #import results import_results: "Résultats de l'import" import_details: "Import n°{ID}, du {DATE}, initié par {USER}" results: "Résultats" @@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ fr: failed: "Échec" error_details: "Détails de l'erreur :" members_edit: - #modifier un membre + #edit a member subscription: "Abonnement" duration: "Durée :" expires_at: "Expire le :" @@ -743,7 +743,7 @@ fr: wallet: "Porte-monnaie" to_credit: 'Créditer' admins_new: - #ajouter un nouvel administrateur à la plate-forme + #add a new administrator to the platform add_an_administrator: "Ajouter un administrateur" administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email: "L'administrateur a bien été créé. {GENDER, select, female{Elle} other{Il}} recevra ses instructions de connexion par email." failed_to_create_admin: "Impossible de créer l'administrateur :" @@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ fr: address: "Adresse" phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone" authentication_new: - #ajouter un nouveau fournisseur d'authentification (SSO) + #add a new authentication provider (SSO) local_database: "Base de données locale" o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0" add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Ajouter un fournisseur d'authentification" @@ -775,18 +775,18 @@ fr: unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Le fournisseur OAuth 2.0 (non sécurisé) a bien été enregistré." oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Le fournisseur OAuth 2.0 a bien été enregistré." authentication_edit: - #modifier un fournisseur d'authentification (SSO) + #edit an authentication provider (SSO) provider: "Fournisseur :" it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Il est obligatoire d'établir la correspondance entre User.uid et l'API pour pouvoir ajouter ce fournisseur." provider_successfully_updated: "Le fournisseur a bien été mis à jour." an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Une error est survenue : impossible de mettre à jour le fournisseur." statistics: - #tableau de statistiques + #statistics tables statistics: "Statistiques" evolution: "évolution" age_filter: "Filtre d'âge" - from_age: "De" #eg: from 8 to 40 years old - to_age: "à" #eg: from 8 to 40 years old + from_age: "De" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old + to_age: "à" #eg. from 8 to 40 years old _years_old: "ans" start: "Début :" end: "Fin :" @@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ fr: create_plans_to_start: "Pour commencer, créez de nouvelles formules d'abonnement." click_here: "Cliquez ici pour créer votre première formule." stats_graphs: - #graphiques de statistiques + #statistics graphs statistics: "Statistiques" data: "Données" day: "Jour" @@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ fr: no_data_for_this_period: "Pas de données pour cette période" date: "Date" settings: - #paramètres globaux de l'application et personnalisation + #global application parameters and customization title: "Titre" customize_the_application: "Personnalisation de l'application" general: "Général" @@ -1021,17 +1021,17 @@ fr: client_successfully_deleted: "Le compte client a bien été supprimé." access_successfully_revoked: "L'accès a bien été revoqué." space_new: - #créer un nouvel espace + #create a new space add_a_new_space: "Ajouter un nouvel espace" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Attention, lors de la création d'un espace, ses tarifs de réservation sont initialisés à zero pour tous les abonnements." consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Pensez à modifier ces prix avant de créer des créneaux pour cet espace." add_this_space: "Ajouter cet espace" space_edit: - #modifier un espace existant + #modify an exiting space edit_the_space_NAME: "Modifier l'espace : {NAME}" validate_the_changes: "Valider les modifications" manage_abuses: - #traiter et supprimer les rapports d'abus + #process and delete abuses reports abuses_list: "Liste des signalements" no_reports: "Aucun signalement pour le moment" published_by: "publié par" From b2b0abb1d056b86829b4afaa40e43aec6dc0ac33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:11:07 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 34/68] New translations mails.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 203affae0..65b868278 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ fr: layouts: notifications_mailer: - see_you_later: "A très bientôt sur {GENDER, select, male{le} female{la} neutral{} other{les}}" #messageFormat interpolation + see_you_later: "A très bientôt sur {GENDER, select, male{le} female{la} neutral{} other{les}}" #messageFormat interpolation sincerely: "Cordialement," signature: "L'équipe du Fab Lab." do_not_reply: "Merci de ne pas répondre directement à cet email." @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ fr: subject: "Votre compte Fab Lab a bien été créé" body: hello: "Bonjour %{NAME}," - intro: "L’équipe du Fab Lab vient de vous créer un compte sur le site {GENDER, select, male{du} female{de la} neutral{} other{des}} {FABLAB} :" #messageFormat interpolation + intro: "L’équipe du Fab Lab vient de vous créer un compte sur le site {GENDER, select, male{du} female{de la} neutral{} other{des}} {FABLAB} :" #messageFormat interpolation connection_parameters: "Voici vos paramètres de connexion :" account_name: "Nom de compte :" password: "Mot de passe :" @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fr: notify_admin_subscription_extended: subject: "Un abonnement a été prolongé" body: - subscription_extended_html: "L'abonnement {PLAN} du membre {NAME} a été prolongé {FREE, select, true{gratuitment} other{}} jusqu'au {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation + subscription_extended_html: "L'abonnement {PLAN} du membre {NAME} a été prolongé {FREE, select, true{gratuitment} other{}} jusqu'au {DATE}." #messageFormat interpolation notify_member_subscription_extended: subject: "Votre abonnement a été prolongé" body: @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ fr: notify_member_invoice_ready: subject: "Votre facture du FabLab" body: - please_find_attached_html: "Vous trouverez en pièce jointe votre facture du {DATE}, d'un montant de {AMOUNT} concernant votre {TYPE, select, Reservation{réservation} other{abonnement}}." #messageFormat interpolation + please_find_attached_html: "Vous trouverez en pièce jointe votre facture du {DATE}, d'un montant de {AMOUNT} concernant votre {TYPE, select, Reservation{réservation} other{abonnement}}." #messageFormat interpolation invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Vous pouvez à tout moment retrouver votre facture dans %{DASHBOARD} sur le site du Fab Lab." your_dashboard: "votre tableau de bord" notify_member_reservation_reminder: @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ fr: notify_member_avoir_ready: subject: "Votre facture d'avoir du FabLab" body: - please_find_attached_html: "Vous trouverez en pièce jointe votre facture d'avoir du {DATE}, d'un montant de {AMOUNT} concernant votre {TYPE, select, Reservation{réservation} WalletTransaction{crédit du porte-monnaie} other{abonnement}}." #messageFormat interpolation + please_find_attached_html: "Vous trouverez en pièce jointe votre facture d'avoir du {DATE}, d'un montant de {AMOUNT} concernant votre {TYPE, select, Reservation{réservation} WalletTransaction{crédit du porte-monnaie} other{abonnement}}." #messageFormat interpolation invoice_in_your_dashboard_html: "Vous pouvez à tout moment retrouver votre facture d'avoir dans %{DASHBOARD} sur le site du Fab Lab." your_dashboard: "votre tableau de bord" notify_member_subscription_will_expire_in_7_days: From 315c78fc26a4b9e209ea79b25adcf2db44dde9d3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:11:08 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 35/68] New translations app.shared.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.shared.ach.yml | 67 ++++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.shared.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.shared.ach.yml index 4a6bcb89f..246f3566a 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.shared.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.shared.ach.yml @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ ach: app: shared: + #translations of common buttons buttons: - #translations of common buttons confirm_changes: "crwdns9375:0crwdne9375:0" consult: "crwdns9377:0crwdne9377:0" edit: "crwdns9379:0crwdne9379:0" @@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ ach: you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_quit_this_page: "crwdns9405:0crwdne9405:0" you_will_lose_any_unsaved_modification_if_you_reload_this_page: "crwdns9407:0crwdne9407:0" payment_card_error: "crwdns9409:0crwdne9409:0" + #user edition form user: - #user edition form man: "crwdns9411:0crwdne9411:0" woman: "crwdns9413:0crwdne9413:0" add_an_avatar: "crwdns9415:0crwdne9415:0" @@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ ach: used_for_invoicing: "crwdns9481:0crwdne9481:0" used_for_reservation: "crwdns9483:0crwdne9483:0" used_for_profile: "crwdns9485:0crwdne9485:0" + #project edition form project: - #project edition form name: "crwdns9487:0crwdne9487:0" name_is_required: "crwdns9489:0crwdne9489:0" illustration: "crwdns9491:0crwdne9491:0" @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ ach: themes: "crwdns9535:0crwdne9535:0" tags: "crwdns9537:0crwdne9537:0" save_as_draft: "crwdns9539:0crwdne9539:0" + #machine edition form machine: - #machine edition form name: "crwdns9541:0crwdne9541:0" name_is_required: "crwdns9543:0crwdne9543:0" illustration: "crwdns9545:0crwdne9545:0" @@ -106,28 +106,28 @@ ach: add_an_attachment: "crwdns9561:0crwdne9561:0" disable_machine: "crwdns9563:0crwdne9563:0" validate_your_machine: "crwdns9565:0crwdne9565:0" + #frame to select a plan to subscribe plan_subscribe: - #frame to select a plan to subscribe subscribe_online: "crwdns9567:0crwdne9567:0" do_not_subscribe: "crwdns9569:0crwdne9569:0" + #admin: choose a member to interact with member_select: - #admin: choose a member to interact with select_a_member: "crwdns9571:0crwdne9571:0" start_typing: "crwdns9573:0crwdne9573:0" + #stripe payment modal stripe: - #stripe payment modal online_payment: "crwdns9575:0crwdne9575:0" i_have_read_and_accept_: "crwdns9577:0crwdne9577:0" _the_general_terms_and_conditions: "crwdns9579:0crwdne9579:0" credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "crwdns9581:0{amount}crwdnd9581:0{currency}crwdne9581:0" client_credit_amount_for_pay_reservation: "crwdns9583:0{amount}crwdnd9583:0{currency}crwdne9583:0" confirm_payment_of_: "crwdns9585:0{AMOUNT}crwdne9585:0" + #dialog of on site payment for reservations valid_reservation_modal: - #dialog of on site payment for reservations booking_confirmation: "crwdns9587:0crwdne9587:0" here_is_the_summary_of_the_slots_to_book_for_the_current_user: "crwdns9589:0crwdne9589:0" + #event edition form event: - #event edition form title: "crwdns9591:0crwdne9591:0" title_is_required: "crwdns9593:0crwdne9593:0" matching_visual: "crwdns9595:0crwdne9595:0" @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ ach: tickets_available: "crwdns9631:0crwdne9631:0" event_theme: "crwdns9633:0crwdne9633:0" age_range: "crwdns9635:0crwdne9635:0" + #subscription plan edition form plan: - #subscription plan edition form general_information: "crwdns9637:0crwdne9637:0" name: "crwdns9639:0crwdne9639:0" name_is_required: "crwdns9641:0crwdne9641:0" @@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ ach: email_address_is_required: "crwdns9711:0crwdne9711:0" disabled: "crwdns9713:0crwdne9713:0" disable_plan_will_not_unsubscribe_users: "crwdns9715:0crwdne9715:0" + #training edition form trainings: - #training edition form name: "crwdns9717:0crwdne9717:0" name_is_required: "crwdns9719:0crwdne9719:0" illustration: "crwdns9721:0crwdne9721:0" @@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ ach: number_of_tickets: "crwdns9735:0crwdne9735:0" public_page: "crwdns9737:0crwdne9737:0" disable_training: "crwdns9739:0crwdne9739:0" + #partial form to edit/create an user (admin view) user_admin: - #partial form to edit/create an user (admin view) user: "crwdns9741:0crwdne9741:0" incomplete_profile: "crwdns9743:0crwdne9743:0" user_profile: "crwdns9745:0crwdne9745:0" @@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ ach: group_is_required: "crwdns9751:0crwdne9751:0" trainings: "crwdns9753:0crwdne9753:0" tags: "crwdns9755:0crwdne9755:0" + #partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO) authentication: - #partial form to edit/create an authentication provider (SSO) name: "crwdns9757:0crwdne9757:0" provider_name_is_required: "crwdns9759:0crwdne9759:0" authentication_type: "crwdns9761:0crwdne9761:0" @@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ ach: expected_data_type: "crwdns9771:0crwdne9771:0" input_format: "crwdns9773:0crwdne9773:0" mappings: "crwdns9775:0crwdne9775:0" + #edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider oauth2: - #edition/creation form of an OAuth2 authentication provider common_url: "crwdns9777:0crwdne9777:0" common_url_is_required: "crwdns9779:0crwdne9779:0" provided_url_is_not_a_valid_url: "crwdns9781:0crwdne9781:0" @@ -253,25 +253,25 @@ ach: api_endpoint_url: "crwdns9815:0crwdne9815:0" api_type: "crwdns9817:0crwdne9817:0" api_fields: "crwdns9819:0crwdne9819:0" + #machine/training slot modification modal confirm_modify_slot_modal: - #machine/training slot modification modal change_the_slot: "crwdns9821:0crwdne9821:0" do_you_want_to_change_your_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "crwdns9823:0crwdne9823:0" do_you_want_to_change_NAME_s_booking_slot_initially_planned_at: "crwdns9825:0{NAME}crwdne9825:0" cancel_this_reservation: "crwdns9827:0crwdne9827:0" i_want_to_change_date: "crwdns9829:0crwdne9829:0" + #modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine request_training_modal: - #modal introducing that a training is requested before booking a machine to_book_the_MACHINE_you_must_have_completed_the_TRAINING: "crwdns9831:0{MACHINE}crwdnd9831:0{TRAINING}crwdne9831:0" register_for_the_training: "crwdns9833:0crwdne9833:0" i_dont_want_to_register_now: "crwdns9835:0crwdne9835:0" + #modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine training_reservation_modal: - #modal introducing that a user must wait for his training being validated before booking a machine machine_reservation: "crwdns9837:0crwdne9837:0" you_must_wait_for_your_training_is_being_validated_by_the_fablab_team_to_book_this_machine: "crwdns9839:0crwdne9839:0" your_training_will_occur_: "crwdns9841:0crwdne9841:0" + #user public profile public_profile: - #user public profile last_activity_html: "crwdns9843:0{DATE}crwdne9843:0" to_come: "crwdns9845:0crwdne9845:0" approved: "crwdns9847:0crwdne9847:0" @@ -285,8 +285,8 @@ ach: email_address: "crwdns9863:0crwdne9863:0" trainings: "crwdns9865:0crwdne9865:0" no_trainings: "crwdns9867:0crwdne9867:0" + #wallet wallet: - #wallet wallet: 'crwdns9869:0crwdne9869:0' your_wallet_amount: 'crwdns9871:0crwdne9871:0' wallet_amount: 'crwdns9873:0crwdne9873:0' @@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ ach: debit_reservation_machine: "crwdns9931:0crwdne9931:0" debit_reservation_event: "crwdns9933:0crwdne9933:0" warning_uneditable_credit: "crwdns9935:0crwdne9935:0" + #promotional coupon (creation/edition form) coupon: - #promotional coupon (creation/edition form) name: "crwdns9937:0crwdne9937:0" name_is_required: "crwdns9939:0crwdne9939:0" code: "crwdns9941:0crwdne9941:0" @@ -344,8 +344,8 @@ ach: max_usages: "crwdns9973:0crwdne9973:0" max_usages_must_be_equal_or_greater_than_0: "crwdns9975:0crwdne9975:0" enabled: "crwdns9977:0crwdne9977:0" + #coupon (input zone for users) coupon_input: - #coupon (input zone for users) i_have_a_coupon: "crwdns9979:0crwdne9979:0" code_: "crwdns9981:0crwdne9981:0" the_coupon_has_been_applied_you_get_PERCENT_discount: "crwdns9983:0{PERCENT}crwdne9983:0" @@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ ach: unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_amount_exceeded: "crwdns9995:0crwdne9995:0" unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_undefined: "crwdns9997:0crwdne9997:0" unable_to_apply_the_coupon_because_rejected: "crwdns9999:0crwdne9999:0" + #form to create/edit a space space: - #form to create/edit a space name: "crwdns10001:0crwdne10001:0" name_is_required: "crwdns10003:0crwdne10003:0" illustration: "crwdns10005:0crwdne10005:0" @@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ ach: default_places: "crwdns10023:0crwdne10023:0" default_places_is_required: "crwdns10025:0crwdne10025:0" disable_space: "crwdns10027:0crwdne10027:0" + #shopping cart module for reservations cart: - #module de panier d'achat de réservations summary: "crwdns10029:0crwdne10029:0" select_one_or_more_slots_in_the_calendar: "crwdns10031:0SINGLE={SINGLE}crwdne10031:0" you_ve_just_selected_the_slot: "crwdns10033:0crwdne10033:0" @@ -404,15 +404,28 @@ ach: tags_of_the_destination_slot: "crwdns10081:0crwdne10081:0" confirm_my_modification: "crwdns10083:0crwdne10083:0" your_booking_slot_was_successfully_moved_from_: "crwdns10085:0crwdne10085:0" - to_date: crwdns10129:0crwdne10129:0 - please_select_a_member_first: 'crwdns10089:0crwdne10089:0' - unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: 'crwdns19571:0crwdne19571:0' + to_date: "crwdns20134:0crwdne20134:0" #eg. from 01/01 to 01/05 + please_select_a_member_first: "crwdns10089:0crwdne10089:0" + unable_to_select_plan_if_slots_in_the_past: "crwdns20136:0crwdne20136:0" unable_to_change_the_reservation: "crwdns10091:0crwdne10091:0" confirmation_required: "crwdns10093:0crwdne10093:0" do_you_really_want_to_cancel_this_reservation: "crwdns10095:0crwdne10095:0" reservation_was_cancelled_successfully: "crwdns10097:0crwdne10097:0" cancellation_failed: "crwdns10099:0crwdne10099:0" - confirm_payment_of_html: "crwdns10101:0ROLE={ROLE}crwdnd10101:0AMOUNT={AMOUNT}crwdne10101:0" #(context: confirm my payment of $20.00) + confirm_payment_of_html: "crwdns10101:0ROLE={ROLE}crwdnd10101:0AMOUNT={AMOUNT}crwdne10101:0" #eg. confirm my payment of $20.00 a_problem_occurred_during_the_payment_process_please_try_again_later: "crwdns10103:0crwdne10103:0" none: "crwdns10105:0crwdne10105:0" online_payment_disabled: "crwdns10107:0crwdne10107:0" + slot_restrict_plans: "crwdns20138:0crwdne20138:0" + slot_restrict_subscriptions_must_select_plan: "crwdns20140:0crwdne20140:0" + slot_restrict_plans_of_others_groups: "crwdns20142:0crwdne20142:0" + selected_plan_dont_match_slot: "crwdns20144:0crwdne20144:0" + user_plan_dont_match_slot: "crwdns20146:0crwdne20146:0" + no_plan_match_slot: "crwdns20148:0crwdne20148:0" + slot_at_same_time: "crwdns20150:0crwdne20150:0" + do_you_really_want_to_book_slot_at_same_time: "crwdns20152:0crwdne20152:0" + unable_to_book_slot_because_really_have_reservation_at_same_time: "crwdns20154:0crwdne20154:0" + tour: + previous: "crwdns20166:0crwdne20166:0" + next: "crwdns20168:0crwdne20168:0" + end: "crwdns20170:0crwdne20170:0" From 8652eaabee7da4dbd431cb5c161b8252c7aaf3b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:18:34 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 36/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml | 61 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml index ef60861fa..b42895725 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ ach: app: admin: + #add a new machine machines_new: - #add a new machine declare_a_new_machine: "crwdns6699:0crwdne6699:0" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_machine_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "crwdns6701:0crwdne6701:0" consider_changing_them_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "crwdns6703:0crwdne6703:0" + #machine edition machines_edit: - #machine edition machine_edit: "crwdns6705:0crwdne6705:0" + #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar: - #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar_management: "crwdns6707:0crwdne6707:0" trainings: "crwdns6709:0crwdne6709:0" machines: "crwdns6711:0crwdne6711:0" @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ ach: legend: "crwdns6851:0crwdne6851:0" and: "crwdns6853:0crwdne6853:0" external_sync: "crwdns19774:0crwdne19774:0" + #import external iCal calendar icalendar: icalendar_import: "crwdns6855:0crwdne6855:0" intro: "crwdns19776:0crwdne19776:0" @@ -118,8 +119,8 @@ ach: confirmation_required: "crwdns6887:0crwdne6887:0" confirm_delete_import: "crwdns6889:0crwdne6889:0" delete_success: "crwdns6891:0crwdne6891:0" + #management of the projects' components project_elements: - #management of the projects' components name: "crwdns6893:0crwdne6893:0" projects_elements_management: "crwdns6895:0crwdne6895:0" materials: "crwdns6897:0crwdne6897:0" @@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ ach: description: "crwdns6907:0crwdne6907:0" add_a_new_licence: "crwdns6909:0crwdne6909:0" manage_abuses: "crwdns6911:0crwdne6911:0" + #track and monitor the trainings trainings: - #track and monitor the trainings trainings_monitoring: "crwdns6913:0crwdne6913:0" plan_session: "crwdns19778:0crwdne19778:0" trainings: "crwdns6915:0crwdne6915:0" @@ -163,13 +164,13 @@ ach: status_enabled: "crwdns6967:0crwdne6967:0" status_disabled: "crwdns6969:0crwdne6969:0" status_all: "crwdns6971:0crwdne6971:0" + #create a new training trainings_new: - #create a new training add_a_new_training: "crwdns6973:0crwdne6973:0" beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "crwdns6975:0crwdne6975:0" dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "crwdns6977:0crwdne6977:0" + #events tracking and management events: - #events tracking and management events_monitoring: "crwdns6979:0crwdne6979:0" manage_filters: "crwdns6981:0crwdne6981:0" fablab_events: "crwdns6983:0crwdne6983:0" @@ -222,16 +223,16 @@ ach: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category: "crwdns7077:0crwdne7077:0" price_category_successfully_deleted: "crwdns7079:0crwdne7079:0" price_category_deletion_failed: "crwdns7081:0crwdne7081:0" + #add a new event events_new: - #add a new event add_an_event: "crwdns7083:0crwdne7083:0" none: "crwdns7085:0crwdne7085:0" every_days: "crwdns7087:0crwdne7087:0" every_week: "crwdns7089:0crwdne7089:0" every_month: "crwdns7091:0crwdne7091:0" every_year: "crwdns7093:0crwdne7093:0" + #edit an existing event events_edit: - #edit an existing event edit_the_event: "crwdns7095:0crwdne7095:0" confirmation_required: "crwdns19784:0crwdne19784:0" edit_recurring_event: "crwdns19786:0crwdne19786:0" @@ -245,8 +246,8 @@ ach: events_not_updated: "crwdns19802:0TOTAL={TOTAL}crwdnd19802:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdnd19802:0COUNT={COUNT}crwdne19802:0" error_deleting_reserved_price: "crwdns19804:0crwdne19804:0" other_error: "crwdns19806:0crwdne19806:0" + #event reservations list event_reservations: - #event reservations list the_reservations: "crwdns7097:0crwdne7097:0" user: "crwdns7099:0crwdne7099:0" payment_date: "crwdns7101:0crwdne7101:0" @@ -256,8 +257,8 @@ ach: no_reservations_for_now: "crwdns7109:0crwdne7109:0" back_to_monitoring: "crwdns7111:0crwdne7111:0" canceled: "crwdns7113:0crwdne7113:0" + #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing: - #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing_management: "crwdns7115:0crwdne7115:0" subscriptions: "crwdns7117:0crwdne7117:0" trainings: "crwdns7119:0crwdne7119:0" @@ -336,23 +337,23 @@ ach: status_enabled: "crwdns7265:0crwdne7265:0" status_disabled: "crwdns7267:0crwdne7267:0" status_all: "crwdns7269:0crwdne7269:0" + #ajouter un code promotionnel coupons_new: - #ajouter un code promotionnel add_a_coupon: "crwdns7271:0crwdne7271:0" unable_to_create_the_coupon_check_code_already_used: "crwdns7273:0crwdne7273:0" + #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupons_edit: - #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupon: "crwdns7275:0crwdne7275:0" unable_to_update_the_coupon_an_error_occurred: "crwdns7277:0crwdne7277:0" plans: + #add a subscription plan on the platform new: - #add a subscription plan on the platform add_a_subscription_plan: "crwdns7279:0crwdne7279:0" unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "crwdns7281:0crwdne7281:0" successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "crwdns7283:0crwdne7283:0" unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "crwdns7285:0crwdne7285:0" + #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices edit: - #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices subscription_plan: "crwdns7287:0crwdne7287:0" prices: "crwdns7289:0crwdne7289:0" copy_prices_from: "crwdns7291:0crwdne7291:0" @@ -363,8 +364,8 @@ ach: space: "crwdns7301:0crwdne7301:0" unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "crwdns7303:0crwdne7303:0" subscription_successfully_changed: "crwdns7305:0crwdne7305:0" + #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: - #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: "crwdns7307:0crwdne7307:0" accounting_periods: "crwdns7309:0crwdne7309:0" invoices_list: "crwdns7311:0crwdne7311:0" @@ -580,8 +581,8 @@ ach: debit_euro: "crwdns7729:0crwdne7729:0" credit_euro: "crwdns7731:0crwdne7731:0" lettering: "crwdns7733:0crwdne7733:0" + #management of users, labels, groups, and so on members: - #management of users, labels, groups, and so on users_management: "crwdns7735:0crwdne7735:0" members: "crwdns7737:0crwdne7737:0" subscriptions: "crwdns7739:0crwdne7739:0" @@ -659,12 +660,12 @@ ach: member_filter_all: "crwdns19812:0crwdne19812:0" member_filter_not_confirmed: "crwdns19814:0crwdne19814:0" member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "crwdns19816:0crwdne19816:0" + #add a member members_new: - #add a member add_a_member: "crwdns7877:0crwdne7877:0" user_is_an_organization: "crwdns7879:0crwdne7879:0" + #members bulk import members_import: - #members bulk import import_members: "crwdns7881:0crwdne7881:0" info: "crwdns7883:0crwdne7883:0" required_fields: "crwdns7885:0crwdne7885:0" @@ -688,8 +689,8 @@ ach: update_on_id: "crwdns7921:0crwdne7921:0" update_on_username: "crwdns7923:0crwdne7923:0" update_on_email: "crwdns7925:0crwdne7925:0" + #import results members_import_result: - #import results import_results: "crwdns7927:0crwdne7927:0" import_details: "crwdns7929:0#{ID}crwdnd7929:0{DATE}crwdnd7929:0{USER}crwdne7929:0" results: "crwdns7931:0crwdne7931:0" @@ -699,8 +700,8 @@ ach: success: "crwdns7939:0crwdne7939:0" failed: "crwdns7941:0crwdne7941:0" error_details: "crwdns7943:0crwdne7943:0" + #edit a member members_edit: - #edit a member subscription: "crwdns7945:0crwdne7945:0" duration: "crwdns7947:0crwdne7947:0" expires_at: "crwdns7949:0crwdne7949:0" @@ -742,8 +743,8 @@ ach: a_problem_occurred_while_taking_the_subscription: "crwdns8021:0crwdne8021:0" wallet: "crwdns8023:0crwdne8023:0" to_credit: 'crwdns8025:0crwdne8025:0' + #add a new administrator to the platform admins_new: - #add a new administrator to the platform add_an_administrator: "crwdns8027:0crwdne8027:0" administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email: "crwdns8029:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdnd8029:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdne8029:0" failed_to_create_admin: "crwdns8031:0crwdne8031:0" @@ -760,8 +761,8 @@ ach: birth_date: "crwdns8053:0crwdne8053:0" address: "crwdns8055:0crwdne8055:0" phone_number: "crwdns8057:0crwdne8057:0" + #add a new authentication provider (SSO) authentication_new: - #add a new authentication provider (SSO) local_database: "crwdns8059:0crwdne8059:0" o_auth2: "crwdns8061:0crwdne8061:0" add_a_new_authentication_provider: "crwdns8063:0crwdne8063:0" @@ -774,14 +775,14 @@ ach: do_you_really_want_to_continue: "crwdns8077:0crwdne8077:0" unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "crwdns8079:0crwdne8079:0" oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "crwdns8081:0crwdne8081:0" + #edit an authentication provider (SSO) authentication_edit: - #edit an authentication provider (SSO) provider: "crwdns8083:0crwdne8083:0" it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "crwdns8085:0crwdne8085:0" provider_successfully_updated: "crwdns8087:0crwdne8087:0" an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "crwdns8089:0crwdne8089:0" + #statistics tables statistics: - #statistics tables statistics: "crwdns8091:0crwdne8091:0" evolution: "crwdns8093:0crwdne8093:0" age_filter: "crwdns8095:0crwdne8095:0" @@ -823,8 +824,8 @@ ach: export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "crwdns8167:0crwdne8167:0" create_plans_to_start: "crwdns20160:0crwdne20160:0" click_here: "crwdns20162:0crwdne20162:0" + #statistics graphs stats_graphs: - #statistics graphs statistics: "crwdns8169:0crwdne8169:0" data: "crwdns8171:0crwdne8171:0" day: "crwdns8173:0crwdne8173:0" @@ -842,8 +843,8 @@ ach: week_of_START_to_END: "crwdns8197:0{START}crwdnd8197:0{END}crwdne8197:0" no_data_for_this_period: "crwdns8199:0crwdne8199:0" date: "crwdns8201:0crwdne8201:0" + #global application parameters and customization settings: - #global application parameters and customization title: "crwdns8203:0crwdne8203:0" customize_the_application: "crwdns8205:0crwdne8205:0" general: "crwdns8207:0crwdne8207:0" @@ -1020,18 +1021,18 @@ ach: client_successfully_updated: "crwdns8469:0crwdne8469:0" client_successfully_deleted: "crwdns8471:0crwdne8471:0" access_successfully_revoked: "crwdns8473:0crwdne8473:0" + #create a new space space_new: - #create a new space add_a_new_space: "crwdns8475:0crwdne8475:0" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "crwdns8477:0crwdne8477:0" consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "crwdns8479:0crwdne8479:0" add_this_space: "crwdns8481:0crwdne8481:0" + #modify an exiting space space_edit: - #modify an exiting space edit_the_space_NAME: "crwdns8483:0{NAME}crwdne8483:0" validate_the_changes: "crwdns8485:0crwdne8485:0" + #process and delete abuses reports manage_abuses: - #process and delete abuses reports abuses_list: "crwdns8487:0crwdne8487:0" no_reports: "crwdns8489:0crwdne8489:0" published_by: "crwdns8491:0crwdne8491:0" From 8efe27a448d8a0e5c4365923686e5a653b8d1e08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:18:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 37/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 2f2056389..a3f9fc8c6 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ es: app: admin: + #add a new machine machines_new: - #add a new machine declare_a_new_machine: "Declara una nueva máquina" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_machine_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Cuidado al crear una nueva máquina, los precios están inicializados a 0 para todas las subscripciones." consider_changing_them_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Considera cambiarlos antes de crear cualquier ranura de reserva." + #machine edition machines_edit: - #machine edition machine_edit: "Editar una máquina" + #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar: - #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar_management: "Administración de calendario" trainings: "Formación" machines: "Máquinas" @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ es: legend: "leyenda" and: "y" external_sync: "Calendar synchronization" + #import external iCal calendar icalendar: icalendar_import: "iCalendar import" intro: "Fab-manager allows to automatically import calendar events, at RFC 5545 iCalendar format, from external URL. These URL are synchronized every hours and the events are shown in the public calendar. You can trigger a synchronisation too, by clicking on the corresponding button, in front of each import." @@ -118,8 +119,8 @@ es: confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" confirm_delete_import: "Do you really want to delete this iCalendar import?" delete_success: "iCalendar import successfully deleted" + #management of the projects' components project_elements: - #management of the projects' components name: "Name" projects_elements_management: "Gestión de elementos de proyectos" materials: "Materials" @@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ es: description: "Description" add_a_new_licence: "Agregar una nueva licencia" manage_abuses: "Administrar informes" + #track and monitor the trainings trainings: - #track and monitor the trainings trainings_monitoring: "Trainings monitoring" plan_session: "Schedule a new session" trainings: "Trainings" @@ -163,13 +164,13 @@ es: status_enabled: "Enabled" status_disabled: "Disabled" status_all: "All" + #create a new training trainings_new: - #create a new training add_a_new_training: "Add a new training" beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Tenga cuidado, al crear una formación, sus precios de reserva se inicializan en cero." dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "No olvides cambiarlos antes de crear espacios para esta formación." + #events tracking and management events: - #events tracking and management events_monitoring: "Monitoreo de eventos" manage_filters: "Administrar filtros" fablab_events: "Eventos de Fablab" @@ -222,16 +223,16 @@ es: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category: "¿Desea realmente eliminar esta categoría de precios?" price_category_successfully_deleted: "Categoría de precio eliminada correctamente." price_category_deletion_failed: "Error al eliminar la categoría de precio." + #add a new event events_new: - #add a new event add_an_event: "Add an event" none: "Nada" every_days: "Todos los dias" every_week: "Cada semana" every_month: "Cada mes" every_year: "Cada año" + #edit an existing event events_edit: - #edit an existing event edit_the_event: "Editar el evento" confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update ?" @@ -245,8 +246,8 @@ es: events_not_updated: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not updated} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}." error_deleting_reserved_price: "No se puede eliminar el precio solicitado porque está asociado con algunas reservas." other_error: "Se ha producido un error inesperado al actualizar el evento." + #event reservations list event_reservations: - #event reservations list the_reservations: "Reservas :" user: "User" payment_date: "Fecha de pago" @@ -256,8 +257,8 @@ es: no_reservations_for_now: "No hay reservas por ahora." back_to_monitoring: "Volver a monitorizar" canceled: "cancelada" + #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing: - #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing_management: "Gestión de precios" subscriptions: "Suscripciones" trainings: "Formaciones" @@ -336,23 +337,23 @@ es: status_enabled: "Enabled" status_disabled: "Disabled" status_all: "All" + #ajouter un code promotionnel coupons_new: - #ajouter un code promotionnel add_a_coupon: "Añadir un cupón" unable_to_create_the_coupon_check_code_already_used: "No se puede crear el cupón. Compruebe que el código no esté ya utilizado" + #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupons_edit: - #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupon: "Coupon:" unable_to_update_the_coupon_an_error_occurred: "No se puede actualizar el cupón: se ha producido un error." plans: + #add a subscription plan on the platform new: - #add a subscription plan on the platform add_a_subscription_plan: "Agregar un plan de suscripción" unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "No se puede crear el plan de suscripción. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo." successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Suscripción(es) creada correctamente. No olvide redefinir los precios." unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "No se puede guardar este usuario. Compruebe que no hay un usuario ya definido con el mismo nombre." + #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices edit: - #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices subscription_plan: "Plan de suscripción:" prices: "Precios" copy_prices_from: "Copia los precios desde" @@ -363,8 +364,8 @@ es: space: "Espacio" unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "No se pueden guardar los cambios de suscripción. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo." subscription_successfully_changed: "Suscripción cambiada correctamente." + #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: - #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: "Facturas" accounting_periods: "Accounting periods" invoices_list: "Lista de facturas" @@ -580,8 +581,8 @@ es: debit_euro: "Euro debit" credit_euro: "Euro credit" lettering: "Lettering" + #management of users, labels, groups, and so on members: - #management of users, labels, groups, and so on users_management: "Gestión de usuarios" members: "Miembros" subscriptions: "Subscriptions" @@ -659,12 +660,12 @@ es: member_filter_all: "All" member_filter_not_confirmed: "Unconfirmed" member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "Inactive for 3 years" + #add a member members_new: - #add a member add_a_member: "Agregar un miembro" user_is_an_organization: "El usuario es una organización" + #members bulk import members_import: - #members bulk import import_members: "Import members" info: "You can upload a CSV file to create new members or update existing ones. Your file must user the identifiers below to specify the group, the trainings and the tags of the members." required_fields: "Your file must contain, at least, the following information for each user to create: email, name, first name and group. If the password is empty, it will be generated. On updates, the empty fields will be kept as is." @@ -688,8 +689,8 @@ es: update_on_id: "ID" update_on_username: "Username" update_on_email: "Email address" + #import results members_import_result: - #import results import_results: "Import results" import_details: "Import #{ID}, of {DATE}, initiated by {USER}" results: "Results" @@ -699,8 +700,8 @@ es: success: "Success" failed: "Failed" error_details: "Error's details:" + #edit a member members_edit: - #edit a member subscription: "Subscription" duration: "Duración:" expires_at: "Caduca en:" @@ -742,8 +743,8 @@ es: a_problem_occurred_while_taking_the_subscription: "Se ha producido un problema al realizar la suscripción." wallet: "Wallet" to_credit: 'Credit' + #add a new administrator to the platform admins_new: - #add a new administrator to the platform add_an_administrator: "Agregar un administrador" administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email: "administrador creado correctamente. {GENDER, select, female{She} other{He}} receive {GENDER, select, female{her} other{his}} directivas de conexión por e-mail." failed_to_create_admin: "No se puede crear el administrador :" @@ -760,8 +761,8 @@ es: birth_date: "Date of birth" address: "Address" phone_number: "Phone number" + #add a new authentication provider (SSO) authentication_new: - #add a new authentication provider (SSO) local_database: "Base de datos local" o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0" add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Agregar un nuevo proveedor de autenticación" @@ -774,14 +775,14 @@ es: do_you_really_want_to_continue: "¿De verdad quieres continuar?" unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Proveedor de OAuth 2.0 no seguro, se ha agregado correctamente." oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "OAuth 2.0 proveedor agregado correctamente." + #edit an authentication provider (SSO) authentication_edit: - #edit an authentication provider (SSO) provider: "Proveedor :" it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Es necesario establecer la coincidencia entre User.uid y la API para agregar este proveedor" provider_successfully_updated: "Proveedor actualizado correctamente" an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Se ha producido un error: no se puede actualizar el proveedor." + #statistics tables statistics: - #statistics tables statistics: "Statistics" evolution: "Evolución" age_filter: "Filtro de edad" @@ -823,8 +824,8 @@ es: export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready." create_plans_to_start: "Start by creating new subscription plans." click_here: "Click here to create your first one." + #statistics graphs stats_graphs: - #statistics graphs statistics: "Statistics" data: "Datos" day: "Dia" @@ -842,8 +843,8 @@ es: week_of_START_to_END: "Semana del {START} a {END}" no_data_for_this_period: "No hay datos para este periodo" date: "Date" + #global application parameters and customization settings: - #global application parameters and customization title: "Título" customize_the_application: "Personalizar la aplicación" general: "General" @@ -1020,18 +1021,18 @@ es: client_successfully_updated: "Cliente actualizado correctamente." client_successfully_deleted: "Cliente borrado correctamente." access_successfully_revoked: "Acceso revocado correctamente." + #create a new space space_new: - #create a new space add_a_new_space: "Añadir un espacio nuevo" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "¡Cuidado! Al crear un nuevo espacio, sus precios se inicializan en 0 para todas las suscripciones." consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Considere cambiar sus precios antes de crear cualquier espacio de reserva." add_this_space: "Añadir este espacio" + #modify an exiting space space_edit: - #modify an exiting space edit_the_space_NAME: "Edit the space: {NAME}" validate_the_changes: "Validar los cambios" + #process and delete abuses reports manage_abuses: - #process and delete abuses reports abuses_list: "Lista de informes" no_reports: "No informes por ahora" published_by: "published by" From 7d6dbcf309502fb5bb53ed7a7329edc38ab563cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:18:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 38/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index ec3e25667..f160e5033 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ pt: app: admin: + #add a new machine machines_new: - #add a new machine declare_a_new_machine: "Criar nova máquina" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_machine_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Cuidado! Ao criar uma nova máquina, os preços são inicializados em 0 para todas as assinaturas." consider_changing_them_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Concidere alterá-lo antes de criar qualquer slot de reserva." + #machine edition machines_edit: - #machine edition machine_edit: "Editar máquina" + #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar: - #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar_management: "Gerenciamento do calendário" trainings: "Treinamentos" machines: "Máquinas" @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ pt: legend: "legenda" and: "and" external_sync: "Calendar synchronization" + #import external iCal calendar icalendar: icalendar_import: "iCalendar import" intro: "Fab-manager allows to automatically import calendar events, at RFC 5545 iCalendar format, from external URL. These URL are synchronized every hours and the events are shown in the public calendar. You can trigger a synchronisation too, by clicking on the corresponding button, in front of each import." @@ -118,8 +119,8 @@ pt: confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" confirm_delete_import: "Do you really want to delete this iCalendar import?" delete_success: "iCalendar import successfully deleted" + #management of the projects' components project_elements: - #management of the projects' components name: "Name" projects_elements_management: "Gerenciar projetos e elementos" materials: "Materials" @@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ pt: description: "Description" add_a_new_licence: "Adicionar uma nova licença" manage_abuses: "Gerenciar relatórios" + #track and monitor the trainings trainings: - #track and monitor the trainings trainings_monitoring: "Trainings monitoring" plan_session: "Schedule a new session" trainings: "Treinamentos" @@ -163,13 +164,13 @@ pt: status_enabled: "Ativos" status_disabled: "Desabilitados" status_all: "Todos" + #create a new training trainings_new: - #create a new training add_a_new_training: "Adicionar um novo treinamento" beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Cuidado, ao criar um treinamento, seu preço de reserva é inicializado em zero." dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "Não se esqueça de alterá-lo antes de criar slots para este treinamento." + #events tracking and management events: - #events tracking and management events_monitoring: "Monitoramento de eventos" manage_filters: "Gerenciar filtros" fablab_events: "Eventos do FabLab" @@ -222,16 +223,16 @@ pt: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category: "Você realmente quer deletar este preço de categoria?" price_category_successfully_deleted: "Preço de categoria deletado com sucesso." price_category_deletion_failed: "Falha ao deletar preço de categoria." + #add a new event events_new: - #add a new event add_an_event: "Add an event" none: "Vazio" every_days: "Todos os dias" every_week: "Toda semana" every_month: "Todo mês" every_year: "Todo ano" + #edit an existing event events_edit: - #edit an existing event edit_the_event: "Editar evento" confirmation_required: "Confirmation required" edit_recurring_event: "You're about to update a periodic event. What do you want to update ?" @@ -245,8 +246,8 @@ pt: events_not_updated: "On {TOTAL} events, {COUNT, plural, =1{one was not updated} other{{COUNT} were not deleted}}." error_deleting_reserved_price: "Não permitido deletar o preço requisitado, pois está associado a algumas reservas" other_error: "Um erro inesperado ocorreu enquanto o evento era atualizado" + #event reservations list event_reservations: - #event reservations list the_reservations: "Reservas :" user: "User" payment_date: "Data de pagamento" @@ -256,8 +257,8 @@ pt: no_reservations_for_now: "Nenhuma reserva." back_to_monitoring: "Voltar ao monitoramento" canceled: "cancelada" + #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing: - #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing_management: "Gerenciamento de preços" subscriptions: "Inscrições" trainings: "Treinamentos" @@ -336,23 +337,23 @@ pt: status_enabled: "Ativos" status_disabled: "Desabilitados" status_all: "Todos" + #ajouter un code promotionnel coupons_new: - #ajouter un code promotionnel add_a_coupon: "Adicionar cupom" unable_to_create_the_coupon_check_code_already_used: "Impossível criar cupom. Por favor certifique-se que o código já não foi utilizado" + #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupons_edit: - #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupon: "Coupon:" unable_to_update_the_coupon_an_error_occurred: "Impossível atualizar cupom: um erro ocorreu." plans: + #add a subscription plan on the platform new: - #add a subscription plan on the platform add_a_subscription_plan: "Adicionar plano de assinatura" unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "Não é possível criar plano de assinatura. por favor tente novamente." successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Assinaturas criadas com sucesso. Não se esqueça de redefinir os preços." unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Impossível salvar este usuário. Certifique-se que ele não possui o mesmo nome de outro usuário." + #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices edit: - #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices subscription_plan: "Plano de assinatura:" prices: "Preços" copy_prices_from: "Copiar preços de" @@ -363,8 +364,8 @@ pt: space: "Espaço" unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "Impossível salvar mudanças da assinatura. Por favor tente novamente." subscription_successfully_changed: "Assinatura alterada com sucesso." + #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: - #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: "Faturas" accounting_periods: "Accounting periods" invoices_list: "Lista de faturas" @@ -580,8 +581,8 @@ pt: debit_euro: "Euro debit" credit_euro: "Euro credit" lettering: "Lettering" + #management of users, labels, groups, and so on members: - #management of users, labels, groups, and so on users_management: "Gerenciamento de usuários" members: "Membros" subscriptions: "Subscriptions" @@ -659,12 +660,12 @@ pt: member_filter_all: "All" member_filter_not_confirmed: "Unconfirmed" member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "Inactive for 3 years" + #add a member members_new: - #add a member add_a_member: "Adicionar membro" user_is_an_organization: "Usuário é uma organização" + #members bulk import members_import: - #members bulk import import_members: "Import members" info: "You can upload a CSV file to create new members or update existing ones. Your file must user the identifiers below to specify the group, the trainings and the tags of the members." required_fields: "Your file must contain, at least, the following information for each user to create: email, name, first name and group. If the password is empty, it will be generated. On updates, the empty fields will be kept as is." @@ -688,8 +689,8 @@ pt: update_on_id: "ID" update_on_username: "Username" update_on_email: "Email address" + #import results members_import_result: - #import results import_results: "Import results" import_details: "Import #{ID}, of {DATE}, initiated by {USER}" results: "Results" @@ -699,8 +700,8 @@ pt: success: "Success" failed: "Failed" error_details: "Error's details:" + #edit a member members_edit: - #edit a member subscription: "Subscription" duration: "Duração:" expires_at: "Experia em:" @@ -742,8 +743,8 @@ pt: a_problem_occurred_while_taking_the_subscription: "Ocorreu um problema ao fazer a assinatura" wallet: "Wallet" to_credit: 'Credit' + #add a new administrator to the platform admins_new: - #add a new administrator to the platform add_an_administrator: "Adicionar administrador" administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email: "Administrator criado com sucesso. {GENDER, select, female{Ela} other{Ele}} receberá {GENDER, select, female{sua} other{seu}} diretivas de conexão por e-mail." failed_to_create_admin: "Não é possível