diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml
index d35852c39..8a0228d8e 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.es.yml
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ es:
sold_out: "Sold out"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
- free_admission: "Free admission"
+ free_admission: "Entrada gratuita"
view_reservations: "Ver reservas"
load_the_next_events: "Load the next events..."
categories: "Categorías"
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ es:
accounting_periods: "Accounting periods"
invoices_list: "Lista de facturas"
filter_invoices: "Filtrar facturas"
+ operator_: "Operator:"
invoice_num_: "Factura #:"
customer_: "Cliente:"
date_: "Fecha:"
@@ -722,6 +723,13 @@ es:
error_details: "Error's details:"
#edit a member
+ change_role: "Change role"
+ warning_role_change: "
Warning: changing the role of a user is not a harmless operation. Is not currently possible to dismiss a user to a lower privileged role.
- Members can only book reservations for themselves, paying by card or wallet.
- Managers can book reservations for themselves, paying by card or wallet, and for other members and managers, by collecting payments at the checkout.
- Administrators can only book reservations for members and managers, by collecting payments at the checkout. Moreover, they can change every settings of the application.
+ admin: "Administrator"
+ manager: "Manager"
+ member: "Member"
+ role_changed: "Role successfully changed from {OLD} to {NEW}."
+ error_while_changing_role: "An error occurred while changing the role. Please try again later."
subscription: "Subscription"
duration: "Duración:"
expires_at: "Caduca en:"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml
index 08a2b727a..499b410bb 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.fr.yml
@@ -723,13 +723,13 @@ fr:
error_details: "Détails de l'erreur :"
#edit a member
- change_role: "Changer de rôle"
+ change_role: "Changer le rôle"
warning_role_change: "Attention : changer le rôle d'un utilisateur n'est pas une opération anodine. Il n'est actuellement pas possible de destituer un utilisateur vers un rôle de moindre privilège.
- Les membres ne peuvent que prendre des réservations pour eux-même, en payant par carte bancaire ou par porte-monnaie.
- Les gestionnaires peuvent prendre des réservations pour eux-même, en payant par carte bancaire ou par porte-monnaie, ainsi que pour les autres membres et gestionnaires, en encaissant les paiements à la caisse.
- Les administrateurs ne peuvent que prendre des réservations pour les membres et gestionnaires, en encaissant les paiements à la caisse. De plus, ils peuvent modifier l'ensemble des paramètres de l'application.
admin: "Administrateur"
manager: "Gestionnaire"
member: "Membre"
- role_changed: "Le rôle de {OLD} à été changé en {NEW}."
- error_while_changing_role: "Une erreur est survenue lors du changement de rôle. Merci de réessayer plus tard."
+ role_changed: "Rôle modifié avec succès de {OLD} à {NEW}."
+ error_while_changing_role: "Une erreur est survenue lors de changement de rôle. Merci de réessayer plus tard."
subscription: "Abonnement"
duration: "Durée :"
expires_at: "Expire le :"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml
index 83b9aab6d..4b7424004 100755
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.pt.yml
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ pt:
booking: "Reserva"
sold_out: "Esgotado"
cancelled: "Cancelado"
- no_reservations: "Sem reservas"
- free_admission: "Entrada gratuita"
+ without_reservation: "Sem reservas"
+ free_admission: "Admissão gratuita"
view_reservations: "Ver reservas"
load_the_next_events: "Load the next events..."
categories: "Categorias"
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ pt:
accounting_periods: "Accounting periods"
invoices_list: "Lista de faturas"
filter_invoices: "Filtrar faturas"
+ operator_: "Operator:"
invoice_num_: "Fatura #:"
customer_: "Cliente:"
date_: "Data:"
@@ -722,6 +723,13 @@ pt:
error_details: "Error's details:"
#edit a member
+ change_role: "Change role"
+ warning_role_change: "Warning: changing the role of a user is not a harmless operation. Is not currently possible to dismiss a user to a lower privileged role.
- Members can only book reservations for themselves, paying by card or wallet.
- Managers can book reservations for themselves, paying by card or wallet, and for other members and managers, by collecting payments at the checkout.
- Administrators can only book reservations for members and managers, by collecting payments at the checkout. Moreover, they can change every settings of the application.
+ admin: "Administrator"
+ manager: "Manager"
+ member: "Member"
+ role_changed: "Role successfully changed from {OLD} to {NEW}."
+ error_while_changing_role: "An error occurred while changing the role. Please try again later."
subscription: "Subscription"
duration: "Duração:"
expires_at: "Experia em:"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.admin.zu.yml b/config/locales/app.admin.zu.yml
index a4f5cd95d..0e01620ff 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.admin.zu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.admin.zu.yml
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ zu:
accounting_periods: "crwdns7309:0crwdne7309:0"
invoices_list: "crwdns7311:0crwdne7311:0"
filter_invoices: "crwdns7313:0crwdne7313:0"
+ operator_: "crwdns20430:0crwdne20430:0"
invoice_num_: "crwdns7315:0crwdne7315:0"
customer_: "crwdns7317:0crwdne7317:0"
date_: "crwdns7319:0crwdne7319:0"
@@ -722,6 +723,13 @@ zu:
error_details: "crwdns7943:0crwdne7943:0"
#edit a member
+ change_role: "crwdns20432:0crwdne20432:0"
+ warning_role_change: "crwdns20434:0crwdne20434:0"
+ admin: "crwdns20436:0crwdne20436:0"
+ manager: "crwdns20438:0crwdne20438:0"
+ member: "crwdns20440:0crwdne20440:0"
+ role_changed: "crwdns20442:0{OLD}crwdnd20442:0{NEW}crwdne20442:0"
+ error_while_changing_role: "crwdns20444:0crwdne20444:0"
subscription: "crwdns7945:0crwdne7945:0"
duration: "crwdns7947:0crwdne7947:0"
expires_at: "crwdns7949:0crwdne7949:0"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.public.es.yml b/config/locales/app.public.es.yml
index 632bfe6ee..0433a4a0a 100644
--- a/config/locales/app.public.es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.public.es.yml
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ es:
for_all: "Para todo"
sold_out: "Sold Out"
cancelled: "Cancelled"
- free_admission: "Free admission"
+ free_admission: "Entrada gratuita"
still_available: "asiento(s) disponible(s)"
without_reservation: "Sin reserva"
add_an_event: "Add an event"
diff --git a/config/locales/app.public.pt.yml b/config/locales/app.public.pt.yml
index 7ae707f88..4fc096db5 100755
--- a/config/locales/app.public.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/app.public.pt.yml
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ pt:
on_the_date: "Em {DATE}"
from_time_to_time: "Das {START} até {END}"
without_reservation: "Sem reservas"
- free_admission: "Entrada grátis"
+ free_admission: "Admissão grátis"
full_price: "Valor inteira: "
event_full: "Evento lotado"
still_available: "Locais disponíveis: "
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
index be0e91d15..764028fb7 100644
--- a/config/locales/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -214,6 +214,10 @@ es:
event: "Evento"
reservations: "Reservas"
available_seats: "Asientos disponibles"
+ roles:
+ member: "Miembro"
+ manager: "Gerente"
+ admin: "Administrador"
#internal app notifications
@@ -329,6 +333,10 @@ es:
click_to_show: "Haga clic aquí para consultar"
refund_created: "Se ha creado un reembolso de %{AMOUNT} para el usuario %{USER}"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ your_role_is_ROLE: "Your role has been changed to %{ROLE}."
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "User %{NAME} is now %{ROLE}."
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Suscripciones"
diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml
index fa6295007..f4335218c 100644
--- a/config/locales/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -214,6 +214,10 @@ fr:
event: "Évènement"
reservations: "Réservations"
available_seats: "Places disponibles"
+ roles:
+ member: "Membre"
+ manager: "Gestionnaire"
+ admin: "Administrateur"
#internal app notifications
@@ -329,6 +333,10 @@ fr:
click_to_show: "Cliquez ici pour la consulter"
refund_created: "Un avoir de %{AMOUNT} a été généré pour l'utilisateur %{USER}"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ your_role_is_ROLE: "Votre rôle a été changé en %{ROLE}."
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "L'utilisateur %{NAME} est maintenant %{ROLE}."
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Abonnements"
diff --git a/config/locales/mails.es.yml b/config/locales/mails.es.yml
index 36654d9d3..8569ccfec 100644
--- a/config/locales/mails.es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mails.es.yml
@@ -273,5 +273,15 @@ es:
refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been generated on invoice %{INVOICE} of user %{USER}"
download: "Click here to download this refund invoice"
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ subject: "The role of a user has changed"
+ body:
+ user_role_changed_html: "The role of the user %{NAME} has changed."
+ previous_role: "Previous role:"
+ new_role: "New role:"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ subject: "Your role has changed"
+ body:
+ role_changed_html: "Your role at {GENDER, select, male{the} female{the} neutral{} other{the}} {NAME} has changed. You are now {ROLE}.
With great power comes great responsibility, use your new privileges fairly and respectfully."
hello: "¡Hola %{user_name}!"
diff --git a/config/locales/mails.fr.yml b/config/locales/mails.fr.yml
index fefa687e1..d266c9f76 100644
--- a/config/locales/mails.fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mails.fr.yml
@@ -273,5 +273,15 @@ fr:
refund_created: "Un avoir de %{AMOUNT} a été généré sur la facture %{INVOICE} de l'utilisateur %{USER}"
download: "Cliquez ici pour télécharger cet avoir"
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ subject: "Le rôle d'un utilisateur a changé"
+ body:
+ user_role_changed_html: "Le rôle de l'utilisateur %{NAME} a changé."