criar administrador:" @@ -760,8 +761,8 @@ pt: birth_date: "Date of birth" address: "Address" phone_number: "Phone number" + #add a new authentication provider (SSO) authentication_new: - #add a new authentication provider (SSO) local_database: "Local Database" o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0" add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Adicionar novo provedor de autenticação" @@ -774,14 +775,14 @@ pt: do_you_really_want_to_continue: "Você realmente deseja continuar?" unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Provedor OAuth 2.0 não seguro adicionado com êxito." oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Provedor OAuth 2.0 adicionado com sucesso." + #edit an authentication provider (SSO) authentication_edit: - #edit an authentication provider (SSO) provider: "Provedor :" it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "É necessário definir a correspondência entre User.uid ea API para adicionar este fornecedor" provider_successfully_updated: "Provedor modificado com sucesso" an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Um erro ocorreu: não é possível atualizar provedor." + #statistics tables statistics: - #statistics tables statistics: "Statistics" evolution: "Evolução" age_filter: "Filtro de idade" @@ -823,8 +824,8 @@ pt: export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "Export is running. You'll be notified when it's ready." create_plans_to_start: "Start by creating new subscription plans." click_here: "Click here to create your first one." + #statistics graphs stats_graphs: - #statistics graphs statistics: "Statistics" data: "Dado" day: "Dia" @@ -842,8 +843,8 @@ pt: week_of_START_to_END: "Semana de {START} á {END}" no_data_for_this_period: "Nenhum dado para este período" date: "Date" + #global application parameters and customization settings: - #global application parameters and customization title: "Title" customize_the_application: "Customizar a aplicação" general: "Geral" @@ -1020,18 +1021,18 @@ pt: client_successfully_updated: "Cliente alterado com sucesso." client_successfully_deleted: "Cliente excluído com sucesso." access_successfully_revoked: "Acesso revogado com sucesso." + #create a new space space_new: - #create a new space add_a_new_space: "Adicionar um novo espaço" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Cuidado! Ao criar um novo espaço, seus preços são inicializados em 0 para todas as assinaturas." consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Considere alterar seus preços antes de criar qualquer slot de reserva." add_this_space: "Adicionar este espaço" + #modify an exiting space space_edit: - #modify an exiting space edit_the_space_NAME: "Editar o espaço: {NAME}" validate_the_changes: "Validar mudanças" + #process and delete abuses reports manage_abuses: - #process and delete abuses reports abuses_list: "Lista de relatórios" no_reports: "Não há relatos de agora" published_by: "published by" From 75f96b34a27602825076fde488804edbdd1b375f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:18:59 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 39/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 61 +++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index ff1b0e7bf..6baa5a307 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ fr: app: admin: + #add a new machine machines_new: - #add a new machine declare_a_new_machine: "Déclarer une nouvelle machine" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_machine_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Attention, lors de la création d'une machine, ses tarifs de réservation sont initialisés à zero pour tous les abonnements." consider_changing_them_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Pensez à les modifier avant de créer des créneaux pour cette machine." + #machine edition machines_edit: - #machine edition machine_edit: "Modifier une machine" + #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar: - #manage the trainings & machines slots calendar_management: "Gestion du calendrier" trainings: "Formations" machines: "Machines" @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ fr: legend: "Légende" and: "et" external_sync: "Synchronisation d'agendas" + #import external iCal calendar icalendar: icalendar_import: "Import iCalendar" intro: "Fab-manager vous permet d'importer automatiquement des évènements de calendrier, au format iCalendar RFC 5545, depuis des URL externes. Ces URL seront synchronisée toutes les heures et les évènements seront affichés dans le calendrier publique. Vous pouvez aussi déclencher une synchronisation en cliquant sur le bouton correspondant, en face de chaque import." @@ -118,8 +119,8 @@ fr: confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise" confirm_delete_import: "Êtes-vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet import iCalendar ?" delete_success: "L'import iCalendar a bien été supprimé" + #management of the projects' components project_elements: - #management of the projects' components name: "Nom" projects_elements_management: "Gestion des éléments projets" materials: "Matériaux" @@ -130,8 +131,8 @@ fr: description: "Description" add_a_new_licence: "Ajouter une nouvelle licence" manage_abuses: "Gérer les signalements" + #track and monitor the trainings trainings: - #track and monitor the trainings trainings_monitoring: "Suivi formations" plan_session: "Planifier une nouvelle session" trainings: "Formations" @@ -163,13 +164,13 @@ fr: status_enabled: "Actifs" status_disabled: "Désactivés" status_all: "Tous" + #create a new training trainings_new: - #create a new training add_a_new_training: "Ajouter une nouvelle formation" beware_when_creating_a_training_its_reservation_prices_are_initialized_to_zero: "Attention, lors de la création d'une formation, ses tarifs de réservation sont initialisés à zero." dont_forget_to_change_them_before_creating_slots_for_this_training: "Pensez à les modifier avant de créer des créneaux pour cette formation." + #events tracking and management events: - #events tracking and management events_monitoring: "Suivi des évènements" manage_filters: "Gérer les filtres" fablab_events: "Les évènements du Fab Lab" @@ -222,16 +223,16 @@ fr: do_you_really_want_to_delete_this_price_category: "Êtes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie tarifaire ?" price_category_successfully_deleted: "Catégorie tarifaire supprimée avec succès." price_category_deletion_failed: "Échec de la suppression de la catégorie tarifaire." + #add a new event events_new: - #add a new event add_an_event: "Ajouter un évènement" none: "Aucune" every_days: "Tous les jours" every_week: "Chaque semaine" every_month: "Chaque mois" every_year: "Chaque année" + #edit an existing event events_edit: - #edit an existing event edit_the_event: "Éditer l'évènement" confirmation_required: "Confirmation requise" edit_recurring_event: "Vous êtes sur le point de modifier un évènement périodique. Que voulez-vous modifier ?" @@ -245,8 +246,8 @@ fr: events_not_updated: "Sur {TOTAL} évènements, {COUNT, plural, =1{un n'a pas pu être modifié} other{{COUNT} n'ont pas pu être modifiés}}." error_deleting_reserved_price: "Impossible de supprimer le tarif demandé car il est associé à des réservations" other_error: "Une erreur inattendue est survenue lors de la mise à jour de l'évènement" + #event reservations list event_reservations: - #event reservations list the_reservations: "Les réservations :" user: "Utilisateur" payment_date: "Date de paiement" @@ -256,8 +257,8 @@ fr: no_reservations_for_now: "Aucune réservation pour le moment." back_to_monitoring: "Retour au suivi" canceled: "Annulée" + #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing: - #subscriptions, prices, credits and coupons management pricing_management: "Gestion de la tarification" subscriptions: "Abonnements" trainings: "Formations" @@ -336,23 +337,23 @@ fr: status_enabled: "Actifs" status_disabled: "Désactivés" status_all: "Tous" + #ajouter un code promotionnel coupons_new: - #ajouter un code promotionnel add_a_coupon: "Ajouter un code promotionnel" unable_to_create_the_coupon_check_code_already_used: "Impossible de créer le code promotionnel. Vérifiez que le code n'est pas utilisé." + #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupons_edit: - #mettre à jour un code promotionnel coupon: "Code promo :" unable_to_update_the_coupon_an_error_occurred: "Impossible de mettre à jour le code promotionnel : une erreur est survenue." plans: + #add a subscription plan on the platform new: - #add a subscription plan on the platform add_a_subscription_plan: "Ajouter une formule d'abonnement" unable_to_create_the_subscription_please_try_again: "L'abonnement n'a pas pu être créé. Veuillez réessayer." successfully_created_subscriptions_dont_forget_to_redefine_prices: "Création du/des abonnement(s) réussie. N'oubliez pas de redéfinir les tarifs." unable_to_save_this_user_check_that_there_isnt_an_already_a_user_with_the_same_name: "Impossible d'enregistrer cet utilisateur. Vérifiez qu'il n'existe pas déjà un utilisateur du même nom." + #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices edit: - #edit a subscription plan / machine slots prices subscription_plan: "Formule d'abonnement :" prices: "Tarifs" copy_prices_from: "Copier les prix depuis" @@ -363,8 +364,8 @@ fr: space: "Espace" unable_to_save_subscription_changes_please_try_again: "Les modifications de l'abonnement n'ont pas pu être enregistrées. Veuillez réessayer." subscription_successfully_changed: "Modification de l'abonnement réussie." + #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: - #list of all invoices & invoicing parameters invoices: "Factures" accounting_periods: "Périodes comptables" invoices_list: "Liste des factures" @@ -580,8 +581,8 @@ fr: debit_euro: "Débit euro" credit_euro: "Crédit euro" lettering: "Lettrage" + #management of users, labels, groups, and so on members: - #management of users, labels, groups, and so on users_management: "Gestion des utilisateurs" members: "Membres" subscriptions: "Abonnements" @@ -659,12 +660,12 @@ fr: member_filter_all: "Tous" member_filter_not_confirmed: "Non confirmés" member_filter_inactive_for_3_years: "Inactifs depuis 3 ans" + #add a member members_new: - #add a member add_a_member: "Ajouter un membre" user_is_an_organization: "L'utilisateur est une structure" + #members bulk import members_import: - #members bulk import import_members: "Importer des membres" info: "Vous pouvez téléverser un fichier CSV afin de créer des nouveaux membres ou de mettre à jour les existants. Votre fichier doit utiliser les identifiants ci-dessous pour spécifier le groupe, les formations et les étiquettes des membres." required_fields: "Votre fichier doit obligatoirement comporter, au minimum, les informations suivantes pour chaque utilisateur à créer : courriel, nom, prénom et groupe. Si le mot passe n'est pas rempli, il sera généré automatiquement. Lors d'une mise à jour, les champs non remplis seront gardés tel quels." @@ -688,8 +689,8 @@ fr: update_on_id: "ID" update_on_username: "Pseudonyme" update_on_email: "Adresse de courriel" + #import results members_import_result: - #import results import_results: "Résultats de l'import" import_details: "Import n°{ID}, du {DATE}, initié par {USER}" results: "Résultats" @@ -699,8 +700,8 @@ fr: success: "Succès" failed: "Échec" error_details: "Détails de l'erreur :" + #edit a member members_edit: - #edit a member subscription: "Abonnement" duration: "Durée :" expires_at: "Expire le :" @@ -742,8 +743,8 @@ fr: a_problem_occurred_while_taking_the_subscription: "Il y a eu un problème lors de la souscription à l'abonnement" wallet: "Porte-monnaie" to_credit: 'Créditer' + #add a new administrator to the platform admins_new: - #add a new administrator to the platform add_an_administrator: "Ajouter un administrateur" administrator_successfully_created_he_will_receive_his_connection_directives_by_email: "L'administrateur a bien été créé. {GENDER, select, female{Elle} other{Il}} recevra ses instructions de connexion par email." failed_to_create_admin: "Impossible de créer l'administrateur :" @@ -760,8 +761,8 @@ fr: birth_date: "Date de naissance" address: "Adresse" phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone" + #add a new authentication provider (SSO) authentication_new: - #add a new authentication provider (SSO) local_database: "Base de données locale" o_auth2: "OAuth 2.0" add_a_new_authentication_provider: "Ajouter un fournisseur d'authentification" @@ -774,14 +775,14 @@ fr: do_you_really_want_to_continue: "Êtes vous sur de vouloir continuer ?" unsecured_oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Le fournisseur OAuth 2.0 (non sécurisé) a bien été enregistré." oauth2_provider_successfully_added: "Le fournisseur OAuth 2.0 a bien été enregistré." + #edit an authentication provider (SSO) authentication_edit: - #edit an authentication provider (SSO) provider: "Fournisseur :" it_is_required_to_set_the_matching_between_User.uid_and_the_API_to_add_this_provider: "Il est obligatoire d'établir la correspondance entre User.uid et l'API pour pouvoir ajouter ce fournisseur." provider_successfully_updated: "Le fournisseur a bien été mis à jour." an_error_occurred_unable_to_update_the_provider: "Une error est survenue : impossible de mettre à jour le fournisseur." + #statistics tables statistics: - #statistics tables statistics: "Statistiques" evolution: "évolution" age_filter: "Filtre d'âge" @@ -823,8 +824,8 @@ fr: export_is_running_you_ll_be_notified_when_its_ready: "L'export est en cours. Vous serez notifié lorsqu'il sera prêt." create_plans_to_start: "Pour commencer, créez de nouvelles formules d'abonnement." click_here: "Cliquez ici pour créer votre première formule." + #statistics graphs stats_graphs: - #statistics graphs statistics: "Statistiques" data: "Données" day: "Jour" @@ -842,8 +843,8 @@ fr: week_of_START_to_END: "Semaine du {START} au {END}" no_data_for_this_period: "Pas de données pour cette période" date: "Date" + #global application parameters and customization settings: - #global application parameters and customization title: "Titre" customize_the_application: "Personnalisation de l'application" general: "Général" @@ -1020,18 +1021,18 @@ fr: client_successfully_updated: "Les modifications ont été enregistrées." client_successfully_deleted: "Le compte client a bien été supprimé." access_successfully_revoked: "L'accès a bien été revoqué." + #create a new space space_new: - #create a new space add_a_new_space: "Ajouter un nouvel espace" watch_out_when_creating_a_new_space_its_prices_are_initialized_at_0_for_all_subscriptions: "Attention, lors de la création d'un espace, ses tarifs de réservation sont initialisés à zero pour tous les abonnements." consider_changing_its_prices_before_creating_any_reservation_slot: "Pensez à modifier ces prix avant de créer des créneaux pour cet espace." add_this_space: "Ajouter cet espace" + #modify an exiting space space_edit: - #modify an exiting space edit_the_space_NAME: "Modifier l'espace : {NAME}" validate_the_changes: "Valider les modifications" + #process and delete abuses reports manage_abuses: - #process and delete abuses reports abuses_list: "Liste des signalements" no_reports: "Aucun signalement pour le moment" published_by: "publié par" From 47096a9b907fbe79397f4d402bc3b7d1e714e69a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 40/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml index 01df0642f..fb9f80ab7 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.logged.ach.yml @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ ach: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "crwdns8767:0crwdne8767:0" - planning_of: "crwdns20194:0crwdne20194:0" #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "crwdns20194:0crwdne20194:0" #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "crwdns8771:0crwdne8771:0" cancel_my_selection: "crwdns8773:0crwdne8773:0" i_change: "crwdns8775:0crwdne8775:0" From a6bde5a855a00857cc693f7b09484dcb1b846b2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 41/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Acholi) --- config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml index b42895725..174eabd85 100644 --- a/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml +++ b/config/locales/app.admin.ach.yml @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ ach: year: "crwdns7391:0crwdne7391:0" month: "crwdns7393:0crwdne7393:0" day: "crwdns7395:0crwdne7395:0" - num_of_invoice: "crwdns20192:0crwdne20192:0" + num_of_invoice: "crwdns20196:0crwdne20196:0" online_sales: "crwdns7399:0crwdne7399:0" wallet: "crwdns7401:0crwdne7401:0" refund: "crwdns7403:0crwdne7403:0" From 375c030ab429bc644075da63dcf1f851301e294f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 42/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index dbecdb544..b529e22a4 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ es: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Plan de curso" - planning_of: "Planning of " #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Todos los cursos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar mi selección" i_change: "I change" From e4a6850f6402fc59297ecc7da65334f8ed698d62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 43/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index a3f9fc8c6..1bb1d2cd6 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ es: year: "Año" month: "Mes" day: "Día" - num_of_invoice: "# of invoice" + num_of_invoice: "Num. of invoice" online_sales: "Ventas en línea" wallet: "Cartera" refund: "Reembolso" From ca8a72c19db66e7e75776369a0be82218479c7ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:37 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 44/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 60d8f29b9..dbcc83cb5 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ pt: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Planos de treinamento" - planning_of: "Planning of " #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Todos treinamentos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar minha seleção" i_change: "I change" From 274ce008ded8b5e74c7a803cef4a8a22fc7997d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:39 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 45/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index f160e5033..c3a817a5d 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ pt: year: "Ano" month: "Mês" day: "Dia" - num_of_invoice: "# of invoice" + num_of_invoice: "Num. of invoice" online_sales: "Vendas online" wallet: "Carteira" refund: "Restituição" From 46ccc77e22fb4f68720f6cdb5e8f21449e554e38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 46/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 59fb5792d..9cedf3883 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ fr: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Planning formations" - planning_of: "Planning of " #followed by the training name (eg. Planning of 3d printer training) + planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Toutes les formations" cancel_my_selection: "Annuler ma sélection" i_change: "Je change" From ca1f0105de4ffd0ee2b8cd84e5505a57cadf843f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:30:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 47/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 6baa5a307..5f23e18cf 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ fr: year: "Année" month: "Mois" day: "Jour" - num_of_invoice: "# of invoice" + num_of_invoice: "Num. of invoice" online_sales: "Vente en ligne" wallet: "Porte-monnaie" refund: "Remboursement" From 0db857e5a36780b4506c129f02d09e31c0184f5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:34:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 48/68] Remove TODO --- config/locales/ | 22 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index c3a817a5d..f72e3af92 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -962,23 +962,23 @@ pt: default_value_is_24_hours: "Se o campo estiver vazio: 24 horas." visibility_yearly: "visibilidade máxima para assinantes anuais" visibility_others: "visibilidade máxima para outros membros" - confidentiality: "TODO" - display_machine_reservation_user_name: "TODO" - display_name: "TODO" - display_name_enable: "TODO" - machines_sort_by: "TODO" + confidentiality: "Confidentiality" + display_machine_reservation_user_name: "Display the full name of the user who booked a machine slot" + display_name: "Display the name" + display_name_enable: "name display" + machines_sort_by: "machines display order" fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics" - elements_ordering: "TODO" - machines_order: "TODO" - display_machines_sorted_by: "TODO" + elements_ordering: "Elements ordering" + machines_order: "Machines order" + display_machines_sorted_by: "Display machines sorted by" advanced: "Advanced settings" customize_home_page_css: "Customise the stylesheet og the home page" home_css_notice_html: "You can customize the stylesheet which will apply to the home page, using the SASS syntax. These styles will be automatically subordinated to the .home-page selector to prevent any risk of breaking the application. Meanwhile please be careful, any changes in the home page editor at the top of the page may broke your styles, always refer to the HTML code." sort_by: - default: "TODO" + default: "Default" name: "Nome" - created_at: "TODO" - updated_at: "TODO" + created_at: "Creation date" + updated_at: "Last update date" privacy: title: "Política de privacidade" input_the_dpo: "Input the contact of the Data Protection Officer" From b9fbf4c32a30668e5613eeb4bdf663909a2e4ae0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:36:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 49/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index b529e22a4..252a9d008 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ es: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Plan de curso" - planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training + planning_of: "Plan de " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Todos los cursos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar mi selección" i_change: "I change" From 37db4be5bbbb44ca2b2d7185aee2f6bf0ec9053c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:37:46 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 50/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 9cedf3883..20837f25b 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ fr: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Planning formations" - planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training + planning_of: "Planning de la " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Toutes les formations" cancel_my_selection: "Annuler ma sélection" i_change: "Je change" From 63a676607d45d8858863835aee84e0d729eea1ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:39:17 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 51/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index dbcc83cb5..bd16258a6 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ pt: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Planos de treinamento" - planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training + planning_of: "Planejamento de " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Todos treinamentos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar minha seleção" i_change: "I change" From 721d7ac0fa8a85dc78ebb00f1a367983a837524d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:40:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 52/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index c5c73f881..fb26cd860 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fr: phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone" phone_number_is_required: "Le numéro de téléphone est requis." i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "J'autorise les utilisateurs du Fab Lab inscrits sur le site à me contacter" - i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab" + i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "J'accepte de recevoir des informations du Fab Lab" used_for_statistics: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins statistiques" used_for_invoicing: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins de facturation" used_for_reservation: "Cette donnée sera utilisée en cas de changement sur une de vos réservations" From fdae79ee56677161a8836c95b1ab9b5e38dd2a34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:41:28 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 53/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 1a7cc20fe..9005ac347 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ es: not_found_in_database: "mail o contraseña inválidos." timeout: "Su sesión ha expirado. Por favor, inicie sesión de nuevo." unauthenticated: "Necesita iniciar sesión o registrarse antes de contiunar." - unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." + unconfirmed: "Debe confirmar su cuenta antes de continuar. Por favor haga clic en el enlace abajo del formulario." mailer: confirmation_instructions: action: "Confirm my email address" From 8ff6af743ae86cee4488b73ab7feaac13b230eef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:43:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 54/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 9005ac347..d18c5879e 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ es: unlocked: "Tu cuenta se ha desbloqueado con éxito. Por favor inicie sesión para continuar." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." + already_confirmed: "Ya se confirmó, intente iniciar sesión." confirmation_period_expired: "Necesita ser confirmado dentro de %{period}, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" expired: "ha expirado, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" - not_found: "This email was not found" + not_found: "Ya se confirmó, intente iniciar sesión." not_locked: "no estaba bloqueado" not_saved: one: "un error prohibió que %{resource} fuese guardado:" From 899a6616a389fe9007325f7eca4b49dd97dcc544 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:44:35 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 55/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index d18c5879e..4654d60d5 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ es: already_confirmed: "Ya se confirmó, intente iniciar sesión." confirmation_period_expired: "Necesita ser confirmado dentro de %{period}, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" expired: "ha expirado, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" - not_found: "Ya se confirmó, intente iniciar sesión." + not_found: "Este correo no esta associado con ninguna cuenta" not_locked: "no estaba bloqueado" not_saved: one: "un error prohibió que %{resource} fuese guardado:" From 23b14fbc9bb5fabd09ac7077cb5eb4762c85ec5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:44:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 56/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 4654d60d5..faa16cf8e 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ es: already_confirmed: "Ya se confirmó, intente iniciar sesión." confirmation_period_expired: "Necesita ser confirmado dentro de %{period}, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" expired: "ha expirado, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" - not_found: "Este correo no esta associado con ninguna cuenta" + not_found: "Este correo no esta associado con ninguna cuenta." not_locked: "no estaba bloqueado" not_saved: one: "un error prohibió que %{resource} fuese guardado:" From 342566520e5788ab1f34ed589e4970347252d68b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:49:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 57/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 7f7a7cae8..75dbeeaec 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ fr: inactive: "Votre compte n’est pas encore activé." invalid: "E-mail ou mot de passe incorrect." locked: "Votre compte est verrouillé." - last_attempt: "You have one more attempt before your account will be locked." + last_attempt: "Vous avez encore une tentative avant que votre compte ne soit verrouillé." not_found_in_database: "E-mail ou mot de passe incorrect." timeout: "Votre session est périmée, veuillez vous reconnecter pour continuer." unauthenticated: "Vous devez vous connecter ou vous enregistrer pour continuer." - unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." + unconfirmed: "Vous devez confirmer votre adresse de courriel pour pouvoir vous connecter. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien en dessous du formulaire." mailer: confirmation_instructions: - action: "Confirm my email address" - instruction: "You can finalize your registration by confirming your email address. Please click on the following link:" + action: "Confirmer mon adresse de courriel !" + instruction: "Vous pouvez finaliser votre inscription en confirmant votre adresse électronique, en cliquant sur le lien suivant :" subject: "Confirmation d'inscription" reset_password_instructions: - action: "Change my password" - instruction: "Someone asked for a link to change your password. You can do it through the link below." - ignore_otherwise: "If you have not made this request, please ignore this message." + action: "Changer mon mot de passe" + instruction: "Quelqu'un a demandé un lien pour changer votre mot de passe. Vous pouvez le faire via le lien ci-dessous." + ignore_otherwise: "Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de cette demande, merci d'ignorer ce message." subject: "Instructions pour changer le mot de passe" unlock_instructions: subject: "Instructions pour déverrouiller le compte" @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ fr: unlocked: "Votre compte a été débloqué avec succès. Veuillez vous connecter." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." + already_confirmed: "Cette adresse de courriel a déjà été confirmée." confirmation_period_expired: "doit être confirmé(e) en %{period}, veuillez en demander un(e) autre" expired: "est périmé, veuillez en demander un autre" - not_found: "This email was not found" + not_found: "Cette adresse de courriel n'est associée à aucun compte." not_locked: "n’était pas verrouillé(e)" not_saved: one: "une erreur a empêché ce (ou cette) %{resource} d’être enregistré(e) :" From 4adb827c21b047558a73b1c2d5471509f0215e7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:51:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 58/68] New translations app.admin.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 22 +++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index f72e3af92..c3a817a5d 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -962,23 +962,23 @@ pt: default_value_is_24_hours: "Se o campo estiver vazio: 24 horas." visibility_yearly: "visibilidade máxima para assinantes anuais" visibility_others: "visibilidade máxima para outros membros" - confidentiality: "Confidentiality" - display_machine_reservation_user_name: "Display the full name of the user who booked a machine slot" - display_name: "Display the name" - display_name_enable: "name display" - machines_sort_by: "machines display order" + confidentiality: "TODO" + display_machine_reservation_user_name: "TODO" + display_name: "TODO" + display_name_enable: "TODO" + machines_sort_by: "TODO" fab_analytics: "Fab Analytics" - elements_ordering: "Elements ordering" - machines_order: "Machines order" - display_machines_sorted_by: "Display machines sorted by" + elements_ordering: "TODO" + machines_order: "TODO" + display_machines_sorted_by: "TODO" advanced: "Advanced settings" customize_home_page_css: "Customise the stylesheet og the home page" home_css_notice_html: "You can customize the stylesheet which will apply to the home page, using the SASS syntax. These styles will be automatically subordinated to the .home-page selector to prevent any risk of breaking the application. Meanwhile please be careful, any changes in the home page editor at the top of the page may broke your styles, always refer to the HTML code." sort_by: - default: "Default" + default: "TODO" name: "Nome" - created_at: "Creation date" - updated_at: "Last update date" + created_at: "TODO" + updated_at: "TODO" privacy: title: "Política de privacidade" input_the_dpo: "Input the contact of the Data Protection Officer" From d5fa65141f45d2be3057e3aca976b0eb35dce3b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:51:43 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 59/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index bcc5e6543..ba273ca32 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pt: not_found_in_database: "Email ou senha inválidos." timeout: "Sua sessão expirou, faça login novamente para continuar." unauthenticated: "Você precisa fazer login ou se registrar, antes de continuar." - unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." + unconfirmed: "Você precisa confirmar sua conta, antes de continuar. Por favor, clique no link abaixo do formulário." mailer: confirmation_instructions: action: "Confirm my email address" @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pt: unlocked: "Sua conta foi desbloqueada com sucesso. Faça login para continuar." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." + already_confirmed: "Este email já foi confirmado." confirmation_period_expired: "deve ser confirmada dentro de %{period}, por favor solicite uma nova" expired: "expirado, por favor solicite uma nova" not_found: "This email was not found" From b89df4fde4d8a656f13736c5d1994b518a294d70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:51:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 60/68] New translations devise.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index faa16cf8e..1a7cc20fe 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ es: not_found_in_database: "mail o contraseña inválidos." timeout: "Su sesión ha expirado. Por favor, inicie sesión de nuevo." unauthenticated: "Necesita iniciar sesión o registrarse antes de contiunar." - unconfirmed: "Debe confirmar su cuenta antes de continuar. Por favor haga clic en el enlace abajo del formulario." + unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." mailer: confirmation_instructions: action: "Confirm my email address" @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ es: unlocked: "Tu cuenta se ha desbloqueado con éxito. Por favor inicie sesión para continuar." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "Ya se confirmó, intente iniciar sesión." + already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." confirmation_period_expired: "Necesita ser confirmado dentro de %{period}, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" expired: "ha expirado, por favor, solicite uno nuevo" - not_found: "Este correo no esta associado con ninguna cuenta." + not_found: "This email was not found" not_locked: "no estaba bloqueado" not_saved: one: "un error prohibió que %{resource} fuese guardado:" From 1369b5e6fa63b978c0ca198c0159e4394d6ef312 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:51:46 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 61/68] New translations devise.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 18 +++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 75dbeeaec..7f7a7cae8 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ fr: inactive: "Votre compte n’est pas encore activé." invalid: "E-mail ou mot de passe incorrect." locked: "Votre compte est verrouillé." - last_attempt: "Vous avez encore une tentative avant que votre compte ne soit verrouillé." + last_attempt: "You have one more attempt before your account will be locked." not_found_in_database: "E-mail ou mot de passe incorrect." timeout: "Votre session est périmée, veuillez vous reconnecter pour continuer." unauthenticated: "Vous devez vous connecter ou vous enregistrer pour continuer." - unconfirmed: "Vous devez confirmer votre adresse de courriel pour pouvoir vous connecter. Veuillez cliquer sur le lien en dessous du formulaire." + unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." mailer: confirmation_instructions: - action: "Confirmer mon adresse de courriel !" - instruction: "Vous pouvez finaliser votre inscription en confirmant votre adresse électronique, en cliquant sur le lien suivant :" + action: "Confirm my email address" + instruction: "You can finalize your registration by confirming your email address. Please click on the following link:" subject: "Confirmation d'inscription" reset_password_instructions: - action: "Changer mon mot de passe" - instruction: "Quelqu'un a demandé un lien pour changer votre mot de passe. Vous pouvez le faire via le lien ci-dessous." - ignore_otherwise: "Si vous n'êtes pas à l'origine de cette demande, merci d'ignorer ce message." + action: "Change my password" + instruction: "Someone asked for a link to change your password. You can do it through the link below." + ignore_otherwise: "If you have not made this request, please ignore this message." subject: "Instructions pour changer le mot de passe" unlock_instructions: subject: "Instructions pour déverrouiller le compte" @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ fr: unlocked: "Votre compte a été débloqué avec succès. Veuillez vous connecter." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "Cette adresse de courriel a déjà été confirmée." + already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." confirmation_period_expired: "doit être confirmé(e) en %{period}, veuillez en demander un(e) autre" expired: "est périmé, veuillez en demander un autre" - not_found: "Cette adresse de courriel n'est associée à aucun compte." + not_found: "This email was not found" not_locked: "n’était pas verrouillé(e)" not_saved: one: "une erreur a empêché ce (ou cette) %{resource} d’être enregistré(e) :" From 9b1328e709871029d66f57b1b0ede0d6506c964b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:51:50 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 62/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index bd16258a6..dbcc83cb5 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ pt: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Planos de treinamento" - planning_of: "Planejamento de " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training + planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Todos treinamentos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar minha seleção" i_change: "I change" From 3a3fc22b947f0f7bdded203765dcad4f19d9e502 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:51:54 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 63/68] New translations app.shared.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index fb26cd860..c5c73f881 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fr: phone_number: "Numéro de téléphone" phone_number_is_required: "Le numéro de téléphone est requis." i_authorize_Fablab_users_registered_on_the_site_to_contact_me: "J'autorise les utilisateurs du Fab Lab inscrits sur le site à me contacter" - i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "J'accepte de recevoir des informations du Fab Lab" + i_accept_to_receive_information_from_the_fablab: "I accept to receive information from the FabLab" used_for_statistics: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins statistiques" used_for_invoicing: "Cette donnée sera utilisée à des fins de facturation" used_for_reservation: "Cette donnée sera utilisée en cas de changement sur une de vos réservations" From 2343d8cbc9fcbd058bb169c54d2f6055ead5d9f8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:51:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 64/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (French) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 20837f25b..9cedf3883 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ fr: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Planning formations" - planning_of: "Planning de la " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training + planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Toutes les formations" cancel_my_selection: "Annuler ma sélection" i_change: "Je change" From e2d1aa1f69e2734474684448b4e23cb318ed17a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:52:05 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 65/68] New translations app.logged.en.yml (Spanish) --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 252a9d008..b529e22a4 100644 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ es: #book a training trainings_reserve: trainings_planning: "Plan de curso" - planning_of: "Plan de " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training + planning_of: "Planning of " #eg. Planning of 3d printer training all_trainings: "Todos los cursos" cancel_my_selection: "Cancelar mi selección" i_change: "I change" From 18e9d8e7607e7ab3dff3c5abdf4ed895df77d5ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:52:15 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 66/68] Update --- config/locales/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index ba273ca32..5ce3cf91b 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ pt: already_confirmed: "Este email já foi confirmado." confirmation_period_expired: "deve ser confirmada dentro de %{period}, por favor solicite uma nova" expired: "expirado, por favor solicite uma nova" - not_found: "This email was not found" + not_found: "Este email não está associado a nenhuma conta." not_locked: "não encontra-se bloqueada" not_saved: one: "1 erro impediu a gravação de %{resource} :" From d2857b892b981af856c52097cdd8e36851dc7b8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 12:53:48 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 67/68] Delete rails.ach.yml --- config/locales/rails.ach.yml | 205 ----------------------------------- 1 file changed, 205 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 config/locales/rails.ach.yml diff --git a/config/locales/rails.ach.yml b/config/locales/rails.ach.yml deleted file mode 100644 index ebbd2611c..000000000 --- a/config/locales/rails.ach.yml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,205 +0,0 @@ -ach: - date: - abbr_day_names: - - crwdns4217:0crwdne4217:0 - - crwdns4219:0crwdne4219:0 - - crwdns4221:0crwdne4221:0 - - crwdns4223:0crwdne4223:0 - - crwdns4225:0crwdne4225:0 - - crwdns4227:0crwdne4227:0 - - crwdns4229:0crwdne4229:0 - abbr_month_names: - - - - crwdns4231:0crwdne4231:0 - - crwdns4233:0crwdne4233:0 - - crwdns4235:0crwdne4235:0 - - crwdns4237:0crwdne4237:0 - - crwdns4239:0crwdne4239:0 - - crwdns4241:0crwdne4241:0 - - crwdns4243:0crwdne4243:0 - - crwdns4245:0crwdne4245:0 - - crwdns4247:0crwdne4247:0 - - crwdns4249:0crwdne4249:0 - - crwdns4251:0crwdne4251:0 - - crwdns4253:0crwdne4253:0 - day_names: - - crwdns4255:0crwdne4255:0 - - crwdns4257:0crwdne4257:0 - - crwdns4259:0crwdne4259:0 - - crwdns4261:0crwdne4261:0 - - crwdns4263:0crwdne4263:0 - - crwdns4265:0crwdne4265:0 - - crwdns4267:0crwdne4267:0 - formats: - default: "crwdns4269:0%Y-%m-%dcrwdne4269:0" - long: "crwdns4271:0%Bcrwdnd4271:0%dcrwdnd4271:0%Ycrwdne4271:0" - short: "crwdns4273:0%bcrwdnd4273:0%dcrwdne4273:0" - month_names: - - - - crwdns4275:0crwdne4275:0 - - crwdns4277:0crwdne4277:0 - - crwdns4279:0crwdne4279:0 - - crwdns4281:0crwdne4281:0 - - crwdns4283:0crwdne4283:0 - - crwdns4285:0crwdne4285:0 - - crwdns4287:0crwdne4287:0 - - crwdns4289:0crwdne4289:0 - - crwdns4291:0crwdne4291:0 - - crwdns4293:0crwdne4293:0 - - crwdns4295:0crwdne4295:0 - - crwdns4297:0crwdne4297:0 - order: - - crwdns4299:0crwdne4299:0 - - crwdns4301:0crwdne4301:0 - - crwdns4303:0crwdne4303:0 - datetime: - distance_in_words: - about_x_hours: - one: crwdns4305:1crwdne4305:1 - other: crwdns4305:5%{count}crwdne4305:5 - about_x_months: - one: crwdns4307:1crwdne4307:1 - other: crwdns4307:5%{count}crwdne4307:5 - about_x_years: - one: crwdns4309:1crwdne4309:1 - other: crwdns4309:5%{count}crwdne4309:5 - almost_x_years: - one: crwdns4311:1crwdne4311:1 - other: crwdns4311:5%{count}crwdne4311:5 - half_a_minute: crwdns4313:0crwdne4313:0 - less_than_x_minutes: - one: crwdns4315:1crwdne4315:1 - other: crwdns4315:5%{count}crwdne4315:5 - less_than_x_seconds: - one: crwdns4317:1crwdne4317:1 - other: crwdns4317:5%{count}crwdne4317:5 - over_x_years: - one: crwdns4319:1crwdne4319:1 - other: crwdns4319:5%{count}crwdne4319:5 - x_days: - one: crwdns4321:1crwdne4321:1 - other: "crwdns4321:5%{count}crwdne4321:5" - x_minutes: - one: crwdns4323:1crwdne4323:1 - other: "crwdns4323:5%{count}crwdne4323:5" - x_months: - one: crwdns4325:1crwdne4325:1 - other: "crwdns4325:5%{count}crwdne4325:5" - x_seconds: - one: crwdns4327:1crwdne4327:1 - other: "crwdns4327:5%{count}crwdne4327:5" - prompts: - day: crwdns4329:0crwdne4329:0 - hour: crwdns4331:0crwdne4331:0 - minute: crwdns4333:0crwdne4333:0 - month: crwdns4335:0crwdne4335:0 - second: crwdns4337:0crwdne4337:0 - year: crwdns4339:0crwdne4339:0 - errors: - format: "crwdns4341:0%{attribute}crwdnd4341:0%{message}crwdne4341:0" - messages: - accepted: crwdns4343:0crwdne4343:0 - blank: crwdns4345:0crwdne4345:0 - present: crwdns4347:0crwdne4347:0 - confirmation: crwdns4349:0%{attribute}crwdne4349:0 - empty: crwdns4351:0crwdne4351:0 - equal_to: crwdns4353:0%{count}crwdne4353:0 - even: crwdns4355:0crwdne4355:0 - exclusion: crwdns4357:0crwdne4357:0 - greater_than: crwdns4359:0%{count}crwdne4359:0 - greater_than_or_equal_to: crwdns4361:0%{count}crwdne4361:0 - inclusion: crwdns4363:0crwdne4363:0 - invalid: crwdns4365:0crwdne4365:0 - less_than: crwdns4367:0%{count}crwdne4367:0 - less_than_or_equal_to: crwdns4369:0%{count}crwdne4369:0 - not_a_number: crwdns4371:0crwdne4371:0 - not_an_integer: crwdns4373:0crwdne4373:0 - odd: crwdns4375:0crwdne4375:0 - record_invalid: 'crwdns4377:0%{errors}crwdne4377:0' - restrict_dependent_destroy: - one: crwdns4379:0%{record}crwdne4379:0 - many: crwdns4381:0%{record}crwdne4381:0 - taken: crwdns4383:0crwdne4383:0 - too_long: - one: crwdns4385:1crwdne4385:1 - other: crwdns4385:5%{count}crwdne4385:5 - too_short: - one: crwdns4387:1crwdne4387:1 - other: crwdns4387:5%{count}crwdne4387:5 - wrong_length: - one: crwdns4389:1crwdne4389:1 - other: crwdns4389:5%{count}crwdne4389:5 - other_than: crwdns4391:0%{count}crwdne4391:0 - wrong_content_type: "crwdns4393:0crwdne4393:0" - template: - body: 'crwdns4395:0crwdne4395:0' - header: - one: crwdns4397:1%{model}crwdne4397:1 - other: "crwdns4397:5%{count}crwdnd4397:5%{model}crwdne4397:5" - helpers: - select: - prompt: crwdns4399:0crwdne4399:0 - submit: - create: crwdns4401:0%{model}crwdne4401:0 - submit: crwdns4403:0%{model}crwdne4403:0 - update: crwdns4405:0%{model}crwdne4405:0 - number: - currency: - format: - delimiter: "crwdns4407:0crwdne4407:0" - format: "crwdns4409:0%ucrwdnd4409:0%ncrwdne4409:0" - precision: 0 - separator: "crwdns4413:0crwdne4413:0" - significant: false - strip_insignificant_zeros: false - unit: "crwdns4415:0crwdne4415:0" - format: - delimiter: "crwdns4417:0crwdne4417:0" - precision: 0 - separator: "crwdns4421:0crwdne4421:0" - significant: false - strip_insignificant_zeros: false - human: - decimal_units: - format: "crwdns4423:0%ncrwdnd4423:0%ucrwdne4423:0" - units: - billion: crwdns4425:0crwdne4425:0 - million: crwdns4427:0crwdne4427:0 - quadrillion: crwdns4429:0crwdne4429:0 - thousand: crwdns4431:0crwdne4431:0 - trillion: crwdns4433:0crwdne4433:0 - unit: 'crwdns4435:0crwdne4435:0' - format: - delimiter: 'crwdns4437:0crwdne4437:0' - precision: 0 - significant: true - strip_insignificant_zeros: true - storage_units: - format: "crwdns4441:0%ncrwdnd4441:0%ucrwdne4441:0" - units: - byte: - one: crwdns4443:1crwdne4443:1 - other: crwdns4443:5crwdne4443:5 - gb: crwdns4445:0crwdne4445:0 - kb: crwdns4447:0crwdne4447:0 - mb: crwdns4449:0crwdne4449:0 - tb: crwdns4451:0crwdne4451:0 - percentage: - format: - delimiter: 'crwdns4453:0crwdne4453:0' - format: "crwdns4455:0%ncrwdne4455:0" - precision: - format: - delimiter: 'crwdns4457:0crwdne4457:0' - support: - array: - last_word_connector: "crwdns4459:0crwdne4459:0" - two_words_connector: "crwdns4461:0crwdne4461:0" - words_connector: "crwdns4463:0crwdne4463:0" - time: - am: crwdns4465:0crwdne4465:0 - formats: - default: "crwdns4467:0%acrwdnd4467:0%dcrwdnd4467:0%bcrwdnd4467:0%Ycrwdnd4467:0%H:%M:%Scrwdnd4467:0%zcrwdne4467:0" - long: "crwdns4469:0%Bcrwdnd4469:0%dcrwdnd4469:0%Ycrwdnd4469:0%H:%Mcrwdne4469:0" - short: "crwdns4471:0%dcrwdnd4471:0%bcrwdnd4471:0%H:%Mcrwdne4471:0" - pm: crwdns4473:0crwdne4473:0 From 51862ba751b0369f88c8e61eca0b00e130af25bb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sylvain Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2020 13:00:44 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 68/68] New translations devise.en.yml (Portuguese) --- config/locales/ | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/config/locales/ b/config/locales/ index 5ce3cf91b..bcc5e6543 100755 --- a/config/locales/ +++ b/config/locales/ @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pt: not_found_in_database: "Email ou senha inválidos." timeout: "Sua sessão expirou, faça login novamente para continuar." unauthenticated: "Você precisa fazer login ou se registrar, antes de continuar." - unconfirmed: "Você precisa confirmar sua conta, antes de continuar. Por favor, clique no link abaixo do formulário." + unconfirmed: "You have to confirm your account before continuing. Please click on the link below the form." mailer: confirmation_instructions: action: "Confirm my email address" @@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ pt: unlocked: "Sua conta foi desbloqueada com sucesso. Faça login para continuar." errors: messages: - already_confirmed: "Este email já foi confirmado." + already_confirmed: "This email was already confirmed, please try signing in." confirmation_period_expired: "deve ser confirmada dentro de %{period}, por favor solicite uma nova" expired: "expirado, por favor solicite uma nova" - not_found: "Este email não está associado a nenhuma conta." + not_found: "This email was not found" not_locked: "não encontra-se bloqueada" not_saved: one: "1 erro impediu a gravação de %{resource} :"