+ previous_role: "Rôle précédent :"
+ new_role: "Nouveau rôle :"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ subject: "Vous avez changé de rôle"
+ body:
+ role_changed_html: "Votre rôle {GENDER, select, male{au} female{à la} neutral{} other{aux}} {NAME} a changé. Vous êtes maintenant {ROLE}.
Avec un grand pouvoir vient une grande responsabilité, utilisez vos nouveaux privilèges de manière juste et respectueuse."
hello: "Bonjour %{user_name}"
diff --git a/config/locales/mails.pt.yml b/config/locales/mails.pt.yml
index fbb618a16..e633e424a 100755
--- a/config/locales/mails.pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mails.pt.yml
@@ -273,5 +273,15 @@ pt:
refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been generated on invoice %{INVOICE} of user %{USER}"
download: "Click here to download this refund invoice"
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ subject: "The role of a user has changed"
+ body:
+ user_role_changed_html: "The role of the user %{NAME} has changed."
+ previous_role: "Previous role:"
+ new_role: "New role:"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ subject: "Your role has changed"
+ body:
+ role_changed_html: "Your role at {GENDER, select, male{the} female{the} neutral{} other{the}} {NAME} has changed. You are now {ROLE}.
With great power comes great responsibility, use your new privileges fairly and respectfully."
hello: "Olá %{user_name}"
diff --git a/config/locales/mails.zu.yml b/config/locales/mails.zu.yml
index 8622bdb45..103328b17 100644
--- a/config/locales/mails.zu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mails.zu.yml
@@ -273,5 +273,15 @@ zu:
refund_created: "crwdns4567:0%{AMOUNT}crwdnd4567:0%{INVOICE}crwdnd4567:0%{USER}crwdne4567:0"
download: "crwdns4569:0crwdne4569:0"
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ subject: "crwdns20456:0crwdne20456:0"
+ body:
+ user_role_changed_html: "crwdns20458:0%{NAME}crwdne20458:0"
+ previous_role: "crwdns20460:0crwdne20460:0"
+ new_role: "crwdns20462:0crwdne20462:0"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ subject: "crwdns20464:0crwdne20464:0"
+ body:
+ role_changed_html: "crwdns20466:0GENDER={GENDER}crwdnd20466:0NAME={NAME}crwdnd20466:0ROLE={ROLE}crwdne20466:0"
hello: "crwdns4215:0%{user_name}crwdne4215:0"
diff --git a/config/locales/pt.yml b/config/locales/pt.yml
index 2cae55d34..baf95e3dc 100755
--- a/config/locales/pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pt.yml
@@ -214,6 +214,10 @@ pt:
event: "Evento"
reservations: "Reservas"
available_seats: "Assentos disponíveis"
+ roles:
+ member: "Member"
+ manager: "Manager"
+ admin: "Administrator"
#internal app notifications
@@ -329,6 +333,10 @@ pt:
click_to_show: "Click here to consult"
refund_created: "A refund of %{AMOUNT} has been created for user %{USER}"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ your_role_is_ROLE: "Your role has been changed to %{ROLE}."
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "User %{NAME} is now %{ROLE}."
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "Assinaturas"
diff --git a/config/locales/zu.yml b/config/locales/zu.yml
index ac09d255b..fc2868d77 100644
--- a/config/locales/zu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/zu.yml
@@ -214,6 +214,10 @@ zu:
event: "crwdns3551:0crwdne3551:0"
reservations: "crwdns3553:0crwdne3553:0"
available_seats: "crwdns3555:0crwdne3555:0"
+ roles:
+ member: "crwdns20446:0crwdne20446:0"
+ manager: "crwdns20448:0crwdne20448:0"
+ admin: "crwdns20450:0crwdne20450:0"
#internal app notifications
@@ -329,6 +333,10 @@ zu:
click_to_show: "crwdns3687:0crwdne3687:0"
refund_created: "crwdns4559:0%{AMOUNT}crwdnd4559:0%{USER}crwdne4559:0"
+ notify_user_role_update:
+ your_role_is_ROLE: "crwdns20452:0%{ROLE}crwdne20452:0"
+ notify_admins_role_update:
+ user_NAME_changed_ROLE_html: "crwdns20454:0%{NAME}crwdnd20454:0%{ROLE}crwdne20454:0"
#statistics tools for admins
subscriptions: "crwdns3689:0crwdne3689:0"